HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-038 :~2B ,"",'""",, QR1)%BAHOE 1'0. H AH ORDIBdOB DUIIlING J.f!SDtUEANORS nTHIN THE TOWn OF SDARD, PROvtDIIG J'OR A PUlISB:tIEN'l' FOR 1'HE VIOLATION THEREOF. AllD O".ll'Ud\ JlA nERS PROPERLY PER! AI1fnra THERETO. ~-- -.... BE IT ORDAIJED by the Common Oounoil of the Town of Seward, A1M kat S'EO'l'IOll 1. JSSAtJLT . "" An assault is an attempt in a rude, angry or ~ ' to unlawfully touoh, strike, beat or wound anothe~ inaol'fmt manner person, and .very porzon convioted thereof eh~ll be deemed guilty of a 1il1.deul_a.nor>> ~'ld. shall be punished by 0. tine of not 1l.orC thl'.n One Hundred Dollars, or 1mprleoament in ths !lnnloipa.l jail not more thM ninety d;.:..ya, or by both such fine anJ Wpr19QDJl;I:mt. ASSAULT AND BATTERY. SEC. z. An a.eeault and batttlry iIi the unla.wful striking or beat1nr; of another peraon ttnd e.,ery person upon conviotion thezeof shall be deetled guilty of Ill> r.rhdemeu.nor, and ohrioll be punished by a tlne of not l!lore tho.n One Hundred Doll r!il 0... 1m::or1aonr:lent ln the Munioipal ja11 not ~cre than ninety d~Y8 or by t~th auoh t 1ne and 1lI1pr1aorunell. t . LARCINY . BEC. 3. !hat if any person shall eteal any coods, er oh&~ tela, or any gOTernment note, bunk note, prom1ssory note or bill of exoh~o, bond or other thing in not1on. or any book or acoounte, order or oert1f1cate oonoerning money or goode, due or to beoome due or to be delivered, or any do~d er ~r1t1ng oontaining a COD- veyanoe of l?~d or ~y interest therein, or nny other valuable ooa'raot in foroe, or any reoeipt, rclea8e or deteaeanoc, 0# an1 01l. prooess or p\.\bl1o ruoard, the property of a..'1otllOr. such pox.on &h:...ll be J.eea;ed guilty 01 ~ rdllidell1o;;1tlor. and shall, upOll , , a_notion thereof, be punhlhed by a fine of not more than One } c.'---'. I1i~~~_ Doll",u or impr1sonment 1n tl-.e Jlun1clpul 3ail not .... r ') ") t ~ h) than nlAety dq., 0%' by both suoh f1ne anJ ll1lpr18onmont. lJ'.ItUfl' ASSDlG UPON IIIPROVED L.UroS. SEC. ". '!'hat 1f' any porGOO .ha.ll wUfully 8nior upon the garden, orchard or other lmproved lande ot another, or 1n h1e poaae..1011, _lth the Intent to cut, tuke, oarry away. do.troy or injure tho 1;1'..., gJ"&.88, hay, fru1 t or vegetable pro.iuoh there groW1ng or being, or to oOIlUl'llt any unlawful eot thereon, or against the omutr6J or 1'0..0'1801' thereof', suoh per80n, upon oonviotion thereof, sh&.ll be ,deemed gull 1;y of 8. IIl.demeanor, and shall be punished by a f1ne of not mo:re than One hundred Dollar., or lmpr1soament in the Jlunlo1pal jaU not more than nlnety duye, or by both &ueh f'1M and 1apr1eonment . DUJCrRO BUILDINGS, ftC. SIC. 5. Whoever shall wantonly destroy. in3ur. 01' ma.rk upon, 01' otherdeo defaoe any wharf', or Us appurtenanoe.. 01' any engiM h0Wl8, building, hitching poet, a.wnlng, :.renee, railing, or ony other property ilfhat808TU, whether publio or PI' lYa.te , not being hie own, or who sball ~lo1ous11 0%' wantonly kUl, wound. d1e- t1gure 0%' In,ure any animal, tho property of another. or who shall "lltully administer any poieon to any 8uch animal. or who .hall mal101ouoly expose any pobon ;lith intent that the sa.me Shall be ~ak.n by any suoh an1Jla.l, 01' .ho shall lIl8.liolousl,. 0%' wantonly. 1n any mt~er. or by any me~n8 not other~18e r"~tloularly 8peclfIe4 1n th1~ aeotion, 4e8troy or injure any personal property what.o.Yer of another, eha11 be fIUllty of a. mi.demeanor, and upon oonviction thereot shall be pun1she4 by a fine of not more tt.M one h\md:rGd dollar., or by 1m:prbonment in the MuniCIpal jail not ~ore than ninety day., or both. tmnER FALSE lIEIGIrl'S. SEC. G. 'fhat if any person shell knowingly use any falee "e1ght or measurement. and .hall thereby detrwd or oth6rw1ee injure Mother or 8h8:l1 knowingly mark or etu.mp e. fal.8. weight or moaaure or talse h.1'e upon any cask or paoka.ge, o:r shall knowinGly 8ell or .. 4.; .. , ;~ :3:3 01" off_ for _ale any ouk or paob.go 80 muked* suoh peraon* upon convioUon thereof. ehall 'be deemed guilty of e. a18de..anor, and shall be punished by a !tne of not IIlore than One Hundred Do11ar8* or 1mpr1sonMnt 1n the Jluni01pal 3a11 tor not more than ninety l.e.J., or by both such tine and lapr1aonaent. or OJ"FI'I'S'ES AGADlS! PUBLIO Jt181'I0E. SEC. 7. Tha.t if any peraon 8hall oonvey lnto or about the yard or grounds of the MUnioipal 3ail or other place what eyer for the continement of an)' IJe1'80n U;pon a warr3llt, order or ottlCr legal prooe.a, any diaguia., ~tcria.l, 1n8trument, tool, weapon or other thing adApt8d or useful in aiding any person or prisoner there~ oommitted or detained to e.oape. with tho intent to effeot or t6011- 1tate tho ..oape of such person or prlaonar, or aha.ll by any moana what eyer a.id or &8alot such pel'aon or prisoner. 1n anJ attempt to .aoape, whether such eeOa.pe be effeoted or a.ttempted or not, Guoh pereon, upon oonviotion thereof, ahall be deemed guilty of a lIliede- .'mor. ~d ahall be punished by a Une of' not more than One Hundred Dollar8. or by 1IIprleOl1llen't in the atnlo1pal 3&11 not more than ninety 4~y&, or by both ouoh fine and imprisonment. DELIVmIlfG I1rJ.'OnOATIliG LIQUORS '1'0 PRISOWERS. SEO. 8. Any person or persona who 8h8.11 introduoe or take lnto tbe Munioipal ja11* 01' deliver to any prisoner oonfined therein, any w1ne * eplrituoWl or malt liquor, axoept by permhdon ot the TOIKn Jiarehal (R upon ther.aor1ption of a llraoticing: phy61oia.n. ..hall be d.ellloO. gun ty of a misdemeanor ~md., upon oonviotion thereof, .hall be puniahed by So tine of not more than On. Hundred DoHara, or by imprisonment in the Kunlo1pal j&11 not more than ninety daya, or by both suoh fino and 1mprisonment. RESOtTE OR AIDING PRlOOHm TO ESCAPE. SO. 9. 'fha.t 1t any person oha.ll reacue or atter..-:"t to reaaue any prlaoner from any oftioer or l~r80n h~T1ne the lawful custOdY of auoh pr1aonor, or ahall a1d or as.1st any prisoner in eaoaps,nt:: I - 3 - r ,)")- fh)'> 01' in attempttng to a.oape from any offioer or peraon baying the 1a.wtul ouatody of such prbClfter, such person upon odnvlo'tlon thereof. - , ahall be deemed guilty of a mlademe&nor, and ahall be punIshed bJ a tlne ot not more than One HUndred Dollars, or tmprleonment in the I6mIo1pal ~all not more th~ ninety daye, or by both suoh !1ne and laprhcm.ment. ROUCTIIG OR RF.FUSIE'O TO AID OFF! em. SEO. 10. '!'hat it' any person, beIng rc(\ulred by any peaoe off ioer or ma.gietra1oe to a.88181o him in the ex.out ion of L 1a offioe, In tho preaervatlon of the peaoe, or the arrest of any peroon for a broa.oh of tho peMO, or the servloe of any p1'ooaea, ahall negleot .. refue. to render ae.ietanoa, suoh person, upon oonviotion thereof, ehdl be punhhed by a tine of not more than One Hundred Dollura, or illpJ.'bon.ment in tho lifuniolpal ~all not JllOJ:e than nIMty 4ira, 01' by both uuoh fine and imprIsonment. ASSt11IDG !O BE AN OFFICER. SEC. 11. !hat 1f any In~l'fJOn sha.ll fe.l..ly UI!lWIIe to be an ofticer of the Town of Seward, and shall take upon hIJ1l8alt to act sa suGh and requIre any person to aid or as.let him in any matter pertaining to the duty thereof. suoh person. upon oonvlotion there- of. shall be d..med gull ty of a m1&demeanor, and shall be fiUlliehed by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or lmprloonment 1ft th~ Jlunlo1pal' j ail not more than nInety day.. or by both euoh fine a.nd imprhomnent. Dn'I'ftOYINO RECORDS. SEO. 13. That if any r..eraon, having the legal custody of any public 1'6001'4, book, paper or Brltlng of the Town of Seward, ahall flilfully deatroy, sccrete or mutilate the sow;., or if aDy perGon ahall wilfully deetroy. seorete or mutilate any auch reoord, book, paptu;' or writ lng. 01' aha.ll wrongfully take the same from the peraon having the laga.l OU8tody thereof, or hp..vlng obtalnedp08Boe81on Cd suoh book. paper or na1l'1C, law f'u1l7 , .hall ftongtully l'a!.., -.. - r ') ') ~ dtl' or negleol to return or produoe the same. when lawtully requ1rH 01' demanded to do 80, $uoh person, upon oonviotion thereof, ahall he 4eemod. gaJ.lty of a mIsdemeanor, and unall be .)un1s~led by ,:. fine or not IlOre than One Hundred Doll~ra, or impr1Qonment 1n th~ Wunlo1J&1 3..11 noi more than ninety dJ.c.;.YB. or by both euoh fine and. lmprbouent. 'l'UJUNG DOD POSTEn lTO'fICZS. SEC. 13. If any peraon ahall wilfully tear do~n, alter or d.efaoe Uly poeted., niUen or printed notice, posted or c'ut up in pursuance to any law requiring or authorizln~ the same to be done, in the 'fown of Seward, before the tIme tor wh1ch suoh notioe 1$ g1ven haa expired, such person, upon oonv10tlon thereof Sh;~l be punlehed by a fIno not exceeding ren Dollara. lJJILJ.1Q'UL ASSElmLY. SEO. 14.. That any use of fOl'ce or violenee or any threat to ua. foro. or violenoe, if acoompanled by 1mmed1ate poner of .xecution by three 0.1' mol'. ~)araoaa uUng tog.lhel'. and wUhout the authority of 1u, 1& r10t. When tUDe or more per"oos a.eeelllble \With intent or "lth meane and prerJU&t1ona to do Wi unlawful a.ot, wbloh noulJ be riot, If &otually oommitted, but do not aot toward tbe oommis81on theroof, or ~heneYor auch persons ....able wlth~t a.u:thor1ty of la.W'. and in 8Uoh mnzmel' a& 18 a.dapted to disturb the publ10 poa~e, or exolte publio &lum, or d1eguJ.eed 10 a. mauner to pZ'event them frOtf; being identified, lJuoh aeaembly 18 an unlawful uaembly, and any person, upon OGnYlotlon of vIolating any of the prov1aIono of this seotion, shall be deemod guilty of a rriadomeMor and shall be punlobed by a tine of not more than One Hundred DolLre or Imprloonment ln the Mun10ipal jal1 for not ~ore than ninety dare, or by both suoh fine and lmprisonment. JUDINe BlOT... OR SIDftALX. SEC. 11. Any person <<persone, who shall ride any bioyole or other veh1cle upon any ald8_alk within the oorporate 11mlts of the !own of Seward, shall be deemed gull ty or a aled.emoMor and, upon Oaavlotion thoreof. ahall be punIshed by a fine of not mol'e than ten dollare. -5- r , ')6)(.\ d,).' IliIVnlG OR RIDING OVER SIDEWALKS. SEC. 16. !hat if any person or persons .hall wilfully ~1thta the To;~n of Seward, drive or r1de any horse 01' mule upon any aide- walk therein, he ehall be guilty of ~ misdemeanor and upon convlo- tlon thereof. ahall be k~18hed by a fine of not more than One Hundred Delliers or by 1Jl1;prboD.lllont in the 1fu.niclpa.l jail not wore than ninety d!l.ya, or by both auoh fine a.nd Impri8on~lent. DEPOSITING DRemr GLASS ON S'l'REET ETO. SEO. 17. Any person or peraona who shall tr~ow, or depos1t, in any etreet or on eny e1doWltlk or foot ic1ath of the Town ot Seward, :my broken glass) bottles, oroo1;;ery, nails. or any other flubetanoea \fhuhoeyer 1"I'l\ereby the foet of bornoe or bes.st:J of burden m.t."-y be injured, eh.a11 be deemed euilty of !l. m1edemeanor ...nd, upon oonvic- tion th.ereof. ohall be pun! shed by a fine of not PlOTe thM 'l"Hmt,- five Dollars. or by 1mpr18cr~ent in the )htnl01~~ ja11 not to exoeed f1 ve day.. MfSTUMAI'OE OF '!"HF. PEACE. SEC. 18. 'l'hnt if Any person or paroons shall \18e any obsoene or prof.... hnguage in any publio place to the disturbanoe or annoy- anoe of any parDon or r>6l"eona therein, or aha.ll be guB ty of die- orde2'ly oon..luot or of using obeoene langua.ge before women 01.' ohl1dren. 01' ahii1.l1 l'U<~ke loud noises. or be gull ty of tumul tllOue oonduot to the dlo'turbttnoe or annoyanoe of 3.ny !J6ruon or persona, or shall Ill"e any indeoent exposure of' hie J'''.lraon in any pUbl10 pl[;,oe, shall be gu1lty of u mhdeuanor and upon oonviotion thereof 8hall be jU1lished by a fine not exoeeding One Hundred >>Ol1<.1.:r6. {;IJ;' by lmprlnonwent 1n tho MU11101:;;;d jl,l11 for not more than ninety d::yo, or ':>oth auch fino lI'.nd illl;:'rl 'ionm.;J'nt. DIsrt1RBING RELIGIOUS OR OTHER. YEE'f'INGS. SEC. 19. That if any ~}arnon .hall wilfully "Ueturb, lnternpt. oz d1&lluiet any "..whIy er oongregation of people met for relig1bv. worahip. whether in a houee or 1n the o;"en all'. by either utt.e:ring aay profane discourse. ooromltting any rude or indeoent aot. -6- r ;~41 aaklng any uaneoe.sary noise within the place ~here such meeting 1e held, or lf~y person ahall ~11fully disturb or break up ~JlY publ10 meeting or as.8mbly of peopl.. other than those bereinoofore ...tioned, lawfully met for a lawful purpoee. _hether suoh meeting or u8embly be met in a h01..lSe or in the open all'. such person, llQ)OU oonvlot1on thereof, shall be deemed guilty of s misdemeanor ar~d ahall be punished. by a fine of not mors than Ono Hundred DoILrs, or by lmprieonment in the Munioip&l jail not more than nlnoty duya, or by both auoh flne and 111lprisonment. CARRTIlfG CONCEALED ftAPONS. SEO. 20. That 1t shall be unluful for &n1 :,el'son, other than a peace off'1oer in the d.1Gcharge of his duty. to oal'ry conoealed a.bout his pa1'I3OO in any manner Whatever, any revolver or otheZ' f1re- arm, 01' kn1t'e, other than an orlda8.l'Y pooket knife. or any dirk, or dag~r, Slung-Bhot, metal knuckles or any lnetruaent by the uao of whloh ln2ury oould be inflioted upon the p~raon or property of another person, and upon oonviotlon thereof, any parecu vl01atl~ the provielons of thh section aha.l1 be deemed guilty of a m1sde- UCJ.JlOr, end shall be punished by eo f1:le of notl1!ore th.m OU6 Hundred '- Dellart} , or ll1prhoament 11'1 the llunlolpo.l jail not more than nl'1'llit7 day.. or by both l!Juoh fine a.t'ld. ImprlsOnJIlent. = nBIIrG CUI OR PISTOL WI'fBIH '!'OWN LIlIIT8. SEO. 21. Any person or persons who ohall fire any pi.tol, gun or rifle, or any other epecl.. of flro-arme, within the oorporate limIts of the Town of BerNard. ahdlbe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ~~. upon convlotlon thereat, ahall be puni8hed by a fine of not more th&~ 71tteen Dollars. or by Imprisonment in the Muniolpal j~11 not mOl'a than f1yO day.> or by both ol.i.oh fine and 1mprhonment. nEPIRG BAlIDT BOUSE. SEO. 33. Th~t if any person ahall ke6p or aet up a house of ill-famo, brothel or bawdy house. for the purroee of prostl~tlon, ... fornioation or le"dnese, suoh person, upon oonvlotion th(J~ '''11 , , bo d~emed guilty of a lIlisdemeanor, and ahall be punIahad by a tine -7- r ;~"t:3 Of not morc than One Hundred DollarD. or btpriaolUti$nt in tht; Kunlo1paJ. ja.il not lItore than ninety :lc.tJa, or by both l3uoh fine and 1llpl'honmant. SEC. 23. Any perl30n \Vho .hall, v:1thln the corporate ll111lh of the Town of Soward, Alaska, freq~ent. reBide in, or b$ooroe an lnn-.ate thereof of any bawdy houae or heue/! or plaoe "there fornica- tIon 19 enaoted. shall, upon oonvlctlcn thereof botorG the Yunlo1pal Jlai.:1atl'ate, be punished by a finl~ in any SUlIl not exoeed1 [; On~ BunJreJ DolL.rfl. or by Imprho~nt in the llunlc1pn.l jdl for a term not 8xoeedln,: ninety d;.::..ye. or by both lJUoh fille anil lmpr18on- mon t . SEC. :34. In all oases of prosecution under this ort.llna.noe. oo.mon fafflo ahall be ooapetent 8yIdonoe in 8UP00rt of the ooaplaint, a."1d overy house or ;;1.'.:00 used or oocuplel1 for the rurpcee of r,rOG- t1tutlon. fornloation or la_dna8a, or ar1Y house or place Aher~ !orn1oatioll is er..:~oted. I$ht'\.ll be taken l.U\o. d.ouel1 t.o be a ba.wdy house r.1thln the meaning of t;,h ordinanoe, In any .'l'oeeout.ion agst~Dt any person or porsono for viola.ting any of the provisions of ttlo ordinanoe. SEe. 25. 'fhat a.ny male person who .y be found 101 taring around houses of 111 fame; or who 801101t8, inoites, lnduo.~, -inoQiU'agea. 'Porsuades, or prevaile upon any other male per son to patroniz<!J (uty house of 111 fame or any '.tioaan OOl'lltrJonly ro,;ut-,u to 'be 3. proatitut.,; OI'",ho sha.ll btt an inma.te or any houe~ of ill faruej or who is oommonly known to ooneort ~lth any prostitute; or who wilfully permits 0. woman to wholll he 18 me..rr1cd to pr,>.otloe prl>9t1.tutionj 01' \Tho lives upon or %'!l4leIvea the ea.rnin ~: of $1\1 r-:rt,stitute, sh.!l.ll 'be deemed a pimp or maoque. and upon oonvlotlon, 6hall be r,u:n.lahed b, !t fine of not mon thl"..n One Hundred Dollars, or by 11l1pri8oDltont 1n the 1tunioip&.l jaU not exceed1ng nine'y day., or by both auoh fine an.::. lmpriaonment. -8- a45 (".. n (- .J " BO. 38. lItujuat$S. ,', ":.' '"f /i;~:~.'.' ./ j; / ;/V7 V .s !hat e...er)' peIr.OIl ..ho .hall bo drunk or lit lit. ...., ," of lntodoaUoa 1n any pUblio ph.oe "Uh1n the l1mita of th" T-o?m 01' Setrard, or in 1m)' private hOUN or 1'1&08. to the F.nn(IY'dC)f 01' ..y per&On or per.one, ahall, upon condction thereat. be deQJ:l44 i pll$y of a .1sc1e1leaaor and ahall be pun1ehed by t:. fint' of not Siere .baa 0110 Huadrod Dolb.re, or lmpr1sODl!lent of not U.(.I'e than ninety dAya, 01' by both suoh tine and ImprhoDA;~mt. CWDILDG. 110. 37. that o...ery person 'lJho ahall daal, play or oll1'1'J' ' on, open or oauae to be opened, or 'F.ho 8:-te.l.l 0011<1UO\ e1 !.::1cr ae i "'81', pl'oprlatol' or employ.., whether for h1re (~ not, ant game .f f~o, IlOnte, roulette, rouge-et-nou, le.eqwmati rondeau, vlngt-\1B; ,. ~. t.t,...e. poker, <1l'e."""pok81'. stud-polter, br!l.g, blui't'. thP. crapa or allY bankIng or other l\...me played d th celrdm, dloo or oth;;;r ~lo8 <<bethel' the aa.me 'be pla'84 for acaay, oheou. 131'841t8 or oth........=,= .". repreeentl.\.t lV8. of .,uue, lShuJ.l be desmed gun ty of a i.IlhdeuiA."1or, and upon oonviotion thereof ahall be punished by a tine of not aor. than Ona Hundred Dollars, or I-vrlsonaent in the Wunlo1p~1 3al1 ot ~ MOre thaa nInety dAya, or by both auoh fIne and l~rl.onment. ''C uftltEL.ft TO mULe. uc. as. !ha.t ...-ery per "on 'lIIho "hall 'beat or oruti!1l:J iortuJie &BY animal. whother belone:1ng to hi mael! or another, shall, upon ....loUcm thereof be deemed guilty of a misdemeaaor and ahall be pm1ahod b1 a. fine of not more thtJJl One Hundred Doll an . or 1apr1~ .-at 11'1 the MUniolpal 3811 not more than ninety day., or by both SbOh Ulle and imprhouent. BLLIIO AlID DISPOSING OF oPtmt. OOCAIIE, IlORPB'IR OR OTB'ER tID: muG. SIC. 29. ,"r !hat 1t eha.1l be unlawful to lIell or glTe awa., -- i puGh.... tor another any op1wa or my preparation ot "Nhloh OP~,l. .l1e pd.ao1paJ, II8d.l01nal agont, or 0008.1ne. Il'lOrphlne or ot har 1jtii i ,'\ .} __. ....ptto 41'Ugglot" or praotlo1ng physlohna, axoepting OIl a:~f i,., -9- I I I I ") ,j ~" d':t' preeorlptlon of a praotlo1ng phyaio1an, written lnth~ Ibgll.h ~ Latin l~~JOi ~ the drugglat filling ouoh pre3orlptlon shall keep the 8am. on tile fo:: one year> subjeot to tl:.., l:4Speot1or. of th-, pUbl10 health officer of. the TOWn. MY person, vloL~tlng a:a"I of the providouo ot thil:l lacotton, upon oonviction th\t1'eof. lIthall be daeMd S"..11l ty of' a. mll1de!lleano:r. and shall be :r:)Utlii&~1.ed by a nne o! not more than Cue HUndrod Dollhr~, O~ by imprlaonm&lt in tho JJlt'l101pal jail not e%08ocl1ng ninety claye, 01' by both ouch fine and impr1aonJflent. OPttm ... SEO. 30. '!'hat any building 1fhttl"aln OplUlli 1s eold fut' the purf'''~.::' or being au-oked on or about tht,; pre.l~es, or 'i'thuri.;l the aUl8 18 smoked, Ilhall be oona1dered. an Op1um den; Emu 1 t ah"J.ll be unlaw- !ul f~r MY ;er:;cn to frotl\l.ont any opium den for th<e pul' )oaa o[ pu:"::ht'.~!nb e:.t' IlllLoki"!3 OI-1U1l, or any j:'1'6J'&I'c,tlon of .?hlch ol,i"\lm 11ll the prinolral ud101nal agsnt; a.nd. upon oonviotion thu<.iof', ~ha.ll be deel:lcd guIlt}' ot a ~1eJ.eme"lnor $..;411 .h;,;.11 bt'J pt.\i.'iliiJhed by ,~ fine ot not mO~'t' than Ont;t lIundred, Dt)110,r~ or by illlpr1.:lofll'jenL .l.:i '0 ',r,'" \1,,10.... B\.ln1c1!.\al jdl not m<l,r(:: th',..ncdnetl ,111ya. or by b"t:l '3uoh fbe and. 1mi1r10onsiI!:mt. ., And any 'p::l'z:':.\l)n who kaeps ox ourica en an opiuil'H , den sha.ll, upon oonviotlon thereof. be deemed gu1lty of a ~i~d.meanol' i!!lJ. ,.1"1..11 -...." )ul'i.i,.hed, in li k~ IT.a.n.'1er. V..\.ORA!DY. ID:C. 31. 'lh",;L all idle o:~ dla~olu1;~: P:':X' GCll8, inl0 1.",V3 no v1.Jl OJ 1" m~'Cl'1J ('r:")\.l.~,jp,)rt, ::.1: h.,.tful oooupat,lon or sm;:;loy:lent dy which tv f'bl~':n ~ Ill/inr,;. '..nl ;,,11 )\:Ir;l~!l13 il'ho .6a..U. be fOWl'! Mg;;l.n;; their _et...t:.<l of 'aUf:<"';r:' t. 1<1 lJuhi. liJ .. 1.~\JO. 'J~' f;;:o::;: h::n.l3t:: to hOUi'S6, 'j,o:i all Jid.i.'IlO'J1:1 ."<;" 11",,:; in 0,1: ,....bout 1::1.::11 house of ill-ram., > bal1idy house or danoe ball, or \'fhO ahb.n frequent any house of 1l1-f<:illi.~ ;);r: Dll.!fdy ~e, I.~X \,;,'110 ah,,,,ll. reJ'"il/'e the prooo9ds or pc:rtion~ of ~n\l proceeds ra!ilultL'l.g [,::Oi!:! l.h':! run.~lng 01' apU<:l.ti:r...; of ;:my au~ b&:If4,. ho'~':';). or Jaw.. of ill-twne, trom the person running or operaUng ~ see, '.11 be decmed guilty of a mbdemeH.nor. and upon oonTioUon thereof ahall be puniahed by a fine or net more than One Hundrod Dollars, - 10- f ;34B '"1' '~.;;r: , . , _ ~l""fll' 1n the Jlu.alo1p&l jal1 aot !lOre tbaa mM't cl.aye. eN: both a\lOh tine _ 1~180UlIJtt. ~~ PUBLICArIOn. 110. 3a. .0 per.on ahall br1n$ ."ithla the ()OJ'po,rate lia1ta of the tOW'll ot 8e'I'u'd.. tor the p\U"Poee of as.l.. 0.1' sh3.l1 ..11 <<* .flu tor ow. 02' gin away 01' ottar to glye ...., or raak.. p.&1nt, or publbh ~.1'.1a. uq 1D.4ttoent. obeMfttl or 8iJiU'J4a1ou.a 'boek. JNUD- phl.t, M'Hp&pel". S~, print. ~bl1_UOD.. allp. pa.~. photo- !P'1J.P!1, pl...... <tn.. lng, eagraylng, oud., model, OaBt or 1A.tnatnt. .. _ ut101. or l:a.deQ8nt or 1111lOral u.so. ay pUSOft v1011.U_ &tJ' of the pr<wbt.o1le of t.bh ..-Uea, upon oonrtoUon 'her'" ~t . .1l611 b4l d.nMd &'111\y of a a1....lI8anor llU1d .hall be pun1ahd '" .. .fl_ of not more ,baA On. !llnd1'ed Dollar., 01' 1aprlaoOlllent fa the lIlm1ol.pa.l ~..1l aot :aore than ninety 4&,.. or by both lJWJA line &Ad. ll1P'1eo_nt. U'D PLAY 01l UktAn'IOll. ..- 110. JJ. Whoeyer .hall uh1bU or pertora. or ahu.l1 ..-81.' 1a a1dLlblUng or partor.1ag. any 1Ddeoent. oblloe.. 01' 1...4 plal'. ~blt10n _ othU' ;,eprueat.a.tloa. 01' .aa.J.l perldt tlil. .... V.be pa-toned. 1a aar bu.Ucl1nc or prell1... 0WMd 01' oonuoUaa. br )&1&, _ in "" other '{)1a4e. wUMa tbe Ton of Sfterd.. .ball u.pon ""lTl... t1n theTaof 'be pua1ehe" by II. fin. of not J.lI()1'l!l than fttty Dollata . . _ b1 1IIpr1e..... in the JIW1101pal jail not !lOre than ,.. c1a,... 01' .., botll auoh tine and 1Il!Pd..~ut. OIJDCd! nHtSIT. BO. 34. B'nJ'l' pe1'8on who .hall. 1n ., plaoe, espose to ~io n.... mark. write, d.ra... cut or make any lA4eoent or ob.,.118 t figura, w~d., pHue, a_t.1l08, aa.nine;, plot\tt., c>>aiga or 1'''''' ra..tat1on .hall. upon ooavlotlon thereof. be gullty ot' a. ata- dnltaor and .hall be pW11ahad. by a Un. Or n.ot aore thall ODe ,. -i'-eel. Dollu., or by lapJ'1aollllltat in t.he Munl01pal jail IlOlt U'p. < \hILa Il1Jutty d&y., or by both auoll nne and ll1p1'laoaant. .< c,o;. - 11- r- - , · -,'" 1 d,) SEO. 35. SELLIllG I,IQUOR TO nfDIA'Hfj. If any periJOn ahall, without authority of the tiniteli St.I>.tes, or aome iluthorlzEld. otf1oE!l1' thereof, sell, bar\er, or give 'tOO IUlj? IndbJ\ or half-braed who live" cJ1d aneooiutoo wUh Indians, any upi:r1tuOUIll, ruut or vinous li;'\uo1', auch peri~on, upon oonvlotlon thereof, ;11,,\11 be ;l1.Uliahod by !i .r~,ne of not ,i\Cl'ct.han One Hunlirad Doll,l.i'a, ('It'!JY h.lpr.1sonmant in tlw Rul'l~,c1r.El,1 ;l.d.l no'!; ."l()l'tl t1\.~n ninety ,1'\1", 01.' Jl!' both .1uah t'~.no <3..'10, 1lr;Jn~10o~nt. SE1LI!lG L1 r~rOR TO mutt'KARDS. ~i~. :~a. A,"'l.y }lQ.l''10:''l I'illo eh,~11 s~ll, 001'1;",1' or f:lv.~ to ti.ny :?'.:'l'I'lO!'l '1fho 1"1 int~:tfliot~d w Hhin t 1.e 't'rJ;.tn of S~7hl..!:!i. an~r .);:11'1 iltouu. r:i\.lt or Vill0WJ liquor, ;JUO}, :",J!"'{.ln, w:'on conviotion tllf3~'00f, s:-lfdl 'be dem:'\ed. :~il ty of a. n1f.f'i"me".nor. 'Ul1 ah1J:n b" 7!tmi:aht>.1 by i\ fIne of :'1';)t t,::ore than One Hundred. Th?lhra or by lmpr1aoni!J!'lnt in t.he }A:unlJ1;n..l jH.ll not !'!lore th"n n1nety daya, or b~r 'both l'l1,.lch .cine [.ziti 1mpr1:,olUtam,t. DfJ'l'I1!S OF P:\JlE1iTS AND GU_mDI.1\.~S TOWARD Y1HORS UllDER THE AGE OF 'rtJ:'TEIm YEARS. SEe. 3". It 7iJ', 11 ;;~ unla-iful for any p;;..1',;nt or (;uu.r .<ia.u having control of minor ohild.r",n Uli.1lJr th.3 aG~ of nfteon Y"';;..I:;" to ::.tU'i'd t any auoh <Jhild i.':!, 'J:lild.re'1. und\1J: >:Juch ~'.} of littoeu yeare. to be 1.1j)on or around ;:-Ubl:!.'2 ~traltts O'J.' :'ubllo .;)1.,.08,) of the T'."iJ C" Se..{a.rd~'L!te!' tho hOUT of 1:):.\0 o'clock P.M. luri:l" tn') :-r.~n.tha of' .A:.:>ril, y.cy ,j:nd S~rtdl.d')er I ':..n..: 9 0' olook P.M. d.urin',,; the t'lonthe o~ October. lovllll!'!ber, Deoet,ber. J'''.nuary, February and lLroh, e~oert1n-,,~' tnztt a'luoh miner chl1d. or c1111dren 'Je c;.oooln~~led b::-' thCll:r T'i.':..r:'nt or miiX\Uan or ~ under tlh~ Oi'tr;; 01' oO'ntr:Jl 01' flome other ~'llt ;:;.cr\Hm. A.ny ;J~:>r~nt or E~.1'.r,U'~ viel: tit',' th.:: ,t'ovi<:lon: of t" is a4ot1cm shall be p;ul1t:'f of a r.11~der.('l:nv::r, ',;,,;;1 upon con- vlc'tlon tl1or<!'Jof, by the Uurdo1pal 1k 11etr~,-te, ahall M pualahed t,y 11 fine not 'co exceed Fifty DoIL,re. or by lmJ,1rlaon;:ient ;t.*1 tho lll..mloip,"l jail not exoeedinC t<t,. d,ya, or bY.; 'bc.th /Juab tl.le and lmpr1l)onme::lt, - 12 <)-3 at) ,*' } 'HIQUIRI1I(I PE'RS01fS 'PlmOHASIIG ROOD IDD 000>>8 !O ID.P A RECORD or THE GOODSPUROIiASBD AJlD A 'DISCftIPl'IOI' OF 1'8 BLLm or SUOB GOOns. RC. 3tl. All iIlerohaat.a in the Town of S.ward \'tho F'u:HbAH ..oond hAAd go04U, war... or llII8:toban41Se of e..%lJ' deaoJ'1ptioa 8..ond. haad., eha.ll keep a. a.8a1ptlon of wch goo4a in a book kep' 1_ tU,t purpo... ..hich aa.id b<10" aha"H al80 ocmta1A .. record. of, IJto ..... of It)uoh po;-aoa, when kaOWll t.o noll I14rohaa~, M..;1 lI'hoa ~ ~'L~ .. iJUoh Ml'ohaat, t.he 1'0001'0. a.l:tall ooata.1n & dee4l'lptlon of the persoft .elling the ...., toce'her ~lth the name glyen by the ..11el'. .1 d.aorlpUoa ot' tho ..llo~ .of IJuoh goo48 _ball not be neoe..ary whon 'ho aoUer 1e molfn to the _rGhan". Such l>ook oonh~DJrlI ftoll .tHOrtl .hall be o;>en a.t a.ll times tor in8{'ftOtlol'1 bj th~ alat 01' ?oUo. or any pollo. oi:!1ou in the TOi'1:n of Sewed. 80. 39. ., the 'UIl ltJIerohm'. uod. 1n th1e O1'dlnsaoe Ie ....., all dAtal81's 1a gooda. .ruea a.u4 ..obead1" 01' ..4117 4a..lpo- 1:1oa and jnolere and p....brolt.ra. 80. 40. 'lhere 1...11'Y of any t1eSor1ptlon 01' d1_011:.\9 or oth.r preolO'Wl non.., or golJ. duet 18 801d to meroh",nta or pa- 11"',~r bi."o~i1, .. ~.111 and. aocurc.te d.el101'ipUon of tlw .... ahall 1:le kitpt in \Wtall by the person puroha81ng <tbe &aM j whlob .'..1~ ~ ..-11>'1011 .hell 'W ooat&1necl in &. l:look of r&Qorde urfJ1nbet'ore ....ribe4. t.\I141' _1 'th the 11.... of tho pOI'SOIl aelling the e..... if .a.1d pe1'BOIl 1. kn01Ql to the purohuu. and it not mon, ~hea.. 4e8orlptlon of 8uob per.on. inoluding hh heigbt, U Mal' I.>> mq be ..""10.4. the 00101' of hie ey.., the oolo:r of hie ha11' an4 hie ..tblat-ed .elpt a.n4 what na.'t1or..aJ.1ty he 10 it th3 O~~ vElA be .......a1ud _ the p\U'Q&eer of .uoh goo48. BO. 41. .111 person. loealng say m.Qrua:f on goocla, 'rttaeu 01' awo'hf.&ftd1ee, ..oond haad, lnolu41ng jewel1'7, dlamon4e.. wat*" or precious .tone. of aDY kind, shall keep the .ama record of ~ r~~" &a4 of t1le per.oll aelling the aame ae hereinbefore ~d ~, - 13 - ,'. -........ dI _ ~. ') /"':- daa tor pe.re!;ns fM.%ohJ;..lIing eaoo!~d hand ::OOChi. 'iI'hlohrec;.):t'd :!Sh':"ll be open for lnapdot.i':;L. ~:l; ~:n.y th:e by thIJ Ctlef of PoUoe or :',\.."1;{ "t'hoe of- f" t oel' 1.:, t L.3 Town {, f Ze':;t\.I'd . SEI,r.nrc POt~ON 'UTHCU"!' A LABEL. SEC. 4rZ. Th&t. if e.ny r~reon zhdl I.Hdl, 2;h~ 8.<say OJ: J.iJl1ver anr a.recnlo ~ oOl"J.'oliili ve $ub11m::. t.::. f'l'u&~i 0 a.01d vX' ~lJi 0 th~r .......eon 01' ;ol!Jonoua substa.noe. T~.th\,~t.lt ''It',vine tfW ,",:'Jl'iJ. .P~,l<.:m' t.r.al.JOll. i'~t.ltt t.hf; true mme therf;Qi' 1;. E:'L::.!.l~h '..;:1 tt,)i'> ;r pl'1:1:,'~~~ ~jJon the lr1.bel att<~ohed to the v1i1.l, ~"X CJC ,hw:'~.:.;a oc,"t;;,.lninc tb" .bat'l, !Juoh pe1.'?Jon, upon oonvlat 1:..u t.~41:i.'eo1' otHil.ll O<l pu.n1"h.~ '01 ii-nO. . \'II .10t !'.H');:'~ thv.n One Eundrod Dollarfl. .;;;,r h'J 1mpl'i;3Cnti}~;'lt in ti.e 1Jun101pal 3'.111 nc..t r"~~ethan n1nety (hy.. or by ~;oth Oi.l'~;', i: 1ile and l!l1.;,r1donme:o:t. J' AtSF. rm2: ALA?Jlr.. SEC. 43. That .m;t person wi,o 8h&.11 intelntlon!.i.Uy ,:1~w~e aay talue aJ.a.rm ofn.%G, or.1J;o ah~l tako, oa.cry away. OJ: U30 my of th.) lJuck~'rto t too13 or t'l.pparatuaJ belont~hh?" to tile 71::e DelJ':;.~~tu(.mt of tha 'l'c..m 0;' :1owa:;:cl. ><,Hh;)ut firs.t h'~\tin,; ;,:,'o(J\ll'1Jd a pwi:trlit tr0rr. the n".'".!f ~,'~.' .,1... ""'~r" "''''.)~''~'''''n''' .",,_...l-I._ .",'~1"! "n ""n" '.~l1n"l' 'nt"'-f".- ~. 06.... ... "~I-.,,*, -' ~', .l. Uf><#... a.4 'OtWt....... v) VA "I. t,) ./od"J.U,.,L...... ~ J :'<".-:':0;$: roo. ....1 ,....;.. g_v ;<ith ',,:te 71...'';81' JiJU1')ply for f1.re PW.lH)li.h'U. ah,,,J.l, \l.;IOn o\.lnviotivn t.hC:'00t, O~ daOffiQ~ guilty 04' "... .-\. ~ i1i$:1eLlefj.l).Or l.\.nJ. .he"::,: ):,,: . >\inial-ad by ,', .f ir.a of net mo:r is tlHlJ.... One Uuni.U't.)ci Doll<in... or 1ro:f1r1 IiOnIDar; t in the; 1.~ur~1clpB.J. j&l1 not no,a tb.,1l\ ninety tJ.iqtl, or 1)1 :)tl!;h ~1l....oJh fine Qli.l lili,1.'ii:Hinm"mt. n:;sPING IJi'l'OXIC.1~nm I.tf2UOR::~ :m OR ABOUT HGUSE3 OR IU. FA~;E. SEO. 44. 1l;ny pt:ll'aOn who .hall kdep ;:.ny in'i.oxlca:i;1ng li(~\l01'8. OJloe..i\; ror ffl(;)i.1i\Jlnal parpOi&{;li, ill OJ;;' ah"ut any hou.ae (.If ill tl!ilne ~ .l)rQllltitutlon, shall tH.l g'U1H) oJ: :1. ldadomea.uor and upon 00.1- vioilon tb~l'eot betore the ~lci~al M~gi2tr~te. Sball b~ runiehed 'by Il'4lprit!Clnl!i.ent in the Kuz.icip...l ~u.il no.t exoeed1-"!7, ninety ~ or Dr u fine not exceeding One Hunci.red DoUt\Xs, or by both fluot i"'" and imprisonment. - 14 - r~~--- :357 :,3(" UPOUJmt1IO OF arRAYS. aEO. .S. !'hat no h~H.. lIIUl.a or oattle ab.a.ll be all0'M4 t~ r\m at larp. SEC. 46. !bat. any hOl'ua, !'P.llea or ~ttle found runnh1;': at large wUh1a sald town may be tl1k~m up by my off1oer and by l'ia d.dhered. too a 11vo.l'" sta.ble or other !)l'OJ'l"J.' plaoe "here ~uClh: .ta1 ~r aabaala ahall be p%ClY1ded w1th proper too4, .at81' and O:.u'8 811.. 80 cont1118.1. SEC. 47. ~at web orricoI' .0 ta.1=1nz up aay of euoh tmtu.la ehli7. ;;;1..." noUoe thereof to the O"'11er of auoh an1m.:U or anlati&l. 11' Buoll owner M ~~ a.nd it not known, such of-floor ,hdl ~;lY. JIlcU08 'tl..o:...of by puhUah11'..g the 1I!'l.Ine in Z\ M'!18ptlper of th.a Town ot "Award. :to):' It,)\u" oonseou1;lye tssues of dUch ncwapaper. 'the :U:o" not lee to be l)ubl1shad. 1n an 18aue two daJ. atter the t ~.k1nr: up of .neb aatf'U'Ll or an1m8.1a, aa.ld not108 to OOZlUln suoh a. deMr1pU.. of nOll anlu.l or &Il1mala as will be naue".tl.r'j to ldent1.fy tho aUlilJi> Sald aot1oe to oonte.1n also, the otnteJtent th&t ualeas the owner oz agent u1 t.lle ot"tner ot ZiUol.. an1nu:~.l OJ: ,:.niLe,ala ah,:;.ll ola1n> rOe~f1t8.S.0Il 01' th(, SlIWiO ~!Jld pa.y t~0 occtn. fee8 IlJld ohto.rps of k&OI.:ing thtt anl- aa3.IJ. ~Mld adftrUe1n.g tho sau, tblr.t such aaimale trill be eaW. .., publio BUotlcn by the Chief of Police tour days aftar the lAst der of pubUoaHon of said notice. '!"he prioa !'or the kee,p1ng of a\Oll anl~ or animale an hOl'e1n provided. 1B hereby fixed at the 0" of not to ex"ed Thre. Dol1uCl (S~ .oe) 'l)er day. and the f.. tor tU- lag up auoh ..1mala 1B herGby r1u~l at Three (13.00) Dollare per ~.a4, all tee. to be paid to the Uuniclpnl Clerk for th~ rowa of Seward. by tbe offloer taking up ouoh anl~.l (')r anlnala. "oUr days e.t\er the laat publ10atlcn of notioe of sale, as herdn prov1484. 'he Ctlef of Polloe ahall eell .uch selmal ~r anl~$l. at publ10 au.tlca In a public ~luOG in the Town of Seward. to' the bl~.. blcld.e1' tor euh. ead. out of' the prooeeu of wob aal. ehall ~ .. the nepal' of the 11..ry stabla OS' _\loh other ph." 1n "h1oh sud D1aal _ atae.la .ara 1ap~d. the ooat of keaping u4C1l&1'e of -15- <)-9 d~)t BUoh animal or anbwJ.s a.s heroin provided., and ahall a.lao ,)&.y OIlt of such proooe4a the ooet of a4vertlalng and 8hall ray to the Ilunlo1pe.l Clerk of the Town -,f Sewa.rel, the tee or feoe for the taking up of euoh animal or anlma18, iUld the balanoa. if any) of the prooeeels of t'luch .Ede .hall be turned over to the 1Iu.nio1pu' Trt'Hi.eurer to be kept by the Uunlolpal Treasuror zmd be paid to the owner of '3uch s.nll'!:nl or l!Inln18.1s. J:'l'ovlded .uob owner 018.111\8 the .ame wIthin a period of three monthe; 1f not ao ol~lmed) the .~ ahull beoome ill. part or the genor;;.l fund of the Town of Seward. Andprovld.ed, further. th<i.t the 8t'.le of Guoh anlmo.l or o.nl~la may be oontinued fror;; d"i.J to d.~,y by the Chief of Police if a.ny~:ood Oa.\l8e for ouoh oontinuance ahall ~~l"pol'tr to h1m. SEC. 4D. That no polioe of!'1oer in the Town of o..10.rd _hall. e1ther direotly or 1nd1r.o~ly, become a puroha.er of any of such an1nlals at {Juab pu1)11o 8al.. and the ownel' or his agent or other person intel'8atad in suoh animal or animal. 30 impoundad under the provialol1s of this seot1on, shall be entitled to reOO1'er the Bailie fro~ th~ Chief of Police upon tendering to him all of th~ aoeta, ohargoa and fees 1nourred up to ~h" t lme of ~he ~ender. SEO. 49. Any person no ahall re80ua allY euoh 8Almal from ouoh polioe officer, or 0.11'801:11 or indirectly free any anb.!:.l fron: suoh place of oont1nel!l$nt. or trom a:t.1J person in whoe. charge tho .ame haa been put by such polloe otfloer. shall be t~11t1 of a mhdemeanor, and upon oonvlot1cn theroo!. shall be punt.hed by a fine of not more than One Bundred Dollar., or ImprlsODlnOnt in the Vun101pa.l jail not Bo::e than th1rty o.a.,., or by both suoh Une and lmprhonment. SEO. 50. Any pollce offloer impounding any animal &6 horeln provided, shall make !'l. full report to the Common Counoll at It,~ next meet1 "le;. sottinG forth the number of an.Il1ala 90 lmpounded, 'ioogether .pith the eoeta and e::cp.a8~u. 1naurl'ed. PROHIBUDG THE DIIOBJROE OJ' JIREWORXS. 810. 51. That it shall be unlawful for any pereon OS' - 16- r :~ (j 1 per... " t11'e off or d1eohuge ..Ulda ihe fbe l1a1t. of ... ton of BewUd. Alum. ..., t'11"e Gl'aokar. ~ulb, a~ooke', R_II. aa418 or other tue wOI'ka of ., tlad. or u.ture wha.....nr. !bat 8A7 peJ'_ .. per$OM nolatlng aAJ of the pr::.7U.... of thla ...1011. ahal1, upea ooavl.'lon thereof, be fined 11\ .. .... .., 1101'8 ,baa OM Rua4re4 Dollua, aor 1... thaa FI...e Dol1eza. . , or .",. ~la_n' in the IIuIllo1pal '&11 not !lore tlula a1M. "'e, 01' bJ both *'1Oh fine aad. lmprlea ., . wmdllO mm 0Jf POlLIO &'!.UIT OR ItIGB'IfAl'. 810. 5a. bv, pu80a who ahall, within the tire llllita J <. at the "own of 8ewa.rd, kla4le OS' _e OS' oauee to be t1n4led. or ...... any tire OIl _y publ10 aU.., or hig_a,. 01" in the open &11' 1n 8DJ' p1&oe 1n aald 'owa, without haying flrat p1'ooured .. permit to do eo. algaed b1 the ...-offioio Mayor, nall upOD. ooav1otUD -.reof, be pa1ehod b1 a f1ne DOt oxoe_1ng Twenty-f1vo Dollaro. lVIuaCES. BIO. 53. Whoeftl' Ball oonah'uct, eron or 1l&11ltaJ.aln tbe 'town of 8ewa.rd, 01 ther u the agent or the owner, ut.,.'hing 1Ihloh 18 .. aulaanoe .., a_on lu or ad.<< the nti1iutea of the OD.ltod Sta.t.. applloeble to Aluka., or ua4ar the ordln$noea of the town ot Sew- ue. ahall be d.eeaed. gullty of' a ahd.eaeanor and. upon oearlo\loa thueof, aball be puaiabed. by a fino not ltXOM41ngF1fty Do11an1 p%'oT1dec1, t1ls.t Moh 4&1 oald nu1aance 1a maintained eha11 .. ...... a14ered. ... a aepara.to offenae. 8lD11'ALD 70 BE UM' OLEAJI OF mrow .uD ICE. 8&C. &fro All oow.paat.. ownera and agenta at property alNU1ng _ au..'a. wh10h are provi4e4 1fUh el4e'tralta, ahall keep tu -.1M- WILlu 1a trOll' of th.ll' respeot1ve pl'opal"1es olear of ... aAd. 1... n .ball be the duty of the Town lIa.rshal, when 'he ontr- tlOll of _,. ald.e1falk, on aoocmnt of the a.oOURla.tlon of anew aad loa. o'b&J.I 'beooae a _.e w the "'.ty and. the .....Mi.n.. of pe4..vlau on ...ld olMftlk, .. notify the 04oupan'a of ..... L .....lJtC property to I'UlOft eu8b enow aad 108 tor'hW1th, .....' - 1'- t I .)i.'.) dUd cue the property 1a unoocupied and the owner thereof rodde6 outside of' the Town of Seward> but hae 3.D a.gent :rc:'!hl1n::; therein, whose duty 1 t 18 to oare for $Uoh rroperty, then the 'l'o\'itn Kil.raha.l ahall notify ouoh agent to the Dame etfact. If ~~y such OOOU- pant, owner or agent above ~mtloned, shall ::..fter h:,vln.s been notified by the Town Uarahal a.s above .rovided. refUGe or negleot to remove ouoh obetruotlollil'l 0:':' anOl1 1m" ice w1 thIn one d~~y after hovlng reoelved ouoh notIce> 3uch oooupant, owner or agent ahall be deemed guilty of a mi$domeanor and, upon oonviotion thereof, 'hall be fined in l}. awn net exoeeding Tan Dolli.1re. ~'~ITING AND SUPPRESSIBa PRIZE FIGHTING. BEO. 55. That fUly peraon '!rho 81,a11 volunta.rily onC(tg:e in, 01 ther as Ilarua.ger I }'I.-emotor or conte.tan', any pugll1etio encounter between man ~d man, for money or for other thinza ef value, er fer any ohamplOftshlp upon the ro.ult or whioh any money, or an,- thine of vO-luG 1.:1 bet or waz:erod. or to lilac whloh any adrduaiou tee ia oharged, either direotly er Ind!%eotly. ahAll be deg~d guIlty ofa rnlsde~eanor and upon oonviotion thereof. .hall be pun1Bhed by a f.ine of' not m01:'e than One Hundred Doll 1'11. ox [)y imprisonment in the HUnici;-;;,\,l ja.il not more than ninety days, 0'1' by both BUch fine l'\.nd Impr 1noMlent. PROVIDING FOR 'l'RE ASSISTANCE OF POLICE OFFlcrnS AND PROVIDING A PEBAL'fT FOR RESISTING SUCII OiTICERS. SEC. 56. / T1'1.:>.1; any peraon O'r peraon~ \IIhO' ah':>.ll rei>llit fJ.Jly r~. ,.. peaoe officer. 'Or who 8ha11 re:f\uJe to uei$t ..1m the dhohurr;e ? of hiol duty. or 'IIho shr:.l1 by s:ny me:ma wh~tever . ,,11 or :a.9s18t WlJ person in au.touy upon a charge of violation or U 01ty ordinance in hia endeavor", to a.oape frol!. duob oustody, l'ihether DucL el:JO~F(.; V< be effected or not, 0'1' any pcr'Jon or ;t:J.-.)Or.i.1 "c.O $::::.11 aid. 01' aaail'lt any Flll'r:lOn lnavold1r.g un ~l.rrei.lt be1ru.l utternpteu to b\3 mr,de by a pe!.l.oe officer for any violation of any ordln.\J1oe of tlw Tawn ~f Seward., 8hall. upon oonviotion ther~of. be fined not leaa than fwentT-tlve Dolll\r8 nor wore than One Hun(tred DolllU'G, or oi,all - 18 - r 3(i5 _ punished by 1r:\l)1"1<lonn.ent 1n the r.tun101pa.l ju.11 not leu than '.h nor more thnn ninety dcye, or by both at the disoretion of the Cour t . PU'f'DTIHG TIlE RAC!HG OF HORSES IN THE STREETS OF SEWAP..D. ftC. 5'. Th~t all racing ot horaa. in the Town of Se-ar4 1. hereby proh1bited on any of the atreetu ~lthln said Town, whether "he .r..me be for pr1z88 ot for aoaoy or oth(11'f.he. ~C. 58. Any pereon v10h,t1ng the terms of tbh eeotlon .hall be deomed ~11ty of a m184eceanor and upon oonvlotlon thel'eof, .hall be punlebed by a. fine not to exceed One Hundred DolLu'$, or by lmp:r1eonm.,nt 1n the Vunlo1pa..l j ".il net to exoeed t.hirty dsye. or oy both SUOh fine and 1mprlsonn1ent. DISOELLAltOUS PROVISIOIS - ATTEh1?TS. ao. 59. That 1f any pUlllon at.tempt;:! to oor.m;1t a.nyoff~ ! aeat10nad or definerj in t.t.itS ordinanoe, and 1n iluoh 8,t,1;(I::.:;::;t do.. aaya.o' toward tl":e :::0'l!ln~3elon of allon offen.., but fa.l1e, or 18 preY8nte4 or interoepted. in the p.rop&r<::.t1ont.htu:eo!, auch i;eron upon oonviotion thlinreo!, s~.1.1 b~ punished by .,. tlli.0 of not more tbaa One U'lQdre;cl Dollara, or oy l...~.rlaonmen.t in the; )hm10ipal~~1l 110' more than n.in.~, day., or by both suoh f'1n.o and lurj)rhonment. FIUa. SIC. 60. That in .:t' ., ..J...A. caaes before the ~unloipal XaCletrate where a f1no 18 1~po.ed ~ld ~dj~eJ &6~lnst the defen~~t, ouch 4ef.uant uha.ll .tand OOJll.:lI1tte.i to t1G Yunloip:::.l jbll until <iiuoh fiDe 1s paid. or be 1e disoharged &Qoorulng to la~; 9rovtded, that 1n all oas.. the defendant ah'ill be allolted the SUIt of Two Dollars per day for poh day he h Im;rhoned., to be applied. on suoh fine. DD'IlfITIOBS. ftC. 61. That the term .person,- wheneV0r u~.d in thin ordinanoo .hall be held to wean and inoludo oorporations as ..11 .. na.tural persons; and 'lfhere 1t 18 ua.d to de&1gnate the pa.rt1ea .. 19 .. :Hl ~' who.. property ~ay be the subjeot of an offen.e. it lnoludea the 'lown of Seward, the 'rerrU,cry of Allc1Ske.. or Government of the United States, whioh ll;ay lawfully own any pror>erty 1n the Towl': of seward, and aJ.l pubUo or tt1W1101pa.l oorporations u well a.a 1nd1 vlc1Uala. That tho .1~""Ulal' number inoludes the f;lural and the "lur:,.l the s ingub.t' . Thi'! t the 'nords ueed in the fOO.souline gander oomprehend as woll tht.' tem1nine an.d the neuter. mEA'lMEN'l' OF PRISONERS. BEO. 63. That overy pereon oonvioted uader theprOTlalons ~ Ii I' Ii Ii " Ii I ,I 'i I' I: of th!a ordln:\noe and sentenoed to impriBONlli9.nt 1n the Yu."l1cipal jail, or imprisoned in def~ult of the payment of a flne. may be re<;1l1:ced to perform work and labor in the Town of Se'<'o,rd under the direotlons and oontrol of the m11ef of Police. C~.dUL PENALTY. SEC. 63. !hat when the doing 01' any aot 10 prohIbited. 'IJl this ordinanoe or any orJlnanoe in tho Town of S..&1'o., or whon any aot 19 by th 1 a orulnanoe or any ordinance in the To;,m 0: Seward enj oined or re'..J,ulreJ of any paraon as a. duty, and no penalty 11> pz.aor1bed for the viola.tion of Buoh ordlnanoe, eaoh ViolatIon of weh ord1ml.l1oe ahall be deemed a. misdemeanor. and every pe:r;Jon oonvloted thereof .hall be punlahed by a flne of not more than One Hundred Dollara. or by lmpr100nment in the Munioipal jaIl of not more th81'l ninety da.y., or by both ouoh fine a.nd impri6onr;;ent. SEC. 64. All ordinanoe. and pii4rta of ordinanoes inoon- Bistant herewith, ~~J pnrtloularly each and every pa.rt of the Ordinanoe of the To~vn 0:' Seward nwabered Flve. entItled -An Ordlnfl.noe Defining and Providing for Y.isdeme.anors in the TO'd11 of Seward, Al5,.1ka. and for Other Pur~'oses.. pused an;i approved on the 15th day of July, 1912, ara hareby repealed. '1'\,1'3 ordina.noe allall take effeot and be in full foroe t:.nd .tteot from and a.fter the date of it I) pa..a.ge and a.ppro'Yal. -20- 36U Pa.a."d <.\.lid al'rrond the ~~ uy of ~~.~ 1915. ~a~ president or tho an QW1C 1 a.nJ ... offioio Kayer of Seward., Ala-aka. ~~ o p lerk. . 1 - 21 -