HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-044 ~ ,-117 Q..",B D 11! ! N Q E ! O. 1/1( ~/3~.aZ4l1"- . -''/ (Jl /t.t;t. L/ 5. ~..-/ ~ ...... ~ t-# Cui- </'S- " -1Yw4( AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR GENERAL AND SPECIAL WNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE TOWN OF SEWARD, TERRITORY OF ALASKA; FOR THE REGISTRATION or THE VOTERS FOR SUCH ELECTIONS, AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. -:;;,-6001 4 BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska. Seotion 1. That there shall be a general annual Town eleetion In the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, on the fIrst Tuesday in April of each year for the purpose of electing su~h officers of the Town of Seward as are now, or which may hereafter be bT 1he laws of the Territory of AlaSka, and the Ordinanoes of the said Town of Seward, designated and made elective; a.lso for the purpose of electing a member of the Sohool Board of the Seward, Alaaka, --~ School Distriot. The Common Council may order a. speoial eleotion to be held at any time for good oa.use shown, or the happening of _y exigenoy by virtue of any law of the Territory of Alaska or the Ordinanoes of said Town of Seward. All suoh speoial elections, held \ shall conform in all respects with the provisions oontained i. this Ordinance. OFFICERS AND TENURE OF OFFICE. Section 2. At each annual eleotion there shall be elected by the qualified eleotors of the said Town of Seward, all offioers required under the laws of the Territory of Alaska governlng "llunioipa.l1 ties. - ! All offioers so elected shall hold their rtApect1vel off~ces for the term prescribed by law, and until their~~r. .'" .', unless otherwise removed from~r .~>! ' . '~~~i;are elected and. qualified, :' ,.,,18 presoribed by law. l (I) "". .,-,~.... ..\ -41 ~) - - ---.. -. .- QUALIFICATION OF ELECTORS. Section 3. The qualifloation of an eleotor shall ba as follows; Shall be a oitizen of the United States, or one who has deolared intention to become suoh. Must be twenty-one years of age or over, and shall have resided oontinuously one year next preoeeding the eleotion in the Territory of Alaska, and six months next preceedinl the eleotion within the corporate limIte of the Town of Seward. Provided, however, that in oase of an eleotor votinr for a member of the Seward School Board, the qualifications shall be only that he or she shall be a oitizen of the United States, or shall havs deolared their intention to become such, and are bona fide residents of the said School DIstrict. EVERY ELECTOR TO REGISTER. Section 4. The Munioipal Clerk shall be ex-officio Registratior offioer. .- ----...-.--. _._------ All persons, before vot1ng af any general or specia eleotion in the Town of Seward, must register as hereinafter pro- v1ded in this seotion. Provided, however, in oase of voting for members of the Sohool Board, all voters having the requisite qual- ifioatione shall be allowed to oast their ballot without having previously registered. All persons desiring to vote for offioers other than a member of the School Board, must register, and shall make and sign an affidavit, sworn to before the Registration offioer, which la1d affidavit shall be substantially ln the following form! United States of Amerioa >) TerrItory of Alaska, ss. Town of Seward. ) \ I , being flrst duly sworn, deposes and says; ~he ls twenty-one years of age; ___he i~ a native born --- naturalized --- citizen of the United States of America; (or that __he has declarej his --- her--- intention to \:).\i:'~:' .C t f!. ~} (2) ___". ,I ~_. -121 -----------:--- --- beoome a oitizen of the United States of Amerloa; that __he w111 have resided oontinuously year__ next preoeding the date of the ensuing eleotion , in the Territory of Alaska, and monthe next preceding the date of the ensuing eleotion within th' oorporate limits of the Town of Seward; that __he is a legal and qualified eleotor of the said Town of Seward, Alaska. r' Subsoribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of ,191 . - , i I < '\ ,1 1 RegIstration Offioer, Town of Seward. MUNICIPAL CLERI TO PROCURE REGISTRATION BOOKS. Seotion 5. It ehall be the duty of the MunIcipal Clerk, immedi~ '" ately upon the passaget approval and taking effect of thie Ordin- anoe, to procure and prepare for the regIstration of the voters of the said Town of Seward, aa original and a duplioate register book, and on or before the first Monday of February of each year1hereafter ~ to procure and pr~are like books for registration. , -! _.~ , ! -I -I ,. I 1 WHEN REIISTRATION TO BEGIN. ETC. '1' " ,\ ,I , j I Bection 6. The eaid Munloipal Clerk and ex-offiolo' Regietration offioer ehall duly register all qualified persone applying therefor. The registration books provided for in this Ordinanoe. .hall be open j I' ,\ r, t. I at all times durIng the year for the registration of voter.. Provided . not be however, that the said registration books Shall/opened on Sundaye, or hollidays for the purpose ~f registration. On Saturday n~ pre- ,J ! oeding any eleotion. the said pt..*~.. re'lstration books shall be ~ ,I r I , , olosed, and no name. again registered thereon until the day n.xt 'l, following the then eleotion. '.i' ), ,.,'., '1)~. f ' 'J~\,~;J",,":, ;",.,','1', kept in: (, NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. ETC. Seotion 7. Said registrattgy books shall at all times be ,_. ~~3 the office of the said Municipal Clerk. ImmedIately after the taking effeot of this Ordinance, and thereafter on the first Monda) of February of each year, it shall be the duty of the Munioipal Clerk and ex-officio Registration offioer to oause to be publiShed in the offioial newspaper of the Town of Seward, or if there be no offiolal newspaper designated by the Common Counoil, then in a news, paper of general ciroulation in said Town of Seward, onoe a week for four weeks, and post or oause to be posted in at least three oon- spiouous places within the Town of Seward, a notioe whioh shall atate the time and plaoe of registration for the annual eleotion to be held on the first Tuesday in April and the duration thereot; the qualifioation of eleotors; the time and plaoe of eleotion as well as the purposes for which such election shall be held, whioh said notice shall be substantially in the following form. WNotioe is hereby given that at the hour of nine Of olook A. U. on the ~__ day of , 191 , ...... the registration books of the Town of Seward will be open at the offioe of the Munioipal Clerk for the purpose of registering all qualified electors, twenty-one years of age or over, who are olt- izens of the United States or who have deolared their intentlon to beoome suoh, and who have resided oontinupusly one year next preoed- ing the date of the eleotion in the Territory of Alaska, and slx months next preceding the date of eleotion withln the oorporate lim- its of the Town of Seward. All eleotors must, before voting, register their names and qualifioations with the Registration offioer. Registration books will be open every day, exoept Sundays and holldays, beginnlng \ 191__, during the following hours; \ , IT11 the Friday next preoeding the first Tuesday in April, From 9 A. K. to 12 K. From 2 P. K. to 5 P. M. On Friday and Saturday next preoeding ~e'ttr.t Tues- \ day in April, from 9 Am to 12 M, From 2 P. M. to 5 P. M, From 7 P. M. to 10 P. M. (~ ~ --j 425 That said registration books will be o~osed for suoh election at ten o'clock P. M. Saturday, , 191_, , That said eleotion will be held on the first Tuesday in April for the purpose of (state purpose) _, 191_. . Dated, Seward, Alaska, , Munioipal Clerk. In oases of speoial eleotions, the Munioipal Clerk lBall give like notice, therein speoifying that the registration books will olose on Saturday next preoeding suoh speoial eleotion. \ The registratIon books provided for herein shall be open every day in the year, exoept Sundayts, holIdays, the day upon .hioh the eleotion is held, and the two days next preoeding any general or speoial election. and notioe to that effeot shall be gIven by the Munioipal Clerk on the first Monday of eaoh and every year, whioh said notioe shall be published in the offioial newspaper of the Town of Seward, onoe a week for four weeks, or shall be posted in three oonspicuous plaoes within the Town of Seward. ~. ARRANGEMENT OF COLUMNS IN REGISTRATION BOOKS. Seotion The original and duplioate registratIon books 'shall 8. be so arranged as to admit the alphabetioal classifIcation of the names of the voters registered; shall be ruled in par~el columns with appropriate headingssubstantially as follows; DATE or REGIS- , TRATION 0000 NAME 0000 AGE 0000 OCCUPATION 0000 PLACE OF RESIDENCE PLACE OF BIRTH 0000 TIME OF RESIDENCE IN THE TERRITORY AND TOWN SIGNATURE OF VOTER AT THE TIME OF REGISTERING, and another and similar column immediately following headed IDENTIFICATION, to be used for the signature of a voter 1n case of oha1lenge wh..offer- ing to vote, A COLUMN headed REMARKS, and one colWllll for the checking of the voter at the time of voting. ELECTOR TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE. < .J:' ( 5) i i I ;'j \ 4217 Section 9. If the voter about to register is of foreign birth, h~ shall at the time of registering produoe satisfactory evidenoe to the registration offioer that he is a naturalized oitizen of the United states, or has declared intention to beoome suoh. EllerOY PLACE OF RESIDENCE. Section 10. Under the heading .Place of Residenoe" shall be noted the number of the lot or block, or number and street where applioant resides, or such definite desoription as is sufficient to looate the resident. SIGNATURE OF VOTER. Seotion 11. The voter so registered under the provisions of this Ordinanoe shall sign his or her name in eaoh the origInal and dupli- ~ate registration books under the oolumn .Signature of Voter at time of registering". In oase the voter shall be unable to write his or her name, or in case of physioal infirmity the voter be unable to write his or her name, he or she shall on the left band margin of said ooluan make his or her mark in the presenoe of some person who personally knows said voter, and is known to the registration offi- oer, and who is oapable of writing his own name as a witness to the said signature by mark, direotly opposite or near the same. It may be done in thIs form. His John X Doe )lark Witness to signature James Roe. TO REGISTER VOTER MUST APPEAR IN PERSON. Section 12. No person shall be registered unlese appearing in person before the registration offioer during offioe hours or suoh hours as designated in notice given by the Munioipal Clerk and ex- offiolo Registration Offioer. (6) r 428 ~~./ ,/.1 /f...,;U'..L# ~/ /;vvi "/,:< ~- -7 /Y~ ~/.3 ~.:..ZZ:..L ~~ ~ .~29 REGISTRATION NOT CONCLUSIVE. Seotion 13. No person shall be entitled to vote at any eleotion in the Town of Seward, (Save for member of the School Board) who is not registered aooording to the provisions of this Ordinanoe. Suoh registration shall not be oonolusive evidenoe of the right of the of the registered person to vote, but suoh person may be ohallenged and required to establish their right at the pollS in a manner as is herein required. REGISTRATION OFFICER TO ADMINISTER OATHS. Seotion 14. The registration offioer is hereby empowered to ad- minister all neoessary oaths in examination of an applioaat for registration, or any witness or witnesses oalled in behalf of suoh applioant in order to asoertain the right of said applioant to be registered under the provisions of this Ordinanoe. REGISTRATION OFFICER TO CERTIFY DUPLICATE REGISTER BOOK. Seotion 15. It shall be the duty of the registration officer, immediately upon the olose of the register books prece4ing any gen- / Seotion 16. NOTICE OF ELECTION. That twenty days before any annual, and ten days before any epecial election, the M~nicipal Clerk shall publiSh for one week in the official paper of the Town of Seward, or post or oause to be poat0d in three conspicuous places within the Town of Seward, notioe thereof, which said notice may be substantially in the followirg form: Notice ia hereby given that on the day of , 191_, there will be held in the Town Hall in the Town of Seward, (7) f- . i = \ $.i.. .1'...;,,\ .~,. ; ~.,,; \ .~,;.': ~ ";',: 431" ( or suoh other plaoe as may be designated by the Common Counoil)~ an eleotion for the purpose of . {State purpose} The polls for said eleotion will be opened at eight o'clook A.M. on that day, and will close at seven o'clook P.X. on the same day, and all qualified eleotors of the Town of Seward who have registered, as in this Ordinance provided, will be entitled to vote at said election. Dated, , ,191_. Mtnioipa1 Clerk. OFFICERS OF ELECTION. Seotion 17. It shall be the iuty of the Common Counoil, at its . I last regular meeting prior to any annual or speoial election, I to appOint from the qualified electors of the Town of Seward, 'three judges of eleotion, one of whom shall be designated Inspeotor, wha shall constitute the Board of Eleotion, and two olerks whose duty it shall be to enter on separate poll lists the name of eaoh eleotor receiving a ballot, numbering each name as it ls taken down. The inspeotor, judges and clerks aforesald of electio~ shall, before entering upon the discharge of their respective duties severally take and subsoribe the oath or affirmation hereinafter direc- ed, whioh shall be administered by any officer author~zed to admlnis- trt oaths in the Territory of Alaska, and suoh oath or affirma~ion shall be filed with the M.nicipa1 Clerk. The said oath or aft1rma- tion may be in substantially the following form; I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I wIll honestly and faithfully perform the du~ies ofl my trust; that I will perform the duties of (Judge of Clerk of Eleotion), aocording to law; that I will assiduoualy endeav9~,to prevent fraud, deceipt or abuse ln ooniuoting the election to the t I best of my ability, SO HELP ME GOD. ',:&,'.;I' (s) . . _w..j. ,4 :l :3 Subacribed and aworn to before me this day of ,.191_. {of:icial title.} Any member of the Bbard of Election shall have the ~ power to, and shall administer and certify oaths required to be administered during the progress of any elect~on. The Board of Election shall have po~er to fill any vacancy which may occur in the Board, or in the clerkship during the progress of any election. OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE POLLS. Seotion 18. The pollS at any annual or special election shall be opened at the hour of eight o'clook A.M. of the iesignated day, and shall be kept open until seven o'clock in the evening of the same day. Immediately before the opening of the polls the election board must, in presence of any person or persons assembled at the polling plaoe, open, exhibit, purge ~nd seal th2 ballot boxes, and thereafter they must not be removed from the polling place or presence of the bystanders until all ballots are counted, nor shall they be open- ed until after the po11a are finally closed. Immediately after opening the polls and before receiv- ing any ballots, the Inspector or one of the Judges shall proclaim in a loud voice from the ~oor of~the polling place tha~ the polls of such eleotiom are open, and thirty minutes before the closing of the pollS the Inspeotor or one of the Judges shall make publio proclamation that the polls will close inhal! an hour. When the polls are finally closed the fact must be proclaimed aloud at the polling plaoe, and after such proolamation no ballots must be xeceive~ POLL BOOKS) TALLY BOOKS, ETC. Section19. The Board of Election shall keep and be reapo~eible (9) l il 1 ~I I I \-,~~-_.- 435 for the poll lists, tally lists, and duplicate register book, and shall return the same to the Municpal Clerk with the election returns. The Manloipal Clerk shall deliver to the Inspeotor or one of the . Judges of Eleotion, on the morning of the election and before the opening of the pOlls, the duplioate register book w'hich shall contain the name of all electors enrolled on the books of the Registration Officer, duly certified by him to be a true oopy thereofj the Kunicipal Clerk shall also furnish to the Raid Board of Eleotion at such time, the .neoeseary poll llst. tally books and all other books and papere necessary to a complete reoord of the votes cast and the resultant oount thereof at suoh eleotion, and upon the delive'Y thereof to the said Inspector or other judges, shall take receipt there- fore. BALLOTS. Seotion 20. All ballots prepared under the provisions of thi. Ordinanoe shall conform to the following requirements, First. Shall be on white paper of a good qual1 ty and of uniform grade, and the names shall be printed thereon in blaok ink. Seoond. Every ballot shall oontain the name of every candidate whose nomination for any office speoified in the ballot has been filed according to the provisions of this Ordinanoe, and no other names. I I I Under the designation of the offioe if !llOre: Third. than one candidate is to be voted for, there shall be indioated the number of such candidates to such offioe to be voted for at BUC~ ~leotion. Fourth. The candidate's name sha.ll be plaoed in alpha. - betical order under the designation of the office for which nom~n.ted. i At the end of each list of candidates for each office, there shall be provided one blank spaoe for as many candidates as may b. voted for to fill such office, upon whioh blank spaoes may be wrltt..~lth pencil the name of candidates or ,., tereon. persons whose names ate not pr~.~:~.... ...+~. " tfll- (10) , ; I I , \ \ \ \ 437 Fi fth. 'Official Ballot. of The ballots shall be headed; ;<: the Town of Seward, and at the top thereof. above a perforateJ line, shall be duplioate stubs bearing consec- utive numbers; one of said stubs to be retained by the Election Judges upon presenting the ballot to the voterj the.other stub to be torn from the ballot by the Election Judges and compared ::-. and retained upon the return of the voter from the voting bOO". and in preparring said ballot the Municipal Clerk shall follow a official form substantially as hereinafter provided. which said/ballotS the Municipal Clerk shall cause to be numbered conseoutively beginning with number One (1) . Sixth. At the top of the ballot s~all appear ! ! { the following instruction to the voterst 'Mark-=-X in the square at the left of the name of the oandidate for whom you desire to vote. ~ If names of candidates for whom you desire to vote do not appear on the ballot, insert with penoil in blank spaces'. Provided, however, that all ballots rreparred for the eleotion of members of the Sohool Boatd shall be separate and distinct from the regular Municipal Ballot, and of a different oolor,aD4 all ballots cast for candidates of such School Boari shall be kept in a separate ballot box designated and makaed 'School Board'. All ballots used at any annual , special or School ~ti.....~~~ Election shall be furnished to the Election Board^who shall pre~re and have them printed at the expense of the Town~ In preparring the said ballots the Municipal Clerk must in all respects conform ;0 the prOVision of this Ordinanoe, The said Municipal Clerk shall furnish to the Judges of ~lection at least one hundred (100) offioial ballots for eaoh fifty (50) voters registered for suoh aleotion,and alao shall furnish,upon tinted paper%sample ballots on whioh shall be printed in large type the word l "Sample Ballot., (11) oj \' !\ , t'~ r 4:HJ Two sample ballots shall be printed for eaoh offioial ballot plaoed in the handa of the Election Board. The said sample ballotsJ save in color, shall be an exaot reproduction of the official ballot . The said sample ballots shall be posted or distributed in conspicuous places at anY~time on or before the date of ele'ction by the Municipal Clerk or by the Ju~ges of Election. NAMES OF CANDIDATES ON BALLOTS. Section 21. That the names of all candidates for office, to entitle them to a place upon the official ballot, shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk at least five days prior to the election; such name or names shall be accompanied by a petition signed by at least twenty qualified voters of the Town, or the candidate or candidates shall have been nominated at a public meeting of the electors of the Town calle~ for the purpose of makilg nominations, and be certi fled by the chairman and clerk, or sec~et ary 0 f such meeting. FORM OF BALLOT. Section 22. . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - Pcrfcrated ----------- o Line . . . ~ '".-., . ' M._. . ..t . . : . . I: I p . . ::- - ~ : . . ~ ____ ___.....e__ ----____ Perforated Line. OFFICIAL BllLLOT, Town of Seward. Mark X in the square at the left of the: condidate for whom you desire t~ vote. : If names of candidates for whom ~u desire to vote do not appear on tle ballot, insert with penoil . OJ ---.-- For Councilman. (Vote fOt:: ae~en) , . I r (12) b .... -141 The Municipal Clerk shall palce upon such ballots the names of all candidates which have been filed in his office within~ the time specified herein for any adiitional municipal offices that may hereafter be oreated elective by the act of the Legislature of the Territory of Alaska. BALLOT BOXES. Section 23. There shal~ be two ballot boxes provided by th~ Municipal Clerk. One of which shall be marked "Municipal", in which shall be deposited only Municipal ballots and the other ballot box marked "Sbhool Board", in which shall be deposited only the ballots cast for members of the school board. POLLING PLACE. Section 24. The To\vn Hall is hereby desginated as the polling place, and all elections for the Town of Seward shall be held at said Hall, unless the Council shall designate some other place for holding such election; smd it shall be the duty of the ~unicipal Clerk to provide therein a sufficient number of places, booths, or compartments whtch shall be furnished with the necessary supplies and conveniences to enable the elector to conveniently prepare his or her ballot for voting, screened from observation. Provided, trus not le8s than one booth shall be furnished for each 100 voters or fraotional part thereof, cast at the previ~us election. DELIVERY OF BALLOT Tn ELECTOR. Section 25. At such election it shall be the duty of the Inspec- tor or one of the judges of election to deliver ballots to the qualified electcrs. Any elector desiring to vote shall gl~e his or her name to the Inspector or other judges of election, who ~hall then, in an audible tone of voice, announce the aaITe, whereupon a challenge may be interposed, and if the challenge be overruledt the Inspector or other judges of election shall give the elector a) ballot, at the \ same time calling to the clerks of election the! ballot. It s~l be the iuty of such clerka to f number of such (13) 443 ~------~. . ._-_.~-~- transoribe the name of the eleotor in the poll books) and against s~ name the number of the ballot delivered to the elector. PREPARATION OF BALLOT. Seotion 26. When a voter shall bf aCJldent or mistake spoil a ballot, on the return of said spoiled ballot. the voter may reoeive another in lieu thereof from the Inspeotor or other Judges of Elec- tion, and if necessary a third ballot, but no more than three will be allowed under any oiroumstanoes. The spoiled ballots must ~e preserved by the judges of eleotion and plaoed with the unused ballots. Upon receipt of the ballot t~(, elector shall forthwi thL, and without leaving the polling place, retlreatone to one of the plaoes, booths or compartments provided to prepare the balDi. !efore leaving the booth or oompartment the elector shall fold the ballot in such manner that the number of the same shall appear on the out- side thereof, without displaying the marks on the faoe or inside, and shall keep it folded until he or she has voted. Having folded the ballot, the elector shall deliver it folded to the Inspector or other judge of eleotion, who shallJ1 in an audible tons__- of voice repeat the name of the elector and the number of the ballot. The election clerks having oharge of the poll books, shall, if they find the number marked opposite the eleotors name on the poll book. to oorrespond with the number on the ballot handed to the Inspeotor or other judges of election, mark opposite the name of such elector the word .Voted., and ODe of the clerks shall oall baok, In an au4- ible tone, the name of the eleotor and the number of his or her ~- lot. The Inspeotor or other judges shall separate the slip oontain- , ! ~I ing the number of the ballot, therefrom, a.nd shall then deposit the i ballot in the ballot box. The Numbers so removed from the ballot shall be immediately destroyed. , ,.,~" -L. , No more than one person shall be permi tted t. oqoup, any l" I one booth at one time, and no person shall remain in or oc~~P\- 'a -i .j4- ':'If: I booth or compartment longer ,than may ~e neoessary to p....re & . .~ \ I ~" , .,J, I ~----.......",.. (14) ,_1 445 ballot, and in no event longer than five mtnutes. Provided, however, that any voter who is blind or physically disabled to prepare the ballot, may demand that the judges of election assist in the preparation thereof, and in that case, the election judges shall .. assist. Intoxication shall not o~nstitute physical disability. V VOID BALLOTS NOT TO BE COUNTED. Section27. In the canvas of the votes, any ballots or parts of a ballot from which it is impossible to determine the elector's choice shall be void and shall not be counted: Provided, that when . a ballot is sufficiently plain to gather tt.erefrom a part of the voter's intention, it shall be the iuty of the judg~s of ele~tion to count such part. ELECTIONEERING PROHIBITED. Section 28. No officer of election shall do any electioneering on election day. No person shall do any electioneering on election day within the polling place or within the building, or ~ithin one hundred (100) feet thereof, nor obstruct the ioor or entry thereto, a prevent free engre.s or egress from said building. Any election officer, Marshal or other peace of~icer, is hereby authorized and empowered, and it is hereby made his duty to clear the passageway and prevent such obstruotion, and to arrest any person creating such obstruction, or in any way violating this section. CHALLENGING VOTES. Section 29. Any person offering to vote may be challenged a8 un- qualified by the Inspector or either of the Judges or by amy legal voter, and it shall be the duty of the Inspector and eaoh of the jUdges to challenge any person offering to vote whom they shall tnow or suspect not to be duly qualified as an elector. When any person offering to vote is challenged, it shalli ~e the duty of the judges to declare to such person the qualifIcations ~ ~ > an elector, and the Inspector O~ one of the judges ahall tender (15). 4:4.7 him uhe following oath: -You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will truly and fully answer all questions as shall be put to you touching your plaoe of residence and qualifications as an elector-. The Inspector or one Of the juages shall then proceed to question the person challenged in relation to his or her name, place of residence, how long a reiident of the Town of Seward and Territory of Alaska, also as to citizenship, whether a native or naturalized citizen, whether he or she has declared intention to become a citizen of the United States, and all such other questions as ahall tend to test the voters qualifications as to citizenship and the right to vote. If any person shall refuse to take the aforesaid oath, when so tendered, or to answer any anj all pertinent questions as to qualifications, the vote sh~ll be rejected; and if the judges are satisfied, from such answers as aforesaid, that such person is not a legal voter, they shall reject the vote. If any person shall take the oath as tendered by the judges and no evidence 1s offered to traverse the same, by the officer or party challenging, and shall otherwise comply with the requirements of law regulating the ballot- :-~ng, such vote shall be admitted. COUNTING VOTES. Seotion 30. As soon ~s the polls are closed on the day of election , the jUdges shall open the ballot box and commence counting the votes. The oounting of the ballots shall in all cases be publb. The ballots shall be taken out car,cfully, one by one, by the Inspector or one of the judges, who shall open them ani read aloud the name of eaoh person contained thereon, and the office for w~ich every such person is voted for. , CLERKS SHALL KEEP TALLY. Section 31. Each.clerk shall write down each office to ~e fl11e~ ~ ld the name of eaoh person voted for fer ouch o:fioe, and shall k keep the number of votes by tallies as they are read alouJ Pr the (16) .-l4B Inspector or judges. The counting of the votes, once begun, shall ~ ~~.,.-I-- without ~j.a~mcnt^until all are counted' be ~ontinued WHEN BALLOTS SHALL BE REJECTED. Section 32. If two ballots are found folde~ together they sha~_ both be rejected, and if more persons are designated on any ballot for any office than are to be elected to such office, such part of the ballot shall not be counted for any of them; but no ballot shall " be lost for want of form, or mistake in initials of names. if the board of judges can determine to~eir satisfaction the person vo+,~ . for and the office intended. DISPOSITION OF BALLOTS. Section 33. It shall be the duty of the Inspector, or one of the judges. to string the ballots at the time of counting, and after the ballots have been counted and strung it shall be the duty of the Inspector or one of the judges to place them in a sealed envelope and write thereon "Ballots of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska, of election held this day of ,191_# and send '~he said envelope/to the Municipal Clerk, who shall keep said envelope containing said ballots unopened for the period of six months, to be used only as evidence in case or cases cf cdntest when called for, at the end of which time it sh~ll be the duty 01 said Munioipal Clerk to burn said ballots in the presence of two Municipal o officers as witness thereto, and make and keep a mamorandum in ~riting of these facts. MAKING OUT ELECTION RETURNS. Section 34. As soon as all the votes are read off and counted & " certificate shall be drawn up on each of the papers containing the poll list, and tallies. or attached thereto, stating the number of votes each person voted for has received and designat~ng the office 'to fill which he was vpted for, w~iich number shall be written 1.n words w full length and also in numerals. (17) r .451 Eaoh oertifioate shall be signed b~ the clerk, the judges~. and Inspeotor; said certifioates with ballots, poll lists and tally papers, oath of Inspeotor, judges and clerks shall be sealed up in a package by the inspeotor or one of the judges, and endorsed · "Election Returns.) and delivered to the Municipal Clerk. DELIVERY OF THE RETURNS. Section 35. The said pcokage shall be delivered to the Munioipal Clerk by one of the judges or olerks of election in person. Tally . , 'Oapers, poll lists or, oertifioates rturned frem any election shall not be set aside, nor rejected fro want of form, nor on account of not being striotly in accordance with the directions of this Ordinanoe, if the same be satisfactorily understO~d. CANVASS OF TH~ VOTES. Section 36. On the nest day after each election, at the hour of , four o'clock P.M. the Common Council shall meet for the purpose of can~assing the votes cast at such election, and it shallp be the duty of the Municipal Clerk and two members of the Council to be -- appointed by the Mayor ~t suoh meeting to then and there canvass the votes so cast at such election, such oanvass to be made from the tallies so certified by the election judges ;and olerks. After the ./ canvass is so made by the said canvassers, the Common Council shall declare the result of such election and spread the result upon the . minutes of the prooeedings. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION. Seotion 57. The p3raon having the highest number of votes given for eaoh office to be filled shall be declared duly elected, and the Muniolpal Clerk shall immediately notify the person eo ele:ted, and it shall be the ~ty of said MuniCipal Clerk to make out and deltver I to any person so notified a certificate of election, upon request ~ therefore by the person so elected. (18) -U'j3 TIE VOTES. SOlction 38. If any officer 60 voted for shall not be elected by reason of two or more persons having equal and hiiSheat number of votes for one and the same office, the Municipal Clerk shall give notice to the several persons so having the highest and equal number of votes to attend at the office of said Municipal Clerk at a time to be a)pointed by said Manicipal Clerk, who shall than and there proveed before at least two members of the Common Council and publicly to decide by lot which of the persons so having an equal number or/votes shall be declared duly elected, and the said Municipal Clerk shall make out and ieliver to the person thus declared duly elected a certL'icate of election, as hereinbefore proviled. VACA~CY IN THE COUNCIL~ Section 39. In the event ~~t any member has failed to attend the meetings of the Common Council fer a period of ninety continuous days of his term, the ComDon Council may declare a vacancy therein, and the same shall be filled by the Corillno~ Council, the person chosen to ftl1 ( ""'- such vacancy, holdinG until a success~r is elected at the nect annual election and qualified; provided, that a vacancy may also be created by the resignation of any member in writing duly accepted by the Council, and proviied further; that a vacancy shall also be declared if a member die, or if a person elected a member of the Common Council fail or refuse to qualify within thirty jays after his election. In the event of a vacancy in tae any of the manners above named, the vacancy shall be filled by the COmmon C~uncil. / QUALIFICATION OF COUNCILMEN. Seotion 40. No person shall be e1egible as C"'uncilman, or be qualified to act as SUCbf who is not a~~~y registered and quali- fied elector of the TOIVn ~f Seward, Seward, Alaska. (19) I i i I I I I I , 455 SPECIAL ELECTIONS TO FILL VACANCIES IN SC.2(;OL BOARD. Section 41. Special election may be held at any time to fill vacancies in the Se"-ard, Alaska, School Board, -Nhen a vacancy in the membership of said board occurs frofu death, resignation, removal or other cause, provided that ten days notice of the time and place of holding said election and the Officer! o~ officers to be eleoted be given by the remaining member or members of the School Board. Said special election for such purpose, must otherwise as far as the same are applicable be held in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinanoe. QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS OF 2CHCCL BOARD. . Section 42. Every adult person, male or female, who is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his or her intention ~o become such citizen, and who is a bona fide resident of the Seward, Alaska? school district, is e1egible as a member of the Seward, Alaska, school board, either director, treasurer or clerk thereof. OATH OF OFFICE 0 Section 43. All officers elected under this Ordinance, before enterang upon the duties of their office, must take and subscribe, before a person authorized and qualified to administer an ~h in the Terri tory of Alaska, substantially the follo'r.ing oath or a~irmationo RI, , do solemnly e.war (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and that I will SUDport the laws of the Territory of Alaska, and will, to the best of my ability, faithfully and honestly c~~ perform the duties of the office of during my continuance therein, SO HELP ME GOD. COMPENSATION OF ELECTION OFFICERS. Section 44. There shall be allowed and paid by the Town of Seward~ Seward, Alaska, to the several judges and clerks of election provided for in this Oriinance, the sum of six iollars ($6.00) each while holding the elections. (20) 456 ---~~-~--- ------------- - ----- -..------------ ---_.__._~ .- - -- -..------------. /_:- "/ 6.pw~ ~ O/Ltl. ~~- ~ --7 .----c----.--- ====~=====~==~~.=~~~...--... ___ .=='--,:o.c-~=~~~-=~ =--~=-~- ___.._' .______._'_c-.~___ _.__ ___ _..u_'_" - .--.' ....- -------------------------------- -----------~-~-- ---.----.. ---~_._-_.~._------ ----- --------- -_._-,_._-----~ ---- ._---- ---------.-..---- I , =-~ ..---.---------...............---------. _ .________r__..____...._~' ..------~-'- ---~. ------..--...----- ------~ ~-~-~. -- ---' ~.-------,~'-_.__.._.-- ---~------------' ~---~._~---._-_. -"- --_............------~----_.- .-" .-._~-" ---=h:::- -----------.----------- -------_.~----,--_.------_._---_.- ~.~--~--~----~-- ..___-~-H - 457 REPEALING. Section 45. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinanoes inconsistent herewith, and particularly each a~d every part o~ Ordinanoes ,~umber eleven and twelve,of the Town of Seward, passed and approved I on the third day of February, 1913, are hereby repealled. TIME OF TAKING EFFECT. This Ordinanoe shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its passage and approval. Passed under suspension of the rules and approved by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Seward, Alaska,This 7 t!i.-day of February, 1916. 4: G:{. ~ue. Presiden of t Com~cn Council and ex-cfficio ~yor of Seward,Alaaka. ATTEST: .{~ - /'tTI~l Cl8rk.- t i, (21) :'"---- r=== 459 _..~ -~,----.~_._._._- --.--._--------_._--< _.------*-,------ ? i ~ I ; Un1t~4 St~tA8 ot Am~T1o~ ) ( 88. Tf1Tr'Hory ot AJA8k1l.. , RobArt OWtst. bA1na f1rst duly 8worn. 'iIllP08..8 lU14 sqs; that hfll i8 thfll duly ~ppointl'ld. qu~1t1"d ~d acttna Ch1Af ~ POlio" ortha~ Town ot 8A1ffU"d. Al.wk.... th...t 0:11 thA ,t!; do"", ot ~ -."..' 1'" he o~ltd to b.1'I po'~'''' IUlf dhd14 p.reOlMl1t l1' ~Oit:, tJ"lle oop!.. . tbA with1l1 or.. tnqc 1'1 0 ~1"2" 0 t _ To.m 0 l!5f1w-.r..., ......uu, ...t thTfUt pu\)J.10 plAofle 111 sdot '10_ ot s.nr""'d, Aluk..., Y1Z; OnA 1n tront ot th.. Co1.Alllul Rou... on" ...10 10M tront ",oor ot th- 'lown kll, and OnA on the 'b\&1141nc on 'ourth AT"UUA ooeup11'1d b,y thA Un1tltd 8t...t88 Oommie.ion.r. ~ ~~<.,,,.. . Sl,lbecr1bflld and .worn to bAtOJ'ft ... thia 1 /l;: ~ ot p~, 19ut. - ~~--~ , )l'ot~ ftn4 tor thA 'lArritory ot AlukA,Tfla141r;& It.t "'1MI"f.. \ \ I \ ! I "T I II I fl r , II I , i , I ., I I ! i I II , ,I