HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-046 ! 6:l ORDINANCE NO. 46. ., n-.~......."=... "~-V-':..._-'"'.,~ ;I AN OHDINANCE FIXING THE SALAHIFS OF THF 0FFICR'PS OF THE TOWH CF SE~ARD, TFPPITORY OF ALA'0KA. *** .; BE IT ORDAI'JED by the Cowmon C;ouncil of the To'rm of ,; Seward, Alaska. The officers of +.he Town of 8e~ard, Alaska, hereinafter . , named, shall be allowed and ~~j the compensation and salary during the term of the present Council, and until their Bucces- ~ors ~re elected and qualify, as follows, viz; ,.,....., Munioipal Clerk $50.00 Per month :....:>..=:::::~'":=;; Municipal Magistrate 25.00 II II Municipal Attorney 50.00 " II Health Officer Chief of 'Police 25.00 " " 12fi.OO " " "'::;:.::::'-:::-.::7P' Fire Chief 125.00 " II City Engineer II " Patrolman 100.00 " II iJ , Treasure 5C.CO" II Each of said salaries shall be raid out Cf the General , ., 'I :f ! ; Fund of the said Town of Seward, on the firot re(;;ular meetinC night of each month, upon arproval b~' the Cornmon Council and order upon the Clerk to issue ":arl'anta therefor j and the Clerk is hereby instructed and directed to draw such Warrant,a aocord- ingly upon the Treasurer of of said Salaries, monthly. Said. Town of Seward for the amounta All Ordin~nceB or rarta of Orctinancea in conflict herewith are , upon approval 0: the ~rC:i.yor. hereby repealed. Thia Ordinace ahC:i.ll take effect immediately ~- . ,---,,:It: j . ; Passed and Ar>proved by the Common Council of the Tnn of Seward, Alaska, this 17th Day of April, 1916. ~'.ay-or of C. A. ~!'yers. the Town of Seward, Alasia. Attest: O. H. Poehlmann. Municipal Clerk. '! .1. '''.1....) ''::~''. .. ---,.....~' <C .i " I I ;1 II rl ( ! ~ ! . . _._+-~ 4{)(i , I ! I I-J ~ r;PDr :7 Po. "rI,1 C 1':"' >,r,.., /1 I ~ ~. ~~_. r~"; ('T' ~I-- .i~,:r "":::: i7'I}~I"\'rr; :.-'E~~ SlJ-,L~ !~? or ~EE OF:,'! CEPS 0F rriIrr: T07;:~ OF (~'t,'1";-^.p""" rr't'"~'!:'Irrrf~'::'r n~ fr mlC""I'.r~ '-J".,J J...~. .....1, .. _ .. .. _ .....J,t;j.... ........ , ::~ ~rr ~F"t"\^.I"::'::7i ~~r t:.i.e r:c~:.. on ~ou:tlcil To',~m of (,f .f..h~ \"I.......... 2e ,'..:ix.i, Il2...s> a. ~::J o:-"r'i:ero of the To \Tl 0: .~~;~f--:cd) }~l~B::~) hereinafter I, Ii II I Ii Y"~~l~~~~"l ';;1:;;...11 ~JC J,.":" o,'~ei ~..nd 1:a1<1 the .Jcr:l~.cns~tiQn ~ild S:.ll~l'Y ,-:u:rin.:; the terl.l of the preGent Council, 8.r,d until tteir succes- ~r:e e l~.:.~ teJ ~jHl c..1:.~1:t fy; r..s fr:o 11 o\ve" (). S (J '"7" .b~' iJ ~. :;- /:}t. -n~ 6........ >" tic" :J..:J ;-;. ,.<- ) 2~- . tIC )~~1f. sora viz; I' f er ..~~C!l th I .' :Iun i c il:'5.1 Clt;rk, a II # " " v- II II ,/ II II ,-) ..,; II II ".,> \J ~, II II 's[ '4,tj, I "J \1., \ II II :s (.) : 'ut, i;; i~:...1 :'~;istl:..:.t.:, :.:ti:1i,;: i.l" 5.1 Ltt.orne~' , E,~~ltl~... Cfri:e=~ Stief of ~'1;li~e, Fire Chief) I, II City Engineer 1 '" :?;;.. t::: cL.:::n, / tJ () -;; 1- _ III' "'h.t4.u~~. 60~ ~c~c~ o~ a~1~ ~?'~r1~a ~~~11 -~ ~- ~ ~--~ ~~-~ --~ Q....~- ~~:;! P5.U. out of tr.e G.e:'1_era.l Fund c: the said TO'I,rn 0: 8~.'fc..rd.; or. t:;.e firt>t reSL~lc...r rneetirrlg nj.[ht cf each r.;onth, '.1::0:'1 ::.;..... :'oval '-:,:r t;:a Co:;,;'. en Council ~d order upon the Clerk to ii;.,Jue ',.:....::::::<:..r:t" the:::8fcrj Clerk "\ :<"' -~ J_~ 0. Q.~.._ l~......, is hereby instructed &nd directed to ir~~ auet t~rr~nte Qecord- I I 1 ingly upon the Tre5.surer of said Town of fe~:....rd for the <:..u.ounte of said 38.1aries, :;:onthly. "7'RT""III! All O;cdin~nces ex ...::~~~to cf OZ'~in~~IO~s ir: c~;ilict/are hereby re:i,:eded. Thi~ OrJ.ir;~nc(;' sh8.ll tale effect L!l;.,ed.la.tely =41= ' upon "-:rr'roval of the ;,;;;;.yor. F<:..ssed ",.nd A11"::;:ro'le:5. 0:' the Ccr[.;;,on Coun;;il of the Town of , SeYiard, Alaska, this q.~o..;;;.y of April, lS13. , I ! I, o' j: A~proved this ____ day 0: April. ~916. '. ""or -{j;/O.i-~' ~qe 'rro~J1Jij. .O<'~'.~""' A'_c,.sl..a. ''-", ............ ~J6o:.. J....c,Vi."k....'.,.!..> __ A i 11 ..... ! I .,