HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-047 r 'I t~; I t) J..i.', v J " l; ORDINANCE NO. 47. AN ORDINANCE CREATING TBE OFFICE OF CITY F.NGINFWRj PRESCRIB- ING DUTIES OF sUlm OFFICER. AND OTHER MATTER RFLATPm THI'RETO. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward Territory of Alaska. SECTION 1. There is hereby created the office of CITY ENGINEER for the Town pf Seward, Alaska. SECTION 2. The said CITY ENGINEER shall be elected bv the Common Council according to the rules governing auch body, and ahall hold office only for such period as may be designated by this and future Common Councils, and in no instance shall such term or period extend beyond the lifetime of the electing Council. SECTION t. The said City En~ineer ahall perform all duties in the line required of Civil Engineers i~ other Municipaltiesj shall, at the request of the Common Council, or the standing committees there- of, make all surveys for public imrrovements, establish Srades, run lines, establish monuments, estimate cost of contemplated improve- ments and make plans and draw specifications necessary to such im- provements, and shall do all other things required by the Common Council as shall be of a nature requiring his services. SECTION 4. The said City Engineer shall receive as compenea~n for his services required hereunder, the sum of One- hundred seventy- five dollars (~l75.00) per month, which said sum shall be in full for all services rendered during any calendar month. SECTION 5. The said City Engineer shall have such help, from time to time, as the r.ommon Council shell d.~tp.rmine, and no other. The compensation of such helpers to be placed by the Common Conncil and paid for upon vouchers properly approved by said City Engineer. If at any time the said City ~ngineer shall reVlire additional help, and it should not be ex?edient for the Common Council to make the order therefor, then in that event the Mayor shall have the pewer tb authorize auch employment. ' SECTION 6. Any person, persons, association or corporatiQn desir- ing aurvey of lots or runninb of lines to be done by the City En- gineer, may require the services of auch Engineer by making aprli- cation to the Municipal Clerk therefor. Upon such application being received by the said Clerk, he shall transmit auch informat~on as will give the Engineer the necessary datta therefor. In su~~a6e the Engineer shall, if other duties required by the Ttiwn shall not be retarded, make auch survey, or run such lines, and for such services shall charge the applicant the price contained in a schedule to be approved by the Common Council and filed in the office of 'fhe Clerk. Uron nlakin; application as 'herein provided, the applicant shall de- posit with the Clerk a sum not lesa thaD Ten dollars (~lO.OO) to cover the cost of such survey. All charges made for services.-Qf Engineer to be paid to Treasurer. However, should the ~n0ineer not be able to make the survey within reasonable time, he shall ao inform the Clerk who shall at once notify the applicant and return the money deposited. This Section shall in no way prohibit the said CityEngineer from making any survey done upon his own time, after the ordinary days work being performed for the Town. '- , PASSED and PROVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, this 24th day of April, ISla. Approved by me this 24th day of April, 1916. i Attest: C. A. 1-!yers. Mayor. O. H. Poehlmann. Municipal Clerk. ~ \, ,0t6iIf1 .~ ~',uL ~ N O. -"1-. , A'NORDINANC!: CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER; l'Rl:SCRtJ-; ,ING DUTIES OF SUCH OFFICER, A.1.JD OTHER MATTERS RELA':t'ING TliERETO. BE IT ORDAINED 'by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, 'Terri tory of Alaska. .alettON'S. ''!'here 18 hereby created the office of CITY ENGINEER for ~'1'Own of Seward, Alaska. 2. The said CITY ENGINEER shall be elected by the Common aocording to th, rules governing suoh body, and .hall hold only tor .uoh perlod as may be de8ignated by this and future , :~G~Qn Couno111, and in noinstanoe shall such term or period extend ;~.Jond the l1fet1lWle of the electing Counail. The said Oi ty Engineer shall perform all duties in the ltn. required of Civil'Engineers in other Munivipal1 ties; Shall, ~t" . , t.lls'l'equut of the COlnmon Counoil, or the standing oommi ttees ther..... .ot, ':1Ia:ke all. ''U1''Vey. for pUblic improvements, establish grades, r~ '~tne.;utablhh monUments, eetimatecost of contemplated Itl1prove- .ti11 a.r1d:ma.ke pl'ane and draw specifications necessary to suoh im- rovetnentl', andtha.ll do all other things required by the Common shall be of a nature reqUiring his services. The laid City Engineer shall receive as compensation.; required hereunder, the .um of One hundred leventy~ 'd'ollU' ($1:15.00) per month, whioh said sum shall be in :r\b.l '0 "" rendered during any calendar month. ,-'" '; . The .aid City Engineer shall have suoh help, from time the Common Council shall determine, and no other. The of .uoh helpers to be placed by the Common Counoil ~d (I.) r I I' ! I ~ I I I I I I I I .~. upon vouchers properly approved by said City Enginae~. If ,":;:' ~" >it any time the said City Engineer shall require additional help, .~ it should not be expedient for the Common Council to make the lir;,,; cider therefor, then in that event the Mayor shall have the power. ~. authorize suoh employment. Seotion 6. Any pe~&on;persons, assooiatlon or oorporation desir- ing survey of lots or running of lines to be done by the City En- S.;Ilee.J,', may aCQ,uire the services of &1lI.oh Engineer by ma.king....pplt-.. J>,fl. Oat1on to the Municipal Clerk therefor. Upon such applioationbe1~. " reoeived by the said Clerk, he shall transmit suoh information as 'U11: give the Engineer the neoes$ary data therefor. In suoh case tht tnglneer shall, if other duties required by the Town shall not be ','0' '''. ~"&rded,'make 8Uoh survey, or run such lines. and for such ser~1o..' ...n. oharge the applioant the' prioe oontained in a sohedule toba' ~roved by the Common Counoll and fUed in the office of the Clerk; 'tJp?~ma.king applioation as herein provid.ed, the applioant sha.l1 ~; '.' 1. twi th the Clerk a .sum not leas than Ten d~llars ($lO .00) to o <Marges made for servioes of Enginfler to be paid to Treaeurer. I theoost of suoh. surv~z.( Howev.~3;' ~ should tlie engineer nO.t be , to make the survey within reasonable time, he shall so Inform ~~', ~' ,.' . I, >,"~ t.... . . C~erk, who shall at onoe notify the applioant ~d return the ~~'., . . ~ ell de);?osi ted. This Seotion shall in no way prohibit the sa.id Cit, from making any survey 'doneupon his own time, after the days work being performed for the Town. PASSED and APPROVED by the Common Council of the Town of Alaska, this 24th day of Ap~il, 1916. Approved by me this 24th day of April, 1916. . {;.o- (Jtij~.' Mfyr. I, I' . >-.:...*,~:n:2~;..:,.. 'r~ '" ~;,_,,',.,:_ , ~r"'" ~~~.-,--' . ,_ ._'. ,_";" " "; l\;'i"'r.'l.":ij~~.:~~i_~'$~~'{r\'i;'~~;~'~~;!D~~'''' ~,,~~~:;~~.~y'~' -;; "t .~ ;': , ;~ 1 ,. i:j .J ',- .... .. , ;'~! .:~; 1 .~ "' 1 .~ .';'i': -",.>t :(i ~~ ";.i ,1 "'~ j :;i ~ ~ .~ 'fi " J i