HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-048 ORDHl'ArCE 1m. 48. An Ordinance providing fOT the improvement of Sixth Avenue from Railway Avenue to Adame Street, by placing & ten (10) foot plank sidewalk on the west side thereof, and providing for payment of sallie by assessment upon the abutting lot~ or parcels of land. BE IT ORDAlr~D by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska. SECTION 1. That Sixtb Avenue, in the said Town of Seward be illl- proved from Railway Avenue to Adams Street, by constructing a plank walk thereon, on the west side thereof, according to the plana anJ. specifications nOIT nCIT file in the office of the City Fngineer. p.ECTJOn ~ ". That the said Construction ti~Lll te d~ne by contract, under the supervieion of t:he City Fngineer '/ilho shall at all times :.:= ~ co-operate with the Street C'~tt~e., SECTION 3. That an assessment be levied and collfcted from the owners of the abut+,ing lots or :-,arce1fl of' l,lnd as rrovided. by Ordi- nance to defray the cost and expence of a~id improveruent, ~hich said assessment and levy made thereunder, ,shall be a lien upon tLe prop- erty liable therefor. PASSED AND A'PpnVED by the COlfJflJOn ("ouncil t;hie 15.1h..-_ day of May, 1916, Approved by me this 15th day of I:ay, 1216. = C. A. ~{yer8. I':a;;or. Jlttest: O. H. Poehlmann. }~uniciral Clerk. , r 46S 'I 11 r Ii ,I " I, :1 I' II II II II II : I II , I I iI II " I II " II r II I' " q il :' , !I II 'I I ~ II " II i , q Ii :1 I 'I :! I I I, Ii 'I I il II II I I! : ! ~~/6~ -/fJ~ ~ ~/C-d. ~ P' -aL-a LJ I I dZ- yf; ~ a. i ~<-~ ~ ~! , I I ,I :1 " I Ii :1 I 1\ ~ I ; , II II ~ I !I i' I i I I' ,I :1 " Ii , II Ii " ;1 I , , , I: Ii ~ I , 'i Ii ii Ii il " I 11 11 l=r :1 :1 il ' I [I I II I :1 " II II :1 !I i , " :1 : , I I , :I II i " , I, I 'I !l II II !I : j :1 :1 ' . , I II 'I II " ~ ! I I 'I II I I, ~- ... 1'\ '"' \..... }:"'':.. D I':: A ;T C '~ ..~ ~.: / I ~ -7Q---_. L~ 'ird.iHance .~l>ovLUn;; lor t:le in:~-l'"Ov:J~M_;::::.t 01 ~i..:t~l A":T~.""'l":3 .... .......,.-... from H;:..i1:,'ra:' Avenue to Ai;:..r::s 2tre0t, '0:' .:la.:in.: '2.. tan (10) foot )lc..nk s1de',valk on tee ',vest side thereof, <:me.. ;::;1'ovid1n3 for pa.yment of ee..n:e by a.sses3::._~e:1.t upon t:1e ;:;):uJ;"tin; lots or ~':~J:Jels of la...Yl.~. ____~',r.~I'/1 11_______ BE IT OHDAI;TED ':Jy +"',n~ ...;,i,...oJ Co~~_on Oou:'1C 11 of the mf"\,,,.~.ti .1...... _.J. of Se'N2..ri, Terl~i tor:r of Alaska.. 31".; C T I i)~T 1. T:1a.t Sixth Avenue, i::1 t:1e sail TO';!11 of Se7Tard be im- proved fror.: Hailway Avenue to Adana '?treet, b:' :onetructin:; a plank walk thereon, on the ~est side tter~of, aCJoriin~ to tt,j,e ~:.l~na .c--.~..~ _.'1-~ specifications ~ow on file in the office of t~e City En;ines=. eEOTIon 2. T:J.at the said. \JCT..st:.e,J.,c ~ iv~"i .;i~:~ll "be \.~~on!e ~JY con.tr;;...ct, l..md.er tl1e 6up<:3:::v1sion of t:1c 81 ty R:';;;i-.eel' (no 6::",11 .;;.t all tir:les fJ.o-o)erate '.~;it~ the 2,tre.et CCll~1"itt3.J. S?:CTI :j7T 3. Ths.t ~'1. as,ae.33:':L~r:t '":)e 1,:;;viecL anJ wollected :from the ownera of the abutt1'lS lots 0:' l:a:::Jel.;; O~? l""-nj, a6 ,p:covLleJ. '')y Ordi- nance to defre..y the cost and ex:~e:1a.; ~ id i t OJ: sa !':;~::"OYe~..~6n J 'v-hleh said assessr.:ient ~nd. li3vy made th:):ce~u.nct~r ~ .sl1s.11 be u.. llEF1. "..lr:on tr..e ;;ro~)- erty li~ble therefor. PA2SED and P)?"':'G~~~D ,:y t:1e OO1.;:,.on Council this /~ ___. th, ciay of ?l~y, 1916. ,a. A~:::rove\:l b~' nle this L2- da.y of :=~;r ~ 1916. ~~.ttest"~' - t i .'1. '- , ;'_.101pa1- .Lerk. j"Al,.,..- -6 Q ))I-tt !-1 (. - - -~-;-. - - ---1'-- --_...-- ."":' or , r . AFFIDAVIT OF POSTIHG ORDINAlTCE,. Territory of Alaska,< Third Juiicial division. ~ ss. Robert Guest, town ,,;arshal of the town cf Se':vard,Alaska, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he posted three copya of the ordinance to which this affidavit is attached on the 15th. day of August 1916, as follows,one copy at the Coleman Hotel,one copy at the Pioneer Hall and one copy at the Fire Hall, all of said Places being a public place in the town of Seward in the Territory of Alaska. (RI-!,~"I ~. ~>~~-/~/ ~. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 2sd day of September A.D.1916. ~4'l. C.€- "l.- '--- ,^-. e'f.eriitory or-AIasKa. ires Nov.20th.1917. h.::"