HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-050 D... - OED I:: J ~WE Ho. $0 --.-_. AN".ORDPTAUct PP.OVIDDT0 FOP TBF' I"P!'0V",T'FlTT (1"' p.:r,py"" ~'I'nF""'T. E ,,~' THE T01'i':,: r:F SEwAP.I' ]J, LP, ~T(J,?Y C'PADJ:?G !~:f\ LP'Tn;:"' f. '" If'r;::'"'J, LT~ 0" A P P RT b~ THEREOF PND Fe,!, '::'PTI' .ApnFTIC::'T"C: THF CC'C'T !'PT,'pT'nF AH~ TP-::: PAy:tl;'~:T OF TPF 8A!.f.E. BE IT ORDAInm,BY THE COFFON COnNCIL OF TPE TOmp C'F 8EwPFD.A.LP"?K.A:& Seetlon ( 1 ) Tha,t Adams ~treet ~in the to'sn of Sewd.rd.Alaska. be in-,- proved by grading and laying a rlank Side Walk on t1~e north side ttereof fro~ the Fast line of Fourth Avenue thence East to the ~eBt line of the Alaska IJorthern Rail Boad crossins; on said street, sa.id gradint; and laying of the sidewalk shall be done according to and in compliance with the Flans,plat,profile and specification. therefor made by the City enZineer and now on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Section ( 2 ) That said iffiprovements shall be made by two separate contract;!ll of the grading shall be done by one contract.~j~ the con- atruction of the sidewalk,including all material for same,shull be in- cluded in onene contract,each of said contract shall be seperately awarded by the common council of the Town of Seward,Alaska. Section ( 3 ) The oost of the improvements shall be paid for acoording . to the terms of the contract entered into between the To',m of Seward and the contractor or oontractors; Two thirds of the co~t, and'expen~of said iffiprove~ents shall be apportioned and assessed to and levey of a tax aganst the abuting property and collected as other taxes are oollected and shall be a lein upon said property until paid;exoept, the Harriman National Bank may at its own expen~lay a c&ment side walk infront of its property and the town of Seward will reemburse said bank to the amount of one third of what the wooden walk in front of its froperty would have cost and no more. This ordinanoe shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and al)proval by the mayor. Pa.ssed and approved this Att.~ ,un pa 6lerk. - lith. iay of June 1916. if). tcL.J.J7f-F~- ~r ~ .. I) T'rr1~ory of Alaska, I Th1rd Jud101al Divis10n. .s. Robert Gue.t being flrst duly sworn on,oath,deposos and .ays tha.t b 18 the town IIl&rsha.l of the town of Seward Alu.k&"th& on the 28th day of June 1916 be posted. true oopy. of ordinanoe No... 'Whlob 1. the ordinanoe to whloh this affidavlt 18 attaohe,ln thr., p*~lio plao.. in the town of Seward.,Alaska,one of .ald oOPY' he po*ted at the Goleman Hotel,one oOPY at The Ploneer Building, and one at the Fire Hall. ~, d);J./ C ' II Y ,1./<-f...!'V/ ~ /, .' ,'~ .?f- .... -..,. SUbaorlb,d. and .worn to before me this the l.t. day of July l.~. rtJ1 , .. /' Not,r;. ~6~iio' i{;:i\h~ .tel:;i~orYotii~lta. My,~..lon exp1res Nov. 20th. 1918. r I i ~ i";"~ ORDI~ANCE NO. 50. AN ORDINANr.E PROVIDING FOR THF IMPROVEMENT OF ADAMS STREET, in THE TOWN OF SEW~RD ALASYA, BY GRADING AND LAYING A SIDEWALK ON A PART THEREOF AND FOR THE APORTTONING OF THE COST THEREOF AND THF PAYMENT OF THE SAME. BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE C()MMON COUNCn OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASYA: Section (1) That Adama Street, in the town of Seward, Alaska, be im- proved by gradin~ and laying a plank Side Walk on the north side thered from the East line of Fourth Avenue thenoe East to the west line of the Alaska Northern Rail Road crossing on said street, said grading and laying of the sidewalk shall be done aooording to and in compliance with the plans, plat profile and specification, therefor made by the City Engineer and now on file in the offioe of the Municipal Clerk. Seotion (2) That said improvements shall be made by two seperate oontract; All the grading shall be done by one oontract, the oont- struction of the sidewalk, including all material for same, shall be in- cluded in one contract, eaoh of said oontraot shall be seperately awarded by the CoronIon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska. S!ction (3) The cost of the improvemen;s s~all be pai~~ocording totthe terms of the contract entered into between the !cwn of Seward and the oontractor or contractors; Two thiras of the cost and expense of ~ said improvements shall be apportioned and assessed to^levey of a tax against the abu~ng property and collected as other taxes are colleoted and shall be a lien upon said property until paid; except, the Harriman National Bank may at its own expense lay a cement .1de walk infront of its property and the town of Seward will reemburee said 'ba:n'k to the amount of one third of what the wooden walk in front of its property would oost and no more. This ordinance shall be in foroe and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. Passed and approved this 10th, day of June 1916. C. !.: Myers. 'Ma~rcr Attest: O. H. Poehlmann. Municipal Clerk~