HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-052 ~ ORDINANCE NO.~~ AN ORDINANCE providing for the construction of a sewer in the A~la, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues and providinf for the payment of oost of same and for other purposes. BE IT ORDAINED by the common council of the town of Seward,Alaska. Seotion (l)That a Sewer be constructe on the Alley between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue in the town of Seward Alaaka;Said sewer to commence seventy seven feet North of the North line of Adams Street in the alley betfleen F~~th and. Sixth Avenues and run thenoe South along said Alley orossing Adams Street and oontinuing South in said Alley to and aorost Railroad Avenue and thenoe South to an opening in Resurection Bay. Section (2) That said Sefler shall be constructed according to and in compliance 'vi th the plans and specification Nhich have been approved by the council and are onfile in the office of the City Enginee~. <... Section (3) That said Sewer shall be constructed by contrat to be awarded by the common council,contractor furnishing all supplies, material and labor and must be approved by the council befor paid fo~ Seotion (4)The contractor shall be paid as frovided in the oon- tract entered into between him and the town of Seward,but the cost of said improvement must be asoertained,and two thirds of the cost and expens thereof shall be assessed propata aganst and taxed to the property abutin~ upon said improvement and oollected as other taxes on Realestate are colleoted,and shall be a lien upon said -------- 1{;,s (1 1Ia.,} ~ E/;m,',.A.fe. d>') In _j/~,. ." h\uTiroq ~t .J"w"\(l,"J..,,~~ property until paid. Seotion (5) That in addition to the bond required ty ordinanoe of contractors the contractor shall furnish an additional,indemnifying bond indemnifyine; the town of se,vard aganst da~'ge 01' damages 1 t m-lght sustain on account of the careless of the contractor or his to use the necessary precaution,or on aocount of negligence of the contractor. by the common oouncil and approved June 26th 1916. Mayor. -6. Q r Attest W;Z--V Municipal r Affidavit of posting Ordinance. Robert Guest being first duly sworn on oath states that he posted a oopy of the foregoing ordinanoe in three public plaoes in the tOlvn of Seward Alaska,that he posted one Copy ~t the Coleman House,one oopy at the Pionerr Hall and one copy at the Fire Hall,eaoh in Seward Alaska.. That eaoh oopy of said ordinanoe was posted on the 26th day of June A.D.19l6. d?~d /i<t:/4L"1 Subsoribed and sworn to No My /~:'il ,~ -'~""-~._.._. ~ ~!' ,Ult' ORDINANCE NO. 52. AN ORDIN.A:-:rr-E providing for the construotion of a sewer in the Ally between Fifth anu Sixth Avenues and providing for the payment of cost of same and for other purposes. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common r-ouncil of the Town of Seward, Alaska. Section (1) That a sewer be constructed on the Alley between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue in the Town of Seward Alaskaj Said sewer to oommence seventy seven feet North of the North line of Adcums Street in the alley between Fiftb and Sixth Avenues and run thence South along said alley c0rossing Adams Street and continuins South in said alley to anJ. across Railroad Avenue anJ. thenoe South to an opening =l in Resurrection 3ay. Seotion (2) That said Sewer shall be construct~d according to and in oompliance with the plans and specifications w~ich have been appr~ved 4 by the oouncil and are on file in the office of the City Engineer. Section (3) That said Sewer shall be oonstucted by contract to be awarded by the Common Council, contractor furnishing all supplies, material and laGor anJ. must be approved by the council before paid for Seotion (40 The oontractor shall be paid as provided in the 00.- tract enterej into between him and the Town of Seward, but the Coat of said improvement must be aS0ertain,d" and two thirds of the oost and expense thereof shall be assessed propata against and taxed to the property abu~ng upon said improvement and collected as other taxes on Realeatate are oolleoted, and shall be a lien upon said property until paid. 1",'<, t'. \ 0\'--'.')1:. contractors the contr.aotor . I' " ~.. I h1/l;(j I Q'~l ~-"1 - 1 I jD ;'\ Cl Section (5) That in addition to the bond required by ordinance of shall furnish an additional indemnifying .- ond indemnifying the town of Seward against damage or damages ft might sustain on aocount of the carele~s of the contractor or his to use the necessary precaution, or on ac~nt of negligenoe part of the contraotor. Passed by the Common Council and approved June 26th 1916. C. A. Myers Mayor. Attest: _0. H. Poehlmann Municipal Clerk.