HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-054 r -l~t ORDINANCE NO. 54. An ordinanr,e porviding for the improvement of Seoond Avenue in the Town of Reward, AlaRka by construoting a 8i~ew~lk on a rart thereof, provid.ing for the paYPlent of the same and fur other purposes. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the Town of ~eward in the Territory of Alaska. ( 1 ) That a sidewalk, six feet in width be construoted on the East side of Second Avenue from the south line of Adams Street to the North line of Washington Sreet and on the West side of Second Avenue fro~ the South end of the aidewdlk now conatrueted in front of the School Building South to the North line of Wa8hi~gton Street and also on the West side of said Seoond Avenue from the South line of Washington Street South to the North line of Railroad Avenue; That the cost thereof be ascertained on e~ch pioa of sidewal~ and apportioned and two thirds ther~ assessed to and taxed against the various abu!ting property, abutting upon that riece of sidewalk and oolleoted as other taxes assessed against the realeatate. That the cost of s~id improvement be advanc~d by the Town of Seward out o~ the general fund. That said vonatruot1on shall be let by contraot, either in one or more different oontraot, i~ the descreftion of the Common Cauncil. Passed and approved this 2bh day of July A. D. 1916. Affidavit of Posting Ordinanoe. Robert Guest, being first duly Si'mrn on oath deposes and says, that he did on the fourth day of Aus~st 1916.post a copu of the foregoing ordinanoe at three public places in the tOiVIl of 2e','rar:l Alaska,that he posted on copy at the Fire Hall,one copy at the Pioneer Hall and one Copy at the Coleman House,all in I) / I (/ r:9-I.", ~ .T [ Se7Tard Alaska. , 'x , " -L ( ./.V . 7__ _ __,_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 4th day of August 1916. .".< 'l /' l, J {{ <..~':: /.~:::. ~{_V~(.L "-- L'L 1 -~T_- No r _ b c or th ~o~n OL Sewar~ ~~a. Myoorrrniseion exr.ire nov.20th.1S'16. r 4H"2 - , ~ ----. -- - -----. .------. '.\;j Ordinanc~ }To. .? ~ / ;:;J-L,J An ordini:Jnoe :..;rovid,inc:; for "';ree ilt.1.l'CVeJi:ent of SecCTlll Avenue int the town of "e':.[ar,l A.laska by co"st::,'uctin: a '?iJ.em:dk er, a fart thereof ,l~rovLlinG for the ray"cent of tl-,e Sc'[[:; o.n,l feI' other .1.urroses. ~ Je it orddineJ. by the Corrrr.on~ouncil of tte Town cf 8eNard in the Territory of Alaska. ( 1 )That a side;valk.six feet in ;,Nidth "oe constructel on the East side of Second Avenue froffi tree south line of Adaffis Street "';0 tl1e north line of r'ashin..;tcn"'treet an,l 01: tile Test sU,e of Secon:l Avenu fro!:': the Soutt end. of the sile:;alk nO'i cons tl'lJ.Ctel in l:,'cr:t of tl's "c1:001 ;;uilJin;s Couth to the I~OI'th line of ~~2.8hinc.t(n "tl'eet aYl,1 ,.,,18e on the ;"est sile of 88.ii 8econJ Avenut fro", tf:e f,outh line of :"~shinstc:1 8treet South to the !:orth line of Rdilroad Avenue;That the cost thereof te (tNO thirds thereof) ascertainecl on each riece of sLlevalk ;;.nel "'L,orticneJ J.ni/clssessed t:: and. taxed. 5...;anst the various J.~)util:::; Iro:;:,ert,3.'/ltin:; uI'on tbat Ileae of sideN~~.lk .:inJ oollected ~i.,d ether td,xes aaSe138sJ d,c;e"nst the r.3alestb..te. Th~t the cost of f~(:Li(l In~rrOV8Lent :'C: 3.:1Vc..T":.C2 by t!'2 tc. ,'::: cf Ses~rd. out of tte ~ener~l fund.. That said con8t~ucticn shall be let by aontr~ct,either in one or more d.ifferant contract,in the jisoret:'..CYl of t1:,e 0o:uwn 0ouncil. Passed and a~}roved this M- ,'" +'h ,'~.., \'.: T"'\ C,... v..8 , . ,,1.e':' of "'I! '.. A.".lc..lo. () -u) ~J )/!Z-/f,J <------ , tl Atteot ~~'!-I'''AA_6<< ...un lI,al ,,It::rk. cc,-- ~ >, iii' '-