HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1916-056 ~' R ~ r'': a.k.t. fe'1 o ~D ":;:>102-- ORDIlaNCE NO. b(9 An ordinance granting to the United States of America a franchise to occupy a part of Railway Avenue for railroad purJ.:Oses, laying tracks and switches thereon, and closing the same from other traffic. BE IT ORDA:rnED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKAl Section (1) That the United States of .America is hereby granted a franchise for an easemst for a period of fifty (50) years over that :part of Railway Avezme in the town of Seward, Alaska, hereinafter more tully described, aDd now oooupied by the Alaska Northern 1la.1lway, for railroad purposes, granting the right and permitting the said United States of America to use the same for the laying of railroad tracks and switches thereon and using the same for general railroad purposes. The said tract is more :fUlly described as followSl COlllDenc1ng at a point on the southerly line of Railw8i'/ Avenue dist ant 50 feet 1m asured westerly at right angles from a po int on the surveyed center line of the Alaska Northern Railway, at or near Engineer's Survey Station "L" 14 . 95.0; thence northeasterly parallel to and 50 feet fran the said center line of the Alaska Northern Bailw~, 105 feet more or less to its intersection with the easterly line of the alley through Block 6 produced souther~; thence northerly along the said easterly line of the alley produced, 50 feet more or lells, to the northerly line of Railw~ Avenue; thence mrtheasterly along the said northerly line of Railw~ Avenue and following the curvature thereof, 225 feet more or le88, to the mrtheast corner of said Block 6; thence easterly 15 feet more or less, along the sO\ltherly line of Adams Street produced across Railway Avenue to its intersection with the westerly line of the right of w~ of the Alaska Northern Ra.ilw~, being also the easterly 11m of Survey No. 726 S.; thence southerly along the said westerly 11ne of the right of w~, 135 feet more or less to its intersection with the southerly line of Railway Avenue; thence southwesterly aloni]the southerly line of Railway Avenue, and following the curvature tb:lreof, 270 feet more or less, to the place of conmencement, and embracing all that part of Railwa;y Avenue as shawn in yellow on the blueprint attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section (2) Th&t paid part of Railway Avenue as described above is hereby closed to ordinary traffic and street purposes. Section (3) It is hereby expressly provided that in case the said United States shall at BJ:J:3 time before the termination of this franchise abandon said tract of land above described, or cease to use the same for a period of om (1) year, or shall use it exclusively for some other purpose than herein stated, then this franchise shall become void and of '-._--_._-_.~..- r no effect, and said tract of land shall be again open for traffic to the pt1blic. That an anergel'lOY exists, and this ordinal'lOe shall be in full foroe and effect from and af'ter its passage and approval. Passed by the Comon Council and ~roved by the Mayor, and attested by the 1laniclpal Clerk this the I (o t~y of October, 1916. -r.{/, e-), >Jkfv2/0. / Ma;yor. Attest: \~cU,L(AAA ~ , Munic lpa.l Clerk. ~_ ,. ,~r7i;"""',,_. ~,,'f".'''_'~.. ~._... .~~r~,1i.t.Ir>;;{~""""~"'" ".Y''''' ,.... , '''';..''~....,-m'1''_''I!''.''''' ,~.. - j ... ,~ iJl. ," : ~ ORDINANCE NO . 56..... . An ordinanoe ~ranting to the United States of Amerioa a franchise to oocupy a part of F~ilway Avenue fer railroad rurpoaes, layjng traoks and switches thereon, and olosing the same from other traffic. BE IT ()RDATNFD BY 'P-1'E aOMMON COUNCIL OF' THE TOl"N C'F SEWARD, ALASKA: 77 Seotion (1) That the United States of Ame:ica is hereby gr&.nted a. franchise for an easement for a period of fifty (50) years over that part of 'ailway Avenue in the town of Seward, Alaska, hereinafter more fully desoribed, and now occupied by the Alaska Northern Railroad, for railroad purposes, granting the right ana permitting the said United States of America to use the same for the laying of railroad tracks and switches thereon and using the same for general railroad purrosea. The said tract is more fully desoribed CA ~~llowe: Commencing at a r0~~t o~ the ecutherly line of Bailroad Avenue distant 50 feet measured westerly at right angles froma point on the surveyed center lineof the Alaska Northern Railway, at or near Engineer's Station "L" 14 · 95.Qj thenoe northeasterly parallel to and 50 feet from the said center line of the Alaska Northern Railway, 105 feet more or leas to its interseotion with the easterly line of the alley through Block 6 rrcduoed southerly; thence northerly along the said easterly line of the alley produced, 50 feet more or lese, to the northerly line of Rajl.~y Avenue; thence northeasterly along the said northerly line of Ballwa.y Avenue and following t~e ourvature thereof, 225 feet more or less, to the northeast corner of said bloo~ 6; thence easterly 15 feet more or leas,along the southerly line of Adams Street r:roduced across Railway Avenue to its inter~ection witt the weRterly line of the rigrt of way of the Ale.aka l!orthern Rfl,i1wRY> beinp; also the easterl;' J ine of SUJ.'"ey No. 726 S.; thence souther);' r..long the said westerly line of tbe right of way, 135 feet more or less to i ts"intersect10n \'1i th the southerly Une of railway "venue; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of PalIway Avenue, and following the curvature thereof, 270 feet more or lese, to the place of oommencement, and embracing all that part of Railway Avenue as ahown in yellow on the blueprint attacJ-,ed hereto hnd made a part hereo~. Seotion (2) That said part of Railway Avenue as described above is hereby olosed to ordinary traffic and street purposes. SEotion (3) It is hereby expressly provided that in oase the said United States shall at any time before the termination of this frc.nctiE:e abandon said tract of land abole :iescfibed, or cease to use the same for a period of one (1) year, or eball use it exclusively for somp. otner ~urrose than herelnetataed, then this fr~nchise shall become void and of no effect, and said tract of land shall be again open for traffic to the rubl1c. That an emergency exists, and this ordinance shall be in full force ~nd effect !ro~ &he after its passage and approval. Passed by the Common Council and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the Munioipal Clerk this the l6~h day of Ootober, 1916. J r... C .__A. 'Myers. Mayor. Attest: O. H. POehlmann. MuniCipal Clerk. Ior/ )~ l,) \ ~J"