HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-060A J~L:; ORDINANCE JTo. -' ~ I'r ** '***1<******'1<1<* '*'1<*~.. ~'I ORDINANCE ESTA.aLrS'fID~G RULES .!liD R-':;;GULATIONS DOR rrB-S CrTY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, FOR T~ MAYOR, COUNCIL AN1) OTH~ CITY OFFICERS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOS1'!:S, AND REPF"ALING ORD:mANCE "A" OF Tm: TOV/N NOW CITY OF SEWARD, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANC~S AND PARTS OF OP..:HNANCES I~T COl-1FLICT HEREWITH. ---------------------------- ---------------------------- BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of SewQrd,Ala8k~ SECT ION I. The offioers of the City of Seward, Alaska, shall be a Mayor, Municipal Clerk, City Attorney, MQnicipal Treasurer, :Junicipal magistrate, municipal Health Officer, Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire Department, Asse8sor, Patrolman, ana such other officers, for which the Council may hereafter provide. -':,: SECTION 2. The Munioi>>al Magistrate, Municipal Health Offioe~.' Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire Department. Assessor, and Patrolman. Shall be ch08en by the Common Counoil of the Cj, ty of Seward, Alaska, at the first regular meeting, held on or aftae the tenth day of April in each year, or as soon thereafter as said Council may deem expedient: the officers so chosen, Shall. unless removed for cause, or appointed for a shorter period of time, hold their respeotive offioes until the tenth day of April next following the appointment and until a sucoessor ie appointed and qualified. The tenth day of April shall be the begin- ning of eaoh fisoal year. SECTION 3. I I Any officer appointed by the Council, who shall remo~ from the City, or fail to qualifY within two days after appointed,unle~ temporarily absent from the City at the time of hie appointment, in~ whioJL case if' he shall fail to qualify wi thin five days after such appointment, o~ who shall vaoate his office in any way as is provided by law or ordinance, shall be deemed to have vacated his offioe ~d the Common Council shall ~roceed to fill suoh vaoancy as is provided by these rules. S~CTIOn 4. Eefore entering upon the duties of their offioe. the I respeotdve offioers shall, each. take and subsoribe the oath preaoribed by law and file the same with the Municipal Clerk, ~nd the Municipal Treasurer shall give the bond prescribed by law. SECTIO~{ 5. ~ach officer shall turn over to his suooessor in 4H7 ORD. No. .kA Page ~ -:1-"...... offioe all books. papers and other ,roperty in his office or under his oontrol belonging to the City. at the time his suooessor assumes the , duties of the offioe. SECTION 6. The duties of eaoh offioer of the City of Seward. whether elected or appointed. shall be those presori1>ed l)~T law and by ordinanoe and reslution of the Common Council of the Town of Seward. SECTION 7. The Mayor shall be the exeout he he'id of the 0i ty of Seward, and ahall exeroise 8. oareful supervision over the various offi- oers of the City, and see to it that the laws applioable to it. and the ordinanoes and resolutions thereof are duly observed and enforoed. and may at the seoo~d regular meeting of the Counoil in each fisoal year, and at suoh other meetings thereof as h"3 shan deem proper. oommunioate by message to said Counoil a beneral statement of the affairs of the City and reoommend the adoption of suoh measures as he m~T deem proper end expedient for the best interest of the City, and may from time to time make suoh speoial oomma~ioations to the Council as he ma~T deem neoessary or useful, ~nd when not absent from the City. or prevented by sickness. or aome other potent reason, preside over the deliberations of the Counoil. In case of emergenoy he m~ appoint speoial patrolmen to maintain the peaoe ~~d dignity of the City, ~~d may, when oooasion demands it, appoint extra watchmen or patrolmento guard against fire and in the interest qf fire proteotion. He shall fix his offioial signature to. all orders and other papers. when neoessary; providing. however, he shall have the right to exeroise his veto power to all ordinanoes and resolutions passed by the Common Counoil. as is provided by law. but in o&se he shall fail to sign any ordinanoe or resolution, but shall not veto the same as is provided by law, before the next regular meeting of said Council, such oril.inl1.~oe or resolution shall become effeotive without his sign'iture. SECTImr 8. nuring the tem~orary absence of the M~or from the City, or from siokness, or other oause, he is unable to aot. the president o~ the Counoil shall preside over the deliberations of that ; body and perform the duties of the :,layor during his absenoe or dis- ; ability, 6 exoept, he Shall have nO ~lthority to ap~rove or veto an~ ordinanoe or resolution.) ~he Council shall eleot one of their number president 0';:' tile CO".lncil. r= ~..,! i q~l OD. ~o. idlA- Page ~ - ..n~ ,:"', :I"SECTION g. ;f:) The Munioi~al Clerk shall be the kee~er of the oorporate ,f seal and all papere and reoords of the City. He shall attend all meetin~d of the City Counoil and kee~ a reoord of all ~roceedlnge thereot. He shall make a full entry of all their resolutions and deoisions u~on all questions oonoernins the raising of money,for the '~.llo.ano. of aooounts against the City. He shall report the vote of , I I' eaoh member on every ql.l,est ion, where a o!lll of the roll is required: shall sign all orders made and warrants issued by order of the Common '~Council for the ,payment of money; reoord the re,port of the City Treas- ,== urer of the reoeipts and disbursements of the City; preserve and file' i 1 j all aooounts acted upon by the City COllncil; preserve and file all 2etitions, applioations for franchises and other matters ooming before. r. ,~he 01tyCounoil officially, -.md record the aotion of said Counoil I ~v. ~' ~hereon: by the City Council: he shall perform all duti~s tN,t may from , I.: , I time to OP. shall recor~ all orders, 'proceedings and levies of taxes time be r9quired ')f him b~. the Iii ty COll!'lcil and. by existing laws, ordi~ nanoes and reaolutio-ns of the City Counoil. >Ie shall keep proper books . '~f aocounts showing therein a.ll sums '3.2.:/t'o.priaterl b~i the ~ity counOil:"J the date of suoh appropriation and for what purpose appropriated: the date and amount s of all warr'in t fa drawn upon thfl t r.easur~r 0 f the Ci ty ~nd against what fund ~-nd to wh,m payaole, and ~ll disQursements of , ,publio money. Upon the d.slivery oy him to the Treasurer of an:, tax- """'-1' 0 11 list, he shall oha.rge the ~rea.surer with the a.mount of tl:8 - or gross t axe a shoV/Il upon suoh tax-roll or list, and shall also oharge him with an~T mone~Ts oOlo'1.$ing to t11e City of Seward, whioh may oome into the ..,,~~ hands ot the Clerk and 'Jy him turned over to the Treaaurer. He ah&l,l attest all rules, orders or othl3r ,!?apers, when neoessary, and all reg- ulations, resolutions and ordina.-noes 'promulgated by the ~i ty Council, and all City warra-nts drawn on the 'rrl39.surer, 11sing the word "Atte$t" f"f'" ., and signing his -name ther~to and affixing the seal of the City of S~~ He shall at the last regular meeting of the r;it:r Cmncil in eaoh fiscal year. or at a oalled 88ssion thereof, if 80 designated by the CitYJ:, Council, make a det~iled report of all the fina-nclal'and other business ~r his office. ahowing the amount of money reoeived by the City, ::-. .i, '1-ijdltioers and agents and the disposition made of the same, and of ::. ,1 I it.t..~ ali~"; -,( eiO 1 ,)RD. ~;o. !dZ A- ?a.se 4 warrants irawn on the Treasur-.r and suoh other information as will give a olear understandine of the business of his office a~d the finance of the City. In the ~bsence of the Clerk from any meetin~ of the City Counoil said Counoil may ap~oint a clerk pro-tern. SECTT,JX 10. The I!.u'1iclpal 'v1agistrate shall have jurisdiction and power to hear, try and deyermine all oases ~risine under the ordinances of the City of Seward, Alaska. 3efore entering upon ~ duties of his " office he shall take and subscri~e an oath to faith~llly perform the duties of his office. 9...~d file the sa.."n6 with the Munioipal Clerk. He shall also give bond, with good and sufflcient sureties, to ~he City of Seward, in the sum of One Thousa~d nollars, conditioned for the faith- ful discharge of the duties of his office, which 1)ond shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk. SECTIOK 11. The :'lunictpal Treasurer shall give to the City of Seward the bond required ~y law, shall collect all taxes levied by the City Counoil and shall receive and safely keep all moneys belonging to the City of Seward, or shall come to the City by taxation or otherwise, ~nd shall be the oustodian of all the funds 1)elonging to the City and shall pay the s~~e out only upon warrants sisned 1)y the Mayor a'1d atte~ ted 1)y the Municip~l Clerk; ~roviding, however, he shall keep said funAs deposited in the 3ank design~ted by the City Council, upon suoh 3ank aiving to the City of Seward a g00d and suffioient 1)ond, approved by the City Counoil, in 6uffioient sum to proteot the City against 108s, conditioned for the safe keeping of the said f11"lds. acoou..'1ting for the same, and paying them out upon the proper warrant, voucher or oheck. Said ~unicipal ~reasurer shall kea9 in the proper account oook,provided for the purp,ls6, !in accurate and detailed statement a.ccounting for all moneys received by him and all disbursements. He Shall keep separate -.ooounts for the general fund, and each special ~1nd,. '3.'1d when any warrant is drawn On any partioular fund he shall pay the same out ~f t,he fund upon whioh it was drawn 'lnd no other. TIe shall at the last regula.r meeting of the City Council, in each fiscal ~Tear, or at a called session therefor, if so designated b~T the City Counoil, _ke a detailed report, i~ writing, showi~g the reoeipts and disbursements of the p~e- ceding year, stating in deta.il the amount received a.nd disbursed in 'the r~ I ORD. NO. tafl Page 5 I j general and eaoh speoial fund and shall at any time the City COunoil .~.. Bhall so require, suomit a report thereto as above required or a d~ tailed statement regarding the general or any speoial fund. SECTI~~ 12. The Assessor shall annually make a oorreot list of all the property. real and personal. subjeot to taxation by the City. ~1th ' the names of the owners of eaoh tract. orpieoes of pro'pert~T. and the Taluation of ' the same and oertify the return thereof to the IvIunioipal Clerk. Suoh assessment. statement or list shall be made upon books for t~~ 'pur'pos~~ but real property and~~ossessory rights thereon shall be "Bsessed separately from the personsly property. The time of making suoh aasessment. an~ the return thereof. as well as the time for the appeal to the City Counoil for a revision thereof, shall be presoribed by 'ordtn-"~~e; and he shall perform suoh other duties as are presoiNed by law and the ordinanoes and resolutions of the City Counoil. ! SEOTION 13. The City Attorney Shall be the legal adviser of the City Counoil. He shall draw all ordinanoe. and resolutions required by the City Counoil. or any standing oommittee thereof. and shall pro~ eoute and defend. uYlder the direotion of said Counoil. all aotions brought in the oourts. by. or against the City. or in whioh the City is a party, and perform suoh other duties in the line of his profession ... the City Counoil may require. I SECTION 14. The Chief of Polioe shall be the head of the Pol~. De>>artment of the City and the patrolman, or patrolmen, the night watohman, or night watchmen. shall be subjeot to his orders. He shall taka h1e1n8truotiona from the M~or of the 01 ty, and shall 00." and enforoe ail lawhl orders and instruotions given him b:v the eatd _.nr' and all instruotions of the City Counoil regarding the polioe depart~ , ~ ment shall be given to the Mayor L~d oy him imparted to the Chief of Polioe. i' " SXCTIQN 15. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be the ex_"~ he sa. of that department. and all the members of that depar1ment 8ha~l be subl.ct to. and obey any and aU orders given by him. when aoting in theijoap&oi ty of fire1nen. and shall striotly 008erve all inetruotltona , I slTen ':v li~m. He shall be ex-offioio Fire Warden. and. aa 8uoh. ~?~ Buoh duths as the City Counoil m~ by ordin'moe presoribe, but 1t1 :"::"0.) c..: 1 \~j i -1 n Iii '~, , .,i .;1 ;1 d II I :: .J .......... '" ~ ~f'\'" ORD. No. il,/j ~ ", ' Page 6 shall be his speoial duty to examine into the oonstruotion of chimneys. flues. fire*plaoes. he~rth8, stoves, stove-pipes. ovens. smoke-stacks ~d apparatus used in or about ~ building ~nd oause the same to be re- placed. removed, or plaoed in a 'afe and seoure oondition, when he finds it or them in an unsafe condition, prevent the deposit of ashes in unsa~ places. and may at any time enter in or open any house. storehouse. or other ~uilding or enclosure. for the purpose of inspecting the same with a view to guard against fire, or to exeoute the orders of the Nayor or City Counoil regarding fire proteotion; and to perform suoh other duties as ~he City Council may from time to time requir9; or presoribe. by ord* inance or resolution; providing, however. that~~, the salary allowed by the City Council for servioes as ohief of the Fire Department. shall be in full for all servioes rendered by him in, b<?th oapaoities. SECTION 16. At the beginning of eaoh fisoal year, the City Counoll shall. by ordinanoe. fix the compensation eaoh offioer of the city shall reoeive durine the ensuing fiBo~l year, and until the suooe8sor or suc* cassors are duly elected, or ap~ointed and qualified, whioh oompensation shall not be ohanged during th.t ilJ,,' fisoal ~'ear. SECTION 17. The City Counoil may at any time require a reasonable bond of any of its offioers, with two sureties, to 06 approved by said Council, for the faithful and honest performanoe of his trust. S~CTION 18. In all ordinanoes and resolutions now in force in the daty of Seward, Alaska, or ~ be hereafter enaoteli by the. City 06uncJ.l thereof, where the masouline gender is used it shall inolude the femi- nine and the singular number is used it shall inolude the plural. unless it is speoifically otherwise designated, or the sense and interpretation thereof requires a different oonstruotion. S~CTrON 19. The regular meetings of the City Council shall be heJj on the !irst and third Mondays in eaoh month, at the hour of eight o'olock P.M. Speoial meetings may be oalled by the Mayor. or upon the request of two members of the City Council. by the Munioipal Clerk. SECTION 20. All olaims against the City, ahall be itemized and properly verified and presented to the ~lnicipal Clerk, who shall refer them to the oommittee on finance, who Shall investigate them and if found oorreot, said oommittee shall approve them. after which the Council . , I ORD. !fo. Mr4 P&~lt 1 '.' ,'." : ~ ~ i' )', " Ii I .ay order them paid. Th6Be olaimB not approved by the finance oomm1~tee. .\~ shall not be ordered paid until oaretully investigated by the City. Counoil, or by a special committee appointed by the M~or for that pur- po.e, after whioh the City Counoil shall use its best judgment and aot aooordingly. SECTION 21. When a motion is under debate. not motion shall be jade exoept to adjourn. to l~ on the table, move for the previous question. to postpone to a ~;#~# day oertain, to oommit or amend, to , , ,postpone indefinitely, whioh several motions shall have preoe4i.uo.' in . ord~ in w~i~h th.'W a~e above &rr~ged. I' \ . .~~,-.,=.~.=::::;::=,-:-= SECTION 22. The vote On all questions, exoept upon the pa.s~e of an ordinanoe, resolution, order for the p~ent of money, or providing for the levying end collecti.. of taxes, shall be by viva vooe. unless -- two members of the Council shall 09011 for the Ayes and Nays. in whioh. event the roll shall be oalled ~d the vote of each member recordedlbY the ~lerk. Upon the pa8sage of all ordinanoe.. resolutions, orders for ~e p~ment of money, or providing for the le~Jing and oolleotion ~~ '&xes, ahall be by roll 0&11. and the Clerk shall reoord how eaoh:,1'Ilember ~.' iI', of the Council voted. L~d shall not be oarried unless four member8'of the Counoil shall vote in the &ffirmative. five member8 of the ~ounol1 a.re present. SECTION 23. Every member of the Counoil, who 18 pre.ent when - ,~ ~ueBtion 1s put shall vote for or against the lame, ~~l.B. the Counoil ahall exoul. him. but nO member shall be permitted to vote on a qUBtion unless pre..nt when hiB name 1s called in ita regular alphabetioal orde~ SECTION 24. NO~ standing rule Ol" ord8r of the Counoil shall be ~nil.d or 8U8pende4, except by a ,\foh of f1", mem1l4treHej! 'he--CounoI1 ~ the affirmative, nor shall the regular order of bU~lneeB, w~.~ QaB been or 18 hereafter established. be postponed or ohanged, exoept by a _ . ~:~-:::B:t:. j y,~. of five members of the Council in the affirmative. ~ ! SECTION 1tI. Every proposed ordinance shall, _fter ha'Y~ ~..en Introduoed and read. lay on the table until the next regular meeting. il pI, 'I } , ~ ,'.. I)' 't 1 ' :J Ibenian ordinanoe has been enaoted by the Council. it , ! by t.. Clerk in a book kept for th&t purpose. shall be .nr~ll.d , ~ \\}":J' : I 'j- · J. _~l"" ~~.t !' 'I '! 'j '1i~, I; It I: r I I I "">(<l!J',,,,,,,,~, ",.~,.",-_.J" ORD. No. j 07) Page 8 SECTION 26. Two or more offioes of the City of ~eward, may b~ a reso- lution, passed by the Counoil. be held by one person who ahall reoeive the oompensation provided for eaoh offioe. SECTION 27. Five members of the Council Shall constitute a quorum for the transaotion of business. bnt a less number may adjourn. SECTION 28. Roberts Rules of Order shall be the authority on par- liamentary rules. exoept when otherwise provided in this ordinanoe. SECTION 29. The Counoil may at any time, by vote of four of its m.~bers, go into e,aoutive session, during whioh time all persons shall be exoluded. exoept the M~or and members of the Counoil. S~CTION 30. The rules and regulations provided for in this ordinanoo may be amended by ordinanoe, but on~ upon a vote of five members on the affirmat1 ve. S~CT!ON 31. The standing oommitte4s of the Counoil shall eaoh oon- sist of two members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor. unless the Counoil otherwise direot. Said oommittees ahall be as f~l~_~~ 1. Committee On assessment and oolleotion of taxes. 2. Committee On Publio Sohools. 3. Committee on Fire Proteotion. 4. Committee on Lights, Sewerage and ~arfs. 5. Committee on?ublio Health I'lnd Publio .1?roteotion. 6. Committee on Finanoe and Claims. 7. Commi ttee On streets and street Imorovement. 8. Commi ttee on ,Printing. . Speoial oommittees may be appointed when ordered by resolution of " the Counoil. SECTION 32. All ordinanoes shall be published either by posting a oopy thereof in tnree publio plaoes in the City of Seward. one of whioh shall be at the City Hall. or in one issue of a newspaper of general ciroulation, puolished within the City of Seward. SECTION 33. The following shall be the ol"der of business at all meetings of the Counoil. 1. Roll Call 2. Reading, correoting and approving the minutes of the previous meeting. 3. PresentinG messages. memorials. petitions and oommuni- oations, and their referenoe or other disposition. 4. Introduotion of ordinances and resolutions. their referenoe or other disposition. 5. Presentation and referenoe of olaims. 6. Choosing City Offioers. 7. ~eport of standing oommittees. 8. Report of speoial oommittees. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. New Business. 11. Adjournment. . ,.-- i I } {~-: I ORD. No. Page 9. S~CTION 34. Ordin~~ce Number A. entitled ~An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the town of Seward. Alaska, for the Counoil. City offioers and City Government, and for other purposes," and all other ordinanoes and parte of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance is hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from anc;...fter its passage and approva.l by the M.ayor. ?assed by the City Counoi1 this 21st day of May, 1917. Ap9roved this 25th day of May 1917. (S~AL) .Attest: Sa.m'l. ;49 Donald ~----- JAa.yor O. H. ~oe hlmann J'Juniciplll "01erj{-- Passed First reading Apr. 23rd, 1917 Passed Second rea.ding M~T 7th, 1917 Passed Third & Fina.l Reading, May 21st, 1917 .:-:-.:%::: ~ \. 1 1 \ -~"-' ~'_:.. -~ .. "~J ORDINANCE NO~'7' 6C'A ~. .' ..................... , ~AN ORDlNANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF gEWARD~ALASKA.FOR THE V~YOR.COUNCIL AND OTHER CITY OFFICERS.AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.AND REPEALING ORDINANCE A OF THE TOWN NOW CITY OF SEWARD~AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWI TH. ************************************ BE IT ORDAINED by the oommon oounoil of the city of leward.Alaska. ~Seotion (1) The offioers of the City of Seward.Alaska..hall be a Mayor.Munioipal Clerk. City Attorney.Municipal Treasurer.Munioipal Magistrate.Munioipal Health Offioer.Chief of Poli~.Chi<<f of the Fire Department.Assessor,Patrolman,and suoh other officers,for which the council may hereafter provide. V S"ct1on (2) The Munioipal Magistrate.Munioipal Hfialth Offioer. Chief of Policl,Chief of the Fire Department,Assessor, and Patrolman. ehall be chosen by the eommon Counoil of the City bfS.ward,Alaska, at its first regular meeting, held on or after the tenth day of Apr11 in eaoh year,or as soon thereafter as said oounoil may deem expedient: the offioers so chosen,shall,unl.ss.removed for oause.or appoint.d for , a shorter period of time,hold their respeotive offices until tbe tenth day of April next following the appointment and until a suocessor i, appo~nted and qualifild; The tenth d~ of April shall be the beginning of each fiscal year. ~ Section (3) Any officer appointed by the oounoil,who shall remove from the City,or fail to qualify within two days after appointed.nnl.... "..,or..r111 abunt from the City at the time of his appointDlent~tn wh10h ea.. if he shall fail to qualify wi thin five days after such appo1n~!D"\~' , or who Shall vaoate his offioe in any way as is provided by law oro,d1~ Ilanee.shall be deemed to ha.ve vaca.ted his office and the eommonoo1Ul.cl1 .hall proce.d to fill suoh vaoanoy &S is provided by these rules. /Se.'don (4) Before entering upon the duties of their officl,there.pI , .' '. '" 1f!..",.~I!~~~~ 'UTI officers shall.lach,'ta.ke and subsoribe the oa.th prllor1bed W,'-*'f::; '\ :_4:1'11" 1;)a. la.me with the Municipal, Clerk, and the ,\ ~~li. &'1,7. the bond prucrlbed by 1a.. '\\ \., .-, <, . :~,; v/Seotion (5)Eaoh offioer shall, turn over to his suooessor in offioe all books,papers and other property,in his offioe or under his oontrol, belonging to the City,at the time his suooessor assumes the duties of the offioe. Seotion (6) The duties of eaoh offioer of the Oity of Seward,whether, eleoted or appointed, shall be those presoribed by law and by ordinanoe and resolution of the oommon oounoil of the town of Seward. ~ Seotion (7)The Mayor shall be the exeoutive head of the City of Seward, and shall exeroise a oareful supervision,over the various offioers of " the City,and see to it that the laws applioable to it and the ordinanoes and resolutions thereof are duly observed and enforoed,and may at the second regular meeting of the oounoil in eaoh fisoal year and at suoh other meetings thereof as he shall deem proper, oommunicate by message, to said oounoil a general statment of the affairs of the City and reoom- mend the adoption of suoh measures as he may deem proper and expedient for the best interest of the City,and may from time to time make such speoial oommunioations to the oounoil as he may deem necessary or useful, and when not absent from the City,or prevented by siokness,or some other potent reason,preside over the deliberations of the oounoil. In oase of emergenoy he may appoint speoial patrolmen to maintain the peaoe and dignity of the City,and ma.y,when the oooasion demands it,appoint extra watohmen or patrclmen,to guard against fire and in the interest of fire proteotionJhe shall fix his official signature to all orders and other paper8,when neoessary; providing,however, he shall have the right to ex- eroise his veto power to all ordinanoes and resolutions passed bT the /' oommon oounoil,as is provided by 1aw,but in oase he shall fail to sign any ordinanoe or resolution, but shall not veto the same as is provided by law,before the next regular meeting of said oounoi1,suoh ordinanoe or resolution ahall b.oome effeotive without his signature. ~.ct1on (8)Dur1ng the temporary absence of the mayor from the City,or from s10kness or other oause he is unable to aot, the president of the oouno1l shall preside over the deliberat10ns of that body and perform the .duties of the mayor dur1ng his absence or d1sab1litY~XoePt,ae 8hall hay. DO authority to approve or veto an ord1nanee or resolutionJThe 00 . ~~1.1.ot one of their number president of the couno11. '",.(j 'tl!~i;';i:;'\' '. ~,- \ \ \ I I , ' , ',- .c"~....,,:;,;;;..,...a=''''''',, " ~'. w:rT r 3 ~. ~Seotion (9) The Munioipa1 Clerk shall be the keeper of the oorporate seal and all papers and reoords of the City.He shall attend all meetings of the City Counoil and keep a record of all prooeedings thereof.He shall make a full entry of all their resolutions and deoisions upon all ques- tions ooncerning the raising of money.for the allowanoe of acoounts ag~nst the City.He shall report the vote of eaoh member on every question. where a oall of the roll is nquiredjshall sign all orders made and warrants issued by order of the oommon oounoil for the payment of moneyjreoord the report of the City Treasur.rof the reoeipts and disbursements of the Cityjpreserve and file all accounts aoted upon by the City Counoilj preserve and file all pe\ttions.applications for franohises and other matters oomeing before the City Counoil offioially.and reoord the action of said oouncil thereonjhe shall reoord all orders,prooeedings and leveys of taxes by the City Counoiljhe shall perform all duties that may from time to time be required of him by the City Counoil and by existing law,. ordinances and resolutions of the City Council. He shall keep proper books of aocounts showing therein all sums appropriated by the City Counoil,the date of such appropriation and for what purpose appropriatedjthe date and amounts of of all warrants drawn upon the treasury of the City and ag&inet what fund and to whom parable.and all disbursements of publio money. Upon the delivery by him to the treasurer of any tax-roll or list,he shall oharge the treasurer with the gross amount of the taxes shown upon such tax-roll or list}and shall also oharge him with any monies belonging to the City of Seward,which may come into the hands of the clerk and by him turned over to the treasurer. He shall atte~all rules.orders or other papers when neoessary and all ree;ulations. resolutions and o,rd1nan.iJ.es ,promul. gated by the City Counoil and all oity warrants drawn on the treasurer. useing the word."Attest" and signing his name thereto and affixing the seal of the City of Seward.He shall at the last regular meeting ~of the City Council in each fisoal year,or at a oalled session thereof,if so designated by the City Counoil.make a detailed report of all the finanoial and other business of his office,showing the amount of money reoeived by the City.its officers and agents and the disposition made of the same --- _~J r--- I !:; i . ,I ;. i' - 4 and of all warrants drawn on the Treasury and suoh other information as will give a olear understandine of the business of his offioe and the finance of the City. In the absem e of the olerk from any meeting of the City Council said Council may appoint a clerk pro-tem. ~Seotion (10) The Municipal Magistrate shall have jurisdiotion and power to hear, try and determine all oases ~ising under the ordinanoes of the City of Seward,Alaska.Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take and subscribe an oath to faithfully perform the duties of his office,and fIle the same with the Munioipal Clerk.He shall also give bond, with good and sufficiant sureties,to the City of Seward,in the sum of one thousand dollars,oonditioned for the faithful disoharge of the duties of his office,whioh bond shall be filed with the Munioipal Clerk. ~Section (11) The Munioipal Treasurer shall give to the City of Seward the bond required by law, shall colleot all taxes levied by the City Council and shall reoeive and safely keep all monies belonging to the City of Seward,or shall come to the City by taxation or otherwise,and shall be the custodian of all the funds belonging to the City and shall pay the same out,only,upon warrants signed by the mayor and attested by the Munioipal Clerk;providing,however,he shall keep said funds deposited in the bank designated by the City Counoil,upon such bank,giv~ing to the City of Seward,a good and sufficient bond,approved by the City Counoil,in suffi- oiant sum to proteot the City aga1n_t loss,conditioned for the safe keep- ing of the said funds,aooounting for the same ,and paying them out upon the proper warrant,voucher or oheck. Said MuniCipal Treasurer shall keep c in the proper aooount book,provided for the purpose,an aqurate and de- tailed statment,acoounting for all monies reoeived by him and all dis- bursements.He shall keep seperate aocounts,for the general fund and each special fund and when any warrant is drawn on any partioular fund he shall pay the same out of the fund upon which it was drawn and no other.He shall at the last regular meetinG of the City Council,in each fiscal year,or at a oalled session therefor,if so designated by the City Council,make a detailed report,in writing, showing the receipts and disburseffients of the preoeding year,stating in detail the amount received and disbursed,in the general and each special fund and shall at any time ,the City Council r - ~-,-, - _. --~-"',-", ..-.- -"'~--~ oJ shall so req~re,submit a report thereto as above required or a detailed statment regarding the general or any speoial fund. ~ Section (12) The assessor shall annually make a oprreot list of all the property, real and personal,subjeot to taxation by the City,with'the names of the owners Of each traot,or pieoe of property,and the valuation of the same and oertify the return thereof to the Munioipal Clerk,suoh assessment,statemen~r list shall be made upon books proper for the purpose, but real property and possessory rights thereon shall be assess- ed separately from the personal property. The time of making suoh assess- men*,and the return thereof,as well as the time for the appeal to the City Counoil for a revision thereof,shall be prescribed by ordinance; and he shall perform such other duties as are presoribed by law and the ordinanoes and resolutions of the City e6uficil..,' ~'Section (13) The City Attorney shall be the legal adviser of the City Council.He shall draw all ordinanoes and resolutions required by the City Council,or any standing oommittee thereof,and shall prosecute and defend, under the direotion of said counoil,all actions brought in the oourts,by, or against the City,or in which the City is a Party,and perform suoh other duties in the line of his profession as the City Counoil may require. ~Section (14) The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police depart- ment of the City and the patrolman,or patrolmen, the night watchman,or Night Watohmen,shall be subjeot to his orders; He shall take his instruot- ions from the mayor of the City,and shall obay and enforce all, lawful, orders and instruotions,given him by the said mayor,and all instructions of the City Counoil,regarding the polioe department,shall be given to the mayor and by him imparted to the chief of police. ~'Section (15) The Chief of the Fire Department,shall be the executive head of that department,and all members of that department,shall, be subjeot to and obey any and all order given by him, when aoting in the capaoity of firemen,and shall strictly observe all instructions given by him. He shall be ex officio Fire Warden,and as suoh,perform suoh duties as the City Council may,by ordinanoe prescribe,but it shall be his \ I ~ " i I ..I I 6 speoial duty to examine into the oonstruction of ohimneys,flues.fire- plaoes,hearths,stoves,stove pipes,ovens,smoke staoks,boilers and appa- ratus used in or about any building and cause the same to be replaced, removed,or plaoed in a safe and seoure oondition,when he finds ito~ them in an unsafe oondition,prevent the deposit of ashes in unsafe plaoes,and may at any time enter in .. 01 open any house,storehouse,or other building or enolosure,for the purpose of inspecting the same with a view to guard against fire,or to execute the orders of the mayor or City Counoil regarding fire protection; and to perform suoh other duties as the City Counoil may from time to time require,or prescribe,by ordi- nanoe or resolution;providing,however, that the salary allowed by the City Council for servioes as chief of the lire Department,shall be in full for all services rendered by him in both oapaoities. ~Seotion (16) At the beginning of each fiscal year,the City Council shall,by ordinanoe,fix the oompensation eaoh officer of tle oity shall reoeive during the' , ensuing fisoal year,and until the suooessor or suooessors are duly eleoted,or appointed and qualified,whioh oompen- sation shall not be ohanged during that fisoal year. Seotion (17) The City Counoil may at any time require a reasonable bond of any of its offioers, wi th two sureties, t9 ''be approved by said counoil,for the faithful and honest performanoe of his trust. Seotion (18) In all ordinances and resolutions now in foroe in the City of Seward,Alaska,or may be hereafter enaoted by the City Counoil thereof,where the masouline gender is used it shall include the feminine (is used it) and the singular number/shall inolude the plural,vnless it is specifio- ally,otherwise designated,or the sense and interpretation thereof requires a different construotion. X Seotion (19) The regular meetinGS of the City Counoil shall be held on the first and third mondays in each month,at the hour of eight o'olook P.M..special meetings may be oalled by the mayor,or upon the request of two members of the CityCQunoil.by the Munioipal Clerk. Seotion (20) All claims against the City,shall be itemized and prop- erly verified and presented to the Municipal Clerk, who shall refer them \' 'U\. r I I I I I I ! .--==-0 ~^,~.~ 7 , " . to the oommittee on finance, who shall investigate them and if found correot,said oommittee shall approve them,after which the oouncil may order them paid,those claims not approved by the finance oommittee, shall not be ordered paid until oarefully investigated by the City Counoil,or by a speoial oommittee,a~pointed by the mayor for that purpos~, after whioh the City Counoil shall use its best judgment and act aocordi9 ngly. ~Seotion (21) When a motion is under debate,no motion shall be made except,to adjourn,to lay on the table,move for the previous question,to postpone to a day oertain,to oommit or amend,to postpone indefinately; whioh several motions shall have precedenoe in the order in whioh they are above arranged. ~Seotion (22) The vote on all questions,except,upon the passage of an ordinanoe,resolution,order for the payment of money,or providing for the levfying and oollection of taxes,shall be by viva voce, unless two members of the oounoil shall oall for the Ayes and Nays,in which event the roll shall be oalled and the vote of each member reoorded by the olerk.Upon the passage of all ordinanoes,resolutions,orders for the pay- ment of money,or providing for the lev~ying and oolleotion of taxes, shall be by roll call,and the olerk shall reoord how eaoh member of the oouncil voted, and shall not be carried unless four members of the counoil shall vote in the affirmative,five members of the oounoil are presant. v'Seotion (23) Every member of the oouncil,who is presant when a question is put shall vote for or against the same,unless the oounoil shall exouse him, but no member shall be permitted to vote on a question unless present when his name is oalled in its regular alphabetioal order. ~ v'Seotion (24) No standing rule or order of the counoil shall be resoinded or suspended,exoept,by a vote of five members of the oounoil in the affirmative,nor shall the regular order of business,whioh has been or is hereafter established,be postponed or changed,except,by a vote of five members of the oouncil in the affirmative. ../ Seotion (25)Every proposed ordinanoe,shal+.after hav<:ing been introdu- oed and read,lay on the table until the next regular meeting. When an ordinance has been enacted by the oouncil,it shall be enrolled by the olerk in a book kept for that purpose. ~. 8 ~Section (26) Two or more offioes of the City of Seward,may by a resolution,passed by the oounoil,be held by one person, who shall reoeive the compensation,provided for each office. ~ Section (27) Five members of the oounoil shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.but a less number may adjourn, yr' Seotion (28) Roberts Rules of Order shall be the authority on parliamentary rules,exoept when otherwise provided in this ordinanoe. ~Section (29) The counoil may at any time,by a vote of four of its members.go into exeoutive session,during whioh tim~,all persons shall be excluded. except the mayor and members of the oouncil. ~Section (30) The rules and regulaticns provided for in this ordinanoe may be amended by ordinanoe,but only upon a vote of five members in the affirmative. ~ Seotion (31) The standing oommittees of the oounoil.shall eaoh oonsist of two members.who shall be appointed by the mayor,unless the oounoil otherwise direot; said oommittees shall be as follows; 1. Committee on assessment and oolleotion of taxes. 2. Committee on Publio Sohools. 3. Committee on Fire Proteotion. 4. Committee on Lights.S...~age ,~nd'wn~rts. 5. Committee on Public Health and Publio Proteotion. 6. Committee on Finance and Claims. ' 7. Committee on Streets and street Improvement. 8. Committee on Printing. Speoial oommittees may be appointed. when ordered by resolution of the counoil. ~ Section (32) All crdinances shall be published, either by posting a copy thereof in three publio plaoes in the City of Seward.one of which shall be at the City Hall.or in one issue of a news paper of general ciroulation.published within the City of Seward. ~Seotion (33) The following shall be the order of business at all meetings of the oounoil: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading,correcting of and approving. the minutes of the previOUS meeting. 3. Presenting of messages.memorials.petitions and oommunioations, and their _referenoe,0r other disposition, 4. Introduotion of ordinances and resolutions, their ref,renoe , or other disposition. 5. Presentation and r.terence of olaims, 6. Choosing City Officers, 7. Report of standing oommittees. 8. Report of special oommittees. ,""'~_-L_._ ....,., , r ~14 . f 9 1~: 11. Unfinished =usiness. N.w Business. Adjournment. Section (34) Ordir:.ance :h,mber P', anti tIed, "An ordinance establishing" "rules and re.;ulaticns for the tCNn of ;:-e.varJ.,Alaska,for the council," "City officers and City GovernH,ent,and for other purI,osee," and all other ordinances E;,nd rarta of ordinances in oonflict with this or1inance is hereby repealed. This ordinance ehall take effect ::cnd. be in full force fron! and after its passage and a~' i rcval by the mayor. Pa'.ed by tbe 81ty'ouncil thi, y' 1!4u"y of tA ~191? LCct)oved this ^/~"~~~~9l? ~'jJ./%::9~ ;,1 a yo l' . tLt~ If'r ~~.~ '9 '\ eAo- ~1 \ :L( 1 rr ~ 1 ~ '\ ' (}\~ ~,.Af- "'1 "n_ .___~.......__.__