HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-070 r ! ..... ,/ ~" ... ; It,. I . '..~. .r. .....j;""iI!lI":'..~ tit " ',,\'; O1tDt'AIf~ 10.1.t!..- ~~~.";Jt,~,;~l<O ' .. ....1IAICI O~.at1ng the Office of School Tax Oolleotor ter 1 2 I,.';' " 3 . ~ the '0.1m ., aeward, Alaeka :' ... lit O~l1m :BY THE COllMON CCUllCIL OW TtlE TOQ '<:1'1 Sll'JA'RD. ALA.aKA : ~. ".,'~:t: 4 .\ ., 5 6 ., r ,., ,.',,'w. r;,"'; :: '~.'.. T4a~ _..ottioe of achool Tax Colleotor for the '!'~wn , 7 8 9 ~~~J~". 4~.~~. t.:~eTeby cre4~.4. .. . ~1 :;i i~ ii-l ,~ ,. Sec. ..2. ~t the aommon COlUlOcll of the Town of Sewa.rd, ",~ . 18 v$4~k.. ~ll ~.l8D&t., .elect ,and ~,po1nt a bona f1de male ~..1d" . Wi 11 ...~ the ~. of twenty-one year., of said Saward, SQhOO~ ~ax COlt!~~r 12 ~~tU~:f" ttae ''l'o-.n ot Sn.,.. Ala_.. to hold office until, tb~ f1rBt I ." of Apl'11, 1'.20. unlet. aoon.r removed for oO.Use t and, th.r....tt'e. rl.. 13' , 14': &~ ~.1:1." ,.4.,~~Sr14t~. ..lecat and "PlIo"nt 80me C~nB".:...t andeuttr >.. ,.r"n, hltv.1ng qual1f1oationB herein etnted, to suoh or1"108. I 15 .eo. 3. That the penon des1p;nate1, "lecteda~d app~lnf- 16 I 17 .M!~. ~~~, ,~~~C~ ot SC~~l. T~~. Colleotor for the To.n of' Seward, I I -... the ""~'. ~errorm the dut1e., Bnd reoeive the oompensation "I I I ~.ka, in accordano. ylth the provis1ons of this OrdinBnoe aha.11 19 ,. . . .,..ltloally preaorlbed the Chapter 29 of the 1919 Se..lon LaYI .t ,20 / .... !.nof.to~ ot Al..ka. \ 21 S.c. 4 In. the event of' . - , ' .1'\ V!\OMO~ in the of1'i 08 ot .....1 !ax Oelleotor for the Town of Sew~rd. Al~eka. the Oo..on Coun '. .1 Mt4S....>>d. shall forthwith eau.. such Y110lllnoy to be fUled . ,j., '. . . .\,......l4ft..tion. nlection and appointment of lame oompetent pereoD , .. __ o1'1"10e. . . . . . . . . . . . . .a- _.. ~~......,~ -....".- ~ u_ ...,..,l'eYwu.. ~~. . .. ... . . . .. ...,or. ..... .Clert. . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk.. .c~~>;.L.,... j \ ~'i