HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-078 r ,~'J /~ C~ ,3,5- 1~1 ~ o rl .D I 1" A 'T C ~~ :<Ie 7 ~ ; ._ ,J2._ An Ordi:Hlnolt to 9st'lbl1sh an::l reglllRte the r"ltea to be oharged to the Town of ~eward. AIBB~!l, and the inhabitantB~hereot, tor eleo- tric! ty ana eleotrle ourrent by persons, oopartner'ships, assooiations or oorporations who supply, turnish, and/or sell eleotrioity and elec- trio ourrent to said Town and/or ita InhabI tanto.. \- Bo It Ordained by the Common Counoil of the ':own of :;eward, Te:r- ~ 'ritory of Alaska: \0 ~ herAlno.t"t~r provIded and set forth are tAil' Anr. r~'l!lonahla ratf'lS fln:i :)l'Ict1on 1. ThBt, aft.'" "'l {'ull Clonf'lde'At1on t'v~rnof, tht'l rl\tMI oh'!\rg~f!l to bo!" :>I'lid bv El~i<1 ~'o"'7l1 of ;'''l''1''Bl'',j, 1\.1"\l'lkR "l!'1 tr,p ~nh'l.b1ta'it8 thereof fer electr1ctt': '1r.1 Al"'ctric our-rent AI)l'Tlll~d, tllrn1!'lhel1, de- livered and/or ",old to saj1 Town anti/or ih 1n\j~b1~:,~.~~",~\?I~~~ no, penon, 0 opartJl2f1!rehi;" !lflBOci 'iti on or cor')ol'llti ~n, aha 11',ak"',~,,()h~rge , . or oollect any grnFttar rat", or ch"lrg~ for I'Jleot:r1c-ltj' ~ eleet~lc eur- .."' ~ rent ~uppllElct. t'u.rnll'lhed, del1vert)d ,anrl/,,;'., Id to s",'d 'fown snd/or ' \ 'I' ,\~ , , , . ',;;J ;' . ; ..........' , ,,~:\ \ th., inhabitants. t1l",rnof, thnn thfl! rntll!f! or chl'lrge'J (loot~ln",d 'In' set forth 1n thl'l followine seotions of th1e Crdln':nce, to-w!L t.:l8cticn <;. J.1eter 08nlce. Cn or befol'(" S.t,~tl,-"'VDy,J~~; ( aftar ~ ' the passage of' this ur'lnanoe 'n,fers shall Of) installed to ~tl1 OOnsumers of oleotric light FHH1 ,lower within the jncoll'porated limits of the Town o t ;:,eward, .11.1 ask!'.. :ieotion::'\. :.i.ter Installation \,;!largce. ,'eters shall be f~rnismd thl't OODflumfllr 1)1 the !lerSOn, oopartnershio, 8,lilPociatlon ot' cornoration furnl8htng !'!lIt.i,i OOD"U"!tAr with alectr'oity or elftctrtc ourrent l'lt!'l.ctuIl1 cost which ",,",ount ahsll be paid at the thl'l of' installation of "leter anrt receipt 1f!~tll'td for coat of "leter. Titl'! ;>,r I1let"l' to 1':"""'111n the prop- ertyJof thp reraon. oon~rtnftrebjn. ~snoc1ation 01':" cor~ot'~t1on fUl"niQhlng "- laid oonsumer with oloctrioity or 81Actrlc oun'''nt. WhMl !'Iervioe is " dl..onUnuod. dlpoalt to t;le!1\7l0U~'t c" cost of the "l"'t<:>r to be rot!lrnl'ld to the CODflumer provided the '!leter .I s retu med 1n gOO(1 order. 410' )11'0- v1404 the 80DSU"ler shall then have paid to sall1 pf'rson, consrtnershln, -1- on17. , ~itL ~80t1on 6. 61ld.117 lenioe there ~ r- ae.oelation or corpcration all money due to them. ~oh consumer 8e"ed by any person, oopartnership, assooiation or cornoration f / with electrioity or eleotric ourrent shall pay a ~lat charge or rate ot une vollar anctfifty cents (~1.6U) whioh 1 s inclusive of all oharses for In~tallat1on, ocnneoting an.1 disoonneoting said I meter. ~eotion 4. ~.rv1oe aate.. jor consumers u8ing eleotrioity or eleotric ourrent tor lighting, domestio or industrial purpose. other than eleotrio motors of Cne llo1'8eiower or mer e the rate ahall be tor the tirst one hundred (leO) Kilowatt hours twel.,.. and one-halt oents (12-1/2_) p~r Kilowatt hour; tor the seoond one hand..a (100) KllolNltt hourD, ten oentu (lC',n per t.llowatt hour; an1 eight cent. (08_) per Kilowatt hour for all in exoese o~ two hundred (200) Kilowatt hoars per oalendar month. \ :~eot1on 5. Motor .ervioe ror electrici tv and eleotrio ourrent ..., "'1";' "," ueed or.-neumed In ~otor8 of ~ 8t8nd~rd ratlnv of Ieee than one Horee Power Shall be the same rate as lightln~ sen:! oe. Motors of a standard rating of one Horee rower or more aha:l have a rate not to exoeed 8i% (6) cents per Kilowatt hour used in any oalendar month, this olaaR of service to be registered throngh Il separ1\te "'leter for nOwer purposes MInimum "'onthly ::llu'Ylce I,;harge, vD all 01a8ees ot shall be a minimum monthly 88rYio. oharge or rate of tl.5U tor the tiret fiCO watts of oonnected load and of 76 cents tor eaoh additional Dee wath or traotion thereot of the oonneoted load tor the eleotrioity or electrio ourrent oonsumed durin3 any one oal- endar 1II0nth. aeotion 7. Meter!!!! at Con8umer'~ Request. Upon giving the .,.endor or eleotr~clty or eleotr1c ourrent at least two d~:V8' written notice, the consumer shall h~ve the right ~t ~ny t1me to reqaire eat a .,.endor to test ~uah meters in hl~ ~resence end if the oon~um~r eo de- sires, in the prI'Jnl'lnce of an e~nert ro'".resent!'l.tive llppointed by him. If at the request of the oonsu~er. any neter shell be tested More often than onoe a year and BLan be found to register ?l'ith1n two per -2- r cent of the correot amount, the oonsumer shall upon de~and, par to said .,.ondor all erpenees inourred by the 88,id vender in oonnection 0-1" euob teat. Seotion 8. That neither the Town nor the inhabitant. thereof 'hall p~ or be required to pay any grsater rat. or charg. than the rato. and oharg8s hereln provided for electrioity or electrio ourrent 8Up~lied, furhished. deliTered and/or sold to it or the. by &DY peraoD, .opartn.r8hl~, association or corporation engaged in or hereafter to en- gag. in the 8upolylng, furniShing. dellT.ring and/or .olllng of el90- triolt7 or eleotric ourrent to said Town and/or to the Inhabitant. thereot. Beotlon 9. That the rahs and aharg&e hereinbetore "ProT1ded 'ad ....t forth an hereb}" determined to be reasonable rates and oharg.. and that they are the maT-imam rate. and ohargee which sball be obarged. Seotion 1<. l:'enaltlr. It .ball be unlawful tor !lny person, oopart- -- nerehlp. association or cornorat1on to eeJl~le~ric1ty or electrio ourreat exoept through a meter within the specitied rateR and any Tio- lation thereo:f' 9hal1 bf'lpllDishablfll by 9. fine or not laee than :';;25.cO nor exoe.ding one hllndred dollars for each offense. I)e.tton 11. That thi8 r..;r:Unanoe Shall be ril1bl1s:.1ed in' tbe ~.ward ~8ily Gat..ay. a new8paper of general oirculation in tae Town of tI.....rd. Alaeka and sball beoome effective on. ~ \..':;1;.).:" . ,,~. . 1924. ->1 Passed by the common Counoil of th~ Town. of ~eward, Alaska and aplIroved tM I!/ day of . 1924. '~/ .~/~, -4, ' < /1 .!'\ , . . {\, C'_'~\('l'Yr!f L-t\O . - ~i.iI <.:/ ,~D . Q/. ----\'~'-1 ,.~...,~- O t,.. ! ,;'( 0, '," ......'\ '\ AJ~...J. ; :'t" I, , " ~ -3- r /t;' jft" ...... 11"< .r: '1 ...I;..... MIl "\ o li )),! 1l A ~,JS :~ " ,;{,,' ,~, , ..,-.- r, \' : I I; :1 I.j' Jm.::{ q ~ i . ; , I , t, i,";{i " ;&1 ,~",j , ,iN OADINANCE GRAIITING TO s. M..fwr, HIS HEIRS AED ASSIG1:rs', TEE ; ,Gl,t! TO ESIXABLISH AND ~'+8-INTAIlr A~RONE SYSTEhl Il~ THE TOWN CF "i .'f&uI!l!ORY Ql'ALj$ni BUT :1'OT Tn ~CLUSlVE ~UGHT. SUBJECT TO ,COEDITIO!\'S TREB!I]"S'!~1J:ED, " . l J 1 J SECTION 1. That s. ~. GRAFF, the present owner and proprietor of !r~he telellhone system now installed. and in o1jeration in the> Town of 1'1 '~\'" 8ew~rd, Territory of Alaska, his heirs and assign~, are hereby author- ized to usa for the term of twenty (lb') years, but not e'l1:clusf''te',from fand :~,fter the~__day Cf~~ ' , 1924, any and all j!,'.rel\, avenues, alleys, bridge;:' or public grounds of the said. Towb' of :l ~._rd as now established, incluclir.g an~T territor? t::at may hereafter be ~'.4 tolthe same, for the purpose of constructing, naintaining and oper- telephone system for the use of the inhabitants of said Tavn of with the right to erect and maintain in and over said streett, ~r; " or }ublio grounds from time to time as .'i'." ( - ..:;~~,.I,f., of . ,...aues, alleys, lanes, bridges I ~ .,.~-<!, .., "~;~ eaid s. M. Q.liAFF, his heirs or assign.. may desire, all such pole.., 'k' ,'. .ues, oables or underground conduits as may be necessary for the co......., 4uot and maintenance' of thG te'lephone business" save and exoept tha.tno ...... ..,f1 .. .. r-- ,- pol.-11~8s S~ll be esta~lishedfor telephone service over Broadway "'t . (f9rmerly Fourth Avenue) of said Town of Seward between Jefferemn street and aallway Avenue as now establtshed, other than what are necessary and r.quf~1 for the crossing of Broadway on the line of the streets of 8aid Town of Seward. SECTION 2. That for the Durposes aforesaid the said S/M. GRAFF, his heir~ or assigns, shal~ have the right, yrivilege and franchise, t9Pl~Q" pQ.le~....c~,Ql?s-arrnS, stretch wires, connect, disqQn~ect, repair,. ~~. , _tend and maintain all lines, wires, poles a~ conduits in the places ,...-d in the manner and form as hereinbefore S_ci:aed, and also the \\,~\ ~; ,.' ..:;t1 r!~ht, authoritt and franchise are hereby ~ted bY~4e said Town of " '1ltw&rd to, lay a~i{' msi:1ntain throughout the sa1<d Town of ".$eward., wires ."'..< ' ,.. : ~ ", " lu..~der-gra~nd conduits fo~the purpose of conduoting telephone . ~e' ' i ,: '. , 'r;;"" ~ "':'> ..nice, subj." however ~ tQ all the" I_If 'of the .1'8'-""i tory of Alaska -~.. ,...,.,--.___':~-~~.l ~:.. ~, '. '....4 the orl).inanaelJ and regulat'tons of lIaid Tav:n of Seward. . ',;'. ,t:~: .,")...., SEC!ION 3. ." ~ T~t all tne said poles maintained hereunder .hall ~,."',.',i~" ' _.) "~'f\ ~~~~:~~~L~i .~ ,,' ,~~~~~~ ! .,;,1'.-0'"