HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1917-086 r;-...=;;.....---:;;;-- v Q!R.!1!.A.l~l BO 16 -- A5 ORDIlUNCI TO PROVIDE ROLLS AND REGULATIOIS FOR 'fU TJWlSAC'fIOJl OJ' BlJSIllESS BY THE CITY OF SE"iARD AND TO DEFIB TR1: I'IUTIE' or mE BlOB, OODOB com:: CIL AND OTHER OJTICEU OF '1'HJ: 'em im), 'ro ProllDE JOR 'mE MADER OF THEIR APPOIftlU:Wt' OR -..=cno.. AND !'OR 0'fHER pmpoSES. AJI1) REPEALING ORDUABCS BO. eo1 or mE cm OJ' ShARD, AND ALL OTHER ORDINAN<mJ .urn 'PARtS or ORDIIABCES IN COD'LICT HEREWITH. f . . . . 'l1:.. IT ORDAllED BY THE 0010.(01 COUNCIL OJ' THE CITY OJ' SEWARD, ALASLt: " ~. ",;,.,.."1 . ~n ARTICLE I, THE OJ'J'ICERS OJ' 1'HE CITY. SeoUon 1. tD OJ'l'IOJ;llS 01' TS CI1't: The ofUcere of t.he au)' of Seward, Alaska., sha.U be a. Mayor, MunIoIpal Clerk. MunIo1pal Atiorno,., MunIoipal Trea.eurer. UunIc11;al Magi.tra.te. Munio1paJ. Hea.l~ Officer, Chief of Police. Obi8f of the J'lro Depe.r\aent', ,} Aaae..or, Auo.1iOl", and such other off1cers nnd. employees, for whlob 4f\. the ComtllOn Council May hereafter pro'Wide. SeaUon 3. ELEC'l'IOJl OJ' OFFICERS: The llayor of t.he City of V SeWArd. lIlha.ll bo elooted annually for the term of one yeaz by o.lreoi "to of fohe people s.t t.ho Genera.l Elect.ion n.hl on 1.110 fust Tues4a1 ot April ot each YOAZ. At Ba.ld. Genera.l Eleotion there ShAll 111'0 be eleote4 annuallr three member. of the COIlU!<on Oounoil for 'he 1. .' ',era of '.0 ye&l'8. Sect!_ 3. APf9I~T OF OFFICFJl.S: The Munloipal Clerk, Jlunlo1pa.l Attorney, KunlclpaJ. Treasurer, Municipal K&g1atra.te. Kunioipal Beal"b Offioer, Ohlof ot Police, Chief of ,be Fire Deputacmt. A...eGor and. Aw1to:r .~ll be fq>polnted by ,be C~OIl COWIOll of the Clty of Sew&N, Alaska. at a. first regular .._t- l.g 1~ APril of eaob yel13 fol1odng the General Election or a.a _con tlMtreaner &8 the OcurlOll IA&r 4e. expedient. SecUon 4. QtaLIJ'ICAnOll OJ' OmCERS: All oUloera of 'thi_ I ,~~ OUr ahtl.ll be qUfi.l1t1ec1 eleotor. ot the Clty of Sewar4. All I, a/ officers of the City shall, before enwrlng \l1Jon the duties of ~. ,~"'J, tub offlce.,..verally ta.ke an oath in writing to honest17, l . taUllfully u.nd lwpartla.ll)' perfo1'Jll the du-Ue. of their off1oe. I ' ! . t, I. \":i \-~ .. wblob oath aba.ll be flIed _lth the Municipal Olork. Paso No. 1 ,~, . J 'J ,. --''--~~~''"- ,~ ...j"".th < f'IijI';----'------ Seotion 5. SALARIES OF OFFlCERS: Where the officers of the City are eleoted by direct vote at the General Elect10n, the Counoil sball by ordinance fix the salary of eaoh suoh officer before the el.o1ion is he14~ and where an offioer i8 appointed by the counof.4.. hi. salary shAll be fixed by ordinance at the beginning of h18 tera a.nd. 'before he enten upon the disoharge of his duties. Suoh B&lary shall be neither inoreased nor dlllinlshed during the tera, nor shall a.ny,~tfioer be entitled to recei" 1n any form or shape any other or additional oompensation for any service to the City. BeTIOI 6. OFFI9E8)lAY BE cx)Q~: Two or more of the CUy offices proYlded for here1n.. may, by a resolution author1dng the .... pa....d by the Counoil.. be held by one and the sam. persOJl.. who 8b&ll recei... the oompensa.tlon provid.d for eaoh ofUoe. SEeTIOI 7. m9V~ OJ' OFFICERS: Off10ers appointed by the Oounoil shall be INbjeot to remova.l by the Counoil at Us plea.sure. AR'rI<SoE II. TERIlS OF OFFICE AND VACANCIES. SECTIOI I. WHJ;I 'tERM BEGINS: All munio1pa.l and school offioers .l.cted by d1reot yot. shall take the1r respeotive offioe. on the first Monday after their eleotion from ...h10h day their term 01 offio. shall be d.emed to run. SECTIO. 3. I}lP VACANCY OCCURS ON COUNCIL OR SCHOOL BOARD: In ."ent any ..mber of the City Counoll or of the School Board .ha.ll depa.rt from the oity with the int.nt of remaining absent more than ninety day., or .hall have fa.lled to atteDd the meeUnge of the Counoil or Boa.rd. for a perlod of nlnety conseout1.,. (1a.y.. 01' he shall or Board. have att.nded le.. tha.n tive of the meetings of the Counoil^durlng any oontinuous period. of tive Illonths.. the Counoil ma.y deola.re the . office of suoh member of the City Counoil or Sohool Boa.rd va.oa.nt. A Y&O&I1oy may a180 be created by the resignation of any membel' in writing duly a.ocepte4 by the Counoil.. or by the death of a member.. or h1. l'emo,,&1 from office by the Court.. or if he shall fa1l after hie eleot10n to qualify within thirty days after suoh eleotlon. Page No.2. r I v r-"~' SEOTION 3. HOW VAOANCY ON COUNCIL FILLED: Whenever a vaoanoy oocure 1n the Couno1l the remaining members of the Oounoil may eleot 8~e qua11f1e4 person to fill suoh vaoanoy, which person 80 eleoted 8hall hold office until a BUCCls.or be eleoted at the next annUAl election and qualit1ed. Section 4-.HOW VAIAIO'f 01 SCHOOL BOARD FILLED: In ca.. a vacanoy in .embershlp ot Baid Sohool Board ocours from death, resignation, removal, or other cause, such vacanoy may be filled by appointment by the Counoil of the City with the consent of the rema.1ning members ot the Board, liOnd in event the remaining members of the Board do not consent to have the vaoancy tilled by the Counoil, 8uch vacanoy elall be 1'111ed by epeoia.l eleoUon upon at least 1;on daye noUoe called. DY the Council. When a vacanoy is filled by appointment by the City Council the appointee eball sarve only until a succes80r 1. elected a' the next gener&l eleotion. Seotion 5. HOW VAOANCY IN OJTICE OF MAYOR FILLED: Whenever a person eleoted tor the ottioe ot Kayor fails to quality as such within thirty 4ay_ atter his election, the otfice shall be dee.ed '0 be va.oan't. Whenever the ottlce of Kayor 8hall for any rea_on become vacant, such vacanCYlllay be tilled by the Council. ARTICLE III. DUTIES OJ' CITY OnICmS. Seotlon 1. DtJ'l'T OF TIlE KAYOR: It .hall be the duty ot t~ Mayor 'to pre81de at meeUnge of the Counoil, to approve or d1_approve ot all ordlnance. or re.olutlon8 pas8ed by the Counol1, to sign all warrants drawn on tbe Clty Trea.sury, to ex.roi" a. general super- v1s10n over the atta1rs of the CUy, and see that the Ord1nanoea have and r..olves of the CUy are exe outed. He Shall/a.uthor1ty to vote on questions before the Counoil only in oase of a tie. He IIl&Y veto any ordinance or resolutlon passed by the Counoll, and any ord1na.xaoe so vetoed shall be returned to the Counoil at the next meet1ng or oontinued meet1ng held not Ie.. than two day. after the ordinance or resolutloB wa. passed, together with a written statement tro. the Kayor g1v1ng the reason tor hl. veto. Any ordinanoe or r<<solution ~ Page No.3. -. r''''' so nioed. by the mayor may be pa.ssed by a majority of all the ...bers of the Counoll. in whioh caee it shall beoome effeotive wUihout the e1gnatUl"e of the Mayor. !tr the Mayor neither eign. nor vetoe. an ordinanoe or resolut10n before the next meeting or oontinued meeting of the Counoil held more th~ two days a.fter the pa8sa~. it 8hall become effeotive without his signature. SECTION 2. DUTIES OF MUNICIPAL CLERK: The Munioipal Clerk .hall be the keeper of the Corpor/:l.te Seal and all papers and reoord. of the C1ty. He shall attend the meeting~ of the Comloil. keep a full reoord of all ita proceedings and of all d.1ebursemenh of publIo monie.. and he sha.ll also file and duly keep all the records aDd publio papers of the City. shall countersign all warran~. d~&wn on the treuw::r, and eball to all intent. and purpose. be dee.ed to be the olerk and. bookkeepe"F" of- the Oity and shall oftIcla~-... ' i:'. .-. He shall at the la.at regular meeUng of the CUiy Couno11 before the general eleoUoa in eaoh year. JIl&ke a detailed report of .11 the finanoial and other business of hi. office, showing the ..ount of money reoe1ved by the City, its offioers and &gente a.nd the disposItion made of the s&as and of &11 warrants drawn on the Trea8UrY and suoh other information as will give a olear understand- tftg of the buslnes8 of hie office ana the finanoes of the City. This report Ill&Y aleo be required. at any other U.e when reques,ed. by the Counc1l. In the absence of the Clerk from any meeting of the Oity Counoil said Council may appoint a Clerk pro-t-.. Section 3. DUTIES OJ' JLUXICIPAL TREASURD.. BO:@l): The JLualoipal Treasurer ahall be the oustodian of all the monIes of the Olty. exaept noh money aa baa been paid 0'9'81' to the Treasurer ot the School Board for the maintenance of schoole. He shall keep an ltea1se4, full and oorreot ~ocount of all monies rece1ved and d.laburHd, ~nd he shall pay oui no money except upon a.n order signed by the hyor and oountersigned by the Clerk. a.nd speoifying the objeot and purpose of the payment and the page and book of the record of the opunol1 proceedings where suoh payment 18 .howa to Pas. No. ... " r- have been authorized. He sha.ll keep 68.1d funds of the C1 ty on deposit in a bank des1gnated by the City Council, upon suoh bank giving to the City of Seward, a. good and suffioient bond, approve4 by the City Counoil, 1a sufficient sum to proteot the City a.gain.t 108., oonditioned upon the sate keeping of the sa1d funds, a.ooount- ing for the same, and pa.ying them out upon the proper warrant, vO\loher or oheok. The Munioipal TreasUII.. shall, before entering upon the duties of hie office, give hi8 bond to the C110 Y with 8u.fflolent lJureties to be a.pproved by the Counoil In such SUIt as the Counoil may dlreot, not les8, however, than twice the amount of the p\lblio money that may oome into his hand8 IU treasurer during the tem.whioh bond shall be oonditioned that he will faithfully and henestly collect" keep and disburse all the monie. belong1ng to the City" whioh bond sha.l.l be filed with cw4..,:t_"t; by the Jluuicipa.l Clerk. '!'he J(tmioipal Treasurer shall a.t the laei .eeUng of the Cl~uno1l before eaoh general eleotion, or a.s often ae the City Counoil shall dlreot, make a deta.11ed report, In wrlting, showlng the reoelpte and disbursement. of the year or for any period design- ated by the City Counoil. Seotion.. DUTIES OJ' MUNICIPAL ASSESSOR: The Munlo1pa.l A.eessor shall once ea.oh year, a.t such time a.s the Counoil ma.y direoi, duly li8t and asse88 a.ll the ta.xable property In the Clty at its juat and fa.1r value. He shall file suoh l1st and assessment withi the Munioipal Clerk within the tlme designated by the Oounoil and efIa.ll ser.. a. notioe of the f1l1ng of the ea.me upon eaoh person res1ding In the Clt1 whose property bas been ~ssea8.d by deposlttng suoh not1ce 1n the Post Offloe, poetags prepald, addr....d to the owner of the property a....sed. ,~:'"~,,,~- Seotion 5. DUTIES OF lIUNICIPAL ATTORNEY: The Mu.n1clpa.l Attorney shall be the legal adv1..r of the Council a.nd other offioera of the Oity in refereno. to their offioial duties, and h. shall represent the 01ty as attorney 1n a.ll 01vl1 and oriminal proceedinge in wh10h the City 1e Interested. Pa.ge No.5. L_ r~' SECTION 6. DUTIES OF THE MUNICIPAL MAGISTRATE: BOlD: The Munioipal Magistrate shall have jurisdiotion of all actions for Viols:Uon of munioipal ordinanoes of the Town of Seward. He shall follow as near as practicable the same proooedure aa a Justioe of the Peaoe, unle.. otherwise presoribed by ordinanoe enaoted by the Counoil. He shall give a ~nd, with good and suffioient sureties, to the City of Seward, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, oonditioned upon the fa! thful d1aoharge of the duties of his office, which bom sball be filed with the Munioipal Clerk. Seotion ? DUTIn OF THE CHID' OF POLICE: The Chlef of Polioe shall be the head of the Police Department of the Ci \y and the patrolmen or watohaen employed by the City shall be subjeot to hi. ~.rd.er 8. He shall iake hi. instruotions from the Mayor, and shall obey and enforce all lawful orders and instruotions given him by the said lIayor OJ: the COIIlRitt.e on Publio Health and Publio ''',;,..t' .... .:;.__ ,,~.~ ProteoUCIIl in beha.lt of the City Counoil. SecUon 8. DUTIES or THE CHIEF OF THE FIRS DEP ARTJlEN!: The Chief of the Fire Departaent, shall be the exeoutive head. of that Department and all members of that department shall be .ubjeot to and. obey all orders given by hill while they are acting in the capaoity of fire.en. The Chief of the rire Department shall also be ex- offioio rire v.!a.rden, a.nd as such, perform suoh duties as the City , Counoil may by ordinanoe presoribe. ~hall be h1. duty to exaaine into the construotion of chimneys, flue., fire paces, hearth., stoves, stove pipe., oven., emoke staoks, boilers and all a.pparatus u.ed in 01' about any building and oause the same to be replaced., removed., or placed in a safe and secure oondition, He shall prevent the depoa1 i of ashe 8 in unsafe places and he shall in all manner execute the orders of the Mayor or City Counoil regarding fire protection. The salary allowed by the City Council for servioe. 808 Chief of the Fire Department shall be in full for all servio.. reDelered by hla in both capacities. Seotion 9 DUTIES 01' AUDITOR: The Aud1 tor "hen d1reoted. by the CoaiKlon Cow. 011 shall make a full ~ ~plete a.u.i1t of the books of 'the Olir ~~nd JIIli.U hi. repOR 1. writing to the Counoil. Page 10. 6 r= ARTICLE IV. METHOD or TRANSACTING BUSINESS. Seotion 1. QUORUM OF COUNCIL: At all meetinga of the Counoil j five member. 01' foUl' members and the Ma.yor~ shall oonstitute a 'lUf)J."Ua for the tra.nsaotion of bus1ness~ but no ordina.nce or resolutIon shall be passed. at any meet1ng unless it reoelve. at 18....1; four votes. In oase of the a.bsence of the mayor an4 the Pres1aent Pro Tea, if a regular quorua of five be preeent, they shall elect one of their me.bers to preside. Seotion 2. PRESIDENT PRO TEll OJ' COUNCIL: The C1 ty Counoil a.t Its firat regular meeting a.fter the general eleotlon 1n eaoh yetlZ 01' a. soon thereafter as the Counoil ahall deem 110 expedien\ shall eleot one ot their number p"S~~j Pro '1'emof the oounoil whO.. duiJ:_.1.i 8b&1l be t,O pre.w.e 0."1' the ..etIng ot the Oounoil and p8rto.ra ~ba_ duUe. of the mayol' d.uring the absence of d1aabllUy of the Kayor. The Preaid.ent Pro Tem while presiding oyer the meeting of the Counoil shall be entitled to vote on all questions before the oounoil but he .ball have no a.uthority to veto a.n ordinanoe or resolution paned. by the Oounoil. Seotion 3. RECORDIlfG or VOTE OF MEJlBERS: The vote on all j questiona, except upon the passage ot an ordinance, re801ution~ ordel' for the payment of money~ or proYiding for the levying and. colleotion of taxe., aba.ll be by Yiva Tooe, unless two member8 ot the oounoil shall oall for the Ayes and Nay.~ in whiob eyent the roll shall be oalled and the vote of eaoh member reoord.ed by the/ Olerk. Upon the pas8&ge of all ord1na.nces~ resolutions, order. for the pa.yment of money, a.n4/or providing for the levying and. oollecUon of taxes, shall be by roll call, and the olerk shall reoord. how eaoh member of the Counoil voted. No suoh quesUon shall be O&1'r1ed unle.s four m8l1bers of the Counoil shall vote in the affirmative. Every muber ot the Counoll~ Vlho 18 present when a question 18 put shall yote for or against the same ~ unless the Counoil sh&ll excuse him. Seotion 4. STANDING COIOlI'1'Tn~: The Sta.nding Committees of the Oounoil, shall eaoh oonsist of two membera, 'who shall be appo1at.. Page No. , ,....,'.""'.~..,..ll JTl tR"fliUa~ r by the H{l"yor. unless the C.;U1101l o'thel"i1t:;e l1ireotB; Datu oOl'ludttees sba.11 De lut tollows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SJ.e 01(.1.1 COIGmIttee on ASlllf)l,81l1t';llt l~nd Colleotlon of t.axe.. Co.mlttee on Publlo Soboola. C~lttee on F1re Proteotion. Oou11ttee on LIghts. r,eweragflt. Water and Wharf.. COI1lmlt1;e. on Publio Henlth "n;i PubUo Prottlc\lon. COIQmlUee on Finance nnd ClAb4s. COftlliittee on Streets &nd Street Improvement. COMmittee on PrInting. Coal/dUee 011 CIV10 lff&1r8. CommItt.e on La.w and Ord1nance. OUllU41ttCtH' Iht..y ue appointed "hem ordered by rCBolutlon of the COUll 0 11. Seotion 5. ORDER or J3USINE~: The follo\~ Ing shall be the ord.r of bualnftslI at all .lllf,etlngs of the Coufell: Roll Ca.ll. Head1ng. oorreoUng 6.nd. approving the minute8 of tbe pr.vIous meeting. Presenting ot .e8_gee~ l>>O.or1&le. pet1tIcms and. QOmlllWllo.:Uon8. iUlQ. theIr reference or oth.r d1spos1U<m. Introd.uot lon of ordInances and l'eeolutI0118. loh.ir refc"Jloe at other dIsposItIon. Preeen~tIon ~ ref.renoe of olat... Cnooatnb City OItloc~8. Report or Standing CommItt.... Report of SpaoLl.l COJlillliU.ea. Unf1nIshed Bu.in.... New Bua1n.... Adjournment. SeoUon 6. :1'1'A1lPpIG RULES: No Btanu1r.g rule or order ot the Counoil ehall be reeolndec1 or .u8})eod.ed.. e.x.oept bJ .. nJt. of f1ft ...ltib<lra of tho CounoI1 1n the afflrlllii:Uve SacUon 1. PASSAGE car OBDINJJl'CES: Every proposed orulnanoa sru.ul. aftor having bo.n introduced [J,tld read. lay on tho t..bl. until the '\ next reGUlfl.1' lU6ot1ng for ita aeoc;.md rCf:l.('i1ng u.nO. aha.ll be read for the re~la.t' thIrd ti.. d the ....vlllecting ::...ftcr 1h 1ntroduoUon unle.. the rules be susp.nded I~S here in provided. OeoUon 8. RULES OF OP.DER: Roberts RuloB of Ordor oha.ll be the authorIty on pt..rl1tl.1llen'ta.ry rules &nd prooeqflu:re of the CounoI1 unless othor~i9o provid.ed In thie ordln~oe. t'.ecUon 9. EXECUTIVE 2ESSI05: The Counoil .ay at any 'ti.e. by a., vote of four of 1ts ...robers. gu into exeoutl.. sesslon. uuring whIch tbM all 1)01'80118 aba11 be 8xohKled exoept lohe Mayor h,nd mcmlx:ra of the Counoll. '1\"',0 Pu.e;e No.8. '--.- / Seotion 10. PUBI,!CA'fION OF ORDINANCES: All orulni.uoo8 shall bO f,ubHeheo., ~ii.her by li\)stlng <4 oopy t.heruof in throe j"ubllo plaoos 1n the City of Se~J(,zd, one of ~hioh nba.ll b6 I$.t the Cit.y "Lll, or by l)ubllc:ttlon in una issue of u. no.,. paper ot gcmera.J. 01rculatluJl iiubllahod. ~,lthln the Clt.y ut Suwad. ::;1#f.:'t1on 11. PROCEDURE to REOm-ATE RATES: ~enf,ver 10he City Council ah",ll Q.uClm It t;.dvhablo to r.,gul....t., chu.nge or fix, the rat... to be c}u~r~eU by ...ny pUblic aorv lee corpvrt\.i; 10n. atJDOo1at 19n or Ind1vidual 1t shu.ll pro~ed in fJ.ooord.auoo wUh ScI.nlon 21 u.N1 Section 2e of Art lele IV Chj;1,.pter S7 of tho Beas10n La... ot Ala.sJca.. 1.923. " Seotion 12. MEETl.UOO OJ' COUNCIL: !!'ho .teSUlar ..ot mB'8 of t.ho CUy Coultcil ,,113.11 be bald In the Town Ha.ll of tbe City ot SewbZ4 on the t1l'st tUld thlrli Kanda,.. 1n ea.ch month. at the hOlU of elgU o'olook P.M. Speclb.l lIleetlnt~ ll<ay be called by thtJ Mayor. o~ upon the reqUAst of t\'10 (CAlllbers of the City Coun~rl':~;iW~e Munlcipb.l C16rk. ~ocUon 13. ptAIUS AGAINST CITY: All clli-a. a.t~lJl13t the CUy .hall be Uelfjhed i..rv.A Ilr()perly yer1fled ii.ml pr~uaetlt.O<1 to the Municipal Clerk. ...ho sha.ll refer the. 1.0 the C<lIlilllltt.. on nfU:l.UOO which Bb.ld C(,)Jl:\tdttee ,qlus.ll lllYCBt1H1le them !;.Cnd 1f fuund. oorreo'\; ahall u.PiJroYe theM, "ftt:;r. whloh the 00ull011 may ortior them pu.1d.. Thone oh.1u4B not approve,l hy th,: fln.:\,noe Cor.'ll.,"llttoc f~h&.ll 11010 be ordered. Ilb\.ld \IJlt1l oa.rcful11 Invof"tigu.teu b}' the City Counoll ur by l'>. ull6cl&l Ooa.mI\1t.e ~polntcd. '0,/ the IM..yOt' f(Jl' that. p\,\)."polJe. Section 14. l.lr:E OF TIll!:: MASCULINE OtmJ)EJ!: In All ora lnu.noe8 l..nd reo.::lutloJuJ now in force or that mli.Y b~ hererdter enaoted by the Clty CO\Jr;o11 'ihore the ma.acullne e;t'JJ1l.1er la u6IJcl It oha.ll InolUlJ.. the tecln1ne and. whore the s1ngular ftUIllbe: is uaed it allall Inolude the pluru) unlt'HIB It 1u llpeclfloa.lly other_be de81gnateci, or the !len.. and Inta:.rl)r.,tl~tlon \he1'oo1' rtNulro8 a different oonstruction. Page Ko. S. r~ ARTICLE T. S C H 0 0 L S Seot10n 1. MANAGEMEII: The CIty Counoll Bha!l provlue the Clty I I of Sewu.rd wtth suUable 80hool house. ",nd provide the necessary fW148 to u.alnta1n publio lIchoole there1n. Such sohoole when once ..t~bliah.d ahall be under th~ suPervIs10n unci control of the Sohool Board oonaistln~ of thrue mo~bcrG elected ~ooordIn6 to law. All Iloney ......UAbl. for sohool purp008e, except tor the oonstruotion and equipment of oohool t~u6ea and the a~lul81tlon of site. for the hIM, eha.1J. be expen(lod. unl1cr the direotion of saId. Sohoul Boucl, an.1 the trea.aurer of ~id Boc...rd shall be the custodian of u.Jd. 1Il000e)", a.nd he slul.ll, betore entering upon the duties of the office, give hls bond with suffioient suretiea to the Clty in such Bum &8 tho Cuunoil I!l~y direot and subject to 1 te l'J.Pprovul, but not le.. tha.n "",1oe tbe lUIluunt thu,t may cOlllO into h18 handa at anyone ti.. ~ irea.urer, oonult1oned that he wIll honestly anu faithfully eli.bur.. a.nd la.OCOunt tor all Dioney tha.t May oOille into hie hamt. &a Rob treaaU1'el', whioh bond shall be tUed "lith the J.lunio1pa.l Clerk. Be .h&l1 pay no .oney frOtli the treasury except for the purpose .'horhed by law ana on .arrante e1gne.j by the olerk of the School Boazd ana. oounterB1gneu by the Presiuent of the BOaru. The sald Board ah&ll have the power 1;0 hire hnu employ tbe neoesaary te~oher., to provid.o for boating an4 11,91tlng the schoolhouse and. 1n gonera.l do and perro,. everything neaenBary tor the (1.\Ut ma1niena.noe of a. proper school. ! i SeaUon 3. ~OHO~ ~t: A. 800n ae the City Sohool Bou.rd ahAll be orga.nbed b.fier the ttllnun.l eleot10n they shall estiae:te . the aaount of .toney nooeallt1ry for sohoel purpos.a for the enauing yod and av.wU aueb budge' to tho CUy Counoil. The C1ty Counou L Ua.ll then d.eter.ine tbe aaount of lIlODey to be IIIW4e ava.1l&blo for .oteol purpo..., a.nd. 8ball furnhh the school board of the aUy ..-- a~'..ent of auoll .., a.nd ah&.ll require the MUnioipal Trea.surer to par ih. .. a't'a.UalU.e for school purpo... to the Treasurer of t the aohool B~rc1. 'fbe aaount of money to be lIiUc1e a.-n.llll.ble by the Page 10. Jill I \, r=-= Mun1c1pI,tli ty for school purpose.. nhG.ll toe detcrf..i1ncd bf resolut1on of th(t Cow.o!1 bcfol'tt the tcu levy 1ill alJiM1o, ;.,00 such t\l'!lount IIU1Y be 1l)vloJ. ,..Il .:1, tlOpU,l:'H.tQ tax or all il. p:->.r't of the r.:.un101pal tli\X as the Counal1 ehall uoc1dO. :1ooUon 3. R1iYOR'1' TO OOlJNCiJ,: The Sohool BOt.r<l :shall whea- over rO<lu1:Nd by th., City COW10U. but not ofteMr than once ea.ch month, transml t to the Counol1 11, detuU0d report and. GtateJllont of tho rHmayo ".lClHH1ded and for what and to wbOlU paId. r';>flcUon 4. RECORDS OF 'mE BOARD: All the -recorde anQ tn.. of the Soho~l Boar\1 shall be opltn to lnapecUun by the publio at &11 reason~blo t1mfle. ARn CLF. VI. AYENDL.~S. Seot lon 1. '!'h. rul. . and. regulaUons prov1ded. for In thie ord1nanoe fIlay be :lJ'llended Of orl11nanoe. but only '.lPon a. vote of flv. ~embn~8 In the affirmative. ARTICLE YII. R*ALS. ~ectlon 1. OrUlnl.>.llCO N\lIIl.wr SO A (mtltle\! an .Ortl1n~noe tatfoi.blhl>\lne RuleD nr.(l Re~l&tlcm8 fer the C1ty gf Seward. Ala.eJra.. for. the Mayor, C"unoll '.nd otha:r City (>fflccrs. und for othor Pl:U-POU8, end 1"~peal1ni. ')rd tn<}uce .l of the T01'" no.. C1ty of Sewa.rd. <),nJ. 'Jl1 other (;\"dt,r,;~nceG ,'uld pr.,rts cf ora lnuncs8 In ConfllM here- w,tr.e 1 f! hereOf raTC.,.led: [..rW all ethor ordlns.nce8 find parte of ordlnc,t:,oea In oonfllot bCT;:;',;;lth ;;;.rc h~rl:by repe~led. to tbe extent of Buoh 90r f] tet. Thl" Ol"llnlince ,E',hLll tUcke effect ;H\O, be in f,,~l force from ond. after ltlOl r(.t1flon.tlon by the Vot61'8 of the City of Sew!:ircJ. l\t u. specia.l ~le;.:t1gn to be o~llel1 for tha.1i PTse. PU.aaeu Df the CIt,. Counoll thl. J 1- - d&1 of ~..-Jt( .W "'-..,. ,_ ..d 'i Mun1olpa.l Appro"BO: thie /~J__f:!t cla7JIM..(" \I ~ 1925. ", -7- ..'".fJ-';~"tl1 I2AV' , , , lll"-Jor. 1925. . P/il.~tt Mo. 1,j .