HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1926-092 - !8tr'.,::;:-:,,-- ~ /- 16 :J t) opf ~ ~ ORDINANOE 10. /) ;/ C,-,) ?-Lt( ". <." " " --- " , AI ORDIIAIOI 'fO AJlIlfl) SEO'lIOJt 4 OF ORDIIANOE lIO. 84 or THE 01n or so.um, ALASI!t DTITLJO) 'AN ORDINANCE RELATING '1'0 THE USE OJ' TBI POWO HIOlIWATB .dD REOULA'l'IOIS OF VlHIOLE '1'1U.JTIO IN THE fO. or SDAJlJ), PROVIDIIG PEJlALTtES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREO', AID REPEALIIG ALL OllDIIABon AID PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN OONFLIOT THEREWI'.rH, AND FOR OTBER Pl'JillOBES.' BE IT ORDAINJ'!:D BT THE COMMON comYOIL OJ' THE CI'.rT or RW.lRD, ALASU, That SeoUon 4 of ord1.nanoe 10. 84 of the Oliy of Sew&rc1, Alaska, be uended '\0 :read a.e follow.: ttSeoUon 4. The f.. for an opera'ior'. 110.nse as above pro.lud. .ha.ll be '2.50. All 1106n... shall be dat.d. upon 1M date of the appl1oa"S.oll therefor and shall exp1r. J\m. JO"h. of eaoh ,.U and. shall 'bl r.ne...' a.nn\Ul.l1y 1n the 8am. ma.nnlr ... provlded. for o1'1g1nal regb'iraUons, such ,..n.....le to take Itfeo" on the fir." day of July of each yeU) 1" 18 pro.lded., h.o.....I', tbat for allY J'eghlJ'."Uoa ud.e afbr JuU8ZJ' 1.1 of any 18.:1 bUt oa....half of ........ t.. llhall be paid., a.nd for any l'.gl.1ra:Uo.. u.d.e on 01" aft II' _I'u.' ~t ot 81'1' ,..&1' W.t oa.-fourth. ot sald Ie. shall bl palel, PROmD.: 'l'U.t .rat.r. 01 .0tOl' vehlol.. 0....4 by tlls OU, ~: 8e1tUd, the bn1tol'7 of .Ala.ka, and the UnUeel Mat.., .l:I&ll D01 be required to pay "he 1106n.. t... hel".ln pro.ld.d, howe'9'8l', 'the, sballll.ue e,ppUoaUO'A for & 110en.. and shall 9.1 all tiae. be su.bjeo; ,. all tbe other pl'oTls1ons of this ord1nanoe. Such licens.. sball be ...11d onl, whUe Buoh opera.to. 01" open:tor. &1'e Ope:r.."l:ag or d.:r1Ylng sa1d 1IIoto. ....hiol.. .Jtolu.1....1' em ofUct..1 1iNs1D.... PIIOVIDD, &1.., lhat "k. Jfunlo1p&l Oled: sh&l1 be &u"ho.lII.d to 1.~ a 'e~oral'Y 110..... fol' 9. period. not to .xo..d 30 dar. to p..80a. OVlI' the ace ot 18 Y.u. who u. un-:re ddenh ot the 01", Of 8ewazd bu; who desl.1 to dri.... a. aotol' ...eh101e dur1ng thelr ...1.11 1n 'the 01 t, . hoh 11oen.... ahal1 be 1n tON .11111&1' to the 1'88\11&1' dzive:r'. l1oen.. but the Clerk 'Moll endor.. ..01'0.. the faoe 01 au. l1oea.. t118 woK -VISITOR-. lfo fee .ha,ll be oh&rsed for .uch 1108.". ,.....d. 'th1e day of _ . 1911. _.....41 JI\111olpal Oltl'k: llA1V .