HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1927-095A , \ 'I) ;1 q../ OnDI1UNCE no. ??~ ;? / . A'f, ORDD!&.BCE I'RO'VTDHIG FOR 1TF A8SEsm.oorr ,u:vY A1!1) . COJJ..ECTIorr OF GEiJ"11\L TAXES for senOOI. 'rm l:trnICtrAL rtm- l'OSE8 IU:'IF CI'2Y O!C Sl~l1..um. ALil.tin 'r:D PEPEALInG OEDI- lU,liCES IrnJIB}::'; FOllRTEEi (1.4), TW} l'TY -SFV'E.!! ( F:1) AND FORrY- DIIl'EC4:9) OF THE ern OF SEWARD,.um,'or OTreR PURPOSES Am) D1llCLARING 4E UdERGE!:TcY. 1m 11' ORDAINED BY THE COM1~on cotmCIL OF '.'111' CIn OF SEWARD. ALAsn: Section 1. pnonRTY sUnJIOOT TO GlmrRAL TAXliiS. All property. botb real and person.al. within the City of s.... aJ'll., not exempt .from tp:ati.on under the 1&_ of'th. Unite4 stat.. or the Territory of .llaalta. 18 subj.ct to t.....ttoa tor riohool tJ,nd mu:nl01pal purposes. A e:eneral tax 'for eeboo1 and manlolpal l'l1%'p08ee upon real and pcrlllonal prop- om within the City of Seward shall be assos.e4, 1..1_ and eoU.ote4 as in tb1e ordinanoe proTlded. Boott on 2. IUl'.LL PROP; RTY ,'ND 1'" ;:::, aNAL PROI'J::RTY D:&- FINED. The term reel propt'rty am lam1 wh.n 1180d 1n this act sball be held to 1nclu4e not only the lan4 1.tee1:t wheth- er 1a1d out in lots or otberv:1se. but slso all building., . .t1'11Otures. Imp1'OTornents. ftztu.ree of whateoeTer ktnd th.n- on. and nll po.....ory rights and pr1Tileg.. bo10ng1Dg to or 111 anptee appertatn1:ng tb.reto, find tbe word traot herelll nall include all lands. 1'10088. or paroele of htD4 which ~ be eepe.ratelJ' .....11.:.1. tog.ther ",ith tho f1:d1u'ee aDd i..,:roT__te thereon. 'l'h. tea personal. property or peraona1.1.ty shall M oon.14eH4 to 1nolu4. all bollS.boll good.. ~f"". :tvat- t1lre. ..Uel8, goode. V1,,~. merebaDdt... 80ld 4.... rl1III11F on 4.,..St eUber With_ or 1ft tlao1rt tbe -.,...1-. _._ ^ .,.' > ,itliii. .-~._-~ ~- .. T...1.. oDed 61' ~n.rel in tbe oorpomtion, e&l'ftal 1........ t1Mtft1:Jl. "11 4ft11ts -aue 01" to beoOtl'l$ due from 801.. 'ftInt d.ton. W'hetllfl!T on aooOlmt. oont'1"8ot, note. mortgage, or otberwt... "11 pub110 noo_, 01' stodku or sh!'JrtlU in in- ....}fOra... ooll!P8fttee, and all property of every kind nnd na.. t'a_ not, \'ft01.11&" in tbe tem nml property. ...tie I. WHAm' !!CLU:oI:D TN fJ.'E.'!!! fIIp.EAt :n:or:F:R1'Y". -17 ....,. Idwp'" W1tld,n tb.t! C1t7 of S81It8.r4. inoluding tile aapM'et'....A."od., 8lP1lr04Nh thereto. I"..nd 1'1188 drlyen into ... ,..... ".1' t... pl1rpotte .~ 8\tpporttng tbe &am_, must 'be ."..... a. a wheb l!!l1lI. 8.8 na! eatato end .ball be a.e.m-' --.1 ...... ,eJ' 'lie 'J'U'PO" ot taat1oa. Seotion 4. .iAT}i,r; MAInS IN~LU'.JED Hi is:' 1''':'1 "REAL .Pl19P" IIrILW _~ _Ju. w1tMa the.~.~. &""'1'4, tOgether with , &'1.1.1.,_".., 1" aMaolle4 thereto muetbo l1st" and aaa.h_ ..r. ....... &eet1al1 5. llOKIeII'AL t5L.t','RX 1'0 t:!'/O\P!1)t 1'lEeESSAR!' ~'f ~ The *ntet!*l Cle'1'k ntJal1, tinder the 41rec- Uoa ,f tbe O~ Ccnmoil, p?&Y14e the neeMJ!Sary &useezment \..ke. .eoe1J*a. 'laDks, notteee, ~to.. ~n4 deltvcr tb& same $0 tile c1ulJ' apJIOutet ase..sor of the Otty 01' SewArd. not 18t&r that tbe ~t"' 4a.y o~ ~ in ea.ob ytl81'.' .i"-1.. I. I13JBR or ASSBSFMV~!. 'he aSBeSBor aTToin. e4 07 t1lie 0... C<<Ute'fl IlIIlSt. Mtl\sen 'tbtJ ft 1'tMnth day o~ J-. eM. ,..liS'S" 4qo-r A.~t O'f Mol'! 19&1.", pl'Oper17 lin 1. tb4t .....l.~_t lloolm :twnt.efl M'm 117 ~8 1mn101pa]. Clerk, aU. RM P-~~ wttlltn t1te oit,. o'f ::>...1'4, 8tl'bJeot to taD.- '"-- aM __ nob '~MtI) in 'tlte']'}fJJft8 of tbe :person b7 -..t"t. W8.8, .Iet U 0'.10. JSe:rtdt~J1 Oft the :fifteenth ila7 ef .--. .. tu ,..r ta ..1.... tlle ....<<mn.en-t i ~ ma4.. If the .... t....., aaa DOt 'M ....rt.tBeI.. tben the Jl%'Ol>~rt7 sball b..:........ ta $1Ie pel'tIOa etatMn~ t'he 811M or in 1I!10ee p08see- .t. .. ...."1 tt .... ." 11 .'e'loelt 'PlerlUsn on t'ht>. fitt..tl1 lay of~. 1.1 t1le .......1' a!.ooyeres p1'Op6rty for'Mnh be ..e,.. ~".,~ t'lIsn find no owner or oln1Jl9Jlt 01' lIihloh is aot in ~" 1'0""'- sion or control 0" a.ny porsGa. t~. he shall....... aft prop- ert,. to "Unknown OWner". :rrov1dea..tbat no n1a\Pe III the name o' UlC ow-nor. cl3,1.mant. person in j!Gssesal<a or in oon- trol 0,;:' prOpt1rty all'),11 render the ASo__nt tho~1A~1d. The 88308001' 81'1t\11 list ;:;11 roal y),roPQrty eepe.mte1.7 by lot and block end :r."l propt11:'t7 wbleb if) not, 8uW,iYi6ed into lots and blooks Bhs.ll be othel'\'1... _retul17 .....ribe&. ~1"1a<< num- ber of .0;1.'.. or fraotiOJl. thereo:t. :i'J',I.e M....... .u.u. 11. all teabl. p.rsonal Propert7 sep&:rate &nd a,.rt ho. 1'..1 pnper- tJ. .111 ......sment. _._ b7 .aid fl...BII.J' ehall be ....-1 and uniform and based ~O. the .etual value, crf ~h. 'J'OPft't1 ass.SB- .4. Reotlon 7. 1W\.llt~ ~{~Il~r;,'O JtU~ l'lUlIor'li 1'W'EpTJ At tho tbe of l1etlng and &a888S1>>B the Pl'G.P8rV within 'the City of ::.wo.rd it Bhnll be tho duty of tho UII...r 'to %'efl1ltre each pcracm to *_ ImT pertHJw11 p:ropo~y. 1s to 1Ml 8sses.ed, to fUl"Uj sh a statf,l:'18nt V(lM :f1", bt'oath, g.tTtftg t:l li.~ of e.ll his pcrPOnnl propcrtr at .. jut t;Lnd fai r ftlDe. 't'M N1.11ng of blank forms for th1.s 8t7'tOO'1I,'t b7 'the ..sseatlOJ'. aa4ft1tt1ed to the 1ndi v1tlual ta:x:pa7'rs of the (Ji 10, of S....ri.ll ehall b. suffioient notioe :"1nd dema;n4 on euoh ~.r. of' their 11lty to furnish oa1(1 sta~.ID.)nt of the'-r peraonal PZ'OJI~U!ty. ::luoh 'blank :forms and noti.e.. Mall aG fMl~. o.u or betoM J1UIe f'1f- ,t.-ntb of eaoh 7oaz. .u an7 ;p8.J'aoa faU.., refu8e8 or n~t;s to make auah veri.t1e4 su.tGmu>>.t a.IIA retazon tbe __ t. tb. "...8Or on or befo,J;e t8& ~t1.-th &a7 of .J1tl.7 ~ eaeb ~, the assessor 8ball. pm.... to .......in tht:_1nlJte Ant. tlllR-..t ot tbat person 'e pro,pert,. tl'oa the eeet .."... of tnfo1'llatton at his ,,?UIIlllIW.d, Uld W Jl1aoe .. ".;a.MtiOJl ... it aMollliftg to bie owu best j~t an" 1Qt.e.l.... ad _o1:l tupa,..r or J'l8't- 1lC)J1 eht::' 11 not thenatter b4 u..... b,. tll. Cemmon Co1lMt1 .1' Boazt of Bquall..U. in arq 8:ppltoa'" _ 1'01" a H'f1,a1.. .., 8I1oh .....81!l8nts AS ellall ~V(l b..- .... .,. t1ut f'\...Hl"'~. -~ r-~ !te..t"OD <> C"1""CL"T"V' "'~<'" dO;) "l""C" 'h' ""'Ar'!' ,;,',A" - V 1. o. Vii Uv.: ,',U';fVU j../J.'i..l" "".l,.\.j:I.;,.;,.J<.. ",,).,;;,.' tJJ.&;.J.JTt~*JJ.l:. A taxpayer is bound PDQ estopped by hia own ste,tell1Cnt as to till'" nature qml value il hlc Y'l'oport;,- l:J.\do ill Us list...1:1oh he returns for taxatlon. ; iQY/eV,;r. ;,uc:h list or etatol:wnt ahall not be oonolusivo on tlH' anseSsor rino he tW.y ad4 '~o such list any omlttH profeI";;! of whIch ho bas k:uowlodi'e and he may also inorease tho valuatIon on suoh proporty 118tel b;V tht) taxpayer 80 ths,t 1;ho tl6mtl {'ihall refleot th, .otualTal... u. of the prope rt;v u8e88ed. Ssct ton 9. DKLIY!.~J:' ,)1' ',~S NOT ICJ BY ASSESSor;. On ox before t ht fi 1'; t, d~ 0 l' AUt?>WI't 1n _ell year. the assossor muliit complete hill tUlBellsmen't 'booo , , and must llIfl.iw and subsoribe tho1'eto an af:fldav:.t toot his aaeessment is f; fall, true "he. oorrect 8.8~esG.mt;11t o:t all tax- able property in the City 0-1' rJOVla.rd, to the beet of MA! k1:low- ledge nnd belief', ~md must deliver inn &<:t14 nS8(1semont bookS to tho common Counoil togethor vltth 1:11 books. atatOl:wnte. data. ma.pl.'l r:nd ob"rts relat 10f; thereto. At the tl'c9 the ..s.e.... or delivers to the CornlLon Council tho S,C5l0SS;;tent b()obl hE> flll..ll notify. by postoart.. oao anti every property 'bolder. OJ: h1a or their agents Or repros,ntstives. th(} IlI:1Ount o:r~be ..88ee.. valuation plaoed u.pon h1s 0.1' their real a.nd p,r80naJ. property, and whlch postaa~ shall further ate.to th>o date., timo ~ plaee of the ~ting of tho Common CQunoU slttlzli &8 a :Boe.r4 of EquallaaUon. , Sect ion 10. BOA.RD OJ'' hg. UAJ. ~?J,'p, O,g. ~ho CO\'lf'llOA 00\1l14t1l ahall meet a. a Board. of Equalaatlon on the seoond Tul4aiJ of .1uguat of e~ch year, unlesE' the Common Council shall. bl raIIO'" lutton, ,fUt a later date, at the hoUl' of two 0 'oloak 1\..... D.Ild ahall continue in 8.B8~On until tho hour of four a'alock p.. of sa14 4q end eOO11 continue in sesslon dai17 util the aat- urdq next following. between the hour. Of two o'o1ook ax;<d tour o'oloolr p.m. rotioe th"t snid COJl1ll0n Counoil ~'nl ...t to tMlua11.e aaaeaementa 8~mll bo gi,ven by publlopt Ion. fOl' at lea,. t ....... 1--- tlt.... .aye :prior to _.,~ s8oo:nd 1'11&84&7 in August. in a newepgper printe' ~nd pnblisned in the City of seward, or by the posting of noticec in tinea "utIle plAces with- in sa14 C1t7 of Seward r t lOf'!.st t tree days prior to the meet11lg of the said Common Counoll ns a "'.oord of Equal- isation, on snid aeoondl'uesday in ~ugust. in case the Board OM not complete i tel work on the 1f at day named it -.y conttnue in 8eeston or adjourn from time to time un- til its work 1s completed, proTi41ng however, that said ...ra _t Stl'cmrn not lIlt'sr tbnn tl'LO Saturclt\y folloW1llg unt... tho time be extended by II resolutIon b7 the Oommon O'OUot 1. Section n. DUTY OF BOA.RD J:- J'RiJALIUTIOIi. It shall 'h tbe ~'llt7 O~ Bald CODDOn Counoil, sl'tt1ng as a Board of '- Eqaallaatlen, to fO over tho assossment roll as sub!ltltte4 b7 the .......or r.nd rmke DUch changes in the assessments. rat.tng or lowering the 8.ss&ssod ve.luatlon on thn 'Various 'prapert)' aDS.D.ea, .ee to it tnrt all property 1 B aSS8S8- ... wh10b 1B nb!ect to taxation within the City of 3eward; ., to dOltde all :propnt:r not sub jeot to taxati on so t~ t the .......1 Yalu8S on nIl prop6rty v~thin tho oorporate limits td tbe e1ty of Seward, Alnskn, which is subjeot to ta:mtion, will b. ."ua:1 f'lld uniform ~nd l):'1BO:i upon the actual Talue ~ the P\ope%'t7 aeeeee.d. Seot10:n 12. CIi:\llGES HI1S:E:;)SME!I'fS m 130AIID OF J9"J.t.I!tlf!OI'. m '}NIU6JlB o'bjeottng t'o'tb:e 'assessed Yalua- tift o:r any P~pol"t7. or to tbe n.sBessment of the Bame,Bball - ftt'uett 1ftIeb Ob'oat1on, or objections, to writing and file the 8aI:'!'e wttb 1:be >>oara on or before thO bour of four o'a1ook p.m. . o't the ~1.tth 4a7 of tho sitting of sald nonrd, I"'.nd 1"11 per- .,. fdl1tJ8 to f1le their '.'T1tten Objections \'1 tb add Board .. ..... )Jro.,Ue4 ono,11 be deemed to haT(' consented to 8uch ....'*Mnt. "lld thi' aotion 0" 'tl'o Board 01' Equal i_tion, and ll'tal1 'e f'ore't'e1' bo.rred f1"Om thereafter JlYtk1nt? snob object101'h -. .~" - .. ...- s-t1....... "'" 'l'J1YICW,,' 'f"';,' ....~ . y.." ..L.O. J; .t.' .. ...u,' ~ .. f)iV,j('r", "PU 'J.r;;! :'1011. Tbo 00llMn CAaeU ta t~ Oity of s..... .itt1n;" I'! f' ~ ~M~ of B"'fta11_t1tm. el'ln.ll hf'...e 1!h11 pol'W''r'. ",..i'! it ('1'1,11 or> tb.., al1- 't;v 01.';1'1" ~fIl~. +'0 :re.1rH!t b'l" lo"""!' +1'!c "'etleeoe4 ,,"lt141:'!on of S1'te'h P%'OJ'lflt"t;y. rei'll or ::~er!()n\"l1. .'!- j ("l- r:t'-,y be by them dMmed aeqn&117 or 1m:t'P 1 t1 j" 8.M.SIIM. "'ltf1' nnlclJ'l&l ~1 erk e'M11 be t'l'2Oflfi.e!o (t].(.;rt:: of 'the ~~r4 1'}'f Jl:f1l'u\ltht'011 nTu! S1':~11 keep tl reeo >>6 of the l'roMed!.nr" 8 0' 't M T:\olI\ rd e.nr1 not (l . 11 ohengf.l8 mrode in tho T1\lup\tlona. by t hI Roo.rd.' 1'.~ore "'n7 1llere-" ~~'11 M,'9'f" 'bt'tmt *4. 'f1 t;.tM ..e...... ft.lntlrt 1 on of t:mJ' rT'ttperty. ~901!t"'ll O,!,' '2"Ml. the ~O:t. tberao1'. or 'Me tl- ~ 01' repreemrt"t1Te. 011"'" lIt' hot t1"tlH, fn vrr1t ~ng. by tbe 01-* of 1':bo t~rI. o'f nnoh Mntfll"1'1~1M4 rabe. ~n,r not 10e 8h~'11 b.."n-' by thO' 8111* or Cl\1e't of p(tl1ee. not lose ~ int1'f"e .. p1'1e1' to t"o dl'!.te upi'm ~h tOb 'tbf'l ~:J'" .. to ~ _tin 'ft1"(m thfl nIl.+tf"1'. I!''''II !'Orson. or !mY80n8'. 80 not- tft.a *11 be 1'Je'l'M'!.t~d '-'0 ""M'Of',r "o1'0!'~ tlle Door<< t'll" allow ftM1Be" TtDt!~2" OIIltb. ~ tmob aeeelm"ft ",,,lnr,t1on Sbf''!:! not be 1'_% ....... !eetion 14. POWER ')'f' "'~PT'l ()!" ~'tTA!,T1.A::"rm" ':'1) OlfAJfR lSSleH!flfl'!. 'rho ~OJItTl MY. after ['"1'" nr tl1r0e dl'tye not!o. e ftlle1' b7 ".bU,~ tl\e e~me tn " dl111r newByll'\pe1' tn no eit,. o'f 8ewa'l"l, Of' liT written llotlC'e 'f\(IOl'SM'I811y en'Tel uJ'lO!l. tlMt part" tntereetel It,- the eM of o~ 1'ol1.oe 'no""_" Ot' to*- .,. ."7 e..eelllMftt eGntatne! in f:h~ Rtmeermeftt roll. "1',4 make t.... e.....tlMet fJeftfl!Jt'rn to t~,. s.etug} -mld et l:ltIeh p~.rty. SMti.. u. APl'ttIltAUOI ~'n~ l:EJme!TOl'f Tn A~JSSJ.'!~i'j'. A.n'# peneotl hetl"t!l[' !!t HU'Ilot1 Oft f1"Mft tht' 1'I,BtJeStrl!ltm.t of h1s ~..,.1"'ty .Mll iI'lke. !'.J!4 1'1.1., ;ft'h t'b,,~~,r4 o-t T4118l ttat10n. a -.r1-t'tea appHod1cm the~f(Jft. "rifted bT Otl.t'h. d'howtng .... I..... 'tIJIO!l 1Vb1eb it 1" elatme4 tmob redtutttcm 8'hOt.lta '&e _de. No reduot ton obT'11 bC' nY,4e. however. unlo88 suoH per- 1Ilft1. .2" ht8 &sa" ""1~ t.lw ~1.1..tt". r'1>tl",n8. ~ J'\.d ~mll1fe1' aU questions perttnent t~} 'll;t Inquiry Il1f'de by the 11o~rd. , .... .. i~ Seot 10n li. FO~i 0' ~<>+l-;P ()F ~(~pALI~. i'lw Cl.rk of tbe BonJ't of F.qual1&a't101l _1;;1; reoo1.-d Ul ll18 .1A- ute book nl.l ohanse. !lad ordes mile bl' tho ioaZ'll of Rq1lll1- 1zatlou. ani during its s1rt1ng. or w1tl',tn two 4&18 then- a:ft~r. Gnter l.lpOlil ~he e,sSeSf't;\t!llt books ;~l .bar,gas, ~..r.o- ttons and ad!1tlana to the naa..aments mael. bl' the ~.& find ebs~l I'.IB.ke and aff1x to the aaaesIiOnml" ~ll. t,Q- f,ou.w- 1n& afU4avl t: " 1 . Cle.rk 01: t be BoaJo,'d. 0:: ,10. q..U.....t101l of the 0110; of Se1Jad.. AlMa. b.1n." f1:-41o d1l.l7 allOm on Q8.th. ea;y that 1 have .p't ~1o a1J;mtea ot aJ.l the actO. p:ooe.d1X1311., rAUJo1.ut10l.\G a.ncl orac. of the ~ of r;qualiaatiOA td the 01t, ot ~ewad.. A.1a.IJ;a. lIlIh:1cll ba.a Jpt ..1~:arn..A. .\.Pd }u?Te .ute,.a. Q1l tbo ~.._.t 1>>ob aU. ohana". 00%r80t10n8 And e,d.d1t1olUl to, tbs a.~ ,... Dr '< . the BoaJt. fl1l,d bp,ye E..s.e JlO o~ea, 4Ol"l"eotiona OJ." U4i.1ot_ to the said asssecment 8.COllttboae ord.r~ 1t7 _1" :Bo~"'." Seotion lV. A.PFEAL }!'ltOM DECISIon OF 30ARD ~ ~ WI.W!- .uq pel"eOll. or Jl8r80J18. dt ...ti~ 04 \1:1. tl;l the :1'1- nal 4eo1.1on of t ae :soan. of JIq\Ul1 tatiOIl on fll'plj.ea:t101l tor reduot1on of a.uGSsmeJilt upon propcort7 a....." loot thin the City o;f oJf1IIlIl.ra.. ~ appoaJ, 1:1"01::1 ...14, Ileots:lon, _ 1iU ))1e- tri4Jt Court of tho'rerr1tol'f of A1aalta. lHTtaW& JuaNl' 'r....... .n'th1Jl thls-'tl ~8 bQm the ttlH of lbG ,nM1U,a at a... .... o1a1011_ Said Q~ aWl.. tUG .Y .."Sag lIpQIl tlile muer , or mua101pal at~r~i a neilc. of appeal ~t..r .1~h a oopy of a "arif"... atu;lie:rnuAi ahO.i~ 'he faois 1Q4Jl, ...1_ U 1. 010.1[;)'" .auk rod\lOtie should be ....... T'Aa o.rtp,.aal "1'11t_ . statement sb.ow1n& t~ ta.ot. u~ ';o/k1oh 1$ 141 ~Ule" .. .... , ~ duett_ should Ofl m4. abe,U },e filM if 11.. i'M aal4 J)~"," coan. . SMt1OZ1 18. ,~'40.,1+ ~~ 01' ~,~. 'flallt .. the fint .eting of the Common Counoil of the City of ~. .l18slw.. a:tter the municipal o~. AS exof'flcio clerk of the ... r Board of Eqllal1satiOA. he.8 oorrooted the 1UI8..ement ftll. the 0.0__ COlIMU _nll, 1IDl... poetpone4 bY' '1t to l"\. lat- .1' <<.t_, ~i2[ tbe at. of' the tftx ~ :tor tbat yes". .ee1.... nat1ng the xmmber of m111. on too doller of the A..~ed nlvat1,OIl of tbe properl7. reel rnd nereoJ'Jal, vMoh .ha.11 be 1.....1_ all tax for thRt )'ear. 3eetlon 19. G&rU;}~ 'I'AX SHALL :BE, z.l]';a. J.ll gent'Tal 'taYM 1eT1_ b)' the 08 1 In 001Ul0tl n:nll b,} a 11en ~on t;-.e pHJMiri;y ..s..e4 3.JId ..b lien _.11 b4l prier aDd pu......t to all other 11... or, en_bJ'8J1088 agot.... the )trOpe"1 &88.SS- .... S.nUiIL aQ. 1\),~,H1E fit.~ fAXIS >>qn;. Upea "bile tfJ.7 tM1.ov- _ th. t1nna of ,tho :rate of 18"7. .. herelnbei'<ne 'PJ'OTtl4I4. 'the .uteiptl Gl.u& allallpw.b1.1ah f'()% (1 pert" at t_ kya 11 aots.o. 1a (~ ~:I' of g~ .nrouJ.ll'tlon. puUlaM& t. the 01t7 of S..... U..... PI not1ee 8lJ4tC1f;vtng. J'bat - '-'hat ~. will bo del1aqlled on :t'he nfteenth _ O:f aoT~".-t theroan..z.. M tift o"cloak Pd. rM 1IIl- __ paid :tnOS' tber9to. ~_ peT oat. '.1'11.1 tJO n4dA14 t.o the 8lOM'lt t1tereof as p...,.1I7. Beooud - 5:be t1i1ltl foo.d ple.ee at Wb10h pn:ment of tueo ll'.It\I be _4e. Sect10a G.. ~f.ri Oh' Dl'1..lJflWICY. !'bat on tho 1:1~t..th 4q of Uo.,Nl1;er of o..h 78&1'. at the ho1U' of fIn o'o1ock p.m., all. ua,.14 '''0 .aall, I' beoomc cJ.{'Uaquent nnd the 1IQJl1c1Ml tle* _t ~Q1le.t; ihueoa. :COl' the .. of the 01'7. a ta pol' Qa'Aa peu.11l7 J:oJ: ill. n~,..t of the ~s ',n_ dll.. 500t1ou .22. i'FiSOI~ LMJiXiln J,'QJ lUX OB. P.USOJ4.k ~~. ~be QWMr of Plo1~ PJl8ptt1"t7 _eee8Md alla11 N 'Per- ~~17 1J.ab1o for the8lillOlat of tex .s...... 1Itrl,--,t lite JlIft- 1Ozae1 ,-pe~l ~.ROb 1az. ~.. Witb PU:I81t7 nnd 1dftlest. may be collected. .~:t.U tho atllIlMt ,...... due. ta B p...... ao- tion .ko'D8M 1A "he, ... of the 'llllft1OS]al _rpQ1lWt~ tlga1net -8- r---- sue .-.mer in the oourta of the l'en'itol'Y. S4ct ton D. 'f1oXlW ()Jf l"EBSJ.llArJ l'n~1"Y.R'~~ ENPO!OlID BY' l)~~aAHi{f:. 'l'bat in addition to the ~r 0" oolleo1lion l)f tho ta1t on IlCIrsOllll property &8 mentionod in 'the Inet 0001;1 on, the 11en of POJ'80nal property ...~ _7 be info"&<< by <<ia- traint ',nd sale of I;('raonrl property of tllO })(;r&;on "f'..~. Seotion U. DEJ.UQU:GI1' !l:~ liOLt. 01 J,;nsOD'AL 11;OI'}.LTY. OIl or ..:fore tho 1'i1'te..th 447 of 1l.....lb.1' of &Mil 'fear. the --.teip&l olork 1mlS" prepare and publ1eb : 11." ., aneaamenta _1..... ponoll.fU JftJ'6:ny "11.1Gb ..at cODta1." the namee G:f the pereona "nd n geT;01" 1 descr1.pt ton 01' the :prop€;rty Wi th the e.- ..-.nt of taxaa and 000". 4ue.. ..t OB081 t. ea.11 ~_ and de- ..rt:pUOJa. To _14 ltst ..art be RflpaI1lad. n,n4 ~ttll 'it pbl1sh- ft. . ..tice 1iI8t unleu the tAxes 4a1thf1M',rt. t~etller W11;h tae J.1tJt7 fox: .un del1aq_M7. are 1H'1.4. tbe Pl"O'P8:rt:Y l1pOn whioh BUch taxeq ara :. lien 1.1:11. 1)(\ 1M1-.4. l..,.! upon PM 41nraiJl.li. 1IJl0Zl 1\8ftInnt iSllue4 by tbe J:!'lW11c1}lal clerk. and Wi U be. eold At }'1!lbUc allOt 18. BaHl r,ot>!ee fJ'h,,11 delrlgnat'. tbe t1_. and place 0'1' sub. pa.blto Nlot1on Pnil mnct tue- p~oe in, or in front of. the connon Crl4'mbers, 'On<< not le6s the t.n ~s from the late c? t.ho l1'lst publ1cet ~ on of' 8"!td notioe. Seotion 25. I'!JBLICATIOlr O' Ul:::"I!i:UIG7 ;: imONH "A:(. .BQLL un _OTIC&. Sai4 list ..t be ~bllsh~ o'ft.,e e. week for tour oo....01It1Te 'Aeea in 80118 >>onpa}'leJ' in ;:er....~l C ireuL"J- ttea. pab11abe" 1n the City G' s..n1. When Bluth p'Ilbl'1ea- tl_ 1eoO..1ott4 the lIIU11e1r>al Gle:rlt aut eenre, ~na ttlo in his ,.tn... n ..., o'l' 8..,ld pabli8beA nettoe wi th the a.fflhTit of ,.llallei' tt..Ol'. to at~ t_t 1t 1s '!! 't1"lte copy of tho ....: tbat tbe paUtoattft ":ae 1!l'tde in " liu'.6pa'per; ....t.. . .-. ..e and pl.... o:r 'the l"fbl1od~&Il. the a..tn upol1 'IlIbtttb -.14 noUee __ puld tab.. therein ~d stttdaTt t ehal.l b. p1"1ma t88te .nden.. o.:r 811 f'l!Wht tbeftln sw.t.. ' lJeet't... sa. lQmwrlS OJ' DI8'rJU.II'!'. U)0Il 1;'1-. :tll'1nrr of the n ffldavi t referred. to in the preoedine seotlon, it Shall r~" be the dut:v of the mml1.e11'a1 olerK .~ 0 1sflUe _l'l'!'tnte 1'0'1' the 41sthint of t'he property leeerf'be4 in .meh aelbqllant tu I1st; l'l'IW!Jt ~1:rect it to t~(' C't'i~:f' o""olice. o~d- 1ng h1m to foTt'hv;lth seH:e, 1('!'V~7 tl'pO:1, I11ctnHn "nd as11 on a d!'!.:r oenl'tin, t'tH~ 'Property t1e~ibed t1,f::r'~'n. 1'0 t;flJ.t1afy the lien of th.. t~ lev1mt 'lga1nMl 1':'.1oL !,!,O!'""y. Soction !'7. !j<'.\','ICE ,m;t 1'L1~E AJTIl SAT~. Tb" Chief ~ 1>0- 1108 BMll :foTtbWfthOAUf'l1 to be r/Ub11ahed 1'&1' toli ..,.. 1n 80m8 neW8paprrt> 0'" "c'ncl'~l c!,rcnl".t1on, :pabltshe& in ~ City O't Seftrd 'I Nott" thJ>t rmch l'!'o!Y'rty _iN<<. l~ie4 'lI'pOn and d1~t'mined bY'lIt., ..:1.11 h oold ~": T'tt'blto \'notHm to _t- 1.s:t,r 1:h(l Hen of' all del1.l'Ulttent tOS9ll, ~t1._. tDte.reft and cost. dbe on taid :P1'01)ol"ty. Su~ ~Tot!Ge ~'11 f\()fl'tflfn t be !VJmes o:f' the !JOTUtms to vr'h01'!'l S'tteh T"!'O'tte!"ty 1;1 n !3tH;~, a sene'1"1l!. baeript1,on of' ";nc J"l1'Op('~, 'th,.. ..'tnlrnnt of' to._, petl&lty, tntereet ~nd ~ste d~;o on ~:', em ~J'IO!'t~? ",nt t'he p1.aoe nd late oi" role t'hOTOO:t'. \11 ~ ,,:"9'!'mf.tl 'P:r~~ sold "'1: lmCth ss10 s1t~ll be soH to tho 'htr-betrl': bHldar for tm8h "n'" tlHo, r.l.U- b1fJ'tpe.1i.ty ~' bttOOT~Uo, +."'. J1'U!'tthnfltn" ~+. ~!1l('t'h 8"10'. All M1M1 ....11 1M i:o'J' ..h.. except Where the ouniMI"tl OOl"1"O'l'at' on ls the rmroltaser, 8'l1cb ttSSb. to 00 pe!d t.o, "'nl l'oee1llt.wf01'. 'by tbo ehfe:t of Pol!tH.. If tbe p~~1"ty be 801d1o!' An "mottn1; in eD4t8S of all del111qucn't ta:r:ee, J'(ltI81t1H. intfllt'ect f>Td otntt'B due on the -r1"O!,,& rt::r fJo1d.. lIftH.th oxoe8fl eb" 11 ~ r&tlu'ued b7 tho elo1'k of th~ 01 ty 1'.0 ~ hn 0"" M" of tl1e :p1'Operty. 'MM pare'lllUJe%' of atly pro~rty at p.ucb Mle snall :reM.1ft f'rcft t'he Cbief' o!poltft [l, ""111 o~ e~lf) tl~Mng tb-e !'n7JIie~ eold. t''he flmount PI'lld. the nggregnte ~r.-Oilurt ottf.Uftts. ~lt1_. 1n- te~at ql'ld co at It i"or ~lah 'the; p1"O!'Cl"'t;y _0 1'!()1(1: ""he '!~ 1'01' whtob t ~ a611t\~ taxes ,I"o!' '7"l:1 t.,11 tbe P'I'OPC!t'l"tY .. eol!, _'1'. 1....'184 and the aat'e of r:>a.1fh 9'lle'b lt1'11o:f' MI. sball tnntrter t'he o'.me:r1!lh1.l' 0'1' en1d ~rope'l"t,. to t~(' "'lIroha.aer. ".otlo!! !f3. DELIl'f'mt1l'f11' TAX ROP. M"....u. r?()p.~. OnO!' . before tho fi!tc, nth dR,Y of In.r.unry of 1""1.011 jlCl'tr, tho mtmio1- -,"- r pal olerk shflU make 11[' f' roll In dup110ate of fl1 real l'rop- ert~ .€i.eeeed er.(] UrOD ,hlob the tax has not been paid pnd is delinquent. Suob roll shall ebow therein tbe propf'rt;y ass..s- ed. the llmount of ta%ee due, pennlttes '>nd taterest, separate- ly et~te4, on eaoh tnoot "'seeseed, to ~"hOr.1 each tra'Ot is asscEssd; 1.f,a.....~d 1.6 \1nJrnowJlll 80 etete4. And thereupoll .h~ll be endorl"ed, under the rand O'f the olerk of tl'A 01 ty end oorpcrate e.",l. a oertlflel'l_te to the ef'f'flot that saId roll is e true PM oorroet ,roll of t)(l del inqt;ent ta:us o.f the c 1ty for the ,..1' (speotl";rlng it) and. showing the dato ",hen s814 taMs 1:180811I8 4elinquent J,;nd the total 8Il1Oant of delinquent tase... penalties and tnt.rollt, separately stated. end the ag- gresate of t~ wbole thereof. U the taxes ;tor more than one y~. 01' 1:' epeoial .88csamont. ;:01" improvements be d.11n- q~t, 8uoh taxes and aaseancente, ,eparatel;v shown. ",.., be Inelutea. in eaid roll. ;;Jaid roll, so _de up, sball b. knO'Rl .. the de11nquent tA% roll of 1;;- c c~ t;v fo r the year 1'0 l' WhiCh 'the eame to made up. 'rho orlg1ool shall be :rne4 with tr.- 1IaI1101pal c).e.rlt qnd rema in open to inepect i on of the publ1o. S..'tion ag. itO'l'IOB ,~:,F DFJ..ni~UL~'.t T.U. BOLL ~PFOi:- ERTl. 4. 800Q as oon'Yen tent after the completion ot tbe de- l1.nqHllt rGll. tbo mun1oi;pal olerk 8tv ll.. un/ler the direotion or uo CCNImOn C.ovno\l. 08.ue. to 00 published in thn of:rlo1.aJ. n..W'6p"'r-.r of' the oo:rporatiOZl, or iu Q nOW8p'lper of f;enera1 G1:rcuJ,a'tioa ill thn 01 ty. to be designated by tho COIIm'Oll COUll- oil.. enoa eaoh week for & P<Jrlod of four 8l.1coesalva ..celts. or ,1:f the... DeQO '8IlCh .oewapaper, causo to' be fQate4 in three pulalio pltt.oee 1a the city. one of oJllcb ,hall be nt the :r~t AoO'r 0,1 the 'postofl108. !o;r n period O'f tld.r~ c1a1a, a notioe. u.81.,. 1rae band of' tba clerk of thu oUy, a.t~iIl& forth that the 4.ellnqueut t.p roll oreal Rropert;y flU' tha year, ~t:.liJ\g it. ball been coaplete4. and is open for pub.l1c WptlotiGZl at the o:t;f'i.. of the IIIWllo1pal clerk fUM OIl /l certaLu day not -11- 1..8 than thirty da7s after the OOIIIPJAltion of the publ10at ton, er postillB. ..s the oae. MY be, ot _eb. notioe, the Aid roll shall b. pMMntel to the l'iietr1"t C01lrt of the TMrd 'ttTtsIon. T.rri tory of AlaS., for j'R&gment Ilnd order of sale. SMUo. .. %~.,. ,')y '1'!~S 10 Tf~ OP'l1JEE"'l7' S,u,T:;. DartQr the ti.. of ~blteat1on of notice boye1nab6Ye proTtded fe." M' lllt to tb~ ~t"'e of flhe order or eele by t,he 'niatrict Court, !!U'.y peTson mAY l1' ,'e~~l' end mrko payment' on M1 rleae or $.... .et forth ther.in, tog.tM), wi tll t"h(\ penalt t 88, end tn- tft'nt lIn4 <>>S't8 ~t' l'l'tt'bl'! etlttOll, &l"l4l 1;~ _nisi."..1 cI!'!" ehall __.PJOp&l" DOt' ce ~ 81Ioh J'l8.~nt U'l'\on 'bot11 the 01'18" na1 fl\,nd t.llp1Se.'le ae1 1.Dq\!l$nt tax' roll. aeatlO11 fil. PRBb'Jt1l1'l'~'1'ION 0' DELIlf:,UE1fT 'l'AX !tOt!. "'0 ~t. 011 tile late apec!1'hl 1n saU l1ot'ce, Or as 80l)1'l tbere- an.2' as a ~arillg san be he.4 bef'O'l"~ the ~011rt, the clcl"k, or O'$ur Olff1oer 01' the c' ty, f'hnll prc8~nt the litl inquent tax MU _ .....t... &8 afo?eMU. togctrer 1rtth proo1' of l'11b1i.. aaU. of a"lee .t appUcI\t101l of orler of f'<1e. to the COUrt .t tlala tiTtel.a for oriel' of csle 01 all tt!' real property th8..b1 l1et." oa wltteh taxa. llaye not been pa1 tl end al"El Ie- l~. tJpo:a tlae ......e. of'sald order of sale a oertified 0-.. .t1itnlM:f Bull ['. ~tt..,oh.a t3 t'h. tbtpltat'lte det {nquent tax Illd1 ~.. ..... l'O11 f'\led -'l'1fl1 tbe Clerk or tbe oOU1't "nd 'No- 0'" a lW'n or r.-r48 tbeNOf'. trpen to tbl' 'lU'rpMt1on of the Jlll*1~. aee~tOl'l A. "I~UElfr TAX !Q!.T. rJ)n~1'm 1\;m S"-J:,]: OlfD1mB1). 't'lM ~iotr4!t.1 tt1erlr ehd'l fMMJ<t1ately attt'lr t~, or- a._ 01 Iaaltt, ,,-,",ot the o~llnl del1.nquen1: tu: roll to ear- _.~ 1. "11 ".,,_te ..1 t'l\ the 4e1:\!l<luent ta.% ro1.i 8.8 jlassed __ a. .,)l..l11 ... tbe eOU't, .Me%"tttlg thorein tb.fl costa al~ _ the ooun, flAe. thore.n.r at .. time ft:.D4 'b1,e.nd ua4Alr ,. 4treritOZl of. 'lbe Common O~i1. rb:',l1 ul1 the' ~,.ft7 ...-t...4 In the or4M' or 11810. '-12-- '" Seotlon 33. 2jLL E,O~ 1lA1)~. That 8'I1tlh Bale ch9.l1 be at publ1a autip ma.a. ~ t;~ clerk of tbe oit:,'. aft>> not' oe given by him by pt:tbllcat.lon in the efffol41 ~P8ll.r ()f 1;leO oorporatton or in a newspaper ot G"~r~l o1reu1al;i8l'l 1. tbe o 1. tJ,T , to be ieai$U8.1ied b,- the COIIDOIl COUJU'U. ...a notice to be published ..01 add es.le 0OUdllete4 iA aooo~4ao. filtb Seo1;1QJ1 S8y.nty-n me ot Chapiu iln8t7-saven aells t.. L$W of Uaska, 1925. ;;o<rti on 34. ~~:"~.'i}l!l Q..&I1.TJ,Frl,H,J;,i .lijl aALItt UiI,,,- pur ~'~Wqj..T\.. fpss~~aIq1!.!iM.l p:roputl' ...ld a-t 811Ch hle I!Iw.ll ba 8QJ,.d to tho htshast bldt\.r. .'bJ..t to rIll"'" Hem Wi thin the period of twq ~. tro. the dnVe O'f ..... JI,nd th.8 -.nlo1palt~,. !laY beoomo the }lUl'ohasQ' at _Db ....le. HI a~",.h.e.11 be t:J:>1' cash .~oepll where t1:l& IlNIltolrlll oorpon... tt01l is the ;1urohsser. -.00 c~ to be JY'it to. ">>1 reoetlJt('d , , fOJ: b7 the alerk of t~ 01 tr. If tbt pro}'lerty be: sold ~ . .. amonnt ill. GeNS of 'ell delial}1I8Dt tUU. p~lU". later- IP and oOBta due on tAg p:ropem 80ld. _CIa -=.88 shell lie return" )7 the el."k of tlKl 01 ty to the !)WDeJ: of the pro'per- tl, 1$8i ani' e;mouut of pel"tiJOll"l pell u4 JtOf7n.. tax'tbea 4uo f1'Qm l;11= tl) the OOQQ:'i\11OU. 71&9 ~\a8ft' of nny'a~ at such sale. otb4J: ,'thtm tbo -.niolpo.11'\y. shall r...l'Y. faJa _the oleJ:k of the ~i tj n oerttftOQte O.fen.lo.wb:l4h "rUn_to shaJ.I be aecut.e4. lay tho ~rll o.f the oit)'. mtdu tae sMl of . the corporation. !1nd deBortb. the prorlt rt:;r sold. the ~ P&14..the ~eaat. Gaount of ~. pttnfl,;J..tie.. 1....re8t and coata tor wh1ck the propori; __ ald. the: ~J'8 fol:, whloh tbe _ 4el1nqWU1t tu for iih1cll tl1:e ~rt, l'YaIt ..14 ';p%'& ln1ed. the tato of tlie ozur ot _1e t1.n,Q. t~ "t\l'1; 1...il'.e; the _. _0 4Ate 01 auo am 4a7 ..u. ale, Wfl& ...... n.bj.. to w4emptton w'! thin tJiO ,,"ra, bi' tOf1 .1fIler. "ok emificate fit..... *'all 'bep taiQr"8t et t\e l'ato of fifte'D per cent_ ]:*1' 8llmaa. from the d.,te of 8',1('. uP9Il tb,' ,total 8Molmt ef ttd-w. JteDdt1.... . .-13- ~- interest and oosts, due n.t ! he d"tC' or s'lo. "nn the samo lIball be asetgnable 8.n11 1n no tnstn.nce 8hr11 norD thun one tract. sep&1'fltely assessed, 'be :nch1'1ad in one eartH'teate. EaOh oerttftoate of 'ale lsflUed by the clerk skll be numberod and B record thereof kept hy tho municipal corporation. Should the nnmtotpa1 cOr})on:tion bocome the "-"Urohnser. f,18 here1nbe- tore provided. a !lotioe tlwroO!' ::;hr 11 be nJ"de by the olerk on tbe 01"1g~nal delinquent t~ roll 1n lieu of I' oortl:f1oe.te of , purob&h and. nt [iJ.y ti"e tl.:ttor thirty dnyr; thereafter. the ., oler'Jc of fho city sh(')11 iseue oert Hio.te of :"urohus8 to nnt PfJrfJOn ~Y1.I4"1: to tho munioipal corporntion the amount of tax.., pemil uea, int(lrl~et L"ld ooete duo at the date of 8al.e, .. tDget'her '\yU1J Interest on 6UO't, smount from t:he date of ale at the rate of 'ft 1'teen pl~r contum per I'illnum, unless the Co".. . mon Coumtll. b7 M1!Ol'trt:1ol1 au1.~ n"opted, bas decide! to re- tain ~uob' traot. or .traotS. Tf~nt fror..l the d". to of eele nnd 18tlUAbOe of oertU'loate of,;uro'htH1G "n,i nntH redeemed. the bo14.i- of' at/oll oertlfioate ahr'l11lc entitled to the possession of tbo traot sold. togethe r wlth the rents, issuos "'1<1 rr:)f- l.ts'tbereof;"nd 'my pnrf:lon who. r,ftor ten days notioe a.nd demand of posllOsalon tllOreof by tht: holder of o11oh oertifioate or purohase, Withholds pOBsession of suoh traot shall be I..... guilty of unlaWfUl detainer. Section S6. ;'ll~~liOD Jf 1~EDE1tFT IOO.','ho oViner, or any p4lraon baTing eny interest, viheth<;l' leg8J. or equitable. 1n -i!rr17 tl'$.dt sold in sUon Bale. may redeem tho ShlllC from suoh " . pu,r-dhaser or the holder of eertUicat& of sule by paling the l!tJJl<)lmt of tbe 1::e:ne. penal ties. tnterost ~'ma GOsts due ut the cta't. of 8ale,' togetht"r ':01 th interesttheroon I), t the rnto of f'ift.fIll :por oent 'PE'r 8llnum from suoh d~te. l".nd ttl1 aocrue4 l;~ theroaf'te'%' pe1d. by suoh purchaser, togothor \'t'lth nny ue... enm ~td by the B~id -purchaser tv the ~lork of the crtt)' nt tnI' t itlC'; of purchase. 8uob payment to he m4e to the -14- pllzob.!'lSer. or to tl1"; el<:rk 0\ tho <!1 ty "ntJ >dhon co nede the t1'llot ~hf'l11 be eoneldere redeemc4.' rovi4ed. ths; t if "'n7j J>8.1ment be zm,de to the rurehMor. tho oertU'1oate of l$,le sball be by h1m surrendered to tho reder:ptioner \',no ehdl present the 8na to the olerk of the city I:lnd ~ause the faot of redemption to l~n noted on the dcl1n-;uent tax ~oll ~nd re- oorl. of oertifloate of sale. If payment be mad. to tho clerk of the oity. the clerk will issue to tho redemptlqJ:leJ: a OG1"- tifteato of redemption. whioh certifio&te shall be :Prima facte evidenoe of redeMption. A,nd the sum 80 :pI:l id on re4emp- tift sh1l1l 'b7 the clerk be If'lI'">e41"" tel)' p",ld to the bolder of the e.rtlftoate of 81410 nnd the certificate Bnrrende~4 tor ..eeltation. A reoord of tbe re,"emptioDS sh~J.l. be ~ b7 tbe clerk of the ei ty :f'oT'ubHo Inspection. Seot1on 36. DEE;: !do"'!'}'r. Y,'rIon OF i,ED~;I:P;tOJ!. Afte~ the expiration of two years frot'! t}:e d!\to of 8s1r. the noUer of 8 .ert1tIoate of BRIe shall be ent1.tleA to a deed to the traoi. a...,o-nbe4 therein IItnrl cold on suoh sale 811d not J"fi- 1...1. Suoh deed ehall be 1 sfmed by t'h - clerk of thee l.t7j upon presentation of the oertificate of snIe. on demtm4. D7 . the bolder and owner of the cCl'tl:fio8te. ;>uoh deed Bball con- "7 the traot. or traot8. therein deecribQ4 to the snnte8 therein name4.. fne 'lnd clear from '-111 enoU!llbranoe. or 11~r.aa on Buob property prior or 8ubee<luent to the sale tbereol by , ," the 4e11n"uen1o owner or nny person in privity \"litO. 1Un u.D4 IIball operate to eon...q t be legal Imd equitable 101 tle t.h.~ to to the grantee the rein mi.Md. no 4_d tJhaJ.l be 1...... b7 the clerk if there be any tax due on said. property In1.a. au'blMquent to tbc Bale. until the ea.-e Ii;; paid. JJr1 10ruta parobaeea. or I"tss1gned to the municIpal oorpoTfJ,tla at the ale here1.nbefoT'$ mentioned nn'} not recl.eemea._ tor Wl11cb. 0.... t1.1"to.1o. of purohaee mf'Y not he...e been i~jeu.a. aita::.' such Mle. ebAll after the e:xpIn:<ti on of t1llO years from such tl&lc. -us- r be d~"tlut})ropert~l 1)1' tho mllntc1Pfl1 oorp01'"' t! on .'n<l .. deed tbereforf> m"y bo 1l3fmeC1 by i;he Mf'lyor. Dr clerk thereof. to f!U,?h eo:r.:porntlon. ',I1'..i01'> (\1".,1 he'dl be of t he Dame oroe ~c d ef'feot '18 <, Joed t.:l ' 0:1'1' if] c~te holder. '.' Soot1 an 37. HEL EAL~. All ordinanoas Ii 0(1 prov iaions tr,n1,"ao:; .~ ocmf11ot hc..C'witin,nd ~~\rtioularly OrdinanOC8:Jurn- -- l)('r~'01U"taen (Ho), ','lmt;Y-13evo!1(27) :0.,,1 t:orty-nine(49) are k':teby repealed. J:'rovided. however. t;a.t tho xcpesl of said Ordlnaneea Fumbol' lou't'teen( 14). J.Hmt;V-Dovan (2"1) aM l"orty- n10e(49) sh"ll in no 'II'ill.Y bar procct intro had. or toLe bad. lli aooordance therow1 tho to'iSrd the: collection of the taxes heretofore an_seel thl";rounder. Seetion :1t5. 1<:tY;:OE 'C':Y :;r..'\.mm. '~his ord!n.ance sh"ll take e:tfect n1vl be in .roroe from f!j1.'l. nftor the dEtte of pass- age and "'Pprov81. Pll.SSed th 1s day of ___ A.J).1927. ~lmici l1fll "~crk Approved this d9,~7 () f \.'.1927. l.!eyor -16-