HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1928-106 r- . ,<I""," -'" O!~lJI....-~i.i,Cl; J~ L). --1l-lf-1 f.J (.) _/-f '" ~,., ,J .l (,.1 ;r f:io'~ f ,': ,~I !. .~ , ..::u; U}{0I~:_..1.,C.L ~1.-2.j-'OI.l/~I~::~. .1. ,-.,C~TO~.T. !_~\.l,' CC:~ ~ _~C:'l,)=: TI1,< 0" >'1"" "I>il' L ~. ..L. ->...J V _ O~... ii~~.i.j.EJ/~ ,1.I._"-ili........ ':' :C-'O~( ~.1n~ Y.u~:.lt 1'.)2:0. BB IT OR~)~.\.II:= ;3"',: r:,":j_: CO~~:fj.d CuT;j\:GII~~ CI'}\T O}:l ~~...~ ~i:ru, ..:iIJ;Jo.~l~.j':". ~eution 1. ~hat persuant to und in acuordunce with ~hc requircLlents of churter ~~'.), of t~,c susEion lawe of tl:c '..'orritory of AL'ska for the year 1'.)1'.), ':':nt i tled If .cn Gct to im))ose a '.J.'ax upon male persons in the ~erritory of ;~lask~ for ~chool purposes, providin~ ~eans for its collection and decluirinf an e~er~encylf as amended b~ tho Bct of ~ay 2nd. 1~21 of said act contained. Jennie laulson, a resident of the City uf Slward, dlaska and a citizen of t e Fnited .,ta,tes ui' ,~IIlcriua; Is hereby a:~puintGd and is declaireu to be tho jchool ~ux ~o~lector for the City of ;;ieward, J~lasko., for tho yCcir L<:iJ, a:lD ul,u:l (U',tlifie,:,tion of said l,erson by furnishiw' i~ ;r00(,,"~;L, Gu:;:::'icient. bO,ld il1 uccoruancc with the 1m;, ull con~iLions, ~roviGion~ Gnd reriureuents of au.id auts, shall be carrie out u.n( enforecd ~G b~ llu! rcquluteu and req uire6 in the colle <..:t i 0" of 2':1 ie' ...cLvol 'l'a.:xe s. ;;;ection 2. "Hi ec.lErgenuy h" !lcreoy cecluireu to G).ist, una this Ordim'mce shall t:~1.e effe<..:t aft.cr i1..s V,-,,,,LCJ.gC cUll, ujJproval. .;.'2sseu uncial' GUSL;er-lsion of l'uleL 'eLl:..; du;Y' uio 19 3,) . .- :U: lie i;' 1 Clor},. 1l.:;prOV8r. ttiu ut:.l.i 0: 1 ~;j'J. l.... ,d.. v \.) "';)