HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1928-107 ORDnlAHCE HO. J~t:!.p. An ORDIlIAIlCl~ FIXIlJG ~'Tn~ ~11.:'1; OF CO:;.':.':2..,s.~'nOlJ '1'0 IE :::';~ID BY THE CI'rY OF SEdARL,AL,.0L~, :'0 OFFIC.L;R3 A/Pom'2E] BY i,nI; COMLIOn counCIL OF SAID CITY ,FOR '~'E=~ 'l'BBl: .L;llDIHG .\.BRIllOth. 1931,OR UlJTILT 'r1TEIR SFcr~E.j30RS'j,':E AL'POn:1'::;:U cioND ',VALIPL.;. Am) 1EPBALIllJ ,.LJ. ORDIliAlJCES III rjOl:?LIC':' F1.;;,,':';iiIJ:1E, J.i':'; I DEC1AIRI.Li,J,,"J I;].L:LR:~':";L! CY . Eb IT URlJd.Ili..,.0 BY Tl:l~ C Olu.:Oll C aUli~; Ii OF THE CI1'Y Q:E' :.iEd"R.0? "tLA::iLl.; ~ection 1. That the compensution to be paid the Municipul Officers of t~e City uf bewurd, ~la8kti, for the term ending ~pril, 10th. 1~31, or until~ tLc sucueSbors of such offices are avpointed unu ~uu1ifieG, is hereby fixeu and estab lished by t;~e tenilS Lerei;'l.'.fter co~rt.~iinei, in tLis Ordin,:noe, which cou~ensatiub sh~ll be neither increased or diminished durin,-: t'.,c cO:1tim,o.nce in office of said offioers, nor siu:Lll saie officers be entitlec' to receive in any fOrI:! or shu.pe any other or ,ic~(itionD.l c0L1l'e:12atlJ~', .;'1'oL1 G:iC; City. Seotion 2. s:'he l'::unicil,al Clerl 811:.;.11 receive; Co :.:01lt'.1;)' ~ .tl H ". sa13ry at the rate of $ ~--- l:;e1' wont'l. ;:lectio': 3. ~2:lC I,:unioi;~:ll 1::';'foiEtrate shall receive [l monthly s&lury b.t tr:.c ru.te of ;; ~F~ rer month. Seotion. 4. ~he ~u~icirc.l ~B[eSSOr ctull receive u 11) l.1e (J monthly sal:J.1'Y at .eLl, rate 01':;" ~ ~ _ per month. 3ection 5. The Eunioil,'ll "l.ttorney shall rcc:eive '" montilly salury ED.$: at tLo rute of :~ ~ .g..~ IJer rnont h. section 6. The Uunioi~al Heu.lth Officer shull reoeive a lJonthly salary ut the rate of;i y~() )e1' l:lonth. dection 7. The i\iunicilul i'reusurer shull reueive an a.nnual sa:u-,ry at tho rate of' i;; l~tJ , per annWll. ;;)ection 8. The ohief of the Fire Department shall /JJ " tI r(;eei ve a monthly salary at the rate of' $ ~'IJ- - per month. Section 9. The Chief of Police shall reoeive a monthly J../J&A-~ sal~1'Y at t e rate of e ~~ 1)61' month. -1.. r Seotion 10. Eaoh of the Salaries herein provided for shall be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Seward, and shall be paid monthly. The Co~non Counoil shall at its first meeting in each month approve and order paid the salaries of all of the above named officers for the preceeding month and proper warrants shall be drawn on the Treasurer fo~ the payment of the same. Section 11. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Seotion 12. An emergency is hereby declaired to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect i~nediately upon its passage and appropal. Passed by A.laSka, this the c~on cuuno~e City ~f Seward, 'rfJ day of --lr 1930. APPROVED this 4/'175 ~ ~ ~' Municipal Clerk. t5)'r day Of~~.'930 11 A Y 0 R.