HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1928-109 r (llDIYAImK' 110. / t") ? .. ORDIJ(AlfClI F1XIWG nil RA.'r.I OF COJ[P.EN'SA.TI Olf TO BI PAID BY' '!III crry OJ' SBWAJm. p.dlU 'fO ODICDS .I.PPOu:mJ) :sr 'fB cnuvnlf croWCIL 0., SAID CITY FOR 'lHE 'r.IIRI JmD1NG APRIL lOth.. 19_. (II t:m'!IL THEIR SUCa8SORS ARI A.P.POI.n"t.J.u Alm Q,UALIJ'IlID am :RIIP.IALmG ALL ORD1NAlTClIS IN CONFLIC:'f HIIl.wn'Hll' Am) DlCLMlIlfG KH mmRGENCY. :Ell 1'1 0RDAIlUD BY THE COJIIIOJr COUNCIL CB THE cr TY OF SllWARDll' ALASKA; Section 1.. 'lhat the compensatian to De paid the lUnieipal Officers af the City af S.ward. Alaaka, for ~ \era endIng April lO\b. l~. o.r until the BUena.or. o.f auch offieu. are appointed and qualified, U hereby fixed .. ..tabliahect by the terms hereinafter contalDed in this Ordinance. which Clompen_tiOll ahall be _iUlllr iacrea.ecl nor d1a1niahed during the continuance in office .f ..iel afticers. uor ~l allY ~ efficer be entitled to. rec.iYe in any farm o.r ahape any other IIIIIIII/e:r addi tiODal compensation from 118.1d CHt;v. Secti.. a. 'the Ibnicipal Clerk shall recelT. a mnthl.y ..lary at the rate .f One Hundred ~O.OO} Dollar. pe1" ...nth. Sectien 3. ~ KUnieipal Kagiatrate 8ba11 recelTe . .-nth1.7 ..lary at the rate .f 'l'IrentY-J'1Te (J25.oo1 De.llara per IIlOn th. Se.tion". !he mtnicil*l b.e..or ahall receiTe a mnthlT _lary at the rate 01 'nrenty-Five Dollar. per ..nth.. Section 5. The lImle:ipal Attorney ehall recd...e a _nthl.y salary at the rate .f :r1:f'ty (150.00) Dollar. per JlDnth. -1- r- Section 6.. ~ JA1nlcipal Health Of1'icer shall re- ed" a monthly salary at the rate of SeventY-J'1ve (t'75.00l. Dollars per month. Section 7. The MUnicipal Treasurer shall receive an annual salary at the" rate of One (j1.00) Dollar per annum. Section 8. The Chie:r of the fire Department aha11 receive a monthly salary et the rate of One Hundred "(1100.001. Dol lara ,per month. Section 9. !he Chief of Police shall receive a monthly s81.&%7 8t the rate of One Hundred (j100.00) Dollars per month. Section 10. Each of the salaries herein pro~Ced tor ahal1 be paid out of the General Yund of the City of Seward, ed shall be paid monthly. !he Common Council shall at its first meeting in ea~ month approve and order paid the salaries of all the above named officers for the pre~ding monlh and proper warranta shall be drawn on the Treasurer for the payment of same. Section 11. All Ordinances and parte of Ordinancea in contlict herewith are hereby repea1ea. Section 12. An emergency is hereby declared to, exist and this Ordinance ahall take effect immediately upon -2- ,....~ __--1 ~ ~..(:::.>- ~ i It110 passagtt and approval.. Pass.d under suspension of the rules by the Common .z!::- Council, C1 ty ot Seward, Alaska, this J tJ day ot a;/u-L , 1931. /~ . Approved this 2t1 day Ofl2j;~ , 193~t QC ;f~tfl4Lff!- tZ4) f-?~d uJ'k/ ctpa C:lerk ot the C1 ty ot Sewldd,. Alaska. -300 r~ I i I I ! I I i Ii II 11 RESOLUTION BB: IT RESOLVED, By the Cammon Council of Seward, Ala.ka, in regular meeting .ssembled, that, pur.uant tG the authority given by statutory enactment of the Terri- tory of Alaska, the office of Chief of Police and of Chief of Fire Department of the City of Seward, Alaska, be, and they are hereby combined in one and the same person, and BB IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the person holding the offices of Chief of Police Department of the City of Sew- ard, Alaska, and Chief of Fire Department of the City of Seward, Alaeka, shall be entitled to and ehall reoeive the salary fixed by ordinance for both of eaid offices, thua making the total salary to such officer so holding such combined otfices in the sum of Two Hundred (1200.00) Dollars per mon the Adopted, under suspenelon of the rules, April 20, 1931. ,"'- Appro_d r- tll day of v/~ , 1931r I aLJ-j~~ ~. MUnicipal Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska. VAYOR ~ 2,eso- \.u..,-\- ~ crY\..CI ~ \ 1/'-~6- u) ( O('&.\.~"-'<- I..oq" "'r ~-.l <2.- lJI-...0 ~~S, ~4 ~ BXSOLU'fIOll lB IT RKSOLVBD, By the Common Council, Oi ty of Seward, in regular meeting assembled, that the office of lUnicipal Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska, the office of the ami c i pal )(agi. tra te 0 f the City '0 f Seward, Ala. lea , and the offioe of the MUnicipal Assessor of the City of Seward, Alaska, be, and they are hereby: combined in one and the eame person, and HI IT J'URTHICR lmSOLVED, That the person 80 holding such combined offices of lfunicipal Clerk, lIimicipal Jl'agis- trate and Ibnicipal Assessor, shall be entitled to and shall receiye the compensation fixed by ordinance for each ot said officee, making the combined total salary to such o~~lcer 80 holding such combined offices in the sum of One Hundred :fifty ($150..00) Dollars per month. AQopted, under suspension of the rules, April 20, 1931.. ,.. Approved a- ,.1/J day of ~, 1931l llA,YOR ab7.f ~~~ Ibnicipal Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska. :\ . ",,:;~I', '_, E n, ______._~_~_____""'__~.. ..,.~. _-------.- ~_