HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1931-110 F I Ii" , , " Pt:!:- '-"'1'" . ; 'I ,'. L' ~ ~, ~ ~";'<..i~"",..l"""""",,.,~ , ,~..::J .... --t.r'C.--<- ' 01U>IJU.1I0J: 110. 110. ; '\ V . Q~ All ORDIlU.1JOE DOVIDIlIG ~R A !AX lJPOll DOGB AQj.US~ PlmSOIB 1110 IDP !HI s.uo:, A1JD PROVIDIIG 'OR ~BI IlIPOUIDIlIG, ar.r.UG. nUUG. OR 0ftIR DISP08.U; 0' !rB DOG 111 o.lSB !rHl !r.U BE lOT PAID OR U Q1SE fO DOG BE VIOIOUS OR DUGlROUS 1'0 LID OR BlAH!I OR OfiEIiUfISE A lftJI8A1JOE. 'it ~ if: ~ j, %~ ( ;f, .'.' , ; i i I .c, f.~ II If ORDAIlDD BY !HE CODOll COUllCIL 0' !DB roWlI 01 SEWARD, AI.lSIC.1: Slotlon 1. Thlre 11 hlrlb, llTllA upon lalh anA eTer, Aog onll or kep' within thl oorporate limite of the town of SlwarA, Alalka, a" &8&l..t tAe per.'n wAo O~ or keep. the .aae, a tax for laeh ,ear .r fraotlon therlof, oomalnolng on the l8t la, of JUl, of eaeA flar, a. follew.: two an4 ~ /100 Dollar. (.2. ~) for a _11 io, uA 'he DOllar. ($6.00) for a female iog, .a14 tax to be palA 1. aATaaol tl \hI 01t.r Clerk; ~roTlili, tbat the tax for the ourrent ,ear .hall bl ealoulatll for the 7ear oo.menolns July 1, 1931, anA enAlns June 30, ltSS, ani Ihall be 4ue ui pa7able upon the Aa tl thiB orAllI&nol take. effeot al her.ll1&ft.r provlAea. Slotlon 8. The 01t7 Clerk, upon reollvlng 8al1 tax from the plrl.a ownlng or keeplns aD7 AoS. ahall glTe to lueh pereoD a reollpt for lall tax I' pall, tog.ther wlth a mltalllo tag, whlGh t" IAall t.aIAlate17 be attaohel to a oollar arounA the ne.k of thl Aog aaA ahall be kep. u4 411pla7eA on .al1 .ollar on la14 Aog at all tl.e.. Oa 1&1A tar lhall be Itampe4 the Dumber of the reglltr7 of la14 40g b7 lalA 01t7 Olerk, aDd the ,.ar for whloh lala log wal regllt.rei. !rhl 01ty Ol'rk ahall k.ep a book lD whloh Ae IAall resl8t.r thl Dumblr of the tax &al a le.orlptloD of the 40g. the tate on whloh luch tax wal pall. ant the .... of the owner or ke.per of la14 40g. !be Clt7 Olerk lhall paJ '0 th. 01t7 Trealurer all mODe, I reoelTed by hlm on aooount ot auoh 40' 'axe.. whloh mone,. Ihall be OOTerea Into tAe sen.zal tunl of tae towa .t Sewar4. Seltloa 3. It 1. hereb, I.olarea unlawful for &D7 40' upoa ..Soh the tax hat not 'een pa14 la al.orAane. wl'h the proTlI1'" ot 'hll '-. , OrllDa." to run or b. at large 1. any of the etreete. alleys, equar.s. or pub110 grou48 or plao.e 1. the town of S.war4. Alaska. ani &1'11 IUGh 40' foun4 eo runnlns or b.lng at large shall b. impoun4.t b1 the Ohlef of Polloe or any other p.rson tesignate4 b1 the Common Counoil. ln the 40g pounl of the town of S.wart. whloh tog pount ehall b. un4er the oontrol an4 oare of la14 Chl.f of Polloe, &1'14 kept ln Ba14 pount for e.v.. 4&7s, unl.BI tho o...r or keeper of suoh iog Bhall r.t..m suoh to, .1thln sald perlod b7 paying the oharg.s ther.on as h.reiDaft'r provlle4. At the .nt of eai4 p.rlot of loven 4a7s. if sai4 40g hal not b... ret....d al afor"ait. the Chlef of Polioe shall eell the Baae at .ith'r publlo or prlvate Bale for the best prioe he ean obtaln. ani in the .vent eaid 40g oannot be lold laid log Ihall b. kille4 or otherwile tlspoeet of unier the ilr..tion of the Law ani Or41nano. Commltt.. of the Common Counol1 ln ,uoh manner and by Iuoh m.ane al sa14 Committee in its tiloretlon shall teem best. The charge. for lmpounting Iuoh iog ehall b. Two Dollars (.2.00). ani the oharge for keeplng suoh 40g in Bai4 poun4 shall be One Dollar (.1.00) for eaoh iay or fraotlon thereof. whioh oharges ehall b. palt in full before such tog shall be releasei to the owner or k.eper thereof as hereinabove provlie4. The prooeeis ierivet from the eale of impountet 40gs, and from oharg.. pail for lmpounting an4 keeplng 40gs as aforesaii, shall b. pall to the Clt1 Clerk an4 b1 him pai4 to the Clty Tr.asurer ani ooveret lnto the general funt of the town of S.wart. S'otion.. It i, hereby ieolaret unlawful for any vio10uI 40g. or any iog tangeroul to life or health or otherwi.e a nu1Iano.. to run or b. at large in any of tho etreete, alleye, squares. or publlo grouni. or plao.. 1n tho town of Sewari, Alaska, ani any 8uoh tog founl eo ruanlng or b.1ng at large may be 1mpouniet, 8014, killed. or otherwlse tlBpO..4 of unier the 41reotion of the Law and OrAinanoe Committe. of the Comaon Oounoil. 1n sueh manner anA b1 suoh means al 8ai4 Committee shall ~eem best for the publio goot. ./ -- --- -_\ r= Seotion 5. AnJ 40g over the age of two months shall b. ooae14ereA a Aog for the purpose. of this ordinano'. S.otion 6. All ortinancee or partB of ortinano's in confliot with the provisione of this ordinanoe are hereby repealed to the extent of suoh oonfliot. Seotion 7. This ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in foroe on the tenth lay after itB passage ~d approval, and shall be publishe4 onoe in the a.wart Daily Gateway. PaBBet un4er suspenBion of the rules, ani approved, thiB ~ /~- . 4ay of June, 1931. a~~g~ '. ty er. 1J.. APPROVED thil /0"4ay of June, 1931. - g, (~/3~ Mayor.