HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1931-111 ~-- "', /r ,( . U1\,OlllAl.e..; 110. 1/ l .UI V1U>Ill/lNOlt 'l'c LIOl!:S:3i'; .1M A3i' h~i..tULA:rJ; ?&LDt,\~,; AlIL W.,if~J A?fl' Te' I!llpn:lJ: It tlOE1'fS~; TN~ m. .dJOn(}lJ.~>'.t\.S. l'lUt:~.U.Hl' n.:mfJ.i.\:3 AJIli pgE~ION~~. lUU.I.{ PHINCtl'AT",3 .un: J\.G~;14TS. lSBGAGI:':>> U A rj~';'~PONi.~;;A :.C~!Ml3li1: 'Rn~Ilr~~8 or VElIDUG Ori B8tLUCr J.t~r.CUJ.a))l,:\l!:. ::n'ocK.S o~\ 'BQ1CIi:~ \.in ;';1'~ .;o""t"T;,'" f'.," C"'l',"""'C'>!'i'I,rt!'II'" ntU.' /.1'....... f"." '."!iJ'~ ., ""~'A "'.~,I \,1.$' . vE ~J"t:~>~.~ ,It ......, $I: .,&.11.'" v ...,1; ~...' )~.hU\....., ".....w..llotll1ll'L. ~'~ IT 0;\1)10 II~D BY 1'1'1"; CO,J{'ldOK OOilltCI t Oi 'rIt~ OUIY :;;1 :3~WAhD. Au..;.:U 1 ~.ot1on 1. :rhat aU p.rsona who aball .nsage 1n or oarr)' on arq ~atDe.8 of p.ddling or hawking on or 1n tho etreet. ot the Clil of ....rd. Alaaka. or at any publio plaoe thorein; Ul4 all auotlo.e.ru. Lttnorant yondor. anA per.one. thoir pr1ncipal. an4 agonta. eagage4 1n a tempo~ or traneloat buslnGu. of venting or selling merohan41sa. 1 ,'.tooke or boaa. or oUter arUole. o.f oommeroe wUhin the City of :.1....1'4. Ala.ka. .ball first ootB1n a l1oon~:(t illO to 40 au hereinafter provUe4. u4 it aluLll be unle'ifro for e..ny person to Qngf~e 1n 01' oarry on any of aa14 bua1n..... without firet having obta1n84 8~ob lioan.. and hav1ng o~11a4 with the prOT1B10ns of thla or41nanoe. '~.otlon 2. AppUoaUon tor 8l.l.oh Uoan&8 shall be -.4a 1n writiag an. file' with tbe Olty Cl.r~ of 8.14 olt.. ano .ball bB aworn to OD oath 07 the appUoeDt. 8114 IlIball contain thIJ Dft.l'llQ tl.n4 roulaenoe of the appltOQnt; tbe buututu, ln ctoh 8aU appl10ant 4ee1re. to lJn8f\S8; tblt len"th of tt_ tor Whloh ...14 Uoenoe is 48..11'84; the DaIle. and "whJ ot arUG1.. or oom!!lOU Ue. .utah are '0.11'114 to be pe441tNl. bawlee.. .,ell4ed or 80U. an4 it the eem~ be .toou or bonAe. then e. 4eta1184 ...artptlon thereot; the name BAd a~4r.u8 of the prinoipal. it anw. of the app1toant; anA if the 110enee 1. 4..11'86 tor the bue1neee ot Auotioneer. lU._rut "nilol' or otlln tem,orU7 or tl'analen\ bUIll,..... ot yen41ng or aell1n8 a. atore.a14. the app11cation ahall atato 1n 8.4A1ttol1 tbe particular bullUq. etruoture or oti.ar plaoe or looatioD 1.0 aaU oity Where ~oh bualneee 18 to be oonduoted. 8eoUon 3. lbe 11oel1l1e file for .mgag1n,5 in 01' oar~ lD@ on the r , -1...- r""'" bwalae.a of petaUng or ""JdJlg. or el thOI'. ahall b. 1'hr.. Loll.us (~a.OO) tv ..,. 01' CDS liW24re. Pollar. ($100.00) for Oae 7ea1'. 'rb. It..... t.. tor an auo'to.eor, lt1aerant ..noor OI'"orao. .11I.,.. 1. . '..poaoal'J or '1'_1.., bwa1D..e of ......tDg 01' a.lllac merohaD41... atooD or bo". 01' oUler arUol.. ot 0011I_1'0. IIhall be 1'1.... Dollars U6.00) per IQ. 01' OM illm4r.. 'ltty J;lollars U~1I0.00) tor ala "ftOatlle. Th. 1108..' f..s abo.... requir.4 ehall aoooi11plUll lbe apPUG8UOD. or ~ '.,oeltea w1th the 01t1 .lerk b~tor. the 11..as. 18 1..ueA. ~tOl'. &a1 110.... horelnprovl..4 tor 10 1usue4 the applloaat \h....tor _all a1ao 'epoait .Uh the CUy Clerk. good an' INff101..' bo" 1. the en. ot ~1.. Hunjr.4 DOllar. t~600.00) o0n41tlon.. t-., \b. .",11..., will not oheat or 4sfra\14 &l.l1 person in IUQ snoer wbataH'nr S.n tb. lnaaln... tor .ntGh th~ UeMnae b 4e81r04 4urlllg tho tara :toJ' WhIOb the 1108118. s.. grant". 1fhloh bon4 ehall b. 11.I141 retaln in fUll toro. ana .ft.ot luring tho t.J"'l of auoh 110.A.. anJ toJ' Alna', (90) aqa att.r 'h. nplraUon ther.ot. ~,uoh bonG ehall be approv.d bi the ..,_ ot ea14 oUy betor. the 1108118. 18 tsa'U84. Default 1n arq ot the o..tUo.. of the bon4 shall gl.... tho e.ggJ'IOYe4 puty th. right to sue ani r.oOftJ' Oil suGh boa4 In his own name frOl'll tho prll10lpal aA4 ~ur.t1e& withoa.t ~01111JlR the oUy aL' a party to 8uch proo..41ae;. Aft.r SUG.(1 appl1ont1on baa been fll04 aa4 8uoh tee or 1..s paU,. aol boa4 t11.' an' approv04. as abo.. pJ'ovld... the 01'~ olork .ball. without undue ..1a11. leaue tho l1UOfl8. to the appl1oe.nt. .bloh ..." lto... shall sb.t. the natvo of tho buelno8u; the :t.. paU; \11. pIa.. ....1'8 tbe bualnoa9 1s to \,. ooniluot.. It It b. Uset of an e,uoUonoar. ltlnGrant "."'01' or person engage. In . t.mporary or tr611&I..' bUa1ne.. of 1'8011DR or ..111118 .s &1'01'"0.14; BIle! tbo perloo of time for tIllob the U08ll8. la 8l'81l'''. giving the tlret en. leet 'fite o! I/luoh perl04. ~eo'1on~. An1' porRon who ahall heree~ter open 01' oommonoe In tills olt7 &DJ bus tn... 0 tor the v.nUng or _le of llutrGban41ee. ..toake OJ' tea4e or othor artlole8 ot oo~ro. ahall. upon the demand ot the Oommoa ~ CouotlOl" of au:v _libel' tberGof, lIaa. 111 ulUq, 1UIIDe<<llata1,. -.Ita aD4 tn. wUh 11M oU, ol.rk aD at'fl4aYU UD4e1' oaUt. .'aU.DI '11. ...... of liluoA -,,----it..0Ia1 tll. pl.... wIut... noh p.rson .. 1&8' .11I&8.' 1n bullhl8B; the 'bUIll.... la'.M.O to b. OODd.ot.Ci by .UoA ptl'60A &nil the ..... U4 JdDA. of vUol.. .. oo"'lU.a In'.._ '0 'b. 8014 01' 6eaU 11&, ,bAt .... aU ..44..... of tII. prlDol,.l. If aD7. of 8UOh pel'.on; the parUnllU' buU41Jl8, .tl"UOtv. or other pla.. 01' 10oatlon Wbere euob butM.. 1a to be ooD4uout; whe\her or Dot .al' 1'81'8011 oua 8UGb bull41ng, .truotw., looaUoD 01' plA.. 01' ..tbor 11. baa .. 1..... on the ._ and tbe term of ROb 1....; ana tho length of U_ euGh per.on lntw 8 to oon....t au 'buela... lJa _14 oU)'. ftalll aeoUOll .hall apply .quallJ to r.81Unt8 ad nou..14.ate u4 eall tnolu. _robaAh of the oU)' 80 op.n ..441\10_1 or brand d.8. or othontso oo_ao. aft bualn..... or '-be ... bu81ness in other l00e.Uou. '1..Uoa I. Alii p~rl~oa, _0. b.for. openlq 01' 00...oo1D1 &.D,J _rOaJ1Ule bwl1D.e. 1n thh OUl. or _Ub,lA two moath. t1l8l'oattel'. ..11 ",..rUs. U7 tire .ale, bankI'uJto;v Bale. or alO4lJ1ng out aal. of &Ql _l'obaaU.. 81ppe4 lnto the o1t;r within ho !'IODthe pl'101' to .uGh _18. 01' who aha11 bafore. 01' .UAln two IIOAtA.. attel' openl.Dg 01' oommonolq uq "I'oantll. bu.alne_ 1a the oUJ', e,4,..*U.. far _1. a.n;v .took of ,"I'Ghant'.. .Iillp," uto the 01t1 curlag su.oh plilrl04 ..t a 1"4Iuu:JUon ln ,..1.. of thll"t7-fl1M pel' oent or more below tho ote.n4U4 ot or41n&.l7 1'n... tn th8 01 Q for 8\\O1l 11M. 01' mOl'oh8ll41B.. 8ba11 be oODalua1Ye17 ,renme4 to be .~d 1n f\ tem1'ora17 Dr trlUHtUnt buain.ae wUh1n the OOJlt~latlon Df 'hle or41nenoe. / ~.otlOD &. Th. provision. of thlu ordlDaDo. ehall Dot app~ '0 ortel'e teton b1 QO'mnarolel trtlTe1ere u4 In tho uRal oov.. .f bueln..8, 01' to boaa f14. eal.. of merohan41ao Dr g004a b)' .ample fDI' tutuo "UT817, 01' to pareoJUJ oupp' ln ~. IMrJtoU.ag 01' eal. .f 4al1')', fan, flu .1' ."'004 ,r04ut8 ln 1:1: h a 11:7 . --.-^ I l' Ie tbe Intent of thte orAlDaAo. pot to Alaorlml.... bet'~.A ....Ue.e of Ul18 oUy or of 'ft. rerr1tor;y of Al..ata anA 110000..Ue21'. tbaHof. ..4 it 18 her.bJ .r:pr...l1 prov14.4 that thla or41D&l1oe eball a,p17 without Aleor1.1DAtlo21 to all p.4410r8. hawk.re, .... auotlon..re, lUaena' TeuOl'. 884 pereou. th.1l' prlnolpala aD4 ag.nt., ..aslng ill .. '......17 or tl'an.i.at buelll... Of ....nAIDI or ..111118 Ml'obal14h., etook. or ltOD'. or other utiol.. of OO!M}eroe wtthb the OU)' of a.war'. Alaeka. wh.'he.. r..14oate ot eatA 01'1 or '.rrltor7 or nonr..t'.ata th.reot. ~.Otl0A? AA1 porson who Tlolato. &AY ot the proTlelone ot thi. orUauoe eball be 4.....4 gullty of a mleA.m...nor. an4 upon oOUY10UOD thereot eball be pun18lle. b)' a fin. ot Dot more than (,,11. auA4r.11 .Doll..... '.100.00). or 'b7 11llpl'1eol'llDent tor DOt more thaa thirty (SO) A"8, or b)' botb auoh tine an4 tmprlaollll8nt. In the 4boreUon ot the oourt. ","oil Ia" Tlo1&t1011 ot 'hl. or41Danoe ahall ooa.tltut. .. .epar&t. oft.n... 3.otloD 8. No It..n.e 18.ue4 unier thte uI'41Dano~ BAall be ..e1.nab1. or t......t.rabl.. 3..UOD I. Arq perfl08 aoUng tor or on b.ha.U of a partDorul,. oorporatlon, ...001a'10ft, or other perSQA ~h&11 be .....4 to aot for hi..s.lt lJ1 00At..,18non of the prOT1810c8 of tAh or41.naa... aeoUOll 10. Thhor41na.aolJ aball AO' Ita or beoOlll8 1......U...'.. \t)' r...on of 'he loTal1'lt7 of &n3 parttoular ..otloft her.ot, an. it Is h.reby A.olare' ..pr...ly to bo the Intent of tho CO~OD C~o11 that tb. IATall'1t, or &41u4toattOA .. InYal14 ot &Oy partloular ..otto. or pro.lelon of thie or.lD8noe ahall not &ife.t tho T&1141t1 of &a7 other e..'lon or ,roT181OO ..reot. q.otlon 11. All or4tnaDo.. lnooa.latont or 1& OOllfllot with th. proTls10,. ot thb orUnano. &1". hereby ..epeale4 to thO ...teat of Buoh taooaalet.D07 or oont'11ot. - - - -- - - - - - - - -~-- - - se.'10D 12. An em.r8eno~ 1s herebJ a..lared to axle' &D4 thla orA1DRDoe shall tate effeot from ~n4 after 1'. paaaag. anA appro..1. A'OP'.' at a rolUlar ~.e'l~ of the oommon cOUDoll cl- . /l of ~._r& f 11 1.lID. tble I -= hl 0{5/ LA-,,~ of the 01'1 . 1131. a6~/~~~/~ '7 er~. ~ f2l A'P1\t)"~1>O (- / --- · 1.131. ~.2/3~ *,01".. ..