HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1935-121A I ,\ . 1. , ': F ~ , ' .','., \ p tr "- , fl.,........" ". .' 2 - ('1"'" CM ,~,. '~ 11 * '.' .~ .. " .;;) ,', 'I ...,",Un- ,flf!''.2 J-~~~IW'~~(~ ;;/,yo -:'..' ,.,0 #i"'N:: ~ /~ /' t' /1 l~-.., ,.,-~ 1tfiJl,' t /i,d ". '. ,; JI ""..,. .,tL ~ -,,11/, II .A ~Ld! ,.... (Pl'r~.. "ir"/AIt. ~_~," <,'f:,: u'., _"",~,'7 ... I .. l'._t .It,~,)';' . , 't ' 1 0' ," T" , ,. ,;: "0 121 1\ . ~W..u.~...._.v~ .1.... . \A. AI; :),;.~-:; I:;..;o:~ J:'~ ...~}?:-~~J~~~:c::-: .... ![\...1.1T ";~!ID (;~J.Alr~ .Mv4~ii~1;~ ~:..~.~~:.: -:':li:.. ~ITY 0]' j.Lw~4~W. ..~:r....o.)I~. ~j{U .rw.: -:naT2lJ .J~...S-':;J OF .M.2~UCA, Ali'l) ....J'i'liO..~I~Il~G I'i'.;j ~":';JJr,nOl~. ill. 1:1' O..WAIl;:;.:.u by tL8' r;o;.mol1 ~ )lbcil. Ji t~r of ::leward: . r 'Section 1. Tllilt tllt LOUll aIlG. Gl'''"~~t .."crtct:::H.:nt hl tvJe611 the said City of ~ewal'J.. A1clSka.. all", t:.c 'LiitC(1" ...lt8.tcs af !merica lIIJll;llel'tUld su.bj..ot to tIll; to:,:;,~8 af ,;hLJl1 th(; 'lId toe Jt~tes will by laan unc1. s:rant not 1.,xCGec"..il1b ill the' ,<:,<..Sl' 0 Late the sum of ~U8.000.00 to cl,iJ. s...i.d ~ity of ....c"~4:L'l_ P.14O::i2~. in fin<:>nc ing the cO:Clst:c,wtioll of <l.11 I;le..:tric LiCl1.t fmd. :?o\/cx PIL>llt a capy ():f whicil Loan ulld Grl411t ...grtWLllJllt is fileci UfDll[; the !hl,lJ11c r~oo:rds of thl; J:;.ty of JV,''''l'Cc. :\lQ,~::'-'. i... tht ')i'i.'i'~e of the :'li.lnloipal 0l&.:rk ~mL whiuh IO'll1 .;;.r.o. Gl'W-lit Agrl.c;Lkl.l.t io hereby rr.ade a part ;,,,,reof. ilc ",:::3. ..Lb S<..<8t.' is }.brt;oJ in "-111 :respects approved. 0, seat iQrl 2. -":h~ t tht: 1:",yo:4' )f ;j~i(;. JL;, 'be dUe. lw is hE; re by autho.L ized a.llU C~~J:1e0tt;~~ t:) l;j~t;;Jlltt:t :"")~\J:J. LO<..J.l:. rJ.uC" 1:CU1:t .ngree- :n.ent in t.ripliccite OH bel,...L, 0.: t:.c; '::1':.;; t ",11'). t:." ..;lu'}: of sedd Oi ty b0 ~l1.Cl L,\~ i,] ~~t..:i.'f;J.. ~rt:.. ).&,.'iZt:(_ .:.:.-:.~" .,-~.':'\. .;t~-a. 'Lo 1J..l::~(G8S 01' affix th~ o:rl~ial ~~~l J! d.1~ ~l'~ ~) LduL ): 6~i~ ~~ree copi~ti :>~ ci,~i~,- :;:',.h:,l!. c..-.:..\._ Gl..........',.! ..40....:...r.;..t; '~ ........ tJ ~~t,~,_t ;...LLQ~J. '(..'0-4.1. cilJuti':>:'J. 3. ~:l4.lt ~~il-... ~~l~ .c1.: bL. ..~.u:" ~:.. iG :",-6.tt;b~;' i':1.J..t1l01'tlzo<l and directed. t\> ':u.tthwi i,J.i ;.. V.l:VJd.:'::'::' ~~.:L't:)L ,-o;:>i<o i; )-:: ;:;""10. Loan anu. Gr~llt ...t.rcclellt ",;3 '- ':t, ~ ,'"eel );.. bcL~l': J:C ~;.l.id. Git;;':o tho Jl1ed.e:ral ~,IElre€ll.~J _~'LLll..l.l..i..Lt~4,t'.~i,)j. 0":: :'i.lblL: ./J.e::;;;:, ,.u:s:li.l.g- tOll. .lJ. u. '. ~ec'i;ion 4. 'J.':u.ut thE. ::Q~)l' d,l~C, JlLI'k U(; Cd;.0. till.:; :u'-f' hereby. "uthcxi:m& <md empm,a:red 0... bLl"J.l.': oc~ .:;,,1..:1. Jit:, t,) :t:l,~U€btt :ana. oonselit to ;,loQ.iZJ.cutiollcl of 0.C '>:."'8\:;:'" ii, suiCi. !.oan anc'_ ~antA€;raafJ,but witll r"iul'L.l,U<" tu tLtJ ..~.L.. i..,ll'~tiont ('c<;tte. (lenom- ina t iau",. 1J16 diw.1 of p;il.w ,1t n t. Ill'"'-':" ,', o:C ~i:..:'~' '_". t, '-'nO. l'(; ..;i8 tra- 'tie>n ar tlOuve:.'siml privi1bciLG 0':: tl,,-- lJJi-i,,; t::> be issu.ell tl.t::rt.'- lUldt2r ill Ol~(\.er to uom'J!l~l '.vi t:J. tl..t l"-;;l.flil\..7 ~t.lltfJ of 1~~11 31la~ of :tM 'p:roC'etillliQ.1g~ tiflkell ~ral' tl.t i:.:",:).8.,:'CC :Ai: ;.;4i(l. OOli0S, an~ to to:::Gcute in the 8al:1<i :""l",er ~3 .:1-,1C. ::',i)ali ",n('_ ~l'<iLt Agreentint ,.ny fl!(rlhe.:r llllitrw.:lC"ll ~3 t:lIU t 'la;/ b,r 0U".1C.. :1,,:.; i.,: :.lJlc Ll c; :)l""W ..: t ion with 8u.oh u:)c-:'if::',HitiollS n', 0~1::L6f..s. ,., .z' 1 , , r ^? ltC''[l-'.: ,.:;c~ :"":J3 ~.,t:'Cr ~+j- 1.~ . ,!n'.: ~ ':: Or'~ r . .-:-\;:';...:1 ",<-:!> ':\ ..., \, ~r, -.--.--...;..-. _._~ '-".-- ,y,,~ '..," I u" _~_ ... 1.' j- ,) ,) '" co' --.I.... " , .2t:"J, .~" '" j .-............ ,,' "C"[' ",j: !>+ t "I:,t ~~:,.- .. - ?" ,. ~, 'r l' 'v: \".' '\" '..: ", "".,,' '" ".~"-.. \' ;~" '4>' 1'"--.../1 ~. ...:tj 'tJ" .'"<' . ....;., ... , T 0 'V~ ~ !'.~ aooW<:!/'." " <...... :1,;" ___._.l., .. " ;l: /', )/<' "..J~. (',' ~. . -~-- r I I I I I I . .' .;h~ation 5. Thut said Clerk be and he is hereby i:mthorized and directed. to forthwith SElna. to saHI. Federal Bl!\ergenc~T Adl:\1n- iatration of Public ~jorks two certifie:d copies of this Ordin- ance and two oertifiecl cOtles of the proc!jelUllCs of the meet- lng in oOlll1l>ctioll wHlJ. ~h6 <:lG.Olit iJ:i of this Ordimu.1oe. and such fu;rther dOOUI;lt;tnts or proofs ill COill~u,~tioll 'c!:l.th the approval a:do. exeou.tion of S&:l.d. Loan ami. arant .<l.greeoent as mal be re- Q.u&s-ted by said 2ed.eral ;':uergE.l1ci Jldninistrat:i,oll of' Ptlbl10 ~l"b. . ' , ,...... uler ...pea.ion o~ rule., aU .PlJI'ft.t, taLl. '~1:J~~lrl. .J.YOll CLI:RI:' ~ J....:~~I_~\:!:0A~B I~ ~. D. ~:w~n~Olr. the d,ul~ elected. qu.aHfidd and aoting 1:unioipal, al~rl::' of' the Cit~" of Scr.'i~ra.. Ah:'<8~. do hereby cer- tifY tl~t the al~J.e_~d copy of. Ordinance to. 121 has been compared by ne ',,1 th ahd. is a true 8.:.1d correct copy of the whole of ,suoh O:tdinanoe !;.o. 1],2.1 us unl.1 d.c1optect ut and appt;&ring 8;J,ong the offio1ar mDluteG 0i the rCClllar r'1f2etins of the Comon Couno1,:l of such. City of deward.. ;'lasb.i.. hell\. on the 7th day' of J.nuary. 1935~ ~ld duly approved by the ?fu~or of said City on t.he 7th. day or JiID"-~X]. 19::Y5. - t" ., ~, ',1I~mS3 .iBr..RL()1~ Jr I hav6 hereto set t'lY hand and affixed ,_1ih. ():t!10;1lil ijaal of said City this 7th day of Jantuu::y. 1935. f i;lZ.oJ.) .. . 1'{"; __ ___a. !l&~/L~~ _______ ~ (' bt/t. i, r , i \ it :4 -- ~~_."..__._~ ::; . 1 ...~.-......~,,!.,<-~ . ZU~~CT,~ }~(Ol.: ~1iE l:IlILrJ.I~.~J Q~ ~ ::':JCrUI...R 1'~nIG Oli' rrrffi.: COML:Ol{ COffi.CII. O.P :mE CITY OF $;7A~ I> AU.;):r;.,. HELD 01; THE 'th :D..l.Y 01 JJ:\1rJA1\Y . 1955. The. Common C1ounoil Q.;t the City of seward eouvenect in r&gtl- l~r lilltSsiQ.u 111 th.6 .nuunoil oh&.mbers on the 7th day. of January. 1935. at 8 o'clock :P. II. ~he neeting 1laS cillled to order by Mayor 11. C. Brownell. . II rlf,he.~~lW- ~;:J~~l:jl., .,~AC\.~~ f.t;rsl'.J:;'''it., '?-~., .tllo~e absent were as follows: "I: r --.. ... . """!;''':. _ ::\'4 ,Pi!;e:~e~~ . lti..llilalici. : ~1J. the y ~.1!. e.:.;~T.;".e. t ..' ~!bH~;"s~. (tJ..' tiflf' a~. . + \' ---::t~-\~tIft..!l..llo ~. f...l~ ",.+ ' _. ".: ;iia.~eht..t .rore " . " .......-... ..... _._..:.....~.~"..-,:..... .:. ... · '. -i ~..:' Y .:.., fA: The folloWll13 ol'ctim<uce nu; lDcreC', 121 imct 8:1t i tled ".i.n Ora.inana€ Approving i), LOJll ::l.n.'. '::r..mt .'8rCLnfmt between the City of Sa'Nard. Alaska. U11e'. tLt; TJ:1ito,~. 3t,,,,-:'t)o 0f .\1:1l:;l'io8. ana. author- iz.1ng its I:xecution" Vi.J.;; iL'~:..'oC.n;Jc\: b;~: ::',~/or .0. I,}. Brovmell. 1'l;;: ""d in full by the Cne:.:k anG. Jom ic.c rc.0. by t:le ~OUl.lc il: O.fuTI:-l>':~C:': I~(). 1.81 ~lT f'D1'\"''' 1.1."-.' ":l Y'" 'r"'''.~ - 0" . n' '" ''n f:U.\ .,:.......JJ~.......\I,"".. ~.t.J:_..U'l.L&.,' A ..L.J "'"".' .&olo,J.,~ ....'...~J.tJ. .., ..-):'.'\....."l..~w f\".rn 't"'-:..-...... "":'"-~" I"'f"";-'Y 0 1...... v.' '-::r;., -t.T .~. V,. ,e .tr...~.l," .',,'.' ..i..J~."'~'+'''''-i ....~ vJ...... '.it u.unA.a.WJI. 'ALlf"'_ .. .... mut- TTlTT""', \' (';.' = ,'. ,,-" ,- - ',.T."\> . "e> iTTmtTon_ ..1.~J.J ~. u*...,J...~"'" ~4,,"J...4u '}~ ............I.\..J,. ~. ~.~ AU J"kl ~.. ~".,----..... UL;~ IT~ =.=C!JTlOTI . BE l:l' .9:tiliAnuID by t11e J.OL'lJ1I.()n OO\lmf.i.l. Cit~T of 6eVJ&r(1: ti~ctiol.l 1.T.~4.....-t: tl,le I.a...il and, Crc.n.t ....c"Teer1er.t between thb baiel eit;, 0::: ..j(;.\'&'1'(;'. AI:. ;:;;:A. -.u:"l. thE 1ni 'bed Ioltistes '01 America. un-ier ancl 511.bj\;lot to the t'erus r:Jf wich the United statea will .~ loa:n ~1d lP'~lt .no'\.. 6XC":1.(,J.l1,3 ih the aweg",te: the SU111 of tll,a.OOO!\oo ~o li.;id e.a.lctCitJ of Se;ward. Alasm. .1n flnanoing the oonstruotl011. of an Electric Ligh~ and !>()-\rer Plant a eon of whioh Loan and Grant ....greement is fEbcl t.xmg the p.lb11c ':t;luords of tL.6 City of Sewa,rG.. Alas;-w.. 1.. J"he office of the llmic1pal (}ldrk and. 'i.h.ic::h LJ.t:. ani 'irant ;riraement is hereby Ullild.e a Plilxt here;)f. bew.!d the sa::1e is hereby in .11 res:;?J6cts apR.~~~~~\ , . 'J:.~\l'\ '. \::., Seetiou at-.... ".i:hat the l,layo.c of dahl. ~i ty' be and. he is; herebj' aathor~\e~'~nn dir€cted to 0xco~te such Loan wld Grant Agree- ~ I f ., I 3 It ! ~ , ment in tripliaa.tl:i on behalf of the Gi ty. anu theJJ.erk of said City ".::.e ~i'iO. he is hereby uQthol'ized an6- ,Li:ctlctf:ld.to iupnss or affix the ;),~fici<il s<::al 0:: saic-:' City to, each of suio. tId'ee copies of said :":'ow'J. lilll.a. ~rCl.nt ..~gree:j(;ut alJ.Cl. to at'tcst ;~lCh bual. deutio11 3. ~'~~iJ.t B",id ~lel':: bE 0.':.(, :,e is :.e:r:eby uClt:Uo...'izUl '-lnd dirc-..:tecL to f;Ht:.'".i..ti. ,~Jr'.hd.',', tL:,:c.c '..:o)ie;,~ of sah1. 10811 alld I1r"-lut ACreC;;lt;ut -:'>:3 exe.Ju.teJ. ;)1.; IJu!J.4lf J.i. Sd.i6. Ji ty to ".:he :i!'eu.tn-al B1lergol0Y Adl;linistratiolJ. of I'u.iJlic :;o:clts. '1ashing- t 011 t D. C. Section 4. ~L.at tile .:aiJl.'~Ld ~le:.:'i: h eLk:' t:ne~ are h(;reJJ. aClthol'izecl ~Uici "UpO.,(J.'c0, Jle J'l.~l..c )f :"'..1.iC, Clty to! request. and consent to. iloC.ilic.J.tivn;-.; 0;;:)1' "::,c,lle.,'-'S ill bcd::. 1()al1 ....nd. Grant Agree::ltJut \<1th ref(;rcnce ".:0 tLe 1€-8i.:;nation, elate. a,enom- ill~t1ous. Lit lliu:,l o~ r>a.YUG:l'.; t ~11.:ic;"d of .,.,....;!Ti';.t t cmd. l'(;Lictra- tion or c~lversion ~rivil(ges 0f the bonds to be iasued there- Ulldel: in order to comply with the rl;'lLlirenentsJI law aan1 of tlle proc0ocli1l.bS t~::t.;:. .c.J:' tLe iJsUli&liOe of said bone,s, and to ii<:?:ecute iu -':.:16 ::li;l;le I.Hl.:iJ..W:C 0.:.8 08. 1(, 10....n i.4hu. Gr,.:-;.t n.greement L.n~l further i1l3'truments th~t ;,lUY be :Zouhcl desirable in COlllleution wi th Sl1.ch modifiaations or ah:1nges. jection;:jo ~i.at ::laid Jle:r:': u,-- ,..eeL leG i", i.ereby &~,lthorized. ano, 0.irecteG. to .fol'thwith ocnc ~". 8di~, .'e-:;'e ral E 'le rgency Adnill- istratioll of :?u.1)lic 7iol"ks t\'IO (jl,jrtified copies of this Ord.in- anoe- &nd two certified oOl)ies of t1.e :)rOCOeCUll~<'l of the I.aeet- ing in COHl10Ctiol.lit.h th.e ati~ption of this Ordinance, and such further ci00ur,ltil.tS or proofs L. aOlll1ectiolI with the U:Dpl'oval and. ex.ecutioll of said Loan und. Grant Agreement .u roa.y be reliuest€~cl by salCi. ~'(;;l~.erfJ.l i:uol'<.!;t.:noy ..unini::;tl'atioll of ?,l'olio \1'01."1::... It was I.lovecl by ~oulloibun .;;wc-':.rlallil. fl.lle. ,;euOIJ.C\.ed by Council- ma.n I~e~'er ~llat &1.1 rules of t:ie ;,l('6tine whiQ;h :lig.'1.t prevent.. unless susyended.. the fLlal passaC;e al1o. aCl.option of said Ordin- ano& at this Illti~t1n6t be aIm t}lO S3.Fll. art- hereby Sllspelll9.eil for th~ p,upose of pO:.:'rlittl1.g the .fLi~\l pG..:SCl[;ti am:' aclo)tlon of saill Ord.inance ut tl:tis ::leetir.c;. ~e Y:c4estioll beill~. UpOl-, '~h,-, !,i1:lJ)tiJn of ~~a.iLt :lotion &11d, the SUS,p611S i 011 , of su.:oh ~~::;, the J.'ill1 WaS c.'i.lled.i5.. th the fo1l0w- ing result: ,~ ~.~. 4~'es : llays: 3L" :::ono ) 4 t; the r:ayol' declared liw.1o. ::lotion o1;l,r.ried and suoh rules Su.s- pended. ' Couno11u~n ~they then !loved -'chat Bald Ordinanoe be now plaoe,d upon its fil"8.1 pai:lsage. 1J-:)U~~cilrrlUn Gilliland 8eoonc1",(l the notion. The q,uestion being put upon the pl;.tolng of .,<i\id Ordlnlillc:e "o.pon its final passage t the roll was called with the following resu..lt: J.:yeli: .:.i&.ys: SiJc. lor one The ~,~()r dtlcland the notion oarried. .Cl)Ulloil:ilan ..itan'~on thereupol.l. ilOVt,lc1. -':lul.t tl16 s~id Ord.illanoe 'be f~lly paslii;id .and taD..o;pt€o. as i~ltrod.u.oe(l and nil;ill. <;OUllCil- man Olabo seaouded tl::.w motion. The <;l.u€.stionbvLlg ]lilt ,l.pon tb~ fill'll padsae;1oi QUo. udoption of s8.i(l Clrc1111,illCE:- tlw 1;011 W<iS Jall,;ci wi tl1tlle following result: 4,les: n-.ys: Six. 1; Ol.le .. " The lA4y ):.' theJ.'e'l.l)O~l u.t;cl",.red ::'1,,*11 f1o)ti ):1 0Hl'ieu 8M th. Ord~n~LOt1 fil1fil~ ;:,C!s.iep.-..11U G.d'):Jted. 7}~tI r:",yo...' the;;;'OilpOll ;:; iJlled lin1d ')xLlin-J.1we in '''P)l'ovd.1 t,hl1l:reof. * * * * * * * * * * - . " .it Vjl:i.i.j ;.l.0ve<l by CQUllCil,~ll uiJ"t',1i.Ud tU~<l aeuallded by COUlwil- ~n Stci\nt.:m tlu.t ';;J...u ;,ltj.fjtiHg <4dj0i4:t:1H, :rotiQ:u uu:c:ciQIi. .:- -.(Jdj8dpt#m;__ _, ______ . :.ll;j.t~= , I 5 , v" ~,"~",'?f.,,'-'- - i , ,~ . ", / ' -,," , , ,;y' j-/ " '_,Ii- 1. , (' . """' .. ,0'( . J.l~'::~J~1 d J,j,~.o:(TiiIIJ.n.~ I . ""v..' ;"0': "'-, - "1"""" 16 "1t"T 0'" "" \'J"'r" "I"'" t.a- u. ..cwi...L41JJ,....W..L. :J,j. L.t...l.J.1" .... >..l>_.~ll,. J..>-....l. ,".&., ~ ..L ~t,; ~ ....t..:t. ....'0... ka. do hereby ct;lI'tif;[ ~:.I.\t the dljjl",X.t;'l'l <.;.,tnl.~~ fl'O::1 t:l.e min- \lot.be of tho l'C6UJ.a:c r:lU~tL1G .Ji ',Lc, '::O,lI1011 ~ounGil Ji a....id. ~ity held on t.he 7th. QI;l.j .J.!. JwU,::..,c". IJ~55. ll'-'''' ue811 OOl1l11<i:red by IllI$ With and is a trQIi; 8.1",1 corJ.'Ell~1. 0 Jj,)~i of the whole of au~h Iainu.tes ill so fal' <is snell]. r\hntcb rGf0r~o Ordinance 'No.. 121. U{,v:JT::;:'..)o ,.::.....1.0:2'. I :l<i.V<-) :luren,,-lto.;l!t :\7 l.uno. aud affixed the offioial ::;eal of The City of 3.;.wuro.. this 8th ('cay of Jan- uary. 1335. r-- I' I, I ! [' ( dE~l.L) __kt@dLd&t_~---------- C10l'k - I' i h- ! .---- ----...--------- r ~ . tkl. 0,r11uanoe wa. resularly pas.el ani aloptet at tat ..et.1.. of ih. COllIlon Cono11 OJ1 January. ?'th.. 1986. 'bd .a14 ..e'1D8 wa. h.la open un'11 receipt of wlr. frO.~. ...oaoGlh. .. .agse.t.1 by hi.. until JanuarJ. 15th. lil6. ai whloh t.1M the ...d.a 1 t... were laa.ried a. p.r U8 r.....t la'.t ..-hluetOJ1. >>.C. January. l't. lil6. &at a. e.nta1~d in nllht l.tt.r telesraa of that date. aoe~~- Clerk. I' ~' "l,. bf\ "'if , 6 i L " ,\ ; f llJ1~jl'l~;~~';;,~,":~::,...,_,~'~~' .~.: ,~'i: ,~j: .<\ " 1";'< _.~.t......... .,.i~","''''...''''_'''''''t.:r " '-'''..l' , ;"!:i,:::-