HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1935-127 r ol V' \,0 V, ORDIBAliCE ~O. 127 AN ORDINABCE TO FRORIEIT DOSS FROM RUNNING AT LARGE WITHIN THh CORP01V.TE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF S~~JwtD ALASKA. ESTABLlSHIliG A LIC~~S~ FEE FOR A ALL DOGS AND MAKING IT A ~IoDEMEhHOR FOR ALLOWING DOGS TO RUN "~T LARGE AliD FOR FAILIliG '1'0 PAY LICE.NSE FEE AND REPEALliG ALL ORDIYANC~S IN CONFLICT THERE- WITH A1.Uj DEOLA-IRING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORliAHlEli BY 'fEE COM.:.10r-l OOUliCn CITY OF SEllARD ALASKA: 1. THAT it shall be unlawful for any, dog or dogs to be at large within the Corporate lim.ts of the City of Seward. Alae,ka. 2. !RAT a lioenae fee of $2.50 for Male Doge and ~I:,o for Female Dogs is required and due the 1st. day of July in eaoh year on all dogs owned or kept within -the Oorporate limits of the City of Seward. Alaska. 3. THAT any person qwning any dog or dogs. or has any dog or dogs YwTP~t in hie or her oare, shall negligently permit suoh dog or dogs to be at large within the Corporate limits of the City of 3ewbrd, Alaska, or shall fail to prooure lioense for said dog or dogs ahall be 8ui1tl of a mlsdemeaUDr and uponoonvlotion, be fined not less than; 2.;>0 or more than $5.00 in add i tion to lioense fee. 4. TRAT it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of the City of Seward, Alaska, to notify owner or oontroler 01' any doge found at large within the corporate limits of the City of Beward. Alseka. or any dog that is not duly lioensed to l~~ediately oonform with the rules and regulations of this Ordinanoe, and if failure to 80 do, Re. She or they shall be hailed before the City Kagiatrate and fined aooordingly. 5. TEA! in the event that any dog or dogs are fount at large within the ootporate l1Jits of the City 0' Seward, Ale.eka,or for whioh license bas not been prooured, and for which no Ownership oan be 8Btab]~ehed; It shal1b. the dut, of the Chief of PHioe of 8ald City to Empound such dog or doge for a period of TRH~ ~AYS at a rate of t2~50 for empounding and $1.00 per day for feeding eaoh dog eo empounded and 11' same 1s not redeemed within the stated period 01' three days, the Chief of Polioe shall sell said dog or dogB for not less than oharges due and if unable to do BO, said animal shall be deatroyed. 6. !BAT an emergeno1 is hereby declalred to exiat and this Ordinance shall take effect iwnediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed under suspension ,Of t9t rules, by~the Common ~ouncil, City of Seward. Alaska. this ~() - day of /'[""/1<' 1936~ APPROVED '" , k:: f,' /~ ~ t20'f1W(trh~ , )...~ t/I()/r"I.1J-" ~e,~R~ M A '