HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1936-128 r ... ,--' /~,bw.), " f-1~ J ~l' .j~ '" g;/ ~..A1IOJ XO. 118 o r .1/1 0....'.'..... ~....." ... .... All o:e~~ ::=,.:~~ia~~~:OULAn ' , .. IU.U~ ,'. OR ~e '0. ... '...... .un OOLIAGQJl 1\1' ,.. .,~, . ~,J,J..", :lOR ,IJ[I,"~l", ,'.c "J4l.lJ.,%lf,' '~,' ',' 16P, :. O,,~,., 'In, llIs ,-OJ' rtll ,.....U'Att ~a1ei ,,1faDI( #',ulWISlt1lJD..to 't~' '!j;. . JI.AB ITAJrTS 0'8 SA.ID 'tOU OF snARD. A1 tA~ ~~. <," ': ' TO SAID KtUlIOlPALI'fT. OR TO Art OJ' ITS ~JllftS, BOI&RP. oa...."Xlll .., rltaI_ US, ..:r 111. ~. .uu... ~re-Blea'rlo ProJoc' ~ ~, ... 61,. i~ ",; lt~ .. ,':1 B IT ORDAIDD 111' '1'11I 0 ODOlf OOUBOIL OJ' TfOI TOU C# ~t' QAJ\!taal' 0'1 Alft'R~J; StoU.D 1. tJaat \M SMon4. a..U.a .t Q1'41JWlo.". ~& of '\b. If... .fBewa", Aluka, ."",,e44. .""1'1'. bit _4 ".. ....: '18 h.ro- ."...IlIlt4 \0 n.a ..~ t'ollO",l ,;" , ,'~ , " ,'" ._\1.Qt.~~',_ .IM.. ~iet'lJtri~ ".1'11 ..all 'be, ~.4.tp....',. 11.", jf ~ :r,..a. 01 ,...4, Ala,ta. .aft aill '....."bfN~. ..~.*'*, ...pt ..M....1.- ,in 01.'dtl0a,h..'t'f aB4 f ~ 'I,' " ,. " , . . '. . , Station a. ,'fha, the TAlN SOO'-\'8 of *e,J40",,,,,,,, .~. UI ot tll. e.... ot S4nr..-cl. .u..ka. be. ...4 \b. ,.... 18 b.r.b7 ...n~.~ \t ,... .. t.u.... : ~'..'10ft J~ ..,.~ .-.'~ ,.tumt..... the OOft 1'1 7 0 $,.,.. u~a a 4,pod' 'h.r.tor b1 the oonlwur of the .Wll ot .10.00. wbiob ...uni '~ _. 4,poll,.4 b7 th. Gonlwur at ~. \1.. ot tb. 'f.....tU'l'61t at the _ ter an4 before "M'loIJa t",rDl,beel. SlIob 4.p08U 'Mllt. oo,naU'lI" & 8\&U-\" t.r tb. p,;ra,,' .t blU.. OWl '...r'. 4..... N _'II'. ItO.. del ,~1. 4,-.. int- er..'.t; tM r.'. .t ti....~.:rftra'_ <,I")",,, anJlUil.~Ul_..r. tor whloh 4,p08it. gall be -.4. a. &tor..ald. lhall 1M ... 1"- ..1ft t)W p.ro-per\7 .t tb. !lu.nlo1pal 87It'.. OU'OM'" wb.... ua. &D4 ","'ire...' .t eleotrio en.rl7 18 iarau 'baD a".~ akall ,., a larc.r 4IpO.l', .qui"alent \0 approxtla\'17 to 4qa' ltl11l1".. Upon \a. 41aoon\1n\l&fto. .t "I'd.. lt7 "1 0"''''' .uaer ,uoh Inat.all.cl ..ier aball be .urren4.re4 to th. s,.t... .ad, It 'UGh ..t.r 1, returned. 1n co04 oon41~on, 'h. d..po.l' .. 1 .. made therefor shall be returned to the consumer holding receipt therefor, less any charges against the same as outlined above. A charge of One Dollar (31.00) shall be paid by the consumer a~ covering all charges for install- ation and connection, - or for the removal and discon- nection of such meter." Section 3, That Item 2, Rate, wright Demand, of Subdivision II. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFICATION, of Section 4. of said Ordinance No. 125 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows; ~2. Rate: Wright Demand. 9t 7t 3t per K~H first 30 hours use per month of KW. maximum demand, per KWH next 60 hours use per month of KW, maximum demand. per KWH all in excess of 90 hours per month of KW. maximum dema.'1d, Determination of maximum demand 100~ of first 500 watts connected load plus 65% of next 1,500 watts connected load plus 55% of excess over 2,000 watts connected load. Minimum monthlybill;l.OO per :".onth per meter plus lOt per 100 watts connected load. .. Section 4. That Item 2, Demand Jharge, of Subdivision III, ')OV{ER, of Section 4, of said Ordinance No. 125 of the Town of Se~ard. Alaska, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "'2, Demand Charge: First 25 IC'ND per ::1onth - 1\3.00 per KVi,D :N ex t 75 KWD II 11 ~2.00 'i " Exc es s 100 K'JI!D " " ~1.50 II 11 II Section 5. That said Ordinance No. 125 of the Town of Seward, Alaska, a8 herewith amended, be, and the same is in all respects con- - 2 - fir.aed. ratified and approTed. Seotiene. Th1. Ordinance shall be in lull force and eff.ot from and aft.r 1t. paa.age and approTal. . PASSED BY THE CODON COUNCIL of the Town of S....ard. Alaaka. thia 3rd day of Auguat. A. D. 1936. ~.Of S......rd, Alaaka. ArPROVID this 3rd day of Auguat. A. D. 1936: ~;o8 ~(.J~ - 3 ....