HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1939-142 r- r~1 i I I "=. '. !;,/ I ~ .:.' ~ ' i , (: /1;' i; ;: . " i.: , ORDINANCE 142 .AN ORDINABCE TO AJ4END ORDINANCE IflDIBER 84. BEING "AN ORDINANCE nT.AI'flIIiG TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND REGULATION or VEHICLE !1'llUPIC IIi THE TOrtIi OF SEWARD! PROVIDING :PENALTIES FOR THE ,VIOLAUON TBEllEOr AND REPEALING ALL ORDlNAUCES AND PART S OF OlijlINANCES IIi COBPLICT THEREWITH .AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" BY ADDIlfG AJ4ENDATORY SlCTIOllS 41-42-0i5 !HERETO. PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF INTER! SlCTIOIiAL TRAFFIC WITHIN THE TOWN OF SEWARD. BE IT ORDAUED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TO\ur OF SEWARD: Seotion 41. That Ordinance number 84 of the Town of Seward, being wAn Ordinance relating to the Use of Public Highways and regulation of Vehiole Traffic in the Town of Seward, providing penalties for the Tiolation thereof and repealing all Ordinances and pa rte of Ordinances in oonfliot therewith. and for other purposes. "Be. and the same hereby is. amended by adding thereto and as part thereof Section~l- 42-48 al followl: seotion 41. SECTION 41 REGULATING TUJ'Fl;.C,,2F ~OR VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA. every owne~1b!.s~~6tor vehicle whioh shall be operated or driven upon the pub ic streets of the City of Seward shall observe the following regulations: the driv.er of a motor vehicle entering an avenue in the City of Seward. Alaska from any of the cross streets shall oome to a dead stop at the inter- section of the avenue. The avenue shall have the right-of-way over motor traffic entering the avenue from the side streets. Seotion 42. All Ordinances and pa rts of Ordinanoes in oonflict herewith. be. and the same are, hereby repealed. Section 43. This Ordinance shall take affect and be in force from and after the .,.1 day of,.J"f"d, 1939. Passed under suspension of the rules and approved by the Common Oou.noil of Seward. Alaska this >1 day Of:.!""II'. 1939. cC~ Municipai lerk. Approved this Art day of..J,,~iI./ 1-, 1939. , V""_j Kayor of the Oity of Seward. \ .. .YJ;. " ''''''t '... ,:,~',...A~",_,~'",..c_.