HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1939-143 i" "'. !' ~ , "k -'~llD'1i. ~~.~ ORl>IllAI~C~ 143 l_ ~~_ .IJ)IliANC~ TO AMEND OIillI1Jj,llCl; 120 BEIUG All ORDIllAllCE RELATING )BESS1,1EN!l AIm C01.LKCTI01:1 OI<' l'HE TAXES OF TIlli Cln OF SEWARP" 'l REPEALInG ALL ORDIllAllOES AND PAla'S OF OlIDln.uOES III caul \EwUH, AND FOR OTIIEH 2URi'O:iES. BY ,.DDIHG A:UWDA!lORY illW!lIONS dERE!lO. ,EO!lIOlf 42. SEOTIOn 42 18 to an end SECTIOn 4 OF ORDIHAnClS 120 lame 'being the date for assessment for Real and Pereom 1 Taxes for Jltr of Seward, Alaska, Amended to read as follows: 2he aBBeseor appointed by the Cor!11llon Counoil muIR, between the fineenth day of May and the :first day of JU118 of 8aoh year, properly list in the aBsesement books furnished him by the munIoIpal olerk, all real lroperty within the 0Ity of Seward ..bJen to tua'Uon. and assess suoh property 1n the :name of the persoll by whom it was owned at 12 o'olook meridIan on the fif. teenth day ot K~~n the year inwhioh the assesement is made. If the owner thereof oannot be asoertained then the property shall b. a.88ssea. to the person olaiming the same or in whoBe posseesion or oontrol it was at 12 o'olook meridian on the fifteenth day of Uay in the Y'far in whioh the assesement 1s made. If tbe assessor disoovers property for wh10b he oan find :no owner or olalmant or whioh is not in tbe possession of oontro1 of any person then he shall aasess suoh propertr ae -Unknown OWner", provided, that no mistake 1n the Dame ot the owner, olallDant, or perSOn in possession or in oontrol ot pro- perty 8hall render the assessment thereof invalid. The Bsseseor shall list all real property separately by lot and blook and real property whioh 1s not subdivided into lota and blocks sball be O~"1'W188 oaretully .eeor1bed. ghing number ot aores or fraotion tbereot. The assessor shall list all taxable personal property ..parate and apart :trom reul jroperty. All asaessmente made by 8ald assessor shall be equul and uniform and based upon the aotual value of the property aSEeBsed. BEOTIOB 43. SEO!lOn 43 ie ~o amend :mCTIOD 14 ot OHDIlIANOE 120 as follOWS1 . That On the fifteenth day of September ot eao year, a e our of five o'olook P.M. all unpa1d taxe8 sball beoaae delinquent and tbe aunioipal olerk must colleot thereon. for the use ot the Oity, a 'live per oentum penalty for the non.payment ot the taxes when due, together with interest on suoh delinquent tues at the rate ot twelve per centum per annu. A ,L ORD!l~AHCES and parts of ORDIHAliCES 1n oonfliot herewith, be. ~ atKl the same. are, hereby repealed. !hie ORDINANOE shall take effeot and be enforoed from and atter "the Cth day of Deoember 1939. Passe a and approved by the Oommon Oounoil of Seward, Alaaka thiS 4th day of Deoember 1939. Approved this 4th d~ of December 1939 ~~ \ / , I ~ " I - - -...."- ~ !" \ , , ;' -----~