HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1941-145 rn / TO'NN OF SENARD, rl.L,c;SKA ORDINrl.NC~ NO. 145 AN ORDINANCE RELATT NG TO DISORDERLY DRUNIG N (; ONDur; rr ii.l~D DISTUKBAl;CE OF THE f8r-l.GE n: THE'lDWN OF ::)~"'IARD, :lUi:JEA; and REP:~ALING- SECTION 26, OF ()RT;lNA,NC_-~ 3F~., rrn1,'\':'T C;F :-\-"c~1Nj'i~LTJ ~i~ rr Ol\I)AD::i:iJ J'f TlU COH~\,1()N CCuHCIL OF TIE TO,vlJ CF SEWARD, TERR ITORY 0 F FlLilStili: SECTION 1. If any person or persons shall use any obscene or profane langua~e in any public )lace or private house or place to the disturbance or annoyance of any person or persons, or shall make any loud noise or be guilty of tumultous conduct in any public place or private house to the disturbance or annoyance of any person or persons, or be otherwise guilty of disorderly conduct to the disturbance or annoyance of the public peace and general civil demeanour, or shall be drunk in any private house or place to the annoyance of any person or persons, or shall be drunk in or u)on any vehicle, or boat used for the transportation of passengers, or in or about any public place, or street, or at any 9ublic gatherinr, or shall drink intoxicating liquor, in any public place, or gathering, which is not permitted under license to dispense intoxicating liquor, such person, or persons, shall upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and shall be punished by a fine of not more than ~plOO.OO, One Hundred Dolla rs, or by imprisonment in the kunicipal Jail, for not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. PASSED BY TrE COMlJON COUNCIL of the Town of Seward, Alaska, this 24th day of I,lay, lC)41. /s/ r'aul H.Daujey Municipal Clerk /s/ John M. Blase Mayor, Town of Seward, Hlaska r- This ordinance was presented at the January 20, 1941 Regular Meeting and was tabled until the return of the Mayor. See Minutes Volume 4, Page 395. It was presented later as Ordinance No. 148 on September 29, 1941. Patricia Jones ',L )~,'';:0 ~g .... 12/18/96 l{/J) ',,, Mend "ection 4, of ~r'jinenC~5' ~~:,: il~ruina.nce to J re;:lcrib~,,:,~tnlJ.i.iuh EiLhi, ",%:ulnte tha:.ato&, fees or 11!.;hargol.:l to be neda nna vOi.lected by tue To~'m of' Uevu'!rd, "laska, IIfor tile ~el'vices, lluoiHtiea uuJ vOlllwodi ties of it.:; ...unioipal II~lectric ..yste.m rurnis~ed, to,t~e I~ha'bit811ta of said.'Co,m of ..;ewnrd, IIAl8.SK6"a.nd. to tile. aal~ ..,UnlC;.puhtY"or to 8l.lYc;>f ltl.Jl?pa~t- !ll1ent6, uonrds, or Aif:'encnes, lULU .,epe.nllIlf; all lJrdlnanCe.:3 In L;on- li'fliot her.~i th, pras?rihint penl.l.lties f:)r failure to Gouply -..'i th ,the ,l,rovunons of thls\;rd.inance, and for lither 1 uri-oses.!1 I " Ii [I " "" I'" ", ') TJ""') b t'" "1 f tl 'f' f rd .I):... . U;wa.l..L._ :r he \Jor::u;,on lJouncl 0 16 ..own 0 ....awn . , 11'1 ' ii" ewea: .Jection 1. i'hat "ectioIl 4 of ;.;r;Hnenoe 135 of tLw ,:i ty !I0f'S'dBrd, lAska, be and thd ,11",a is hereby ;'JLI'Y::l to rend fl."" II il follows: ..;I! ~ f hl",.P l1 """eotion 4. ':'21a "ervice rota rm-.~ Chfl,'Cel:J ;,0 be node and collected for j)8rvicea of the ...1.1nicipal 41actrio . hmt or ,:ystOI:<, and ti:w claasificntiolw thereof, n,re as i'ol.Lo~.s: 1 1', ,.:.T:.... rr;". - .,jv~,.:.. ......f...LV ; 1\ W. ~ !I eY'j j\t \~ 10,t iiar J\"H for fir~t 3U K;.. hr~. ;7 per K,ll for allover jU .lL. hrs. per month. ".LL.Uli (;fi!ire8 tone ,1.)0 per ;;uuth. ") "" - '"'l \ ". i II . .,.-'1}. VV"'kl"...-I--\-',V J:l,..I....: J.,J;\'.6.''''. HI/ per . :j .I',.,Hl first for n:huar 6u "', for 011 over bU hrs. puxxatt. 5' !Jer .."...1 hrl:>. paTionth. I' ~ f' "r' h l " ,II..... :J." G, r.rge t) ')8 ].,Jv per ;.onth. 3 - .~ ~r 'J) ~ 'A, \,':':; :;L~ ',\1 "I. " ...l.... any con;;;unar ,;hode ;, mf.;hJy MIl nverrll,es 5.uO or "-'ore. u:.int !-l ran,'..:! h~lvini iJentinr '}lament:;. r-' " totaliIlt: b,uUU 8th or:lore, 1:> entitled to nne electrio water heater of 1 J:',; onpaci ty at the flat rate of '4.;0 .Qer :'onth. 4. - '-"t ( ~l ,.AI.. J,:.., ,J.,1':: (dOi;,9dtic): ,~ muter Japos it of v5.UU iti requirslt for this cln$sificntion, !;lave 1U,d eXcdpt iihe1'e, in the ;>'V8!1t of 'Ul ~UlllsUel load forth:,b clBs ific'1tbn of service t:H~ 8liJ Wlt uf ;:;ater Je:Jol:li t uP', be . \, based on energy used per ;~onth. ,,:1'->), )~\j"rr (CoL,;iercial "ate); ",5.0v for ;leters up to and inclusint lU ...t;tpS. ,,10.(,;0 f'r)r ;,etfJr.s over 10 hL.Pi:3. i'b.,,;~! J.J:l':-.tJ}L;~ llOf:\Y be base.: o. energy used pjr month. 5 - j'll'J..,;l'.. I_h.T' "~: 5:f per ",.d.i for first ~(jU J>' hrs. 31 per K..li for next ;UU K" hrs. 2.rJ ,Per ,~. r 1 J.'q.t~ ii for all over 7UlJ ;:" hr8 per J:ionth. b - ]rJC;,)V:~. .,..,1':;.;: (;..etered separately under this ~lBasificHtion). }-I per r,,:~ f/)r first lUl., h.; hI'S. 2/ per. ;,1 for f'J.l over Wi.; .:.." lira. par tDnth. 1'-'7" '" ' , t ' " d...""J... c!lHrt~a :; be 1 th .,..i.. 0. '-" 1.,.1 iler ;',', tJIl '. 7 - ti.:A d.i ;vL,J., ;,)j)L'l jk",_ ,,~\Jr~l..,Y . ...~f . . VJ .L!\.i .\t,~ ,. \) 1 L~_,,:,, l' '.,' T .,. J. il J..'. h1l additional cnarC9 of'.::.W per 1,; de;;,Wid (Jill be naae ~Jhere s..i tohill{ or i'liriur fflCili ties are provided. i:f!.kiIlf" it posui bie to is,,i toh COnSLl.;4SrS load over to anotli,er /justa ,;, lmt tho minimum m?nt~ly Oh8;g~ f r such atand-b1 arrnnt;d ,ent~ auaL be ,1v.uU. V r r 8 - ;)Ti\~../l' LIti;:': mG: Flat aharga for oontinuouB oonneotion to lam,p w8tt~e tiilaa the hours use llonthly at 3,:1 per 1'.,,11. Ii 4.J - Ji.~U~~ICI:jJ:~J.j :.a.'r:',~: E:xcopt for Btreat J.irhting, the To'flIl nnd its ;)epartments FInd l-t.:.enoies must pay in oash monthly at the sa~e electrio rate sohed'd.ea offered to the public for the snue cla8s of service. PJ\'.I":i~J 7Jnder suspension of tha rules tUs _ day of January 1941. I " i' ;..,;,,:.xi\,.L 11 il I: II ~j it:;:ned: Town Clerk of the 70,l1n of ;';8ward, ..lnaka jJ. t hi..' V ED This day 01' JaIl uary 11J41 :':i[uod: Jl.otint:; ,.nyor.