HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1946-165 I , ! I ! , R. E. BAUMGARTNER ATTORNEY~AT-LAW SEWARD, ALASKA '.llJn)n'.l .1 ';'I'.i'f'J' ? '.FI'~"~ <oil. J~ I ~ , i: iJr \)JiDn~AllC:~ TO l~~r:) Olmm.l.NCE no. 84. '~iTITL4D I.i II.,'!..~ \..w,"'D',..'l'1"....'.,p' I.TDJG TeJ.. ""fl.'.'" U.";f<jFl T'l.':? n'I.J'nLI" "Jlffi ..... .~:; Ii lU-' ,Jl\O liiL1UIloot 4t.c.l.J.i'\. ~ .,,!. ,...~ ~'.A "'. _' _ 4- <....,l'., u ';.;I.i.. wL..l'" 1>."; II 'HD 17n'1"l' '''''1';)''' 'J]i' 'tY'CJIt:1I"T" "" '''''''If> -P mt'-. """'~, fnll ('~"\ 1 I ~\\~ "~V.w\l I.U: ~f<, y-~ v....f) .>...~l ,\I j,.~; J..\L.., lv..iill :"Il! v~1frll\.} I PUJVIDnJG i"':\};A1Trj~3 FOh T.n,; V IOL;:rllN 'I'H :.F{.}OF, ..1m lig.. i 1I")llI\T It.<n.... ')")r~"Mc:ll'" ,.",," 'm,.. 'IV 'J' "rq,.,c"'" n' C')'; .! aJu. ". l.~V ..:w. "'.' t\i J.'U's.U.' _W.. ....,',,'~:J -;'.'j~i"4"'; .ld. 1l.~_.J. I'J:wl: t\o - ': \'I~- ""L"'O'" ~Pll1"""'Imu . '-, '."')ml'iT'n ') )v.,~f''' I! l. J. 1Ut~I'.l:.-> Ul, ....hi. l"\Ji. , 11 .,',,1'. .'1,." ..>lloJ : , i: BJ~ rr \)llDADfa."D By \he Caumon Council of the Town , II of I " II II i! ;}8waro, iJ.aeka: Th8t ~j8ction 4 at Ordinance No. 84 of the Town of I! I; I: ;Jeward, ,..1 aska., 81lprOYed on t.h.e 16th d81 of june 1924, " Ii be, ond the SMe herehy is !llll8nded to read as follows: " Section 4. '?he fee for an operator's lioense as a!iove proYided shall h. 25.00. ,~1l operator's lioenses under this urdlnanoe l1hall expire June 30th of fO.....tb 18ar fUld sh611 b4t re- newed annually in th''''n81'' and upon the pay- Gent of the same tee 8S provided for original registrations, such renewal8 to take ar eot on the lat dny of July of eaob. year. i~ l1081la8a ahall he dated upon tue date of the applioation theretor and ahall expire on the 30th of the June toLowing. Ii II i: ;! 11 II " " II An aurgeno, is herehy declared to exist and this Ii ~)rdinanoe shall be in full torce and effeot trom and 'i atter the date of its passesa and 8lJproval.; and the h rete. therein d881~ted shall go into 8tfeot on the :1 1st day ot Julr 1946. ,. I Pl.iG':';EJ m:'AH.m\)U,JLY by the JowIOIl COUAol1 ot the I II Town of Ii II ,. II " SnlU'd ..~la8kfi ihis U.th day 01' June 19.46. J~< ~ /~ Town Clerk, Town at Jeward, . .tAua 1\.:'PH0V:m this 24th dAY of .Tune 1946 /~~i7~';~~ .Jayor .