HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1947-172 '!If 1" .' , :'I;', '1r/ j Oh NANCE NO. 1,2 ""-" AN ORDINANCE PROTECTING THE PUBLld HEALTH AND PROVIDINGFOR THE Si.NITARY l~ND f::XPEDITIOUG REIWVAL OF' CERTAIN CLASSES OF V1!iSTE MLTTER COMlvlOl'iCY !\NGi1N liS hCUS;:;;l{O~Jl) OH MUNICIPi1L REFUSE,. 'THE crn OF SEW,RD" ;:.Li.SKl~: PRO\TIDING P;~NlcLTIES.~.FOR THE VIOL'lTION T UF: tl.ND REPElLING ,\LL uBDIN,.NGES OR SEC'TI01l9 OF ORDINll.NOES IN \ 'CT THEREWITH: BE IT ORDi,!.NED BY THE COMiAON COUNCIL g~~\}.rHE CITY OF SE\"~RD, _,L;.SK4 ,'1<\\. . SEC'lION 1. DEFINITIONS , . .~~' '4:1 G2r:-6i3.ge srarT us -.cm,strued to mean .i~e foodstuffs or tabl'e wastes of vege:G.8-Fie or animal origin, together.,{~~~:tfi other incidental admix- tures. Dead animals weighing 100 po~~:~r less shall be classed as garbs ':" 'i"'., , g9 t ;\ ,," .. Ashes shall be construed to mean the solid residue of combustion of fuel l:Eed in heating and cooking operations, as occurring in house- holds, 8]J&.7"t::,pnts, offices or business places, but not to include such rasiC:u8 j)'(m 5:'dx~trjal plgnts or operations. T:h::hi ,0, ,,::1311 be c(,~1strued to mean the viaste materials from normal houfHl';:'j-,h_~)l-' ~: vi.nr, ~ond~ tions and busines~' operations other than "gEa't:;',~':'i' ':wi l'Gdcesll, hut not to ~ncludp garden, 01' tree trimings, 188\ ":', ('1' li'JUc~" r;,2.':erials f"'om building construction or rep8ir; it sh;;:] .'l'.'t 1"< )-;e fqctOl','/ waste or refuse from industrial plants of any clv'l'c:,..,lx', ":'" ::,ener~ll, the kinds of materials classed l:1S Ilr'Jbtishll aro fi),'.l <J2 ::>'",I', r9.gs.bottles, tin cans, cardboard, wornout cloth- ing cr. :~l.r!", :xre, eyc.'JIs:c:'.', ~:nd the like. E:"J:~,?~ s::~;JI be ,Gr,:-::.~:~/l.ed to mean mixtures, in any proportions, of g?,~ ,),,('~. (~0r~.t3.s un_,:.. l""lll-~,Jt.;n.. '::" .,; ",: C(/',"~~";:.-::j' -::'3l1 be construed to L,,' In the contrElctor se~e('~G:f:-~:--". (~;':(;>-:.,'((:,':)::1~,::' of Sei.ard through compe~itive bids for thJ Is'~,).;:.'n :::o:,,~;.t.iCl11 ':~ uling and dumping of refuse of the inhabi- t'ln:'G c:' tLe Cl;;;/ of Sewsrd. \ , i I ! t , I , .~ , I I S;;;~'.~TC:~ ~, 'nJT.:\vi?\lL TO DUMP OR BURY ::.i_'-;-~;'::.7:);.:--~h:::~ __h_-\:;::~:~--~~-:-,:)C-e or' bury in 8ny lot, bnd or street or in any c.~c,y, c,r :":0 3Y\' \I';1ter or wnterway, within the City, nny g'3rb3ge, ru~~is~. Qra~y otjGr deleterious or offensive substoncGs. . .. -'.1> SE"":].;.);J Q ',' B~]f~~lktJ3B~ ", 11/:) 'F'tf:'8'~~""'s;;..rJ() t;t.rned in the open air within the City. No rubbis~ ~r~l~ b :rDed in tho o~en oir' within the inner fire limits of tr.'.'i :lt~', ."; 3D;! st.1iJet, park, H':.ltor',wy or pl1.'iJlic pl3ce;nthin th", C~~;:- i.t bil>h w:1ich shall in burntr:g L.rq,BG or cr'eate !1 de~s6 01' C'!'T""':~Vi'..:.tfl) sh'Jll b6 burned in the OP'jl'. <)1!' upon any p~8m]ses wltl.~~ ~~o at y.No rubbish firo shall ~e burnB~ upon eny premises withi~ ~hB city unless a permit for such fire shall have been issued by tns ':i'i," ("'li of or 81.:' thori zed Bgent. '-.:"'10'(; .:~- t q ". ~~:;;:.''T_-:: Y:L_1-,~n~E_~~_ii]:D.J _Elfl!.lr" T IONS _ G(~Yli:R.~Ui'! -9._."~.'2T_JQ!l~~ i,' i ~!'" . ['. .L' .:/,.: 'id.t '>o,."c?;n COll0(;t 10.-; C~~'Y;J, i):;:';):lgO, and rubbish mny b~1 ;"'11:: c)',.i .;~_,c",,' ,>f1[.c;:"'v'Jiy or cor~;J\.ned) v"-_~'.;10Ier is !ll0t'~ con- vient t;(l t!O '!:uuse,,('ld ()~ other plgce to be serv,!\:. (b) RGfuse o~ all classos sholl be placed and stored in suitAble roceptJcles or contpiners pending removal by ccllJctor or others. Re- ceptic'es sholl be of b~cb shope Dnd sizo that tile ccotents con be read- ily 'ij,c;~):,.2r~ed f,;'C1i.' l,>u:." Tilu cO;l.bined \'Io~.grl': cf ,.1~Y rLlcopticles and cOQte~~:~ shall n"c (j>,'Cl,,"; ')0" hur:lred pounds (lU,)). Containers fOl. [.~i'lr0"ga, 0r for ref4se cont8.Li1ing garboge"5h8.11 be of matHI, wClter~ti.ght, !:tnd fitted with ~.. ndlos and with substpntial, tight-fittingmet01 covers, to prevent t _0 disturbance of their contents by cots an~ dogs, Clnd to prevent the pro Bgation of rots And flies ~nd other lnsect~ or vermin. Liquid wastes shall not bt3 placed in garbnge containers. ContDiners fnr Ashes will be of metf'l, of sturd-y construction to pri3vent spillage, durin;-; hfln11 ing. Hot croders or ash,es OF smoldering ambers sh811 not't>e pJ ,l'~ud in refuse cont~ners of Any kind. It is dO~ir.a. b.. le that recb~::iC1es for Gahes be.pr~VidUd with' co.v.ers to prevent thu scattering of t ' oi3hes by tho wind and to"provunt tne adm.iss~on of..sn. and rain and ',.ub~e1iuent'fi'eozing of the'content,p~ln tne con- tAln6f~. . . , Cont<>iners for rubbish.~Y.' be of wood or met~ll, provided totpl wt.ight of contA iner and conf'ents does not exctJ'ed one hundred pounds. Cov<~t's fOr contRiners :lre ddsirablE: to prevent scottorlng of contents by the wind. '< -. A sufficient number of contniners for the refus'e nccumulating be- tween col1~ction dAYS shall be provided by every householder or other ,person or p8t'Sons serveu. All( refuse containers shall be maintained in good condition by the owners thereof, and promptly replaced wh9n no " lor -~ fit for use. When the refuse to be removed exceeds in volume , . \ . ~.~',~ ,1'1 } thc) c,'Tj:-i(~i1-103 of trw r;;c,-,pticlec rc'l!"l;~rly employed, it m,IY, in (;I;Hr- ~.\.;ncj".J~-' l ',:', ....,1',': ~ r1 ,-I':. ll.! _',[' ., r~;i '":,, ,,'-'lr~:l~:" tied, l~'; 'l :-,', ~~; '~~;-.r, );( ~'l'_:_; cr,::-::,~-'_'_:'_(;rs sh~:lll be l.n tho T".;'lY' -..;r (.1 ~ _.!' ,~~~!"i r' ," ,1.... ,') ~IC,Ci:) _'11..1 _ ,\~. r~:.:;:'~' to t11C qll,'-;y lino Cd L''-.' ._.C(-,'~.J~~ j.t" 1";...,' '~i:l' ?~r '\.'-~' ;-',t_:_l_-;~,~ ::,.-. ()s ~\r)~:~;)i~l(,: t:nd sn:111 b8 ,...;-, _' '</ ;;:"'...lc} 1"':1 ~1 c21< t'.:h~_L wt:..~rH_, Cd f;~lcilJ_t~~tG O'lsy collLiction. 'I L-' ":l' C.J i( Y ~d"~~_I-"~-:! c:I_;r-veri, \,'!!.'lO dues not h'-lve ifl1L1Edi.lte JC- ,,!', lj" ~~T:. '- ":":c <'pplic:jtion 1;0 thu City HGiHth Offic- ,,:. ,. IJ1.-.I1 lL;' L: :-b.}~e pi0K up, such f'olection of locd- -.,r<{\: ': t" j h,:~,1,' [::,~bnEe collector i" ;Iriting emd s'1'Jll 1, " "::c;;:;s ()t'~lc8 G'3rb8ge ColLlction Listing. " " .~'i"l'.S d~;'ll bo plc:ciJd in [;dUc;u9te contoiners. I' 'dr';' CJJ' I,', i'':'] ~u on the ground shnll lie construoc\ to be ill 'C."L -, ~.i.' ,n' f: :.' C ,::.-, liD8.r:~8. Refuse, nllowou to colluct on the <' ",.,".. "r j'..2i:\HI'S s;-,(Jll be clouned UD by the Gorb8ge Colloc- 1<, ,-" ,C:J ,"./.." clv:nup shell be L\c!d,d to tho montj;lly g8rb8ge t-)_l~h n::~..::.:ctl:JlcGr or othor pldrson sdrvud. n ..1- I... c;:"..J :r '. c~' , -1 ~'"Y'" V '- _ ! : L,t..... r '-Jl' , ( \ . C'"rb;,:. ..,,' grou l1l to!' .'[.c< bill of GT~C':' J'll 5 -i-V) IllS COLLECT Gi1RBLGE aND REFUGE 'f!"j--;_~-i ~'~--:Si:-,-I-<;~=0--~",i-l-f,nJ disposal of un refnslJ shrIll be per- formcCi ~1,' ':,1,:) :-,,_';1;,:, JO; ;,,,r':;:;fd ColI oct or or his put:.,orizeJ agent, 3nd no ')'.'!, _ i.., ,.:" ,1_ :;:V"-IL:U i.1J tho bueiness of co1luetion; provided, ho'xer,.;:-, ,<"b .c:;-'i,u ..'_:,1.' not prohibit pursons, fl.:'!,'" 01' cor'),en;tionc fl'()~i ;-'1,:: (h ~:h1U If'j'ijr: ~ "h: of rufusG fro~1 'oY'l-;:"J.i~_~us '1\;'T .~ b/ t~l,~-,r,l or fr':.:") "'-,f'- r I .;"'(: ~:'~;':;_ll'".'~ nt' rnfllse frc~] rj....\.;IJ.~.._,3Gf) 8V If 'j. (1"' ,"l}p:l'Jd b:,' ::r,.. ; r (.1".1 L.-::' .1'( 'F ,L..J' ~':.'!18 or p. rt.L~:'~ f'l:'.,J L ~~'l':":,\- o:~i): ~ L_ pJ':"'mit fl"=1. Cr", .''--'A'.' .,-" ~ ,',',-,\.."."1 from tl~': \.~i.~I ~;J.~;rl~.. ~',1'~/'" ~':, .1.,,") S' :',' r' "l .:- i~"l .. r.. ~,'}~lj lj'~< gr;,J.t~/L .:,~7 ~l..U C1 ty C;-i.f.;:-'~~~ jr ,"'\',':J d~g- c:::: ,... ,. I -, <"~:" 1,\.',1-- t.'..! 0]' "ritt;n ~.'3;r_c~,_~':::: -= ,.... Lt,~ '<l':1j ',1'-;3 C~t 1\ ,IJn;.lt:I.-.'jl i~'J E..,r':"lntl.r;. '-j,,"'h 't ~~i:~,Clllit r\'3'_:L'i~_-,~ tel!:; :::-,I)::~_ ':",~I rC,)~(.\,_,;_rJj~ 1... 'dr.~"':,,~_'),..;"', i-3'J.(-;/tJ !Jnli (l._~r'Cf~ij t..;f Lt:(~' ..j 1 ':'~\..1!~:i~'_~_, \.--r.lt~' ~,h'.i tij~_.r'~:" ,-,C' itif3 (,rjinf:nc(J 0:' 11f1 LJny l'f',-,;I~c '-, __i"-L~'(~' ':~J~- 1_(',~'-,~i I~~:~l () 1~10.1(1 )~., l'tr-:Jl' fj\j3Uri-:"<y' to r~q~l1[,8 C0:-: ~j I,~'~. y,."," 1.,.: tilt ::.~:?rr:l::' ':_.lif3 o!'r; ~I !'~"~ '. ,[; )~., 1-1(" '~.. y Y'l t~uire 'os ~h a \'il j"r'.~:~~_-.,. 'i-~:'(.v.'..,.;.,--;t~li ,::::-:rJ ~:~.~~11 f,':,:~"l,. 11:Y.. ~-",;,~ ,<.3 C-I; :f-'l-~:onf;~ '~irT'J-'GJ or c'-'r-.,!)(,:iLi,)....l2 1~~:-;1~0:r t.r:1?'" tlJ: ~~:~~<.:('r'cto!' t.T.l:"-::<~Vu (~J~.l(j;',.~;")r; u~1:'~11 nGt be gr:J:lt:,-?d .. S l::l :'~"::.~:tc_' ,.)J' j~J.g!l-:-') ju"S shdll btJ b.i.~'lntQL cnly in thJ discre- t ion cf '~~1\_; ~.~ j :' (! \ ;. IY'C(' <! "T<"': -jCFiit, (;:.;h);: than tho Cont,:,nct Gurbflge Collector, shRll upon r" .,,-,;~ (;.'c.C- :lor, ~(,~ ;-E",,()vnl or '>8~(,sul of g3rbf'ge, tender to thcj ',' 1:1.",; c:, L; of :',:; G.c':'l'rs C?lG,:]C> pur Donth which fee E211DJ.I. i< ("'tl'i:l:l t,) 'L~~'>-:- 'l~)n _~;> ,-~~ if tLG p..-D'.t is dGniecl flnd whi~h fec ;:,1-.~;jJ ')V ('~..lV(,!-:;>l ~~l:,0 1 ~G benerrl fu!",.cl uf the Cl~y if the permit is f-~;!r -.-,; !.J.3h I-"cil :'--< l':;;:d in accurJ:iLce with tIlLS section st.ell be ,'~._ :L'<: ,"~ly for 0" < ,~~',," '.': ," tract Gr\r-J8g' iJoll[,(3tor shai.l be selrcted by the City (jC1".~,!",~,-"',;'~ t-::.-l,""_:ugh cor;pe;Jit-,-'~] birl3.. The Cn:1trnct chc'~l r~1n for five ~, <;':<-'.' il'..>,'<~-': +::; ~,i'lc8~1f1t',)n for C,\URf~) this (>Ci:;~l.t: shnll 8lso b8 ~ .1';- :_,i',.:'- r',...'! ~~'-:,'j'.-;:.l:"'-\ ,~+ the r:.ext gSD'3r"'ol G..... ~-, S.L..3etio~1.. J ,...:.1 J::; "1/:, ( ',:--i 1.J'.....cr' .~-c t~le cp':Jnj.r~g o~ t~.' l-~ n!":J 0nce eRch wl'I" r'orJ ',>; :-;'."v CLGrk Shflll ghr: ~r:':~_-<' Gf a c.dl ~'or Gcrl-"ge Cv"~1',\3': ;':i 'r,. 'lY',) (11,;Y Council meJ:! rGju(t EWY or elll biels, snd l:ny re 4 ',<:- '1' ,_,/, ,) c;.ar II: fRvor of Ei higher tJidJJr if oviJenco lndL'.'ltes :-;,c ~ s'J.ch >1 ;11,,' bi(lcler ii'ould be more sc;tL,foctory through r0gui3ritv li ~C:"iC0 : j ~ ~~n:tury methods of c~l]Gction. ~:Fw;r.'<l'i l:"[ "f':::; c_ '~,~c~;c.-' ':Jy the city CCG.,.:".U. Jf the sucessful bi(:(~";;' "; , I ,.;,.\' ''',':L':. f.l ,-'" -,,,':OJr into (i,1 (\C:",)(;U,JlJt ,lith this oidder for ~'w re<.'\" c.1. (If' 6_1 ,'~,:<.,'(j :;",:1 I'Gfuse in (\.3'<,))'1;,,],;1.; with the; provisions of t:,~s 0: ,-_:'-':lC.:, 'in;-, ";ont: _'ctor sh(111 give 9 bond p~t::8blG to the City '.Jf' Se'/i."') i_n thtJ sum of '~"'VO ThousfH,cl Doll'lrs lif;:;,OOO.OO) conJitian- tJd fo;' thu .0. ::L~'ul p'3!'forrmmc8 or- tho c:uties L1pOS<JU by this ordiil':ncG .'f',nJ thu t._'T_' 'f the ::l're8Lwnt entered into IVitl'l the City Council. No p"-' C"Jl c'~ull r,;Dove or conveyor c"use or pr,rmit to bt;: remov- tL~ or con'c;:',.<:] ':L_Y g8::,Lf'.ge upon, or along [my public street or alley ,Jr ot'rlGr pi";"~ 1"<8136 11. the nity; provided, howcv/:r, the provisions of thii:3 l.v,';~ll).:, s1'.([11 nut :'J:~ly to any porscn in tho employ of the city who shn11 h, ~l.J~GaL~ by thJ City Clerk to the work of g~rb8gG remov?l; Jr to [1"y person \I} tn \i',hom the City has entered into, or may hereafter enter into, u contract or agreement for the collection 3nu recovBl of gl,rbR~G, or to any employes of such contrnctor or licensoB Juring such time as such contract or agruement shall be in force. SECTION 6. NUHEEH OF COLLECTIONS The City Clerk mAY m8kd such regulations concerning the number and mBnJJOr uf colltJctions '1nd removals of refusG CIS mflY be requireJ to adoquately serve 011 pl.rSOilf: <in the City of wawf'.rd Jnll muy from tirue to time increflse ths huober :mll m::mner of collections anci the Garbage Contractor or licensee shAll perforo the same. In no CRse shall col- lection service ba permitteJ loss often than once u week. ----- - SECTioN 7. CHdWri F% C%L:.CTTDIJS ':''::'1<\_,/0 sIn ll-ue'-cJTi -::f:;::-!'rou u 11 occup he'. pr dtJis os vii ',:n:n th., City of )o'\!Ejr:l f'ei" sor'-lic,~co ;'r;,ll'J:;r,J.i in the; colloctivn, r0L1ov~!1 "nel c.ispoSul of rufUfli by tlVJ :::uti):); iZGj GrriJngc GolL;ctor' cf' n,ii City ~nl for tho inspoc~ion by the City Houltn Officor or his uuthorizoJ ',2,ento> The L1ont~ly charges 8r~ ss follows: DULY Cm'\CTIJNb --..---.-.-- ------- l:'."ot-,,':'_D-c:'., r,~'(c(:irilJs onu BF'rs Ll~L. ot,[:Gr bvsirpssos Offi~0A, ~rsto prper only Dsn~lsts und Doctors ~25.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 ~VE :?KT.~ COLLECT IONS RAsTcfcnts ~p~rtwQnts ( Dore thD~ $ 2.00 two units) each unit 2.00 Sc:icl charges sholl be p9id <;It the s rLlG ti:olo ,-lnLl in the same mennor os electric bills. SECTION B G~RBhGS DIGPUb~L :.J 1 r.;~'!'bf1r:fi ~1n:l ot;lJr refuse renoveJ frOl:l ~,ny pruuises wi thin the City, unless othoI'wisu .iirectc)(~ by the Street Liept stull bo t~ken to the C~.i:y Dum? or elSJ\Vhere ns ,1irlJcto.l by s<Ji.l Struet "'cpt. LJl i:C~1"::n;::,o end othor refuse shall be dispose" of cjt .cbe City Q"lrb8ge J:e..p by l\ S~Jnitf)PY fill. The sit') shGll bo pr"f'1ro,i fer receipt of tru h"'leSe: :JY thd ct ty nnd rofusu'OPOS1 tad iiill bb cJvored iV1. th earth by C~0 Gnrbage Contrsctor. Tho Gnrbage Co~troctor Dn~ Licenseos sh:J!..l nc-, clU.;clP nny refuse uxcopt nt pointfJ previ.ously prepl'rbu uy the City fOC;JrHo ilupcsit of refuse a~;.l silt:ll foll;)\i proc011uro:3 estClblishe''':' by thu S~V(;(t U~rt. Fo~ tho prose~v8tion of the public health nna goneral welfore, it is hUI'oby ilucl8rlHi to be unl~'wful for fOny person gc;thering or r01:!ov- ing SBrbsgo Qni othJr rof~~e to uisposo.or the SUQO in any other manner except by specinl p,Jrmt ;.'ro'1 the Hoplth Officer, 1.11 Cf'rb'}go COnGctiollS shull be governoc1 by specifications frolJ tto City Hcalth Offlcer. SEC~'ION g, CL8\NJ 1NESf; t.ND REFUSE VEHICLEf; NG-;~;:;T~;c;, 8S;C>3--~ - --:ebris s~mll be colbctod, rouoved and ~e- paso" of '111 <,'v..r'. Q i"'d;l'~l' as to I . nd(htlassl/ offenelvtJ to flny person, place., bt::'..I.li.'l;,i p:,:,snj f;'~S or propEtrty. trt '.:', co i :'j~t.c"o. c'.:.~!1(Jr CQntrflctor or licensee, shell use 8. vehi- ~lG e(;'j~i)':-e(l;v-.'~h i\ r(:i:.;,,::~'.~'bly tight contnine:- body. A suitsble cover b;YllJ il) )-,:cv].'l!:'" on nIl 'oHl:.h vuhiclos to prevont. the winu filtrr.tion 0:' f,LtP.3 or ,l'j:;ris, f1rd ,:1. lodgc:)cnt of contents by r08d shocks, No collcctJr stall to l~c~nGed by the city of Sewurti unless tho equip- Dsnt of Fuch caJ.lector sh8l1 cocply with 011 the pu~lic s9fety rogula~i tions of the Cit7 concerning the s"~o. All vehicle~ uceJ by the Col- lector shall be kep~ clenn, wall pointeC ond in roo~ rep'}ir. Vehi~les use.i for GE\rb2[';e di[;pos'01 sholl be thorOUGhly flushe" o.nJ brush()\l Belch d9.Y. SECTION 10. PEN~LTIES 1r;::-lj;6-i.sJn, fi-r~'-_l--orcorporEition violating any of the provisions of this Qr~inunce s')[lll upon conviction th'Jreof be deeL1e.l guilty of 8 ~islelJef rIal' 'In,.: r~nj.shc,; by n fine of not to excee,l $100.0.0 or iuprie scnmhnt n,ct to exceuu 30 ucys, or by both. SEG'l'ION 11. REP,LL OF' O'T .;i~R ORDItL"NC'~S 7:1.1 urc.:.in~~nces or pJrts --:':f oY']imn\:.lJf3in conflict herewith 8':'e hereby r8pr:~1.1e,l. EHOTION 12. P~SRhGE 'tYli'G--(:r:~l'LT1~\nC6sE,:-il be in full force 8nJ affect froD [,nu flfter the pr:SS8e;e ond publicotizm accorc.ing to lBW. PnSSG., by the COUDon Council of the City of Sewflrti, lllaskn this 18th ~DY of bUgust 1947. i.pproved 'h./ //r (?r'/(Ji~,t;I/Y Mcy~r . . , A'ttest~1..A1Jn~ ('" I~ City Clerk.