HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1949-192 r ~,~;'\ OhDINAIIG.D liO /1 v BOARD OF BLAUCH AN Ordinance to provide for a Board of Realtb,and to dei1ne their dutied. Rules for the proteotion of Health and for establishing pe~ltled thereof and repealing all of ~he present Ordinanoes !noonsletent thereto. ~~ ,;;,UA BUlT IIi E IJ,.1l AI Ordinanoe to preTent the spread of Dieeaae, and to permit the,uarentIne, Isolation ,define the L1eea8ea wUhln the Law, Notice,Displal Cards, providing penalt1ed for Violation tbereof. and to repeal all Ordinances in ConflIct tberewlth. GAh.BAG.E AI' OrUnanoe 'uef1nlng, Unlawful to dUllp . and to preTent BurAaig ~hereof ~~o. provIding rules thereof. and for the Colleotion of Garbage. PrOViding the Rrloe to be paid for the same.aad to provide ~enaltie8 for the Violation thereof. water AN Ordtnaaoe to prevent dlaeaee in the water, ~~.. preTi4!ng for the inspection thereof, and the use of Dl.enfectant and provIdIng for Violation thereof. r .hU>):AUl:u.n.s .rJaJ l'001...h...r:1,1.1lH, i;c~..lLJ.~iilL.;.ri~3 Jill OlWLiJJj~X ~ IU ING .n:.;;'~AliN.Jl'l. l~ ,l..~:,. ~.~t..u4UJi:i;. ~J.<Jb.. U1.l1JilJJ..t.O. b.w..1t~a o.-,J.w.... .~.;t.. .a...u.~wH; .t.&/tAil.Uli ,OA ~.a:S.~ V.f'~ SlOB 01 SUOlI Ub.BLltUU.'l<.Jl~~. llsOalBlUNG fl:Ul;, ~.AL.b. {)j' A"'UL~.r...w.fl.J;. lJJlWiiOltJIi$Oi&lli Q.h UlbJiJJU..ifa; "'OOlJ Oli .&tJ1U1i., UGUw~UIG 2U DlUi~1101. IJ-a...-j.llHG. j:u..G~.mG J.lt.l.,; jw.~...bJ"U1G OJ bU"H. t.i;~AJl,,1~iQi.i:;It8. lliJl: .l!.J. ;,;;l~v.i':U~.;H~ 01" taI~ Olu.lfu.lhHi:, .t.,U;" ~lic' HUNG 01 .i:'alJ.L~lES AI>> ';.Id(iJb.l.LING 1I;';1>;rHS.II: iWlUI~ FOll nOtf""';;OlU'LWIJl!:. .. U QJ'4ed.ne" bl the ..,OlllllOll ~oun.ll of tbe town d 1::1..81"4, Alaaka B' f0110W'$ ~t.';!1:Ion 1. leflnlUeU.E:,..Zhe fol1(l.l;'lU~ Gdln1t1ona 8hall app11 1n the IntuprehUoD end the .nfor....nt of till. oralullee. A. ~. :'be term "ree'tflUJ'I!Bt" abE'll mun ruteul'ut, ooft.. .ho~"1(.l. "hort orcier cde, lunaheon.Ue, taTeI'll, .andwlab Ihni. 1I0Aa founhln, Vlld all ot.bel' publ1" uUO. .D<< '~lntlIl8 eat..bllebaente. ~t well r! kltobene In wbloh fo04 an. Irlnk 81'1 pr.~r.d for ..1. ele~wber. to ~he pUblio. B. ~t.1nerllAt ltot.'~8n'. f~ t.erm "l'ln.~.nt %.etlurell~" Ibt,ll Ileen one' 9pera\ ug or 8 iemporu~ )161'104 in JonneoUon d'" a bir. lJ!\rnlv~l, olrcu8, public exhibition. or othor ulmUs" Sft'hflrlns. o. .l;Dp101''. The term flemplo1tte" abell lIlef!n $1l1 pereoll wbo h8D41ee foo~ 01' artDt durlne ,repar&tion or serving. or who co.e. in aontrot. ~ltb eny eating or oooklng utenel1c..cr ~bo Ie emplo,.. ., 1'l11Y Hm. In e room in whluu foo~ or arint 18 pu.pue4 or .'l'n4. .1;, ut.tnell.. "Utensllf" ehell 1nolude &J'!l1 dtchent<en. hbl.. ..1'41, g18tl8Yllll't, euUelj, u\enall'., oon'alner8, or other equip..at wlih ~hloh too' or orl~ aome. In ~ont'ot during etorege, prepara- tion 01' .en1a&. L, AI&l1b~. 1h. tera "bealth otti..I'" ahal1 ..an the .;1tl l:leaU1i'"lj'fffo"iF1ir"ibt'l town 01' ~eV\'n(l, lInke, hie eutborb.' r"I'~...ts.t~, or offlolela of tbe ~.rxltof.a1 ~e," of a..ltb. I ,. i'~80p. The wert np.r~~n" .b~ll mean pereon. flr., oorporllt.1on. 01' eeeoobt:Lon. Sij~IOU a. ~.. It eb.ll be unlawful for ~n1 p.reon to operate . :re.t.UI'~h. town ot ~ewftl'd who doem not po..... Ie uar.,..e. p.~lt Iroa t_. bealtb offl..r end III wh..e ,1108 01 waIn... .uGb '.U:'1IU 18 not poehd 1n a oonephuous pleoe. (Jill, ,erao.. wbo compl, wlt_ tbe requlr...nte of thi. ol'41neAOe .hell be entl'lt4 to re..lve Rod r.t~ln IUGh . perait. L pereon oon4uot. 1nl en itinerant r..taurent maJ, In tbe dlsoretion of the he.ltb offl.,r, ,. .x~p,.4 from the re~~lr~.nt of .eouring 8 perait. , I (U" r-' Suob . permit mer be ~u6pend'Q bJ the heeltb officer. or re~k.4 after opportuntty for ~ b88rlng by the beeltb 01fl08r, upon the violation b1 the bolder of rfl1 of the tU1D8 of tbll ordlncnoe. bLc'rWll 3. ~ U Bblts ~..1u1.1-..I .i1..atl ~. ~T.~' reetaurant 6~'Y .~. t~. p~diiliDit.d b1 the health offioer, ~ notice epprov.. by the hellib offloer. ateUng the grft{,le of the cllbblbbrlent. "J.\o";~J.."('I' 4. ~,~,t1pn.!Ai Q9n~~t1~" .21 ~J:191UOIl' ..u 4u te eted t~~~~~. ~empree 0 ood ,no or may be ..lten on exiiiI'iieahy'-tbi :l~rlth of!1aer as otten ~() he dee_ n.....ery 1'0t' tbe aeteotloH of .UJ1who1etioaene.. 01' ~dulterl1tlon and it aball be deemed unlt......:tul for 8111 of tbe oooupaUoae IlMlntion- ed 1n ~1~ct1on 1. uube8utlon i of 'hIe ordlnenQ6 10 ua. -111 pre.eI'T'- tiTtle of "n:1 W"bro ~ll' 1:1n4 1u or npon an..v footle !'II.'! in \h18 !')r'lo1t eet f'Ol:'th, 'l:he hedthot-::lQer 111~7 oOnQerm "ad forbid tbe eate of. or cause to, b~ remo~d or de$troyea, ~n; food or drink whlob he 4.... unwholesome or Gdulter~te4 or whioh hee been \re.\e4 191 t13 preu:rve'UYEl8. .,bon nn:;' pttraoll. 'pt~nIQnfl, or oUBtomel'e oomplain of 'bolq en'Ted .1'11 o.n'amllUlte~ food OJ' f'D1 fooet deolfl:t'fH'l tc b~ lUesa1 or unlawful b:; thle ordluflIH1. end ~>;lah it! uO!:lJ;ilnJned of ee b.ing uuf1 t tor !JUGum consumption, 1814 oomph Int being med. to ft.D1 employee or h18 tnnployer of fin)' of the buaine.au in thi. ord Inpnoe r~;ftl%'red to, then 1 t Yd.11 bEl unhwtul to flHn.... the remaining portion of food thus ~om918in~d otwlt11 the same sball be exsmlnea br the .:ublb '!edth CfHeer of the .Jtt;;' of ~e..r4. ~EiJ!IOJ I. ~t.f reeteurenh 1'nO bora .1M. ~ ljpn4linllt ;~8tabl1sh~ lieet. on08 each mon~n'ir'ieonen .8 la found to be neoeeB~r~. the Heelth Offioer shall inspeat v 'Tel" reatau::rant locoteli: wi "bL'1 the town of ;:,eward, ".1ask.. In .8.. tbe Uealth rffle.r di.eaTer. tbe Tlolatlon of an, 1te. ot eanttation reQuirec for the ~rade tben h~ld, he Ih.ll mek8 e 8eoond inspeotion aft~r the tepae of much time ~s he teeml nee.l.ary fo~ the Oefeot to be r...41.4. ~n~ the seoond In8ploilon Iball be uue4 1n Oeicr~lnln! oompl1~noe with tbe 81'1d. require. mente of t111.8 orcUmnoe. j.~ Tlo}t\tlon oi the eu'e Ue. of th11 ordinenoe on ho oODnouthe Ina}Jeui! ons Sindl a4\lll for i.tUsh 4esra41ng 01' GUlp.nalon of pezml'. On8 !Jop, of ihe lup..Uon reioior-t tbuB' fIlde shen be po.d 'by the health o:t:f1oo~ Uj~Cln the 1nel08 well of the rnhUlent Gon- oel'ne4 en4 .aid 1n8peo\1on r{.~port shllll not b(t de:toe~d or 1'0110...." b, PF p....on .".oe,\ the h..Uh otUoel', .tnothel' 00>>7 of _he lnap..'lon repoJ'1 shall be fil.. .1th the ~too~Oa of the al.Uh 1:lpar1Mnt 01' the 1.ll'r1\01'#' of j,lellta ana one .Ub ih. HeaUh Deptlr'tment Of 'he ,.:1 t~' of ~,w.I'c1, ..2- ~.o 8epe.nt~ ~lnk~ for waBh1ng hend. cutt be avelleble in ..oh ~lso. of bus1n... referred ~o 1n tb16 or.lPanoa, oae \0 ba proTl'.. tor tbe ..plo,ee. ana one tc ~e provide' for 'be ouatomerl' anA .11 m\11\1",u8a ..'lnl an4 4rlnklns u\eIl8U, .., b. lapllllO and thorough1)' oleaned. mt le.., 0... ...oh da,. a filhnll \0 ~"tul '0 ,eI'81\ dl'1.Dklna fl'oa $>>1 bulk oOl1t.lner' dO aU Il.'t.' Ul' Ib.....n. lmi'Va., fUJita. .,OOU, and utensils mue\ not be 41'1.. .1t. . to..l. Individual pepel' UEijll\:.in8 IllEl1 be U.I. to poUBll tbee. ...h.. U.... ;.iJ..iJ~ION 6. 1:D .i.i'.i~.Q6 !1~. tbe g:rs41na of ell restaurnnte .hell ~a.' upon t~B It&ndarde. ~Im~ ltlQI.1inmftF'h fyr Crt~ i I.e!'t,y!nte.. ;.11 Grd" A relltfluiiiili"""iliiTl OOlnp11 wi tb ft v e-:tol 0" na hOM of unl- u'\lo.. 1~;J;i 1. IJ~~J'8. ':.'he noore 0:( an roo.. III wh!eh food 01' driw~ 1a stored. J1repfred I or eerwC!, or in ffhloh uhnal1e ~Jrt ..8bed. uh.l1 be 01 euob ~on.tructlon .. to be ...111 elenn.l, ehall be maooth tlntl ohell be i:tpi c1tU eod in gC'od repe a. l~!~ 2. !~ and g~~. <<aIle ~nu ~el1inSe of ~11 roo.. .hllll be kept oliiiiid t'ne~ upe1r. ..11 wtllh 'nnd cell1ng. o! rh)l1l& in whioh food or drink if! rt.ore6 cr prepflt:cd shell ht fiui~~wd 1n light oolor. ~h8 welle 01 all roo.. in whlob foot or d.r ink is propp-reel or uhnalh !frre wUb,d than h'l'" S _ooth. ..,beble 8U~f~oe up to the Ilvel relohed b1 .pl.eh or 8pr8'. IXLJ.i r,. Loore !uld window", when fHee are pI'6vdent, ell openlngu into the outtlr-' r,~ r than bt.: eftoativlfly soreened 8114 4001'8 ahall be ..1f-olo~ing. unl.~e otber effeotive ~.ftne ~re proTia. ed to 'preTent the tontr.... of rHee. l~ElJ 4. 1, lthtiBf " .;.11 rooJll~ in .bloh foo" or urhu.;. 1. .'oro4 or pre,t':r. or n .bLoh utllnells .n'. weelM" uell be .en 11Sh'" . 116M 6. wen'l~"~Q~ ill roo.. in .hleb to04 or 4r1nk 1. a'o~e4, pr.pareo, or .'~Te4. or 1>> .bieb uten8il. are wa.ha', ehal1 bt ..11 ven'11n,.'. l:!:lllf 6. p~l...te2il.d~. .I1D1eaouU. :nut be Illor' an4 wdl ~.p\. ,iO"11 1':blo~uft1 bdr lau.t wear lulbU. :u....ar \0 gra.,eat the flll11ll8 of hall' ..b.n ban6Ung or prtpfJ1"lna to" uader 1111 olroWUhn".lh Ifl.lWl ,. ~t.Urlt.otll11n. ~""'r;v ree'uluu.nt 13b.11 be pro- vide. witb .deqUilili~Dt11 looftt.d tol1et faoilttt,. for 1'. ~plo1..8. confol'alns with th. orolnenol. of the town ot ~.w.rdt kl..ta. In ~e.\.uraDt. blr..ft81' 00l18t:uotea tol1et room. ahdl )lot tlptn CSb:eoU, into I"n, room in whiob food., tlrlnk. 01' uteu&118 ftr. bnndled 01 stor.a. The 4001'. of ~11 toIlet ronml -3- ft~6 Iball 'e ..If-olaling. ~o11e' rOQQ8 aball be ~'.' in I ole.. ,oD41'lon, in 8004 repair, eu' .ell 118b,.4~a4 v.ntl1~..4. H.nt- ...blna .1sne aball be poe'e4 in eaoh tolle' room uaed b, .~,loJ"" 1~1Q.{ 8. ~.bDlZ. ~be .."r a",pl, sball be ..8Ul ......lbl. ,. all ro~n-wilii too. 11 ,r.,er.. or u'.nal11 are w..b... en' Ibel1 be edequa'e, ... ot 8 ..t. ..nit.r1 qual1'7. I~~ t. ~.fUillliI&. .i.4tque" u4 GonTenl.n' ban4waahlq tadUUe~ 1noludlns urm vntel', flOflp. silt aHIe"'. I.UU1 t..oll. 'the ua. of e OOll:non tow.l 111 problbUe', DO eMplOl" $ball r.a~ wor.t after ua1ng the tOlle' room w1thout 1m' 1IUblns his hant.. } r...p\ael. ,mai btI uud tor ua.. lenltar" towelo, aoper.t. Sinka for the wa.bios of hend. muat be 1u&,,11.4 aAa ~Tal1.ble~ Ol~ tor tb4 eoploy.us of th6 18\.\11.b- ..nt an~ ono for tb4t ouetomus th.reof. ItW 10. ,~~ ~ !d!m.Iili All! oauip,e2!' ,,11 a1&l-u.. utenaUt ~liitrell'iioi;-$IDf ~<U!kfl.1I or \'1. U OW8, oClunhra, Ihdv.a, bbln. ret'r1ien,t1I..1B equIpment., lh~8, tUul otber equip- ..n1 or 'Uteualle ufled 10. tJozmeoUon wlth the opel'r Hon of e reet- tuZa4' ehtll be 80 oou8tru~ted ~e to b0 .ee11y ol~~n.a rnd Ih,ll \e kept in eood rdpell'. " I'!l::l~ 11. ';!eflPlfJ.p. I.tod }>icttr1ilUl 'f'.H~\rmt .21 ut$ntli1a !iJl! i~~. J~h equIpmen, ws u U8 atap fa)" cues or windo.., ~ ~b.1Y.a, tebl~.. refrigeratore, otovel. haode, .}~ 81&&' aball b~ zept ~l'en etld fre, from duet, dirt, inseatl. end otber oont..in!! tillS uti)J'1I!l1. /..11 olothto UElf!tl llY we hert" ohe!., ent other .mplo~;'U E\bt:ll bt: r.lleeu. ln~le-litlrvlae oonte.ln.iU'll abatl 'be Ile.d t)nly onoe. ;.11 ;~1.l1ti-utH'l eat1ut; nne! (:J'lxu;;lug uteutll1a muet hI'! emitied end ;-:l."ned OVel"1 4q u14 .ball 'be thorou~.:.l;, .:hanecl ~iDd dhct.1ve- 11 aub:ected to %JU Ilppl'OTeo baohricidal 1'%'00161 nUn eeob \.aUigl. .11 ..1\1-u.I ut<<pal1a U884 In preparatton or aervini of foo4 an. 4'1" Shall be Uloro\llhl: ohnne4 ['114 effEct 1 nl, 4H.i.bJute6 t.o ell apprO'Yet! \SQftertoUa1 ,prOOIU lmmedh\dy !o11oi/.lni) the d.,' I .p.rr \1on. :,1'1"n., ..slothS, U uu4, ..hall be duu and 'bell ... ua." tor 110 otber ~urpoil" .-----..,-.--...........--... UrJ,i 18. il.tD..D at b~JiGl1Jti ~ utep.~ S .~l~.A\' ..,Uer bt'l<1'terlo14f."r"ti'i[tlje;ft HO ul6HeTIe i;hs~l1ie EltorfCl e::1\.<le>>t1n .. d.an 01'7 Ill"". 'l'oheh4 from fU... dun or other I'HmtcmtUti:t1on. and no utena11 ahan "' ban4le4 eM.,t 1n euch ~ msnnu u to ,r.'Yln\ oon\nalnet1on Mlfsr I'll pr&ot.!o.ble. ,:,ih.gle-Pul'vlo1 a'.uaU. &heU be ,purobesed, onl1 ,n f.tml'hrJ cNut.f'.!.nua. ahaU be .'01". thar.in In I alean dr~ ~l~ae until ueed, ~ad Ihall b. baDdled 1n & Benttary manner. l!.1':Uf 13. ~.Qi ~H at..fe .,11 .u.'u 80811 be properl, 411- '0..0 ot. ~8iib~ge ~n4 trrlb ahnll be ~eDt in aut'abl. ,1'.'1,'..1.., 1n .\lob !t4tlnne:r f'e hot to be"ome il Iluieano.. -&- .~,-, lUll 1.. ~. .1.11 re.ail, "1'11", \1. to.t o:r ':rlU .JaaU \e~Oll 60 4....... J. o.out .-.. "1Ia& JI''' Jam or ..ne4. 1." n'ol' fl'oa r.bls.nUoa l('Ql,..", 'lua11 ,. ~ro>>.rl1 .1ap.a.' ot. ItD 1U. ~ Jl1 .f.I.U. at .Dlai. AU too' aU ':rlAl 'hfl\l1 bt w~tR'o-rBa-.poUiii. ...... _lth wbol.. a.' oU. uct t.,. tn, tn. ,.Il'ulatUoa lat na.ltll.... .... 1A ~. _., .4ul',:r.'.' ..., .ua' ,. u.e' from o:rls~l .'.'11AtI'. "'U .U&, ftu14 alla ,1'0...... .... 01''' ta' .u.1' ho..a .....1',. ...... aael1 b, trom .OUZ'" .)p:rOTe4 \r tbt b.alth .ttl..I'. )llU aM flUU mUk ,.o.u.', "ball 'h ..rn4 la tbt, 01'1,1>>1 ,0.D""~1'. In -lltoll \bo, .en 1'...1..... fro. 'bt CS.'rl\\1'" - fI'.. . \\11" Goa'.wJ' .qul".. _Uta fA _,proTt' .t.....1' ..n... lrI.I!B!. fb.' \bll requlremen' ab.n DO' .ppl, . ....... wbTiJrliiTlHl ........ froa 'bl ol'l,lnel bottl. o:r troa a U8JonaOl' .ppl'o....d tor nob .,m.,. U'W U I. .iIlliIa ~ .PI''-~. If IIAJ J.raoa .aU tnowtntlJ .~~e~upte4. or ~_bol..o.. proTta OM, wbt'her tor I'da'. foo'. 01' 4s-tnt. _Uho..' _kl111 'bo .... t\ll1, tnown to 'h. bur'l'. luoh ,.raoa, uJOa OOATI.,!o. 'h.reof, "h,U 'be pun1ahd b, tm'l'l.cnm.nt la ~.n for DOt le.. than thre, month. DOl' more th~n one ,.ft~, or bl tl41 no~ 1........ fifty nor mol" 'ba~ five bundr.4 4011.r.. ITt;;M 1f, C. If rD.,V "'80n 1.11 "uU..- ".. for 'he pe' 0 e _. en; 8~~ltp-n.. lnt.n4.. fol' ..., .. drink with anr eubfttanoe In:urlou8 to'h~~ltb. or ehall .oll or offer.tor ..1. an,y aub.baoe .. lntendlo, mOWI1'1f Q. .... " '0 eo 84ult.ra'.4. enoh pel'eon. Up01'1 oonvlotton bertof, ...11 be punt.be. 11'1 tbe ma~r ,rov!4.. 11'1 lb. .ooilon 1.., ,~..'IDl. UQ!, U D. ~ ~ ~OM~. It ah<<l11 b, \lIlll-tu1 tor &~ per'~~1-or-3~e~ to r.DJ otbtr g.rlon tOI' 181 8n1 .rtiole of food or 4rlnt 01' an1 pOrtio. th.reof wblob hne iheretofol" b.en evrvG4 to ~,nr Jtreol'lJ eD4 aDJ ,~reon who vlo1~"e nDl of 'he proYleloQa of ihtl ...t1.. ahaU 'bo gull" of . ale....enol' F..n4 upon oonTloUon eball U punhbe' 'b~ 1m>>rtaonunt 11'1 ~.11 for n.' mol" ih&n ata moa'. or b, R tlM of not. 810re tVlen one hun4re4 eOllerl. or " boUt ,uob f1ne anA 1~rleo~nt. .... -, i; ;;!:. ~ ~ ~.- ;}. -6- ~- IT1':H H'. ;;.~or!,<g. ePt ~.w...l!W # ill.! ~n4 _Clr~. i.1l food uel d:ril~ (':11#.111 be llO lil o~ :;;..o1iIiiJe ~\f---ro-Lfl ..-,rotCloted fro. duf' t, fl1flf!. yn'min. UnneOtlllUirr:t h(,ndl hig, dropht Inte" loa, overhed len.l:ase, find other oOl1tamlnnUon. :10 pet.. dogs, 01' lIu101818 OJ' :towla of e~ fl."'- 01' nat.uu will bo pe:rmlt tot in 8D7 bu nUnS where 1.'1)04 t>1' bumau oonaumpUon h stored, preparef, or urvd. at meeno n!!tOUIlt"lr;- for the el1l11ns,tion of fU.. ooell be used. I'rUi 16. ~pI!l00ta. j,ny olltr.bl hhmeDt in th16aot referI'd to h'\\lldllnf foo~ .,r drln1:. of "'11)' 1lature tlut is fou.u.1 to be infeeh4 by bedbugll, ~()okroeohel:l. or other llulsauoe illaeoh ::nu'~ ~loee one h" for r. 24..hour period in tlMO weet to be used for $ubjeotlng 'he pl~oe to Bult~bl. lna.otioido 8St~e8blo to~ the mnnd!'tel of 1:helflll~1tb (f:tl~er or ihe Board of i~aeHh. ~11 fOOdS, menta, f'ud drlzl.\tsl'iuoll be c\Altr,bl; ~;ilver6d 01' ' pl~o.d In ~ftaluelnn, or ihere the ln86otl~1~e .111 not ooot.ot 131.' ooutsmbl'~' them. (\r if IneeoUolh II gaSloue in 1:'8ture, wher. It will not O~U$6 objeotlon~ble ofar to toods. 11 tlxterninnt ;)%' be [c,O m:),pl 0.760, +.m:'p loyel' .uet t"l,~t: Gytll"Y vreOflu'Uon t.o pr~v"!lt -',am b;,r the ; uaeotlaUe. 1~ : 17. ira.en ~Q8.er's. 'U ~,"i)t f>.llQ frolclm dC.l:;8&rt" from POi::lh b~~;ol1d t;)e 11l11ts of :r,,)1ltiI1~ 1n8,l,ll:l\l\lQn of ti16nml\JJ,~jttl i 't~ 01' -e,\',r,; ,;w1 not. be sold 1.. ~hQ f,lWl1Q!.yclUy vi ,)lih'lftrd, or its pol1l3Ci jclzitHHotloa, uuleseJ')1ll;l'Ql1ed UU(I~r jlrov18l :Hi" e luiv~'leut tu tb;; rti\iu1I'emen'. of tnir$ ordh.l:mlJf.. ,.i!rQv~d~d, '..II!?\' tol"" h,,!,ltb ..)fiiiJtil anell ,; 6f;U..IY hl:nneU tl'H\t tbI:J heDlth oLlGn1fwiuii; ~\U'lsdlaUon over ~,;ll! /llaUU:t:v'Jture 19 p)."optlxl:.,' ~l.l.fi.lr"lnB i,u\)h ~r(,;vbi.on.. tl r1' [illd ullJpefleiUJ,\ tFoz~ de.Ger~8. ilo r'us ~lr trf);,Vn dtofJs< rt1!. :;::;".;::1 um.: Jon1;e il~er 1:0 enotb" eX' or vtliJ;'~ge 1.ht, 8ft::l6 'JU l.h~ f.i'tl;t:te't or in ~,u;,'H:hl)h 01' 1.0. mrq plAJ~ ljXOUk'1: tl f:lt!.lllt!l.~ l'QOm LtHder rpprcived Gond1t1oni>. '::.;OU1)te;r lot: ~rea:j .i. r~(Uer. .,hanOTer tl ",ouu~er tnner h; instdled in ti.~' ron;} of ~; fc,ou EH,hblhh;:Jl;Jnt ~o waloh 'tbe ,publio hat! 1'00168, ouoh oounterf: or pertltionll IU: F<re laOe'UJal" ehdl btl ccmat1'U(Jte4 to }lravl.lnt it from bw1ue; hf\i~aled 01' open.. ted b., "nyone exeept r~gul"r 'll:c'l"lo:;~es. ..6- ~ '" Ii ii . >>. 1...41.'.11 ~f\er -'-Pl.'lon of 'be '.7'a o,.ratio. all .,u1,..." ...tal.atr. ant .,..Uo 01" pal'" thOl"oot ot tftA'. fl'....n UM 1a 'Ut. ....tu. bea4U.Di or "OI'lac .t 1.. ..... o. .'bel' f~..n ,.04..'. ehall " .1..... ... 'll1.atoot.. 1a ,.. ,.1l-1AI ....vr. ( 1) 1il...tDl....1M...... IN" aM tul.. .t m.... .,11.at.. la he. ."1' _sata... ., . --.,.-fttu. .t all... UI "51"'. I. to alal.la .. 1tMa a.4.. ..., .. ....1' "'o.tl.,. ol"'lIa& ...q'. oull waablaa ..11 1"....,.0 ...1.'.17 all Ybl1t1. tor..... ."u. (a) ......._1. ...oh1_ ,....~... .ft:tl",.......".l..... wltpt1.etl Wel.1' h et.il.. h....... a<. .h10.,'lM,."". ....lAt.....'.1, Jl ,lIM ,...tU, .. ,. 11.1. , no' '1". \Jau 100 Pm.! J.r .Ulloa 01 ....11a". ,oJt.l..tao. ~\U'Jl. ..1'.. Oil 'U l'U ...1M tel' . ,dlo. .1 ,... at' lea.' tboD oae alAb. . . (I) .uc.in 0>>4 1'.1111 .,Uat.1' wltJa olou ..... ... .~lD to "..ye al1,.lala1..tla. .01.'1... (..) )1'101" to 'h. .'.n1' of ol"nUou. !lit 'tae hfta- n1116 of 'be d81 llit,' re., liDS, 0711D4.l'wt, '," .1 'plIln. "."-10., _.11 .t)e .pla 41.ta1...... rlAa.4 111 8OOOl'd8nO' wi ib '.I.rU.ae..' .- (3l Uah<< aM..... . '",,"--",.-.," i'OI' 'h. ..ahlns IUU'I Ue1nfeotS.lJ.& of 1.. ..... van. aDd oont.~r't r.t.~ t. $..t1011 6, 1t.. 11 of t.Ala on 1nenol. (I) .. ;._~ ~;., \. I'.~ ,.t;.'~ .1: ;,;,.' 1~ 11. io04 le~4 to ouI'oa.re aDO ~b.n r.turne' '0 ,-. &t~n O~ .'~T1A8 roo. mul' not bt eel'T.' _ella. l~SM It. All toot ..\.'11.bc..t., .h.ll b.~. wll" ..,.... at all out.1O. o,ulap 101' tbe p\1l'JlO.. of ouluUna tUoI ... o...~ 1DIeo',. .11 ..rean 4001'. ~, be ..If-olo.lns, ... ea.al., 400J'1 .h,U D,.a OU~aI". on1,_ 1.11 101'l0nl_ ut4 In .u. '1.... Entin be ot 1'.0 1..8 thlUl 14 ;;telb. l'6K 10. ~..t.t~. ..11 '.ph,... ah,ll .... ol'u OU"~aiiI' 'iJii'IrEii', netl' btn', .1..... " .U t.WtI .bU, .!)....4 111 heuUDI toot. ...lnk. uhnalll,.. e'1I1,. ...t. nlll &1. ~. 'Ibe pnJdl'. of .U luhuJ'tIlt.' .ludl __ apt d~o:C I1ttel' or I'Ub'bhh. Jont of the .,..... tlcAI ......,.. with . r~.t.UI'ea' aball be 00"uo'.4 In.ar 1"0" .... a, Uvl.. or IIMpins ...n.... La'fUll" tooun .. cal'..'l.. .... 'ull be Jll'oTl... fO:r -.10'''' 11o\bloa aU tha11 W ..p' oleu. &01104 11"118, 000'1, ... .,roa. l"aU 1tt ...." la ooa,.tn.:re 1I'0,.u.. tor \hI. pUl'poa.. .,. r- I~~ a&. If oft dutl tor enr lnt..'10V8 41..... or a~ln lnfeo- 'lona, .m~lo7e. .ua' not ..tul'n to work wlthbut oertlflo$tion from quoUt1e4 ph1l11chllt In18 afU'tHI0t te h to b. 8inn to thl .// ae.lth 0f11~er on h16 next T18it~ ,~... ! ~.at!~Jall. Gze4e b Z'8t.ur~n'. 'te tboee whIoh tall \0 iOiFty . lh ema--r, 2. 4, 6, ~4 ~O but whloh acntor. wltb ell ot.1er U-. of Mn1ta101on rl..uil'e4 tor Clah ~. ua'tauranh. lt~.raq! ~)!~~t. ltinerant re~taurtnts eball be oon- ~ . ruotelraDi opel'. e in a manner apPI'OYla b1 thl liIal~h Offioe:r. l:i~1'1 OIl ? G'iJ.l;.d:b ;11: '.::.:)"'AUP+Jlr.i.~ ~~tA" I.X .;;.. . ~~. 11'0. an4 aihr It rr.onthe from t~. a'lte on ~ \l, tria orffitnotl hL.. .ttl'" no nat.aU%'lUlt _hall 'toe up.'ll t61.l ..all 1n tho town of 8.wa~4, or 1'. pollOI Jurisdlotlon, unl... It oon1o~. ~ltb tbl ara4e A. or Orado B. or a~Nroy.4 itInerant re~t~urAnt I'lqulre- _nb of th18 or41na.no.: pO"'l41~, That wben 8n1 rastaunnt fAlls to qualify for any 0 thtee gr~de. the he~lth o!fio.r . 8uthorhed 1.0 l'ovo1(e the p~rmH or in lieu t;~61'.of to degrde tho reahurttut enci permit ita ope.r1\tioll dur1ug 9 h~.1W:r~r1 "1'104 not exo..aing 30 d8~.. t~;T~~; ':~r8~tl~~;6I~;fi;h 1fh ~'h~; ~ ~;e~t; f ~~~;r~~~ ~ft~3:. dle~laY8 h~Te been oh~lge4 eeJordlngly, or tb~ pel'~l' of .blob hee been aua>>endea mal et euy t~, mE.~ ~p~llos'lon for re...a. lng or the reinstatement 01 the per~lt. .ilthln one week dttif tLe noel pt of e IUlt1efsot.:>l'Y .,pll- ostlou, acoompan1eC b~ & statement slgned by the applioant to tbo etteo1; t.hat the v1ol6tElQ 1h.11 or ihl.i8 of thG apea!fio8Uoaa baye bfUlll .;iOnil)%'lHd lilith, tbe llenHh o:t:t1oer ehall .ft.' 8 r.11181'O\1oa, a~ tbere2ft~r as ~W]Y sddi\icu~l reluapeotloAS 8a he uay dee. n~o.eaa%1 to neeure hi~6elt that the epvl1~~nt is sb61n 4o&l111n. with 'the hightll' gr4UEt re~u1remante, fl.i10, irl ~tH:e H,e fin41na8 1n410a" oompl1~loe. euell aw&~G the hlih~I Brede ~r relna's'. tile }lel'ldi. <:/";,i'IlCN ii, f'\,).l.bC&\.'ub 'r\.ilL~.t.M";t... lio t!;1't101.. polbh or other 8ubehll13. 001111l1n1118 8111 o.ranl . j)l'f;,p8r,Uon OJ' ann' polaoAOu,1 ma'eI'1.1~11 be used 101' the alIening or ~olleh1ns of ut.nel1e. :.i.".;nCll 10. h...,l.TH';~.T :l,l';i.P;S. It fdw 11 b\l, u\ll" ~tul for eD7 pereon. t1m., oOl'pora lon or orge.ulutlou aOlwuct11Jg or ope,..'. IAS I re.taurant to e.plo1 ~UTon. before 8u,oh person h.. obt.ln.. II heal tob oerUtiot1te froll tbe '.. .r1'1 tor 151 :'epE'r\meIlt of aed 'b. It 8baU be the dutr of the employu to keep theu ollrda In 8'n .0..881\1.. pla04; ,there tileS' Illty 1'6 inliipected b, Ut., h..Ub otHoer. If olt dull for aU7 infeotious ute.see or e~ln lafe~t1one. emplol" muet not return to <d.lrk \"ithout tlertifj O'ltt,.)U from. qu.al1fh' ,lqllo1en. l'hh certithete 11l 10 be giTen to lied th CfUoer on bit next vl.U. -6- ~ ~J;;aT10D u. ~.;JL ~~'rI. ~Oilo. Ihall b, Hat to thl au1tb l)1'flll'~7-lil ,r..bunn' _Desel' or bl tbl ..,1.,.. oon,..net if he or .zq ..,10'1" oon'nO\. alll lafeoUoul, OODt~llou.. or oommunloeble diat..., or htl ~ f.,.r, a aklu eru,. tion. II (lGugb hetiDe lIlore than :;. "e.k.. or an1 other Iup1010111 IJ1Ilptoa. It Ihf:ll\l be th~ hty of an: !uob eoplo1u t::> naUb' tbe r'$t~ure.nt ~ane8er l~aleiel, -hln sn, of .eld oon41tloaa o\'aln. Dnd If neither tbe IIlIDaser nor the emplo,.. oon..rned notl!!.. the nealth if'loer uUlut4inhly 4'ben eDl of ..U ,,,nUttane obtain. the~ shell be held :olnt11 end teTerelly to h~n "loh'" tbil . e~jot1on. .' plsc!!r4 oontaining thin "lotion shell te pOlhd In .U to Bet rC)()J:lIlh ,;'~f!'~(\'" 1"' pli., ,K'l'I'Ul"'~"'o;r ~"'.!,'r> l"n ~;U''''ti''''1\< ,. 'h n" 1.10" """,.J ..1 ... _", y,...' ._' ~ ~"..... ,. ,C ...I......... . .." ..Ullp .. .r1eet 88 to e p08eblll~1 0 r~n8m ee on 0. 1nteotlGa froa any rechuran\em.i>lo)Hle the hod tb otf1oer it suther 1%06 to require 'ftD1 er~.11 ot the followtng mea~re.: (1) the Immo4ta\e .dluelon 'Of t.:'~~ ell.\Plos-ee froa !'ll reete.urnnh: (2) the 1aatU... olos1ng of the r..,.urnnt conc.,...c until I~ further dan,.r of Ala,... outbreak eslets, 1n theopln1on of the Health cfttelrl (3) adequata .adloa1 e~1natlcn ot tbe ~107.e an4 hI. ,..ob1a"l w1th Roh laborn'to%l exmlnatlon8 u mq be 1ntU_ed. . "'''''1''.'''1 1'1l '!~( ~"",."tt' ,..n- .U' '~",'''~ "hi" ........In........ .,1. 11 be .;~J..J..._L...,; t../. "'.. ,'''."",...JI.,...<"J..~ '.....~......, w:........I,J...'.J. ....t. J.... ~;.. -...-..u ~\i:U. . e~lforaQd b~' t~Ul }lC11ltb of. .?ern 'H,noru<:'ll(1' wi t12 the tnterpl''''' Uone. thereof oontsined l.r~ the 1\140 edition of the U. S. 1ub11. Leelth ~ervlo. COGe ;,egulrting Lftt1ng fnel ..rlnJtlng .~BbbU."D'I. . oerUf1ed 00P7 of \lIdl1oh shell bE on flle ~It the ; U:; ;;lI~kt. o:fflG.. ::;:;.:;'uerI 14. l'61Ul\1 ~lef' '.,ny perren ':!lC viol r. ten !Ony prov1810n of \hit, col'<Hnanoe 1ll',~11 e i'~nee not !lore thn~ &1 'be dll>oret~,i n of the court rmvin& :ur18dtotloni ucoh ('n~ liiTerr vlo1otion vf the pro'dr ior'.ll of t1;H: ord.tl~noe ehf.'ll conetUut. 8 eap~tate of tense. ~~;;;;~:i~~:e8 k\~:~~n~~rl ct~;'t1f t~~~ '"~~d ln~;;e o;~~ n~~::~y e~p=f::, &nd thin cl'(H.nenoc 8h,,1l be in ful1 forco !"r..4 effeat 1mme4htelr ui'~"n itf' r>doption f'lnd Hs pub1 foet ton .,.~ prevldflo by l~w. " .,'..rT'''.., 1~ ....vl'!,.."',.".,.f..l"~.' '-"Y ...,,.,,.-, "'h 1<1 \1 .:..I.J:.I......H o. ,. ...L)\ H ,.>_ ....1 l~' J. '~'.II..~':" J.. ..; ~..~i.,V~:' :... w 0" ~.~. Beo' on, parq;r~ph. oontenoe. oienwe ,r phrBte of thh ord1ntlnOe be ch':Qlu"ed unooneti tut.1onnl ,.:r lnvr: lid for €ny rert en the relllala4.r of 0"11\ ord;!.W:.Zloe sht:ll not bt, rffected th.er~b:... .$ (') - -w- r- a.tIcl n, i. .U i.rl'ltol" o.bue. .UJala the o. . . .n ot '...n, ",1eaz.,,,>>.4 'be .W.. of po 1.. ,..18.10il00 'herIOt. 6Eufl01 18. ~ it. ~. f.IM Joe" of S.al'h 'hd1 ooaeht .f ih. Ma1ol',~lail~hal~ ot ..14 loal'4, 'be a..lib Offl~er. the ~blet,ot ~oll.., eft' .....1'. of 'bl ~~on Jo~tl. ~h. ...1th Ofticer abell 80' .. .,ol"lal" lad ex..utlve olftoll' ., tb. Board of a.al", aa4 abell ...p .11 re..r48 an' aak, ,u.h ",01". to ~b. ~'J'I'I,.'l.l >>ipartaont of a..lih I' art r.qull'e. '1 tlrrltorlal Law. lZOflO. ur. ~ ~ l~'i~1i'-~ a~4 fUiiU.. the 01 t, Bot 1" .t a..l'h .ba~T,'.1,. , 8iPiiiIiloA 0 . r-..t'er. rel.'tas to tho ,1'....,.'10n of 11to end h..lth Of tho ,..pl. 01 tbe 'owa ., 3..al'4 an4 eball tafol'O. 'h. l'Ul.. aa4 l'esulat1oaa of tb' !anUo:rlal La>>anMa' of a..Uh, aU lba11 pertorm luoh .tl2l:r .'utl.. .e mAl b. required of tbea pert.IAlna to th. ...1il2 of ' "~a ,.0,,10, The loa" of R.d ill oh.ll 'be rt1IMrUuie to 'tb. 1'.:nUoI'1el .Ioen of lie.Uh, but ebaU b..... tbe po..r to proml- .... hl.. au l'esuleUoDl !lO' la.onal,tent IItt&t thon ot U. !tIt~'o~l.l l~.rt ot e..l\ll. If~~~, Ig:a~.WI~li"..ljR:,:.4I:Ct,~o:~ wi:.:~lh \, . e Ir"chta'. from. reoophe4 aOh001, of IIt4101ae ea4 .ben b. 11...... \0 preo'l.. ...t.iDe 1,D Alaeta. It .'all 'e tbe dull of 'la. li.eUb OIUo.1' to eator.. 8n ~.I'rl'uhl ho.ltb 1.w, an' 1"eaul~tlo... ... '0 .ator.. 'hi. ol'tlnenoe ea4 all lube.qu..' blel'h resulettoAl .. pl'.a.r1bc' b7 tb. boaI'd. It 'hall be tb. 'utlof the ;blof of ~011o. '0...~1~' la the .ator....., of the he.lth law. ., tbe 41re.tlon of th~ He.ltb 'fflGor. R. I' fur- the.. au'borle.4 end ..poworo. end 1\ la bte dull to !~roet aa. . 'ak. lnio Guato4J .", p...,oa OJ' ,eJ's.De vlolaUq 8%11 ruhll of tbe 1el'rl'orl 01' ol'~ bonl'Oe of h..ltb, 01' v~ provision of tbtl o:r4taane.e. ' SSG!UOI 81. ~ Ji!ZU.Wa. 1. .i.!Il!Dl. b....1'1 .1'1.1aa~ ouHWt17, 80. e1Jl1.1UOnUl w.,~ au>>~oh Is h.~.t'.r ..a.'l'Uo',O, or 8x'enal.111 reo.a'lfto'.., OJ' .....1', UI.tinS wahl' .ppl, wMob In tbe oplaloa of the a..lth Oftl.o.. Ie uaaet., abett b. .... to ...,1, wltb the roqul~emtD'a of tble or41a8ao.. ne auob ..ter auppl, eball hel'eefter be ~on.truoted or reeonatruot.4 ~ltbout lbe .J'I'OTal of plaaaaa4 a,.olft..tioD. b1the ~.rrttort.l L.pel"- , ..a' of H.alth ~n4 wllbout fl wrlUea "I'IIU froll oa14 h,.rill'D.', a. ~U. Dfll-Ml',U, ~ H.ln1t!.l.1!l Bnlli~, .IU wat.r au,pjITii'; BJ'oun' 01' eUI'fi"ii,liiilTibliti l1i'i""iii1iTlo BbaU .oapl, with the r.qulr...nte of the :erl'ltorlal Ltpar'-eot of aeaUb lIa4 alla11 ...t \n. requll".onb of the U. $, ,rubl 10 tr..Uh Stl'Tl.e tor oommon 0.r1"1el' ..ter .u,~llt.. 3. ",Yerl weU or 8'1'1a8 t\bftU be loo,h. fnt Qoaat:ruohO 1n 6uobtll 1lew1.r tbo' nel tb.r ulldugroun4 nor aUJ'fu. oont.1I1111. tioa frOIl f!lJJl o...pool, 01' othel' ,pOltsfble lour.. of ,ol1uUoa -10- r ' - oau effe.' suoh .l'~1' ~upp11. ~he horirantel dieten.e from en, ,oaalbl, sour., of pollution ~bal1 be a. ar..t .a IOI.lbl.. but In DO oaa. 1'.. th.n fO fO.', or .z..>>' ., othtrwl.. .pproys' by 1h. 11..1 th Off1.ar. 1t1le.'.dolo.hal tuatAaUona 01' otb.,. ITld.n.. iuol..'. ..tu.l O~ potontlal pollution, tbo dla'.n.. aball b. luo~"..G or tb. loo.tiea ot tb_ ."01' au,,11 ob.DI", .a .., he ~.qul... " tb. h..l'h offl.,~. r~1.1.. en4 op.n ,1" ar. b.r8~7 ..'.''In.' '0 he UD1..tul. .. ~!.Ui !flRr"Ht .hl ~~. .: .~ fb.~. .ba~.o...o ...0 oa, .U11~D~,..a, lnt.roonn.otl~n or otber .trang.ment lnolu4tnl o~rhee4 l..ta.., .b.~.b7 un.ota "'.1', or W8tOl' from & Bource tbet doe. not oomp17 .lth 'h... r'tul~...n'., .., b. 41aobe:rlod O~ .r..A lato IQJ 4rlnalDa, oul1Dal'1 or .hlu'toaar, au,p1, .hloh 40.' ...,17 wl'h 'b.ao r.qul~...nt.. 6. ~ H .'lIM..~~ .I.l ~ gill .I.Y.Ullu Wa'.r ,upj11ii'"'iliTondo not oomp17 wl~oIOifO.r- r.qull'...n'. l'ao08men'.d b7 th' U. ~. ~~bl10 U.al'h ~'rYlo. tor OOUOI1 ..rrlel' ..t.r eu.p,U.., ehall be heeted h, methode "pl'o..d b, lb. Xcrrl'oI'1.1 bepart...t of Ue.lthl 1t lt 1. lapoaalbl. to a..uro .omp1t.... .1th ..ld l'.qu1r....t., ..1d .~ter 8upp17 eh.ll be ebeA40aed eod aeale. to prote.t tb. .,'o:r-b..rlq tOl'arUon .p1ne" po..lb1e oo.uiaaluUo,a la . ..'DDtr ,,,..:r1bel .. the tonltorlal lIe,.r'tmll1t of ae.l lb. :SECt lCB Ie. ~~..tij.',i..l"i'''t''l.. U .hall 'be UAlewful to mdo.- tela, o:r ual, ear r...n.o, , .c. of bu.lne.., or olber bull'- lDS or pia.. wb.r. pll'sona rlslde, ~onsro&&t. or are employe. wblob 1. not proy14.a wlth ..ana for the 411poe&1 of hume. exer.'e, elther b1 8 fluah ~11.t Gona.ot.d With . ....1'.,. .,..,.., a,proTeel b7 the tt.l'I'Uor1el....p.rtm.nt of l:.l..Uh, 01' ..p'lo ttu& wbloh m..'. tbe ~.qulr..en'a of gOnltruatloD end ..1nt.DaDO' b".lnat"1' d...rlb'd. 1. ~T9r7 building ~ber. perlons re&ldO. OOnaro'8t. or ere omplo7e4whloh .buteo fI Urnt or llU.J, 1n wnlob theu 18 a pubUo eaui tal'Y U"'U, or wblob Ie wUhlntwo buuan4 f..t of . publio eaultory ...ur, aball b. oonaeoted to tbe ....1' b, tb8 O.AU or a.,nt of tbe >>nlll..., ln the mOlt. oaeo' _lUlU poulbl. aD4 .ith . ..pa..t. GOnDeot.io. tor 880b he.. or bu11dlna. ..ob OODDeo'lQU 8n4 ..eb fl~'uro ~>>t.71A1 t.hrou,ll the oODDeotloa Iball be IABi.11.4 in tbe .8nD8~ ~.~orlbed \7 tbe plnablus oode of .he town of ;:)..ar4, .HIUJU. ' &. ~yery 1'0,108>>08, plao. of buelneee, or otber bUlldln, 01' il180. wben .,eI'80_ oonausah, rUlda, 01' ere .plo7d. tla4 whlob 4oe. not ebut . aira.t or fillhj' ~n Vtblob therete e pubUo .,nl'.ry ....1'. or .hl~b 1e not within EGO fe.t of a publio ..nl'.r, .0.01', eh.ll bt p1'OT14e4 with. prlTete "tel' tlulh tOl1et, b7 t.be owner or fts.nt of the premi..., end .Iter flueb tol1et .ye'.. to bo bull. 01' rebuIlt, oon.truot.d, 8u4 mlin- talaed la aUGh ..unar .. t.ome.t the roqulre=ente of the terri- toriAl ~'>>Artment of Heeltb. -11- r i i i i 3. Jill" .1'1V}'. :n and <:iur the pea..ge of tb1e ordlnanol, U anU 'be Wl.1elliful tor lIllionl to haTe or I'Hlnt.alll , pH prhl upon tbe premi... witbin tbe 01t, 11m1te of the tOln ot ~1.81'., .l"&a. ~11 'lp\l. ,~~. abel1 b. 100at.. not II" tban &0 fet' trom s., .111, aprlna or O'her lourOI of w.ter .up~l, and, 1f pOI.llah, l.tllOA pOWl. d . low,r deTattonl uor ehdl fUll B.pUe t.Ak be ereoted, or maintaIn... noarer \baa 6 f..t ot aD1 .'re.' 11nt or die, Hue dtbout f, Plnn troll tbe *1'4 of Ilnltb. 1 ,t;b":~ ION 23.. f ~QM ....~~:aJt.1!. r.:bo "OIIIlloa ';ouaon of \bl town of S'''8r4 8lull proT1({e or the 1'eguhr "no llytlhuUo ooUeoUon end disposel of s.~ ~n4 ~11 rubbleh, r6tu~. ~n4 gerblg. of whst- aotTlr .eeoriptlon, 9n4 ehal1 lB their dleoret1on una upon 8uob hru And oontU \1on. a&i the)' me, hhrml111 enter into an, oon. tre.' or fr.nohi.. for .uob ,urpo.. 01' grent nuob pe~mlte In oonneoUon thereg1tb. flli; tte, endl see fit, ~nd Ehen be ,.14 for by eeid town out of thtt genere1 funde thereof. 1. 'o:r the IUJ'PO.o of ibie ordlnauae. .erbege Iball be ~n. 1e bere'b; defined to mesn dl k1tobell refus., f!nhle1 or veS.hble. tra.h, of tal , '1n Qana, wa.', papel'. 8Bhea end .11 otber like refuae metteI' oxoep' exorem1ntit1oua liquid. Au'bi'. ahall bl an)' ~n4 .Unon-putreeurlble wuhs Buob IS a.b.., botUee, ....'ln88. boxee, eto. 2. That ~t ahell be unlewtul tOl' IDJ perl on, firm or 001'. por8tiou to hAUl. trenlfer or oonTe; 9ay 851'\88' of wh,teoeTer 4..or1,tloo upon or througb the etreeta of tbe town of 5.w~r.. J1eelta, wUhout hlTing Ur&t obhlned "erta1n pumlulon tb.r.... tOl'O, titheI' br "ontl'eot. fr~nohls*, or permit from tbe counoll ot o.id town, 3. LfJ.'3 pereQn, Urm or l)orpol'et1on lu.thorln4 or p\\1'1dtted 'by the ..14 town, shall be so'\'",rnd by the followIng hgulllit1:.n.. '&o.wlt: .. iJ:'OT14e4 f oonvoyeno. ~4.pt.d to tuoh puzp". to th. end tbe' IW g.rblse, p.p~r. or tr~lb ot e~ klud, or eootenta of euoh \Jonve1enoe. sb.ll be pe 1'.U ted to .p111 or .E,C">>I ollto IH 14 itrut or hlgh..,a .yn .hleb tbe lem. 1. betas b&ultd. ~011eot ~n4 r.~oY. ell .oGumul~te6 gfrbtgl tDd rubbllb at muoh fl'tquent loterT81_ ~o eG \0 prl....ntpr.ml.ea bcooming eo..rullbered ~lld to pr~nnt tr.e dvnlop.ent ot fll" or he.lth ha.ar4., or unalgbtlr ~n4 ob;eatioosb1. oon.i'lol~ exletlng ~t sA)' t1me o:r p190' In aeld towa, b. o. ~o 41.poa. of ell gerbeg., by couve1ing 1t to e ,ll'bI8' '''' or other pl~o. 4..11ft',.4 \1 the town oOQnoll of eel4 town for .uob purpo... ~n4 to no otber p1soe whnt- BOIlTer, 4. To ~e.p .uob serbage dum~ or other aepoeltor7 In ea 8tUl1br~' tmd ordCll'ly condition 1"8 c1roumabnou .111 per/llU, ulling eVhry reElt'one,ble IUf1JU1 to deetroy suoh gAl'bllse find l'uh'bhb N1Cl prevent the umt from buo.iug e refuge or bl'.eding pleoe fol' I'et, or other pO.'" or beooml118 4etr1mental 1.0 the pullUo !'tlal tb 8114 ..fit,. -12- / t; , r 4. ~bat wlthtn thlrtl (30) de,e afier the '88.8'. of tble orcUneno. no owJ1ltr. f1gen' or le.... of 8J11 puUlo OJ' ,1'1,..,. p~..l... .ball pt~lt to eoeuaul.t. upon bt. pre.la.. an, larbe.e, ~.tQ.. or rt1bb1ab ex..,' 1.11 OOTII'I' ..t.l lonhl011'1 prod e. Ln IU1flo1eat nua'e:r to oere for tbe ne.'. of the ..,.blish.eat or r..140noo. Fu'r...1'le ...'.., ex...' e....1 aDd bo', .eB'o., lnelu.lna Mr'.hle .114 anl_l offal 11M oar...... ot de.. 1A~1' .hal be ,180e4 w1ihla 'b. 'lsbt oOTe:r.. o.a\llnera. In lieu ot oOTerl. oana, non-putreaol'l. materi81 .uoh .. ,e,e~e, .,n., ..be., .er'onl. e'.. me, be Jle.t4 in 41.e.rt.. oont.ln.l'a or hoxoo tha' will Dot b. returnea to tbe '1'..1.... All Gont.lner. 'hue u... abatl bo JOo~d 1n .uab . mana.:r tbet l'u\bllh wtll bo .onll... an4 ofitnn()t 'be blowa allout lbe pr_lat.. ~herl neo....r,. Goal.lner. ahell be ,le.o. u,oa low plai. torm. to kO~p tbe. out of .et.r !n4 mud end ablll ho plaoe. In S 10..tlon ooaTlnl.n' to 0011..t100, preterebl1 in beot el1el. but In ll.u of auoa .., bo ple..' on ourb on .., of .0110'iloa_ ~"-''''_.~_'''''''''~'-''l-''_'-'''''''.;.,..,_.,.'.,__.c.....,.,..~ ,~.".. ",.t-",l;~"'I.-_.--' ."_, .".,'>C." ,., ..v_ :;~~i:U:4. .JtN~.~":~o~. o~l; ..,tft~!~:'ii~lA;~D~:;:er ,. tbl ruf,. enA resuletlone of the !.rl't'o~"l L.per'..nt of a,.ltb. Tb.1 'bell al.. ,roT1'. an antl..ptto ,,"1. to 4181a11ot .11 ...b., r...:r., 011pp.r.. an' other lnatrum..'. u.e' upon auO....lT. ou.'...r.. SI::lJ'.UOI &0. ~'tlll ~9""t U91:,.e ,l,tall. 110 oaww17 or ~o14 .'.roal pl..,-.sarr-t eo ara' 1,6 b'..., 1Ul'J'7. otf.l or 0'.11' JUtrl..lbl. ..'.rl01 on tbe ..'or front a4~a.en' to tbell' pro,ort,. All .UGh ..t11'101 mus' be .lapo... of in .uob . aanalr th.' anl..a.. oon41'10no ero sTOlcod. It abell 'e 'b. ro.poAllbl11', of ..nnerl,. fnd 0014 .'oras_ pl.nt. to o.,tb,t .0 flehermea, flab a,.lor. buyer 01' en, other per.on Tl01eto, tbe.. Bantter, ao..ur.. o. the propel"; of 'be aanner, 01' 0014 itOI"8'. SEOfIO! 16. 4n~ lo.trl;jione. 10 bo, or hog., p18 or pl... bora. 01' hon~blil'. ml " 00.. or oattl., OJ' obllUDt, C..... Quak., 01' otber towl, abell be kopt wtthin the 11.11' of tb, oltl wl'bo.t fll'a' >>roour1ns . ,.rmtt troll tbe h'alth offioer 10 to 40, ead iben anll la .trlo\ ooa>>11..00 _lth thl pel'mlt &0 ,r8nte4a en' a. bOf' 009, bo~e.. sh~.'t 01'11 ak.n. , s...., 4ueke, turk" or .'h.r tow , r.'hl' or ml~, ehal1 ,. kept in .a14 01\1 It enJ ,laol O~ UDd.r AnI oon41\16.. to tbe .nDol...e of the lnhablteuta In 'hI 1o.ell', where top', or wben tept \Uldn aU_Ua.., 001141\10111" iiiO!101 e,. JJtL'..d. ~ 'lbe b..Ub o1'tlo.r 8bell In,...Use'' eu-Of or .1ii'~U pulltlo beel th 11\11,.n... In a.",ordeno. wUIll'tbl IUhe 0. r.p:ttthIl8 of thle onlolllo.. IH~tJUOll 18. ~.J!!J.rz l!IJ'.Iu .w. ill& n..an ~ All 4011'1 fal'lU ea4 1l1lr;Tia"(i"""'iJi' li1i'""' p'iOlUCliiJilTt-oililli."""jro4u.'. latt06t4 tor U.'rlbu'lo. In tb. town ot S...n a.ll oonfoJ'll to tbe rul.. ... resu1stlo.. of 'b. ~.rrl'orl.1 D.ptr'meat ot a.81tb. \''> -18- .' r' , I ! SEC!ICI 29. J....IIlIl.V fIIiIIlll,h~'~lt J..1J:I pn.on who ahlll1 ...1018"- lUll ot the PI''iiIilOiia-o'! IS .. 01' u!!ao. sheU. oa 101l'9'toUon thlra.f, \. tined not le.e thaa ~8.00 or .ore than fl00.00 for 'l!Ioh oftenee. S.u;i;~IO!f 30. ~ ill l'fU'lM .!J.~. .>>7 ntu8a1 of an; .'I'~on \0 oom~~reo lona olft~l'd of aee1th, 91 b, . '121. ordlnsnoa pro...14ed, ~ltb1n t~e tLa. nam.d h7 aa14 Boerd of alal\b. or ~ retueal to eom~l, with'the 'dlre.tloD8 of tbe deelth 0lfbe:r or Jhhf ot zollo. f\~ hI ihle ol'41neno' proTiel.a, tiDaU be d..... a ml'.""nDl', .ael upon oO.'9'loilon thlrlof. b. punlebe. bl a fine uot exoec41aa il00.00 01' lmpl'leona.n' in tbe vit, Jell for no' IxoI.41D.8 30 4qa or both. l::J'I:I01i 31. M.ual.IM..4.ffi.t.l..t..U:u1. All orcU.oano.. IUld parh ot or41n&no..-rn-oon1Tto~t1l'~4Inenoe el'l hereby r.p..l... ... thle or41nanoe eb.l1 be in tu11 toro. and effee' immedlete1, upon lie a40,'100 an4 ite pu\lloetlon s. pl'oT1d.d bIle.. ~A.J!tIOU 32. ~"q91\8'.U~)10uelUl. iJ.trus,. ....bould eny eecUon, .PI:ralftpb, ..a enoe, 0 au.. or phl'''l of thte ol'41uaol bl A..lared uDOoDail\uilonel or inTalid fol' '01 rellon, tbe r.a.ioder 01 aell1 .rdlueDoa ahall 00' ~. affeote4 thereb,. ., ...,' . SiJ,h~~~I~ ~ 81W~IOI 31. it!'o,.~. fta,.ltIL 101' ~he ,urpoae of 'hi. ohlptel'. plreoua 01' fir 0 aeThe' II"" "Hi'n 1nteote4 or Ixpoud to 'h. oon,.,10D or Inf..tlon of p1.SU'. oholera. ...11pox. '1110. tlTlr. .oerl., f.....r. mea.l... dlpinerla, lafaotll. p8I'alJ1J', 0'I'.bI'0..,11181 l'l1enlI181Ua. CiI'1a1pe1aa, .hoo,I%11 \lou.b. .1e.a1.r. mum,a. op1demlo Influensa. 01' o'bel' .,14..101. .bal1 be eooaldel'. a4 .a ..,.'1. of ~onT'71ng oont.gloul 01' IAtlo'lou. 41....., ~n4 .hall b. .ub~.o' to thl. ohapiol' e. h.rlinafter p,oyld.d. ~11 ..... of pul.onar, iubel'oulo11...tl'.oho... 80nor,b... "phllll., or ohanorola, wh.re the uaua1 ,r...utioal to ,r~T.a' tbe .,.ad of 'b. dl...a. '0 o'h.r. 81'1 n.ele.ted Ind wb'l'l otblr p.r.oBl rare 11.blt '0 beoome 1nfeot.. on 8COOUD' of tbl1 ntlll,ID.. abal1 .1.0 be oonaldel'ld sa ovpabl. of 3onvey1ng ooni,slou. or Infeoi. loua d18.ltB,. :"".';;'II0N 34. 1Ioldl0P.!tf st~t1.s-hch tibenlTel en1 Slh1elo1an 01' DUral la oolle to lr.&~~ 9'I'.on euffel'lnl .lth snl of tb. Al...... .-ntloBt4 in tbe p~lo..lng ...'loa, be or _bl 'ball laol.,. ibe .... ,04 immedi.'el7 not., 'h. 1...1 "_I'd of He~l'h. SlW?'lOU 38. i'i,p,n >>081'4 0+ U,,.uA.!.2. H ~ IIbenenr sn, PUIOD ,no.. 'Or be. ....a.. \0 'i'iTl'TI'b~.ber ot 011 tealll 01' household. Doar4er, rco.~r or YIE1'o~. bee 'l~ 41.e8el blrlln\etore mlDtl0D*4, ba &b,11 ~l'hln \.ta\1-1oul' boua. If no ph181018n 1. .....11.\,18. .1.... noU.e tblr.of to tbe looal B08rd of aenltb la tbo h.. lib dltil'loi in whlGh he rl.1do.. ~uoh notloe ahall " 81'9'.a olib., ....:rbal1, i. ODO of tb. m..bere of eo14 \0_1'4. or b1 . Qomaunloetloa .d41'....4 to the Bo.r4 of al.lih end 4ul1 ~el1.d within thl t1m. epeclfl'd. -14. r . ,- ....,.. .' ~;b;J~lCII Z;&. ~tO" .lll~. i'he )0'11'4 of ae" Ub upon nod,,, ot ;he l'epol'1 0 e eiIelinii of en; of tb. dl...... b.r.inb.fore ..a'10". abell ~.41(,.1, Inye8'11~" 'be .... ea4 it .u.h .t..... ess.e,. .ball holt'. 'he PI'le..' flncl. 1t n......r', ,b,n ""'l'uUne ,be ho"", 1'0". pl'e.lIl.. 01' .o.mual', .... ,.Jut ,., otbel' pree.utloDB nt...A to prevent th. "1"'. of tbe .t...... UCWIOJl 5'. ~')".Ill iI.~e'.1I. JUaDhrd. "beneTeI' 8 baute, a'.1'1..nt, 2"0_. pl'wa . 0 . ~ ph ... uat.1' querlo- ,tn., 8 ,18.a:r4 01' pl..arta Ihell be poet.. 1a . oon.plouou. '1..., or pleo.. s1Tlns 'he JU.O of ibe 41...... aM alao GOO- ,.1alD1 'he fol1ow1D8 QU8ran'tne 01'4er: "All per.oua are ,'rlotl, for\1..... \0 oa'.:r 01' 1..Te 'heee pl'eal..a 01' '0 :r"OTO 'bl. notloe .1,",Ou\ pomba,lon 01' odor. troll tb. Bo,n of a,eUI.. Sl'.C'fIOD' 38. AUll.!:l!.c:l lut,-. .f.19IlUW.. 10 obUd u '61'8011 affll.,.4 wl'~ (,e l a..... menrlOii. 1n ~e.ttGn 88 01' dI ,.reoa na14tq in tb. au. bou.e 1a wb toll 8111 ,ereon .., be 100.t.4 wbo 1. Int..,.. wl'h -Ai of tbe .for...14 41.....8. ual... permit"'4 bl the b.dib oft'1oel', abell bt "I'IIUt.. to a't.aI -hi publ1o, pll..te, p.~o.lI1al. Suade, 01' otbel' BOhool, .hurGh, f.~'ol'l .bere food 1. pf.p~f'Q, or sur otber pls.. of .....\11 1n lbe terrUol'lI aD4 b..UlI OtflOO"8 all4 ,.noae in .ha_.. 'f aaah ao~oo1a. .,.., 81'e h'l'e', ,.e,utre4 ,. .xolude IDJ 'A4 .11 .uell oh114,... ana ,eraona fl'oe aUGb Jl....; auob uoluloa Bhell ooaUwe unUl ooapute nOOTtrl of ,be pU80a .ftl10'.' o:r until tbe health oftloor dec14e. tbat the 4a1ltel' of lnt...'tq othere lJO 1081'1' _hla. - UQ~lO'''. ... litn..iH. ~~, f!!!!I!if.~~.:m:~,.~~.;:~~~t.;M IDA aDI p..eon who ~no.tDll1 1'101.'.. aQJ of tbl 'J'OTlatoae bere.t, or a~ ,.,aula'lon& or or",L eli.bll,hed or ..de " Juthorlt, ot 'hie oha,t.~ ahell, upoa oaCYlation thereot. bo pwalahe4 for e.oh off." " 8 f1M of n.' IIOl'e \haa 0.111 b.un4n4 401111'8. 01" b, 1."t......, .., .or. 'baa fif', de,., 01' b7 'olh .uoh fint .at ta,.t.o....,. .ad It Ie hire', ..4. tb. 4ut, of .11 01', 1.. ..to~at ottl..I'., ibelr d.putles and Gonat.ble. to ..~l.' 1a tbe ,nfOI'OI1H.' ot thea. 1.... 94.MJ.~4 aIallO' .0;. LEi'lNltl0lSs 9'~ ,'ball bB oo~tru.4 to .etn w..', fo...~uff. 01' 'abl. ...t..o Ta,.t.'18 or,aat.al orl,lA. tOle'h.r wl'h .'h.r inola,ni. .41112.'\11'''. 1,..4 aD1mall wo1,1Il&18 100 poua" o:r haa 'hall be .l.a... .. s.r\a8'. , ~ .ball ,. .ona'l'u.a ,. .,an 'be 10114 r..ldue of oom- b..U.ii"'"iT' fu'l u..4 11'1 be.Una s"t eoo&lns,."n'lU, .. .oou~rl, lA bOUlObolA., .p.rtaln'.. oftl..a or bUlla,.. p180", 'ui not 0 lao1uae .u.b 1..14u. tro. ra4u.tri.1 pl.at. or opu'.Uou. 11"&11 aball b. oonetrue4 to ..an ibo w.", ""1'1.11 fro. 80....1 "oue 016 or UTlna oon4Ulo>> end '1.1..10... oj/BhUon. otael' tban .. pI',..... o:r "'Ib..", but no' to la.ludo .... 01' ire' tr~1aI" 1..,.... or .",. m&terlala froe \ul141DS Gon.'ruo- Sloa 01' r.palr; l' ahall not ln~luQ' t~o\Orl w8,'e. or retue. il'o. -16- \ ~ ~ lDAua\~1.1 plante of ePl Qha~.o~'%. In ~ln'l.l. tb. klnde of .a..riels cl..~.d P8 "ru'\lih" ~re .uob .. p.per. ..... bottlea. '111 _u, ot4rd\)osr6, wornout "lotblug 01' turuUU1'e, .xo.blor, at ,be 11... ii-'r:'.'u be eoutrua' '0 ..0 muture.. in .ar ,roJOI'- tloaa, 0 18~"". ..be. eat ru'\l.~. ~~ 9oa'I'o'~ a.all be ooaatru.a to ..an tbe oontreotor .01e.tiT ~ he Jr" do~aol1 of tewor<< tbroUSb Qom,.\lt1To b14a . tor the ,senersl 0011eot1na, hauling eD4 dua,l.. of retuae of tbo lab.bit.A" of tbe a1\1 of S.wari. t ". "wllOI .1.UA1t.~ 10 '" II' Jlu"~. 10 ,Inon .baU 'wa,. ) phoe 01' bUl'lln en)' ,ot,Jlla 01' all'o" 01' 1a an1 81181, or 1a aD1 water or weterwa,. ~ltbln th. ~it,. au) S&~I" rubbl.h, 01' aDI othe% '.l.'el'loue or offenelTa eub.'Bno... ,/ aE~!lQN .&. ~1D& ifr)a~. Ho l.rb~I' aball be bUlaa' 1n tho o,tn ell' withluthe 01". SO rubbleb ebell b. bura.' 1n tht o,on air withIn the inner fire 11m1t. of tb. Cltl. 01' upon ~U1 .'net, P8l.k, wa""." or pub1lo ,1808 .Ubtn 'i:be ,a,,_ No rubbleh whloh abell! 1n burnlag, ~aU6e 01' ore.'e . 4.n.. or oUenelve eJlG&ct eba 1 be burned in the open 811' upon I!lllJ pl'em1l.. .1\h1n tbe ';1\,. Ko I'ubbhb fin ahell b. burn,a upon GU' ,...1... .1~la tb. ;1\1 unlee8 8 p~rmlt tor auab fire tbell b0~0 'Hen !a11\1ed by 'he .Hr. Jh1ef or &utho%1f.t4 u'J't..nt,UTI. (b) he!u., of .11 olae.,. abell b. pla.o. anO .tor.. 1n aul,.ble reo.pte~18e or oontainere pending remoTal \, 0011... 'Ion foroo. of the ;tt, 01' by otber.. ~eo.,t.olt. Ibal1 bt of auob aha,. e,n4 ehe tht\t the OQutltuU 08n blit n!'41l1 U~()r?rg.a t:roa 'b... ib' oQuatned ..ight of Afti' r.:u.. oontetn.r. ant 1\8 oontent88hall not .xc..4 on. hundred pOUlU'. (100 n..) Contalnen for garba... 01' for rduu oonte lnlna ,.r.. be,e, ahall b. of metsl, .~t.%-tlgb', an4 fltt.<< with h9n41,. and ~l'h aubatentlel, tlght-fltttn6 met.l OOTlJ"s, to '~'T.n' \h. U.iUJ'hnoe 01 thel~ oontenh 'hI 0..\8 or dOl" 1Jn' to ,rneni tbe pro,e.'ilon of :r~t. ~n4 fll'. rod other tn..eta or Yerzlu. Liquid .~e'.. ~nel1 not he plrotC in 8~r'.I' oont~ln.'.. ~on'81nere tor ~eh'l w111 te 01 .ete1, of 8turd, ooa- .truo'l.a to preYeD' .pill.S' during her-411ng. Hot olu4.%1 or .aht. 0% .lIoUorIng emb.rll 8hell not bo phoe. In ufuae ooa- '.lnera of &DJ kIno. l' Ie d..lreble th~t rel.pt.ote. for .8be. bl ,roTided with aCT_ra to preTent tbe 108tterlng of tbe .abo. '7 tb, wlD4 end to Plevent the $dmle.lon of eao. and rsta an' .ubl.quen' fnu lAS of the content. lIS tbe oonh lnu'. ~on'.lner. fDf rubbleh mey b. of .ood or met&l, proTi'.. IDI htel .elght of u"nbl11er fwd o"otente 40e8 not u.oee':l11.W hun'rd po_. (100 lb..). :overafer oonh1n"re Ilre dlllr.b18 to ,revent .08tterlng of oontent. b, the wln'. j" auf:Udeni DUiDber of oonie l. nen for tll~ utuae .."ouu- laUq b.~.e.n ooUeoilon 481. ehell be .(I1'0\'14e4 by .".1" bouso- hoUer, 01' o1:ber }}ertlon O~ p~1'!10nf .erTeCl. i 11 refule lSonblnU'. .hen be mlllluhl.IUld 1n €\UVU "'.JUU i t1 ou 'by the own",!,. thereof, aad 'pl'oll1}}tl,y rcpltloeo wiul1l no lOi.~u' f it for ulle. 14hen tbe I'efu.. to be r~ove4 ~~o.eC. in volume the oepBo!tl.. ot the -16- . " r x I'o..,taote. :lU1" 1'11 ..plo,.d t 1t a&J. 1n .lIdgeno1.. t b. wl'a,pe' LD b 1.a and atouI'e11 tl.4. (0) la 80 tal' .. >>1'~o'loeb1et retu.. oon\alDere shall be &ept in \he r.~1' 18l'41 of bomee _n4' other p1toee .el'Y*4. a$ MU' to the aU01 lUut aM .a ...Jassibla '0 the au'.'. 000'1'.01;01' .. po..l'l.. aD. .ball .. ,1.... ,I'. \, 114a io ta.U1h,te oa~ GOU..U'a. .. bouaoboUert or other >>n80D I4Irve4, who don not h~l'e Imme4hte tooe.. to en alle, 11n., ahall m8&0 .ppllo~tton to tbe Clt, ~nllnetrt8 efflee for. 1'.llte'1e loo!!\tlon for '8l'Hse plok-up, .uoh u1ect1oa 10.8,.10. .hall " tran.! Had to the gflrb.ge oontr!" oter 1n wl'1tln.h W 8haU be nool'4e. lit the <I\1l'r.n' J::a1S1neel' c:ftlce lu''ba._ 801100t1.0. l~.tla.. (4) ~efuee. of ell ~ln~e, ell.11 be place. In adeque'o oont1l1nere. Gal'b81e, ftliihl.tt1 'lull rl.lbbhh piled on the ground ,-'11 be uou8trued to be in violation wltb thle o%41nence. helu.. allo.ed ~o Golleot on tht gfoun~ f~ound the oont~lnel" ,baU be ~1e.n04 up by tbo ;:: it7 and the 008t of eueh .1.a~p Ihall be .j4.4 to tba monthly serb.,o bill of Iuob Melt.hoUer 01' othol' person .ened. (.)"40e 8110h .prins, upon the 1.euenol ot . 'l'oobllaUoa \7 the H8101', the rogulU' ';'" 5'reet l.e"l'tmen'~l.aployl'!" .b~11 0011eo' the annual eOGumulat1on of lard on de'rla, luob ~a tree ol1pplnsa, dud plfents, eto. st.;! iOn -14. ~ li!Z ';11.Jr~' Ga,b... .!Ai~. ::'he ooU..Uon ramonl Clael 4liPo"iiI 0 II utu.e shill" 'JiP'iiformed b.v the ';ontreo' ~Cll''b..a ";o11ootol' or ita euthorlU14 reprU8tltetlve', and no oth.1' 1'.1'800 tha11 eASeSf 10ft tbebu,.1nea. of oOl1eoUcuu il'Ovlde4. however, 'hill sect.ion shell not pro.blb1t pOI'8QUI, ftra. 01' OOl'pOrflt.1one :from reaoTing .nd ulepoLi1n6 of r~fu.. troll .P1'.lid.... owned b~ thllm or :trom re::ao'f1ug ana Uapoelna of ret\1" from iremle08 own.. 0' oaouple4 bl otber P!ft18' 1f luob peroone or p~'\l~~ ijhall fire' ob'.1n ~ p.rmlt 101' such remove1 or cl1lvoalUo.o trom the Jlt, ...f181neer. {!uoh pe:rralt1 I_aU be 1a wrltlnl end sbell DO SI'ftnte4 D1 tbe ~l', ;~slneer In ble d1e- or'\10.o onl, afier reoelpt of e written r'Queet for the eam.. ~b. ,; liy _111..1' a8.v f:. 8 GoucH t.1 on to gl'll nUIlI ,uoh per.it re- QuIr. tbe .p~ll.aat to enter Into tU a8rt~.ent tn w~ltln8 to re- IlOve ftn4 d 1epoe8 01 fuob refu~. 1n "oojjrd~nc. W tth thl ten' of thle orG1l1flaoo or he /AI\Y roquire the ap;;.l1oflnt to furnlllb 8 Don' or other 860UI'I\1 to require ocmpl1anoe ~ttb the teraa of thla ordinanoe or be .$1 requlr. both e written a8r.e~ent and euoh "OUl't". P.~ite to plflOna, fll'a8 or capor.tleas otbtl' tbaa ,~ ;ontr~et Garbaae ~oll.otor. .h~11 not b. gr5nte. .. . .att.f of rICh' but abell b. granted only In tbe Aloor.tle>> of tb. ;Uy ::.na11lf.... ,ver; llj)pl1fuln1:, other ti:um the ~onhtl.t CarbllS' ":011.6tol'. Ibell, upon lItl.c~ng a>>pllortJon fOr J't,wonl oJ "".poad.of ,n'..., ,.D4el' to tho City ~lneer a foe of t.n 4011Bra (.10.00) whlah f.. .ball be l'.turne4 to the appl100at 1t the permit 18 4ealed ant wblob fo. ahall be ooverea Into the .eaeral fUll' of the ~r'..ur.r of thllt 01\1 of Stwar4 1f tbe pe:rmtt 1. pant.,_ Xaob penU Il'ut." It:I. aooo,48I1.. wUb lhle "OUOD Bbell b. nU. 01111 tor 'he length of tla. ee' fo~th It:I. tbe peralt an. tbe ttD dollar feo -17- r-- -( abOT' ..n'ilonod abell eoytl' Qllly tn,' ~~I'tloular period, &n4 .u~b p.rl04 .bell not .~ooeA the '.r~ of tbe Jlt.l ~oUl~11 'ben in off1oe_ tao Qoa,...' G.-baa' Joll..tor abell b. ..leo\_4 ~1 \h' Ql'7 Uounall \Drouab uo.,.\lt1.. blae ..eh 7.sl'. ~be dur~\lou of \M eontol""'.' ..r...at. &u11 lie from ~el h' \0 t.p:rU 50tb ., \)Se au.....SJ.l;8 ".1'. Ai If,lf;.lJji i5l'J (i.YIl prior t(l tho (:;~n11J.g u~h of bUt 8n4 on.. uoh "O.K for three wefit.. the wit" l'-d.lfitneu IIh.n 8 he noUo. :t01" a .all for GarkS. CoaU'ut lU4. 1:11 pubUOaUIJD 1n . H..,.,.r of illlluerd drouht1l)n. j;\ "M fir,' niJ,ulU "I\lnl of tbe i,;a 1)" ~()unoll 1n tbe lnonth of 'cPI11 IGob llU, the ...14$4 b14" ehflU 'be pUbUcl1 opened _nd ucb bi. r..d eleu4. ~be Jltr Counoil mel 7ejeet ~n$ or ~11 bide, &01 .,. I'4IlJ"Ol & low bUlhl' in funr of . Menel' biodn if ."la.AM 1.0411,,*t.. tbat auoh Mllter bUd.1' wou14 h lllOrt..Uaf..t.. 01';1 t.hrougb reguh.J'1t7 of "1'1'100 or lIenlhl')' motho4. of eoUoaUou. 18m.41~'.11 upen II.I.otlon ~' the ~lti ~oun~11 of tn. au.....tuI b14dor tbG ~ltr vounol1 eb.l1 _nt.r into $0 ear..- aeot. Wfith \bh b1Uer for the rlmaTn1 of gel"." en4 l'C!ltuao 1n ..oor4llJlM wUh tbo pl'ovhio.M of tble ol'Unance. Tb. Contl'..tor 8ban 111'0 e 'boD4 p~,..bl. to tbe ..1't1 of ~.,w~~.1~ tbe au ot Ifwo !h.ou8$n4 10111\" t~t.OOO.oO). o<>n41thJl~t\'fo'i^tb. faUhful ,.rf01'llllnoe ot th. duUu 11\p6Ud 'bl tj)18 orUnanGe !1M tbe t.:rat of the agreement on'.ro. lnto ~l\h t.ho ~lt1 ~ounoll. No pereon Ilbdl :rUl.". OJ' (;J\)nn1 or Of HUH I .1' iHU"RU to be r,,"1i 01' OOB'V'Rd t',ny lel'MS. uJlon OJ' dong "111 j>UbUo ~tJ'O" 01' .U., 01' oUn.. pu'bUo "b08 in \he .. U~n iroy14.d. hO'fHtT.S, _., ,. p.oTblou of, 'M,. :aeoUo1'1 euU not 8"pl, U en, ,....on 1u tao .Qlo; of ,he ..a'7 wbo. .hall \:;e ...lgad 'b7 ,. ",1\1 1\;ngluen \e 'hll1lorlt o.f garlMtge l'alOnll 01' '0. aD1 p.non ,,1\h wholl the ..In, bee ent.I''' lnto. Qr .., bertl.f\ul' lI;tl,.r In,o.. It 00>>'1'&"\ o.J' 0,"--11\ for the uoUeot1ou. aM J'lImonl il.If SUMS., "I' to $01 -.,107.0 of iUlJh aon'l'!!l",or 01' 11...na.. during &I.tob 'Ullle re euob oon'.sot or niJ'G~n' aball b. 1n tor... ;)~il01l 40. ii~'b.!, al ~"J9'V~. ~h. .;u, ",u61nou lilli" ..kl Al.lch ni\1lfiiUone (Ill)noer'iiI'ii'j tel:lUmhl rno llOfnner o.f eolluUona ana :t~nlo'f8.1ft of 1:'1il!UU all uy be l'tHiulrerl to i'qj.qu~'.11 1fl!Z'T. ell p$l'8oaa la 'tbe ,:at, of ~.w.ri f1ut1 1M)' 'from time to Uu lUl.SUUI or d.GI".... tht nubttl" end, ~'l~Wler of oo.l1eot lone, find the Gllrbflge \Jon1noto.l' 01' ltc.rUt.. llhell pOl'tor. \he ,.... In no CftliO .hlll oo11e.tlon s.rvlc. be pel'mltte. 1... otten tn@G ouoe a ..ek. ;t;.Ji;J'lI::l1 46. ~ ,Ju ~9~t.~f~9~. I. O't.UIII'SO cud1 te oolhote4 frol\ ,.11 ooou"jl'iil"'j'ieiiIio. Ii \ n ..; By ~: :'.1' fll'Q for un 1.0<<18 nl14u.. 1n \ho ooUeoUon. rtltlOft:l "ndUepoflla1 of refu.. b1 the lluthorlu4 i}fll'bftS_ Jo11.e\er of IU'U ';11::.' ffU(\ for the IMp.IJUOI1 of pl'.,d... hI 'the ,;u.y lle~!,l tb Qfiloll.'l' or hift. u.utborlu4 :upuceeuh" 'U n. ~b. lIQn\b11 oharlee tire bt',llid on e flat :rate for lL:~1t.. ..n1.. and on en ..Ua".4 'Voluae of refuso foJ' bu.ir.... bQueee. hotel.. r..t$uzents. bal'8 end all otb.~~ be'flng lsr66 quanti'lo. ot rutuao or r.qulrll~ ~ddltlon~l ~Ql1e~tioDti per ...~. ~.il..'ea volume. .1'. b..ed on tbo ~'Vernge nu~bcr o.n~ ot ftitue. per 0011eo- \lon. at OUt ft. in 'Volume Ehell bEf v'JJU!\1thuu fH;ui,nhn' to the Tolume of on. oen. . -le- r I ,t ; ~h. O~~le8 e~11 be .. fol1o.e~ i!~~. .. ~5.00 fire' onA ... .a.oo..~ a4dl~loOAl 0.. 01' .QuI1'l"hn' ,... IIOS'.", oj! :tQe., ...tep!;pt'Jr 0.01)' .. (,1,00 pn ":lonth nat, for w.ate batt." de\l'la. ven'lata . ,1.0.0 per month fl~\. lioctofs .. 4;\1.6.0 pel" mout.h fla't. ~..tit a1~~l2l,\ .t.\.ce~ flat per ;uQnth AJ,lanMah {mon than to unltfl m;ying .. oo_oa $tlirb8&~ iUlf01 Ill' IJfl.ual .\i11.00 fht ute pf'Jr rr.ontb. tor .noh uun. l1ulil1nelll... ... ,<l.UO fbst. een... j;'.tiO eGoh ddtU:lu!ll or equ1Ydeni, per montb (100et.4 1n r..identl.! ere.l. DI!Ii-~.~~M G~jlMUff llUiT"Me... .. .; .' ~rlt Otl<.ll .. <:1.0.0 e!'ob 8441 \lond or tqul'V'dent. IeI' mQntb Cloo.t.' in r.&14.n\181 ~~..). nlt'l...."..J1J',506fie't~oQt 'Jus ne.... - ~' . J'e:t. 0$0 - tll,60 e80b e4dttlonel or .1<11.111'1I1.n'. per montb (loc~ted 1n rot16entlal ere.). i.rq pU'1ll011 or penon" t'ltU>re1ved "t tbe prb.a" e01 hdlon obarsea ..hbIbbfHi for eUl 1.n41v14\111 or gro\J~, aoU~Jtl\lll ,,,:m11 u.lte oompl81n' 1n "rUins in tbe ,at1 :c.ngUleu"t ofthe 'lil a ta~ provide.. 11.'ina lUob laformmtlon $8 ..1 be reQalr.4. ;;:0. \11t)7 uJ:\It..1' abeU tOg IIflJite . pb,do,l obeo.k of the votWlt of ntu.. 4.,o.-lt.4 ..tor oolleoUou to.r .,,>>roxwtlItely $50 de)'_, !W4 .$"hpr&'...hallbo ...v18a. h aones:pon4 WilD aU~D ph781011 iO!bao<< of_I.. at t1'14t e\oy. ubblbhd I'$t... ~.... oht.Z... end 1 be pa 1<:1 at the Bale Ud an. 1n t.be ..e ~anner .8 weter. .,W t.lepb~tUl \111$ nte J~i4. ~n<< ~11 tull' ~n4 J'eSUlI.lU9U8 eeve:rtllrig tbe ool1uUon of iieter 1114 telephone bllla ob_11 "ppl, 1u ."'(11')' parUcuhr 111 the nUeot.lol1 of 8'1'\8'. bl118, and del1nQueno)' 1a tbe oe'8 of on. \111 Ihall be a....4 del1nque.nca, 1n dl UUa. :f.l~;JnCJ "'1. O"':r~$~e 1l.~Oflf. i.ll Bub&ge S1flO other refuse re. mOTed from 9U1 pr.~I..b wI n the ;1t1, unle.. otberwl.. 41reate. b1 the Jltl ~ABln..r Iboll be taken to the ~lty Lump or _la.wbere .. air.oted \11 .~14 ~lt~ ~lpt.r. J.ll Barb.le AM othu l"'I!lfli$e .hell be d18poleu of ~,t the .; it,)' Oarlt... lJUlflp b:y r, !Pp 1 t ~ rr t 1111 t h. III h B h In b, pre ,1t"84 for r.~.ip' of the l'efu.. bt the Jitl, vn4 r.fuee d.'po~lt.d wl11 'e aovenCl with Ul'tb b~' tbe .i1tr. 'lht "'rll'hS41 ";on1iuctol' 804 tie.na... etell Dot eump -n1 refu". ~xcept ~t polnt8 pfev10ul1, Jll'flpen4 by thfj ':11:, 101' the ilepoan of refult and .hen follow prooedure. .~tftbl1~h.d 'by the ~1', ~Dl1n.8r. ,or the pre"l'1'ftlQp of the publIc bealth ~nd S8nere1 ..1- fere, it 111 her$b;v GUhrea to be \lnh,.;tul :for 8'111 pe:ff/on a~ther- In.g or I'tlmovin8 f1;l'I,:r\i!!ge ~n4 oth.:- utuee to d hpoee of \ be IHUla In~n7 Qtbe:r MIlner .,.oept 'by flp~old permit .. the ";111 .il.u81neel' theretofor b~4 end cb'~lne4. -19- ~ \' f UOl!OJ .th ;:.;J..tJilllJ.Af.lI of .'I'C~. "s'!ft'.. !io gr,r)&se. ub.. Qr debrte 8bA~a\e4. r~oVicr.n, dlapu.e4 ot in IUGb . m~nner ~n to b6 n86dl..elv Qftetl~1T. to en: ,er~on. p1.08, \ul1.. tn... v:l"4ud..~ \lX' j.):rQpertl. ii.eob ()olhfJtor, .Ubt!J' ClolltrectoJ' or l1Qen,SlU, ehen 11" . ...bhlo equipped wit h & rueona'bll U~ht 1J';,ntelnu h(l,. ... aulta)le ~.T.r ehell be pl'oYloe4 ont.l1 *Uoh vebl~lt6 to pro..o' tb_ w1n' fl1tr~tlo~ ot ~pht. or atbrIe, tnd 01.104sem.nt of oonteut~ br rQ~Q ~boete. no 4otleotor eh~ll b. l1e~n$e4 by tb. on" of z;le..Z'G Wlletil the CH;I.1.sp~nt 01 liueb {loll.ohS' 8iuiU eo.... pl1 wlth dl \h6 puMl@ Il~f.tl utU,hUene 01 the.:1i; oOfll'.'lemln. in...... ,1;.).1 venLul.. \U,C4 b1 tho ;;o11e 0tor e,b 11 h up' <)1..n. ..u PfI1n'.' f'.l1d 1n "POI l'ep[ 11'.:..bloh('; u.ud for gu'''.._ Ua- pot;a1 shdl be tl,tll'ou~hlV flUBbed lUld bZ'uehtd uch dAY. ~LO~HiII 49. .'.lil!f. .{,UJ" "1'(;011, fIrm. or oorpol'llt1On 'tloht. bg ~nl of the p:ro'll'h on.e of tb1f> orc111t';noe .bell upon co,nvloUoA tbu:,"ot 'be dtH".tl ,un '7 of e mhtleru&llun tn4 pu.nllbe4 \11 fl' Une ot not \0 non. HCM'J.OO or inpr1eonment not to .xo..4 30 hJ., or bj' bo,b. ;;;..iJ;j:ldl 60. ~!t ph'i ~r~lr!U!U..l. i.11 ol:diof!nun or )f\.,ih of Ordh.1(!noe~onf1 et 4lre*Ti~ ber. by rQpede'. i",,;,;;!Uo}i 61. ~. lJ:.bla or4iMDU ebdJ t. 11~ full toru \l;nc .":tf,ot fl'OIl fl.~r",,~ ,..flt.~;e In4 pubUot;tton u;JorHng to 18w. ltuatl4 b~1 th" ,,(u:,mon.. ~,u.ne 11 t 1.H1~ t ppJ'O Y~4 1>) \ ho ':"::$:; or 0 t tbe "U;; of );)eiUlr4, ..:.hflD, thh ~ UEl~ at ~'hlJq, 1$1.'. , ?.;~~".t.' ~ "~ t) /I 4-/ . . V,:~~~Lf"r~ Iii t!ta~~tt<. I i.Ug e ,I. .wlt:l U ,.'0 ;. t tJ of ;;Otidd, .l.!eeka 1u:f . Art< "G ~ . 1\1 Jlif -20- r A Ci,y with Modern School.J HO.s{1ilall C/t.-u,.ch,.1 and tdl Modn-tf. Urilili,s All Year Ice-Fre. Harbor So..'" TenMlIGl of fhe Got',",'""" Railroad Sotdll TnmifJol of th. K.fIGi Hi6hfA}(J7 Syst-. NtJrl"-., T'........aI of 'hi s .0ttl6 S''''fMlU~ LiM.I B.d TlrmilkJl of I1N W,d,,.. Mail ROtl" Oujfilti". P..., ,. F_.... HUM"6 'M F.W". G....."d. CITY of SEWARD GATEWAY TO INTERIOR ALASKA SBWARD, ALASKA Amendment O~dinance 192. SAction 2 Addition of the following to present ordinance: "Such permits shall be issued annuallY' from July 1st to June 30th. the fee to be $1.00. W~re the establishments are divided each division shall be issued a separate permit. Where any change of ownership or management a new permit shall be issued." " , I . , . MINING FARMING TRAPPING SPORT and COMMERCIAL FISHING r- ^~- ADDEND~ to Ordinance 192. Adopted from Anchorage Code Section 104 Venereal Diseases: 104.1 Any parson l<::nown or reasonably suspected of being a common prostituta or an inmate of a house of ill fame, or any man conRort- ing therein, shall be deemed a suspected venereal disease CRse. Any person reasonably suspected by the Health Officer of being infected with ~ny venereal dise9se who refuses to be exa~ined by a licensed physician appointed for the purpose shall be deemed to be infected, and the Health O~ficer is authorized to protect the public by the isolation or quarantine of such a parson. 104.2 No physician shall issue a certificate to any person stating such person is freo from any venereal disoase except after care- ful laboratory examination, and unless such physician shall first have satisfied himself that such certificate is not intended to be used for solicitation for sexual intercourse. 104.3 Records of the Department of Health, relating to cases of venereal diseases shall be absolutely confidential, except insofar as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the laws of the Oity or of the Territory of AlaskAo .r: Passed by the Common Council this 7th day of May, 19~. Attest ~ ~ 0..... *-1.... it, lerk; J27 1. t7~/{_o Vr -'