HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1949-193 Cln 01 SD;~iAl\l;, ALASU. 01'41.... 110.//':'" ~ ~J.2~.PAL yCU~:r f.9'l Jdi OlWINAN..:::. ~"O ';..IhJ,.!:, i... MUI:UJ12i>L IJOUh1 jOlt TRl:. ";1'l'1: or SPAhll. .L.A.;:;i""'. All< .l:'hOVL-i. 101\ IJU,; JU,iUs- .uICUO!l 0;' THE ~ln J.\AGISflU..TlI:. 1..11.; TJlE W:;nlOIiS or p.ooOLj)tm:r; T.lil.hEJI. .AJlJli OUfL1B1JG TIll:; JUliISJ;IJ7I01 '1'1lEl:U'6!. J.JIJj 'l'!lE iLlt.Cli: idll';b:.. 'lU o;oV1i'I ZiBALL Bll; B.t:L.Da.<., " '(,'.J' if,. i ; AUT1i01iI(.i1JlG BOtH CIVIL f.llI Cl'.IJ111U.L JUhlSlJIC'UON. a~. .PEALING l.LL o~m~h ohLIIiJrOES II JOI)'LICT &B~iia'H. AID l;i.t:.}?iJ.LIBG Oki.. INiJ''; l.>;S 10. IS I..IIi BO. 3' OJ' >:iJ.llI C ITf. Bl' n: OlWj.ID~ bl tbe .;U, of i)fl1.erG, ..18aA: Ifha' \1101'_ ab.tl be ..t.bl1eha' in ,he J1', of Seaard . IIWlblpal oourt wblob aJaeU be a oourt of 11m1 teA Jurl.Uolton. end .batl b. at,le' the aunl01pal oourt of the viiI ot ~.w8rC. h.reln- attor referred ..4 '.al8D8'e4 ae Tb. ~unl.1pal ~ouz" ani ~. ~url.- 410\10a of wbloh aball be e~rol..4 1D tta. menneI' hOl'olaaf'o:r pr.- .0Z'1'" for the ..14 oourt_ the Xua1G1p.l .Jourt ebdl bave 3'Url.UoUoD to ':r7 J1VIL ..0'1:101;) 8r181>>8 out of .ntraot. wbere ,be .mom" IATOIYed 1. Dot in uo.a. ot OD8 IWa4recl >>oU.r8 (iloo.OO) ,lu ooet. anll .ttorn.,'. f.... Unill ~rth.r ...ndoa, the ooat. of 'he entlre ao'loA 800~D8 to th. ou, 8hall be \be 8U 01 Ilye lIoUare (.6,00)& 'that the Cou,t ., all.. a .0su1ar ,:r.otlGins 11oe~.t .'torn., 'h. BU. 01 1If'oe. ~o11.r. (,16.oo) a. .,tomt{'. fe. 111 baDclling the .8M for 'be pl.atilf. u4 .., POI'm!' .. ....b e ...t the r.a80na'te oapenao of tbe PlaiAtlft or '.I.nOant. Tile oouaoU ., b7 ol'Unanoe ob8J1le 'be 8IIOUDt of .at. t. be tas.a 111 ell m.eed1na. 1D 'lb. lt1m1olpel Oourt. ~ fb. UuDiolpa1 Court aball have ~url.4iotioD of the follow ins ..OUOIUU A. 'or 'he r.ooyer7 of "DO' or 4""0. onl1 wb.. 'lb. ..ount a181118a 40ea DO" ..00.4 OM Bun4rea Donar. ($100.00). B. 'or '&be reoo,"r7 of _acitto per80Del proper'l,. .en tbe YatuB ot the propert7 01.1..4 and 'he '..gea tor tlae "\en UOD 40 not .s.... One lI\u14reO Dollar. ($100.00). O. '01' tbe I'eooverl of 8fl7 penalt, or forf.Uure, nether 81'ft11 b1 .,.'u,. 01' ar181n8 out of ooaino'\. no' Goe.Ung OD8 Buo.4recl 1I0Ual'a. 1). .Uao io gift ~gmea' wi \bout a.\1oa upon \he conte.don of the 4efen4ent for 8fl7 of tbe oa... .peolfl., In thia aeotlon, 8108P' for 8 ,.aal'll or forfeiture Impo.ed b1 .tatut.. 6. And for all othor CIV1L A~~IO. a%lalD& on oon\l'So\ DO' h.roiD o'horwl.. 8peo111.'. r. 10\bl.P& h.l'.ln w111 be oene\! 'u\.. '0 ye.' ~urlaUoUon 1n _. },(W1101pal (Jourt oa AoUone oonaorDing tho ,.. .taple U Uo '0 1'..1 'proper"" DOl' 110 tal.. imprisonment, 11bel. e1aa'ar, .Uolou. pzo..outlon, Gr~ln&l oonv~reetlon, eeuuo\lon upon. proml.1 'to marr1. aDI .U otJter .oUon. of aD .quUable ,.'Uff. or 1n a'alraU, o.ua... .. 1 .. , ".., .:;"'~."-l. r-- - --- - -- - ---- -1 ( ~) ~\lli. for ~ue8 ~he .MU1'1101pal Court ahell bave ~urisd1oUon of all Ga,.. arowlaS out ot taxes due when tbe rlalatltf 18 the vi" of 08wal'4 end the Joie:tendant Is a reddent hereof, perlll8nent or '_~oral'1, fol' tu.. due b)' ihem, to the Oity of ...ewe.rd .uoh a. Real il'OJut)' Iax18, R.reoaal ~rop.rt, 1axee, wale. Taxea, ~og Taxes, woln Operatta MaohlD1 Taxe8 am any otber type OJ/' kind of taxes or Hoenao8 not bere1a .peoifloall1 menUoaed, 1nolud1Dg 4eUnquent fln.a due W the UU,J of seward, penaltiee, forfeitures, debta, .ot1ons on oontraot8, 4.aeg8a, eto., 8nd tor tbe return of speolflo personal proper'll, a..umpsit, Indebitatus ~seump8It, and on all forme of .otlon not otherwla. forb1448a b,J the -leeka Uomplled Lawe, anaotate4 wben the amount Involftd does not exoeed the I!lUm of One Hundred J.ollare (fl00.00) esoluelve of eo.ts an4 axpen.ee of ault. ( 3) ARP.al~ to Unl'aa Statee Dlltrlot ~ourt A.?PEA1S may be tftk.en from any Judgment of the Munic1pal Oourt to 'he United ;)tatee ~18tr1 ot "ourt of the '.. h1r6 J.ih1e1on tn 'the eame !llfUlner 8. Al?Ji'EALS ue teken e.rXi perfeoted in the Juathe Court when 'the ermaunt 1n oontroversy B ~1 exo$ecU the eum of nft7 >>ollar8 ($50.001. end the prooedure ehall be the .ame ee AiPE.LS are taken from Ju4~ente of the Jueiloe of 1be Eeace In all 01vl1 Aotloaa. (4) ~al of COUl't The S~Lt of the oourt shell be the eeel of the City of Seward. ( b) Who Shall Be City Magl,trate Until thiB oril_noe 1s further amended, or the law 18 further ohenged on tbe me.tter, the Hunlolpel Judge shell be SP'" pointed b1 tbe ~lty "ol~o1l from 1ee.r to year, end e regular 110en..d aa4 praoUolns attorney Ihall be gIven l,referenoe 1n suoh ea ap- poln..at, If DO l10eneed and Jlraot1olng enorn8Y 1e avaUable for the poe1U.on, then 'the CIty \J1erk wl11 be the M.unlo1pal J.iaghirah .114 .erve as oiber duties of h1e offlee. ( 6) Oath - ~ba Judge of the 1~lo1pal ~ouri shall take en oath edmlalBtared by tbe Me~or that he will abide by tbe vonatltutlon ani.'! the La.1 of tbl9 United States, I'nd the LeWl' ot tbe ~er:r1torl of Ale8k.1 that be ehall make hie deoisions unb1ased ~nd .1tbout favor or :pre ~(Uoe, end shall _.lte b1s Cleo1elone upon tb e 18w aDd evldenoe end a. tbe rule a of good 1e gel e Quit,. requIre. 'i.be Judse of the Court wIll Dot have a olerk but ahall keep 8 civ!l docket and entor all of the prooee<11Dge 1n sald book for f' permanent reoord. (T) paUUf The Ubief of ~olloe, or eny polioe Officer. ehell serve aa BAILIFF of tbe ceun, end Ie hereb, required to Barve ell SWIlIlOD.8, Exeoutlone and ?rooeaeee eutbol'lzed, and to keep order in tbe ~ourt room during the tlme oourt 18 in 8e8810n. ( 8) PleadlJ1P 10 tormel pleadl11gs on the part of either the plaintiff or 4efendent shell 'be requ1rad In the !,funlclpe1 \lourt. ;. oomblned Summone end ~omp181nt 1s hereb1 authorlz~d '~lob sete forth 8 legel Summons, end a statement of the oleim the plalatlff rel1e. upon, WhIob must set forth a good aause of aotlon. - 2 ... 1--- ~ --- (9) lJe.,..." If tbe plalntiff'. oomplnlnt does not eet forth 8 good 08use of aotlon or one ..'tiag fortb insufficient fecte to ooa- 8iUute legal grounCl8 for hagment, f.l Di:MU1UiIai me, be fUea b, the defeauant, an4 a hearing beld ther.oa, sad if tbe Munioipal Judge finds that a legal Gause of aotion hail not beea made b, the plaintiff'. pleadiDgs, he may su.tain tbe ~~UliBER 8at 41a- mh. tbe O.lIfh (10) RUle, of .ProoedUl'e All of the rules of Fraot1ce and iroooc1ure made for the courts of tbe Juetiee of tbe pe.oe ebell eppl, to the Muniolpal ~our' of the Jlty of ~ew8rd. Xhe Munioipal ~ourt eball bave Jurl.- 410tlon aTor all AotioDl e. are oogalz8blo in the OOUl'tl of tbe Juetiee of tbe ree.e, exoept in tbat the Munioipal Court ahell onl1 have jur1edloUon 1n CIVIL J4A~~ERS in tbe emoun:t of one HUDdre4 >>ollars (~IOO.OO) end OOBta, and in all oaeee brought befol'e tbe Muniolpal Court not within It. ~ri8diotion, or not eetting forth a good OBUBe of aotlon m81 be demul'red to. and tbe ..murrer mBl be Buetalned b, the lNnlo1pal Maglstrate end the 0888 diem18B.4. f 11) SU_QDf!I A.SUHMONS In the Mun101pa1 wourt aball be in substantiall)' tbe 8ame form a8 a ::tUli1iOJl8 ill tbe oourta of the Juetlce of the r.aoe. and the Chl.f of pollo., or all)' polloe affian, shall .ern the ...' 1n the 8ame manner a8 ~ummOD8 are served bl the United ~t.te. KaI'Bhall 1n the aourts of the Juetioe of the ieaol. Bowever, aervioe mal be ma4e bf &n1 dlelntereeted altlzen of the Un1ted ~t.t.. over tbo 8S' of iweail-one reare, who 18 competent to be a wlta'8e 1n the Ao\ioa other thea a plaintiff, eDd when 80 made. the retUl'ae4 shall be b)' an affidavlt endoreed iherloa on the back of tbe SUKlO>>S. B. fhe SU1~OH~ eball be issued end signed b, the Munioipal lasletrate at a time end plaoe named thereon not 18.8 thea e1&, nor more than t..ntl 4818. from tho date of .erTlee thereof, and I'equlre an auw.r to tho Oomplaint of lhe plaintiff or Judgment for .aat tbol'eof wtl1 be taken a8ftin.t the aefendan'. (12 ) !rerra of C01:l,J''\ ~bere ehell be no et8te~ term of oourt. The Maglstrate ahell let tbe dat~ for trial _hen he eigne tbe wumaone. (13) frlale All trials Bhell be tried bl the Court witbout 8 Ju1'1. and ao ~ur1 8ha11 be 8uthorlze4 1n the Muniolpal ~ourt. A Subpoeaa IUl1 be lawod bl lbe lfunio1pal Magietrete to 8D,J wUa... residing .1'\b1n lbe Jitl of Seward. A b~bpoene rae, be iaBued to anl pereoa outside of the ~1~ of ~ew8r4 If the 28id non-reeident witnee8 oon- ..ate to give testimony thereof. Lll wltnes.ee ehall reot1ve tbe aum of One ~ollar (.1.00) to be texe4 as 008te. All forma of 80Uon authorheClto be tried 1n the oourt of the Juatt.. of the i:ea08 .lD8J b6 tried 1n the i>lun101pel vourt In the .a tl of ..ew81'4 wben the _ouat 1n-v01Ted G08e no 1; .xoeed the wm of One Hun4red Lrollal'8 (flOO.OO) pluB ooata. (14) OonUnuanoe A OOH~lNUAHO~ tOI' 800d aad suffioleat oaua. --, be allowea by the Kun1Qlpal Jourt to .i1ber the plaintiff 01' defendant whea - 3 - _'-C"",.",..,.,.,._~...,...~_.-_...,.~ --,-.---,.,-.~~~ pre.en,.a b1 en affidavit eettl1~ forth e good Ileo.seerr exouae 'lbe re for. f 15) ....b~"e of Venue ibe Munlolpsl U8gletrete me; penn!t e ibenge of Venue to be t~en from hle aour1 to tbe United states vommleeioner'e ~ourt of tbo ~11J of ~eward. or to ~n, other Jommlssloner'a ~our" wben ~n aff14avU 16 dgnvd aet't!ni3 forth tbet tit. tiuniolpal M.glatrate 18 preJudloe4 aga1nat him or hie oHent, aetting fOl'th the detaU. of 8a14 gl'OWlOe, !'lUG paying the ooats of the United .;>t:atee ~Omm18t\llone:r' 8 Oourt. (16) ~x.ou'lona ~he &Judgment of the lunldpe1 ~OU1"t shall be enfol'oell In tbe l5amemal.Uler 88 ,provlded by ls. for the enforoing of .lud{Jllents ln tho "ourh 01' t~ Jue't106 yf the ;"6&oe. Tbe KIi,I';~Un'JH shell be a4dreee"d to the Jh1ef of ,i)oUeo, or to 9n~ poltoe off1ou of the Cl~7 of ~.w.rd, aDd a leVJ made thereon, 9n~ n11 other rroceedlnss 'hel'eundor being tbe same ao in the Gourts of the Ju.tloe of the ~eao.. A levy m81 be mace under~l~uU~ION against 811 personal property owned bJ tbe Juagmeat .....btor within tbe oorporate 11mi ,. ot the Jli1 of ~e.ard. bu\ said bA~~U~101 ahel1 aot be leY1ed upon real ..tate wltbin tbe oorpora\o 11m1'e of tbe ~l\J of ~.ward. (1'1) i;l.u1i - J. CIVIL ACTION mal 'be brou{;ht in tbe L!unlo1pel ~OUl't 1n tbe Jliy of ~6ward against: eny r6fldent tbereot ow1ng to tbe U1\y an, taxe.. 01 ther real estate tuee or l,erel)n!!ll property h:xes, or 8117 other taxes for Hoenee or otbeX"dEle mouey due from en In41 Y1dual to the J1i, ot ~eward. an4 a Ju.~ent may be enterea thereon, and an ElteouUon iesue4, and 8 .Lev, lIl.ule by the .ihie f of r "Uoe. or eny other pol10e offloer, end 8 lotloe of ~.le thereon gtvea, end a 881e of 811 personal p%'opert)7 belonging to the Judsment ....ebtor ma~ be ..4e on tbe ea1d ~eeut1ou thereof to Battefy the said JUd gIDt'nt thereon in 8ooordanoEl ~1th the preot1 06 end procedure in tbe oourte of the Juetioe of tbe ~eeoe. (8) SavlAA CleuBe If any partloa of thls Ordlnanoe 18 found to be Invel1d or laopel'atlve beoause of 111ege11\1, the invelid!ty of Anyone aeQUon of th1a OI'd1uel1oe ebsll not render the remelnlng portions of aald Ordinanoe lnval1d. Tbe publication of tbis Ordlnanoe Bb~ll be -.4e 01 pOlting e oopy thereof on the Bulletin Board of the ~lt:r Hell for ten (10) 4~8. C~Ijg~L JOhl~~;O~~ BE u: .l!Ul\~llEi\ OrJ.iAIJU..Li 01 the ';;U;V of Beward. t.la8Jta: Seotlon 1. ihe Kunlclpal Yagl.tr~te aball bold oourt on all oa,. of the year. except sun4e,r and legal bollde,s, when th~r. la 8l1J aualn.ae to be treu660ted In the ~unlelp8l Jourt. i:18ot1on 2. ':l:be ilourt sbell bave Ju:r1sdlot1on over all ..... of Ylo1atlon of oralnano.. of the 01t7 of ~e.ar4. ano In add1tlon thereto, exerolee It.i'ed juriediction in ell other orim1nal and qua.i-oriminal, ml.d.....aol'a es i\hown in A.e.L.A., wb.n tb. f1.nee 40 Dot e:xoeeel tho sum of ene Hun4 red lx>l1are. 01' t.b 11''' dq. in JaU. .. 4 .. r--- Sectlon 5. Ihe atyl. ana tltle of the Uourt ehell be "Tho .lIl.un101pal lIourt of the wlt1 Of ".waro, ",lash," and all ;trUe Ena ~rooeI8.e Of the ~ourt aha11 run 1n the name of the wit, of Soward, J.leem. and be direoted to the Jh18f of .011oe, or aI17 poll.. ofUau ot the ...Uy of ;;....ard. al1i.1 I:>he11 be signed b1 the 1~un101pa1 lIag1etrate. aad eealed with the ~e.l of the k:unlolpal ";ourt. 3001:1on 4. 'J:he .;h1ef of "01108 ebell be tbe ex..outtve offloer of \ho ~:unlolpel ~ourt, and be, or eny polloe off10.r, of tbe OUy of ;;i.ward, 8hell ..rve end exeoute. when requ1re4. eU ,irlb, .Prooesses, \lar1'1U'lts and other Cl8 ttere 1e suet by the l.:unlo lpal Mag1et:ra'. S80t10a 6. lh. tris1 of ~11 o&uees in the ~unlolpal Jourt shell be by the. ..ourt, 8lUing wi thout 8 Jury, end in t':1l other re- 8peots tbe mode of prooedure ShBll be the ssme as In the court of ~he United Jia1ea Jomm1~Bioner, ex-offlcio ~u8tlce of the peaoe in aad for the ftirrl\ol'1 of Alasta. Seotlon 6. In eaoh ease the Mag1etl'ate ehall aaseee as oosts, Buab fe.a 88 are allowed Oommle.ioaers 88 ex-offlolo JUBtloes of the peaoe ana United ~tates ~eput~ Marshale a. ex-offlolo Gonetablee. unless otherwlseprov1c1ed for by ordlnanoe. ~eot1on 7. ;..oy perf/OIl erreflted under this ordinanoe ., be releast>Q upon the posting of an .ia.j>pefU'auoe Bond in not to .~oe.d the sum of One Hundrtid Dollars (~100.~O), unless the arl'68t 18 for a mlademeanor or faloni'. reQu1rlub the binding over to tbe Grand Jur" in wniuh event the l,ont.i flla) h maiJe iLl. P:rOIlO1:'t1on to the iiienr1t)' of the crime aharg~4. ~eotlon 8. A~~e61~ are ta~en ia ~rlmlnal ~aBGe to the UnUed states .lJle\l'lot "ourt ln the ~e.me manner as Io.pp.a18 are iLk.n 1n Jh11 Aot1on from the Unlied ~tai.a ~omml.done:r aat1ns a. ex-offiolo Juet1ce of the pesoe, and th~ rule; of the prooeuu:re end the prellm1nar, requirements aball be the eame. Scot1on~. ~h. ~unlolp~l ~ttorney shall be tbe lesal ad- viser of the \:oulloll Bnd other otf1\llsh of the .;it, In referenoe to their oftlo1al Quties. and he ehall repreBent the 01~ a8 attorne, in all vlv11 and ';rlm1n&l proceedlns in whiob the ~lty Ie lnterestea. Seotion 10. ~. ~he parten arrested must In 611 oa..8 be taken be:!ol'e tho magistrate without w:onco~ee81'J' deley, end 1n 8111 eveut w1 thin 'twenty-four houre after bh anast, e)'.olud1ns ~nc'la1 and hoUd~B. !l:h1e requirement shall apply to lIlUu1Glp81 poUoe of:Uoere an4 olt~ magl.trate8 to tbe same extent ae it doe8 to marsbel., aeput, marshale aad other '11'1'1\01'101 law-enforcement officers la taklas prleonere before terrltorlel magl.tretee. B. After an arrest, anr attorne1 et law en- t1tled to praot1oe 1n the courts of Aleeke may, at the reque.t of tbo prIsoner, Of any relative or frlend of cuob prleoner, visit the pereon 80 arrestall, ana 1t ebell be unlawful for any offioer having oueto., of a persoa DO errea~ed to wl11ully refuea or negl~Qt to allow euoh attorne~ to vl~lt such yereon without delay. c. An; violation hereof aball be d..me4 to be a m1edemeanor, sod upoa oonvlction of the offender, be ahal! be punished 01 a fine of not mor~ tban one hundred ~ollal'B (wl00.00) o:r Impl'18o~at for not more than tblrt)' 4e,B. or 01 both suoh tlae aDd Inprlsonment. Ia add1tion to sucb ol'1mI~l l1abl11t)', an1 offloer baving a pr18on.r In cauetody who refueee to 8110w an a Uorne, to v1e1t tbe pr1eoner when proper applioation te maOe therefor, shan fodeU - I) - r---- an4 po" to the ~rtJ fls;grlewd tbe eUfJl of BYe Hundr" "0118re (~600.00) reoove1'8ble 1n aft1 court of oomp.'.nt 3urledlotlon. ~eo\lon 11. .11 or41meoo.. aD4 part. ot OI'.lft..... 1aooB- aSatea' her.with 81'8 be:reb, rep..le6. lbl, orolBaaoe partloularl, repeale ell of Ora1Dan.. Number 3. ..tabl1Ihlas ~unlo1pal ~ourt, aD4 OrUMMO No. 37. .8-.bUs hine 4'Unlo1pel ..our t.. Thie Ord1nanoe ebal1 \e&e effect end b~ in full foro. en4 etf.ot from and uft,r the Oate of 1ta pae.age anA approval. ill8..tt under 8uepenalon 01' tbe ,bu1ea a)lli approved '01 thl OotlDon ";OUll01l of the --U, of ....".I'd tb1a 2---J.~ ael ot May, 1~4>>. Attellt - (. -