HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1912-007 I I I ! , - I: 1 :~7 ..! l _. .-- --.. -..---... .. .- -, -~RDINAN~;- ;0 ~'rPac: ;.d AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR JrIRE PROTECTION. AND A FIRE DEPARTiJENT, AND TO ESTABLISH FIRE LIMITS WITHIN THE TOWN OF SEWARD,ALASKA1AND fOR OTHER PURPOSES. The Town of Seward. Alaska. by its Common Counc1l, does or- iain as follows: Y~vvvt ~i Section 1. A fire department is hereby established in and for the Town of Seward,Alaska,to be known as the "Seward Volunteer Fire Department".and shall consist of fifteen or less members,and all the hose,hook and latder.bucket,engine.~ and cart appliances and apparatus pertaininc to the fire department,or that may here- after be had or organize.,and shall have a Chief of the Fire De- partment who shall be chosen by the Common Council from among the members of the Fire Department,upon the nomination and recommend- ation of the members thereof. - The CAief of the Fire Department 8hall be ex-officio Fire Warden of the Town of Sewar.,Alaska. Members of the Fire ~epartment who shall answer to,roll call in ~~i~e hall after the extinguishment of any fir..or on return lrrom any~all.8hall be entitle. to and ~hall receiTe from the General Fund of the town, the sum of one tollar. Section 2. The Chief of the Fire Departme~t shall have control. care and management of all the apparatus ar~ other property per- taininc to such department.and shall direct the drill.aiscipline and conduct of the fire company,or comp~d handle and co- mmand the same in the extinguishment of fires nd !hall perform such other duties as the Common Council, y inance,or other- wise,may provide. / " Section. I. The Fire Warden shall perform such duties as the Comm- on Council may prescribe,but it shall be especially be aie duty to examine into the const~ction and condition of chimneys,fireplaces hearths,stoves.stovepipes,flues,ovens,smokestacks,boilere and all other apparatus used in and about any buildinC,having to do with fire.and cause the eame to be removed or placed in a secure ani , safe condition when deemed by him to be dangerous,and to )revent the deposit of ashes in unsafe places, and to do everythihg to pre- vent destruction by fire; and. he may at any time enter into ani open any house,store-house,or any other building or .nclolUre,fo~ the purpose of inspectinK the same with a view to guari a~inst tire.or to execute the provisions of this ordinance. Any person or persons who interfere in any manner wi th the fire tepartment,' or any member thereof.in the performance of its or h1e duty,or any person,or persons,who shall interfere with any tools,hose, . carte,engines,or apparatus,or machinery of the Fire Department, Shall be guilty of a miedemeanor. Any and all members of the Fir~ Depa~tment are hereby constituted and made ex-offieio police of- 'ficerspwhlle in the performance e>>f their iutles.in the extineuish,' ment.or attempt to extinguish,any fir_,and are hereby authorized and. empowered to arrest any plrson.or persons,for any interfer- ence as in this Qrdinance provided. Bection 4. No person shall wilfUlly or negligently 1njure or dam- ace an~ hoee-cart,hose,or apparatus of any kind,oeloncinl to the lire Department. No person shall use or draw water fro. the water mains of the Town,directly or indirectly from the time an alarm of fire is civen until it 18 extinguished,except for necessary parposes.but tni8 pro~10n liols not include firemen on duty. Nor shall Any person haul,drive.or cause any wagon or other vehic, le or tning to be driven or hauled over,on.or upon any fire hose, or otber appara.~8,in use at any fire. , ~-",-.,.~~,~ r' 13g , ;;;-"L:--::=--==-: ~~. :..::..:, _.:'_:-':::::'" ORDINk'!CE NO.____ page 2. Section 5. No person.or persons.~hall erect any stovepipes,for contuctinE smoke,nearer to any boar. forming a partition.or part thereof.or nearer to any canvas wall.or partition,other than a partition of brick or stone. than fourteen inches. Nor shall any grate or heating stove be placea nearer to any board forming a partition.or part thereof,or nearer to any canvas wall.or par- tieion,other than a partition of brich or stone. than fou~teen inches. -, Section 6. All stovepipes hereafter erected within the Tow. of Seward,of whatsoever kind. shall not exceed twenty-four gua,e. Ivery partition.or part thereof.of wood,canvas,or other co~- bustible material,ant every ceilinc.floor,or partition,through which any stovepipe for conducting smoke may pass,shall b~ pro- tected by tin,zinc or iron tube,or plate,extending arouna sait stovepipe at the 'lace in said partition,ceiling,or floor,throu,h which sai. stovepipe passes; Stovepipes six inches in 4iameter shall be guartet by twelve inch tUDes or plates w1th three inch air space; Stovepipes seven inches in diameter shall be guartet by fourteen inch tubes or ~ plates with four inch airspace; and every such tin,zinc,or iron tUbe,or plate,shall extend through the partition,ceilinC,or floor.which it is intended to protect, and shall overlap the partition.ceilinc,or floor,on each site at least one inch,to which it shall be securely fastenei. , And hereafter any buil'in. or structure b.ilt or erect~~ . ~~ wi thin the firej 1 i 9f e Town of e~r.., shall ~ brick, , " . cement ,or stone !hf:i,1f.&;~~ conductIn; the smoke thrOUghanytr;,~' -' " ~t',i ceiling or roof ,ant1h~ use of any stovepipe or other metal11c;, '~~., smoke conductor is hereby expressly prohibited for the purpose of ~ conducting smoke through any ceiling or roof in any buil..inC here~' after built or erected within the said fire limits. Section 7. In all buildings where the floors are of wood,such floors shall be prot~cted from the heat of any etQVe,gEate or fireplace by a sheet of tin,zinc or iron,or by brlck or stone, covering the floor or woodwork where any such stove,grate or fire- place stands,and extending out from such 8tove,gr~te,or fire- place.a distance of at least six inches on all siies. 3very stovepipe,chimney or flue that passes through any roof shall De carried perpendicularly a distance of not less than four feet from such roof and shall be aecutely fastened wim wire,or other safe means of support. The extreme end of any s~vepipe,chimney, or flue,must be at leaat four feet above and distant from any surrounding roof or buil..inC. Section 8. No person,or persons,9hall place hot Calls or ashes i~ any combustible receptacle; nor put any receptacle for ashes wit:'- in five feet of any bUilding.unless the same is secltely coverea, nor shall any fire be built in any build.ing except ~he same is cQnfined within a suitable st~ve or other safe rece~tacle. t It shall be the duty of every person to tike every reasonable precaution to prevent fire. It shall be tle tiuty of every person before leaving any fire in any etove,or ~ther re- ceptacle,as in this ordinance provided,to see that the same is not liable to become dangerous,and such person before leaving an, house,or retiring for the night or day,in any house,w~ch then has a stove or other receptacle containing fire,or liVe coals, shall observe that the draughts are properly arranged on, eaid stove or receptacle.and the fLee au live coals therein so 1:)anked. and attended to as not to cause danger of fire. " Section 9. The fire limits of the Town of Sewara.AIQcxa,are here- by declared to be as follows,to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of Fifth Avenu~ with the waters of Resurrection Bay at low tite,and. thence running northerly along the west li~e of sai.. Fifth Ave- ,I nue to its interseoti~n with the south line of Jefferson street; \ ' ~ \'!' I, f , .' I~ , \ \, iN. c/ ri' r ;\( 1<-,\...1 \.: \. t ~ 141 ORDINANCE Iio.r Pac~ 3. thenee west alone the louth line of Jefferson street to i te inte1",-i section with the east line of Thir4 Avenue; thence south al~ne t~ eaet line or Thirt Avenue to its intersection with the waters er Resurrection B~ at low tite; thence east alone the meanter line of the shore or Resurrection B~ at low tite,to the place of De- ginninc. X Section 10. No buil.ine ehall be lined with cloth or paper,.r ioth,within the fire li.its of the Town of Sewart,except the cleta or paper be placet on a soli. partition or si.ine,or ceiline,or upo. a Brick or plasteret wall or ceiline. Section 11. No person shall place or cause to be placet within th' fire limits of the Town of Sewart,any h~,straw,shavinle,or other combuetible material or materiale,or allow any euch to accumulate unlese the same is securely ant safely enclose. ana in a permanen builtine or structure. , " Section 12. No person,or persoDe,ehall make,keep or etore within the fire limits of the 70wn of Bewart.any explosiTes or combusti- ble materials,exceptinc in such quantities and unaer such restric ions as are allowaile by the various fire insurance coapanies, unaer their rules,in issuine their p$licies to the insuret,ant exceptine unter such restricti.ns as the Common Council may law- fully from time to time.by oriinance,or othorwiee,require or i.- P'!~) No person,or pereons,shall Darter".oll,oxchan,e,or CiTO . away,or ehall eet off,fire,or oxplote,or caueo to be eet off, firet,or explotet,any firecracker,sky rocket,pin wheel,fusee, Roman cantle,boao,or any pyrotechnieal contriTano',or any appara- ~ tus of any ..scription,within the corporate limite of the Town of Sewart. .... '~ \ "' Section 13. The fluee or chianeye for contuctin, amoke in all Duiltinee or other etructures,within the fire limite of the Town of Sewart,shall be conetructet of hart brick.or stone,or cement, or safety fluee with at Ieaet three inches of air epac.,ant,eave in the latter caee,ehall have walle not less than two ana one- ,half inches thiok,ana shall be well plasterea insite. Allohi.. neye in builtinee or other structures, that are not built upon '). Ireunt ehall be eupporte. by loot ant subetantial post. or tim, " bere from the f~untation. No ohimney shall rest on brackete,e~, cept sait chimney 115 leu than eichteen feet in lencU,ana the sait brackets,when ueet,must be well ant subetantially built. Ant no etovepipe or other metallic smoke conductor ehall enter any flue or chimney at a point nearer th~ eichteen in4hes fro. any ceilinl,floor or roof. And in all,caeee where a etovepipe 0 ,ether aetallic conductor,now or hereafter in uee or eXietenco, passes through a partition of wo04.or other combuetible material in attition to the requ1remente of Section 6 abeT_,it mall .e 'Iuart,t by a band of brick,stone,cement,or earthenware,not le.~ 'than two inches thiek,orby a touble metal thimble with a~r ch~bore.not less than three inohee thick in the caeo of a *1% inch pipe,ani not lese than four inches thick in the case of a ~ev.n inch pipe,perforatet in such manner ae to allow the flee paesaco of aD oolt air. The u.e of all etovepipes or other m3-' tallic amoke conductors,or terra cotta flues. for the purpose 0" contuetine smoke through any ceilinc,root or floor,of any buil.- ine or itructure within the fire 11mite of the Town of Sewart,..t- cept ae in thie orainanee provU:ecl.is hereby expressly prohibit.~d.. ant the uee of any stovepipes or other metallic poke oontuctor' or terra cotta flues, for the purpose of oonductinl amoke thr.u~ iany c.ilinc,floor or roof,in any builiinl or other structu~e Y1a~- in eait fire 11mi h~contrary to the proviie1one of thie ordnancj. is hereby teclaret .. nuleance. " i Section 14. No electrical converter or transformer shall hore~~e~ 'be permitted. to be placed within or u~on 'any buillinC with~n -tl'~ fire limite of the sa1. Town; of Sewar.. ' , 143 _._,,:====~~.:- .-.=-- -::::::='::. - ----.-..------.--.-- ._- ___~ _. _____.___ _r _ W ,_. ORDINANCE NO.-.:1- Page 4. ,..t~...t.y-~.-WWy.YW*.....t........~~.....-*+~T.-~....t..~ section l5. The Fire War.en is hereby .equire. te enforce the pro- visions of thi$ ortinance,and to make and file complaints ~efore the Uunicipal ",la&istrate of' said r.'own for any violation thereof. Section. 16. ~ person.or persons. violating any of the provi- sions of this orainance.5hall be guilty of a misdeamenor.and upon conviation thereof shall be punishe. ~y a fine not to exce.. fifty (ollars or by imrtiso~ent in the town jail not to exceei ten .aye or both,and be aijut,e. to pay the cost of abating any nuisance previiet for in this oriinance. 'Ihis oriinanee eht.ll take effect ana ~e in full force and effeat trem ant after yhe tate of its passag, ana approval. e Common Council of the Town .1912. iay of ATTEST thiB-L:J ~ ~ ~_~~mmon a.uncil antI (} (h., I.P/' ex-officio ~:ayol' of the Town of ~ Seward,Alaeka. 71 /l'l.. /", ' ,.; f'. WI , ,I: I ~ .., / ' " /"" l) 'c,O ~~~ -- , ;'::1 ..~, .. , ..1-'{.J :.:..'" ",,- A! - " x , ~ ~..l .... 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