HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1913-012 r l7r5 ORDINANCE # 12 AN OBDINANCl;; PROVIDING FOH THE REGISTRA'l'ION \. OF VOTl<~RS IN THE TOWN OF Sl1:V/ARD, SEWARD, ALASKA. THE 'l'OWN OF SEWARD, SE.vARD, ALASKA, BY ITS COBJ,40N COUNCIL, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: VO'rjmS TO REGISTER. Section I. All voters of the Town of Seward, Seward, Alaska, for mem'Hers of the Common Council shall be re"J,stered by the Town Clerk of said Towa at lea*t once each year as in this ordinaaoe provided, and said Town Clerk shall be ex-officao recistration officer. TOWN CLERK TO PROCURE POLL BOOK. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the said Town Clerk to procure a poll book for the registration of the Toters for members of the Common Council of the s_it Town of Seward, Seward, Alaska. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION, ETC. nee. 3. Said pollbook shall at all times be kept 1n the off1ce of ~he said Town Clark. The said Town Clark shall des1cnate by a Rotie. tLe time and ~ola.ce where said registratioa or poll book shall be open for the registration of voters for members of the Co~non Council of said town. Said notice must be published in a news paper of general circulatioR, published in the Town of S.wart Se.ard, Alaska, for the period of once a week for four... sucoes- sive weeks next prece,dine the first Monday of April of Each year, and it ~lall be the duty of said Town Clerk to cause such notice to be so published. 'NHEN REGISTRATION TO B.l'~GIN, ETC. Sec. 4. 'rhe said Town Clerk Shall duly register all qual- ified persons applyin~ for registration. The said poll book, provid- ed for in this ordinaRce, shall be open for the purpose of such regi stration from the first Mond.ay 011 March of each year to the las t Satured.ay prior to the general municipal election during which time all Toters for members of the Common Council who apply and qualify must be registered. DUTY OF VOT~RS. ETC. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty ilf all voters for members of the Common Council of said town after the opening of the poll book, as in this ordinance proTided, to apply to the said Town Cler k and be registered in said book at such time, or times, as such book shall be open for that purpose, and such register,when made, shall entitle the person so registered to vote for members of the Common Council, if not otherwise disqualified.. If such persons are other- wis. legally qualified and have caused themselves to be so regist- ered, as in this ordinance provided, such registration shall be prima facie eTidenee of the ri&ht of such person to vote at any municipal election for m~:mbers of the Common Council held in !!laid town subsequent to such registration, during the year. '.'fRAT POOL BOOK TO CONTAIN, ETC. Sec. 6. The said pool book or registration book aforesaid shall be so arranged as to admit of the alphabetical classification of the names of the voters, and ruled in parallel colwDns with app- ropriate heads as follows Name. Date of Registration. Occupatio.. Place of Birth. Time of residence in District and Town, and, if of foreiean the name and place of the court and the date of granting the first or the final papere (ae the case lJ&y be). A column for signature t7'7 A column for remarks. A column for ckeeking the name of the voter at the time of voting Under the head "Place of Residence" eha11 be noted the number of lot and block or number and street where applicant resides or some other definite description sufficient to locate the residence and the voter so reiistered. The Toter shall sign his name on the registration book in the column for signatures. If he ehall be in- capable of writin~ his awn. he shall make hie mark in said column in tne presence of eome pereon who pereonally knows said voter, and who is known to the regietration officer, and who ie capable of writing his own nam., which said pereon shall sign his own name as a witness to the said signature by mark. directly opposite or near the .ame. It may be done in this form: Hie John X JOB.S ~itne8e to 8ig~ature Mark James Roe_ HOW PERSONS SHALL APPLY, JtTC. Sec. 7. No person shall be registered unless he appears in person before the sai. Town Clerk as such registration officer, at hie office where the reci8tratio. book is open for recietration purposes, during office hours, and applies to be recistered and cive. all necessary facts about himself, sufficient to enable the re.ietration officer to fill in such data as is proTided for in the re,ietrat1on book. If any person has been naturalized, ar has de- clared hi. iateatioR to become a citizen of the United Statee, in the manner by law p.ov1ded, he shall furnish satisfactory evidence to such registration officer of theee facts and in addition there- to he shall take and subscribe to the following oath: Territory of Ala.kat Town of Seward SS Seward, Alaska I..................... do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am over twenty-on~ years of ace, that I am a naturalized citizen of the United State., or have declared my intention to become euch in the manner provided by law, that I have been an actual and bona fide resident of the Territory of Alaaka for oae year last past and of the Town of Seward, Seward, Alaska, for six months last past, and that I have not lost any of my civi right. by being convicted of an infamous crime. ...... ... J-'" S1 cna t ure. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subscribed and sW~rn to before me this.. ". day of......,...19... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toy. Clerk of the town of Seward, Sewarq, Alaska. and ex-officio recietzation officer. The said Town Clelk shall haTe po~_r to administer the eaid oath. "he said affidaTi'.e shall be bound in book form oy the saicl. reiiatrtion officer and ~re8erTer with the recorda of hie office, WHEN NO PERSONS ALLOWED "0 VOTE, ETC. s.c. 8. No peraon shall be entitled ~ yote at any mu~_ icipal election for membere of the 6oIW'lon Council of the said TO-III who has Rot reeistered according to the proTisions ~~ this ord1R- ance. The regietration provided for in this ordinance, nowever, shall not b. conclusive evidence of the r1cht of aJ:lY pert.l)n to so Tote, but euch person at the poll., may be challenced and l~quired to .etablieh his right to vote. r 1\ ,'70 ~ ~., ~"\.;.,~'j., CL..i'~;. ~":,'., .\i)Hna,:':' , "--P' . :t \,,/ ~ 10. t 1 ~ . ; . " 'I~" ,~J i L> .. ~)t'lC. 9. ','lu= 13"d(.i, ':own ;';lerk af> ex-officio I'e~,istration officer is hereby empowered to administer all neceS<:iary oaths in examining an applicant for registration. or any witnel!ll'l he may offer in his behalf, in order to a~certain hi8 ri~ht to La reiiet- lIlred un'er this orkdinance. and it shall be tl:t>: duty ot' "jaid regie- tr...tion officer to exaliline. uoti..u. oath. any lJ.;.plicHn t for re~i et- atiOn'>.'h()61! rii.:;};t to recistri-l.tlon he l;Jay doul)t, or '.111 . :~;Cl.J be <.;hall- enged. The said ret:;i'1tratlol1 officer ahall explain tu tlw [;!<,id a.pplici.1.nt th~ nece',15ary qWllificatiom1 of it vuter. ',nd if ".h~' app- lica.nt fa,' 1'e",i atrc..tion shows himself to have the nece"'....ary qua.li- fications to entitle him to vote at the next election for ~ouncl1- men he shall 1)e registered, otherwiee he shall u'-'''' .~ .~.~>~/iL';'Y 'l.': j."/\.l~ :~j~~ ~}-id~.AHl}To. ~"i\';. Sec. 10. If :~ny pereo!! sii9.1J f,.lsely s';;ea.r, or Hffirm, in taldn:l: a.ny o...th re':1I1il'ed by this ordinance, or sh[dl falsely personate another for ret1;i atration. or procure fl person 1:>0 person- ating another to be resi5tered, or if any person ~~ll repreaent E\.nd C;i vo hi e m.iJil\t to the re(;i otra.tion officer di ffArent from what it i8, or ca.1..n'H~ such na e t.o Lie r~i:;:;i!'lterE'd, or if any pel'SGn eha.ll caune any ntU';1(,~ to be l-'h~ced on the re"ietru.tion book other- wise than in the Jr.anner provided 1)) thi 6 or!lln...nl.le, b: shall be /huil t.y of I\. mis demeanor and upon conviction shall t,~ ~luniahl!!d by a fine not e:x.cee>dinrJ one hundred dollarlS. or by l-.prleo:nment in the town .jail for a. term !lot e:xceedinkt ninety days, 01' ooth. ';. ';':c; OF 'i' AKU;C .,~'J'.ECT. Thie ordiuiulce shall take effeat and lie ill full foretl and effect from and after the J.a.te of i ts pae8a~e und l.i.p,proval. ..:IUllU'Jd uuder suspension of the rulctl :.l.nd uY9roved. 1.y. t~le Go:mmon-19~1.0}~, l.!rJ:'~:,{ ":'OWI1 of ....eward. .>ewa.rd, '.huska. this~I;-(.. day of~ fQ .)1-" cI L.proved by th,) resident of the Comnlf:~~lf01.l"cll th16 )./;-tff day Of.~~~.. 1$}.I.,)- ~ "(/;_' ' , 1y;' '/ 1/ .;1., // 'I " A, ,I '1-:'" ~ . . . . . . . . II . -. . tI'--- .................. reeld.flnt 0 the Coun llnd ex-off- 10io ;!cay 0 Z;ewurd rd. \.lu5ka. Atteat: ........... ~~~. Ci~~k:.' ....,