HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1914-015 r - ------- 18b ,/ ~4 ~/7 OIWINANce NO. J 5. ! . AN ORDINANCE requiring certain corpora--j tions to pay an advance monthly license fee to the Town ot Seward. tor the use apd OCCU* I pation, by such corporations, of the"" streets and alleys of said town, for telephone, electric lighting, ele"tric power. and water systems, and declarin~' the violation thereof to be B misdemeanor and prescribing- penalties there- I ~"ii IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON I COUNCIL OF THl<, TOWN OF SEWARD, I ALASKA: SilO. 1. That the Seward Livht and Power Company, a corporatiov; the Alaska Electric I Compa.ny, Ii corpol'"dlloll; the Sew~rd Water & POwer Campauy, n corporation, their and each at their successurs und assillDs. shall each pay ~Q the Town Treasurer ot the Town of Seward. for the use and benefit of said tOWD, on the tenth day at January. A, D.. 1914. and upOn the tenth day of each and ever~T month thereafter during the use and occupation, by such corPO- ra.tiODS, of the streets and a.lleys ot sa.id town, in the conducting and carrying on of the re- spective business in wbich now is engaged, the sum of one dollar per month, as and for an ad- va.nce, monthly license fee tor the use and oc>- cupation of sMd streets and alleys as afore. sa.id; PROVIDED. That any corporation. com- panV or person e,nga,ged in similar or like busi- nesa to that of the corporations hereinbefore nam.ed shall also be required to so Day said ad~ vance monthly license fee, and any such corpo ration, compan~' or person is hereby required to' 80 va.y said advance monthly licenee fee be- :fore being permitted to carryon or a.ttempt to carry on any line ot business in the pursuit of which the streets and alleys of said Town of Seward are used and oc~cupied in connection tberewith. Sltc. 2, That dny verson. corporation or company doing or attempting to do business in violation of the foregoing sectioD, or without having tiNt paid the license fee therein re- quired. shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor. and upon conviction thereot ..,hall be fined. for the first offense, in a Sum not less than Fifteen dollars nor more tha.n Twenty- ftveDollars: and lor the second ofiense,in a sum not leBs than Twenty-five Dollars and not!more tba'Q Fifty DoHars: and for the third offense, in a. sum not less than Fifty Dollars nOl'more than One Hundred Dollars; PROVIDED, That each day business is done or attempted to be done in violation of the preceding section shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Soo. 3. That nothing contained in this ordi- nance shall be so construed as to prevent the issua.nce, by the Common Council of the Town of Seward. of rights, privileges and franchises afl'ootlng any and, all public utilities, SlIle. 4, This ordinabee shall be pUblished in the Seward Daily Gateway. on 7th, 8th and 9th days of January, A. D.. 1914, copies thereof be posted in three public places within the corpo. ra.te lImits of the Town of Seward, and shall ~ke etrect and be in force on and after Janu. DrY lOti>. A, D, 1914, CRAS CRA WFCRD, . . President of the Common Council and Es'.. Otlloio Ma.yor of the Town of Seward. Alaska. , A&test: , FRANK J. COTTER, Town Clerk, auji;/I(( ;;2. / Cj . t' /J f/. "l ./',~ .,~. ~,-.,....~>..,.__...." 217 ~y~ ;;:::.-:f: !! - ~AJrCB .0.. id2. JJI ORDI1IrAJrCE Bequ1r1ng certain corporation. to an advaDOe IIOnthl1' l1oent. tee to the '1'0W1'1 of Seward. OJ' \be u.e aDd occupation, b,.. 8\1oh corporation., o~ the l t. and all.,.. ot sa1d '1'own, ~or telephone. eleotrio ! "i::I14rl .leotrio pwer, and water .,..te.., and deolar1ne .f, ' \'1ol.ation thoreot to be a 1II1il._&n/tI' and presor1binc !~e' ltie. ther.tor. 15J: 1'1' OBDAIDD :BY' ~OJr COtDICIL OJ' TD '1'01m OJ S.ARD. A1IA8JU. t , Seotion 1. 1'ha.t, !he sew~' t and Pwer OOJDP~1 a corporaUon I the ALASJtA ' "CQllPAlfY, a corporallon, the S.Ala> WA'1'. & aiD . a corpor- ation. their aDd .~ of their .ucce..ora and .ssilna, ahall ouh tMV h the ~own !reawrer o~ the '1'0Im O't Seward, tor-. u.. &ad benefit of .a1d '1'own, on the tenth dq ot ~. A. D. 1914-, and, upon the tenth day ot ea. &nd "'17 _nth thoreant):". dllr1nc the use and 0, ccupaU.~ 10' euch oorporation.. ot the streeb and alle,..s ~t ...i4 ~ in the oOMuctinC and carryi11l on otthe "-BeotiT' ::!tlle.. ill Which now 18 engaced, the sum ot ~ _ DolJ.a.rs per month, a8 and tor an advanoe monthly lio... te. tor the u.. and occupation ot 8&id stro.ta and .ue,.. aa ator....id; IROVIDZD, '1'ha.t a.n;y ~on- pOt'at1Gb.. OO~ or )lerson eneac.d in similar or Uk. budne.. to t~t.. ot the oorporation. here1nbetor_ ne"~ shall aJ.ae be required, to so pay .aid advance monthly' 110ense ~.e. and &n7 .uch oorporation, cODp&ny or per.o_ 1. hereby requir.d to .0 pq ....1d adTance monthly' !ioen.o te. betore being permitt.d to carr,.. on or att.mpt to oarry on any lin. ot budn..s in the pur sui t o~ which , the street. and. aUe,.. ot .a1d 'fawn of Seward ar. used e.nd. ocoupied in oonnection therewith. Soo. 2. !hat any person. oorporation or oo~any doinB or atteupt11'11 to do bu.ine.s 11'1 violat10n o~ the tor.goi1'1l aection. or without haTing tirst paid the lieen.. tee tMre1n required, .ha~l b. deemed guilty .~ a miademeanor, ~ upon conTiotion thereo~ shall bo ed. tor the tirst OI~en.e. 1n a sum not 1..s than "1'1 Dollars nor DlDre than 'l'wenty.il'1Te Dollars; and .econd ottenae. 1n a IIWIl not lo.s than 'l'wenty-11Te Do not DlDre than J'1tty Dollars; and tor the third , oUe ....:~. .1IIIl not 1088 than litt7 Dollars nor more than OK ',D6ZW.t- PROVIDED, 1'ha.t ee.oh day busin... i. dOM or . 1:ed.....,.. ,.., in v1olation ot the pr.... cedinS ..et on a 11 ~~. . .eparate and d1stinct otton... ' 'i i, ~ ! ;1 , r d " i. :1 Sec. 3. 'fbat nothing oontained in thb ord.inance shall ba sO con.trued &. to ..event the 1esuanoe. by the Common Oouncil ot the fawn ot 'award. ot right.. priTl]..... and trancM.... &tteotine any and &ll publio utilities . 'I I p ! " r .~.) _~ A~ /' '. ",(, -,t'i. __ -~... ,/ Ordina.noe No. ~ (Continued) See. IJ.. t~e Seward Daily ~~ and ~ be po t.d in three pUblic 1'h18 ordinance Shad. b. PUb~l~'d in , on t A. D. lc};t, co ,...~.".,. ~'- thereot places within the corporate limits ot the Town ot Seward, and sh.:i1 take etrect and be in force on and atter January ~. A. D. 1911J.. A Oouncll and. Ex-o:f'fic1o Kayor ot . Town ot Seward t Alaeka. ATT1!5T: