HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-022 r ,~, '..- ORDI1'LAJICE, 7IUM3ER 22. AT'{ 011nmANC-S R'SGULATntG STR~ETS AlL') AL_LEYS; I.t4.RDW IT :JlrLA1VFUL TO EXCAV.n.'IE, DIG U2 OR DISTUl1B FOR ':'"C 2'.J2203E 0_i LA"iIIW ?InS OR PIPE LINES; O~ ERECT T'SL;::P3:0~TE OR ~LECT::IC POWER LINES THER~OU; OR 'IO M.'i.IN TAm 'B LAY ANY .?I?:: 'J::t .?IP~ LINES, EITHER o:r TO? Oll OR tJ:NDER r.ROlJ1'Ll), IN ANY OF 'fEE; STREETS OR ALLEYS OF ':':8": To'rn OF SE1.'7ARJ, ALASKA. WITHOU'~ A l?:":R;.rrT, _4.1tD PROVBI!JG :B'O? A PT1:1ALTY FO:i AllY VIOLATIO!I THEREOJf. + ~ + + ~ . + + + + + . EE IT ORDAmED by the Common Counoil of the 'l'own of Seward, Ala.ska: S~CTIon 1. I~ shall 'be unlawful for. Il.ny person or persons, firm, assooiation, or oorporation, to die; up, 1)reak, exoavlit'3, disturb, dig under or undermine the pU01ic streets or alleys, or any part thereo~ in the TOVln of Sf'JwA.rd, for the purpose of la~ring down or gaining acceS8 to, or. repairing any water pipes or mains. or for the purpose of laying do~n, tqkinb up, ~ettin~ acoess to or repairing any sewer or br8.nch sewer or pipes of >mi: ki:'1d, or. for the purpose ,of erect in::; or setting ani" poles 01" pole lines used for tele_ph,)ne, e18ctric or power purposes, or for any peurpose whatever, without h~vine first o'btained fr.om the Mu.nioio!3.1 Clerk ;;\ written oer.mit t'l <10 so. .?:ROVr;,r;:"), in case of wf1ter mains breakinc; or.leakint$, requiring immediate action and attention, i:'1 that event the neQe8Sa~1 repairs may 'be made wi t'n::mt a ;?eI':ni t, 11rlder the 8up~rviBton of the '3treet CommittFJf3. SEc'r ro:'{ 2. It shall -0e unlawf111 for any person ::>r ~ersons, firm, 9.ssooiation or oorporation to construct, maintain 01" lay. ei ther above, On top or underneath the s11rfl1oe, upon '01' aoross anj' street or alley, or any part thereof, in the Town f)f Seward, any pipe 01" pipe linf3, for any pur~ose wha.tever, without having first obtained from the Munioipal Clerk a written permit to do so. Sl';CT10N ~. AppliolJ.tio:'1 for?ermi t, for aOlY of t!le purposes designated in Seotions One and Two of this Ordinanoe, shall 'be made in writing to the street Committee, stati:'1t therein the name of the street or streets, alley 01" alleys, to be taken IIp or distur'bed, or u90n which any poles, pole lines are to 'be ereoted, or upon whioh any pipe, pipe lines or mains ar.e to 'be laid; at which point and for what purposes, and setting forth the number of lays required for the work to 'be aocomplished under said permit. S~CTrO:~ 4. Permits shall be issued by the ~i!unioipal Clerk in oonformi ty with the endorsement and reoom:rnendations made 11pon the application therefor, by the street Committee or the directioOl of the Council. The said Clerk shall keep a record thereof settine forth in a concise manner the dates, desoription of the work, name of applioant, and the objects for which the permit was ~ra.nted, No permit shall be issued or granted f~r R long~r period than thirty days, ?~OVID~D, however, that the street Com~ittee shall be author- ized and empowered tJ extend the time for wnioh R permit is issued upon application being made for such extenaio'1 before its expiration. SECTION 5. Such p'3rmit, when issued, shall designa.te the portim of thp. street or streets, alley or alleys to be taken up or dist.nled or upon wbioh any work shall 1)e done, together with the pllrpose thereof, th8 number of days in which the work shlJ.ll oe done, and suoh other restricti::ms lJ.S mlSY 'be deemed of p11blic neoessi ty or 'benefit. SECTI\)N 6. All work execlltecl 1l'1der a pl!trmit issued by the authority of the provisions hereof shall 'be done in oonformity with the tel:'ms of suoh permit, a.nd 'lnder th'9 super~lis ion of the streetoCommittee. r ~ -- OR:;). Ho. 22 -- 2 -- ~ECTION 7. Upon the expiration of the time named in the Permit or /~sooner, if the use of the street or alley is no longer neoessa~J, the street or alley shall be oleared of all ol)str'lotions ana plaoed in as good repair by the permitted as it was before the Permit was granted. S:":CTTOi! 8. 'Vhen permits are granted b~T th13 street Commi the as herein provided, such permits shall be issue.i b~T the Munic ipal~# Clerk in confor'ni ty with the endorsement mad" 1)y th13 street Committee upon the l:ipglioation therefor,?ROVI:;)"':_l), hJwever, if it appear to the street Gommittee that reasonS of publio interest exist why suoh permit Shall not be granted, the permit shatt not be granted, PROVI:;):"::;), further, that under no oiroumstanoes shall a permit be granted by suoh Street Committee to any person. persons. firm, assooiation or oorpo- ration who n:>w. or who m~r hereafter own or operate any pipe lines, water mains. telephone, eleotrio lighting ~r power lines without a franohise therefor havin:.; first been dul:' o1)tained from the Town of Seward. Alaska, by ordinanoe ~lly and validly enaoted. unless the said Street Committee shall first be so authorized to issue said permit by a majority vote of the Counoil. ~~C~TO~ 9. Any person or persons. firm, assooiation or oorpo- rf;l.Uon violating any of the provisions of Seotion One and Seotion ~wo of this ordinanoe. Shall be deemei guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonvlotlon thereof Shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten (~lO.OO) Dollars nor more than One Hundred (~l00.00) ~ollars or impris- onment in the MuniCipal Jail of not more than Uinety (90) Days, or both suoh fine and imorlsonment. ~aoh distinot aot shall be deemed a separate offense. Thl~ Ordinanoe shall take effeot and 1)e in full force and effeot from and after the date of its passage and approval. Passed and approved by the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, this 17th day of May A.n. 1915. ( S":AL) Attest: C. A. ~er8 President 0 the COQuoil and ex-offfoio Mayor of Seward, Alaska. IN. T. L110 as Munloiplll Clerk