HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2006-001 Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ICICLE SEAFOODS TO ALLOW A BUNKHOUSE WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 3, LEIRER INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the Icicle Seafoods has applied for a Conditional Use Permit from the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission for a bunkhouse at Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Leirer Industrial Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the Industrial Zoning District; and WHEREAS, according to the Seward City Code, Land Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225, bunkhouses are allowed in the Industrial Zoning District as a conditionally permitted use; and WHEREAS, many employees can not afford conventional housing; and WHEREAS, the bunkhouse will provide a better housing option for employees and will improve sanitation, public safety and health in the area and will facilitate a campus type setting; and WHEREAS, the bunkhouse is intended to provide housing for over two hundred employees and will support more options for processing operations during the winter and spring; and WHEREAS, the location of the bunkhouse onsite will mitigate traffic congestion in the area; and WHEREAS, the new structure will be built to compliment the lines of the warehouse to the east and it will enhance the aesthetics of the corridor into the community; and WHEREAS, having complied with the public notification process, on January 3, 2006 the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission held the required public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: .ss;}u!snq punOl-.m;}A JO q"jMol'il ;}~llrno:)U;} SUllld qloq lllql U! (666 y) Ullld :)!~;}lll.IlS pUll (~Oo(:) Ullld ;}A!SU;}q;}ldwo;) OlOl p.mM;}S ;}ql ql!M AUOw.mq U! S! lllsodold ;}q.1 :~U!PO!.!I "UlJIJ iJ"!SUiJlfiJ.JdulO:.J p.JlJMiJS iJlfllfl!M ,(uOUl.JlJlf U! S! iJsn piJsodo.Jd iJlf.L ";) .Sl;}llOM ;}S;}ql SAOldw;} lllqllUllld ~U!ss;}:)old SPOOJll;}S ;}}:)!:)I ;}ql S! qlnos ;}ql 0.1 .lod;}G pUll PllOll!lllI lllslllV ;}ql pUll S;}ss;}u!snq P;}lllPl-;}U!.IllW ;}.m lS;}M ;}ql 0.1 .w.mJ){Ulll PtlJ llnq ;}ql pUll 'punO~dUlll:) ;};}AOldw;} ;}ql 'SS;}U!snq IlllU;}l .m:) II ;}.m lSU;} ;}ql Ol S;}!ll;}dold ;}q.1 . Al!l!:)llJ ;}~lllOlS lllOqj;}lOlS ;}.mMp.mq II pUll '){Ulll ;}Ulldold llnq II ';}snoq){Ullq l;}PIO S,;}}:)!:)I ;}.m qllou ;}ql Ol S;}!ll;}dold ;}q.1 .;}snoq){Ullq II Aq p;}plldw! AI;}A!lll~;}U ;}q lOU U!M lllql s;}sn lll!.IlsnpU! PUllIllPl;}WWO:) P;}X!W JO ll;}.m Ull U! 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All;}dOld ;}q.1 .l;}W U;};}q Sllq uO!l!puo:) s~.1 :~U!PO!.!I "P!.JIS!P tlU!UOZ iJlf110 siJsodmd iJlfl PUlJ (iJpo:.J tlU!UOZ p.JlJMiJS iJlfl) .JiJldlJlf;J S!lfllo iJsod.Jnd iJlfl IfI!M IUiJlS!SUO;J S! iJsn iJlf.L "V :l!Ull;}d ;}sn llluo!l!puo:) II ~U!lUll~ Ol1Opd SUO!l!PUO:) ~U!MOUOJ ;}ql S;}!.JS!lllS ;}sn ;}qllllql ~U!pu!.J II qS!lqlllS;} llllqs UO!SS!WWO;);}ql '.G.Olt.OI.~I ;);)S Ol ~U!P1O:):)V "{ oOH3aS !; JO l ;}~lld 1O-900l .0N uO!lnlos;}lI UO!SS!WWO;) ~U!UOZ pUll ~U!UUllld p.mM;}S Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 2006-01 Page 3 of5 Seward 2020 Comprehensive Plan (2005) The Comprehensive Plan promotes commercial development within the city of Seward in accordance with community values. Section supports a range of housing choices that meet the needs of people in various income and age groups (page 22). Section 2.2, Community Values, Community Appearance encourages landscaping "Continue to require landscaping plans for conditional use permits as feasible (page 11)." Section 2.2, Community Values, Economic Base, "Promote expansion and development oflocal entrepreneurial businesses (page 16)." Strate2:ic Plan (1999) The Strategic Plan recommends encouraging citizens as well as the City, to take an active role in beautifying the community by planting trees, shrubs and wildflowers (page 15). Harbor merchants and the City have been working on landscaping projects to beautify the harbor and surrounding area. D. Public Services andfacilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. Finding: Water, sewer, telephone and electrical service are available to the property, as well as adequate emergency services. Garbage dumpsters are available onsite. Public utility easements are onsite and there shall not be any encroachments, above or below ground, in the utility easements. E. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare. Finding: There is an identified need for seasonal housing in Seward, particularly for low income employees. A fire access route with ingress/egress points along Leirer Road and Port A venue will be needed. An additional fire hydrant along Leirer Road will be needed. Providing adequate parking for the employees will mitigate parking concerns in the area. Runoff from storm water and snow melt can be mitigated by having a landscape plan which incorporates retention and a slower rate of discharge offsite. No building, except a single family residential, are allowed to be constructed across lot lines, (SCC 12.01.030). A platting action vacating the interior lot line of Lot 4 and Lot 5, Block 3, Leirer Industrial Subdivision will need to be done in order to construct the bunkhouse. Use of the bunkhouse will facilitate the removal of camper shells and other non- permanent structures from ''tent city". F. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects related to the proposed use. 'UO!lnloS;;lll n:mnO;) AlD Aq l;;lS ;;l;;lj ~uHY U puu ~U!-ffi;;lq :lHqnd U Ol p;;lfqns ;;lq nuqs uuld UO!lU:lmpOW ;;lql ';) 'lUA01ddu Sl! 10j SpmpUUlS ;;lql Ol ~U!UllOjUO:l uuld lU;;lWdol;;lA;;lP lU;;ll;;ljj!P U lU;;lW;;lldW! 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'S;;lmlU;;lj UO!PrulSUO:l P;;luuuld puu ~U!lS!X;;l nu ~U!p!d;;lp A;;lAmS lnnq-su uu ;;lq lfUqs ;;ll;;lql 'L 'UO!lUlU;;lW;;lldw! OllO!ld UO!SS!illillO;) ;;lql10 jjUlS Aq P;;lAOlddu ;;lq nuqs 'l!Ull;;ld ;;lSfllUUO!l!PUO;) S!qllOjlu;;lum:lOP ~U!lloddns U su UO!SS!WWO;) ;;lql Aq p;;lA01ddu SUM q:l!qM ~OOZ 'a l;;lqW;;l:l;;lQ P;;llUP UUld ;;ll!S ;;lql Ol SUO!lU:lmpOW '9 IJUlS Aq P;;lAOlddu;;lq nuqs uuld.J1ouru l;;llUM UllOlS V .~ JjUlS Aq P;;lA01ddu;;lq nuqs uuld ~u!du:lSPUUl V 'v JjUlS Aq P;;lU!Ull;;ll;;lP ;;lq Ol UO!lU:lOl U lU PU01l1;;l1;;ln ~uOfU p;;lnUlSU! ;;lq n!M lUU1pAq ;;llY V 'S '.J1UlS Aq p;;lA01ddu ;;lq nuqs ;;lnU;;lA V 1l0d puu PU01l1;;llP'1 uo SlU!od SS;;ll~;;l/SS;;l~U! ql!M Al!;) ;;lql Aq P;;lldopu ;;lPO;) ;;ll!d ;;lql Sl;;l;;lW lUql ;;lln01 SS;;l:l:lU ;;llY V 'Z 'S;;lmpruls ~U!lS!X;;llOjl!Ull;;ld ;;lS flluuo!l!PUO;) lO ;;lpO:l Aq p;;ll!nb;;llllnjJ ;;llUlOWO:lU! Ol '~1 Z'O 1'~ 1 ;;lPO;) ~U!){lUd Al!;) pmM;;lS jO SlU;;lW;;ll!nb;;ll ;;lql l;;l;;lW lsnw ~u!)'(md P;;ll!fib;;ll ;;lql ';;lsnoq)'(Ullq ;;lqljO ;;lj!l ;;lql 10j P;;lP!A01d ;;lq lfUqs Al!:ludu:l umW!XUW lU sluudn:l:lo U;;ll l;;ld ;;l:luds ~u!)'(md l;;l;;lllS-jjO ;;lUQ '1 ~ jO v ;;l~Ud 1O-900Z 'ON uO!lnlos;;lll UO!SS!illillO;) ~U!UOZ puu ~U!UUUld pmM;;lS Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 2006-01 Page 5 of5 Section 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the proposed use, subject to the above conditions satisfies the criteria for granting a conditional use permit provided the conditions listed on Section 1, Subsection F are met by the applicant, and authorizes the administration to issue a conditional use permit to the Icicle Seafoods to allow for a bunkhouse of not more than two hundred twenty four occupants (224) at Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Leirer Industrial Subdivision, subject to the above conditions. Section 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that adherence to the conditions of this permit is paramount in maintaining the intent of Seward City Code Section 15.10.320, Conditional Use Permits, and authorizes the administration to issue a conditional use permit. Additionally, the administration shall periodically confirm the use conforms to the standards of its approval. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect 10 days following its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission this 3rd day of January, 2006. THE CITY OF SEWARD '.. ./ ~~-:~~. / ct /' ,I" 'fJ L' J /'", \ - I Marianna Keil, Chair ! AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Griswold, Hohl, Smith, Banas, Roach', Strobel, Keil None None None ATTEST: )\ C'I . "JjJ/~~~{,1\>() Jean. LeWIs, \ / CitY Clerk ~. 4,oJ,,',~:\ ~- t ~! r.r I' J,t_", " iI!',,~.,;, ...'./::o~ _<t,;,"'''~.l . 't' "'" '.' '."' - ...~ ),~ (Ci,ty Se!ll)',/Cii;;;Y:;., \:~ :~'I" ""."'>( .' <<)\,~ ',,':\ ,"....- .' . 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