HomeMy WebLinkAbout06031999 Planning & Zoning Agenda Seward Planning & Zoning Commission June 2, 1999 Ron Niebrugge Chairman Term Expires 02/01 2. Hugh Darling Commissioner Term Expires 02/01 3. 4. Carol Griswold Commissioner Term Expires 02/00 Kristi Larson Commissioner Term Expires 02/02 Kelly Martin Commissioner Term Expires 02/00 Tom Smith Commissioner Term Expires 02/01 Mike Calhoon Commissioner Term Expires 02/02 Scott Janke City Manager Kerry Martin Community Development Director Rachel James Planning Assistant Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL SPECIAL REPORTS A. City Administration Report B. Community Wide Employee Retention & Recruitment Task Force - Commissioner Calhoon 5. CITIZENS' COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND ITEMS OTHER THAN THOSE ON THE AGENDA [Those who have signed in will be given the first opponunity to speak. Time is limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 30 minutes total time for this agenda item] 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA [Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*). Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Commissioner so requests. In the event of such a request, the item is returned to the Regular Agenda.] 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS {Limit comments to 5 minutes. Those who have signed in will be given the first opponunity to speak] A. Application by Nathan Orr for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 12 unit motel on Lots 3 & 4, Block 18, Federal Addition, located at 905 Fourth Avenue, south of the existing Murphy's Motel Planning & Zoning Commission June 2, 1999 Regular Meeting Agenda Page 1 B. Application by the Seward Chamber of Commerce for a variance permit to \ 9 construct an access ramp and stairs for the railcar visitor center, within the required front and side setbacks of Lot 20, Block 25, Original Townsite of Seward, located at 401 Third Avenue C. Review of a proposed Zoning Code amendment to allow multi-family dwellings for II S students and faculty in the Institutional Zoning District (Postponed from May 5, ; 1999 meeting) D. Applk:at;on b) IIDR AlAska, Inc., on bGhalf of tlK AlllSka RAil.OI1d COlpoutic,.1 And tit(. Alaska DCpAHikK.Ht ofT.la.n:sportal~on and Pttblk. ra,,~lit~"~, f01 A V~ul!h(" flMl Sonld Cir, Cod, ChaptGl 15.25 rIMdplll;n Manll!\<.m<.nt to <.!I.paM tlK "xlstlH~ J.dilIOa.d dOGk eLm comtttlC.t c\ .K..~ 200' x 600' CArgo doc.k GAS! of the <.xisth1~ ...ihtlacl do<.k 1~~At...d llt th<. h<...,i of R<.sUl.<.a;"n Bay [Although a public hearing notice was advertised, this item has been removed from the agenda at the applicant's request.] 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Request by Resurrection Christian Church for a second six month extension of the S t.f conditional use permit issued for the construction of a new church on Lot 30A, Block 30, Original Townsite of Seward B. Long Range Planning (time-permitting) 9. NEW BUSINESS * A. May 5, 1999 Regular Meeting Minutes Sq 10. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (No action required) * A. Status Report on Outstanding Conditional Use Permit & Variance Conditions 11. COMMISSION COMMENTS 12. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 13. COMMISSION & ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT Planning & Zoning Commission June 2, 1999 Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2