HomeMy WebLinkAbout01142008 City Council PacketSeward City Cocrizcil A~ejzda Pocket €s~. ,jc`illUdl'y 1 ~, 2(~~~K City Council Chambers Beginnin;~ al 7:30 p.m. The City of Seward, Alaska Council L Call to Order %tark Corbridge 2. Pledge of Allegiance N(ay°r Perm Expires zC1I1N 3. Rull Call 4. Citizens' Cummeuts On Any Subject F.scept Thwr Items Willard E, Dunham Scheduled M'or Public Hearing. (Those whu have .cigrtrd n7 Vice Mayor la ill br: given the Jirst oppnrttntitt• to s~reuk Tim,- tS Inniterl !u Term F.xpues zorix ? nruuaes Per speaker and 30 7ruruues total tinre fr7r this Itnhcrt V~lldatta agendlt ite:»t.] C'rrurrciiAlember S• approval OY Agenda And Consent Agenda [..lppruvui ,~ Term Expires ?U09 Currsent .-1ge7tda pusses nll routine i(ems irrriicated bF asterisk (*j. Cunsent Agenda items are not considered Tnm Snutt7 separatnlJ~ unless a cnuncr! me~n7hrr sn requests. In lhr' rl~Fnt Council Member term F.xpues 211UN of s7rch n request, the item is retm•ned ur the Regular Agenda) rr~,~ti' heJiar l:ouncil Member 6. Special Orders, Presentations :1nd Reports Term Expires ?009 ~. Prvclatnattons and Ass nrd .lean Bardarson 1, Polar Dear Phmge Presentalivn. Council Member R. borough .Assembly Report Term Expires 2UOR C. City Manager's Rcpvtt i). Seward Pv7Y ;Ind Commerce Ads•i.vnn' IIoard A77rI7ra} J Linda Antberg Rel~ or[ Council Member Term Expires 2UOk F. Other Reports, Special Presentatiuns 1. Presentation un the Alaska Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve OrSGR). Phillip Oates 7, Yttblic Hearings -None City Manager 8. Unfinished Business Jean Lewis CityCicrk A. Resolution 2 0117-1 2 4, Amending the Iilectric Tariff to Establish a new fee to equalize charges to cuslurncrs outside of (;hcryl Brooking 1T7L SeN~ard CITY' J71It7IS, 1b7IlI CUSlUlI7ClS l77S7de t}ie Seltiard Cllr ('ily Anot7le)' ' limits effective .Tanuary 1. 20118 (Fnstpo7ted li•u7n ! l,' 2h & 1"iU rner•.ti7tgs) .........................................Pg 3 Cth' of Sell m d, Akrska C'nuncil Agerrrlu Junutny l4, 20U.,' Fuge ! 9. Ne~ti Busiorss A. (h-dinances for Intrudnction *l. trdinance 1.008-001. Revising Seward City Code Secliun 5.35.045 (Computation - Maximum Tax), htcreasing The Sales Tax Cap EYum .$5f10 To $1,000, L•ffective January l , 20f19, And Rescinding; Ordinance 2(1117-O10 ..........................Pg 10 B. Resolutions *1. Resolution 2008-001, Authorizing l'he City Mana¢er To Enter Into A 6U _Month Lurie Agreement R'ith Office Tech Incorporated Hnr Four Replacement Copiers For City Hall, The Harbor, Attd "fhe t"ire f)epartment Por .A Basc Amourtt Ivot "fo >rxceed 570,040 ..................................................................................Pg 13 C. Other Vew Business Items *1. .Approve the November 26 and llecember 10, 2007 regular city council meeting minutes ...............................................................................Pg 22 *2. The. Seward City Council wishes to continue the existence of the Pon and Commerce Advisory Board through January 3l, 2009 ......................................Pg 4li *3. Designate f)orene Lorentz-Lindsay to serve as the community representative for Se«'ard on the Friends of the .lesse Lee Home Project Meetings. *4. Nu objection to the liquor license renewal for the Marina Restaurant.......Pg 47 5. I )iscuss & give guidance pcrtairtutg to the Seward Ships Dry Dock EPA Report. 10. lufurwatinnal Items And Reports (:Vo uctrwr requireri/ A. Certified Municipal Clerk ceriificale by the htternatiatal Institute of Municipal Clerks for Johanna Dullerhide ....................................................PQ 52 B. Providence Seward Medical Center Financial Statement far Nnvemher 20117 .......................................... .............................................. Pg 53 C. Commendation letter from Senator Cary Stevens & Represcntative Paul 5catwt to the tieward Lihrary Museum Steering; Cuuunittcc on the 49ers' BaIL......Pg 55 11. Council Cumntruts 12. Citizens' Comments (? n+irrrrrea per indrvidernl - F.arh individual lras one opportrtnil)~ ro spealc.J 13. Council .4ud .4dminish•ation Response Tu Cilizeus' Cmnmenis 14. Adjournment Citi~ uJ S'ewrrrrf..91a.rku Cowrci(.ggeruhr Jnruran 1.1, .?003 Page 1 Sponsored by: Oates CITY' OF SE1`':1RD, :~L:1SI{A RESOLLiTION ZUU7-124 4 RESOLI:TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL UF' 'I HF. CITY OF SEV1'ARD. ALASICI, :1DIENll1NG '1'H>a; F;LEC'T'RK' TARIFF TO ESTAIILISII A NEW FEE '1'U H;(2hALI7,F. CHARGES TO CL'STOAlEILS UU7 SIllE UH"I'HF. SF.R'.ARD CITY' LIir11TS, WITH CUS"I'UAlERS INSIDR'I'HF. SF.~~'ARD CITY' LIMITS, EFFECTIVE JANI:AItti' 1, 2008 «'HF.REAS, the City desires to aincnd the Electric 'Tariff to comply with the provision of [he Seward City Chartcr 13.2(b), which requires that, "Tn famishing service from municipally owned utilities, no agreements shall he made for sen~ices outside the city which +vill return to the city less net revenues than it realizes for the same sen•ices within the city. lricrcased rates frn uti l ity service outside of the city may be established by the council;" and P1'HF.REAS, in order to equalize the net revenues for utility services both inside acid outside of the city, a surcharge equal to 4% ol'thc electric bill (before taxes) wi I I he assessed against all utility accounts in Zones Il and lll, with said surcharge tieing nn more than $20 per month; and 1Y7IEREAS, wlulc the. added surcharge improves compliance with the Seward City Chartcr, it also more accurately reflects the added costs associated with maintaining services outside of the city limits, including such things as increased tact acid labor costs and equipment wear-and-tear associated with longer travel distance for new service connecrions, repairs, rights-of-wae maintenance, dour han;;crs, and meter reading, etc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESULI'El) BY "I'H F: CITY' COiTNCII, OFTHF. C'ITY' OF SEV1'ARD, ALASI~1, t}tat: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Seward resoh~es to amend the Electric TariiT by adding a surcharge equal to 4% of the electric bill (before taxes) to all utility accounts ur Lnnes I I and iii, with said surcharge bein no more. than S20 per month, ticctinn 2. This resolution shall take effect 10 days al'tcr adoption. Pf1SSLD A\~ APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska this I4`~' day of January, ?008. i ' '~ +,~ J Council Agenda Statement Meeting bate: November 26, 2007 From: Phillip Uates, City Manager Agenda Item: New Electric Surcharge (TariII'C'hange) BACKGROUND & JUSTiFICATIUN: Outing the 2008 preliminary budget process, the administration forwarded a request to increase the Electric 'tariff, in an effort to equalize charges to customers inside and outside of the Seward City Limits. The result was a requestul 4% surcharge against the utility bill of customers outside of the Seward City Limits, limited to $2U per month. This additional fee is expected to offset some of the higher of maintaining service to customers outside of the City limits, including increased fuel and lahor costs and equipment wear-and-tear associated with longer travel distance for new service comtections, repairs, rights-ol=way nraintenanee, drwr hangers, and metes reading, etc. The proposed increase in the elecaric tariff would he effecaive .Tanuary 1, ?008. CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST: Where applicable, this resolution/ordinance is consistent with the Seward City Code, Charter, Comprehensive Plans, t.and Use Plans, Strategic Plan and City Catutcil Rules of Arocedures. Other. ~SCAL NO'I'R: The implementation of tM new tariff surcharge is expecaed to generate an additional $54,000 in revenue. -~ ," `~- Approved by Finance Department: lll~f,GO~'•-~-t ('Lil'l?c~'L~ RECOMMENDATION: Council approves Resolution 2007-12~F establishing a new fee to eyualize charges to customers outside of the Seward City limits with customers inside the Seward City limits. :~, - City of Seward Electric Rates & Charges Rates for Llc~ctrical Power by Class of Service Class of Service Energy Charge Demand Charge Monthly Customer Char e Residential $UA862/kWH N/A $15.UU Small Gener<~l Service (Less than $U.lUW/kWH N/A $3U.UU 25 Large General $0.0706/kWH Service (lst 200 kWH/kW) $71.()n/kW* $'i0.00 50.0108/kWH Add'1 kWH's Industrial** (Cn-er 750 kW $U.UU574/kWH $N.51/kW $30.00 Demand Yard Lights $6.75 (175 watts) $lO.UU 25U watts Sh•ect i.ighta $0.118A $3QUU * Demand Charges will be based on the maximum demand recorded over a 15- mutute period, except, if other provisions arc included in a special contract. ** This rate is based nn the cost of energy and demand from Chugach Elech•ic Association (CEA) plus 25°I° and is subject to change at any tiute based on C 1=A rates charged tv the City of Seward. For billing purposes the minimum demand under this rate schedule shall be 750 kW. A Small General Service customer may elect to be billed wider the Large General Service schedule; however, the election to change the billing rate from one customer group to another may not be nuide more often than once every '12 months. City ~jSe++ard Electric TarijJ' 'l ~ .., Puge 2-I Definitions and Miscellaneous Charges L CEA Fve} Adjusment: The fuel adjustment charge from Chugach Electric Assuc:iation directly dish•ibuted to Seward Electric Utility customers prorated according to the number of kWH the customers consumed during the billing period. 2. Seward Fuel Adjustment: The cost of operatinK the standby generation plant, including fuel, labor, maintenance and repair when it exceeds the amount buclKeted to date for the fiscal yrar. The cost ro~ill be prorated acrnrding to the number of kWH the custumer consumed during the billing period. 3. Sppciai Contracts: Special contracts may be negotiated by the Utilities Manager with customer that have a demand in excess of 75U kW or that have unique power requirements that cannot be reasonably addressed by the large general service tariff. Special conhracts may include, but are not lirttited to, provisions for instantaneous demand charges, time of service, uztcrruptible power, minimum and maximum demand, adjustment of demand level, ownership and payment of new distribution facilities, termination charges and power factor. Special contracts must be approved by the City CUUncil. 4. VAR Change (Power Factor Adjustment): All schedules requiring demand metering will be subject to the fallowing power factor adjustment provisions: A. Dentanei-nzeterect customer should attempt to maintain a unity power factor. if the power factor falls below ninety percent lagging, the customer will take corrective steps to return the power factor to ninety percent or higher. Also, the following charge for billed kilowatts will apply: Month Billing Demand = tvlaximum Demand x 9U% Actual Power Factor B. All power [actor adjustment eyuipment installed by the ustomer must be approved by the city. Power factor can be determined by permanently installed mortitoring eyuipment or by periodic testing at reasonable intervals, at the discretion of the city. ~. Standby Generation: The cost of operatitg the standby generation plant to meet a specific customer's need will be charged directly to that customer. Such cost will tx: the total cyst of operating the plant, including fuel, tabor, overtime, maintenance, repair arui overhead, less the value of encrKy generated in excess of customer's need. Ca/y of Sewn~~! L''/eclric Ti~riJf /'ngP ?•2 ri (l. Other Miscellaneous Fees and Charges: Fees and charges for existing facilities follow on Page 4. EnKineering sen~ice fees and charges for new facilities follow on Page 5. Fees on Pages 4 and 5 are listed according to service zones as follows: ZONE I Inside City Limits (excluding the Small Boat Hazbor) ZUNE 11 City Limits to Mile 12, Seward I Tighway, and all roads connecting to I Tighvaay within this area. ZONE III Mile 12 to Lawing 7. APUC Regulatory Cost Charge: A special surcharge of SU.000626/kWI-I imposed vn electrical utilities by the Regulatory Cvrnmission of Alaska in response to the state's intent to assess user fees to support activities of the Regnilatory Comnnission of Alaska and deparhnents. Tl1is charge was recommended by the RCA as a pass llu•ough c111rge to retail utilities customers. ti Surcharge for Zones II and I11: .a ~urchargc eyuoi to ~°~~ i+f thr ~~Iech•ii blll the^orr ta~eni trill he a~~t•tiCitd ,t,~ains: all utility aiinunia in 7;nlr~ II and II1, l~•itll .ai.+. ..:rcllar~e beuli; nn store than ti?II per month. lhr intent ;>t this surcharge is t;t u+mt~l1 ttitlt Seeyard Citt irharter I~?{bj, 1t•itich re~iuira> that, "!n iurni;hinl; ?c'i'1"lir tY++111 IlIUIllilpalll' ;+t1'lled llhlltiei, 11n a~rPCl11el1tti ,11011 bt• made t01' Sel•1'li e5 uulsl;i;• iL•t illy 1.•hich t.•ill return to the city iess net reyenucs than it realizes h+r the samr ~cn ices within the cih Ircrca~ed rates tt+r utiiitt ,cry ice outside of [Ile :in Ina1' DN etita 611911ed by the CoUll~li." Thiti till l•CI781'~,e 1\':11 CI1SU1'l' that illStl+llh't'i InGld;` .l ltd (lll ttil; i;` of Ihl ~_ 111' .l re i hat'};ed egllrllll' (pl" thl' <allle tiefl'll l', N'11e1C ~ltll iu~l tariat,on la Wert already addressed by the yariatiort in lees reflected hetlteca L.+ne~ I. I. and 111. City ojSeward Electric Tariff' Page 2-:t ~7 Existing Facilities Schedule of Fees and Charees Service 7.one T Zone II Zone III Meter testing, per test, when previous test rxcurred within the $50.00 5,70.00 590.00 last 24 muntlls P.econnectiun to approved existu~ meter installation S2Q00 525.00 $30.W Reconnection to approved existing meter installati~,n nutside $140.110 $170.00 $260.00 TB laz business hAU TS New Comicctinn Pee $150.00 $150,00 5150.00 Deposit -Residential Account 5100.00 5100.00 $100.00 Deposit -Commercial or Industrial Account $200.00 $206,00 $200.00 Deposit - lntertuptible, Off-Peak Account: The larger of twice the estimated month! ~ bill OR $200.00 $200,00 5200.00 "1'alnpering with ur wlauthorized breakin of meter seal $500.00 5500.fH1 $500.00 Per Annurn lnterest nn delinr uent account 10.5"/° 10.5% 10.5"~, Door Hanger Fee $10.f)0 5!0.00 $l0.fH1 Monthly late fee on delinquent account $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 Dishonored Check Pee $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Recwulection during regular business hours 1'olfowing dis- $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 cotulection of delin uent account Reconnection outside regrrlaz business hours following dis- 5740.tH1 $170.W S200.00 cormection of dclin uent account NOTE: See Page 2-3 far description of Tones, 1, 11, and ITI. C'try ofJatsozn~ ~7ecf~rc Ta~rff /'age 1.4 New Facilities ingineering Service Charges Schedule of Fees and Charges Service Zone I Zone 11 Zone III Temporary secondary service $50.W $60.00 $7p.pU Primary Overhead Extensions $50.00 $6U.UU $70.00 P.csidence Primary Underground Extensions 550.OU 56U.UU $70.00 Residence Secondary Service $SU.W $60.00 $70.00 Primary Overhead Extensions 510(1.00 $120AU 5140.00 (Subdivision, Mobile Home Park, A4ulti-1Lesidence Prunary Overhead Extenuions $200.00 $240.00 $260.00 Commercial & Industrial Primary Underground Extensions $200.00 $240.00 $260.00 Commercial & industrial Modifications of Existing Facilities $100.00 5120.00 $140.00 Street Lighting Systems and Yard $50.00 SEi0.00 fi7U.UU Li ~hts N07'E: The 7_one Fee or Charge is non-refundable until the service is coiutected. If the service is constructed and connected, the charge will be adjusted to the actual cost of engineering services. See Page 2-3 for description of 7_ones I, II, and Ill. Ciry ojSeward Electric Tariff Pagr. 2-~ ~'~ Spvttsvmd by, Oates Introduction January 14, 2008 Public Hearing: January 2R, 2008 };nal'finent CTTY OI•'SEW'AR[), ALASKA O KI)1 N A N C T•: 200 R-001 AN URT)IV:~\CI•; OF THE CITY COUNCIL U}' 1'HF. CTTY vE' SEWARD, ALASKA, RLVJSLVC: SE«'ARL1 CIl'Y Cd)llE SECTION 5.35.0'15 (COATPUTA7'JOV - \IAIIIVIUM TAX), INCIZEASTNC, THE SALES TAX LAP FROA1 S50t1'l'O ST,O(10, EFE'!/CTTVF, JANI;ARY 1, 2009, AND RF,SCINI)1NG ORIITNAXCI: 2W7-410 WHh,REAS, the tiev,'ard City Council approved Ordinance 2W7-O10 nn Deccmher 10, 2007, increasing the sales tax cap effective April I, 2008. Following passage of said Ordinance, the City and Borough adurinistrarions met to discuss implenrcanation and determined that due [o computer system programming constraints, it would he impossible. for the Bvruugh to meet the April 1 deadline, and a later dale would provide more time for the Borough and Ciq• to adequately re-program computer prukralns, refnrma! Talcs tax forms, and inform hnsine~s,.s i>f rbanges w !hc tax cap; and ~~'TTI;RLAS, the liornugh :urd City administrations agreed to rccouunend to their rospective le:e;.slatir~e bcxJies, a revision to thc• implementation date ro make the increase in the sates tax cap effective Jarwary l , 2009, providine sufficient Gmc fur computer prugratn modifications, modifications to (onus, education of taxpayers, and helpink to smooth the implementation of a major diversion bc•twce++ the tt+.e policy u1'thc. N,~mugh and a 1uCa1 nu+rricipal governrnerrt; and ~i'H$IZEAS, by agreeing to cuutpromise on a later irnplcmentarion date. the Borough has ;i~reed to ssswuc ati costs associated with modifications to its [ax accounting system and [orms; and WHh;IZEAS, tieward City Cudc 535,03] provitlts authority fvr the impusiuon of sales tax and reyuires that sales taxes he collected and remitted to the Kcuai Peninsula I3oruukh iu accordance with AS 29.35.171) and chapter S.Ib of the Kenai Peninsula F3urough Cnde; and WHEREAS. Seward City Code S.:i5.045 specifics the amount of tax to be applied nn the first $500 of each separate sale, rout. or service transaction, with said amount being generally identified as the "sales hex calf' and this Ordinance would increase that sales tax cap from 0.5110 to $1,000; and ~~'HF.RE;1S, neilhci the (:ity of Bewared, nor the Kenai Peninsula Horaugh have antended their sales tax provisions u, increase the maximwu tax computation since. the adoption of Kenai Peninsula Borrmgh Ordin:utcc No. 9 whith had sn effective date of July 1, 1965; ~i'll1:REAS, the equivalent value. in today's dollars. ul'the 19(,5 tax cap ul'$SW. is estimated at more thar+ rl,')txt. \triti' THERT:POIZE.'J'HE CITY COL~NCJL OF TTIF CITY OFSE1'I+.4RD,.~1L.~1SK9, IIEIZEIJY' ORI)AT15 that: i~ crr~ Or'sE~~'.alut,ALAS1cA ORL)LN.aNC'E 2008-001 Section 1. Seward Ciry Cnde Section 5.35.045 is upended as follows: Slr+keot+F - llclcte Bold -New fhe. tax shat I be applied only to the tirst 9sH(J 9+1,000 of each separate. sale, rem ur service transaction. The pa}tnent of rcpt, whether for real ur personal property, in excess of ~iAN 911,0(10 and for more tlrar unc month shall bc. ucatcd as several separate uwtsactions covering the rental for one month each. A transaction involvurr payment for services or personal property to be rendered or delivered over a period of mori• ttran unc month for a consideration in excess of ~ 911.000 shall he tr•cated as several separate transactions occurring uue each month over the period of time that the. service or property is rendered rn• delivered. Section 2. Ordinance 2007-10 is herehy repealed. Section 3. The effective date of the change in the sales tax cap from 9;Sf10 to S1.(N.JO is January I , 2009. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect. 10 days following its enactment. PASSEll :atill APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this '2Rth day of January, 2008. THE Cl'l Y' Ol•' SE~VARL), ALASILa AYES: V(~ES: AI3S(?NT: :ABSTAIN Clark Corhridgc, Mayor ATTEST: ,lean Lewis, ('MC City Clerk (City Seal) ~t COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Date: January 14, 2008 Through: Phillip Oates, City Manager ~`~" From: Kristin Erchinger, Finance Urrec[or K~ RL: llelay in implementation of sales tax cap increase BACIkGROUNll .~ JURTIFICATION: The Sewani <'ny Council approved Ordinance 2007-1U on bccember lQ, 20(17, with an effective date of April i, ?00b. TTrit ordinance authorizes an increase in the sales tax cap from $500 N $1,000. Prior to approval of thrs ordinance, the City adnunistratiun informed the Kenai Peninsula Borough administration of the proposed ordinance. T}te Borough administration estimated the potential cost to them of modifications to their computer sysRms and forms to acuururrodate the change in tax cap, at approximately $JOD,DDD. In response to Borough input, the City administration proposal an implcmcntation date of April l rather than January 1, to provide more time to the facilitate the necessary computer changes, and to educate and inform local businesses. Following passage of Ordinance 2007-10, Ciry and Borough officials met to discuss the long-teem care facility protect. At that time, the Borough adnumstratiun asked to open discussion of the tax cap increase, and rcyuested the City consider further pusq~omng implementation based on concerns regarding the time it would take to complete computer modifications to accornnrudate the change in tax cap. The Borough outsuurced their tax accounting system in the pas[ two years, and the firm represennng the sothvare is located offshore, narking it more challenging to accomplish the accessary changes. Afler a complete discussion of costs and logistics, both the City and Borough administrations agreed to request support from the City and Borough legislative bodies, to postlwne implementation of the tax cap increase to January 1, 2009. If the City agrees [o postpone irnplemeniativn, the Borough will abTCe to pay all costs associated with the modifications to the tax accounting system. CON515'I'ENCy' CIIECKI.Iti l' Where applicable, dais agenda statement is consistent with the Seward City Cade, Charter, Compreherrsire Pans, Land lJse Plans, Svatekic. Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures. Other: .,_ FISCAI. NOTE: 1'he 2008 Nudger r+'as approved with the expectation that approximately 570,000 wotild be generated by a» increase in the sales tax cap. A delay to the implementation date will result in the loss of $7Q,000 for the City in 2005. However, the Borough will agree to~ay the approximately $100,000 in implementation costs associated with the romputer modilications.~~~~-~(f?!u r.i,i-,.' RECO~IMF.NllATION: City Council approve a delay in implementation of the sales tax cap to January 1, 2009. jti Spousurrd by: Oates CITY OF tiF.~i aRT), .41.AtiKA RESOT.l:T10N 200R-001 :1 RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF SF.W'ARU, ALASKI, AL:THORIZING TIIE CITY MANAGER 1'O ENTER INTO A (i0- MUN'1'H I.h:AtiE .>,GREEAIENT 1'1'ITH OFFICE TECII INCORPORATED FOR F'OTiRRF:NI.A('t;ME;N'fCUYlERSFORCI"I'Y'HALL,THEHARBOR, .4ND THF. FIRF. DF.PAR'I',~TEN'I' H'UR A BASE .•+il11U11N1' NU"I' TO EXCEED $70,040 1i'IIEREAS, the City has four copy machines that have reached Utc and of their lease a`reements -the IIarbor department, Fire department, and hvo City Hall copiers, including the City's rnainbigh-capacity copier; and V1'HEKEAS, the City packaged a Request for Proposals for all four copiers to achieve cost savings and received tluec quotes liu Icasc, maintenance, and supplies, with various levels of responsiveness in ternis of feahnes and service response times; anti WHF.RF.4ti, proposals were evaluated on the basis of service and rnainlenance response times, cost, and copier features; functionality, with mie vendor meeting all advuniscd requirements !'or all machines; and WHEREAS, tlrc proposal by Office Tech, Inc. received the highest score, offeting 24-hour response time, meeting all of the required lcatures urd functions, and at a base price of 5331.90 per month for the downstairs copier, plus an estimated $1 SS.UU per month 1'or copies, for a total monthly cost of $~ 11;.911, versus the cost of the current copier of $2,366.02 per month; and W'HERF.AS, the base price of the remaining three copiers, inchrdiug fax machine, is $278.47 per month, plus copies at $f1.0U84 for black and white, and $0.11;{9 for color copies (in excess of 250 per monthj; and WHEREAS, the estimated monthly cost for each of the three remaining copiers (inclusive of all supplies and support) is as tullows: i) the mailroom copier is $324A7per month, versus the current lease rate of ti422.71; 2) the harbor copier is $307.47 per month versus the current lease rate of $321.89; and 3) the fire copier is $2!)9.47 per month versus the. curt'unt Icasc rate of $27.18. NO~ti', TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLY'ED Bl' THF. CTTY COTINCI L OP"1'HE CITY OF SEV1'ARD, ALASK~~, that: ticetiou I . 'fhe. City D4auagcr is authorized lu enter into a lease ak~eement with Office Tech, tncrn~iorated for replacement copiers as follows: 1) Unc Xeru?c WC 7455 p color copiev'printeriscanner, including maintenance plan for a base rate of $331.!)0 per utunth, plus 13 crrv or s>,:w.aRD.:~I_.asl:.a KFSOLUI'1O~ 2008-OUl black-and-white copies at $UAO(0 plus color copies at $0.089, including consumable supplies fnr all prints, for the do~~ nstairs copier; and ?) tlu-ee Xerox ~'~ C 7335 color copier.'printer`scanner'fax machines, inch dine maintenance plan 1'ur a base talc of S27$.4? per month, plus black-and-white copies at $U.tIf184 plus color copies in excess of 250 copies per month al $U.0890, includin8; consumable supplies liu' all prints, 1'or the harbor, Lire, and mail room copiers. Section 2. Tlrere are sufficient monies within the current aperatine budget topay for the new copier contract and no new appropriation is needed. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect inuvediately upon adoption. FASSF.D :1.vD AYPRO~'ED by the City Council of the city of Seward, Alaska, this 141h day of January, 2008. THE CIT'Y' OF SE~V:IRD, aLASlv1 t'lark Curbridge. !Ylayor AYES: NCJF.S: AHSI;NT: 413STAIN ATTEST: .lean Lewis, (:MC Cily Clerk (City Seal) . , ~ ~i Meeting Date: Through: From: Agenda Item: COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT January 14, 2008 Phillip Oales, City Manager Kristin Erchingcr, Finarrcc Director ~V,/?~fU Replacement Copiers RACKGROiJND & JUSTIFICATION: The City has four copy machines that have reached the end of their lease terms and require replacement. in an effort to achiuvc cost ctJiciencies, the administration packaged a Request for Proposals for all four machinus arrd received three responses. The City currently pays $3,381.09 per month to lease four copy machines (City Hall mail room and downstairs, harbor, and tire). We propose a new lease agreement for the four copiers ac an approximate cost of S 1,448.31 per month, for annual estimated cost savings of $23,000. Proposals were received from Compucum, Frontier, arrd OfTice Tech. The vendors provided varying levels ul'responsiveness to the Reyuest for Proposals. For example, one vendor offered a service response time of 3-5 days, versus our current 24-hour response time. Another vendor offered 24- hour rtsponsetime but charged lur each response (5400 or actual costs). Another vendor offered 24- hour response time at no additional cost over the base cost. Some proposals failed to meet one or more functionality requirement (c.g. maximum copy size, color copy option, speed). To account for variations in responses, proposals were evaluated on the basis of features/fimctionality (4U%), main[enance plan urd response time (3U%), cost (20%), and vendor experience (10%). Fcaluns included such things as copier speed, color capability, network printing, professional finisher, cte. I he cost component of each vendor's proposal was adjusted to ensure comparability. For example, some vendors inter a monthly charge which adjusts each year based on the prior years' actual copy count. Some vendors consider each faxed or scanned page as a "copy" for the purposes of charging for copy counts, while others do not. The proposals scored as i'ollows: Oflice'I'ech Compucom Frontier l . Featuresifunctionality (40) 40 18 31 2. Maintenauce;response(30) 30 IU 2U 3. Cost (2U) I S 20 1 ~ 4. Vcndor(Ifl) y 9 9 1'OT'AL; J7 57 76 1:i Cl'fY OF 5E~'~'ARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2008-oc I The Uffice Tech proposal received the highest score by otFering all oY the features requested, a 24- hourresponse time included in the base rate, and for the downstairs copier, a base rate of$331.90 per month plus an estimated $185.00 1'ur copies, for a total monthly cost of $51690, versus the cost of the cuttent copier of $2,3Gti.02 pur month. The Office "1 ech proposal includes all scans and all faxes within the base cost. For the remaining tluee copiers (mail room, harbor, and fire), the base rate (including fax) is $278.47 per month, plus copies at $0.0084 for black and white, and 50.089 for color copies (in excess of 250 per month j. The per-copy cost includes all supplies. Since departments have varying usage on the mar:hines, the estimated total cost per copier is as follows: I) the mailroom copier is $324.47per month, versus the current lease rate of $422.71; 2) the harbor copier is $307.47 per month versus the c;uiTent lease rate of $321.89; and 3) the fire copier is $299.47 per month versus the current lease rdlc of$275.l8. CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST: Yeg No t. Comprehensive Plan 2. Strategic Plan 3. Other X Ilri.r r"esohdiurt is consistent wuh the administruliun's current goal of uchieving cost efficiencies. The number of estimated utauhly copies {:as been reduced due to the ntigrarion to online printing uj City Cuunct7, and Buurdc and C'uiarnissivxs• packers. F1SCr1L NOTE: I"here are sullicient monies within the current operating budget to pay for these copiercontracts with no new appropriation needed. Approvui by Finance Department _t,-~4'L•f.2%. ~~ ;'. 2 ~ ~ . ~ • , l2ECOMMENDATtON: Council approve Resolution 2008-tni authorizing the City Manager t4 enter into a lease agreement with Office Tech Incorporated for replacement copiers. i ~~ XEROX -• - ~ ~ -- - . _ cuvarac SEWARD. CITY OF ~,,~ ~ ;`~C An Outstanding Customer ~'~^~^~s^~~~~"'~ Service Experience" ei6to CITY OF SEWARD Inslau. CITY OF SEWARD q f I t~P ~.~FR 5 PU Bux 16t 685Em2nl ~ ~ C~-~~(X)'~ in Po.s.mxw,w.rnnnn r.•...Ky, Srvxuil AK 7!864-0167 410 AdemS St _ °~`~ ~ "~;•y',•'~" _ _ _ ..n saa. w.: Sewer! AK 77684 41x IU4 tllitll 9are w local Gm¢mmea NrNjnlialed Cun r ~;, trau u7 i«8704 ~_ 1. W7655P (WC 7655 CGPIER-PRNTR) Leasc Tcrm, 60 muNhs - %crox DC49UST S1N C IFtIW 144 1, llz4~z~o3 Grwomar~cz aapMr Purchase Opdon: F!!V Trade-Ina; of Payment 73 . Prn !~nrhet-7ahr;e . Pocuplun Wek Cnll • Cuslczner t d • ArlWysl Serwces r ". ~I~ Culu~ All I' uIlS )u ~tl`tii PmingFlxcd fur Tcrm imal 5328.26 } Mmilnum Payments (Excluding Applkabk Tazes) ............,::C`:?7ai?tvftx3i `.:i-. ... _.:::?~Z~l`rAk-4S$:'S.Y.Sotl~if~~: %aF: _ .~S • .r.~. r. uun n~.l.mn1ey25 raAFl JI PIB 18nnxMMH 2yrWnn11 x4rM Tndnk VOU lw ynlx nLLSlneSSl ._ !MVS; arSFeges rxlWng lhi, Im:e rex7c ~ +: Thrc fureemem i<Prnaily lrevntM by %ernx and ~~T~ Signet: Fhiiq Dales Phone- (88717)A-4017 Lance Briggs TAB ~ ~. (807)283.5855 6 '"`^x4 For.vamnan m nlr %ernx nrrrnm n rn $1g181e'e - - note. wNW.xrmx WnYf¢luui4Maw~-it ~ ~~ ....:3.4A.°,iri r. 9i T.S:"I..°i55"a~iai'ui~,Gt..~miui:.:. .._,,,,_: ob&L[~iEtt'_i~~i i:nnliAenual-Lnpydght<20G7 kLR0): C0RnORAT191J. A7 ngds ~cwwed Po•yct olh 1" XEROX(,: ~~ ~__ Oirrro: crrY pE SC4YRr2b 4rsratt CITI'pf SE4VAf~0 J \ °rln ouf.<.tallriing Cusinu:ei G'~ r ji Pn 6ox 167 hlalxaom + l a ~- rN..;'.~,~.,-.cps Se Nice EzperleneB' SeweN. AK 99654-0167 410 AAams Sl t ,.ttL;.,°~uC ~ --- SCwaM, AK 99664 ,; ,;,~, ,„+,,.„nom +lu c.nl.on:.rox. •~ r.exrn:v+~+...:M ~+es.n::w 1 as 16f 1111111 ~_ Staro ar Cacef i;aurmlen( NL.bWiarnrt Canaan ~ dlt44ri704 r 1I 1 1 1 1. l9C7335P (YIC7335 PRINTER) lt+yse 7tvmr ~'ronGS ~xr.~uK L`C432Sl S; n'n'G;72t":.d PIZS:"~^.7R - High Cap Tandem Tray PUrthaSe Opiion: FMV I L•adc Ina: nt Paymi~nt i4 yLOte fuK&7ldK -Scanning En9hl.lul • Convenience SWp(er Cus(omar td nnarysl Services ~:S hS.•Yl~:^2Y!F..F~f:? ?CiGIY. -. 1~' :~~ie~'~~u-. 1'_.~: <" '.i:'.. , L 141C733;P 5707.56 1~ Traal 88W All Pnnty SO (1084 - Conmmable Supplies Incli.~fed fm all pant, Z'. I o121 Color 1 ~ ZSG Inrludetl PnfirNf Eixcd for Trrm Td~ 1 Gil • SOAFS`i6 E20 .56 Minimum Paymen(s (Exclur6ng ApppwWe Taxes) - +tJa .Y.' Sfiidmy, ..2' 4R' i>r•: 'b^' ;tBS i.:, - -.. -~ ... ?.I;g?p'.''G!r !:e.'n',' Ca~iKkrrlfslfgyigm~ryc 2401 REFt+d'l:(TRA7RAfftJN Att ngrns reserved. Paye GclS t XEROXa IWRn. CITY UI SLWARO Imtal SEWARD HARBOR OFFICE •~ ~ '~'.n Outslandngl Cusromer Do fb%167 + rr, r~ir~ , '~q 3004th Avc ~„~„M~_~ $eNtce F%pynence" SexarA, AK 95tib4A1tif Sewall, AK UU6W }11~4}~(~ ~. ~~177~%+ :D.0...~.~1WxmrCmm+nrvnp~ Ta%IM'. 1111117 f,~ e;w~a;vuv~+wnxmumtm~m Sure a I.ogl (:nverm~ylr NegoUatcd (axtUaet: UJ1U6709 1. WC7335P (WC7333 PRINT ER) Leasc Teml: tiU months -Xerox DC4325T S!N NG3147330 Hgh Cap Tantlcm Ttay Purchase Option: FMV Ir1Kla-In as of Payment )7 - 1 I n8 Fax 8 I{ax -Scarring fnahl kit • l;anvereence Stagier • Customer td -Analyst Servwa ~i ii1"U~"ilar3ia~'7WY~ t. WC73351' i ni, ~rd.,i -~•... ~~ ~'rirs ; U :;~~ _ i i. ~._hi_ .H~h,_ i....n ~~-rr. i~. Intal Cnutr 1 250 Iro:4~tltu' -R~icin•3 Rxatl fen ionn ~ 251- 50.0850 LTOIaI f-LU7.56 Mmimum Payments (FzckKling Applicable Taxes) V!S 7115W 01!S'LCOtl 1850.18 lnnfi9riwai Copynght=' 2001 XLHU%CUHYUkAI tUN. Al uyles ~,_scr; eC Poae 3 s15 i9 XEROX.: - ~' _ "An Oulslanding Customer BnTn CITY OF SLWARD muse CI I Y OF SEWARD 'arrficd `~ ' Service Experience" Po &ix 167 f IH F DEPT ikt<~ ~,~ ~ Selrar4 AK 9i1664.O i67 :116 seams Slreel ~i1L~ :u. +~w....aam. Gnaw n:vM~. nnxa r" Ta11t7i'. 1111111 State v leeu: ~4rs'rnfAht NegWakd Coht raa ~. 0714x670a :M,1 - ~ ~lislll~ ~ r ~ " r' 1. WC7'i 3:,P IJaL737b PPIrJ1FP.l ~ ,,c f -- --~mr; ~ Xerox DC4325T S!N NGS114469 1Ref2[1C2 ~ i~;:n Czp-ace ~m fraj .:w!hzee OEi,r~n rvv CrllCi-In as o(Paymerfl 74 1 Lnie Fax E I`3x -Sunning Enanl.ka Convenience Slayk`r fltttnmer td - Analyst Scrvkcs .4~.. _ fNl~{- _ ~rA~R. I I ~J,~~°, -,..... ~- ~ _ 1 ~. I oral B&W AO Prim 50,0084 s. -Consumable Suppli0s Included for all pmts ' G ToWI Color i - 25U Included - Pncag Fizetl IOf Term 251- SOnnao Towl 5201.56 AOrwnlm Payments (Extlu6ng Applitalde (axes) y; < l l t Sit '9 ~aRU9C '? U l tl Conrllenad - Copyright° ?n.".J X[FOX CORI'UttA 11UN. All rights reserved, Paqe 4 d S L (~ XEROX~ti ---- ~ ~ - wrnoournox I.,~,..... , _~ 'A53ai,4~oli&71%~IAT.'r IA Cnnlxlmeal CnpyngM~?0(17 XFRO%fpRCORATION AI ngMv resfrwA Wq~5.L• 1 Cih~ n(Sewarrl, .4faska Crn~Cburtcil ,44riuaes Yrnember ~6 >rJ07 Volume 37, Page CALL Tn URl)F,R Thu November 26, 20n7 regular meelutg of the Seward City' Council was called to alder at 7: i0 p.m, by ~t4a}rot Cfar-k ('orbridf;e. OPENING CF.RL•'1\IONY Police Chief Tom Clemons led the. pledge of allegiance. to the flag BULL. ('ALL There were prese.nt Clark Corbridge presiding and Willard I>unhatn Bub Valdatta Jean Rardarsun composing ~ quorum of the Council; and Phillip Gates, City IV1anager Jean Lewis, City Clerk Johanna Dullcrltide, Assistant ABSENT -None A moment of silence was takcu for thr C'iTT7.ENS' CU:~IMI?NTS UN ANY SUB, Linda Ambcre Tom Sn»th Retry Kellar , r of Dale Lindsey. E?i('F:PT T'HUSE ITF.AiS SCHEL)UI.F,D Kim Knwalsl:i Rogers, sprrke as :m employee for the City of Seward. Shc took offense to the abusive comments tuw~uds cirv staff and their wages arrd benefits. Salaoed and non-salaried employees r~ ~~rked sbuvc <urd hey~~nd. A, our emplcty~e, she worked veto h:sncl for whet she got and she was proud of the work she did. She hoped the council would takr that urto consideration. Uehbie t'an 'Casseh spoke on [he .'.~~ bed [ax increase before the council tonight. Shc didn't Iecl it was right that hotels nut of the city I imits didn't have m charge city at' bed taxes. II'thesc rates went up, they could charge extra to come up with dti same mtal as in town. They would get more for kitting outside. the city limits. which was a bore difference. 4PPRUVAL (JF AGTNI)A ANU CUNSI;N'1' ACF;1Vi)A nlotiwt (Bardarson/UuuhamJ Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda :~ ~ r. ('iq• ci Seward, .Alaslu City Couru•i! Mimeses 'Yorcrnbc, ?6, hi47 Volume i7. Pa c Resolution 2W7-128 was removed front the consent agenda and placed nn the regular agenda by unanimous vote. of lhr council. Motion Passed IJnanimous The clerk read the following approved consent agenda items: The ncccmher 24, 2007 regular city council muting was cnncclcd due to the holidays. Council approved the transfer of owncrslrip and name change of the "Tourism-Beverage Dispensary I,iyuor Licrnsr from the Hotel Edgewater, LLC dha The Yard Arm to The iCishan Group. Inc dha Tho Ivory (:ove. - ---- nod scr for public hero•ing L)ecember 10, 2007] -'~ Urdinance 2007-011, Revising Seward City Cnde Section ~,35.U4U (Exclusions And h:xrmptions), Exempting That Portiuu Ul' Residential Rents Ahovc $SOU, From Sales Tax_, Efl'rctive ;~pril 1, 2t10R. j rrrrrodeeced iutcl set for publrr hearnrg December 10, 20071 Urdinance 2110 7-0 1 2, Revising 5evvard l'ih Cude Section 5.4~.(II~f.A) lHotel/114o1r1 Ruum Tux- December 31, 2008, With Alaska Phocnit T,og At A Rale Of $380.00 king N'ee Schedule Fur City, -Owned Parking Lots January 1, 21108. 1blmricipal Camping Fees, Effective January 1, RTPURTS 1'ruclantaliuns and Awards Borough Assembly Report. Borough Assembly Rrprrsrntative Ron Long stated the less[ assemhly meeting went up m the al lotted time. '1'hcy looked at a resolution trying to decide on what the borough a role would he during the iU°i Anniversary statehood cclebr•ation. The Assembly wanted to participate and wa, looking for appropriate ideas. A resolution to adopt a cliwate change energy policy was postponed. The Assembly introduced an ordinance aligning the senior cititt.u :-, ti. Cirr of J'ar~t7rd. ,4Li rka li.4 (Ot/.7C r.+ A4mrrtc's Nnvem6er 26. 2007 Vnlurnc 37, Par;v property taxi exemption for all properties reg;srdlcss of valuN, w ko hack to a slatrdard where the exemption was judged nn all the same rzyuirentents as the yualilicarions of the permanent fund. City' DJan»gcr's Report. City ]1l~nager Phillip Outrs noted the recent pas~ng of Dale Lindsey. Ogles ntet with members of the Sewa'd ivhrral Srx:iely, who was hoping to rcyuest stale designation as the Mural Capital of Alaska. A resolution would come forward lu council supporting this wort. Dates attended the Alaska Cmunnmity Foundation workshop on November 17 and 18, 2W7, where he learner) u!' x pilot frrvjec•t t}rat would a1lvw cvrnrutrnrties tv ookmtar!!y develop a local conummity foundation bend. The application period would end February 2S, ~(NIR. In reslxnue to a yuestivn at a previous meeting, Gates reported the city was a par[ of a.joinr insurance pool. Under this pooh according [o Alaska Statute, only municipalities and their public corporations, city and borough school districts, and regional educational facilities were. eligible to participate. Staffw•ouIdcontinuetoresearchiftfle.C'ityofSe+vardcoufdinitiatetheiruwninsurance pool on behalf of local businesses to help case. the burden and offset przmiums. In other areas, C)arcs stated rtes. Public ~4'orks Department had been busy keeping up on drainage issues with the large arnvunts of rain the city had in the past few weeks. Oates stated the library was in full swinf: with preparations for rtes New Years Eve Ball. 'There would be nv Yirewnrks at the Ball, as the insurance for them was expensive. The Ilarburnraster position had been advertised and Oates was pleased to annvuni-c they had received marry applications. There would be a Mary Linvcll ('emer Partners Mcetiug this week tq detznninc rtes. impact of the Forest Sea ice's level of commitment to the project. Uates +vas pleased lv report the P.A.R.K.S. cutmnunily playground group had met their llecemher F;' fundraising goal of }511,111)0 ahead of schedule. Chamber of C'uuuncrcc keport_ Chamber llirector Laura Cloward gave Chatutacr membership and deslirration guide statistics. The new guides would he on the street sometime next week, and reyucsts Yoe the guides had gone up considerably. tiew•ard was ranked as nurnbr:r tlu'cr ur top ten destinations in the IJS according to Trip Advisor, which was rxtrerncly I'aviuable. She had just attended the Pacitic ~9arine Expo, which went very well. The Chrisuuas Train w as c:uming up, and the tour }year celehradon fur Idilarod Days was kicking off. Cloward cx pressed the Chamber's suppoR of the Cook Inlet Ayuaculriu'es tish enhancement prugrmu. Srivard Planning andLotring Cortrmicsivn Report. Clralr• A7arlartna Kei1 stated the commission was progressive with the title IS update with lhc. voluntr~er help of Bob Ilicks. Tlrc commission approved the L,ong'I'erm Care facility rezone aged the trnvnhvuse cottdiuunal use pca'mit. The next Fl;trrninh and %+tine (,orrtmissivn rvec•tiag cc as !>ecemlrer-t, 2007 and il'cit suggested a member ai'thc conunission to sit in on lhz Harbormaster interviews, like the Pvrt and C'vmmerce Advisory Board. I'UBL1C HE.-1RINGS ttcsolutians Reyuirin„ A Public flcaring :' Ciro ofSc Hntrd, ALr.~dut Cih' < i~tutr tl d4iruaes ,'Vnt'rnther '(i, ?U07 L t~iwtt<- r7, Parr Resolution 2110 7-1 2 2, Autrnding The Port Aud Harbor Tariff Ry Tnercasing Luunch Fees, ElTectice Janunr-y 1, 2008, Notice of the public hearing bring posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Paul Rupple, a boat owner in the harbor, stated the Seward Comprehensive plan called for a shriving harbor. Fees kept increasing and he cautioned the council to keep fees reasonable to keep boats and their owners ut the harbor. Rupple wondered if a change could be made ro keep human powered vessels at a five dollar rase for launch fees. He was glad to see the slip assignment fcc was removed from this resolution. Oates agreed the cih•'s uucress was to have a smal I rhrivutg Lx~at harbor. The idea of human powered vessels being exempt from this increase was a new idea to him and he Wuughl it was worth pursuing. This resolution only addressed :ur increase in boat launch fees and not the slip assiQttment fee. He recommended approval of this resolution. '.1lotion (nunhamBardarsou) Approve Resolutiou 2007-122 Motion (Aunhnm/finrrlarson) :mend Resolution 2(107-122 to keep the launch fees fur human powered vessels the sarnr by adding the language, "excluding 11'hrrras, in the first 1lution Blain ~lotiun Pessrd Unanimous Resolution 20(17-123, ~lrnending'1'ftr Srwrr'farilT'1'o Increase Atl Sewer Charges t3y ~%, Effective January 1, 2008. Nittice. of the public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Alarianna Keih asked fur clarification on the ti;250,1XN) for the SM1C sludge pile. if it was Dunham understood this to be a follow up as a oust study door a few years ago that suggested small increases over the years. Uatcs cuntirured. coming out of the general fund or it was ro he taken out of the enterprise fund. Oates stated that would he addressed with the corresponding budget resolutittn later in the agenda. Jlotion (llwiltatu/I,;cllar) Appruvr Rrsululiou 2007-123 Oates stated rates had been continually rising, but oat near as much as the consumer price. index (CPIj had risen, and this increase was to gradually meet the CPI. J~uch of the sewer system in place was at the end ol'ils useful life and would need replacement, so this increase was also for That. '~ J C~in~ ct Sv~rgrA..Ala~ku Cih' Cuuncr7A9irtutrs ,ti rcrrtir'r '( 'U!)7 Votume 37. Pn~e Motion 1'asscd l nanimous Resolution ZO(17-114, Amending ~i'1tr EfcMric 't'ariff To kstablish r1 lYcw Fee '1'o Equalize Charges To Customers Outside Of The Seward City Linuts. ~~'ith Customers Ltside The Seward Cih• Linuts. Effective Januan• 1, 2(11}8. Notice of the public hearing being posted and published as required by taw was noted a,td the public hearinZ was opened. Carol Roberts, noted residents outside the city limits should get a discount for the etectncal service they received. She thought atcmbers of the. council, who al(Gved within city Iunits, shuufd abstain from voting. as it was a conllict of interest. h should be a popnlar vote by those affected, otherwise it was tasatiun without representation. Run ~i`ille, spoke against raising the electrical lbs. to residents outside city limits. The ~~ irhin the. cin•, as the City of Seward would be benettting h'om thts mcrease ana restdents outstuc of city limits did not have any representation ur voice on ibis council. 1~`ille did not aeree with Utc third ahcrcas of the resalution> because he already Paid Cor sewice cunncctinns, basic repairs, and door harteing. The electrical enterprise should encompass al I of its users. He noted the city drew a lot of money out of the electric fund and he hoped the cuwicil would consider this. The rules were suspended by general consent to allow ~i illr two more miputes to Speak. vi'iilr e•otttinued, slating he was ++aitirtg n» a dtu'umcnt reques! sitar indicated the monies drawn from the electric deparvnent over the last few years artd requested the. council waited with this information was compiled. He didn't see the justification for this increase. nJ ~i'1»tman, agreed with \~'ille nn this issue. He found it su~ange there was no mention of how this came about in the tirst place. 'this was truly taxation wiUtuut represenlaUvn. Motion lllunham/Amhrr~) Approve Resolution 2007-124 Gates sta[cd the fee was to cyuabze the ousts among Seward city limit residents. 't'his was a 4~c surcharge with a ti20 month cap. Hr addressed some issues noted about this resolution. The city taxes were Drily paid by the city residems. I lc did not agree that the electric fund was a healthy fund. The Lund had not keen "raided"' in the pall, but foane<f out to pay for the hospital PERS Ioan, which w•as r,n a repayment schedule with interest. "hhe city was sub.jcet for RCAC ntling on how the fund catld be wed. 'T'his rate increase +vould came hack to Use electric fund. uvt a taxation that would go to the borough and rheas back to the fund. The city did sense all of iu customers, and sought. to serve all equitably. Valdalta considered ibis an acceptable ti.e. ;, .. ,:. O C'+n~gjScward,:1lasd« C}ri ~::,,,i!;,ibiure~ Nurrmher?6. ?On7 l oi:.mr ~', P~ua• Kellar Cclt it was a bad tax. It was unfair to ask fora 49c tax drat Ate council did not have the authi+rity to intplciuenl. llunharu was concerned with this resolution. Tn the past, residents outside city limits were charged a 10'?o fee, which was later removed. He didn't like the surcharge and equalization of 4rio as worded in section 1 artd wished there was another way to do it. Dunham felt the rates should reflect the cast of the utility and the. zones set up should coordinate with the rates far them. C'orbridge felt there were several prublents at hand, but the city was haund by law to try attd equalize the net income received from those. inside anJ outside the city IimiLS. He felt this equali~arion should be reexamined. but felt tltis was nut Utc currecl mechanism. Smith noted surcharges were al lowed. He also didn't like the way Urc nxOlution was worded and didn't understand equalizing net revenues far utility setti•ices. Bardarson had property inside and outside city limits, and could understand tfie equalization. Down the road. the increase could be more. 1llutiun to Postpone (llunhum/Smith) Postpone Resolution 2007-124 to the Jlutiun No: Council recessed ai Council resumed at Ordinance 2007-007. ;lmrnding '1'hr Land L sr flan And Rezoning of Tract D, of The L'SS 1664, Seward Lurk 'Cerro Carr facility Subdivision (Preliminary Plut) And Rezoning Thr North I'urtiun Uf'1'rart A-1, Of "The L?SS 1RG4 Seward I,nng Term Care Facility Subdivision (Preliminary Ylat) From Single Family (Rl) Tn institutional (LVS). 1\oticr of the public hearing being pi+sie.d and puhlished as required bylaw wa_s noled and the public hcariug was opened. No ane appeared to address the ('ouncil and the public hearing was closcJ. Oates stated this had unaninwusly been rrl.onunended by the Planning and 7.aning Commission. A work session was also held un [his tapir. This was supported by the Comprehensive and Strategic Plan. T<Intian lilardarson/Dunham) Lnacl Urdiuanre 20117-U07 Motion Passed L uanimons ~~7 la(t' UC.SC'hi7/'O; .`ti~IS'ltt7 Cin• fukix'il;f~linrr;f<i~ Ordinance ?(IU7-pOR, Amending Seward City' Code '1'it-c 15. Land Uses Allowed "fable 1 ~.10.22~ 1'o Allmv Townhouses 13v Conditional Lsr Permit In Thr Central Business District 1(`tlD). Notice: of the public hearing brirt_~ posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one appeared to address the Council and the public hearing was closed. Oates stated the. Planning attd Coning Commission had also recommended approval of this change. It was consistent with the city plans. Acting Planner Donna Glenz noted the cuntmission approved this unartinw« sly, and one per~nn conveyed their opposition to this allowarnc.. Motion (llwtbam/Amberg) F:nact Urdinance :A107-1)OR blotiou Passed tinaftiutous Ordinance ZW7-0U9• Amending Seward ('ity Code 'T'able t ~.tU.22U'fo Add .4 Nofe Krgarding i.imitations Un Development Uf'I'ract D Of tiS5 1864 Jesse Lee Homc Suhdivisivn Seward tong Term Care Facility Iteplat. notice of the puhlicheatin« being posted and published as required by fa+v was noted and tfie public hearing was opened. Vo one appeared to address the Council and the public hcarine wat closed. Oates stated this required some additional discussion. The landowners, lhr Griswold's, had agreed to sell this property to the city fur the purposa of cunstnteting the Long Term Care.1^'acility. The land was heing platted for Utr. sale and would come forward sun. Once the plat was signed, the city could pay fur the prolierty and proceed ahead. Council just chan_~rd dtc rezone by enacting Ordinance 2007-007. There were concerns w ilh what the cede allowed in dte utdusttial zone. Some of the things allowed would he less appropriate next to residential areas. so it was taken to the Planning ;utd Zoning Commission. The Griswold's requested certain restrictions he put on this land, which would be enacted with this ordinance. Phis approach, mado by the attorney's. was acceptable to the land owner;. 'T'here was yursuun about encumbrance fur future use of land. Thc allornev's recommended council go forward with the ordinance change. "I he city hoped to purchase the. land in bcccmlk.r and hegin ground prcparatirtn in March ur April. Delaying this urdirrartcc would put 1\intion (llunhanJRardarsonj Approve Urdiuancc 2007-(N19 Bardarson asked about the pnssihle physical therapy future addition, and Oates stared that was a pazY of the Long Trrm Cate Faciliq~. as well as a skilled nursing facility. Smith noted "instinfrinnal•' in the rude was very open ended. When the code was wTilleat, rnany things wen: allowed nutright. Someone. could huild something like a gas station or a welding shot nn :tn irtstirittinna! znttr. 141otion Passed Unanimous LO Cin• of Seward, ,1lusku C'in~ Council ;Ltinnres h'm~ember2G.?nn% i'nlume?7.Pu e UNFINLSHEll BUSiNRSS items Postponed Prnm A Previous Agenda Resolution 2W7-105. Adoplirtk'Phr Parking Enterprise Fund Rndget N'or Calendar fear 2008. On a rencral budget note, Oates stated he was unazul with what the city did with the amount of people they had. He agreed with many of Kim Kowalski Ruger's comments artJ applauded his staff. As a city mutager he could sett. everything that was nut being done. 'there were many arguments about cfliciency. The increases before the council gu to needs not being met. His professional assessment was char it was remarkable what the city did with what they had. Regarding du+ parking L•nterprisc. Fund, Oates stated this fluid presented a balutccd budget. The change in parking lets were represented in Resolution 2(x17-1'6 vrd he recommended aptiruval. Motion (BardarsorJlirllar) Approve Resohrtiat 2007-105 [n response to Dunham, Finance Director Kris trchinger claritied which lots were up for scaling, striping, and reconfiguraliun. To [he best of her lutowledke. these lots had nut been re scaled and re striped. lfluliun Passed ilnsininurna Tund Rndget F•ur Calendar Oates stated staff still had to come to council fnr approval of any pwrhase in addition to this solution. 1 he bud~rt had been modified to reduce ftnure purchases of vehicles and research se costs. He plutucd to du a full review of the city's fleet of vehicles. Unless things like learance ~+ere outsourccd, funds Iur heavy equipment still needed to be in place. Approve Resolution 2007-106 In response to Bardarson, trchinger stated dtc only vehicles purchased in 2007 were hvu Dunham vvan[ed an update of the 2007 budget as most current. R was difficult to make these du isiuns when they couldn't see what was done fur the cturent year. Ile wanted staff to nm Uuwuth the footnote budget itcuis. Erchinger did so, in which she noted each item would have to come back ro council for approval, as they would be purchases over S10,OW. police sus, urd possibly vac more. Jmith asked about the drop in operating income. Frchirtgcr said it was a drop in depreciation costs, and it u~as not a drop in ntunuy. .,y Crrv of Sc+,•ard..4!¢vka Cin~ Cr>uncil A1in~trs ,b'nvemhrr 2G .CK+7 Volwru :i7, Ytrbe L)iscussion ensued ahout the sander plow truck. Public Works Director W.C. Casey clarified that the cost before the council was the approximate cost of a sanderplow truck. Tltey were expecting the ?007 models to be tone next year. ~\'hat the f'ttblic ~T~'orks Director had originally ~s~altted was a Jump tntck. lnslcad, to make the money stretch, They would be mining different plpw blades and parrs to different vehicles. Dur+lts+tt hoped this bt+dget coude} be red+tce~ inure, but he vvoule! support it..4tttberg agreed. In response to Smith. Oates noted the operating and maintenance costs lied within each specific depazuucnt. \4otion YasSrd Yes: Smith, Antbcrp. Dunham, Valdattu, Resolution 2007-107, Aduptinfi The hospital Ucht Servicr 1''und ftudget 1' or Calendar Yrar 2008. t)ates staled this fund consisted of the I°i~ sales tax revenue to improve health care. 'Phis fund would be making the first of its 15 yearly payrnvnts with interest from the loan that pail off the hospital t'ERS deM. Motion (Dunham/l3ardarsonl .Approve Resolution 2007-107 hi response to Rardarson, Ett~hiuger stated diffrrcncc behveen what was in the preliminary hudget and what was in their council packet was the elimination of the seasonal sales tax. Repayurcut of the Hospital FERS debt payoff waS translerred through the general fund as art expehse under debt Servicr, simply because the city was unsure if this fund could consistently make the rrpavment loan. Alotion Passed CTnanimnus Resolution 2W7-108, Adopting The I:Iretric Enterprise Fund Budfiet For Calendar fear 2008. Oates stated this resolution presented a balanced budget and did nut subsidize any other funds. h allotted for the replaccuteot ce.nec:mors and the new electric shop. It diJ nut pass along the Chu~~acht-:lectricrateincrcasc. (_>~rec3n.cweredtvsomep++hliccotnn+rnts}x•hadreceivedregarding this fund. He reconmrended council approve. this resohuion and consider Resolution 2007-121 at the neat meeting. Motion (Dunhanr/ltardarmn) :~ppruve Kcsolution 21107-108 Durrtram canted ru know if rhr..:irr really uccded ro huy art excavator. to response (u bunharu, Erchinger said this budget did not include Gooding for specific. capital improvement items before the council; rather it was a list of things nccdc~d in the fund. j i7 C=itv of Sex~ard, Al~uka Cilc G~unril:~finurc's :4bverrrl~er 2G. ?007 Vnhrme 37 Page Lr response to Valdatta, Oates said the Furt Raymond fence repair wrndd be incotporated into al I of the 1~'ort Raynwnd plan repairs. F.rchinger spoke to the taxing on the price of filet artd power on Chugach's bchall'. Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2007-109, Adopting The Capital improvement Budgrt For Calendar Yrar 2008 And Two Suhseyuenl Calendar Years. Oates stated the Capital Luprovement Plan represented a list of capital nerds for each fund. It did not prioritize nerds. only the potential of needs. Oates noted the $25U,(IUO sludge removal at SMIC was only a plan at this point. altltuugh it was a plan chat had been nn this budget fur many years now. Motion (Dunham/Iiardarsnn) Approve Resolution 21N17-109 Motion to Postpone IKe1larBardarsoul l'u5tpune 2W7-109 to the December 10, Swilh noted he would like to see asterisk's by the items the city was intending ro fund. Erclringer said none of the. things at this point were on the city's plan to fund, but would come to the council 1'or funding. Motion lu Postpone 1''aded 1'rs: Kellar, Bardarsun No: South, Lhuilram, AurberQ, Valdatta, seconJ. Change Electric Shop, new generators and generator building line item fmm $7S million to $4.5 million, under Electric Related Capital Projects. Ycs: Amhcrg, Smith, Valdatta, Denham, Rardarsnn, M1tayor Corhridge No: Kellar Resolution 2(107-104, Adopting The Small Boat Ilarbor)/ntrrprisr Fund Budgrt For Calendar fear 2008. Ua[cs stated the slip assignment fee would bc. brought forward to cuunci I at the next meeting and recommended approval. Motion (Ftardarson/Dunham) Approve Resolution 2007-104 ~; Jt C'ilrtf.Sr•r+aril..4lrrski. ('i1v Cn+mcil Minutes ,b'or~emAvr?6 2007 Volume ;7, Page Motion preriussh made 11/13/07 Qates reiteralcd the slip assignutcnt fee was nut a part t~f what was hefortr the council tonight. It would he brought forward to ttum at the next meeting, and bttsed nn haw the council voted; it wvuld or would nvt become a part of capital infrastnrcutre improvements. Dunham asked about linear' footage of dtc. harbor wit}[ the slip assigrttttcnt fee. He did nut agree with the slip assignment fee. Dlotion to Amend (Kellar/Dwdtani) Amend Resolution 2007-104, by mmuviug the miscellaneous $150,000 stall assessment fee under operating Revenue. 1llutiuu to Amend 1'asscd Unanimous `;, ~'1»irr ~'lotian Ya15fd Un»nimous Resolutiuu 20117-1(NI, Advptiug The 2008. ~att:a stated this was a balanced badger to maintain scr ice levels. Increases were due to bed Load rcnivval and fire halt rcpaus. Alt other increases were offsei wilt department cuts or reductions. RluUon (Rardarson/Kr[[ar) Approve Resolution 2007-100 Ambers wanted to know if t}ti~ ++ould be suhject to the increase in hed taxes. Erchinger xtated rite. increase in hed tax was inch+ded in the General Fund, but if council wished the bed tax to remain the same, a resolution arueuding the hudget would Cirnle'. back to council at a later [line to In response to Lhurhtun, the increases were $2,t><t0 ro the Senior Center, $8W tv the museum, turd '}• I ~.?R~ to the chamber, which remained to originally proposed. Amend Rrsululiat 2007-100, Section 1, after the wording "C'alendar Year 211118," add "will he set at 2007 actual spending levels'"and spike "which is attached hemtn and made a port hereof by rcfrrrncr and which contains estimated revenues and expenditures l'or the period January 1 - December 3l, 2008, »nd" Kellar encouraged adrninisU'ation to seek ant alternative ways to reduce govenuucnt spending turd !v rrsi• the amount of rnuixry s»red for depreci;etiou costs. .~ Cin~ of J'rnxud, ,tluckn Cih~ C.ourrri! Minutss :tioverrrLer 2h, >(H~i V07uma 37, Puge Dales Stated the city would not know what 2007 expenditures were unfit well into 200A. tf this antcnd[nent were to gv ttuough, hed loadint removal and fire. bill repairs would gv away, and state cunuibutions for levee. repairs would be at risk. Erchinger noted '_007 six:nding levels would nut be determined until March, when the city closed the books on the year. Motion to Amend Failed Main Alotion Passed KF.R' RL?SINESS Res~+4utions Resolution 2007-128, Approving A tarriclt, dba Carpe Caws Iu'T'he :1 Oates noted a typographical er was listed as 56,080, where in fact it eonu'act went out lur proposal, atnd as Car pc Cattis was negotiated down fret Cuutrul Services With Jennifer the amount u! the contract Title of she resolution. This ,fed. The overall cost with Approve Resulutiun 2UU7-128 Police Chief Tom Clemons explained the inclusive costs. T)unham said Carpe Canis did a wonderful job and if the city gv[ them again, it would be a bargain. iti'Iotion Pulsed Y'es: Amberg, I3ardat~son, Smith, llwrhum, Kellar, Alnyor Corbridge Nu: V'aldatta nTHFR NE~V I~L;S11Vl;SS Council discussed appoiutinF a council representntivc to the Kenai Peninsula Borough lconumic Development nistrict Board. Councilmember Smith would get back to council to srr if hr could be the representative and lhr appointment was postponed to the next meeting. ~3 t: itv qj Siward, Rluska City (-rnurcil.b9inutvs 1'orrmlrer ~6 X007 Volume t7, NaRe Thr disrassion item seeking council's guidance pertaining to the Sewnrd Ships Dry Uock (SSL}I)) i?P11 report was postponed to the next meeting. lNF~RAIA'TION~tL ITF,!14S .i:VD REPORTS f:~`o ctc•1ioi~ rFgtrirerl) Providence. Seward Medical Center Financial Keport for October 2007. COL'NC1I. CO~IMF.NTS Kellar noted the l»kh school was having a play in D~cemher and Hoped pevplc would support the students by aUcnding the shvw'. Aardarson noted she would be vut of town I'ur the next mectine, and thanked Pam IIermann and Scott Ransom for their service lu the city. Dunham annvuneed the Dale Lindsey rucmorial service was f)ecember 2.2007 at 2:W p.m. at the Alaska SeaLifo Center C1'I'I7.F.NS' CO`i]~iF.NTS Ron Long, thanked the, city manager He noted there was nu mention of revenue. revenue sharing to the Governor. Dlarianna Kell, said expenses didn city manager wvuld hold to his promise to upcoming yr:u. It wasn't nrcrss.uilynbnut the budget he ct request. to request :ost of the employees and hoped the ies attd cost cutting utcasures in the that they represented Ute majority of :SPONSE TO CITI7.F.NS' t'OhIAIF.NTS of the Se+vard Ship's Drv Duck presentation lu the Rver it tunit;ht. He would recommend this topic: come ADJOt1IZNi4fEN't' The ntecting was adjourned at I I:00 p.m. Jean Lewis, CMC Cily C'Icrk icily Seal] Cfark Corbridge. Mayor ~l City of Se~rard, Ala.elm Cin' C'vtu~eil:LLnulre C~1.L TO ORDER The December 10, ?007 regular meeting of the Seward Cily Council was called to order at 7:3U p.nt. by Mayor Clark C'urbridgc. OPENING CERE~ION1' JJ Jennifer Headtke, spoke in support ol'Scward becoming the mural capital of Alaska. She mentioned that the society began in 1998 as azt experiment to paint murals and it became a strung group of art enthusiasts. Headtke thanked Yat ~Vi I liams for inspiring the thuught of painting murals years ago with her aviator story, artd also thanked [he city for their support of the mural paintings, which promoted cultural tourism for the community. t'aty ~%5"ewnr:i, ~ttaska City L'n::rtcd Minutes UewmLr.r 10 X007 ~olurne 3'• Puge Dnt Bardarson, also spoke in support of the mural society resolution. She stated the Mural Sociuy had a 5-year plat) which included Ed'I'ussey painting a National Park Theme for 200$, and other artists and themes through the year ?012. She inforn~ed that the group had a wtbsite and w•as a tmrtg or,x)zi;,stion that mould hsr e n)vri• u)urals painted in the future. APPROVAf. OF AGF,NDA AND CONSF,NT AGF,NDA 114otiou (Dunhaut/Amberg) Approval of Agenda a Consent Agenda Twu items were pulled tiom thr consent agenda. .,<„~' Motion Passed tiuanimou The clerk read ttre follow ing approved consent a;~::nda item-, The November 13, 2007 Kegular Cih' Council 11 ceting :tilinut~, Were Approv • y~~; Resolution 2007-137, Accepting A Grant In the :1niognf 01' $1,299,60 From The :~-aska Highway Safeh Office For 2008 First Quarter AS"1't:P miring Under The Influence (Dl!I) Eni'orcemenl Campaign :dud Appropriating Funds. ``..~ ~; From Thr Alaska ant Campaign And Appropriating Funds. The Mural ['apital Of Alaska And Is Contract For Three Years 'To 1\ferritt P:nterprises For oath Cruta' .4nd The Sports & Recreation Program Sitc, Ftr Ao Annual :\mount Of $38,2811.110. Alttrnativr ;11Jocation Aletbod For The FY2008 Sbared And Certifying That This Allocation Method Faith iif leant EI'1'ects Of Fisheries Rosiness Activity Tn Thr Cook Avb RI/P()RTS Proclamations and Awards A :Zienwriam ti'as Rcad For Date 12. l.indsry Sy Z"ice-AI:t}'or 1)unhsm. Borough Assrmbiy Report. Borough rlsserohly Representative Ron Long, following a citizen comments, s[a[cd a sidenotc, "hearing Dan Seavey say he had a little somctlunK to do with the ., JO ( rry nf.Seum•d..9lnska C:Ity Cbunci! hlinuter Ueeember !0. ?OiJ7 Volume 37 Pa r lditarod "Nail was like saying Dale Lindsey had a little sarncihing to do with the of I business." Last Tuesday's nrccting discussed twro ordinances, which clrarrgud senior exemption requircrncnts, resulted in a 4-3 !ailed vote which has been reconsidered, and a buruugJr rued standards requh-eutcut ordinance prior to final plat approval. Long basical ly supported the. idea behind the latter ordinance, but after eight public hearings, introductory remarks at the last hour stated road standards would he changed in ,Tannery. Long thought it would have been nice to have known this all along. It also had a 4-3 vote and was up for reconsideration. City ~lana~cr's Report. City Manager Phillip Oates congratula glrschoul drama class nn their Radio llaze. play. He thought it was superb. Oates also boned that the Clerk's office would be cutting packet distribuliun in half beginning Janu with the availability of the inforniation on the websiic. City Attumey Brad Meyen wool akin h with the Attomcy General Office later this month. .y, , 'r Oates had met with Colonel Wilson with the ~" Army Corps of Engin discuss r Oates ~~iati excised to report Thal Seward was IislcJ in the top tlrree by the Trip Advisor's Top Ten U.S. Destiny"lions Eor ~QOS. City Attorney?s Report. Not present. assumption u responstbtlity by the Corps for.yttir~T.owell G vnn'I'umrel ar rrection of the desikm deficiency in the small boat harbo,rfri `, vith `"vey and pledged city support fur the lditarod Pays Celebration in February; met T to partner for fu»ds to col locate state and city public +vurks shops, and attended th ~ laska Conrrnunity wrorkshop for administrative and Icgal needs. f ~,;. . j; Bob Hicks had accepted the pos,~ 'onmmrrity Develn~`~ 1)irc~+;tor, arrd would start January 7, 2001;, and the hieing pen rbornrasttiosmon had been extended to secw-e more applications. ~ ~ `~ Oates had received<~1e13er from Chug rut requesting support for their application to s " Becattse oI'cuuccrus it would creatu an unfair apply as a section 330 CoTnmunit} IIealth Cenl w competitive adtianta~e'o~er local heylthcare pro+,,.`"~s, hu mtendcd to request cormnunity wide meetings by Chugachmiril,4q shuN' il-Was.e`cununurrity's best"interest. Oates noted that Governor Patin,had.releascdlijb'Y"Oy budgut proposal today, arrd also informed drat the city's fire boat the lobo Fust~r ~"aunt R`~y~titticr to aid in the search operation of the Lifeguard helicopter that had went dn++n ur th~te~ t fates explained that the city operated their electric generators on December 3 and 4, 2007 due to natural gas delivery problems in Anchorage. Chamber of Commerce Report. Ron Hewitt staled a stra[egic planning session was held and the (:hamher was looking forward to expanding its offerings for small businesses. Some of their plans were to offer a business fair, seminars, develop short-term goals, redevelop marine services, support IiCC campus offerings, etc. to promote business. Hewitt stated the Chamber opposed raising the bud tax because it would result in a 50% increase and would deter what the Chamber had done for marketing in Se+vard. He cncouragud tontine! lu not danragc an industry that was encouraging, business. 37 L iN nt :Seward, AiuaRa Cih~ Cowicil ~Llinutes Vu(tmte 1 %. Page Dcc nrhPr 10 ~n0' - Seward Planning and Inning Commission Report. Not present. Uther Reports, Special Presentations A Preseatatrnn On 7•he P.A.R.K.S ProjerY Was C:ivrn By playa +`loriarty. Cuuncil recessed at 8:37 p.m. ~' •~• Cuuncil resumed at 8:~t3 p.nt. -3~ ' 'lc,, kf~ (Due to a /i+nuly errrergertcy, the Cih. ' :Llauager left and Finance ctor J,I'rchinger sort in, j PCBLIC HE,IRINGS ~'' ' Ordinances Requiring A Public IIrnring public hearing being posted artd puhlishe as requued by law w• led the public hearing was opened. t ' ~ ~''..: Tom Tougas, was brainstomting item ace ~ • 5t10 to S1UUU. and noted at'~3.32 a gallon. this tax cap would affect people's fu • mobil Ie ght the city should work with the s. .:.~. horou~~h on raisin« the tax cap tiigi~tltcr, but Sewt~tYf.`~ ~ould nut raise it aluuc. Tougas thought it vvas an ururcCe.,sarti' oruvosal,ai~al would heavily impact fuel and electric bills. ~, ~{~ e~°/u voter approval ro increase sales tax. While il~A~n~2008 for the borou_~h, there would still he about n to the rest ui'the borough. 'That cost to implement these rmnd Long urged the council to find a better ~t•av. c3hia~"y;Kulstad, thott~ thi~r'tax cap would have a negative impact rnv overall income for husinesscs, an''d;,the cost won merease to the customers. She thouglu it was a hardship hecausc rucuxners could rifler less oute the cite limits. ;Enact Ordinance 2007-Ulll fiireanre nirrrtor Kris ErcLingerslahd this would increase the tax cap from SSUU to $1000, and was in conjunction with Ordinance 2007-U1 1. The sales tax cap was implemented in 196 and never adjusted for inflation. Shc stated buying power of sales tax today was much loss than in past. The issue ofraising the tat cap had been dese+r.csed many times in tJrc izs! couple uY years. Ahhuugh it was difficult to estimate the data, staff felt it would amowtt to about $70,000 for 5cward. lirchinger noted [he borough would have significant costs to implement this and would hxvc to add J~ Ctry of .~euvird, AGe~lur Cir)+ C'ounci! hliuures December /fl. ?OOF t plume 3?, Puya• columns to their t'orm for any peninsula sales tax changes. She recommended implementation for April 1, 2008. Dunham had been in favor of raising the tax cap, but each time the borough had talked the city nut of it. He noted this tax cap had been on the books for 40 years. Althotislr he was sensitive to pre-sold packages, he noted a 60"/" vote to raise this cap on the burough level was nut likely. Dunham noted the difference between gross sales vs. taxsblc sales was lutgc;~ ~,Hc thought Suward had been the lowest taxed community on the Peninsula for 13 years. '~'~'<:a;; ,• Corbridgc supported raising the tax cap. He pointed out fifth' ;&orrected far inflation it would urcrcasc to S1,J0t1, so he felt this approached the CYi gen(J Arnberg wondered if the city was just spinning whe ~,~ery little revenitc, especially if the borough was not willing to implement the change. ~'~.a•,H:' <~. ;~~>„ u= Lrchinger stated the borough was capable enC •~ ^ change. Smith sympathized with the borough, but noted they e given rivo years notice. s,. ;<;> Dunham said cities had tom a or the discrepan~ji~~iuld get further sod further ,c: out of whack. ~ ,~' y .. Dlotion Passed ~ ~ s: h, ~'aldatta, Dunham, Corbridgc o: Kellar, Amhcrg %e~, <;. Ordinance 2007-(II1. Revisin ~,1~V Code Section 5.35.040 (Exclusions And F.xemptionsj,.Exempting T~itsE" onion Of Residential Rents Above $500, from Sales Tax, Effective Aril L `2008.I~otice`d~ a public hearing being posted xnd published as raluircd by law M: ~~. was not ?nod the public hearing w ed. To , ugas, suppo ~ cxe piing rants but Iclt it more important utilities and heating oil should also be _ ~mpl, since osc items had the most impact on the community. .,~. i\lotiou (lluuhant/Antber~ F.nnct Ordinance 2007-01 I L•rchinger stated the intent would cap the sales tsx on residcutial tents [u 5500. Dutrttarn did not support this and did not think it was a serious need. He informed the borough did not like selective re~~ew of taxes. Amherg supported keeping rents at $500. J :~ Crn u,~Se,~rrrrl, Alm,( Crrv Council Mtnutra Deremher !U ~U07 Volgme 37, Page 5mi[h did not like a tax that applied to a certain group, although sumo rentals could not afford to pay. Lrchinger stated this was not intended to affect hutcUmotel customers with bil Is over $500. Kcl lar thought it was foolish to target a sped fie group of people, and voting yes on the prior resolution and not vn this ont; didn't make sense k> her. b1otion Nailed Ycs: Amberg, Val ith Nn: DunLam, IiY11 r, Corbridge 1\ohce of the public hearing being posted and published as r ~db~~ law was n and the public hearing was opened. Y,,~x• Tom Tougas, disagreed that Sewed had l}e~'IQK~est sales<tax. He did business in five communities and Seward was the only community on the`peetiisulawith abed tax. He reminded council it was an initiative by Ntargarct Anderson to fund the C'Ziamtter with tied tax money, and felt the resolution needed "a whereas" stating. to 1995, half of the hnfeLYnutcl tax was initiated with hal t going to the chamber Lor marketing. "f~ougps argued retail sales wcc~ up sienificantly because of gasoline prices, and the borough climinattor;,,~~,i~~grait[p csentptiona:#ot tours. He noted the generai fund received a windfall from the price of tire~'TougasexpC,~tigyd this was a "stick it to the visitor" budget and asked when enou,glt ~t'as enough. `i: ~?~' , Ron He+t'itt, atentioned`~lt was an initiative in L~)5 that provided the bed tax funding; in the first plan . He thought it unfair that, his leases in he harbor went up, sewer went up 5%, etc. He opposed the mcrcase in the bed leer hecausv; ltoIei communities were invespng trillions in ibis community and thuu,~ht it remiss to gouge tourists with Wrote bed tax. Hewitt stated with tourism up, this indusny alone would gencratetnore sales tax for the community. He felt the city was shooting the ;,oldzti Boos. and steppin nn the.,hocls of the tourism industries that would take years for recovc.ryto occur- Hewitt thought this tax was unnecessary and urged council to let the businesses ~;rm; and brirtg in more :s,les taxes. Alary Kulstad, aereed with the prior pubiic speakers and opposed raising the hotel bed tax. 'T'his industr r' alredy }tad hnokit~ks for 2005 and this would create an unfair advantage for the saute businesses outside. the city limits with a 10';'~ discount. .luckir ly'ilde. Mari rs nrked in other towns and felt the community needed to support their Chamber. Shc. would like to see more dog gars gi+ en to the Chamber for marketing. Their marketing efforts brought the tourists to Seward. Debbie ~'an Tassel, reiterated the above and felt it was hitting a small busirnss group. 2008 contracts were already sieved and this caused an undue burden. Shc felt taxes should not focus on anv one industry, and stated costumers did want to know the bottorrt line on what they wouid pay. ~ ?? City ufSea•nrrl. Alnska Cin+ Cvuncr! .1tin+aes DervmAvr !U. ?00? Pnlun+v i?. Yapc Ron long, stated out of town hotels would love to market a 1 U% reduction from city hotels. People do ask about the lax amounts. The council had a commitment to the Chamber and it was not a gill. Ife thought this increase was a bad idea. (Coy Alanager Oates retunted to the »teerirtg.J 1`lotion (Dunham/Smith) Euarl Ordinance ZOU7-012 Uatrs stated as city martagcr, he sa+v many general fiord needs not hcing met. This proposal would generate about $ I Ri),000. if increased to 6%, there wcro still ; `gather cinnmunities in the state that were higher. He was sensitive to bookings, and thong fate t"~ia))tlenrcnt for all new ,.... roosts a4rr April I, 2QOR. As a visitor, Oates thought peopl it +vant tci'~y within the city limits and would lose a lot by staying outside the city limit '>: h'rchiugcr addressed the history of sharing th tax wi to Chamber of,,Cvtnmerce. ^ It was first iutplcntcnted in 1976 at the rate of 5%. • It was eliminated 1 year laser when the city inyileme a 2% sales tax. ^ In 1993 a hed tax was imposed o "/o. ~~, .~N" One year later the industry cant . ~ until and stated theyWere considering an initiative petition to repeal the hed tax. ^ To avoid a costly election, eounci l rep~'T~7c~d the ~ d replaced i[ evith a tsar uielttly sec. • In lhc. same year, 199 garet And n nsor initiative petition with 2112 voter sigrtatures, askin * tr~t a $"/o b and provide SU% to the maintenance and etilranccmcut o • •visitor in , stry in S d. • '1•he petition •rtilicd bu , ,old not go a voters at that time because thu sirnilar bed tax had just been r • ]ed ~ Pa v~l +~'' • In 199 , .t~•,up tlr c issue, same initiative, and language stated, "shall initiative. or~,Ce• r7. •. vidin ~ r a 4% holel_'motel room tax be approved?,. There a~as nn lion of splittr to mo nth the vtstlor industry. • :;~iF~1,997, council pay d a ncil resolution declaring intuit to give the Chamber of Corrigte;rce ~0°./0 of [ ~` lax to market the local community and allocate a percentage of FY 9b~~cnucs to I ~ Chamber specific for marketing, the development of tourism, infrastntctt~ and d r services, including establishing a conference center in tie++:ard. • Have histon yen SO% of the bed tax since then to the Chamber of Commerce. Valdalta wanted to make the effective date January, 2UU9. Oates stated if the clli;ctivc dale changed, there would he cuts to the general limd to lhc; lone of $180,000 fot• this year. Druiltam hoped to set this for 2009 and make it a lot easier l'or the people that have packages sold. ail Ctrl' oj.Se„vrd, .4lnsdu City Council .Minutes Duarr6Pr !0 'Ul+- Volume 37, Puge Kellar did not want to step on the toes of the hotel industry and was in support of the amendutent. Amrudment {~'aldatta/llunham) Change 1'he F.ftectivc Date In The Title And Section 2 To Read "~ffecth~e January 1, 2009". Amendutent Passed L'oauimous Dunham vas not in support of the bed tax. Kellar guarattteed if her family were shopping for a pla , sta , e would stay in the cheap:•r glace out of sown !hart in toevn. ,~~:. Smith also wanted to put this off for a year. Possibly bring back in a couple tbs. He sytnpathixed wilt! local people, bur thought c::~tn;tters tltsr c~D Seward w to bed in Seward. 3 . ,,; Ambers would support it w7th art cffi?ctive datc.~f.T,itttucry 1, 2009. Oates submitted a 1 % bed tax att. He wanlud cr~uncil ly amend to 1 % or kill it for now. ~;, "',~a .. . Mayor (_'nrbridge wine tvisit the issue<in Apn~;of 2UU~. <?~? Motion Failed <: ~ 1 cs: Valdatta, Amberg ;.:<::' Nn: Smith, llunham, Kellar, Corbridge .,., `~., Resolutions Rerygested I;y ~~~lfiistr.rtton, Birt Not Keyuired For A Public Hearing Kcsolutiun 2007-1.i0, Supporting Application Fur A Communih Development Block C:runt For The Purpose OC Cuustructing The Setr•ard Cunununih• Flay>;round. Nolice of the public hearing being posted and published, "a~ noted and the public hearing was opened. \o one appeared to addres, the Council and the public hearing was closed. ~'[ution (~unhantitimitb) Approve Kcsolutiun 2UU7-130 Oates stated unlinnniateh he 1'uund out the city did not meet the eligibility ruluirements for the block grant and urged council to pull this frorn the agenda. Pulled from Agenda L?nanimons Consrnt C"~FIVTSHRD 13l!Si;vLSS FZccoltrtiurt 2110?-12a, Sttpportin~ Tlrr F.lectrir Tariff To Estahtish A Vrw F'ec T'o Lqualiu ~: 4' Gh ojSrnvmrl, .41n.cd'n CitS' Council Miauter Charges Tn Custnmetx Outside Uf '1'hc Seward City Limits, Wilh Customers Inside The Seward Cih' Limits, F.ffectivc .January 1, 2UU8. M1lolion (Dunham/amberg) Approve Resolution 2UU7-124 ¢Mnnnn prevtaurly made nn l lr;?/i!0'i/ Motion to Postpone to Januat•y' 14, 2UUIf (C.'orhridge/Kellarj Tn looking at rates haled on zones, Oates ran into complicatiotts ut ut wthur resolution as council desired, and pointed m the draft in the packet. He was not o ed to postponing this to a time certain incase the other resolution waa not preferred. ! ~Totlon Passed Unam~~~, NEW BUSINT•:SS Resolution 2007-129, Extending IIotiday Wishes Ti(;Tbe ~iunily By Sponsoring The Seward School Assemblies :1nd Providing Tickets Fur ~ > arlem Ambassadors Basketball Shaw Fur Cummuuily Dleanbers In Need And Appropria S1,GI111 In Funds. ~ 'Y ~... .".. Motion (1lunhamlSmithj ~~ ~ .-lpprvve Res~~);j"fiuu 2007-129 Oates stated this r~.!o~uuon ++as dra d to utec'f c0.~tlmemher Durham's request for community outreach for the liuliday scasou. •. ~'a]datta want+~d this invitatio~y,extended~ returning vets Gom Iraq. ~lutiuu Passed ~ ~ Uuauiroous Rcsnlutlnn 2007-134, :luthurizinK The Cih' ~'lanager Tn F.nter into An Agreement ~~'ith Tryck Nyman Hayes, lncurpuraled ("'FNH") For Change Order tt6 To The East IIarbur Expansion Contract For An :~muuui Nut= I'n-M:xcced S22fi,724 :end Appropriating Funds For EngineerinK, Drsigu And Contract Management For Construction O1' The Z Float In '1'hc ~1otion lDunham/Smith) Apprme Resolution 2007-t34 Harbormaster ticntt Ransom stated Phase 3 of the hazbur prgjcct was linisluttg L-tluat which would nm northisouth along the existing breakwater. Completion oCZ-lloat would result in stages. The city had S3 million from the Denali Commission to conshuct this portion ofhe project. This design proposal would be for heavy duty timber l]uats rwuting ZUS feet to 300 feet, a- a pnssihle 8f10 feet total, and was completely separate tram the 1 and'I' dock project going nn now. ~y . i City of Seward, Alaska City Cntmcil.tlinur2s „ ,. ~. Uates said this set the stage to finish the project and the most revenue generating parts ufthe project. It did not include the vehicle access nn the float, but would open the window to loud the revenue producing parts of the float which a as increased moorage. Valdatta wanted to be guaratueed water. Ransom was not sure there mould be enough money fur completion but cited there would be utilities. Water was being addressed nn the [&1' dock prgjcct. s,`t Qates stated utilities would go to the end of tyre duck since the c,~~~ggf Guard wouid be setting up there. , ,~' '?~'r' .^\ ~,-~~ A4ntion Passed Unanim ~ ''~, •:, ;, N (The Cit}~ alarurger, Cnuncil, and audience upplaudr:d 1 •ornra.cter Sca11 Xunsnni for hip last nree~; rrrg acrd prior sr'»'!ce bf Jore retry career ut tlrr ex t/re morttJ~. f Resoluliuu 20(17-137, Amending The City of Setr'ard's`GalGlfdar Year 20UR State Legislative .~.- Prioritirs. ~~ ~1otion (Smith/Dunhamj ~~'`~ Approve RrsoETttion 2007-137 ~~ ~::.. eq ~ ~- _ Uates noted the laydowm vrrsiun chars ed the t ; ` ' n the above, and added supporting DU'I' and public works for boil~~r anew sh t tefic egislation, and changed the dollar amount for the Friends of •e`?;se biome SZ nttihnn to 52.tS rniliion and recommended approval, ~ ~ Qat a c ~~~j?;did no c a lien was aro 14U,Qt10. 's<,, .a; ,`~ ,~,. Amendmeuta(punham/Smi, ., k~;, eyr ,~;~;, :lmrudmcnt Passe r: Ameodmeut (Amberg/Duuham) price for redesign costs but replacement of the Culver Change the dollar amount nn Public Facilities #3 from 5500,0110 to 5150,000. Yes: Smith, licllar, Amberg, Dunham, Cor•bridge No: Valdatta Change lhr wording on ITeneficial i.egislaliou #3 to read, "Support the Friends of Jrsse Lee Home efforts to obtain S2.li million For stahilizaliou of the .Terse Lrr Home." 4~ r Ciro ~/Sea~urrl. 4larkn CrN_ Cuuac•il:Ntreures I)eeemher l U. ?007 {'plume t7 PaRe :lmendment 1'ssscd l:nanimous Alain Alotion Passed as Amended lJnauimous OTHF;R \EW' BCSIIVESS Council appointed Tom Smith to the Iieuai Peninsula Borough >: conomic Development District Board. A powerpnint presentation was shown pertaining to the Seward Ships Un° Dvck EP:1 report, but due to time constraints, kuidance will he given at the neat council mcMiug on January Id, 2008. ' -: T)ue to tuna limit, the following was re-scheduled for the Tan 2UU8 c~_~ it meeting: ~>, Appoiutiuk Durrne Lorenz To Represent Seward O e Friends Uf "I'hr Jesse Lee Home Board. `.~.a;. Y;. INFORAIATIUI\AL ITEMS AND RF.POR'I'ti (;b'u ucl aired) City October Financials. ~'<? ., Drag Resolution To :lmend'fhe haect ~l~ ase VariousFees rind Charges Tu :111 Zones. COUI\CIL COAi(A1EiVT ~` Dunham, :1m. and Smi all wished ommunity happy holidays. '~~, C'171LEVS' C(lA1.lIE`iTS ~°: hum the utilities for electric generatortumovers be sent by ;cute knuwing when these were occumng. Ron I:filig,thanked al~`who spoke ou the bed less issues Hr was disappointed the discussion '~i<, on the sales tax ca~:SOUndedrjihe an "us vs. them" discussii~u, but encuura~;ed to have the cih_'share ;, their ain. ''~> ~ p q.::d?:r >:.;. zs: :y> COt!1\C7L :~1D :1DMI~IISTRATION RESPOVSF. TO CITI7.RNti' C(1A1MEN'I'S y"aldatta stated the radio stations were anuthcr good way to inform the public of outages. ,1DJOUR:\~1ENT the meeting +vas adjourned at 10:58 p.m. ~1J A~encia Statement Meeting Late: Jatntary 14, 2WS rruw: Jean Lzwis, City Clerk ~y~, _; Agenda Item: Continuatiun of the Poi? and Conu»erce /~dvisurv Board BACKC;RC)I; N D & J IJSTTf~ICe\TIUN. 't'his is an annual formality. Seward CirV Code Z.?().330 crates shat at the first meeting of each fiscal year, the City Crnmcil may continue by affirmative vote the existcatce of the Port and Commerce !ldvisvey Board. If it fails !u do this, the Buard will cease to exist within 30 days. C(IVSJSTt~'1_')`CliICKLIST: Yes No L Comprehensive. Platr 2. titraregic Flart '.~. Other 4. Nut applicable _XX FISCAL. NOTE: Nuns. Ii L:CI)14A9GNU.A7lU~ti: Council approve this continuatiun acrd renew the Port attd Commerce Advisory Buerd for turother year Auuug.h January X009, ii AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting llatc: January 14, 2005 ' From: Juharma Dullerhide, Assistant City Clcrk ~~~ _J Agenda Item: Non ohjection to the Liquor License Renewal fur the Marina Restaurant BACKGROUND Sz JUSTR'ICATTON: The City Council has an oppurnnuty to o~jcct to the request for a liquor license renewal fur the Alarina Restaurant- The City of Seward Police Dcparvucnt, Fire Department, Utilities llapartmcnt and the Kenai Peninsula Borough finance Department have no ohjections ro the liquor license. renewal fur this business. Ftti('AI. NOTr: ht the evcatt the City of Seward chooses to lilt a protest lur the above liquor license rene~~ml, then under Alaska Smnnes the City of Seward will he required to assist in, or undertake the delense of its protest. RECOJ-T?~7ENDATTON: Non-objection to the P.estaurant/fiating Place Public Convenience Liquor License renewal for the Marina Restaurant. ~% MF,MORANDUM Date: January 1 J. ?003 1'n: Kim Kowalski-Kou_ers, Fiuartce - Leases tiue Magyar, Finance - Yuhlic lllilities Chief 7'om Clemons -Police Department Chief Davit Squires Firc. Department From: Johanna Dollerhidc. Assistant City (_'lerk ~~ Suhj: Vetil'yine Compliance for the of the Iv4~uina Reslauranrs Restaurant/l~;tting Ylace Public Convenience Liquor License 'Ilrc following business is renewing lhcir KestauranUEaling Place Public Convenience Liquor T.icense , Ylease review the following business far compliance with all utilities, li.ase pay~tnents, and assessments. Thank you! Name Ik.partment Status Initials Marina Rr~laurant #13021 Finance/I,eases _~ j~ -~-~ Finance/Utilitics _~ Police. Chief Q_t" ~' - Fue chief C'r ~~ ~~ DEG-28-200? ER1 1113 AM KENA1 PENH BOROUGH CLERK EAR N0. 907 282 8615 P, 01/01 ~'~-~ KENAI PENINSULA BOgOU~H P ~ i 44 fd. B1IVKLEY ST • SOLDOTNA, ALASKA • 996fi8-7520 p~,_ _, J`• PHONE: (907) 714-2160 • FAX: (9071 774.2388 Toll-free within the Borough: 1.800-478.4441, Ext. 2160 ~''~...~,-,~,,.. EtJiAft: assemblyclerkt~lborougfi.kenai,ak.us SHERRY BIGGS, CMC BDROUGH CLERK December 28, 2007 Ms. Dawn Holland-Williams Rezords & Licens'ms Supervisor Alcoholic Beverage Control Board 5848 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507.1286 Re: Application for Renewal of Liquor Licence #3021 Aear Ms. Williams: Please be advised that the Kenai Peninsula Borough has no obj notion to the approval ofthe following application(s) for renewal of $quor license(s) of the establishment(s) ]orated within the City of Seward, AlasYa: • Restagrant/Ea -n8 Place Marina Restaurant #3021 The Kenai Peninsula Borough Finance Department has reviewed its files and has raised nn obj ecdon based on unpaid or delinquent texas. Sincerely, ~ • "' Shmry, i , C Borough Clerk cc: Applicant City of Seward KPB Finance Departmcat File ~a Page 1 of 2 ~rl Johanna Dollerhide From: I Ioiland-Williams, Uawn H (DPS) [tlawn.holldnd-williams~alaska.gov] Sent: Thursgay. December 20, 2007 9:01 AM To: Kenai; Kenai -Borough; Kenai Pen: ,lohanna Uollerhirje; tfahning~cisoldotna.ak.us; Kachemak City Subject: RE Henewat Notification -Multi Use Dear Local Governinu Body We have received application(s) for renewal of liquor license(s) for tha attached licensees within your jurisdretron. 1'ou xre. being notrfied as required tty AS 04.11.520. Additronaf informaG'on conwrning ftiing a "protest" by a local governing body undar A.°, 04.11.480 i s i nc1 u~cd ;attached) . A loyal governing body as defined under AS 04.21.OR0(1 I) may protest the approval of an application(s) pursuant to AS 04.11.480 by furnishing the board and the applicant with a dear and concise written statement of reasons in Support of a protest within 60 days of receipt of thi; notice. If a protest is filed, the board will not approve the appl+c5rtrat ur7lPSS it finds that the protesr rs "arb7trary, capricious and unreasonable^. Instead, in acwrdance with AS 04.11.510(b). the board will notify the applicant that the application is denied for reasons stated in the protest. The applicant is entitled to an informal conference with either the director or the hoard and, it not satisfied by the informal conference, is emitted to a formal hearing in accordance with AS 44.GZ,330-44.62-630. (F THE APPLICAN 1 REQUESTS A HEARING, THE LOCAL GOVERNING BODY MUST ASSIST IN OR UNDERTAKC THE DEFENSE OF ITS PHOTCST. Under AS (kt.11.4ZU(a), the board may not issue a license or permit for premises in a municipality where a inning regulation or ordinance prohibits the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages, unless a variance of the regulation a ordinance has been approved. Undar AS 04.1 1.42U(b) municipalities must inform the board of zoniny rayufations or ordinances which prohibit the Sala or consumption of alcoholic beverages. If a municipal zoning regulation or ordinance prohibits the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages at the proposed premises and no variance of tlia regulation or ordinance has been approvetl, please notify us and provide a certified copy of the regulation or ordinance if you Nava not previously done so. Protest under AS G4.11.48U and the prohibition of sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages as required ey zoning regulation or ordinance undar AS 04.11.42U(a) are two .separate and distinct subjects. Please bear that in mind in responding to this nUliCe. AS 04.21.01 U(d), if applit:able, requires the municipality to provide written Notice to the appropriate community councigs). It you wish to protest the application referenced above, please do so in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed lime. Please show proof of service upon the applicant. for additional information please refer to 1S AAC 104.145, Local Governing Pody Protest. Note: Applications applied for under Ag 04.1 1.400(8), 15 MC 104.335(a)(a), AS 04.11.090(e), and 15 AAC 104.660(e) must be approved by the governing body. 1 ?r?iu?(x> i '252 Duggan's VJatedront Bar 6ev Disp Horror ' 20 VJ Bu^nel Ave^u Wllllam F. Duggan ;I 8 Noreen O' 120 W Bunnel A:re, Homer, A{ 99t r907i 235-9949 2009 True False 2300 Down Eas' Saloon ' Bev Disc Homer 3125 E Entl Rd Doan Easl, Inc. 3125 E Eno Rd, Homer, AK 99603 9CO2356C02 2009 1 rue False 2301 Unde Thirsf; s Licuo- 51ore Fkg Slore ' Horner 3125 E End Rd UTL Inc 3125 E Eno Fond, Homer. AK 996rr907j 235-7764 2003 Trua False 4359 Cosmic Kitchen H, E P ace Horror 510 E Pioneer Ave^.u,lohn Hogan & PAichelle YJdson 510 E Pioneer Aire. Homer, AK 99E 9672356355 2009 True False 4374 Bear Creek SNinary ' VJlnary Kac-ema60203 Bear Creek R. Bear Creek Nnney L_C PO Box 164, Homer, AK 99603 9CT135848a 2009 Tva False .308 Kenai Country Liquor ' Pkg Store Ko^ai ' 40 S Willow Street Foodtosun Liquor Inc PO Box 2941, Kenai, AK 99611 i9C7} 283.2606 x009 T•~~e ~a'se .859 Uplavn P.locel!LOUie s 6ev Disp Ke^ai 47 Scur View Dr.ve Schi'Ji^g Alaska nc 47 Spin View Dr, Kenai, AK 9961' 1907, 283-3660 2D09 true =also 2237 Uptown P.1o;el!Back D:,or Lounge ' 9 6ev Dis:^~ Ke^ei 47 Sour View Dnve Schi li^g Alaska nc 47 Spin View Dr, Kenai, AK 99611 j90?) 283-3660 2009 true =atse 18 Vayabond Inn ' 6ev Disp Outsitle i 35515 {aitorns<y 6e Vagabond inn lnc PO Box 1662, Kenai. Ak 99611 (907) 263-4211 2009 True teals= 190 Vagabond Ir•,n Liquor Store Pkg Store Outside C35515 Ka horns<y Be Vagabond inn inc o0 Box 1662, Kenai. Ak 99611 (g07) 263-921 ~ 2009 Tru= False 4562 Tn•.ka F.av ~'Jild=mess 1 rdne I rtnra rh ncirlc ~ vto~ ~~u ;a~ mr ~ ~r i.... i r~.,....a nn .. _.. ^,.,. , . -., ....___ ~n ~. a~,~ona~ /~s ~~~ ~~~ ~ ,• . ~: • :~ ;. __ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ,:,~ 4. ~~!~ , ~ f F ~~ _ ,~`~ ~~clpa~ Cie I Ierebt~ Confers the title of ~ertifieb ~lunicipaC clerk upon Johanna Dollerhide, CMC ~~~ho has completed the requirements prescribed byr the International lnstin~re ,~i ?vlunicipal Clerks for Certification. Certified for the period ut October 22, 2007 October 22, 2011 ~ `~-- ll~7C rresidenr L1i .J 1b192007 Ran Dalo - 12'1&'07 ~rj 3:02 PM P.['t.al ^.'TD' 6uC7~et h1TD h1TG 76 714 (86.05;1 395 383 3.1 % t 10 122 (9.8%) 509 566 (10.1%) 7a _ _ 1.046 _ X85 (11.9%) 158 238 33.6% 8 8 - 39 43 9.3% 209 295 29.2% 636 890 (6.2%) t 7 75 X77.3°.a, 852 965 (11.7°re? 543 554 2.0% 134 15S 13.5% 59 47 (25.5%) 166 181 8.3% 33 28 (17.9%) 43 53 78.9% 115 29 (296.6%1 1,094 1:047 (4.6°/.) 1,094 1,047 4.6! (24~ (82J (195.1%) 72~ X82) (795.1',„) ProWtlanco Health 8 Services 110 - MGD - PROV SEWARD MED CTR Detail Statoment of Operations (in Thousands) Reportetl as of NovemDcr2007 Gress Service RovenuB3 P.cute Care-Inpa7ienl Pwte Csre-OutFatient Primary Care Long-term Cam Hornersre 8 Hospice Housing 8 Assist, lung Total Gross Sarvlce Rovenues Revenue Dodudions' Chzrry Care Medicaid Charity Rtedicare 8 Medicaid Negoliatetl DOntmrs Other Total DeduUions Net Sorvice Revenue Premium Revenue Rental and Education Revenue OMer Opera7itg Revenue Total Net Operating Roverwe3 Exoerses fmm Ooeratlons. Purchased antl Healthcare Expenses Other Excenses ham OoeraDans Salaries 8 Nhges Employee BersMs Pmtessional fees Supplies Purchased Service peprecation fnleresi and Amodi7atepn Bad Debts Heal;ltrare T axes Other Expenses Totat OOter Exp from Oporatbns Total Operating Exponsos Excess of Rev Over Ezp from OPS % Uariznce Last Vear % Vananco AtluaI YTD Budges YTD YTD AduaI YTD YTp 723 ` 7 3G9 144.8X.) 1,040 (30.5%1 6,2 s5 4631 13.0% 4,323 2;.196 1,363 ! 495 (B.BN°I 1,309 4.1°lv `.,567 63G9 111.8%) 5,747 (3.1%1 726 - - 199 (36.7°wl 13,014 13,744 (53%) 12,618 3.1% 214 67 1279.4%1 160 (33.8%) 1,982 2.571 22.9% 1.47E (34.7 Xj 65 122 46.7 % 93 30.7 is 506 522 _ 3.1 :a 463 (9.3iG'. _ 2,767 3,282_ 15.7% 2,191 (26.1'6) 10,217 70,462 (2.1%) 10,421 (1.7X) t i5 829 _ 7L 8.9°!0l _ 229 ~3.6%) to,a22 _ 11,291 p.7x) 1oss3 (z.2%) 5,964 6.011 L8X 5.601 (6.5%( 1,570 t 744 t3.4% 1,499 (0.7%7 2 100.076 599 522 (t 2.5°k1 524 (14.3%1 1.952 2 006 2.8°k 1,831 (5.6%) 3sa 3G9 r7.e%i - - 736 585 (25.e%1 600 (22.7°,tii 4i1 316 (48.1%i 457_ (0.9°,6~ 11,596 11.667 (0.3X) 10,524 {70.2%) 11,599 11_,667 03X) 10,524 X10.2°,ai {1,777) (276) (326.4°!.) 129 (7,012.4°,61 Non-Operating Gam (Loss; 3 4 (25.0°Ai 5 i4o [°pi Ezcoaa of Revenues Over Expenses 1,774 (272) _ (337.6%) 134 X6.1 / t Other .Actnity-UnresiritlM 5.340 ~'~i 53~.700.C°b Increase (Decmaael In UR Net Assots 6,166 133 3,03g,ax 3 02 PM DET_OPS (~T: PRELIM- Rcn Date- t2lt g1C7 ~ 3.02 PIA Provldenco Health 6 Sorvlces 110 - MGD - PROV SEWARD MED CTR Balance Sheet (In 7housands~ Repo Red as of November 2007 November 2007 December 2006 Actual Last Year ASSETS VABILRIES b NET ASSETS Current Assets Curronl LiabilN~es Cash and Cash EcuivaknLC 78t 1,35E Aacuns Pay~tde i emporary Investments - - Aurded Compensallon Assets Held Under Secuiues Lcndmg - - AO )isles Payable Accouns Receivable, Nel 1.462 t <116 Payahk m Contractual Agendes Attiliak Rec~haCle - - Deferred RevenuorUneamed PrerNums Premiums Receivable - - LIaWLty for UnpaM IAeClwl Clahns Other ReceivaNes tat 255 Liabihry tm Risk-Shanng Sup0lies Inventory al Co51 - - Liabilities Lhlcer Sea;nlies Lendinc Other Cwrenl Assets 26 35 Otl+er Curren) liaCil6~es Grmem For,. 01 Assess-Ux is LTD _ Curten; Portion of Long-term DeD1 Total Current Assets 2,410 3,066 Total Current LiabOities ASSCtS N,TCSC USC ~s UCIheC: 5oard Uesgna:etl Cash antl Investments - - Lono-Tenn DeM. ^untls Held for Lon¢lerm Purposes 252 "r.51 t.Aaster Trust Debl Gilt Annu~h; and ~ rust Funds - - Loans from P.fhbales Funes Hold DY Trusties - Other Non-Current Assets Llmitad as to Use 262 251 Long-Term Debl ProoerN. %ant & EcummOnl. Gross Property, PWnI & Equipmem 9,356 - Other Lon¢Tertn Uah~lities Less: Acwmulated CTeprc~.c•atan (4,049) - Net Property, PIaM 8 Equipment 6,307 _ Total Liabilities Other Assets: Unamortized Financing Cost - - Net Assets: Unresuictetl Weraftilate Notes Receivable - - Temporarily Restrided Other (Ind. Long-term kwestmenls) Permnnen9y Restricted Total Other Assets Total Nel Assets Total Assets 7-969 3,306 Total Uab9Ries and Net Assets 3'02 PM llAl SHT November 2007 December 2005 Actual Last Year 190 133 595 683 2)2 242 1.475 t 080 2,533 2.138 353 251 2,898 2.389 6,063 917 6,093 91T 7.969 3-306_ .-:: cKN.. S~ - c ,~ ~__t `, . Decentbcr 31.'0(.1 % ~' _ - --=_ -~ 'The Honorable Clark Corbridgr., l~layor Cite of Seward -410 Adam, Street reward. AK 99(,61 Pear A~layor Corbridgr., On behalf of the ?>ih Alaska State I egislature, we offer our best wishes to you and the entire Seward community as you prepare to celebrrte the New Year with the ~19crs' Ball. ~\~ '?008 will be the 49th year of statehood for !lrnerica`s 49th state, it ~s I'ittin~_ that the iirt celebratory event for ~0 years of Alaska statehood occur in the connnunity namrd for ~~'illiam ll. Seward, who, as lJnitcd States Secretary of State under .Abraham Lincoln, fi]u~*ht for ;~laska's purchase Gi,m Russia. ~4'c also commend the members of the Seward I .ibraty Museum Steering Committee for their ;;xcntplat~' work tirward the new library and community museum. b~'e believe this endeavor truly adheres to armntittec members' declaration of the prr~ject a, "Something lilt i is." as it ~~~ ill benefit the community for nears w come. ~~ e look fi~n~ and to visiting the new library and museun] when it is completed, and to visiting the umununity again in the coming year. Se85on'S ~rcctlll~.tS, ~~~~ Senator Gary Stevens Reprr.sentative Yaul Seaton J •~~ )a n ua ry 2008 January 2008 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9101112 13 14 15 16 17 id 19 2U 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728293031 February 2008 S M T W T F S 1 2 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 lU 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 72 23 2a252fi272829 Munday _ Tuesday -- _ -~- yJc~li iesday Thuaday _ Friday January 1, 2006_ __ ___ 2 12:OOpm PACAB Work Sezslon _ 3 ~, I __ - - - - - ~, 6:30Wn Hi;tork. ; Preservaggn Word Sesslon~;.:.:.: ;: ~ 12:OOpm litxary/Museum SWUnnp, Comml[ee N 1S 7:30pm G[y Council ~. 6:30pm PBZWgrli5esslon I 12:OOpm PAUO Meeting d __- 17 1 9:OOam Sncal Security hleeUn9 6:30pm Hi;tonc RepresenWUVe Preservatlnn Meeting _. i ~ ..._ '.. 24 - __ 7:OOpo1 CC Wark Session Mary Lowell Center r p {ecru- 'ktl~~t ~cc \ { ~sinh~9w. c~ f~i~{bc. 4 ._ 7:30pn1 Q[y Council ~, Meeting 1 1/4!2008 10:57 AM Nand Richey Wtl 00: T T BOOZ/b/I T ~Itl !weN I i- / 6upaaW 1 ~quno~ Np waOeC_ _ Z - - 8Z - i - Z - 9Z - _S- . ~ -i Gupaaby uogeniasa~d ' ~+uo7slH wd0E:9 anpeTUasa~daa FJ~v,~a; ~e:x5 wep0.6 uid00:Z[ --- -' rud0E~9 - -- - Z - _ TZ - Z _ - 6I --- ~ ~-- - - I I I - ~ aall'.~~wu7 .. 6inL;ply i ~-~ I oupaaW w nt'-nl•1i~ir~inrt ~:~00:LT ' _ IlaunoJ Nq wdUf~L_ T ~~ ---- T i T --- TT ~ ~ ~ - - Tf•maaW 9V~Vd wdpOZT TwUaaW Z'dd WdOf:L _ ~~ FePUd - - - L " Fepsmy~ ;` d~upoM ~.. ... : -.~__..1 _ ,tepuoW __r ~.: if. 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