HomeMy WebLinkAbout01162008 Historic Preservation Packet9fistoric Preservation Commission Agenda Tacket January 16, 2008 Regular Meeting City Cumid Cli mib s Dewnnwgat6i3Op.m. Seward Historic Preservation Commission Rereular Meeting divinity J6, 2008 6.30P.m. City Council ChmMess Shmuvm ROvae Chun, Youralwatmo Tem.SNmm I. Call to Order Yle{'Nab Term&Pves Win 2. Opening Ceremony ✓ohnPMxb Can A. Pledge g giancc Tow lrp4v OS/M 3. Roll Call Grw Cmpemn Cammun,w, 0. Special Regard i Hpbm Low ✓dwNLwM A City AdminiaNatiw Report Cummemi Tom RWu+s 05M B. Other Repine, Annouaemmta&Presmdtions Liula Liza, comd a,mo I. Frieadsofthe3eseeL Homcupdate-Swaw Tom Expires amw 2. Wehsdettpdotes-Capra Ding Capra 1. Hohnn Park - Karin Sturdy cm ,,M,r 4. Doug Cage -Alaska Hismriuil Suety T FiPIw 3/09 5. Cit"ns' Comments on Agenda Items Not Sehe lured for PlilbP owe" Public Nearing and Other Items Not Included on the car M, Agenda. /'!hose who have signed in will lie given the jirsi Bob Hird opportunity to speak Time is limited l0 2 m miler per <ro ;mn'm..ire w .fir and 30 minutes told timefor this age" item] p oar .vd,,,im moo„ 6. Approval of Agenda and Coneent Agenda. /Approvul al plmurer Consent Agerdaparses all rounne lines Wantedbyaturorl (a). Consent Agenda hems are nor coxeldered separately oamm Glmre plmmwg A.rsumw unless a Commissioner so requests. /n the cretin ojsuch a regnesl, the item is returned to the Regular Agenda] Acme Bnllry Fm'mirr G'o4on I Historic Preservmion Commission Resch¢dded Regular MeeturgAgemk .1 uary 16,100R Page / 1. PubBe nearings(Limit cnmmenrsrosm;m raa. 2nneewhohavemgredinwinaegtventne fire opportunity to. eak]-None S. Uofmished Business - None 9. New Business A Discussion and approval of ds press release regarding the Annual Historic Presesvdov Award.._..._..........._....._.._._..._..._..._..._..._..—_..._ Page 3 B. Reroludon 2W"l supporting the preservabw of We Sheldon Jackson Library eellecdan m it's eurinety ad keeping uwiddv the Stme of Alaska.__..._ Page 6 C. Discuaion of iffi NBPA compliance by the Naamml Pads Smvice on the "Old B. November 28,2W7U- chdWed Meeting Minutes._.._..._._..._._.... Page 10 10. Infosma0onal Items and Report (No action requird)-None 11. Commission Comments 12. CiBeega' COmmeaU )Limit to 3 mimaes per hd;vidaal - Each i ndiv;dual has one opportumlylu,)peak/ 13. C'ummesaiom and Administration Response to Glisten'Comments Id. Adjournment Nlstode Preservarcon Commission Rercheduled RegWar Meeting AgerMa January 16, 200R Page 2 Historic Preservation Agenda Statement Meeting Dam: Hmamy 16, 208 To: Hiatosic Ymeuvation Commission From: I nm Glm Planning Assistant Agenda 1t : 2WR Hismric Preservation Award Nomination Request AttheNovember 28, 2 7Historic Preservation meeting, Commissiomr Ceprevnhmmeredmdmfl apress rcleasef the Annual Awmd Nomimtinn requeah. Auach fm&e Commissionsreview and approval is thedaft release. Following the Commission's approval, sniff submit dm press release to Ne Pboenia Lag and other public smom t locations. The Commis binit nomindlhe fmd Com issionlin8nomivh19,2 MamL 6,2Wg. Staff will selection do doe submitted nomitmtiuns b dw Commission at the Mamh 19, 20118 mating fw review and selection of the 2W8 wimm. Thewmom ofthe 2W8 awmrd will Mpasented the awmd by City Cmmcil m May during Natioml Hismric Pmservatim Mtmth. RCCOMM[iNDATION: Discus and apmow by motion the 2WH Historic Pma hon Amusl Award press release. J SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Public lWommtion Notice 1/162008 Do you know a person or orpm on in Sewed who has made a significant contribution toward heal hismric Preservation? Preservation includes not only buildings sod objects, but also shares, legend and lore. Now is the time to norm a e this individual or group for Seward's 2008 Historic presenndion Award. 'Ile purpose of the awad k to rocogruce 1=1 preservation efforts and encourage community undvamodiug and appmciation of Seward histary. Nomination forms, which mum he aubmi0ed by March Sr" can be ohtainel and returned at the City Community Bevelapmant office, or the community library. The commission will make its selection at the Minch 19c meeting, seat the award will be premed by Seward City Council in May during National Historic Pnsenvation Mond. Established in 1995 by the SeweN City Council by request of the Histaric Prcservmion Camm�.ssion, the awards prpose is to necogoize low preservation eQure end encourage commwily wderstandivg and appreciation of Seward history. So far, the award has been given to 22 diffmvt organhatiam and groups. These include: 1996- Virginia Darting, Mary Barry, Millie Blackjack Johnson, and Margaret Jackie Deck. 199T-Lee MCAnemey and Pm Williams IWS-The Gage Parity, Datum Kowalski, Ize Poleske, and Hermon & Winifred Leircr 1999- Mike Stilling 2000-Jennifer Hendrix, Jeaanie Shirk, Pam Herman 2W I -Dave Crane 2002-Dan Seavey, Keny Marvin 2W3 - Surfs of the Seward Community Library 2 - Brown& Hawkine b'amily Legacy 2W5 -Jon Faulkner, Van Guilder Motel 2IN6- Congregation ofS. Prom's Episcopal Church 20P/-Kerry Cline SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARD NOMINATION FORM Nomimvions must be recelvedby the C'hyuf3 and Community Development Department by: March 5, 2008 Person you are nominating for this award: (seR'numinatiovs are acceptable). Nominee's contributions tosvaeds historic nramyoliuu in the community of Seward - Please check ell the applicants boxes listed be ow and allach a wriffen descrinfion of eke nominees constitutions. o Survey awl inventory warts of historic anchitecmrnl and archaeological resources in the community. u Development sod submission of National Register of Historic num nommstions for properties wition me community. u C Iuuion towards education of citizens regarding local historic preservmtion and community history. o Research aml documentation of the history of the community of Seward. n Publications about the history of the community of ScvmA a Reconstructionend nmonsion woth towards historic preservation in the community. n Cmarorial, historical rewrda, phmumllections. mmuseim contribiIDons which contrihmew the communitys historic heritage. o Organization ofhistoriczl txaNs for may mlisunce Jim when to gain abetter untkrstanding of $awards historic heritage. u Contributions tow s historic pr® afisn planting. o Coal history contributions towards preserving SewaM's hinewic heritage. u Pwjmss tuwarJs having a cltmam cnnmoned onambzed historic couecrion in Seward. u Any other comribmions related to historic ptcscrvation. Nominee's Address: Phone: Submitted by: Contact Phone: S Sponsored by: Cape CITY OF SRWARW, ALASEA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION 200Ul A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARW MSTOMC PRESRRVATION COMMISSION, SUPPORTING THE ALASEA IRSTORICAL �TY W TOE CONCERN FOR THE ALASRA COLLE ON OF THE SHELOON SACESON COLLEGE STRATTON LIBRARY WHEREAS, the Alaska Historical Society mthe Iusmry ofallpanpleofM ka:and WHEREAS, Sheldon Jaksm College, fowd inn 1979, has bemdediracdto lifelangleaming and collection of primary resources for famous genamions; sad WBEREAS, on June 29, 200'/ au academic ofsraduns, at the college, ware suspeuled sad all faculty stall staff were dismissed due to cash now alms l cs; arsJ WHEREAS, We Alaska w1kcdota of the Sheldon Jacksonmllcgc Stmtmn Library isimportant to the undersumliog and interpreting of Alaska history; and WHEREAS, the library has",W0 items in As collection with over 10 percent of all material being dirtsBy ml" m Alaska's history, including marry first edifion (woks mW rare periodicals; and WHERPLAS, the mBecvon is ofgrcat historical value to the community ofSitka as well as to rsamrchcre somas the state; and WBERF.AS, historical records, books and photographs are a mmmwity's must valuable historical dmvmems; and WRRRF.AS,tM collection mounts many uniqueand inuplaueable m oorials such astheC. L. Andrews Collection, the E. W. Merrell photographs am the Ester Billmea amnuscripts; and WBEREA k donors to the library, have entrvsted their family collections and r mNsm be kept safe arW made available fan future gmecatious. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVEObythe&e IGsmric Prcservalim Commissim that Sewmd Historic Preeenatfon Commission l Iunion 2008-0I Page 2 of 2 SecHoo 1. The Historic Preserretion Commission hereby snoports the Alaska Hi&ohcal Satiety in expressing Comm tam the Alaska coll times he kept stable, sale and intact until such time as another Alaskan cultural or heritage organization can be found m lmo erve and make them availeblero the public. Section 2 The Himoric Reservatioa Commission hereby requests the Seward City Council provide a Resolution of sup;owt to the Alaska Himoricm Socimy expressing co same Wm the Alaska collections be kept stable, safe and inact until such time as soother Alaskan cultural or bmmge orgamntiou can be found an preserve and make them available to the public. Section 3. This msolimon shall mke effect immediamly upon it Woman. the Sewmd Historic Preserva0on Commision this loe day of January 2WS THE CITY OF SEWAEO, AEASEA Tom Sworn, Vicc Chair AYES: NOES: "STAIN: AT EST: lezn Lewis, CMC City Clerk, (City gem) Historic Preservation Agenda Statement Meefirg Date: January 16, 2008 From: Doman Glen, Planning Assistant Ituough: Phillip Owes, City Manager 16 Agenda Item: Resolution 2008-01, Supporting Me Alaska JUstorical Society iu the Concern for the Alaska Collection of the Sheldon Jackson College Soriano Library BACKGROUND & dUSTJFICATTON: The Alaska Ilistorical Society is the statewide organization dedicated to the history of all people of Alaska. Seward IMmaric lieservafion Commissiorra Ibug Capon is a member of the Alaska Historical Society. He has brought Me challenging issues of the Sheldon Jackson Stratton Library before the Seward Ilisrork, prescrvatwn Commission as information aml to Mquest a resolution of support Sheldonlackson Callegein Sitkawasfowded in 1878 and lathe olde tinwitutionofhigher learning in Alaska The College was na nM in honor of Reverend Sheldon Jack who was an early missionary and educational leader an Alaska On lone 29,207 all academic operation athe college were suspended and all faculty and staffwere dismisud due M cash Raw shortages. The Sheldon Jackson library has 48,Oo0 items in its collection with over 10 percent of all material being dirm* related N Alaska's history, including Mary first edition books and rare periodicalsThe Alaskanon is ofgrewhiamricel veluebdtecommwityofSi4eas well as to researchers mroas the strde.Me. The Alaska Historical Society has expressed cancan that the Alaska ca0ections be kept stable, safe and inual =fit such Marc as moths Alaskan cultural or heritage orgwiication can be Mural to presmve and make them available to We public. CONSISTENCY: Where applicable, thin resolution is consistent with the Seward City Code, Charter, Comprehensive Plans, [.end Use Plana, strategic Plan and City Council Rules of procedures. RECONLNENDATION: Approve Resolution 200 ,01, supporting Me Alaska Histoncal society in the concern for the Alaska collation ofMe Sheldon lackmn College Stratton Library and requesting the City Council also provide a Resolution of support I Historic Preservation Agenda Statement Meeting Oom: Janumy 16,2008 To: Historic Pres aion Commission fo From: Mono Glen% Planning Assistant Agenda Item: Discussion of the NF.PA compliance by tor burdened Paps Service fin the "Old folly' Wilding. Note: thefaltowing&)?mtlnnwarprovided6yrhe US E'nvirorvne nal Proieniart Agar y NEPA - The National Envirommmtnl Policy Act (NEPA) repares fedurd agencies to indegmm mviromaatd vdactio and ensemble alternatives To meeimmmmtnl impacts federal dwiproposed prepare and reammble ellmativue m tlEnv actions. To meet thin forearm (EIS). "Aagenciesprepareaderailedsmtmmtkwwner dEnvironmental Impact Slammmt(EIS). EPA reviews and commeors re EIat prepared ti os crmplya ageodes,mainmws avatiovd BEng system far all EISs, tired acmes than its own actions amD1Y with NEPA. Hismric Preservmion Commissioner John Frenchhas regoen ed the Carrmiasim plea on the agenda for discussion the imended demolition of the "Old folly" building by the National Parks Service. Tbeblaaanal Parks Service bas glacially agreed to attend the January 16, 2011811ismric Proaavaaon mating m diwuss and answer questions regarding the "Old SoRY" buJd'mg. Plaaned m be in atmndance w We mating are Ted airkedal, Cultured Resources T® Manager for the Alaska Region of0re Natonal Park fervice: Uram( sby, lEamric Architect Amen Region of We National Park Suvla and Jeff Mow, Sup:riokndmt, l:emi Fjords National Park. Staffsuggesis he Commission "suspend the rules" and disuns th NEPA compliance for the "Old Solly' building with the National Park Service represematives and the public. RECOMMENDA'DON: Disctws the bIEPA compliance for the "Old Solly" budding with dre National Park Service represcraroves and the public. City fSewar4 Alaska Homric Preservation Commission Morons November 28, 2007 Vafnme 1 Page 93 CAI to Order The November28, 200] rescheduled regular meeting of due Seward Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Vice Chair Tom Swmm. Opening Ceremony C rrualssioaer Swam led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Rou CAI Therewerepnoenh Vice Chair Tom Swann presiding, and Linda fascta John French Joined Luther Ibug Callum comprising a quumn of the Cummisdon; and Dome Gle", Planning "ismmt Absent were: Sharman Kavne, excused Greg Carpenter, excused Special Reporia City Administration Report Planning Assistant Damn Ole" reported on the following items: • Hoped everyone had a wonderful and sale holiday. • Expressed condolences to the Lindsay family and statedfam the memorial service for Dale Urtsisey was nn Sunday, December 2,2N7 at 2:00 p.m. at the Sea oCealer. • Pruvuied information by lay down on Iditarod Days 2005 and the planned anniversary mlebmtioa • The library was preparing for New Year's Eve Ball. • Holiday Christmas Hizare was December 2nd weekend. • Admimialralion Plar toatl"dammc gwiNt Mmylowell Center Partners on Friday t0 • The next Hdistsmuric Preservation anclinng. was scheduled for January 16. 2008. In response, to Fm""n, Gleoz stared she would inquire and provide the information back to the Commission, if the Mary Powell Center meeting was open to the public and the time. /D City gfS'waM. Alaska Historic Presernmion Commusiun Minutes November 28.. 2W2 Volume 2. Page 94 Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations Friends of Me Sere Car Home update- Swann Swann stated the Friends of Me Jesse Lee Home ellort was to continue to develop the educational preheat of Me program because that would detour or internal design. He stated dreg bed e uested m additioml2.6 millionin Me Stare budget towork on stabilisation. He continuedwith Me Friends were curmntly working with the City to form a legal identity Met would become the school itsclfaud would beableto accept bids and takeon liability. Hestatedtbe AlaskaCommmiry Foundation allowed them to take bids but did mat take liability. Hadcarupdate—Swann Swam sated that nothing was developed in milards to the special action goup and the Chamber of Commerce planned to proceed with the bequest for Proposal process. Websim Updates —Capra Capra reported be had talked with Josh Fetes and planned to yet a copy of the webshe in a CD/DVD format. Capra stated he intended Mwmk ondw HP Website alhomeand thmmload iton Me City website. He noted he would address the changes and corrections the Commission had provided. Habee Park —Karin Sturdy Sturdy wished everyone a Happy Holiday. She stated the schemmic of the Roben Park fomainbeen sent lu the Sate had for authorimdm m IOY but she hat real heard back Gem themm.. She continued that shea heed written the SeaLifr Curter shut the no project and suggested Mcy pickupwith Me bidders andwrireacenaxt. She staled Mat ehchad! ad mtheard back. in response to Iasom, Sturdy sated had seat Me Fountain information to the State in mid- Octoberbefore Halloween. Sandy sated she would followup on the phone with Me Sate office. Alaska Hamrie lSociety—Capra Caprd sated he was on the program, Me Grant and Me Local Historical Society cornmieces and rcwnmuandcd the Commission look at the Society's website. fie Mscusscd some of the advocacy issues. Capm discusked Me problems m Sitlea and Me Sheldon Jackson University and requested that a resolution of support be placed on the cent mdugs wrok. He sand a meeting was to be held on pebmsry 8, 2W8 anal the arwual meeting was to accm October 16-I8, 2008 in Anchorage to discuss 50 years of Alaska Saarland. He asked M be pl N on each Historic Pmervamm meeting agenda Am composed updates to the Commission. City ofceward Alaska Numric Pre5memoon Commusian Minutes November 28, 2002 Volume 2 Page 95 In response to French, Capin stand the Historical Society was supporting the Alaska Collation Seen the Sheldon Jacksm University may in Alaska. nVota s' Commenm on Any Subject h smpt Those Items Scheduled ForPublie Hearing —None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda In response to French, Glom stated very little was allowed to be aslded to the agenda once the agenda had Ivan published. She indicated that items needed to be publicly noticed to allow the public to participate and/or be aware of Ibe action or discussion lint were to wave before Ibe Commission. Inrespmue to Swam, Glean sorted me email letter regarding the "Old Solty" building from Carol Griswold should not be placed on the agenda for discussion m the current meeing, since it had not been advertised, but a request could be made to mid the letter and discussion, on January's agenda Motion (I motagmther) Approve the Agenda and Cement Agenda Mofim Passed Unanimous Consent The following items were approved under the Consent Agenda: September 27, 2007 Historic Preservation Special Meeting Minutes Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business- None New Business - Approval of Hismrie Preservation MceBng Schedule for 20M Motion(latheNLawm) Approve the Historic PreservationMnYmg Schedule for2008 Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Discussion of Historic Prmcrvation Monts Capra stated that the Jesse Ice Home, Smlehmu l and the lditamd were three possibletepies that were in flue news. 0 City f.a a,d Alaska Hlemrw PmWtvmion Commission Mimdes November IA, 2007 Volume 2 Page 96 Swam suggedW the topic on Statehood be reserved for the May Fueside Chat during Mahone Preservation month In response to Luther, Capon stated that net btr the Iditorad nor Statehood were in closer pmximxb toMay. Capon suggested that the Cmmmissin provide speaker and a panel to discuss Srntehood. Swam rotational ivith tbe concept Swam cautioned the Cummissim to focus on we event rather than tour. Capra suggested that the Connotation bring an exhibit to Sewmd and he w ill contact the Statehood Commission to provide an event. Letter deified that the activities did not have to be big events and he gave an example. Swann cautioned the Commission not to oke on ono much Capra second be could solicit the Smtebood Cummissiva for aguest speaker. Iasola agreed that a speaker would be a good idea and that auexhibit required placed put it and We museum and library were pretty crammed. Gleams suggested the Commission schedule a work session in Decemher or January to create a resolution with a subject, topic and ideas for Historic Preservation Momu to move forward to Council for approval. Swann agreed with the suggestion and noted the need to include the Fireside Chefs. Discussion of Annual Historic Preurvafion Award Swan suggested that the Commission present in May dining Historic Preservation month Glenz informed the Commission the award bed been recently presorted by Council as pan of the Historic Preservation mouth celebration. The award had also been presented in March for Seward's Day. Swann stagnated We Connotation think about it be prepared m diseass it more in January and have the information packets in to staffby February. In response to Luther, Swann stated that the Commission marauders of the public submittal nominations. 13 City ofSeuard. Alaska Hinson Preverniian Cnmmunum Minutes Nevemher lR, 2W Polume 2,, Pgge 97 "Ilia Commission discussed and agreed to place a new story in the Phoenix Log rtVuostin6 public nominations for the Annual Award. Cannot suggested this also he distributed to the Cher. Capmvolmfeeredtowrite thepress release. He a1.m suggested the Mural Society be considered as a mundane fin the IBstoric Preservntinn Award. In response to French, Glenz stated the Commission needed to schedule the time firoc. The Commission discussed the time throe and decided to have the cut offfm nominations in Munch and the selection be wade at the April 16, 2008 meeting. Wertz noted the press release would be added to the January agenda for approval. Dieeueaion of the Fireside Lectures The Commission dismissed the past Fireside Chase and the communities support her them. Capin suggested the Ray Building as a Sarum f line IeMwes. Swam reminded the Commission of the m:ed to request permission to hold these chats faun Cuaneil. 'fhe Commission continued to discuss possible topics, speakers and ideas for the lectures. Some suggestions were the Iditarod, the Jesse Lee home and fishin& famm suggested a work session be scheduled to discuss and firm up ideas for Fortune preservation month and the Fireside Chats. l'he Commission continued to discuss topics and possible times. The Commission sct a Work Session for 6:30 p.m. an Jam ary 9, 2009 to discuss Historic Iheservaliun Mamb,theAmusl Award and the Fireside Chats, Resolution 20014)5, recommending the City Council designate the City of Seward as the Mures Capita of Alaska and reyueati g the Suite of Alm" to endorse the designation Glmr revawcd Resolution M7-05 and the histmyofthe mualsin SewanL Shestlaedstad' recommended removal of the resolumn. Motion (LutM1er/Lnrta) Approve Rmolnfion 2000-05 14 City ofSewnrd, Alan& Hinorle Praw"mian Crumnuelon Minutes November 28. 2W] Pohmse 2. Pace MY Motion Paused Coaoiment Informational Items- (No anion required) -None Cam mimion Commenb- French reviewed the ®ails received from Cand Griswold regarding the "Old Sollyv' building, mqunsled the issues i}mt had been brought W by Carol Griswold and an inquiry into the status of the NEPA compliance for We arcade property and the Mary Lowell Center be added an the January meeting agenda far discussion. Luther stated he disagreed with French and suggested the Commission not get involved. Swann clarified thin what French wanted to know was what was legally required. Hastened the Commission ought to be aware of studies that should be occurring. Freuch awed that he would like to know the status afmd if the law bad been folluwed with the dmnolition of the arvade building. He clarified Wan he did not Wink We Commission needed to take specific action but should be aware of wind was going on. Login intepected a point of order snaring that this was running two a discussion. He suggested a representative Mend the meeting on Friday ifitwere open m the public. LawmsupNo Lu scommentnotimgtbmmaCommissi�theynothmvolved. She stated that all of the sites mentioned were an the historical Inventory List Citrsem' Commem s. None Cummissiona and Ad minis in lion Respome to Citigem' Commemta-None The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. Anne Halley 6d row. SWnww, viot Chats for Executive Liaison Shaman Kovae, Chan (City Sad) J� January 2008 ""°'W T FS SMT"°"W I M SMTT 67 8 910 1112 3 9 5 6/ 1 9 13141516111819 1013121314 1516 20 2122 2 29 25 76 17 1819 20 2122 23 27?8 N3031 24 25 26 27 A 29 631gM �53� .iI3i.Wgn ].3f5m Ifi XFUeaMee4n9 me antl''. Prev n MeeNn9 21 _. _ Ik _..... Z1. __ 2M Wwa OEIecP Tarn ¢ Tarllf Fake February 2008 "°"°"'°M"'°� SM TW T SM TWTF 12 1 $ 6 7 8 9 2345678 W 11 12 13 14 15 16 910111213196 M 6 36 37 3939 ll 19 35 M 27 36 N M31 _.. R�..... .. 1100p 4 March 2008 SMI F W TS I T W SMWTFS 3 3 9 5 6 1 8 67 6 9 10 11 12 9101112131915 13 14 1516/71819 16 I1 1019 10 1131 10 3111 0 M 35 M n 14 15 26 11 18 29 ST 16 N 30 30 31 NACO] _ 4 5 _.�_ •. T 300m P61 Meetlng IFWgp PACAe Meetlng ru 1VI 11. _.. lz 14i .. 6]Bpn 13_Wgc Yl4dm� I mnN 0.ep xnowe ' 6:i�iH HISKM Mcbng n