HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-002Sponsored b}': Uates CI'1'1' UN' SEW:1RD, ALASKA r, RN;SULU'f1UN 2008-002 :1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Ub"1'HE CITE' OF SER'e1RD, r1L:1SK1, AL'THORI7.ING TF.RYIINA'fION OF"1'HE E\1STING LE:1SE W'ITII EbiEI2ALD SEA, INC. AS ASSIGNF.D'I'O 1 Pl.l!51 CURPOI2ATION, D6;1 M1LIJOR 1•i:1RINE TOURS .AND Ai;T'HORV,ING 1'HE CITY 1<iANAGER TO ENTER 1NT0 A NEW LF..ASF: WITH SI•:W_1RI) WILDLIFE C:RCISES, LLC FOR LOT 6, BLOCK (i, SF.V1'ARD S111AI,L BUA'I' HAKBUK SUBDIVISION, PLAT 2000-19, SE~1'.ARD RECORDING DIS'1'RIC'I','lIiIRDJUDKIAL DISTRICT, STATE OF:ILAS6A ~1'HERF.AS, the City is the owner of real property described as Block 6, Se+vard Small Boat Harbor Subdivision located in the CityofSeward, Alaska; and ~VHF.RF.AS, the CityofSeward entered into a Lease Agrcentcnl with Emerald Sea, Inc., in 1997 that +vas later assigned to 1 Plusl Corporation, dba Major Marine Tours in 200] ;and WHEREAS, I Plus I Corporation desires to be released Bout its lease obligations and is not in default of its lease; and WIIERF.AS, Seward 1Vildli fe Cruises, i.i.C' desires to enter into a lease with the City in the. ~ form presented at this meeting. NO1F', THEREFORE, BF. IT RESOLVED BY THF. CITY COUNCI I, OF"1'H E Cl'I'Y OF SEW':1RD, AL:1SK1, that: Srcliun 1. The City Manager is authorized to execute a Termination of (.ease with I Plusl Corporation, dba Major Marine Tours and to execute a new Lease with Seward Wildlife Cruises each in substantially the lunn as presented at this meeting. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect 30 days from the date and posting of adoption and the authorization herein shall expire if the base termination and ne+v lease are not executed by all parties by \larch 1.2005. PASSEU ANU AYPKUVED by the City Council ol'llrc CityofSeward, Alaska, this 251h day of,lanuaiy, 20(1x. CITY OF SF.~i'ARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2008-002 THE CITY OF SFR'ARD, ALASKA C~~. L ~, Clark Carbridge,lllavor Ati'ES: Dunham, Valdatta, Rardarson, Amberg, Smith, Kellar, Corbridge NOL•S: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: _~ t ~`. Jean, Lewis, C.MC.,, .i Clerk .. ..s,etr:.~, ~ G ~__ .,, :•CC ~- ~~: °^ • O : ~i.' ~~~~ p a pro '~`GF;='~. ~~ ' o• gr7ua~;.~°' COIJ NCII_ AGEN I)A STAT~M HINT b4eeting Date: .(anuary 28 ~l}OR .3_ . ~° Through: Phillip ()arcs, Cit< Martagsr ,~~ - Frum: Jim Lewis, .lcting Hattxnmaster Agenda Item: Cuttsenting to a 1'i:rmination of Tease with 11'hts": Corporation, dba Major Marinc'1 ours, and entering into a ni:w Tease with Seward wildlife Cruises for T.nt 6, Bl~n k 6. Seward timall Buat Harbor Subdivision, as shntvn on Plat 7.000-! 9. RACKGR~)t.~ND ~fc J1~S11FiC.A'fION: LmrraJd Saar, Jnc. eutcrr:d into a Irau• with the Ciiv of Seward elective Sepiemtwr ]'.)~)7 for x tilc in the harbor area. 1-hie lease encutnpasses Lot 6, Block ti, Seward Small Boat Harbor Subdivisirnt in thr Si•ward Recording District. Emerald Sea, Inc. assigned the leasi: to I Plusl Cvrpornrinn, dba .'vtfttor't•lartne 1 Viu'S ut 2001. ,'t4rtjor It4ar•ine Tvcus r~irests the L'iti~ l='ouncil's consent to terminals the T_zase and Seward Wildlife Cattises, LLC ut non request a ucw leas oi' the same real prolx.rty. The Lease I'emtina6on with Major Maruu• T~iurs and lone of new Lease aittt Seward 44'itdtife Cruises would be in substantially the form pn=sented at taus stetting. If approved by City f:ouncil, the. consent to tetwiuate the Lease and enter into a ucw lease will fx effective in 30 days. Che assignmcut and release will trot decrease the rent paid to the City. The new leak includes an annual adjustment is rent based un the ,'lnchvrnge Consumer Price htdex. Where aovlicahle,this resuhttinn is consisteut with the Seward Ciri Code, Charter (:omPrehznsivc Plans. Latrd Ilse Plans. Stratecic Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures. F1St:.aL vu7E: The rent is set at Pour lltousnnd Eight Hwtdred dollars ($41;001 annually, subject to fair market value utct'eases every live years. l'pon execution of the new loase, the rent will be. subject to annual CPI increases each year ut between. r•~'/~ Approved by Pinancs L)epartment _>,1ti;2 ~ t.J ~ >.f,~l, . ~ ' . • I2J=CC> w~t~~iliV DAl~li_)N: Council apprsve Resolutiuu 7110R-OOZ authurizutg the City Ivlarrager to enter intu a La:ase 7enuinatinn with 1 plus } C:nrporrttion, dba Major iviarine Tours and a new Tease with Seward 1tv'iJdJife t,ruiseslor Lut 6, Block b, Seward Surall Bnai Harhrt> StttxJivisiun. 1,~r