HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-011Sponsoretl by: Historic Preservation Commission CITY OF SE WARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION Z008A11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEW ARD, ALASKA, SUPPORTING THEALASKA HISTORICAL S(ICIETYANp THF, SEN'ARD IHSTORIC PHESERVATION COMMISSION INTHE CONCEIW FOR THE ALASKA COLLECTION OF THE 6HELDON JACKSON COLLEGE STRATTON LIBRARY WHEREAS, Ilm Alaska IIismrical Society ie Iha statewide organization dedicated to the hismry of all people of Alaska; and WHEREAS, Sheldon .IVCkson Collcgc, founded iv 1898, has been dcAicaled to lifelong IeentistS and oolledion ofprimary resomcee for I'uturc Kenerationa: and WHEREAS, m June 1$ 200] all aeedarnic operations, et the wllege, were enspcntlcd and ell famllty and slaffweredismissed due m aeeh Row shorlagns; and WHEREAS, the Alaska colleelion of Rre Sheldon ]ncksov eellega Sva¢on Gbrery is ~ important Ic Ne understanding aM intetprelin6 of Alaska history; and \VHERF.AS, the libmryhas 48,000 isarts in itswllectlonwiNover IOpercens ofvll material being directly related to Aivekv's history, including tvany fret edition books and rare periodievls; and WHEREAS, thewlleceiov is ofgrevt hivtonoal valvcse the covunwityofSitkanswell at [o researchers across Otc elate; avJ wHEREAS, historical rewrds, books and phomgmphs are v eosmmNry's mwt valuable hismricnl doenmems; and WHEREAS, the wlleGion wmeivs manyonique and irrePlaeeeblemamriels each aelhe C. L Andrews Collection, the E. W. Merznll phomgrnphs cad the Ester Aillman vravvscripts; and WHEREAS, donors to the library, have evtmstW their fmnily cvllegione and records to be kept safe nvd muds vvvilable fcr fiimm 6encralions. NOW,THEREFORF_ RF, I'I' NN:SOLVED BY TIIE CITY COONCiI.OFTHE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: CITY OP SEWAI2D, ALASKA EESOLllTION 2008-UI I Seetiov 1. The Scward City Council hereby supPOrte the Alaska Historical Sucicty vtd the Seward Historic Prcscrvation Commission iv erzpressing toucan that the Alaskawlleclions be kept stable, mli a~W ivtactuntil such time as another AlaskvmuWral orhentage organization canbc found to prcscrve and melee them available to the public. 9eGiov i. 'This resolution shall take efled immeilialely upov its adoption PA6SED AND APPROVED by tha City Ccuvcil of Ne City of Scward, Alaska, this I I'" dayofFebmary20U8- THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA u` Clark Cnrhrltlgq Mayor AYES: veldana, Rudareoq Amborg Smith, Kcllar, Corbridge NOES: None ABSLMT. Dunham ADSTAIN: None ATTEST: lee~ Lewis,CMO " Citj~Clerk L (C tYS p ti.._ 2 t . "C nc na i Council Agenda Statement Meeting Dazc: Febmary ll,2W8 nwugh: Phillip Uales, City Manager ~.a A _ Aob Hiaka, Commwity Oevebpvrn(Disw:aedx M/Fi Frovc Dove Ulenz, Planning Aesietanthwh/ ~~iYf Agenda Item: Resolutrov 2009.01 I j SopPOrting the /Alaska Historical SWiety and the Seward Historic Preservation ComsWasion iv the Concern for the Alaka Collection ofthe Sheldon Jmkmn College Strattov Library R fKGROOND B.IFISTIFTCATIUN' The Alaska Historical Society is the starewide orsavieetion dedicated m the hismry of WI p;.ople of Alaska Seward Hisoric Preservation Commissioner Dnug Cepm is a member of the Alaska Historical Society. Capra has brought the challenging issues of the Sheldon Jackson Rhalton Library hefnre the Sewesd Hisrvric Preservation Commission and nuw before the Reward City Cowcil v iN'ormation and m request a resolution oFsuppon. Sheldon ]acAsm+ College ie tocared in Sitka Alaska, wos founded iv 1R~8 and is the o1deR Wstim[ion of Idgher teaming in Alaska TM College wm woad in honor of Reverend Sheldon ]ncksnn who was an early missiomry and educational leader N Alaska On Isms 29, 200'1 all academic operation at dse wllege were suspended aad atl tacWry and staff were dismissed dpeto cash flow shortages. Toe shcldon Jar:ksnn svatmn J,inrary has ax,uup items M its ennanenn wire over w paaem of WI material being directly related to Alazka's history, inclWingmany first edition Masks arrtl rvc periodicals. The Alu ken collection H ofgrent hismrical value to dte covmsunity of Sitka as well as m msrerchers uTOSS the state. lh: Alaska ]Iistorical Society bas evprossed wncem that the Alaska eollcetior r be kept stable, safe anA intact wtil such Ihve az another Alaskan eWtural or heritage organioation can be fowW to preserve and make them ava0ablc to the public The Seward HlstorlC Pmservadon Commission aPProvcd Resolution 2009-01 supponhtp the wssccaru of the Alaska Historical Society F r the Sheldon Jackson C hege Stratton Library and the Alaska Cohwfion. CONSISTENCY: Where applicablw this resoluion is consistent with rho Seward City Code, Chatlcr, Covsprclreasive Plans, Land Ilse Plays, 9hategic PW and Ciry Council ftulcs ofl'nweduras. c8 FISCAI. NOTR: the City of Seward will hevc no vests acsrciated wills this sesoluann of support. q,~ ~ t Approvedby Pinmsw UCparhvwl~ls Zte RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resoluvinn 2008-011, supposfing the Alaska Hiatodwl Satiety and the SewaN Hismsic Pre~.rration Commixxion in th¢ Couccra fm the ALtsta Collection of the Sheldon lacksoa College Stratton lebrery. ?9