HomeMy WebLinkAbout02252008 City Council PacketSeward Cite Council Agenda Packet The new cit}' snow bio~rcr, harts a1 world February 25, 2008 City Council ChamL~ers Rcgiiuiing at 7:30 p.rn. The City of Seward, Alaska City Council Meeting r n' r ^s wux r3a p m crtandi cnmobas 1. CALL TU URUER flmk Corbri4Fe M"rm 2. P[.F.DGF.OF ALLEGIANCE Tenn EapiresSWY winma E. Surinam 3. ROLL CALL Vicc MVyor Tu,n ExplressWe A, CCfIZENS'CObU1ENT6 ON ANY SUEJECC EXCEPT THOSE ITEMS SCIILDULEU FOR PI;ID,IC adrmr vwevm UEABD~'G. (Tlmse ndia Anve signed In will be Xioen the eoonen Member Tum ExPires2WY first opporrunlry m sperm. Zime is limireA l0 2 minulca pa' spevker aM 30 minutes mm! lime f r /Afs aRmrda Irem.7 Tom S'nu1M1 eowml Member 5. AI'PHOVAL OF ACF,NDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Thin ExpiresYWY (Ap(noval u} Cons'enl Agenda passes nli rnu(Ine i/ems ncL,y %enm indic<rced by nsrerlsk (`). Corr.eem Agenda iremr a nw ennndi Member nrsldered separnrely unless a council member so requssxs. iuni Expias?WY M [Ire even( u}such n requesr, rbe 1/em Is rammed to tho ReXUlur Agenda) Fenn smemson Cowell Member rcrm ErylmsSWb 4 SPECIAL GRDERS, PRESEN'l'ATION9 AND RF,Pf1RTS 1'"'i"A'ni'°g A. Proclamv[InnsandAwazlls Cnwiril Mmnbv Tana FyNrs1WB 1. $PRD SVOnsor Appreciannn Prodamafion ....._...... 1'%:i B. Borou%h AasanblY Report C. CiIY MVID%ef c Report FhilliP Omen H-CM1UmMr of Commerce RCpon chymanasw E. ScwarA 1'larmin%enA Zoning Commission Report Iron tewls }. School ROard Report ttiry emm A LiMury/Museum Report H. Othcr'RCports_SpeClel Prezemetions CTeryl Ormkinb Ury Avomry 1. Parka & Rccrrerioo Animal Report Ciry nfSeward Akrswr Cormdl AgerWn P'ebrualy 25, LOOR CaXe I 7. NEW BIISINFSn A. O.dinflnttR far lntrndunriun 9. Ordinance JIN)A-002, Rescinding OMinenee 200PaH11 Md Ordinvtco 3W9-Ot 0, Tn P.liminme The PmposcA Etmease In The Sales Tex Cap Prom 5500Th 51,000, And Retaining A Ssles'far Cap Of $500....... _..... _. _......... _....... _ ................_Pg. b n. BesUlutious "1. Rcsoludon 2W8-013, Pumhesing Two Fcncc YmkGx Por The PARKS Sewall Commumry PI¢ygmund Prole'-i On BGra1f OF SewnM'e Sister Cities Ol Obihim, Japvn, And Kushho, lapat __..... ._........... _...__ . _.._Pg. 13 v2. Resolu ion 2W8-01J AUNOrizing The City MVnegu To Eotcr lmo A'lt¢tssformer Usc Apacunenr Will Chugmh Elwtric Aesociadon Iva. For Use 6F A Power 1'rnnsformer.. ..... _....... _. ........... .. _............. _... _. _Yg. 16 3. Resolution 2008 015 Aulhodeing Dro Ciry Mnnnger To Rmer lom A Menmru~dwn Of Underslmtding WiW The Smm Of AI¢vk¢ Par PlanninK Finartdng, Dcsign, And Conswedon Of The Spring Creek Correctional Crnmr Expansion Prnjeep Aud Appmpri¢ting $100,000 Tn Bc Rcvnbnrsed Prom Pnmre Rond Pmceuls.. _... _._Pg. 13 c. aver rve.. nnRineaR Ptems xl. Apprnv¢I Of The Rrgular City Couneil Meeting Minutes for ]¢nuwy 28, 2008 and Febmmy ll?OOS. _ _..........._........_1'g. 31 *2. ApprovN ro swd a[Inched ienu invidng Sw¢tor Cary Slcvuts. RcpmeutNdve Seaon, Mayor Willianix, Suta[or Ted Stevens, Semm~r Morkowsld, Rtymsutmdve Yonn& Govemnr P¢lin wd la. CUVemor Pamdl to the PARKS PI¢ygrnund opening, (BardarxaNlvnbcrg) ._. ..._..........,Pg. 47 "3. Appoim Appliwm Stcvcn HCim~i¢hrothe Planning ¢ndl ning Commission, with v termmerpire 2011.......____ ......................___...___.........._Pg. 51 8. INFORMATIONAL ITF.M$ AVD RF.PIIRTS (No action required) A. Tern3 YuuW Cmrtcds 200]YCw-Pad Report. _._._.______.____._Pg. 52 tl. Sponskkecremion Departmenit Year-Lad Report. _...___...__......._.._Yg. 50 C Campground Season End Report ._ ._.__.Pg.fil D. City of Scwvd lenumy Financial Report (wilt 5> prexenrad ae a laldown) E Providence Seward Medie¢i Cemu Piowcial Repurt for Dceanbcr and lenoary.Pg. G2 Y. CDUNGL COMMENTS 10. CITILENS' CUMMEN'19 (5 minutes per Individual - Fuah Vndlvldual has one uPFlOrtaniry ro spank] ll. CUU6GL ANO APMINI6TRATION RESPONSE' TO CITILENS' COMMF,NTF 12. AP.7ODRTT-IF.VT c!m fsnwara. AatRxn co,~tdl asnndn Yeb.uary 25, 2008 Ynge 2 Seward Parks 8L Recreation Sponsor Appreciation WHEREAS, quality recreation ~ntributestophysiralandmentalwell- being, as well as the overall quality of life; and WHEREAS, community receeation and leisure opportunities create bene8dal ronnections within our community; and WHEREAS, recreation events enhance the desirability of locations for business, and stimulate tourism revenues to increase a total community economic developmem model; and WHEREAS, me Seward busirwss community regularly invests comparry dollars sponsoring adult sports teams, youth sports teams, races, speaal holiday events, dances, [oumaments, receeation supplies and romps mmbining m serve as an insurance plan for our cdlective quality of life; and WHEREAS, without the annual rommitmen[ of business owners and managers, the people of Seward would be without many of their favorite annual programs; and wxEREAS, it is appropdate to publitly thank our community sponsors NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT TODAY HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AS PARKS AND RECREATION SPONSOR APPRECIATION NIGHT;aM BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all dtlzens of Mis great city join in Mis recogn8fon of all the benefactors of quality receeatlon by thanking our sponsors. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Gty Countll of the Cry of Sewall, Alaska, mis 25th day of Febmary, 2008. THE CiTy OF SEWARD, ALASKA Clark Corbrldge, Mayor Agenda Statement Meetink llatm Februnry25, 2008 1~~~\ Fmm: Karin Smnly, Parks & Recreation Uvemor Wtur' Thmugh: Phillip Oemc City Mwukcr /~ Aeenda Item: Parksffi Recreation Sponsor Appreciation Nikhl W e eppreci ate this opPOrtwdty m sincerely flank ow Seward Pwks & Reveafiou DxpeN V COt (SPRn) spnncnrs. Ow veighbors who ere husiness owners, managers or ]w+n Dimd1Y PeoPlc have teem mgeNw wish SPRUto help fuMmany ofow mwn's favorite evmts. Wethmikowcommunityleeders andpwmers, volunteermeches, business sporisom, a~M Memany, mmY volmtccrs. We<mgremlate Wem on slob well done and challeuke them to keep up the good work. Plcese find within the mtachal reports Ne listingnfsponsorstyho briogus regalmprogmms suchns Teny's Tires Bike Rodin, Elks Rrrekfast wi U+ Santa Three Berns Pumpkin Pmwl and Ne Dream Ivn Avalanche Classic, W Dams rystefewnfthe dormsofspuasored pmgmms. Andmthe sponsors who cmtribute m more dins one evrnt we and ow double thanks! W e have privbxl eMifimms of appreciation for inch sponsor end Mve invited daRn m altcM tonight's Couvcil mce[ing. As Mayor Clark Cwbridgcmedseech spmsorname, wehaveaskd the personmhe recognised end receive a eediDwm. I.isnxl alphabefiWly Alvka Comcctioml Ofiicere Assncimion Alaska Safi Kids Alaska SeeEikCurter Alaska Shop Alaska Tmrisporwion Company nlenoaae Amaicav Lekion Asulwsun Tu%R Berge AVTEC Dm Bwdarsnn Rear's Um Red ffi breakfast Rike Slurp Roy SwuU ofAmcdm Chaser Opfion Chrism a Palace Complete Aummotive P.dgewater HoW Elks E-0 (Essential One) Smwrd Parks&ReerenNon: Mounmims fReweation An AwluncM of OpportuniMes! Fish Hnme Haemon Consvuclion Getty Hateh{3illespie Rita Ooshom 1 tl R Fisheries Kenoi Fjords NatioaW Park Service Kerai PjoMs lours Mary KWaw1 Eric & llixie Londenhmger Pauy Linville Ur. Mike dt Maya Morwrty Metro lobo Ounga Polar Hear Jump Off Festival Assoc'vuion Progressive Chiropractic Remvm Tnms and Rosie Resunection Roadhouu Jnsie Rome sWeway SewaN Fisheries Sewmd laundry Seward t.ibrary Seward Plmvbis~g aril HCalivg Seward Police OPccrs SawaN (Army)RCSOd Sewall Senior Citimns Shoreaide Petroleum Silverlbllar Vending 6pring Creek Conxtiorul Center Stxd & Ou~ya Stytin'Stivhes TciAlaska Christy Tarty Terry's Tires and Lube The [nn W Tam Lake Tony's bar iYC CounWls TNC Value Urbach's Clothier US Forest Smice Hob Valdatta Peggy Namara Wells Fargo tlank Lvckyffi Sheryn Wilson We have attempted m include every Program Sponsor. We regret a^Y omissions and would appreciate i~ rwng us ofany, a we coWd rectify Ne situation immediazely. Seward Parts &Recrea[ion: Mal/Ilfa1r15 ofReereotian An Avalanche of Opportunities! Sponsomd by Oatvre InvMaeiun Yebranry 25.2008 Puhlic Dearing: March 10, 2fN18 F.nvc[meur CI'T'Y OF SF.WARD, ALASKA ORDINANCE 2Wtl-W2 AN ORDINANCE OF THF. CITY COUNCIL OFTDE CTTV OFSEWARU, ALASKA, RESCINDING ORDDVANC'k: 2908-01 AND ORDINANCE 200]- 1q TO ELINDNATF. TDF PRUI'O6Ell INCRF.A6F.IN TDE 6ALES'fAX CA!' FROM $RW TO FI,WU, ANll RETAINING A 6ALC5 TAX CAP OF $SW WHF.RF.A6, Sewanl City Code 5.35.035 Flrnvides eumarity for Oc Imposition of ealex tax wd requires that sales texw be wllemed end remihed m Ne Kwai Pcoinaole Borongn in aeeoNance with nS 29J5.1']0 and Chaptw 5.18 of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Code and W DEREA6, Reward CIty C de 535015 xpwilica Ne mnoom of mx ro he applirnl on tLa lust $I,OW Ofwch sepnrore snle, ren4 or savicetr saaion,with said mm~untheing genwally idcnulicd »s !hc°aalcs taz cap"t and WHF.RF,AS, the Seward City Cuunul approved Ordinance 2!1!19-I9 0o Darombcr IQ 2W9, inemazing the xales tux wp fmm $SW m $L,IMIC), bnt subsequently repealed that Ordinance in order to extend the effective dote of the taz wp morense fmm Apnl I, 2WR to ]anuazy 1, 2W9, de Ordimnce 200AA1f11 approved on Jvmmy28, 2W8; and WDEREA6, a anbsegowt motion for reconsideration of ONinanw 2W8-Wl failed, bm xome embers of !hc Seward City Council regoeered a sobstltute Ordinarrec which would repeal the increase h t We salts tax cep in its ennrery, efleetively reverting buck w the tae cap of RSW. NOW THF.RF,FORF TDE CITY CAUNGL O!" !DE CITY OF 6F.W ARD, AI,A.SKA, Hk:REBY ORDAINS than: 6ection 1. SewaMCiry Cade Ration 5.35 W5ie vnmtdrA ns follows'. S[rikzont=Delete Eold=NCw 'tne rax shall he applied only m !ho beet SF909 SSW of each sepvrore sale, rent or ce tmnsxdon. ]he payment of mop whether for real or personal pmpertg is z of $4,800 $SUU m:d foe mere dtmt one montM1 zhnll he heated us several xnpantc hansadionx wvenng Nc ratW for one montn each. A hansactlon involving paymem for sorvices ar pwsanal property to he rendered or delivcmnl ova e peiod of more than ntomh for a oonsldernn,m io of $4988 SSW shall be Healed ns several xcuss scPaeatc rrmtsnctione nwmm~g on wen momh over tnc period of dme mat the xervice or property is rendered nr delivered. cfTV of sEwAxn, Af.AexA ORDL~ANCE 2006-002 ScrLinn 2. Udinancc]AN19-10 and Ovdinanw 2006~t1U1 ese M1ecehy repealed. Sec~oo 3. Thia oNIDenee sFall mke efTed IO days following ile ennctmeot. E6ACTEU by Ne O'ty ~ nneil of Ne City of5ewud, Alnekn, Nis 10'" day of MareM1. 2(IOA. T9E CITV OE SEWAEU, ALA6KA AVBS: NOF,S ABSENT: ABSTAIN. Clavk l;orbridge, Ylayor Al"1'eS'l Tenn Lewis, CMC City Cluk fcirvscap COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Uflk: lanuary ID, 2008 Thropgk. Pbi1liPOvtes, Ciry Manaxm~ J J Prcmr I:riatin F.rvhingn, Pinence Dvtcrpr ~fS/!i RP'. Rescindin60re sties kx cap invxase BACKGROOM)&dU6TIMCA4ION The Seward Ciry Cowcil appmvcJ Ordinance 200]-IO pn December 10, 200], with an effective dam of April 1, 2-008. This preivanw euthprizaU an Invavse m the salsa rax cep Rom 5500 to Sl,000, svbsequentlg the Ciry Couvcil approved OrLinanw 2008-01, repeelivg Ordituvcc 200]-10 and srtlinY s new eReUlve dam fm the sales tax cap inereau to lanuary t, 2004. A[i[s nwetivgol'Febmvry 11, 200$w embers of[he Ci[y Council regoeskd the aJmmis[renov to [orwartl vn Ordiruvcc whiob world r011 back Ou svlee mx wp ivereesa avJ revert buck m [he 5500 uu vep. 'fhe intrnt v[ Ordinevw 2008-QOZ is m dimirutc the invavse iv Me setae wx cap, which would result in the kx cap nivx at 5500, where it has barn sinus it wvs implemrnreJ m 1965. Iv today's dollars, the sales tax cap world be N excess of EI,900 if vdjusteJ fur inflation sivice inpeptiuv. W N6I6TET'CY CFFCK L 16'f Where applicable, this vgenda akmment u uunsiatent with Ne 9ewarJ Ciry Cade, Cherie, Comprehensive Plans, Lund Use Plarm, Stremgic Ylan and Ciry Cuum:il Rulea ofItocedwea. thher: F16CAL NOTE: Tbc 200R Hudget was approved with the expwktiov IM1at approximakly E]Q,000 would be gmemled by an Iv the svlea kx wp. Plimine0ov of the aales tax cap increase resp16 in an aJvcrse budget ry impeU oC 510,000. Pentlin4 SponaoreJ by Oases mnnnnm Reenndaer Ivlnoam~ann , lannmy la, aona Fn01i[IleurnK: lanuary]P, 21NIN Guaclment: lnnunry ZN, 2W8 V CITt' UF' SEN:4RD. AI.AYK"l -NphNAN'CF. ZOIIA-1101 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CfTt' COIINCZL OF THE CITI' OF .SRIYAHll, AL,t6KA, RF.VI6IRG SEWARU CITY C.ODN SECTION 5.35.095 (COMPUTATION - M,IXIMUM TAX), INFREAfi1NC. THH 9ALE6 TAX fAF FROM 5300 TU 51,000, EF£ECTIVF. JA}'U:/A1' L 2009, ANll RESCINDINf,' ORDINANCE ZW1-010 W'IIEREAS, Mc SewaW Crty Council approved Urdinmmr :00]~1I0 nn Oce.mber 10, gum. 'maeasiny Ibc xnles tnv cup effevdnn Apnl 1.100& FnllowinS Vassage of salA Ordinannt Ne Cily and Hnrough aJlnini6trulions me: In lien&s IinplonAllnlion aM1A delcnryinud :hal due :o cnnlpnlor system pmgremouog rsnamints. it wmild Ix impassible U+r :Ee pnra:gh m loam the Apal I doadbnc, anJ x Iner date ,cnnlJ proviJU more time for the porouyh wd C'iry to nArquaniy mprogmm a,mpma pmgrnina, rclimna: soles Ini (arms, and imonn bnsinuvcv of chances unhc lea cap: and tV HF:REA6. :hc porough anA Cby ndminiaVa0un> agreed m rernminalJ W Iheir respwlive legislosive bnJlos, a rv n to the implemenration :fate to make the Incrrecc In Olo sales nu cop ~nsm Lr eRaA.rJmnmry>, 2V2V, quviJing sutbrlena timelb: oempmm pro3mm osodificaomr, mu:CGcnrions y o fom educeGnn of :nxpayurs. anJ helping to sniaxp the implememmion of n mnjor Snrsien bd,arn:he:am poGey of the Huruugh wJ u local munielpai Sovanmem; nnU W9IEREA6, by ny~ccioN :o compromise nn a I+um~impiemcnlmion Jme, the Fnrou6n has ngrcN to assume all ends assomawJ wllh modificminns 1n nc mx eccunnnng stem and (nnns, and W'l1EREA6, Seward C'+ty Code 5.35 N3 provides nnrhority I~~ Ibc imposition of eales:n~ wW rcgniru Ihm roles texec he nollecmJ nnJ remitted :e the Kenai Penbsula borough in neenMnnec ni:h AA?J 35.110 a+u1 Chap¢rvR oflhc Ka~ni Pminsulu Bornuah Code: nnJ WHEREAS, Seward C'i:y Gulp 5!5.045 spacilles the anmum nf:nx m bo upplieJ on :he firxl Sibu of each c.FUrem sac. rem, or senire Irensnc:mn, x9N suit an:oum bring Scnunlly iJen:ified as In. -,~aleF:nx„:p' mm mia orainana w„ md'mcrease non salon Inr ono irnm SsnJ:o 3L000;,,.a IYA HREA6, ncilher :he City of Senrerd. nor the Kenai Penimuln Bnlnugh ha. r ainnWeJ their Hales Inc prov mrcasr :he maxilnam lax cnmpul'nlion sing the adnplion of Kenai Pmiimvln isions m'u 0omuey~ Ordi:wnce NoA,d~icp Lod an nffenive doe ofLily I. 19fi5, and W'IIHRHA6, the eyuicnlem value in mdn5'a dallmc of :he Ip0.5 Inx cap a(S50n, is exinmrcd at mom thorn 51,900. 6OW 7"HEREFORE,TDF.CI"I'\'CUCNCIL OF TILE CIT4'OFSF.wARD„tL,tSKA, ^EAE,µt' oµpAWS:h>c. CITY OF SF.\V,\AU, AhASAA ORDNA.NfF 3UUtl-UDl Sce[lon SvxaN Cily l'nde Sttlion 5]5.045 is xmenAeA na tnllowr. .lrrrkmnt=Delem BoM Nem The ixx slmll pe applied only lu the firm 5WN 51.1HId of each aeparam solo, ru~l nr .nmc rtanwctinn. The paymrnl of rent, whuher for real or personal pmpenY, In x¢3e of,q.Nq 51,111111 vnd fir more then ono moarh shall he nepled aY aoc Wa7 sepxrAie tmimaelionx covering the rrnul fm one mun16 each. A tmnsacrian involving pa\meni for.ax-fires or personal prapeny to tm rerWrml nr delivered over v period of Inoro lhnn e mnih for a considcralion in excess of 4iUU Sl,flgd shall he neakd as seccral separnre rransadionx occumng arc each monW over the period of rime lhar lbc wrviw nr pmpeny is remktel or deliverW. $ygllon 2. Ordinanuo 2W 9-IU la hereby repealed. 'eeion J. The efleclive date of fhe change in the axles iax wp dom SSW to SI A11p Is January 1.2fX19 Seetlnn 4.'Ihienrdinana sha111akeeffttt l0 days following its cnannmm. PA.ASF.D AN11 A--AO\'ED by the City Council of the Cny of Seward Alaska. ~hix ^_8"'Jay of lanuarc. E008. l'HF', CFI'V OF.tiF' W ARD, ALASKA Chrk Carbrldge, My>or n YBS: flwham. ValdanaDardmolL Aplbclg. Sn11111, Kellar. CorhnAge VQLS bane :\pg[NT-. None :\DSTAIN. acne An Fr r: loan l,5'.wiS.CM( City Clerk (COy seaq J 1'~ SVpnxpred b>- UAm brtrvJmrion: Ao, mba?h. 300; Publiz Ilea inB: l: Ua ni0cr In, ~nw Fnactmenr Lk~acmbu 10, 200] CITY Of SF.WARD, AL,\SK:\ ORDINANCE 300]-UlU AN ORDINANCE OF 1'HC CITY CDUNCII. Ot"I'Hk: CFI'V OF SEWARD. :xL.n5K:1, RE\'ISINCi Rf:WA1W CITY CODE SFIC I'IUN S.JS.OJS (C'OM1IPCTATION - hJAXIMU01 'I AXJ, INCRE:\SING THE .SALEM IA.\ CAP FROM 5500 TO SI,000, FF FNCI'I\'f. APRIL 1, E006 WIIER&\S, Seanrd Cip C'mlc 5 JS 095 pm+ides amhadp- fur the Ingmsirion al svl:e mx ana :.yniim Nul sales :axes be rnllemeA enA Ivmurt w We Kewi Peninsuly Homu0h in anenrtlenm rvilh AS P135.110 and Chupwr 3.18 of ma Krnni Peninnum BoruaSh CoJa'.'md VYIIEREAS. Sevard City rode 5.J5 uA5 spacJlm Om nmpum pl lu m be applied nn the Oral SSW of cncb eepsam sulz. rent. ur servim nancnninn. xllh sntJ anwmn bein@ Severally idrnliteA ns Ib.'salc~ tux wp° rod Nis OrJinmme nmAd inerence Ihm sale.. wx wp Iro0t 5500 m 51,000: and W11EItfAS, neither the Cily of Scxard, nor Inc Kznm I'utttnatla tlurouyb Imve'empnJCil Ncir ;eln un prpnrmm m inzresse the maximum lax computation since the ndoplion ul' Kasai Pcumsulp tlorouyh UNinvmw No_ 9 whizh hud'un effenive daa of July I. I nary; + WHERE:\S. the eyuivulem rulue in today's dollws, pf the InL$ mx cvp of $51111. is zslimmed nl me¢ Iltm:51,')tlll; aM \411ERE:\5, We C'ily Council hm Jixnssed exempting salus mz ml reeidemial reels abnce Ssuu so Ihel Nu tnpdiGcsuon Ie the lax cnp Wm 5500 w 51,000 daps not adversely of&ct residrnlinl and Ihm onanption is ncinc brought fpnvarJ [or inupJunian as Ordiwnce 1 W ] 01 I mt \mnlnnpr30,?INL'. NON"I'H F:REh'URE, THE CITY C'OCNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SF,\V,CRD, ALASKA, HRRF'.fl)' ORItAINBlher'. Scetlon 1. ScW and CiN Cade smvipn 5.35 Oil is amrnded as [pllUxs'. HrvkaW=Dcldc DuIJ=New I he tvr an..ll be npplird only w dm rm'19FUB51.000 preach sepaa¢ sale [col or lee payrmm opcin.nhcNU'(v cal pr pa. nalprvportY. in 5nf55M 51.1100 antl (nr whai imM1 Shall ne VUlpd m.rmuml sepaale oansaaiovs wveriny me renal mr one n,mm~ we.n. > Imncnaien'm.r,lvnls PaYn~rnl cur ur pen nalprvpcn5lo ne reneere0 pr deliwrm nvera period ~6nnre men wmn mr a en n.~aera~mn in expo.. nruw s1.a0o:Hall na o-pa~~,i n+ ~evzt,l anpa:mo tn:ttaaadpnr pa,nrnw one ~acn mono pvcnne period pnlme Na~menervice er prvpprty is ie~~dcmd or Jelicpnd. ~1 CITY OF SE\\'ARD, ALAfiK4 ORDIV\\Ck: 31X1]-III Se[Iioo 2. The eliacti•e Jxm o(the cM1an6e in the Bales tax [up Win 55Cq to 511N1n is Apnl 1. 'OOA. Smkion J. Thu~adinunw shell mkr cfPoct ilt davp (nllox(n¢its enaclmun. P.\SSP.D ANU MPROVkIU by the lily t'mm[il n(tM1C Clq~ of SexaN..4lasLa this 1001 day ol'Oc[cnl6er. 2009. TIIE CITY OF SEN'ARD, ALASkA j~ r (-E~F~ ~~(~.-/ CINrL CurbrltlRe• MR.'or AYES'. lSiltlalla, Ovulrunl. Smhl1, CadtrldAo V'UE3 Kellnr AnthC~ ADSEV'I 13arAarsnn .1BSTAN: Kon[ \TTEST SL' L_. r 72 Spunrored by: Oa[ev CITY OF 9EWARD, ALASKA HESOLllTION 200tl-UIi A RF.SOLUTIO6 ON'fHF. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OM SF.W ARO, ALASKA, PURCHASING TWO FENCE PICKETS FOR "1'HE PARKS SF WARD COMMi1NITY PLAYGROUND PROJECT ON RF.HALF OF SE W ARD' S SISTER CITIES OF U RFHBO, JAPAN AN D K 11 SHiRO, JM,IV WHEREAS, the comwuviry driven wmmiuee PARKS (Parents Advooabvg Recrenrinnvl Kid SYOft) is fundraising to bond a playgound in Seward; and WHEREAS, Om Ciry of 8ewvrd has aulhorizcd the uce of e portion of Ivrd on Rallvine HouleveN 6r the playgound vnd has given support for the project; and WHEREA9, to help PARKS in Ihcir &vdrnisingeffons and to worirmemainmining snovg lies wish Seward's .Siata Cities, Ihn Gry of Seward would like to pumheae two feneepickets in O~c vnmc eRhe City of Ohihiro, Inpan and the Cily of Kusltiro, Japan; and WHF:RF,AS, pickOa are 9IOU ceoh and will be ov aeln until Fcbmary 29, ]008; and WHF,REAS, it is the City Cwneil'u intentromemonalize Seward's Sister Cities in thcncw 5ewnrd Community Playgmuvd. NOW, THERFNORF, RF.IT RESOLVED BY'EHN. CITV COUNCIL OFTHE CTI'Y OF SEW,VJD, ALASKA that. Section 1. The Sewed Cily Council wishes to pay for two fence pickets iu the nnme of Siatcr Ciry Obihiro,.ivpan and Sislu Clty Kvshiro, ]open. Scc[Inn 2. Funds in the avovnt of S200 we hereby desig:wtad f om [be Ciry council promotions viceouvt no. 101-1110-5]30 to fie Avid a the PARKS C mmittee, pvyvhie ro their sPnruor, the SewaN Elka ^nb. Se iiov 1. 'ipfs resolution vfiell take aI[21 imvmdiateVy neon its ndoptiov. PASSED AND AYYROVF.D by the City Council of the city of Seward, Alaska this 25" day of femnmy, wax. i3 Council Agenda Statement Me~eng Dam: Penmary2s, zoos To'. City Cowcil 1~_n/ From: Johama Dollerhidq Assistwi Clty Cled A/ Agenda Item: l'urchosing Two Peace Pickets for the Seward Commwity PlaygmmW Project On Behalf OF Seward's Sister Cities ofUbihim, Japan and Kusbiro, lapmt BACKGROIIMI & NSTIFIGTION: TTe P ARKS (Pmevls Advocating R ecreaaoriW Kids Sluli) committx is plawing a wmmu W ty wide pmjectm misefwds and bvildaplayground un Ballawc Boulevard in May, 200g. As Per[oftheir fwdraisiug eBort, PARKS is sellivg evgaved fcvce pickets m irWividuWs avd businesses. During Discussions, the ideacame up Ww it woWd be epproP^mem involve Seward'e Sister Cities in dre project, es the intentvfthe PARKS iem ivcorPOmte elemevt olSewasd ivm Neplaygrowd. Pcr these diucnssiom, it u s Wl's mmmmendatiw m purehau two l'evice pickets in the name of ow two Siser Cities N Jnpen-Obihim and Kushirn. Picket (pwchaxrlby busivcsses)ere Sl(IO each. StaHrewwvesWsmwcil authorizethe pureh e nftwv, and that fulls be mkenfrom mwcil's pmmu0on aceoum M101-1110-5'130. Picket will h for sale wtil Pabruary 29, 2008. INTENT: to involve Seword's Sitter Cites m Ow Sewmd C mmunity Playgrowd Pmjwt by pwchasing engraved frnce pickets m then namq as sold by PARKS, which recognizes all mwmriali~es nur Sister Cities tie well. CONSLSTENCY CHECKLIST: Where applicable, ibis agcvde statement is mmis[em wiW We Svwmd City CMe, Charter Comprehweive Plmis, trod Use Pleaq Strategic Plm avd City Cowcll Rules nfPrneedwes. Othee FISCAL NOTE. ~~p APPmved by Fiuence Depwamrnt yLl~.w ~1oLLeu~G~ RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution 2008- 03, auNorivng 1M purebaee of twa fence picket for the PARKS PIeY@euvdP Jett on hehalf of Seward's Sister Cidcre ofObihiro, lapen, cad Kushim, laPav. 14 Buy a fence plcKee co suppore fundraisin4 efforts for the Seward Coma; ~~ ~~!ty Playground! ~" ~ $ewam resdents are embarking on a wonderful mmmW fry wide pmjecl...antl you can be pertN ill Purchase a (ante picket or multiple pickets b surrountl the Sewall Community Playground. Indviduals and femllles Can purchase one (?)fence plchal wIN Ihelrname Or a phrase for $5000 perpidel. Pickets wlm busness names ran be purchased for $10r10r1. The pickets will allow up to 11 latlers fepecee munl9 m be eggraved In ALL CAP31 Please spacfy below how }qu would Ilke your ploket m reed.pp Picket q2'. k t/~ -S ~ ~Z ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~{~ THE SMITH FAMILY Name: ~~~~'~ n~,I,O~~~ Mailing AtldresA ~l/ ~ ~~D ~"q Liar, $caae, zio 'i Phone (~lbl) ~~ - qQ Email TaalAmoun<q ~.~) ~ Make oheo4x VY)'vblt b: 9ewmtl Elks~rvemh: Plvygfvuntl Vm me)c ail rhixfm wiN yv of lo: ScwaN Cu:mrvniry PlvYS<o`+^d-Fmce NCkes YO IIns 91X Sxwwd, Alttkn 99aW Ke me IooWOg lov vvlunfenv fm the pmjeol, mq rve v'onWtr you? 01'tt~o ~A `~~~ Parerds ~!'c+scalinS RecreatlonaP 3-ds Stuff i sponam~ed ny: o¢ms CITY OF SE W ARD, ALA6KA RE60LUTIDN 3W6AI4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'T'Y COGNCII. OF THE CITY OF 6EWARD, ALASKA, AUTHORIZING THE C1TV MANAGER TO ENTER IN'T'O A TRANSFORMER U6F. AC.RF.F.MEM1'T WITH CHUGACH ELEC'I'NIC A6WCIAl90N, iNC., FORUSE OF A POWER TRANSFUNMF.R. WHF.RF.AS, in OUObeq Ne power uvafrnmer et Seward's Lowing substation failed; wtd WHRRF.AS, the City is curtenUy mlyivg ealely on Chng¢eh Electric Axsodnlionn distribution to supply our customers in the Lowing, Ctevn Poim vnd Victor Creek ueus dun to the Gflure of tha City's Lowing poxrvT trwsfovncr end Chugach Eleeaic's wslomers nrv aku aWCly relyingen Their distribution vyetmn; and WHEREA6, a replacement power trmsfovnu is not ro¢dily available and the city is on avasgq snpplpng power to Chvg¢ch Electric's mielomera inthe MOOSe Pass arevwith powev for u enplc Anys in the winter:. and wHF.RF.AS, the City's cusomers and Chugach HIeUn<cusmmers will benefit from the use of this trvnzfnmteq and R'HEREAS, tha only cost ro the CfTy is trvnsponvtion and insrnllalion of the teansfotmer unless it to was to fail, in that case our liability would be limited w $20,000.00. V OW, THEIiF:FORE, RR IT RESOLVED HYTHECITY CY)UNC'ILOFTHF. CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA that 6eclion 1. The Cily Mvnvger is euthonzed to enter rote a aanafonner uze agreement with OrvSach Elcotno Avsncindoq loc., for the use of a powco tranafoimea Seminn 2. The Ciry Cowcil uflhc CityofSeward, Alvskahereby finds iv thepublio Imc,cst to inter into a tmnsfrrmar use ogmUne~n with ChugveF Elaeaic Association, lac Section 3. This maolntian slmll take effect immedinlely upon ite adoption. PASSED AND AYYROVF.O by the Ciry Council of the City of Seward, Alaska this 25" dny of Fcbmary, 200%. 10 Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: February 25, 2005 'through: Phillip Oates, City Manager Prom: Tim Hamum, Electric Utility Manager Agenda Item: Authorizing the City Manage[to enter into a transformer use ag[eoment with Chugach Electric Association, Inc., for the use of a powor transi'ormer. tlACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: Ls October, the power vamfpmmr at our lowing subrtatiov l'Wlud. We are currently receiving puwttfrom Chugach Electric Associations'disvibntron system. They diavibutiov system is rot as reliable v ums vormWly is. In the past, we vormWly scrvc the Mmtse Pass area reaidems from our system n couple amex during the winter, ranging fiom a law hours to a few days. We are having diaicully cvcu set quoks f r a replacement vansfonncr because of lead times in ekes of 40 week, suppliers are hesitant to quote. Replacement cosss are expecredmmnge from $6gWU.W foraused trensf er to $ISQWa.W fora ucw transformer. Chugach Electric Associafioq Wc. has oRtted to allow the City use ul'rme of thcv spare tra:af ers, ahrce it also has benefits Ntheir cusmmers, if we woWd pay the vunsponation, insmllatinn arW removal wst and agree m accept a firim~ciW liability of the "book value" ofthe varutortncr. their book value is $20,OW.W, wMCh is far lean that any, povible replaccrvevt wst and would oNy be payable if Ure vaosfonntt failed. CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST: Where applicable, this resolufiuv is wrWatrnt wiN the Seward G'ry Coda Chmurc, Comprehermive Plans, laird Uee PI»ns, 9trvt gic Play end City Cowcil Roles of Pnwcrlmes. FISCAL NOTE: nnpp~' ,,~~ ~t Approved by Eiw~ce Deparlmenc y/cwee~..~~LeEez-~W RECOMMENDATTON: Ciry Cowcil approve Rewluuon 2008-oNautM1ndzing the City Mmugtt to corer hrco a tmnsl mwr risc agreemem wiN Chugach Elecvic Association, Ina., for the use ofa 17 power transformer. TRANSFORMER LEASE AGREEMENF TM1IS TRANSFORMER LEASE AGREEMENT, hereinafter "Agreement" ¢ff¢giV¢ fM1ls 29th tlay of January, 2008 is matle and enleretl into by and between TxE GITV or SEwaao, Alaska, a municipal corporation, organizetl and existlng under the laws of the State of Alaska, hereinafter referred t0 as "CITY" antl CxeGACx ELECTRIC Assoclgnox, INCORPORATION, a COrpOlallOn olganized antl e%isung ender the RWS Of thB State 0( Alaska end hereinafter referred to as "CHUGACH;' with each entity somefines 2hRetl to as a "party" or, collectively, as "parties" in this Agreement. WHEREAS CHUGACH provides CITY with elecVic power antl energy utilizing the Cawing Substation as contemplatetl by the 2006 Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Elecidc Power antl Energy between Chugach Electric Association, Inc. antl the Giry of Seward ("Power Agreement"); antl WHEREAS CITPs transformer at the Cawing Substation has failetl antl a replacement transformer is neetled to provide CITY with Its accusmmetl level of reliability of electric power antl energy flora CHUGACH [o CITY customers resitling in the Cawing area; and WHEREAS CITY expects that it may be many months before a replacement transformer is tleliveretl to CITV for use a[ the Cawing Subsbt0n; antl WHEREAS CHUGACH has title to and is in possession of a Three Phase, 60 Hertz, Distribution Transformer, Serial Number 8499-7 ("Transformer') that is held in reserve for the power and energy needs of The City of WhiMeq antl is not currently being utilizetl by CHUGACH; and WHEREAS CHUGACH tlesires that CITY have a woBing transformer at the Cawing Substation to enable CHUGACH to provide electric power antl energy to CHUGACH customers residing in the Moose Pass and Cooper Lantling area MrougM1 the GITY'a power gritl rather than directly through CHUGACH's power lines. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the breg0ing, the parties agree as follows' L Lease of hansformer: CHl1GAGH agrees t0lease the Transformer lO ClTYfor the term of this Agreement. In consideration thereof, CITY agrees to utilize me Transformer at the Cawing Substation ro enable [he delivery of electric power and energy to CHUGACH customers resitling in the Moose Pass antl Cooper Landing area hom time to time as reasonably requestetl by CHUGACH and in accortlance wiM the terms of the Power Agreement. CITY shall have n0 Option to purchase or otherwise acquire title [o or ownership of the Transformer, antl shall have only the right to use Me same antler and subject to the terms Of [his Agreement. Page lof5 p 10 The parties agree that GIT Vs lease of the Transformer pursuant to this Agreement does not modify the terms of the POwer Agreement Nothing in this Agmemen[shall be ronstruatl as an amerrdnrertt. waiveq or compromise o(any provision Dime Power Agreement. 2. Delivery of Transformer: Within 30 days of the execution of this Agreement by bath parties, CHUGACH will tlelivsr the Transformer In good and working order to CITY at CHUGACH facilities, 5601 Electron Drive, in Anchorege, Alaska. Unless otherwise prcvitletl for in [his Agreement, CITY shall be responsible for all vests end expenses assoGatetl with shipping of [he Transformer hom CHUGACH's facilities fo CITV's Lowing Substation, and back to GHUGACH's facilities once this Agreement expires or terminates. ~ 3. Term: The term of[his Agreement is fora period of eighteen (18)months, -~ beginning on January 29, 2008 and Terminating on JUly 28.2009. 4. Testing and Verification: Prior to delivery of the Transformer to CITY, CHUGACH shall test the Transformer to verify that the Transformer is in good working oNer. Variflcation shall be given to GIN in writing, which may be by a-mail. If CHUGACH is unable to verify that the Transformer is in good working order within 30 days of the execu(ion of this Agreement, Nis Agreement shall terminate unless [he parties, by mutual written agreement, agree to extend Ne delivery date. If upon Installatioq Ne Transformer is not in good working order GIN may immediately terminate Nis Agreement by providing written notice to CHUGACH. 3. Inatallatlon of Transformer: CITY shall install the Transformer at the Lowing Substation at approximately mile 25 of the Seward Highway. Unless omerwlse provided for In rots Agreement, CITY shall be responsible For the installation of the Transformer. However, nothing in this Agreement shall prevent CHUGACH from voluntarily assisting CITY with the installation Of the Transformer. 6. TransPomler Feirure: The parties agree Nat the value of the Transormer is TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000) and that in no case will CITY be liable to CHUGACH for Transformer failure in an amount greater than TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS.¢?0,090 If the Transformer fails within 24 hours afters load has been placed on the Transformer, the Transformer shell be considered as not being in good working order pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement and CITY shall not be obligated fo provide any compensation to CHUGACH for the failure of the Transformer. Ifthe Transformer fails 24 hours or more aRera load has been placed on the Transformer, CITY shall pay the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000) m CHUGACH as wmpensation for the failure of the Transormer. Page x of 5 I9 ]. Limita4on of Liapfliry: CITY's liability HCHUGACH for any damage to or bss of the Transformer or any other claim basetl upon or arising out of the terms of this Agreement except as provided in Mis Section ]end in Section 9 below shall not exceed TWENTV THOUSAND W LLARS ($20,000). In no event shall CITY be liable to CHUGACH for any special, indirect, incitl¢nHl or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever. In no event shall CITY be liable fo CHUGACH for any loss or tlamage as a result of [he failure of delivery of power to CHUGACH customers via the Transformer. e. Representations: CHUGACH represents and warranH to CITY Mat A. CHUGACH bas ownership, title and possession of the Three Phase, 80 Hertz, Distribution transformer, Serial Number8499-] Gee end clear otany tMrd parry Mteresfs and that Mere are no liens. interests or claims by Mird parties upon the Transformer; and B. Upon delivery by CHUGACH to CITY of written verification pursuant t¢ section 4, the Transformer will be in good working order and neatly for-installation at Me Lowing Substation. 9. IndemnlPCation: CHUGACH shall defentl, intlemnity antl hold CITY harmless against loss or threatened loss or expense by reason of the liability or potential liability of CITY for claims by Mirtl parties for title, possession, iiena aMlor interests in Me Transformer. 10. Retlelivery: Upon wmplepon, expiration, termination or cancellation of this Agreement CITY shall tleliver the Transformer to, antl CHUGACH shall accept delivery of the Transformer at GHUGACH's facilNes at 5601 Electron Drive in Anchorage, Alaska. 11. Notices: Any notices,bills,invoices, cr reports required by Me Agreement shall be sufficient if sent by the padies in the U,S. mail, postage paitl. to Me address below. CITY' CHUGACH: Cary of 6eward Chugach Electrlcel Association, Ina ATTN: City Manager ATTN: Chortle Kimmel P. O. Box 16] 5601 Electron Drive 6ewartl, Alaska 09664 Anchorage, Alaska 99518 12. Costs antl Fees: If eiMer party institutes suit concerning this Agreement, Me subsHntially prevailing party shall be entitletl to its attorneys fees antl costs. 13. Waiver: No tlelay in exercising any dghtor remetly shall constitutes waiver Hereof, and no waiver of a breach of any covenant of this Agreement shall be ¢aae s ar s i~ construetl ss a waiver of any preceding or succeetlin9 breacM1 of the same or any other covenant or condition of this Agreement. 14. Assignment: This Agreement is binding on Na heirs, successors, antl assigns of the partes, but shall not be voluntarily assigned by either party without prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 15. Entire Agreement This document contains the entire Agreement between the padies. It may not be modifietl except in wnfng antl signetl by all parties. t8. Controlling Law end Venue: This Agreement shall be governetl by, construe0 under and entorcetl in aceortlance with the laws of the State of Alaska, and venue for actions beN+een the parties arising out of or relatetl to this Agreement shall be in the Alaska Superior Court, ThiN Jutlidal DisUid, Anchorege, Alaska. 1]. Force Majeure: In the event either party is tlelayed from performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement. tlue to aUS of God, acts of \ha anemias of the United Stales ofAmerica, sabotage, war, blockade, insurection, riot, epitlemio, fre, flood, explosion, earlhquakettsunami, civil disturbance or war, the time pedotl wherein such performance is to occur shell be extendetl by the[ amount oftime necessary to compensate for the delay. 1B. Ezplration antl Termination: This Agreement shall expire or terminate upon \he occurrence of any of the following conditions: A Expiragon of the term pursuant to sectidn 3 of this Agreement; B. Failure of the Transformer pursuant to section BOf this Agreement, G. Terminaton. expiration or wneelletion of the Power Agreemenq D. Failure of CHUGACH to pmvitle wntlen veriACation to GlTV pursuant to Sedion 4 of this Agreement; E. Failure ofthe Transformer to be in good working ortler pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement) F Any court ortler or other obligation of law [hat requires CITY to relinquish contrel antl/or possession of Me Transformer to CHUGACH or any third parry, G. Mutual written agreement of the Pelves; or H. Loss or tlesVUCtion of Che Troneformer. I. Thirty f3tl)days written notice of termination by either party to the other party. a„aaams zi J. CHUGACH's use of Transformer as replacement transformer br tlelivery of power antl energy to The Ciry of Whittier pursuant to section 20 of tM5 Agreement. No expiration or terminatOn of [his Agreement shall expire or terminate any liability or obligation to perform of the patties which arose prior to Me termination or expiation except insofar as oMertvise agreed to in this Agreement. 19. No Duty to Third Parties: This Agreement shall rotcrea[e on the part of CITY or CHUGACH any legal dory owed to the retell parties of any party or to other wholesale or wheeling customers of CHUGACH, including wtthout limitation, any legal tluty IG maintain continuity of electric power and energy to other pelves or customers. 20. Termination Sor Replacement Need: This ggreemenl shall terminate upon CHUGACH provitling no9w to CITY that the tansformer utilizetl by GHUGAGH to supply power antl energy to The City of Whittier has failetl antl that the Transormer Is needetl asa replacement Adequate COftCR Ot termination by CHUGACH\o CITY Untler this Section 20 shall be no less Nan 12 clock hours. If [his Agreement is terminated pursuant to this section, CHUGACH shall be responsible for all costs and expenses (including crane rental charges) associated wiN ma removal and shipping of the Transformer b CHUGAGH's facilities or any alternative locafon designated by CHUGACH. Atltlitionally, CITY shall not be responsible for any costs and expenses pursuant to secion 2 for reNming Transformer b GHUGAGH Gr CHUGAGH's Facllldes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed ties Agreemem by antl through their tluty authorized officials. CIiY OF $EWhaa CXOGACX ELECTRIC ASSOQATOX, INC. 4 ~ By. Phllllp Dates BY Title: City Manager Title:V l'3. ~+<^1 1 Date. Date' lJl-Ot4 ATTEST Jean Lewis, CMC City Clerk (Cly heal) Page 5015 Lt SponsnrM hy: Oaes CITY OF SF,WAItII, ALASKA REtlULUTION 2008-015 A RESOLUTION OF THF. CITY COUNCIL OF TIiU CITY Uk' SEWARD, ALASKA, AUTHORILINf, 7HE CITY b1ANACF,R 1'U ENTER INTO A MEMORANllU0.1 OE'UNDF.RSTANDINf, WITH TNF: ST'A'TE OFAL,45KA FOR PLANNINQ FINANCING, DESIGN, ANU CONSTRUCTION OF'fHE SPRING CAFE K CORRECTIONAL CENTF,R EXI'.f NRION I'ItOJF:CT, AND APPROPRW'1'INC, 5100,WUTOBE REIMRURSEDPROM FIi I'L'RF.RONO PAOCF,EDS WHERF.AS,Ch. 160,SLA 2W4 (the"AC(')paxxedty the Stale LegislvmrcamMnozd Nc Smte of Alnxke to wre[ imo ujnint ownership vgrecmcnumd a lease-purchu a agrecntem wirh Mu Cityof5cwnrd for the expansion of Spring Creek CorrcctiouW Center("SCCC'1 bynp m 144hedz; and WHEREAS, tls Attcondinoos the Smte'v authority w curer imo st<h agreements bxwxl ou [heavcraRe Pe<-heA rnpiW COStmtexcecdinK$135,000, as adjuatedfor inflatlon, and annual lcagn pvymwa not exiading $14,600 per bed end Otat the St[e shall own the SCCC at the end of the leuze term', and WHEREAS, the Ciryand the Srate desire m curer ism a Mrntorandum ofllnduatartdiogtar the puryosc ol'pursuing proJent plaMiug and design, wiN the Smreaswming thecozt of planing and design anJ the Smte nepmunont of Tranaposalion uvl Yuhtic Facillucs vxvingas rheprgwt mnnagu' and coutrmting nutlmrity for the expansion projxv%; and WHEREAS, [he Mema[vNwn of Underztandia6 r Wuirar ttieLthe City of5cwi¢vl, us ownu of the currwrt feciliry end vice, aeecpt txxponxbility for pursuing eeveuue bond fiuenc~ng supposed by finny Icasu payment by the Smre, which is the vvmefhtarming mechanizm tnilixed w wnshud the initial SCCC facility: and WHEREAS, the City and the State intend that at the rod of Ne term of repayman of We bonds, the Stale will become the owner of5pfiog Creek ~ neetionel Facility; wd WHEREAS, dre State untiuipv[es buhtp able m fund Plvnnin6 artd dcaignefiosv tvithovt City aseiamnce, hm In the cvrnt Swm fundz are not made available m the prolrut unfit v0er ]sly 1, the City desves m aOPmPrivtoari amount nor m exceed 5100,000 m expedite NCprojed, with znid funds m be ruimburs~ed by furore bond proceeds md/oe appropriations from the Smte; artd W[IEREAS, in the even[ it banmes necezenry far the City m expwd it own foods m expedite design, the city mwvger is aotApdeed Co amend the Manorwdum of Wzdn~siandiug ro ,ryuve repvymem of City funds from Pomrc bonJ proccede nnNor eppropriatlonz @nm the State. '11 CkTV of scwAw, nLASxA RESOLD'fII>N 2008•Uli 9OW,Tk[F.REFORE,RF.IT RCHOLVEDBY THE GTY COLNCIL OF THECITF OF' SEWARV, ALASKA, char S¢cdon L The Clry Mwngu is authrnived m cuter'mm a Memomndnm of Undersrv,ding with the Smote o[ Alaaka in aubstnmialiy the form as atwched herctu, for the purpose nr desigq financing. and cunswction of Ne expansion of Sprh,g Creek Cnrzenioaul Cents. Sec6vn z. Funding ht the emounmf3100,OW is h rebY approprialulfmm the t;cnaal rood toad bnlnnce aaounr no- 101-0000-3W0-0103 to the Cepital Aequiaidon Fund mconm no. 10} IU30-5910 foe Om purpns¢ of id~tial plam,ing and design, with suid expe,rdltures contingent on the city manager mnhohzing nn au[cndmevt to the Memonndnm ul Onderatendiug wMch mrsurcs n:pnymenno the City (mm bond pmceed.c nod/or forum 8mte eppmpnudona. Secdov 3. This resolmion shall take eRCtt immeAintely upon adoption. PASSEDAND APPROVEll by [be(Sty Council nfih¢ciry of HewuM, Alsaka. Oda 25" day of Febmary, 200N. 'I'tlE CITY OF BEwARD, ALASKA Clark Corbridge, Meyor AYES: NOF3: ARSFNI". ARSTAI~. A ITEHT ]evn f zwis City Clerk Ir ty swp <~ COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Date'. Febmary 25, 2008 Fmm'. Phillip Oewe, Ciry Mawger RG: Memorandum otllndemranJing for Prison Expansion BACKGAOUNO & II 6TIFICATIO The eeward Ciry Covnell approved Resolution 200]-98 w November 12, 200], authorizing en Inwvl lp Iseue BCVds for the purpose o[ expanding the Sprin6 L4vek Oortmtlonal Center ('5000'x. Phis action o[ the Ciry Council rapresmwd [he Cily s inital commitmem to the prison expvnelon pryad. This project was aulhoriud by Ch. I W, SLA 2004, which approved expansion of SCCC by up m I4a bWs, provided tMt three wndilions met: 1) capi~sl wall of the project may nm exceed $05,000 per bed, as uaU'ustcd [m ivtlmion; 2) annual lease payment; Ibr the project may vot excectl 514,600 per bed, end ]) the Smleshall own the SCCC at dw and o[lhe lease term. 1'he next eery iu this process ivvolves projcd plaming and design. "I'M1e Ciry ol'6owartl end Me 9Nte of Alaska enwrivg ivto a Memorandum oP llndi~ralandinK (th< "MOD'), witl~ the 9m¢ wrwJtfing to pay Me initial costs o[ planning and daeigi of the project, amt the City eommtitting m pursue mvvuue bonds w fwd Ae prujwl. The rcvrnne hoods will be swmJ by the $m¢'s sweat lave pvyments, anJ Jo no[ rWreswt o grneral obligaow pledge ofthe Gry. The administration is requeetin6 an appropriation of $IOg000 to assist the Smk whF initial ylarming and deaigo, with said firnde m be apwl wly i[ the Shte is weble to Seeua finding prior m July 1 Qhc slut Cf the Slate's new f el year), and w be rvyaiJ through forme bond proceeds vnNnr Stale eVVroPriatiuna. Thera is o svong likelihood that City feuds will be needed, but prior w spending vny my funds the city mavagm' would initiate an emendmwl w the MOU to secure a gumwtee pfrepeyment by Ne Smte. CONSIS'IBNCY CHECK: Whefe epPlrcable, thin aKClyde 6121Crt1en1 is wruistenl with Ihe Seward City Code, Charter, Comprehensive Plots, Lend Use Plaue, fiUatogic Plan old City Coum:il Rules of Procedures. Other: e~ YISCALNOTF.: ,~/iE(.rT[.~.~u ........... .... 'Ihe appropriation o[ 5100,000 is no[ inalp din tl¢ 2008 Budget end is Ihwefore appmpriat J Wm the <kneml Fund CuvJ balavo wt Tn fhe a m[ [wd5 are not spent tbie epproprladon will mvavt bad w the (lenerel Fvntl fund balavice a wont, and i[ expevditwes are inourred, tl~ry wll be mimbumcJ w lhn City tM1inugb future revenue bonds and/or Shte appropriations. RECOM.\fENDATION~ Ciry Cowcil approve the Memorandum of UvdemtandinK between Ihe City of Seward wd the Smte of Alaska for Ihe Spring Creek Cortectionel Center expansion project, and appropriate funds. GJ MEMORANIIUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CffY OF SE WARD qND THE STATE DP Af.A$1CA REGARDING THE SPRING CREF,K CORRECTIONAL CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT This agreement is made this day of~ 2 WS, between and anong [he State of Alaska Department of Cortec[ions C'Cvrreotions'); Ne Smte of Alaska Department of Admlmstra60ll ("AdrNruslmdnn") and IIIG QIIy Of S[Wa(d (1110 °DI[y"). WHEREAS, Ch. 160, ShA 2004 (Ihe "Aef~ ¢vthoruud the State of Alaska (the "Brute") to enter Imo a joint owucrship agreement and a loaaapumhvse agrecmem with the City for Ihe expansion of Ne Spring Creek Cortecliorlal Center (`SCCC") by up m 144 beds; and WHHREAS, the AG wnditioved [he State's auNodty to enter iota a joint ownership agreement and lease-purchase agreemonl upon the overage pcr-bed capital cost for the beds amhorized by the AG not exceeding $135,000, es adjusted for inFlafion ovdcr sac 5(b)(q of the Act; and WHEREAS, Ne Ad provided thaz the State and Ihe City shall enter into a join ownership arrangement witll mepoot to the SCCC; chat the Smm may arms mto a long-term leescpurchaee agreement having a tern not ro exceW 25 years; the the annual Icase paymem may not exveed $14,600 per bed; mrd that the 9tnte shall own the SCOC et the and of the lease term. NOW THEREFORE, Ne ponies hereto enter into this memormldwl of undervtanlEvg in ordu to implenen[ provisions of the Act and eel forth their egeeemev[ with respect m the plamJng Ibr Ne design, wnsmactiov vnd financing oPNe SCCC. I. 6COPR OF ADREEMM:N'[ I. The parties ivtcnd to limit dm swpe of this agreement to the planning for the dasigl, wvswction and fnanung of [he expansion of the eeistivg $CCC. 2. The penies aoknowledge tllet scparem agreements or amendments will be ncwssary in Ihe future to provide far the joint ownership of [he existing SCCC arld the leese- pumhese of the expanded SCOC by Administration, on behalf of Corteotions, wde A536J0.083. The parties acknowledge that the Act regoiree that a eouditiou of the hso- pvmhese is mat vry bonds isauad by the City m Envnce the SCCC he of inveshnent Bade or better. 3. 'Ihe penies ackrlowlcdge Ihal an amendment to this Memorandum of Undorslmuting will be necessary in the fumrq should Ihe City of Seward need m expcn0 its awn funds to azsist with prelirrdrlary design eROrm, anJ Ihal any such amendment weuld anticipate reimburxemenl of those expenditures from furore bond proceeds ar1tl/or reimbvrscmcnt Gmn the Smote of Alaska G t) JI. Txe sccc L The patics ages that Iho SCCC will be expended by approximately 144 beds, with an average per bed eepilsl cost not exceeding $135,000 az adjusted for inflation under section 5(b)(I) of tie Act (the "Expansion Projeefy. 2. The City and Administration, on behalf of Cortections, will ummr into rn agecment with respect to the SCCC in which the City will groat [o the AJministration a joint wnership in SCCC in oooaideraliov for ao agroemrn[ to enter ono a lease pmclraea ngaement for a mtm not m axweJ 25 years (the "Leae Agrecmenf') and kr tlm City ro issue its IPaxe revenue bonds (the'BOnde'") iv order W Onanco the Expansion PryeU. ~. '1'hc Gly's obligation to iexue the Bonds shall bo conditioned aeon (e) the mceipt of a conhuct bid that provides fcr total Project coals not exceeding $135,000 pu bed, as edjverod for infietlon antler section 5(bJ (0 of the Act, arsd (b) lease pvyments to be made by AdrNnistretion under the Leae Agreement, basal upon debt service royayment terms far the Bonds, not exceeding $14,6UU per bed. 0. The padiex ages that the Ste[c's Depanmrnt of Tranapodation and Public Facilities ("DOTPF") will be the project manager wd contracting authority for the Exparraion Project. DOTPF shall engage architects aM design firms az necessary to dcvelep preliminary design end eorratme[ion specifications. The process shall, at the option of DOPYF wrd Comdions be undertaken azdesign-bid-bwld or a CMAR aVPmac6 that haz the own reprcacntaGve handlivg all projeot desig. ll is anlicipald tM1et wvtrece award for the Expansion Project will occur in August 2(108. The award of [he conswction cennam shall be conditioned upon tie issmnce ofthe Bonds. 1[ ie anlicipamd thaz the City shall issue the Bonds in July 2008. 5. 'Lhc Expanxien Project is expxtM to be ready farooeupmmyinlily 2010. 6. The panics ages thonhe Expansion Project will be laca[cd on tie oxixting site of SCCC or adjeaent therGO, sad Ihat it will ba vwessery to evhdivide the property in oNer to xeparate existivg City facilities (water storage tarJc, eewor lagoon, etc) Gum SCCC facilities. III. FINANCING 1. UDOn the execution of the joint ownership agreement and [he Lease Ageement, and upon oovfirmvtiov that the ousts of the Expansion Project will meet the eequiremavts of Beetioo 11(3), tlm Ciry will be rospovsible for financing the Expansion Project. 2. Tha City end the Nazka Department of Revenac will consult on tie appropriate method of issuing the Bonds. 3. The City's mrd Oo Deparvnrnt of Revrnue's wets rclat~ to financing will be rcimbwaed Gom the proceeds of the Bonds. -2- [ ! N. TERMWATION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 1. This memorandum of undemtandng shall remain fn aBect until completion of the Expansion Yrojat wless earlim tenninatN pursnwt to the terms of Ihis memoandom of mWentwding ]. The parties may mutually agree, in writing. on w earlier or laror rorminatiov dare. 3. Prior to the isenanca of Bovds, ConeGions may terminate this mamorwdmn of wderstanding with ar withwt cause witp 30 days notice to the City. 4. The Citymay mmunata Nis memarendum of understanding wiN Or without ceuxe with 30 deye rw[iw to Corzaotions. V. NOTICE L All notices ender Nis memorwdum must he in writing wd Vrovidod to Ne notice contacts 1'or each party. 2. The notice eonteotfor COrtecliorvs is: ]oe SClwidt, Commissioner. 3. '1'hc notlco confect far the City is: Phillip Oates, Seward City Manager. 4. The nonce comaR for Administtation is'. Annefre Kreiher, Commissimra. VI. LEGAL 1. Tlus agrcomenl conatiNtea the wtim agreement of Nepartina. 2. All amandmwts to Nis ngreavent must be in writing. 3. To the extent allowed by law, the parties agree to negotiate wy dispute diligwdy and in Kuod faiN, and to submit Nev dispute to formal mWiation, wiN the mediamr's few wd costs shared equally by boN parties, prior to initiating wy action in a roan of law. Ioe Schmidq Commissioner State of Alaska Deparwent ofCorcecdons Annette Krei[zeq Conmriseioner SteteofAlaska DeparOnevt of Adminis¢eriov Phlllip Oaros, City Manager City of Seward 28 3- ` CITY OF 6EWARO, ALASKA RF.3OLUTION 200]-098 SPoneoced bY:(hscrs A RESOLUTION OF TFfE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWAIO), ALASKA, EXPRESSRVC OFFICW. INTENT TO ISSUE BONGS TO FINANCE THE EXPANSION OR THE SPWNC CREEK PRISON FACILIT[E5 AND DETERMINING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, Ne State of Alaakahm leased from Ne City thesand deutibed as Parcel A, Sprang Leek Corrational ProjeMSise, accoMingto Plat No. 84.12 fIN Angara 23,1994; and'Itecl E, Founhoflply Cuak Tmgs, ecwNing m Plaz 84-0 Eled May 1,1984, Seward Marine IMUSMeI Censer, Seward Recording DisUid, Tlsird Judicial DisVicl, S+ese of Alaska (the "Site"); end WHEREAS, Ne Stak, Ihrougfr Ne DepaMnent ofCorsegians, would Gkc locontinueuvug Ne Sise for a prison asW a expand the wining facililiea (which wee constructedby the City and financed through lax~exemptfinencing); and WHEREAS,Ne CityofSewardirttendaawwuuct addinonelcepiW improvemmfaonIDe Sise to expand the Sprang Creak Cortectional Center; end WHEREAS, Uu:CityexpecUWCmazsceaportiwafthe Project coats onelong-mrmbasis ` with proceeds of boMa (Ne "Bonds"); end WHEREAS, Ne City reasonably expects Net a pnrgen of the Pmjxt waR w ill be paid by Ne Ciry prione Ne issuance afthe Bonds aIM proceeds ofNe Hands will bevaed to reimburse Ne City for the Pmjecl coals prior ro the issuance ofthe Bonds. NOW,THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVEDBY THE CITYCOUNCIL OFTNE CITY OF SE W AI2D, ALASKA that', Section 1. This Resolution isadoptedmsetiefyNe"olRciallnlent"requirements ofSecsion 1.150-2 of the regula[ions adapted wder the euthoriry of the Internal Rwrnue Code of 1986, ee amended, (Ne "Code") with respect to Ne Project. For Nis puryose, Exhibit A meWdes a genttel description of the Project end a atatemem o(Ne maximum principal amount of bands Ne Cily roesolably expms m issue to Bpaocecosasa[NeProject(Ne "BOnds'9. The Citylnteruls m useNe proceeds o f Ne Bonds lu make a loan (or b reimburse th a Ciry for making a loan) to fumnce costs o f the Psojar, and cerlam ether costs, which ere eligible under Ne Code for ilnancing wi N proceMa of lax<xempt bonds (the"EI igi bl a Costa").This Resolotion is adopted on the dace an forth blow, arcs the EEgble Costs incurred ep to fi0 days before Nat date will be eligible torteimbursemem with proceeds of the BOnd~. ASOfdw date set faMbelow,the CilY Seasonably expects that itwill issue Ne Banda end uac Nc proceeds ofthe 9onda w described N Ilda section. Section 2. This rceolmion shell sake affmt immediazely. 4~ CITY OPSRWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 100'1.098 PASSED AND APPROVED byficCily Cowril oPtlle CiiY ofSeward Aleaka, iris 12tA pay of November, 200]. THE CITY OF 6EWARD, ALASKA ~~ Clark CorbriEge, Meyor AYBS: Dwham. Valdan; Betdamoq Smilb, Kellaz, Corbridge NOBS: None ABSBNT'. Ambesg ABSTAP': None ATTEST: 1, I ]ewis' Clerk. C ps s .yip SFN rue's C:`%,0k' ~FpY ^..L .1 ~V~~ i0~ N~r ' us I J s ~1 CuI Jt+°'a M, AlNkn GttC until Mlnutei n rt2ft 2 d Valumr l9 PuRr TALL TOORDER ThclanuarylR, ][100 regular meeting of the $ewmtl City Council woe rnlled tooNwut 9:30 p m. by Mayot Clazk Ccxhridgc. OPENING CEREMONY Poliue ChiePlpm Clemons led the pledge of allegionee m the flag xoLL cAla. nrcre were pm.ent: clad: cnrn,;dge prusidigK and Willaul Dunham Linda Amberg Bob Valdulta Tom 4niW Bcuy Kelly ]eon Bt¢dazvrxr wmprisingagonmm of the Council: and Phillip Ontea, Ciry Manager Icon Lewin. Ciry Clod: Cneryl Bro~king.GryAUOmey ARSF.NT-None CITTZENS' COMMGNT5 ON ANY SU676CT EXCEPT THOSE ITEMS SC[IEDI7.F.D FOR PUBLIC BEABING Mflya Moriarty, xummarizul the smms of tie $cwaN Community Playground Wa1 was scheduled ro he built Ne week ofMay I?through 1R, 2W8. Thewmmunity hM reisedjoenindcr $100,00010 de1e. She preiecd the fwdraisa Chair Chellic BkaoF for doing a wonderfid job end slated We commivee would appraiale more rapport in money, iavolvur~em wd time. Moriarty infooaed thepnhfiu m go ra their wobeile for moredemils on how ro assi5l. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA MoSon (UmdraMSmith) Approval 0f Agenda and Consent Ageudu The Schmrl Romd Re.UOr1 by Lynn IInhl and the LnvaoAML Bepon by Vice-Mayor IhmEaor were added to [M1C Agenda. The following wen pu11rA fmm the consent agenda: Aesrdntimi 2008-00'1, AullmriziogThe CityMauager'Ib I'aylluerOwed TOTAc Maaka Power Assucia6nn (Fnrmerlp ARECA) For The Yeflr 2008 Gr'Phe Amount Of $10,610.00. ~1 o?re/re„r.,d, me,e„ on e,,.,,,m ni;,~arrr Innuurv 2$ 2008 Valume3l Fflpc Motiun Pvsred UnaWmnus The cAc+k ¢ed sfiefollowLre ~aplxoved consent ugendn item: The,lanuary 10, 21108 RegWar City Council Meering blinvles Were ApproveU. Council Approved The Shared Vidnn For A Comprehensive. 51udy D(Alaskfl's Naviga6nn Transportadon System. RecnluEon 20W~W3. Accepting A Grunt In The Amount (N $1,299.60 From The Alaska Highwvy 6flfnfy O(lice Fnr 2W89ecoud Qnarmr ASTEPllriviog UndeKThe fafluence (Dllp EvfnrcemeW Camp Wgn And Appmpriatiw3Tnnda. Resnlunnn 2W8-W4. Awepnpg A Crnnt In 1'he Amount O( $1,299b0 FromThe Alaska FRghway SWeIY Otiim For 2008Semml Quarter ASTRP 9eatheBErdorrenixnt C¢mpnign And Aypmpriafing Fonds. 9PEGAL DRDF.RS, PRE9EF'l'ATIONS AND REPORTS Prodamattnns and Awflrde A IMwlanufion Celebrating Idilarod Uays Wnc Read. Borough Assembly Repnrk Rorongh Aaseutbly Representndve Rnn snug swcd tlwn werem jor aucndinwts m theoNimnce Pout aha0gcd Nmnad waswaion vlnndatL and would he Mdreazed again on FGYaary 5, 2W8. A $59,fH1f1 Homeland Scttnily Awmd was appropriated ro the Rew Creek Fire Serviea Area avd Sf W.~wae approved for the sohwue change forthe soles wx cop accommodvdoa. Lang Weo said the BomvpJi enmmined ro pMir3palcln Ne BPA Evergy Seer] Step Chnllen8e Rogrtw ro ecAwc cnu'KY covsumpdnn wd greenhouse pas cmissioas, two esoludnns pursed 1o amend 'l'itlc 29, and the federal pdonn¢ tier was approved, end it would aowmpmy him tc Wnrhington G.C. the bat of March. City 1lemger's Report. CiN Mflnflgar PhBlip Oatermnounced Karl Anderson was Itir'rd as thcncw Harbormvslerwd would smtt Febmay28, 2008. A Harbor Bxpanzion PrrOect progress repod by Tryrk Fy,nan& Mayes was endnsed as iedonnattonal with hix wvittev Mvmgei a Repot. - [ n=1'em tare Fac l'm (LTCF]. On lvnnvey 27.2008, advu~dspnentx [or iavi[a[ionsm hid! r cnnanuctinp tls LTCF were let out. In co junalon with Alchilnets Alaska, ap[ojwt would he hired. He notibW 0cro would be opportnnitiez for local and ptninsula b uiucnsns Ilvuughout Poeee pmcewes. - Svrvm C cek Prison BxPv^zioa An agreemav hat bYi'n reached wish the Depanmznl aY C vections on funding funhe Sprang Creek Prison Hxpansion_ The Citywould nzsizl witM1 u(~fmm Pondlnp, Dui would bore-paidby nhndgeled item In tls Govcmnr'e 2009 bvdgec 34 Clrt nfSnauMi Alwh Crry Cowmil Mimnee lanu~rt z3 ?W8 /~/II1mp 3J J'me Y OUec New e+mvactlnikswpepmeeedin6 wip:Pmvidence. BOb }ticks hvd valmltleredm asxist n a Inwycrif the High School YomM1 Cann 1'rogmm gor vnduway, the Post 011ice would be In5taI11nK un ADA aacasible door sooq and DMV would be clo6ed while advertisnmenc tae a new clerk. b Hob v Par ~. ¢ wa6 dwidrnl m pm out ms RFP Por the Hobem Park Foumain Pr'gre:. Much dizensvon ensued nn ncgniring a behenmduslandivg of me eiry's budgd wd the vcc4 IUr IIN RpOtl6. Morino (Amberp/Jmith) The City Not Pay For the Maynr'e Toll Free 1'huae Number Amberg wanted m k:mw it ather6 had ecceived d:e nveiwbelming number of phone calla f om drepublic who did vat wixh lU pay for Ihla phove. Everyone had. blayur Curhridge abstaivW 1'rum vnring bcovse of the eppearenee of ronllict. A1otion Passed Yre: Amherg, KelWr, Smith, Valdapa, l)oMam, Ra.darwv Abstain: CorbridKe City Attorney Repnn. City ABOVrey Cheryl Brvoldng clnriRed for Nc viewing pvhlic why the Mnyordid nm votebecvvze n(Ihepueonalcoullidhfmtereztinvolved. They had provided information vtd worked wide Inng Temr Caro Facllily covxulmnts and the Adnri~dsb'atiuv ov adminievedvc and ycmumel issues, floodplaiv menagmnevL xubdivizinn vgmemam issues and ssisted with the AVTIiC Fire'1kaiNng lease- Rrookiv6 gave abde[report on pending lirigation ~ssvea vnd decisions That dte City Brill awaited. Chandtero[ Cvmmen~ Report. Lvvrv Clnwerd stated dm2W] xtwinficx hvd over 4fX1 emherz whleM1 was a 1)fi inva~case: 8vev Hough visimr cemer padicipation wua down, bu6ioesxes xhowed an e. ClowaM sew en inuwxe+lmwketingmend for shoulder sczson months. She real elaleJ Ne daetinvdnn giGde repnnals w,r up by 5'!Pu for 2809, web stadslics were up, and the umber' ol'relowtlov and econnmicdevelopmarcpackages wereup zhowinginrerestin boN wwism and ccommic development She notifieA tlmm would be eight more pnnebf<all and sonic vcw unii6e wmpvdca wining to SewvM in the npoondn6 rear. The Chamber would he pmdnrhre a wvlking tour bmchvre mrd auPPUrling Ihz lounl6rhool hnprovcmpu cliorts and expnndnn o(POSb secondvey edvcadov pm6rnn:6 in Seward. Sewvrd Planning and Lordng Report Mnrlenna KeR had oNy ov impnttnm :ant wd that waa :Fe lacko[ a yuomm [or the Ivst meeting and Yhc ncaf w [u'ruil vcw membcis wi0 alI diE(erentperepectives. 3J r'n ^)Sewardi nm,re car o~aarumm,nm r ,zee -vmwaeei. rexe AMI, Report. Yiee-Mayor JMnham bml attended rtes con[arrta with Rfi differem unicipalities. He had nueuded several meetings, with a huge funs ovm Ne pviceived negative growN padem wiN the Alaska Marine Highway }~stmi ONer issues dieaisaed wmn: - DOT about city and borough muJ pmjmts and the STIP. - PGRSlfRS demand remaining al Ne agreed 22'M which should be finalized ny the. tiisl W' Match. Dtmhmn stetN Nerc wes-some irti[adon by Mayors nctheingahle ro meawiNNeGovemor Patin. Of i0 Mayors who had asked for a visiq Doty one had reueived n muting .rith her. Schnnl Roarzl Aepod by Lynn Hotel. Hotel invited all residents to padcipate in the imporlmn quuliry achools'uuliSAiae community (oanncaltat Q$2r1\iSThureday. 'fhc Uistrid was still loniug xtudentz and tlteu 2W9 budget ueenmed the Govamn's reeommendatious would be apPiovcd with Ne50W~ wstdiffmaaial fuuding[ormula, aM the Borough wnuldfiindlrpa Wcup. Other Repnrtc, Spaial Prexotationc A General 1'rogrnm Prcuntation wes gjren by AVTEC. This stwwed their capital pmjwra and the bluiyrino fur Ne new mm'itimc lire imioing service and mr culinary kitchen and dormimry changes. An Advcrrisiug 1'resenmtino vas pyen by LaueaClmverd which dcsuibed how the Cbmnber of Commerce prionlieed and used puhlio rends fm advertising and mmkctiug. A Presentation oa We SewaN Commultity FomWalioo PilotPrnjaf was dvwr, This non-pmft public chnntywhich pronmtedphilwtMSpy would address current wd emerging ms:da in Alaska minmm~ities in perpetuity, and was charilehle tinder 501 (c) Rt5 slows. PCIBLIC HEARINGS Ordiowtxs RcOniring A Public Hearing ON-nonce 2111kS~W h Revisbap Seward City Code Section S.JS.p45 (Computation- Moximum Tax), Increasing The Sala Tax Cap YYom 9500 To $I,INq, FRecdve,lanuary I, 21019 And Rcsriu0iug Ordiuuatce 20119-O10. MnUon (DotdlanJRardnrson) EnaR Ordinaoce2Ml8-001 Oarex cared this ordinanmjuel changed the effective dam of the snlex tax cup previnnsly apPeo~ W Gran Apri1200Rtn January 1,2WY. After speaking with thcboroug4 andlfstenfng m the hueinese distdc6 he Nought rouncil world pmfcr holding off the enactment dart to allow businesz wners additional dme, and give Ne hornngh more tlmc w eppmpnure fie money ice the auRware airenps, fw wbtch they ked ax*ad w ossnme the Door foa 3_} cn lsawe.a uua, ~ rm„arn umarea hi,c,~ ys ube vaiwoo af, ra r NMice oflhoynbtichevringbeingpusted end puNlshrA as required by Ivw wns nolUI and the public hearing was opaied. Rhomla Hubbard, requesrrq conaiderafion for the IOCaI uxpuyem noel have dcpmvnenn hold the expGisc ride of the budgcf She wanted methods of uperadnna ro ohmrgc ;vuovg departments. Hubbard spokeof inwme mrd cxpensex ntmecity hodgrl aodfelrvmx cop would 0a uvdue bunko to taxpayers. She Nought llrie weuldvffect the lmEG'vendoe end would affml aalex. Hubbard wmnca gas and food to beexGnpt for lhewinter mondre_ Shc urged Neconncrlro be au~auntzhle and rrnnsparcnt w These iesvee. Tum Tovges, thought the mx cap waz a bad idea. Hentated the cityhnd a salts lax windfall, so significmtinemase in the eaten tax cup woulA hit peoplchaN fur Me ezsenpels, like dwinueaae,i CP4l f0[ ILLCI a-d fiuxL L'.0615 WGC U\PIIn'E alld bC W9nltd C6llnCil Ll IeaCIVd200'/-0Ifl flbcpGh(Y. Coandl manner rcenadnarwentw m mesons ornmenoewm-alo m,d NonghtMe airy was dmng 9uire wcR wiWoutimplemenlinS auotlscr vex. Amevdnmvl (Kellar) Pull the wvrds`RCrising9ewarJ City Code `lutiov 535.015 (rnmPvtatia++uazinwm tax), L¢reeavg the soles rnx esP from 5500 ro &k,WO, ettexnre dannary 1, zoom' trnm toe cesoluliov title av it reads; An OMinavrc Of The City l;uvvnd (N The City Of Seward Alaska, Hexinding Ordinance 2lNIZOtO. Motion UiN Nor LaJc OPA Sceond Omer said oacofNecliallenges from biz chair wns rharhesaw all the wnunmityueedsend deferced mnivfe enue Mat was not ¢eivg fuvded. He reminded lhm ivercasuO l'ud Pdcex impecred Ne airy as well Oates cladfirA Net pdndnixvation had dizcuezeA this with Me lwr'ouph pdvrto implementation zeveral rimes. Kdlnr Moughrbrinpng rhiz orAinanoewes prrenevucatN awed Maaflerdizeusxinn of Ne eosr of logis0ca, it was Duly then hrougM bock ro MewnnNl a chvgc Omes iufonvcA Nat Plans to ivcmusethesales cox cap had bceu diunsscA hl dUail everystep ofine way, bm itwas Duly mlaa vzrnt meding wiM the borough on Me Iqug-Tqm Care Hacilily Mur Mey made the mgeesr for dale poslponemwl. Dunham under9ood whyit womd bebeaer m implanwuhis Nx next year as oppozeA to in lhemiddlcof ihcyear, wd noted Mis woe nor the firer rime Scwmdhad wanted w pass Ihiz salez mx cup increase He amiuded council Mat-er Me borough smderics, gfosa sales wcm out of whack. Every item hod gone upln priccovcr No span of Mirty yews fimnur mx cep bed ronaincA Neamvc 3~ Cby fRz~md A/nrka Gtt_ Cawnl MLwin lew~~19. 30ptl Valunie 39. Pu .e Mayor COrbridge Ruled Ovtes Autl Kellar Out Of Order t'ur DehahnR WiNout Being Calletl Upon. Smith noted the borough would he paying the $ Ifq,0(10 to make These changes. It wux a vaiablechangeend thought $IOO,OIXI was way loo nmch money. Amendumut (Ratter) Under Section 1, after the word `Traosactiod', add; `4516 Bte excepfioa being home fuel. for house heating consomphon". Motion Died F'or Lack Of A Smond Mviu Motion Enacle4 Unanimous ResnluEnns Requiring A 1'ubhc hearing Resulurinn 21X16-002. An Worizing'1'erminudnn Of The Fxisdng lease With Bmemld Aev, Inr. As Assigned Tn Iplnsl Corporation, UBA Mejnr Marine Toprs Mtl Authorizing The City Manager To Fnter Into A New Lease With Seward Wildlife Cmises, LLC For LOt 6, Bimkh, Seward Small Boat Dorhnr Subdivision, INet 3RIlg-IY, Sewurd RenoMing Disrirt, Third Jatlicial District, State Of Alaska Oems atatW this tan,iuated WeM jor Marine Tonm least and approveit anew lease with SewaW WilAlife Gnisce LLC hwacwnsisteutwidi all plans and [he code, would bring in $1,008 annually in revwue vM was snbjwt m aMUW CPFincreacec NoliceofUe puhiic hearing being postrd vW publishnd ex required by law was noted and thepoblic hearing wac opened. B®Long, zmted rhis was Por the b? bom>>walk site, and would be the same apem[nn and me sync look Mndon (IhmharN6ardataon) Approve Resolnhon 300&002 Moriou Pacsed Uoaoimous Resolaliun 2UU6A05 Authorizing The City Manager 'l'o Terminate The 2Wg joint ^se Agreement With State UI' Alaska htire Servix Training And Alaska Vocatiaaal TcehrdcW F.dnnBOn Ccntrs AnU Knler IntoA Lease Agreement Wi[h The SUte Of Alaska Uepar6umt Of Administrednn For Approximately 9.9YAcres Desmibed As TTe 1!nsabdivided RemWrWer UP Block 1, Fourth OP July Crock Subdivision, Seward Marine lodustsiel Centcy Seward Rtt~ordirig DutricL Third Judicial District, S late Uf Alaska, For The Purpuce Uf Conslnsrdng And OperaWtgA firvSnfety Twining Facility Ry The Alaska Vocatiomd Techrdcol F,durafinn 30 C1p~ o/Sxnvrq glaskn Gn Coanal Miiwtns January 2F.2W8 Cevter. Oates thought to encumber Ne laces world make them laze eligible for grant. The city would be paring in waver, bm not other militias, and could use this faeilily for its own v¢ining pnmosr . Fire Chief Darid 6gnires stalul oO,er departmuns could uaelhe v¢ining Pociliry also. The aimnlator would have two eat up scptiunx. Notice of tho public hearing heing posmd and Published as required by law wax noted and the pnbl're hearing was opcnul. No one ¢pp¢.ared to addrcns the Council and lhepnLVlc hcnnng was ¢losert Motion (Duahan/Bardarsov) Approve Rerdadon 2008-WS Rwdnrson wanted m know whutolherenetx other Our snpplia would benzed. Squires said roosumehlee_ The nse ngmmvcm spelled oat Ihix armngemety mtd Ncy would woh out o dent Morton Phased I1nenlmWs FFW BUSINRSS Realution2UU8-q16. AuMorieing The City Mauager'fo Appropriate Fonds In TheAmonnt Of $SWO '1'u the Seward Community Folmdatiou ToYuticipate NThe 2W'/-2WR Pilot Prolert Developed Nbr Community Asset BvBdihp Ta Ia¢ease 'Ihe Capacity Of Loral C mmnnity Asects,'fo CWRra[a Lvicel PoilevNrnpie Leadership And FaNler6uetain Loral KnnproBfs In Thr Greater Seward Area. Motion (UunhamBaNaraoa) Approve Resolution 2UIIU-W6 Ormhmn thought llus we8agoldeo oppovuaity. Wasintendedmaplaopriam.$IU,lN1U Gam Ills budge! )n dmifyiugawoNingdiacrepmcy baweea the resulutien wd the agenda stmemun, Uelcs slatC4 Orc rcxolutioo was corset that the Alavka Commuviry Fcundmion would provide all adminisvalivu u ernight for the Sewmd Community Fonndarion which would allow the conmmnily m begin a fouoda[ion wiMovt the expcnacol atalT. He ivlrnded m approprime $Ig000 from his bndgct Corbridgo thought Nin was a wonderfil investment. hlorinn Pvsced Unanimous Rzwl miou 2 W 8-UO'/, Authorizing The City Manager'1'o 1'xy Uua Uwed Tn The Alaska Power Assooa6on (formerly ARFCA) Fnr TTe Vrnr 1A081v The Amouul Uf $18,410.W. fi responze to questions by KMIm, Oawn stated (here was ¢ lohhyi.at nt state and federal 37 ^rvnf5rrvrv,Mi Alaekn fip'Gavnofl Mb,wer Jurvw? 28.?W8 Vahnne 3I. Pugs levels. bnr membcrsltip in This organization was sepuotc He exploined thcic waemnny complex Ismcs wish urili6ea and you mutt helong ro the ussocimion m have a voice in the Debate. Dunhnm sttessed Govemm Patin wanted to make roilbep rosponsibitiriea go to uNy one entity, which made it critical Ihcdty belong ro the organizotien and have aplar et the wblc. Right now ccwnrd was the smallest opaamr of thegrouµ but was on equal mcnlba. Motiou lKellar/Ovnhanp Approve Resnlntian 2WX~W9 Motion Passed Onavimous RemluRon 2008-WK. Appropria5ng 565,W0 For The Porchaae Of A Used 1996 Oshkosh Snowblower From"l'he Stnte OP Alaska Velsxk Surplus Anctiw. Mufiou PRerdarsoNAUNeryJ Approve RewluEon 2W&008 Oates showed n {wwapoinl prosenwtinn on thin evowblowamlD stated this mmhine would do in one day whet it mkesthe crew four days to accompli-Drwiih ovcrlimo nmv. Tnis would NOw snow from the middle berms into the duuq muck. PobOc Works Director W.C4 Casey atatrAsince it wns six times }a31a and the city would bcusing lbe xame fr,nr dnmp trucks, thcblowawouW hove aomeMwa time bctwcc+t mnx. Amberg looked into leasing equipmu4 anp found if theegvipmem wns in good colldidpq this wonld be a big savings. She wanted to mnka sore it was inspected cortttdy. Casevtalkcd to dtemvn mechanic in Silve}tip whohad oppatcD i1lLrrdne yews and thnnghr it was o hargnin. Vans was still auJe avd it hod fi,OtHF10,000 hours 1c7Y in il. L wnx a high maintenance item. !Nnfinn Passed ^nanimnus 1NN'ORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (No action requRe~ City Ucocntbm' Finarluel Statement/ CO1INCIL CAMMENFS Ke0or thought it wns nim to ace the slate dearrd the sidewalks on a"' Avmmc. She Ihoughl We sidewalks should stay elearrd as long as Ne c;ty wu paying fonhe aveet lighm. Uunhwvcongramlored Knd Anderson (orhornewjob u the ho,bnrmnster. He hoped Wcae was no more inrcrl'mwmc bum ritizens nn the pile driving in 0¢ harbor, cad did neuhink the ciry should nllow that condlsl to happen with its contrnaors. LIDNtmn quutioned why mngerz were J~ cis tsawa.d, oars, coy c„wadi mnrarer lpnuart23 2COE Yolrm¢D Pace being linGtW in fie Ocean R~gem PmR{anr. Ile also thought DOT zhonld nmve op road wnstmttion Gom MP 21 ro MI' ]b because of tho Ouse briAges oo that atreteh of rood. Veldatla Ihankrcd the public works new for deaniug and plowing dte SM1C mad. Amberg Wso cnngremlarul Kun Anderson vi0 Nankin the amen crew. Carbddge Nvnked rFe oven uew wd Fad reecivpl commendation Icueox Imm the pnbha CEfi7b'NS' COMMENTQ Rhonda 9ubbard, saiA even though costs hvdgnne up, mcrtity shoaldnever raise taxerjm[ because they eoubL Slm thougho people should noc be, gouged lweavac they IivW here and council should he sensifivc ro Ore issue tha4 people fomrd it hwd to tusks a fiving here. WUNCII. AND ADMINISTRATWN RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS VvldelN wvmW fl rob'actio laz implemented std waa Necoumgednocne waned lopucsue it in Nis mmmuniry_ AUJfJURNMF.NT The meeting was ad]onmed ur ]03U pnr. lean [ewi&CMC Clnrklorbridgr. City CJerR MnYOr (City Seul) 33 ft0 ISxrvm2 A/arks C!p_' fi~anafl Mn~u/u £ehruanm l/, 2UW Volmre i7, PU e CALL TD ORDER Tne Oehmnry 11, 4AU8 regol¢r meeting of ire Sewnrd Ciry Cbmdl w¢c cal led m oNer at ]:3U V,tm by Mayor Clmk Corbndge. OPENING CERF,MONY Polim Chief Tom Clemons Iql the pledge of al legiancc w the Rag ROLL CALL 'rne,c wwc prexem: ua,'k enmddge pmximns wre Lina¢Amnerg Nob V¢Idatw Tmn Smith tleay KGler Jenn Bardvson wmprixing ¢ gonmm ofthc Cum¢il; and PM1illlp Oa[es, City Matmger lean Lewi_c, Ciry Clerk ]ohanna Dnllerhide, Assismnt GtyAark AHSENT-Willard Dunham CI'I'1LENS' COMMENTS ON ANY SIB.IECT EXC61•'l"THOSE 1TEM5 SCIIF.DIIi.F,D FOR PUBLIC DEABIN(: Brent Whitmore,~pokeNOpposidpn of the x¢lez rox cap inercasc PoG bills for head¢g ere extremelyhlgh right now, aadlnal was going m he very eifNCOlt for pcoplo Ilving in $ewud w hove ro pay thm moth mme hr sales tM. He yuexdoned if fiere h¢d been a study of pmeheecs over $SW in Ihe¢ity. He fah thin Tex cep Inueaxe wan inappropriate and Ih¢t it world he adding to the u Door is problems by eddirional roxetion. Sheryl9eese, spoke in npposidon oftncsaics lax upincxeane antl felr it was goingro he a naokksping nigntmwe. Itwvs ¢ huge nhallenge m have two eIIPGWI line immx for s¢lex tux with the norough wtd the city. Tne money the harongh would have to spend to get eyuipped for this rzx cap increase would be pnid for by Ne citizens- On another Npiq Sccaa wanmd x von 4 in Resolution 2WNAIn mworeal to the effect thm the my world fnd enoNa~ way to not build o¢ W ashingmn Street. Bob Linville, zpokenn eesolntion ]A08-009 and hoped mon¢il world poll imffthcconewn agoras ao they wind make some ch¢nges and discuss Wcieam nlhand. There had hear a big effoa ro findew¢Y SO Orin buildingcould he hnih off mesheet. ]fthemuncil nupponed adesign lM1m did nd vnwte WxshingWn Shwt, Then They should say ta. Wnvillc @dl it waxu't w unrencnnable requestto ask the vo[ess oFlhc city to vole on Ihis izxne. ~V L'IN r>f,Sn,xNi A(aakn CiN fniundl binuers FxSruan'[L 2pG'b' Rhonda Hubbard, zpoke in opposition of the sales lax up inceevze. Heeung oil wd food werehigh assts elrcvdy end felt these imms should beexempt hem sales wx. SM1nr Anderson, wax coneemed with the sales [ax evp inuease. 11 was going mhft [helmets ore then anyone Gsq she talc R was difhcuh to live in [hie rowo, atd Andersou felt thla could drive away ita cillzens_ Artdernou felt the MaryL9wG1 Center wvs going to be v moncypit. She wvs mad, ezpeciNly wiN Ihcideu of fientherpanners pullingomwdthe city having to sux~ the building nn its own. Cvrol Griswold, spoke ov Resolotinn 2W&W9 wtd hoped wmcil w9old pull this off We xeotagenda Griswold mgguted thePwk Servicepartnu with We Alaska SwLife Centers9 Nc ASLC could msnin i¢elfin Scwnrd Lynn Hohl, reminded coundl Vf Plan C, t9 retnm Washingmn Snocl Ihaz iududed a new look ol'the dezign. She felt convcB should reapers thasignihcetwe of the s91gs BWIdiuK and Ne hiswricdmvnmwn grid .She askeA foe wuncil w take Resvlutim 211(IRf109 offtltnconsan agenda en0 rcwoN section 3, m thaz it did not vaeatc Washingwn Saeet. Tom Tnugas, spoke on the sales tax cap lucrwse. Hedilhl't Nink there wvs ever a smdyon how nmch m9neymis increase was going ro mist. The oily nhouldo'tbe aiming m pick nfight with the borough with Nis issue, either APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA The Agenda and GOnaenl Agenda was approved by unvnimoas ronscut. The fitllowing was added lV the asenaa The Meyer requeded o plcelamatWnfv[Malcolm Brown, who had returned Prnm serving in Iraq and Auwaiq he put nn the agenda. The clerk read the f911owinK approved consent vgenda iteme: Resolutions Resolution 2008-010 Sappordug the Renewal Of The Sewvrd Fire Side Chats Arul Selection OI "Alaska, 50 Yevrs OP Statehood" As The Historic Iheserva0nn Commission Projat For 6alioual l'reaervation Monty, Mvy 2WR. RemluBon 2008-011 SuppprtinK'1'he Alvskv Ilist9riral Society And 1'he Seward Historic Prerurve0nn Commission In'lhe Concern Fur The Alnekv GIIer0on OFThe.ShHduo Jackson Cortege Strntmn Lihrory. SPECLIL ORUERS, PRESCNTATIONS AND REI'OR'IS 91 Cie af5oward, al..ka COr G~w.e ~wLmm 4ebimn'1l 2C0.P Vnlume3y Ynpc 1'rWammions find Awards Welcome hmne prorhmations were reed ter PAdie ArmsWUg uod Nolentm Browo who had bttn seeing pot country in Iraq. City Man~r3er's Report City Matmger PhilNp Oath thatdoed P.Mie and MalCOlm [or Neir service, at0 slxu NunkeA fie slalTatd their familiav for Ncir support. Qates had just resumed from lK] and spoke on tFe reauhe dhts vip. Ile mid V ice Mayor Dunham metwilh Yong, Stevens, and Murkowekl OalwfelmerlejJsl&ors have Sewurd's imuesl at heM and [hey were we{I received. Funding far Nc breakwazer design std Arc Lowull Canyon Tuaael were otnoug maq Suwurd mpics diwasscd- Work mnrinned io tls harbor on Ate consmmdon of NevavdiR dock. Staff hoA begun the process of attempting m notify owwm o[ dereliet¢etetla smred u SMIC. Public Works had the new "nseA" snow blowerattheshnp and expected ino be on the mud this wcok WC Caseywaswnrkingwilh Kevin Lyum at NeKwai Pevtnsuln Komughccgmrliog the aim edcaion of the new water t~~k- perks and Kccrcafiun wus zuecezsful in eo-Basting Liiumd Days, m evevt mal gave tlu Mayor and Nr. City Manager a chance m meet wiN Ne Governor w discuss items important to Sewarcl. Gems met wIN officials in Waxhinglon, D.C, on where the rescareh v~sd Alpha helix would be Iecated. An interim sotuHpn was for it to be located et the Beight dock e[ We Alnskn Raileoai Muk Hamiliw confirmedwlth Oates Nat Scwvd was xtill theirpreferred loeadon of We research voesck as oPtoday. iv other aces, pates reporwl ihetibe Finance Depedmav was auipientoflheGnvemment Pimnce Offioerz Assodadon's CertiliCaloof Achievement for BxeGlrnwin RtamciW Reponingfnr the L3'" consecutive year. (Sty Planner Malcolm Bmwn had snbmiuraf IAS rcaignafion. Keri Anderson wouldlro PACAR's msourccstaf[unmanen penainingmihe Seward YOn vii Bob ^ickx would be the resource sniff for commcra and economic develnpmenl. ^visly'ICny hclpul smanGne Om pr«xdum nn building and dig permits. Bub ]licks anenAed a teleconfemnee Ibr MTAB std fGl it wan highly unlikely routing would bcobanged to indode Seward. lNlrrr Ileyorls. Spwial Preaenw[inn< UNFINIBHEU BUSINB59 Item Pnr Recansidcrauon 42 Cln aI Sxvvrd, Alna{v rw Cnvn[II Minulu Fxbnnrv [L 2IXhY Vo/umc 3] Papn Ordinarce 2008-00] Revising Saward City Cralr. Serliun 5.35.M5(Computa0nn-Maxhuum Tax), lncceasing The Sales Tax Cap Erom $5110 To $Y,Utp, PPPerNve .Canvary 1, 2009, .4nd Rcuinding Ordinance 3009-010. Modm to ltevronsider (Ambe~/Rarduson) Reconsider Ordionnm 20U8-001 Ambeeg semedtbereasrniahcmadeddemotion forttconvidemdon wmmuinlytuoanscol Ne public feedback. Hainleut woe not to cbwge the eftcedve Jute, buvo change Ne wx cap Onek w me original omonm of $500. City Monager OaLCa aided ennncil hat before them an Ordihmrc tha¢hanged Ihcotlwfive dateofWetax cap increase only. Rdreybdng Ilus back up for ronaiderauhunow,andfail Udinnnw 2008-U1, Ihen the previous ordinance would So Into effut,which umncd the sales mx enp inercaxe effutive April 1, 2005_ Dales proposed another course of action which was w not vore on this Ordirumecand direct vdminiemadon m comehn<k with a new ordinance to rrgcal dxinilial decision of miring the antes to CAP Smith echoN Dare's nommenrthal alI Ihut waz on the docket tonight woa reconaidcnng Ne datechnnge. He didn'l thinkthe date ehaage was whoremiaellwvnaL Bardnrznn askW Twundl canld voteoli mpealipgONimnce 200]-010. AflermucM1 dehare, it was dG.ermined thar Ordinance 20O)AI O could notbeapealed IMs evaung. Valdatw xaidthe ppNle wanted ibis iszue to go away wnighl. Corhridge agrcN,but noted shie was not puxsible m do in ova ovening. Motion to Reconsider Palled Onenimous Mntinn (AmberfJRardmson) Direct adnshdstratioo to bring forwaM a ordinance al We next mecdng, Cringing the salce lax cap to $51X1, tbns rexioding Ordivaare 5008-001. Motion Passed Doauinmus new Rnsmess Naolndnn 21108-009 LI Condoned Sllpporl OY'Che Mnry Lowell Centeq A Mnld-Agency Caner And The Develapmenl Of The City Of6ewarU's CuNerence Ccokr Of Appcoximotely 3650sf Avd Directing Adnduistralien To Remaio An Active Project PaAner. Mnfion (RardarsoNAmbecg) Approve Reaalution 20118.OU9 bates remindeA the council of tNe recent wod session bald on This topic, where the city diremed e191'I' to remaininvolveA wish the Muryrnwell Ccnwrproject. Thercwuc many options ro 43 M~a/$enuiAi Aiatka ~~?Cow(ll MbiWrr Februw~ 2W3 YulumeAP~ge dwida from, autl council gave gaid'avice that they wau1J prefuthe cenm~ rot he built mrasa Washington Street, but not Icl itbe tTC main factor. ValdaW askW when tlmlxgends Building woulA be moved, bocausehe had mideawhemit weld go. Narinnvl Park Ferviar FuperintevdevtdetF MOwsaid itwould bedelael building logo, it would uke at least a yem onwc. Valdatw avked ii dis would ehmtec de elecvic Ivyonf of de area Mnw didn't know neccssanly, but noted H~cchung;ng of powrs lines to ondagmund Iinea was not a pntt of We Mwy Lowoll Center prulmq it was something the WtY was pm'suing pepatately. N rrspoitee m Smith. Mow aald NapnrmaswonlA ab oiutelybecaming back m enunoil for approval of desire design. Motion to Ametul ((AnrklKel4a*) Rmend ]tesoluriw 2Wft.fg9, sreann 4 lu rEad: `°fhe city ovuvcil geaLLy prefers Mary LOSaall Cevterdesign reunions whirls do vvt require a buildivg adrnes Waslunglgn 5lreetP In msponec to IIaMarxov, Mow ewteA de%wauld lake This rcaolmiou vnd inwrporafeil iv deirvaWcunnlysis. He reminded emmcil m theirenvi0omen[elan~samcn4hwnecrnrsidereA if do fomprim did vorvacafe Wvehiugwn Street, desecotld opfirniwa8to havetwo buildings, one ov each aide of the slttec hello uxkedwha[ was nem afterdie rrsulution. Muw said dcy would rtt'ngege do Punien (croup w revieo the contend of foe bfdlding end ~ev:nguis dot the fuvding would need w be approached more prudently. the only thingMaw said he needed ¢t this p~nm was w know what level olpaM1lcipati0v depty was wiling to he a panner in. It wus impm~lant for do c;tym dirul iI They weW W ahvildutg aQOaz W ashivgten Street or not, [hough. Oatas asked ifdix mo(liflcatinn of fpia reeolnlionjeoprcdized de project in mry way, wid Mow rid not drink an. Amberg fhougnf if it wvsti f going m jeopaMizo the pr jeer, she woWd znpport dis amendnixnt. Kdlarreally hopeA this nedinn did nothurt dcPmk Scrvi« v rhmias ofgetting tvMing io arty wny. Plow rimed aeWo theperk Semiccknew tbis wes epossibilitynndYdlif wonldn'thnvems impact. VWdmm suKKessteA tl¢Y come uP wid some sort of plan vow, baause evmy rime thry go m Poniw it wus vnodnx largely aJded design con. Muki~m to Amend Paused Uvvnimous Q `~ ClyafServard, Atwh L9KC'o,mN/Mlm,ma Y'ebrunre tt 4W8 Yoiumr3L Puer Main Motion Passcd Unanimous RrxolnHon 2006-012 Authorieing The City Manager Tvl'urchaseA2d'Szlens on For The 50 Ton TmvcliR With All Nxessvry Tuhing And Ilardwarc F'uc11'rim Nut To ExettW $9,685.00 And For A l,eod Technioan Tn Supervix'fhe Installation f'or A I'ritt Not To Excerd 56,020.M1Including Airfare, Acmnwudations, Vehicle Rental, Per Diem, And Labor, And Appropriate Funds. Motion °nd[h/Rardarsonl Approve ReWVlinn 2Wtl-0l2 Oates smled they werehuildinga largrs dock and They veeded als[ga vavGih cxtcnsiou to An sn. He recommended app[ovW. In revpnnee m Smith, Acfivg Da[Wrmaslrt Jim Lewi9 said 11 did mt [egnve ally exva paining for the opemmvs. MnEnn Possed Utmvimous Cnunul question and answer periad to discuss Detvmher City Flnanciel Report (Dunham). Gmnul moved by mmvimovemn9eul tv postpone [his item M the next mttring. INF'ORMA'f WNAL ITEMS AND REPORT6 (Nn grfion ragoire~ COUNCIL WDIMENTS Ambe[g, wngmtWatW Wa finance department and Kos P.rchinger Por her rerdfrale of uohiavement. Barvlemon, twhocd ANbcrg's wmmems. SFe went m a smdenr cwncil meeting al We xchuol mld was ivtexoeted if tlw smdem woncil wanted to give presenwtions yuartedy to the city countiL Commit expressed Invent for this m haven. Kelley had a nioe time at the Fdinrod Days celeMaoon. Corbridgc, poled all the fnikz who made Idilamd Dayx happen. CITIZENS' COMMENTS CfnIG'. Shu[yl Sege, Ihankcd emmcil far thci[ decisions on [he Bales tvx Bap wd the Mary Lowell 455 Cly afSewivd Alm*o Gle Gruntll Mlrwee a Volwne3] Po¢e Tnm Tnugne, was pvned every rime the wpic of the Mary Lowell C nter emus up. He rememhered a meeting 6 years ego, where Senemr Swvcns said infraxtmcture needed in the nc t 5U years needed wbebnilt imhenext fi yeurz, indenting visiwrxeentera. 1heParkSuviceatadcahnge mmim~em w build a visitor caner in downwwn Seward to help with theecononry. He Ilrartked the Pork Service for s[iekhrg with the downtown ides and thanked Mnw for not Kivin& aP. '1'ongas wantril to show Srevena the mspectand Hanks bedeserved_ Hehnpedpwplewould smyfontzed oo the uriKinal vision. Nob Linville, Ihnnked CorbridKefor polling Nesolution 2008-009 dff Wceoosent agenda, as this iesucnceded disenxsion. Ileappreciated Ne rewording of xecfion 4. ldnville waa nompposeA Ibr Otc dsmr centerheing downwwn it waa the vacation of ttieaheetihe[he had n prnhlem wllly especially wheNM1e citizens did nut have achance to vote. Ha fell it s~acaed Seward was in this position. Carol Ctiswnld, frlther time was res[nctW )n heio& able m speak her mind m the wunuL Shc was diaappoimed Hey wem not gohrg ro prrcettfwhh analhw feasibility vmdy far IAe Mazy Lowell Center. She fah me biggest mast expensive option was not going to he good for the city. Griswold dnnfied earliucommans she had made abuw tha 3ealife Cemerheing a sird~nK sltip, not Char it would go under N a fvvr monNa. She snpponed dtc Center and thonghr the Park Suvioe should Dwtner with thu ScaLife Center foravisiwr times COONCII, AND ADMINI9TRAT[ON RP9PON9@TO CITIZF.N$' COMMFN'I'6 b response te'1'ougnx, Fpldana said he lost all of his foresight wish the wnference center whw Ne University Polled out dftlte project back when it was pruponrnl navU Shea V¢Idarm sr wl Ne Univcaity wnxonhoanl with dsprolmt, bW palled outto purnw atlsheries schxl euhe Iasi minom. Now there was nothing m Wa[ eia~, end it was at Thal Wmr when Wldena loxt his vision on thecovferenne Ceuta. ADJOURNMENT The meeting swan adjourned at 9' I A p.m. .lean Lewi4 CMC Clark CorbridKc Ciry Clad Mayor (GryBeap 40 • main onm. (sun zzoaow • voll~ryD]12ua9sa CITY Of Sf WARD • Ramp (son zz4-a13B PO. R(l% IG/ • Fue (9m122a3oas SYWAHU. AL15KA YYGG4016J • clly clan l9Dn 226a9a9 • En9ineerln9190n PPC'COC9 • Ulilllie5190]22a GD50 • Fea (9W1220-0D39 PnAmary 15.2(NIA Hvmm~Mcpavamm $anM1 Pelin P I]. Rnx IIODDI ]unmu, AK 99811-0001 Re Seward COnvnvniry playgromd Opening Poy CelebmJOv near uo~emm valm As you mvy Mve hevr4 members aI Ilm SFwveJ mmmmdly M1rve (Dmsd a wvvnlvee WovgM1 [he IDCVI PTSA evlled PARKS (Pamn~x Advoceling Ramealiowl Kld ymf))1o bvila v plvyprouvd 6r Dm yomh. PARKS ix wmkug wicM1 LeaN¢s antl Aswcuws, [ho compvvy Wm helpetl build Ilm playgmunJ m wo lla. The C'iry of Seword M1ss advowtta ~M1is pmfed by vppmprlming a acciiun n(Ixntl eIDn6 Sewartl's walerkon[ IJr Ne siAe of ~M1e pNYBrouvd. We we plwW m mpnrt PgRKS Fas mised ovn Golf of ahe funtls neeaetl w bvlltl Ne plvygmwW, whicM1 is a yTeat auomplishmevL 'Ibis wmrttinee has shown g¢m dedication nnJ xwndfaanccc in amving co reach vtis ettinng govl Df Mvivg vv ADA voccariblc playgruwd fiu cM1ltlren as youvg as 2 years olA sowelhing tM1m 9ewvA auuum mvwly haw TM1c xchcduld concln¢lion daye Por Ne playgouM aro Moy 13-IY, ]D08. On behvlf DI Uc PARKP cnmrmvee, I wa~tld like m bamally ivvirc yov w [he opeWvg day D[ the ficwnN Cvmmuniry I'IeyFwnM ov Mey Itl, ]UDS al epproxiwvlely 6.m p.n~. the plnygrmmd will be Ioa~W ov Rallaive dwlevwa, jour wvN of Ne WamrWm fsmpgmunA Imt may end vonh Df Ne tivav l'asey 9In[e Perk. PARKS, tl¢ Chy of ScwerA, and ib resitlents world lore to sham IM1is speuvl dvy wiN yw. Please euuriam mekinF Iha hip m Seward m Webmw 0is momenwvs evevt I~ waWd Le nu Lnmr m mveyox a: omgueSL If yoo .mma lae w learn more vhom ma ex ring pr^IwL Plcaxc .;xh 0e rgaxs websile v[axwsmwrdo av Dwtlmn. Wehvpolu xcx'ynum Mayl Regards Mvyar CWek CDrb(Wge Ory afSewvJ, Alnr4n ._ Wm_.~ 47 ~, pin /t 1T~ ~} Y -!~i 'tie w '~2~41A+ ~' ~ f y ~Y l ~ ~ Y { t Fi " pf ~\ L,~ _ ~~ ~,~ -..vyT 'i ~ ~ b ~, ~ `y r a b ,~ ~ r s r ~ ( ~f "S.~!`" •{ , r y x a { ~+ 17 e Y r }T$~.~~jy ~.n.,.- Y~ s - h" ~ ~ ~ .. "~;~ ., Sponsored hy: Oates CFCY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION SOOT-0'16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP I'AE CITY OF 6EW ARD, ALASKA, AUCHOWZINC 1AE CITY MANACERTO APPROPRIATE, FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 55000 TO PAlIK9 FOR TAE COMMUNITY BUILT PLAYGROUNDS PROJECT AND AUTHORIZLNG'PHE USE OF A PORTION OFTHE PARK ON BALLAINE A9 A NEW COMMUNITY BUILT PLAYGROUND WHEREAS, a gmssmots community group, Parents Advocating Recreational Kids' SwR (PARKS), preewted their ryues[ to ruse f®da privately and conswu a new, wswmdesignwl pla}'g<ound 6a all kids ages 0 to 12 on City laud.; aM WHEREAS, a0 Seward playgrounds are designed for cNldren ages five to 12, so the veed for younger kids' ¢creetion is groat; and WHEREAS, PARKS vmed fo present their top two Ciry site lwaliorta to the City Council for Council's authoriznnon for use, and Heir 5rst choice is the Adams Street Recreation Area, o(f Hallamc Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the PARKS organization commits to: A. Build a safe playground for alt l'ds ages two w 12 years; B. Ruse moswy m build the playground; C. Pmfesaionally coordinate the entire projccq including design tluough conso-uction; D. Supply volunteees to cormwu the plsygrevnd; E. Supply "Special Event" insmancem "Yoluv[arlnsurauce" through avan-profit, ur purchased to add on w the city's existing policy; F. Bring the community of Seward wguher vtd create special bondz betw«opeople ofall walks oflife; G. Provides family-friendlyplazeforlocals as well as tourists; H. Swd the message to vieisors shat Sex'aM is a place that values cfiildtm;l. Provide ¢ "wrvey'topogaphic w Leathera,Aeeoa; and J. Filethe applications forreyuisim Digging and/or Hoildiog pewits with the Ciry of5cward; end WHEREAS, PARKS is rcquestlng $5,000 "ued money" w wntract with Leathers Assoc. fm SevreN's "Design Day' wstavdto purchase fundraisingsupplies; 0re Cityro own ertdmaintvrt, avd assume livbiliry of the park after wustrucooo; the Cily w prepare the site for constme0w (example: fll for Ballaine site); [he Ciry Council m authorize or apProvc ofCity employeesto assist in loaning afwob msd equipment and skilled opmaturs during Build Week; the City [o waive fros fordiggingpewit mrd/or building Permits amtplun reviews fees; aM the City Cnun<il m authorize or approve City "donation" of ¢ temporary electric service during 5-days of eonswe0on; and WRF,REAS, the PARKS group Ivu workrdwith SewmdPazks and Recreation Depattmwt m salmt an appropdamsite and develop aplan for success. NOW, THEREFORE„ BE IT RESOLVED BY'THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY Ok' SE W ARP, ALASKA that. fiJ CITY OP SEWAAD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 200'IA]6 Se¢tbv 1.'fh¢ ait¢ oCthe sand volleybalt coM m Adams SlreetRecroation Arw offAillaine Boulevard is authorized far a cnmmwtitybuilt playgovnd. tw.ctba 1, $S,UU~BU in appropsialrA from lCawabe Para. Sectiov 3. The City will own anA maintain, and assume maintenance end liability of the pack after ennsttuctien affi acceptance. eectlon 4. The City veil preparo the Aallvne Bite kbc corvsuvetion byremoving the send volleyball covet ai Providing sad gradinS needed f Il. Seefian 5. City employees are authorized w exais[ m loaning oFrools end cquipmwt ar1d ski4loi vpereroea during Build Wcek Seninn fi The City does hembywaive fete Por dle~vg pmmit anNor building pwrtuta aMpL+n reviewsfees. Swtiav ]. A °donatiov" is hereby authorized ofthe installation, use anA removal of a temyoruy elavic service to the Sallaiae site during the apprvximate five days of wnawetion (for use of electric took, e[c...) 8eclim B. This resolution shell take affxt immcdiatdy upon its adoption PA39ED ANU APPRDVF,D by the City Council otthe city of Seward, Alaska, this 13th day of Auglal, 20U]. THE CITY OE SEWARD, ALASKA dv+/f rK-~fv Vanta Shafeq Mnyo. AVES: DuMam, Valdef[s, Schafer; Bardarson, Tlwmsa, Nnberg, Shafer NOPS: Nonc ABSENT: None ABSTAPI: Nanc ATTF,$T: nvew`~ rr5`ga. y: 4~$PR O,K f ) C. le}n Lewis, CJvIC . _ = e i B ':<::L i city clerk - % 5d p ~ (City Seep %y FOF Ab ; ., RECEIVED JAN 1 F I90fi CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA OCFCFTTICE OF I-NE APPLICATLON FOR TFiE SEW ARD YLANNINC. & ZONING COMA~ISSSl4NRK NAME: S~u~C,h ~, f~C.l flr`1( sSRERT ADDRESS: Ifla3 Swcr in,~n~,. ~~- ~, r~~ MAILr<uG U~nxess: P-0. bo, SAb Se,ww~-1f Ak gnt~~ HOML'TELP.YHON64o] ZJZ.Y--6~DGSEyrFSS PHONC:_ ,. ~ EMAa AnnREes-_ h~'n~~~ ~ rtirrli~ ,,.+ -. }IOW LONGIN TIID CITY LIMITS OA SDWA1tD:~r^ PRPSENTLYEMPLOYED AS:~..n'_'s} ~ SGW~tiwI-Sh~~I~k i,.~ List any epwial paining, Wucation or bnckgrowd you Mve whiahmay F!p you as emeMxr of the Uonmdsaion.M~s~-Sys.{nF.- 13-wEk ~r bo w.*1 n~o..,6~.,-- ~~>~$ u'nv~ earl r,~;}~~,n~llaeU,~[n.r~,b~~zxs flew you ever developed mel property (other Mav yuw own pecaorwl remdwcep If so, brioLLy deacnbe lt1he duveloprnent: bv,~ arncl Sa l.~ ? Ib oicS - Lie Nel> e_~ _ ~p.~i I P r @h~ I ~~~ JS ~n ~a. Lo ~+ n~~o e~ud Pp.eh4 y~ v + _ T+ pro lz, ~6G'(„ na,:.ess r k<<l w:~.... RivLr 1 ern peufienlly intereeted h~ emving on the Planning wd Zonmg cmm~ussiov because: ~., ~+w, ~,~ A ,•k ,, ar. Gn ~. ,..-u„au p~j~..,tt '~ 1hv. ~sE ..~( L~.C .{ qtr ~,>w~i~ °04~ ~ {„ { s~ ,-~~ty gl.~r~ per+plc~ Have you ever served ov a shnilaz mmmivaion sonwnvhwe else9 a Ir rLn~SZ~ai 11 sa, where and when'+Ln ~..r - dwtl <~~~m mun~ _ (.uroF b'"'-'~"^Sive Q(cw - Sv~$h~~~ w en. M-S- Loo3-2~r~$ Arc you available far meetings TVCSday evenings4__ p~.e.9 _ - If appwnW, nreyou willing to uevcl _Oftan~Oacasiuwlly _INrely-Never ~-- _ T ~ IS- Z.oo~ Signature Dam I'u r, K(v6c,-{a:~ - ~155cnSly Mcmbc„- J~t1 r+~A 7 IN~S'6 733"~`~~ti Pe..,l H~16v.-F we.,~+r..5 7o~r~ o><F~u~,- M-s-3 7Y5-5R7F~11 S lc.~y.L Pr'o 6~_s ~-o - Lomn~n:lg Pc~J.oPr..~nt M-S' (S I' Seward Parks & Recreation Teen & Youth Center 2007 End of the Year Report Revenues PunclV,artls $ 8,]54 Class Regisiratlon 34,6]] Public Use 1233 Spealal Events 3,190 Facility Rentels 240 TVC Council funtlraising 28]6 bL Total Revenue $76,264 DS Cluh 6 members; grades ] to 12 • Provided mnsie at IN TYC dwces mdtheze commnNry danwx: Sewiml High School Homecoming, SHS Winw formal, l; iurod Way dance • Revenues eamea: X2,904 TYC Councils Volunteer Evenls • Oven o elrnen[~y: l8 volunteers o Middle School: 24 voluntees o High Schcol: IA volunteers n Camm~mily: S volunteers • Kids WiolraCemival:25 volunteers • All Schools Council Mght Upartlcipants • Kids Rasrer Fgg Hnnr. 39 volunteers • Pink Checks Triathlon: 20 valunteera • Terry's Tims Bike Rodeo: 15 valmtce~rs • Exit Glacier Race: 10 vohm[cas • 4th n(JUly Pnrnde Float lO vnlmteers • 4°i ofJOly booOc lO velunteers • Councl Meet Covnci130Partieipen¢ • Hilloweeu GmivaL 2l volnnmus • Rreakfac[with Santa 2U rolunteas • Harlem Ambaxsadors: l6 vnlwteere • Hoalal Birthday pnnieva3 partiesllW people serval/9 volunteers Team Dinners: 250 purticiPa'tw • Pompkin&ow1: 150 Partidpantx/12 volunteers Teen Council Scholarship • 2W]SHS Scholarship awnrdeh. $2,gM1 • Year to date: $Y$W fmm Teen Councl fuudraieing eliorts Volunteer Hours Contributed • Tri COnncil: ]]I lus • Adults: 290 M1rs • Tnml vnwnteer hrs=1.U61 h. J.J Comments: W ide rmKe of daily events o-croJ: Hikes: Grayling Lake, Vaught Lake, Tansinn, Phrt X Second Lakes, Mc Mnrmhan, Lnzr Lvke, blkc path and 4eil Lvke Crvfts: urinal omfrs, face masks, hv[z, priming, rnbbinK. beating, cloy, eta. Rnking & Cooking: weekly, Pte Pest, CtuVsunas rookie bnskess, dog teems, wn unity thanks, dinner mtdnmovieniKhts, ecru baking. em_ Field trips: 4'" of ]uly-emh, Alaskn Loo. ChalleoKer Center, H2pasia, Trail Lake, Lowell Poim broth, railing, rnmping. Nikleki Pool, de. Science Prole<IS: PermY water experimGtr. tlwvic mown, valonnees mekIDg "goo", nmasorutg, esfimatioq water bottle rockuy animal primz, ngmle PvminK. etc. Cemra. Apples to APPIes, Ship to Share, Slip N Slide, sledding races, OIynlPic Kamer & spoor, Checkers, Coemed b, Cloe, DDIt, X HO%, PSY, XBox ~fio, Wih'I'wimG'. Cuimr Hem, CaudYlmt$ Monopoly, pool, Poosbell, ve hockey, dodgehall, etc. 9'eam builders: the elecaia lire, sighted/ blind, zcavenger hmRZ, abrade courzez, sport ahmlu:Ken. the nine, Cgptum Ne Flax, each mnn over, W elk me Pladc, Races. Exercise: Healthy Pumrag3o mantes of morning exercise each morning of summer camp, hiking, tvalkiug, hiking, dancing, zkming, rtntioos at the KYm, nemhiez, etc. Cnmlmters. Homcwmk asq goner, mnsia, rucardy etc. Estimated uumher of milts hiked dnriug Sommer Cemps: Io0 miler Estimnted hours of physical a tivity during Campe and ASP: Camp: A50 boon p5 hr.Wday) ASP=180 (S lvs a week X J6 weekz] Estimated hours /kids received homework help: 3Lkldelweek osk lhour per child: l,2?A NS total J'~ Teen & Youth Center Sponsors 2W7 S onsors Donation Renown Tpum Gruisa, boet8 sled far Summers lasb Gafewe Su Iles tbrpu M1oul Me 3 Saere 9u Iles Rlmu M1put Ne Elks Facilir Uee Mary KUlalaJ Camp sponsor', $116] Ba HarpT Gllles is Oanarlon; $1000 Luck ana 5be n Wllspn Donalipn' S]so Peggy VenWre Gemp sponsor', 5300 Cblsto's Pelece Boaerer Pess sponsoq Sf 99 Pmgresslve CM1iropraClic Do08fer Pass sponsoq $199 Rosie antl Rewwn Booster Pese a onsor'$199 Alaeken Trans orfarion Com Bmsr¢r Paee a n8pr'$199 Seward Launtlry Camp sponsoq $11< Dot baNamon Donation: $iW LiUrery Gamp sponsor $t 3fi Josie Rpnne Camping lnp sponsor; $60 Hira GosM1Orn Camp eponspr, $5] Patly Llnvllle Cemp epCnspr; $5] COrlsry Terry Camp sponsor', $53 Eric antl Dlxie Lantlenbu a Donation: $50 Sprang Creak Pnspn VitlewlCemera tlepaYell True Value Fao16e118 Senipr Center Footle/ibe Home woA M1el r bob Veltlafle Nellpwaen Cake eotl Mwalc GO's J.l Number of Participants Served: Speeal Evwvx'.2,ST1 • Ywrh Gradca K fi: 9,831 • Middle.SCheol: 698 • Hiph School: 1,92M Adnhs: 85 Programs & Special Events Held: Uurccx~. monfily and holiday dances o tAcmcvrwy: l2 duvets/M128 particpann o Mlddle SChool:fidwces/21U participvnrz o EGgh Sehnol'3 da<uzal2lR partieipmna a Commmity: 2 dances 1129 Parcicipwte • aids Wiener Cvmival: 250 parficipvnvs /72 volunreee hourv ALLSchnnts Cuanal Night 35 paM1iciPIDlle • 'School's OnP'pay Came%9 dvys 1218Pmicipvnu • Spring@Wimer Rrwk Cwnps: Yl]pvrtieiPnnts • Kilx Faster P.gg liom2W perticipvms Teen P.nster E66 Hma' 27 Pvrticipann • T'erry's Tiros Bike Rodeo° 1'211 pertidpania • F42Oasi Trier 28 Partic]PZmts • Summu Camps. l2 wccks: 2,]l4 pvrcivipanrs Gallengermwr TnP 25 pwticPann Loo T*iP'~P~icipanta • 41h of ]vly Pwvde ROn[25 panitlpants 4'" of hdy boo~h'. lU volumeern / 20 voinnver hourc • Alaska HCxilsge Center Trip: 2d pntlieipnnts Rookery Cumpou[ I D participants Nikiski Panl Top[ 45 pn<iiciPw~ts lmag~narium Tri{r 36 pmtldpants Rookery Ne MIOJIC School Dunce-A-Thons: 16 pmalclparrts /-S],000 Ponds ertned • "Comcil MCfl Comdl": 22 participants • Masyuemde Bv11r 138 partieipanis • Teen'2 on T'Ra.ckGballTwmcy pizza patly: IR participnms [n[ Deazert First 21 PalicipanB BreakFur with Sana: l2D participants; 20 voWntmrs/60 volunteer hnors 50 Seward Parks & Recreation "Sports & Rec" Division 2007 End of the Year Report Revenues Punchcards $13,6]] Class Regishation 1],081 Public Use 2,883 Special Evens 15,14] Tournaments 7,803 Pavilion Rentals 725 Misc 975 Sponsorships 8.540 Total Revenues: $64,560 Jf Programs & Special Events Held: Programs RSpeuW F.vcnla Held: Humher of oarddnante • Kide Carnival 340 • $HS UVBL Days SO • St. Patrick's Day Parade 40 • StyliN Slltches Diaper Derby 105 • Super SaWrtlay Clean Up IGII • Terry's Tires Blka Rotleo 250 • Stylin' Stitches Top Gun 10 • iRECK Cemp 19 • Soccer Plsy Day 59 • Qlrls Hocps Cemp 58 • 2 x 2 Basketball Tourney (Oktobedest) Canceled • Nikiski PoUI Trip 44 • Pumpkin Prowl IUS • Community Halloween Carnival 449 • Teen 2-on-2 Basketball Tourney 42 • Turkey Reverse Volleyball Tourney 4U • Breakfast with Santa l~A • Harlem Ambassador School Assemblies "13U • Harlem Ambassador Basketball show Y5U • Easter Egg Hunts 398 Leagues: • Baskethall Len6no: FWI & W inter ewsooa q 5 teams / 42 plPyea • Compelidve Volleyhalb FWl, Winl&Spring seasons. 5lce:ne/40 players • RwrcaliouW VUIIeYhnIP. Spring swsun.4 teams Lip plaYmre • Ilrhnch's Yomh Beakelbull Lengve: l3 aans / 101 pl ayers /2fi ranches • Campetitb'e SofitalL 5 tepnrs 160 Players • Rcea¢ratiooW SuHball: 5 teams / 6U players • Yoorh Soccer League'. 5 teams! GS players (6co'achex xaces: • Pink Cheeks 7riazM1lem 3IXlpwticipan¢ Exit Clavier Rw. 19U paYicipw4x • Near dGl Run: 60 penicipanls 58 Tournaments: Wells Fwgo RazkGball Tovmamwh: l2 reams, 450 anendwtce 6reevz Imr AvWenehe Clavaic RaeknWall Toomamene 10 reams; 300 atrendw~ce • TGAlaskn VOllcybali TOnrnwneur5 tewns; 150 vaendw¢e • PAS VBa11,45/Rba11;86/SbNf Toumeys:9lwms; 2(i(I ancndnnce ROS Utbach YomM1 Rbail Tourney: IU hams; 2S0 pwviciP~u Total number of Participants Served: LS3,33b Volunteer Houre Contributed: • 1,741 Comments Urbach's Youth Ravketball LcnKUe N VRI.) bsinKS kids together in positive relationsbips. Ouc pvrem told SPRD swff that het sons became closer afro playing on 0e came trwn "7he 6mdn5q that gaga an is ever lasting." ndnh softball and volleyball leagues are Ne mvin zonrce of indwv recreation nppononi~ica fur?00 plus adolrs in Seward. AduH baskaba111eagnaFns recmitW anew team of y~mngerplayers, ma]onty one yew oor nt High School. This has in wm brought in alarga spectator KruuR addingmrhe exeiiwnont ol'Tuesday and Thursday night baskcabvll at Negym. )un or [yficinls Rmgrwn wns nWrted font yore ago io menme youuK adults in the nspeot oC ofGCialing Learning the game finmthe'Llhrs side'enworngesabcrwaexpxt of the game. GvrtntlY wo have xeven Junior of<cials 6clping at IiYBl Saturday games RMlecskarinK bringr in families and friends im fun together Moms wN dads are skating rngerM1ei; biK aisiers vnA hrothea aro ruching their younger siblings how io skate vnd friwtds meet at the Kym for skatinK days and nigbta 59 SPRD Sponsors 'aenoM rltle sponsors Leagues urBL • W6ecNa Clo[nieY • Alaska COrrpciional OXkers Asseciaripn Baar's Den 0 8 B Fsn House • Harmaa CCrvshuclbn J8 F Fisheries Kona Floors Tcura • F¢nawn TDUrs Seward Plumbing • Heakng Shpresiae permleam • Sty(n'SUlchaa BaskeNell Laeguea • AVI EC Sewartl FkM1enn • TelAlaska • Thd inn ai T3m L]ke cony's Bar • welH Ferpe Bank 3okbell Como ~ sec Leagues • Alaska SeaLire Cemer (21aemS) • Alehouse Bonn osenaa Kenai Fjortls TOUra • MekD • Bewartl Palipe Stylln'Sttlohes • TelAlaska Tnnya oar volleyball comp s asp • Aleskfl BpeGie Cenler (2 regime) • Antlerspn Tug a Baye complete Aummprme • Dr.B Maya Moriarty SreedB Osenge TelAlaska Boccer • chaffer opnpn' • EtlgexMn HOW' Races & Tournaments asps: Beare Gen sae' Ea8eM211 • Polar Bedr Festlval Assoneuan Kenai FOrtls TDUra, aesurrecfpn ^Catlhouse, Kenai Fjortls National Park Service antl llniled Srales Pores Servlca • TVC Councils Tpurnememe Brcett Inn MMeI' TelAlaska' • W¢Ila Fer90 Bank' Special Events Summer Splash • aenown Tours' Giriz Hoopz Cemp Alaska Correctional Officers Azsocletipn Teen 3en-2 BaskMCall Tourney • teen Cwreil Giap.r Gerby atylin'Stitches' • ttC Coundls Egg Hunt • Dr. Mike 8 Maya Morieny American Legion • 6ewertl jArmy)Fesotl • Salawaq • fYC Councils Bike aatleo Terry s Tries' Sewartl Police Boy Scouts of America • Blke Shap • AK Sefe Kids • ttccpDnml3 Pumpkin Prowl 3 Benra Safeway • ttc connaila Breakfast wien soma • Elks ' • Polar Bear Festival Asseciarion • 5'IIVer Dollar Ventling • Aldske Shop SenDr C012CC5 CeOter • IYC Cpuncile Ki03 Cemivel • TelAlaska • 9ewaN 9anior Crizen Alsaka BeaGfa Cenler • TYC CCUr¢Js 60 Seward Municipal Campgrounds Revenue & Expenses 2007 Season (Includes Jan 1 -Oct 31) Seasonal Campground Operating Costs: Seasonal & Temporary Staff $ 85,871 Full time staff $ 40,506 Operating Supplies (appoximare) $ 28,900 Latrine Rentals $ 18,476 L)1111t1e3 (elecmclry walerand sewep $ 43,554 Garbage $ 15,743 Sewer Dump station fees 18 141 Total Operating Costs $ 251,191 2007 Season Revenues (after taxes) 489 193 avenue Surplus $ 238,002 Note: The above costs include routine campgrountl relatetl management maintenance, tecllity repairs, Improvements, uWities antl services. Staff and expentlitures relating to other City park areae ere not included. Comments: - In addition to the revenue surplus statetl above, the campgrountls confributetl $81,283.00 in Ciry taxes, sewer, and utility fees. Total number of 20W Camper nights was 39,]16, an increase of 9,103 camper nights From last year. Weeatimate 2.5 visitors per "camper night"for an estimate of B6,T90 camping visitors. This report was crompiled by Mikael Kinnay, PaM Technician aewerd Parka & NeCreillon Oepartmcnt MWnli1M M flKreation An AveleneM1¢ of Opponunilies! 6i 01 R~~o,v_,~„~~.~~. ".~ 1,a.4 ry54 11&]%) OZ14 m ~1&J (316 i%I 91AM ii0 eA ry6uM1 ~) LJ tA1t _ ry 5Yb I]Sal 1360A 09 ~ -R].3% tgi5 N.O% _ f5G 1M5 Np% _ __ _ ~) ~ ~ 1 666Am ~;.m~5. w~lm]nemmeq ~;,~aR°~~.~ Erb a®red~Xe`Mm ~TmlGmaerrvlx~]Mmnurs QaMifYe ane rzM CnaMr wmw nO EEwNOn v.~u< a~u1~NY MInOa~nu] MaYnObr.nue E~1va0em Mran PuM]W 6M Meeltl'ure Fipenxs Lbnes6W~mm Empbyee BeMib P MeuMalf¢¢s Pu~TV~ SMn Mr Byemn~ M1an Oryrstlene Faeax dwvaw Erykcm OPS mnlos) w.ur•nw wr~pm Invm~e lYeonvl~InMXn.4eeb ~.o ~lm° " 1., ~ 9 ~~ 5 e~5 19I%1 IM ~ 6,gye a Vu'xl a rylxl 6 I]6J%I ti[~x - Iheid ry~_ IAlds ]&N OS %%I ~ ~ Z 5N _ ]]% _ 61b% 9A41 I]A•LI 1y>a0 16.14 __ 12105 _. ~~_ . ~_9iI. ~ IVp 1 1 04 1 le.esl 14041 0!xl em 6m P0.9m _ 1x,155 ~P!] Id% 11~6i ~45%J 6e 1]f+] 21 _ ~ ~I 1>J_ fuJ yxl w y]n J ~1 (dd3 _ 11]tJ _ N- ~~~EJ SR - ~~ .~ ~EL M. 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