HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-016Spovsoretl by: Dates CITV OF SE WARD, ALASKA ` RF,SOLUT'ION 200&Olfi A RESOLI1TiON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SE WARD ALASKA, ADTHOI2ILINGA SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH PRUCOM ALASKAlMOTOROLA FOR PURCHASING AND INSTALLATION OF INTEROPF.RARLE COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT UTILIZING HOMELAND SF,CU W'TY GRANTFl1NO8, ANU APPROPRIATING FUNDS NOT TO EXCRRD 1204,440.00 WHEREAS, the Seward POliccand Fire Department applied for and wasewardeda SH$GP & LPTPP grant Gum the Department o(Hmnclamt Securty, iv the amovm of $204.440.Oh, and WHEREAS, the City is nnl regnimd m provide any cash nr in kind ma¢h; and WHEREAS, the grant was accepted and fulls in the amount el $204,440.00 were appropriated by Ruselution 2007-I I5; and WHEItA3, Nnds Gam fiis giant vsvst be used far pvrchasivg of an Interopemhle Communiomiene equipment as identified in the yam applicmion; and WHF.REA6, changcx to approve the egnipman were necessary and were aubmide+l m Homeland Security and approval by Them; and WHEREAS, NccLanKes will he thepumhasc of(1 XTL 5000 mohile VHF radie,IXT$ 5000 Astrn pigiml pottablcradio, l2 Anm Digi[vl X"1'S 500011 potlableradios, l4 XTS 2500 MDL II portable radios; and WHERF.A3, these pumhaxas will batter equip the EVmr%encyMwagement, Seward POhw Dcpartmmr4 Seward Pire Depertmatl and 1he3mvoN Volunteer Ansbulavee Cary.ivmninttinivSita goal ofprvvidivg mazimum protection posxibleto the lives and property of Ne citizens ofSeward; and WHEREAS, the State of Alaska wd Deportment of Defcnsc awavlW Motorola the salt settee wntrad forthe ALMk syetevs for statewide interoperable evmrgcncy wmmunievtions; and WHEREAS, this award was based on fact that Motorola has proprietary software for our requested diemosa button Cune[ion for parmblc radios; wd WHEREAS, PrvCorrun Aleskv designed, installed nnJ will cortythe meinmsvme wntrocts forthewmmunitiee ofHOmeq Kertai, Saldatnn and eimilmconbects will be offued to Seward. wd bxause all communities arc workinK with ProCnmm cost cffcctiee results should occur for all the ~ afore evtioned cvmnumitice, end it will also provide unquestiovcd wmpadbiliryofequipme+rt in this award; and CITY OF SE WARD, ALASKA RESOLUIIUrv 2008-O1fi WHEREAS, the grant from the Officeofllomeland Securitywasbased unspecific Motorola equipment, and that affce has approved sale searcing to ProcwJMatarole; and WHEREAS, the equipment in this award meets future ALMR needs due to cooperative plarmingbythc Cityof 6ewam, the Borough, Soldoma, Homlxand Kenai, and local and Smte +G9t I Honda; avd WHF.RF.AS, the Administrationrecummends the pvmhase ofthePmcom/Motorolawiththe available grant Ponds; and WHF.RF.A6, the Sewanl City Codc ¢6.10.120(o)(9J exempts from the wmpetilivc procurement pmces s, "the purchse ol'elec W oio data proeessing xoRwvre and hardware sys tams and communievtiens equipment". NUW,'I'HERRFORF., HE IT RESOLVED BY THB CITY WUNCII.OF THF. CITY U}' SE W ARD, ALASKA that Section 1. The City Manage is authorized to enter into n wntract with Procom Alnska/Motomle for the purohaxe and instellatiov of the aforementioned radio equipment Cor an ovnt nos-w-exceui the available gram Ponds of $122,2']9.92 from vecounts 651fi515-468U- U20U($106A94.96 SHSGP) avd 651-6516-468U-0200($IS.AOJ.9fi LHTPP). Sectiav 2. This is phase 1 of this project. The rural far [his phase is $122.299.92_ The rdvg balance oC$82,160.U8 will be spwt on phace 2 and vdmivis¢utiov will bong that purchase to rouncil Ibr approval at the appropriate time. Section 3. the City Manager is authorized m utilize Procum Alzeka/MOtorola as a sole sourw vcMcrducthe Getthotthey arethe existing supplierofourexisting cgvipment, theyinxmlled our mobile radios. YroCOmmis Mnmrola's only authorized distributor, installer and maintainer in Alaska, and they are the primary public safety commwications equipment vendor in Alvska. Bastian 4. This Resolutiev shall take eff t irrmmdiatcly. PA56ED AND APPROVED by the City Cowcil oCtho city of Seward, Alaska, this loth day of March, 20oA. r CITY of 6F.W AHD, ALASKA KESOLUTION 2008A116 THE CITY OF 6EWAHD, ALASKA C _ ~- Clark Cnrbritlg, Megar AYES: Dunbam, Valdal~a, HeNarsoq Amherg, SmiW Kellaq Corbddge NOES. Nane ABSENT: None ABSTAIN'. Nune ATTl St': r )~~ ~ ~ It Icwis,CMC' CiiY Clerk ..,venurrprr . r'up ifhA J'~ y Sp'4•' (Clly soap , a o' 3 ~- : . 'V' U'e~W ~:Jn. ~ rr`ao• ` p ~ umn r Council Agenda Statement Mating Date. March l0, 2008 Tlvougll: Phillip Oates, City Manager~Y _ From: Thomas Clemens, ChiefofPolice~" Agenda Item: Purchase ofFMio EgWpmrnt and Sale Source HACKGROIIIYII & JUSTIFICATIOM The SewaN Police and Fire Ueparlment appliedfoz aralwas awarded eSHSGP gam in themnowt of $108.6ULL00 & LF.TPP plant m Ne amnwt of $95.840.OU tram the Department Uf Hnme Land Security. the wW amnwt for boo gmvt amounted m $204.440.00. The pmjen consist of two phases. Phase one is the pmebose of l2 AsGa Digital Portable 2adios (l0 vndor the S[{SOP fore toml ofi$51,61U.40, and2 wderthe LhTPP forawml of$IU,322.08), I %Th 5000 Mobile Radio(b} $5,482.AR under NC LFTPP fimding,l XIS 5000 Astm Mobil /~ 57.00].6fi under Ure SHSGP, and 14 XTS 2500 Portable Radios ~ $4],BSti.90. This gmntis awaded with no cashes in wW match an Ne city's part. 9DLP SOURCE I USTIPICATION The Seward Police request an execptinn w the general tale wnmming free mW open competiti on w design and b Wld Na oommunicetions system in the City of Snwmd Flnergency Operatiens Oentee, and for [he pwchasn UFALMR digital Wrtable and mobile radios from Proeom Alaska/Motnmla based nn the fallowing criteria: 1. The State of Alaska and Department of Defense awarded Mowrola the sole source connect for Ne Alaska Land Mobile Radio (ALMR) ryetem, as~ablishing statewide intemperable commuwcarionc for general emergencies and disasters for the entim Stale. ... PmCom is Motorola's ody authorized dislribumq installer and mWntainer in Alaska, and NeY arc Ne Primary Public safety eowvuviwdor~s equipment vendor iv Alaska. 3. ProComm designed, irutWlai and will carry the maintenance contRCl f'or the City commmdwdovs upgadq aml lbr Nose in Kenai, Soldoma wd Homer which should result m soma coal savings, anA wtll proaide uvgvcstiorubla compadbility ol'eyuipment. 4. PrnCOmm would provide unqucsdoned compaNhihty of wmmwicadoue equipment between the ScwaN, RmW, Soldama, Homeq Borough and Smte/Pederal agencies. 5. Motorolahas propriclary software for ow rcqueated distress button l'mction for portable radios. 6. Spccilicatiorvs weredevclopW bac~nn nvmntimeroperahle covmmrdcations nenls for emergencies and dixastersfor m W ti-agency response and coordi natioM and for future He- in W Nc ALMR system per rite FeJerW gnvemmcul. ]. Other eoatmmors carmnt provide wquestionN compatibility with wm+auWcadovs equipmem local and State emergency pmvidem hove w place or are installing now. 3J