HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-021syousored Ny: Oaas ~ CITY OF SF.WARD, ALASKA RF.SOLllTION 2008-021 A RE6OLOTNON OF THE CITY COUNGL OF THE CITY OR 6F.WARD, ALASKA, APPROVING A WN'IflAC1' TO HARMON CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR THE N'ABWCATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE HOBEN PARK HISTORIC REPLICA FOUNTAIN WNEREA6, the City of SewaN issued a request foc proposals 6r tlrc fabrication and nvtallation of the Hobw Park replica fountain, iv vewrdancewilh slandaN City Cade Request kr Proposals prceedmes; anA W He RF. AS, twn qml i f ed and responsive proposal s wcrc mccivcd hr response b m e equest for proposals; and WHEREAS, proposvls were scored on the beeie of six basic arileria worth 100 vvwluble points, where hvsic criteria ivcludah. 1J Clenly of the Proposal, worth 5°0; 2.) Parformwce, Experience, vnd Quvlity of work, worth 30%; 3.) Hismric Replica, words 30%; 4J The Pmposei s Orgvnizmianal Struclwe, worth 5%; 5.7 Additional Services, worth 5%; wd b.) Cost la the Cily, _ worth 2$%; and WHEREA6, Harmon Constmotion, Inc received the Nghast overall score, scoring 88.5 points out of 1 W total paints availvhlq with AC Gweral Conhacting rocoiving 9.U] total points, with Harman scoring the highest on each of the siz baxic criteria, and Hamron being the only proposer to came in under hudgeq and WHEREAS, cost is not the sole fnaor in tho station of the Hoban Pnrk fountain contractor. NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITV COUNCNL OFTHE CITY OF SEW ARD, ALASKA, that Section 1. The City Manages ie hcmbyaothonzeA and dirededto executevnd authorize the anached connacl insubstantial form as pmsenred atthis meeting amended m provide specifics as to e myuimmenls, to I'abricatc and install n functioning, historic apliw fountain in Hobor Park w Seclioo E. This resolution shall take efiecl immWialoly upon ite adoption. PA6SEI1 AND APPAOVEDbytha City Council oClhcCityof6cwaN, Alaskathis 24~ day of Mmch, 200A. CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2005-021 TNF. CITY~O//nF~' SE WARD, ALASKA l~° Clark Corbridgq Mayor AYES: Dunhnm, Veldava, Bardarsoq Amberg, Smith, Corbridgc NOES', None ABSENT: Kellar ARSTAEV: Nonc ATTEST: 1~ Lew e Cbl~ CiH Clerk " ' (City Sea`"4{'=µtil?.., ~_ ~p.'.tL ~~ _J r Council Agenda Statement Memng nare: M,ncla2a, zoos Crom: Kann fimrdy, Pvks & Recreetiou Director TlvuuKh: Phillip Oates, City Manager Accnda ltcm: Hobcn Park }'ounlain Proposals BACK6ROIIND &.IIISTtFICATION: The City of Seward received two pmpwals for the fabrication and ivstallation of the Hnben Park hismric replica tbunmin. PropusWs were received Bom AC Oeverel Covtmemq LLC and Harmon Construction, Inc., and born Dmposals were f'uurW w be resppusive aal yualitiea 'Coe pcopaselswerereviewed byaeonmsineeoffonr, including: Stef NilssoglvladeStaablS Richard Adelmann end Karin SNrdy. The review committce reviewed and scored the proposals on six basic criteria: L) Clarity ofthe Pmposvl, worth 5%; 2.) Perfmmancq Experience, vnd Quality of work in Providing Services of a Siv W ar Natum, woM 30%; 3.) Ifiswric Replica worth 30°/; 4.) The Proposer's Organivulional SWplure (includinK linarmisl stabilitY7 FgWPment and PpmoanW Qwliliwtions & Rcaoumw Availabic for Dcrlbm~armc of the Agrecnrent avd imroimces of similar pmj ccta, woM 5%; S J Additioml Scrvrece'1'ha[ May Be ProvWed by me Propoecq woM 5%; and imm 6.) COs[ to the Ciry, worth 25%. The reviewem awardN poufs foresch ofinefustfivecriferiq forawml possible ]5 outof Ion point. After scoriryl the proposals, the f proposals were upevW separctely. There were a tuW of 25 "lee" puinlsavWlablq with inn lownsl-biddies 1'um receivi~a1125 points TheoNer lion's swrewasbautl On a mho Oftlmir fec to the lowest fec, mWtipRed by ZS. ylds mctbodology was uscd iv oNcrto scnm me more eobjective poniovofine proposelswithnnf knowlMgeofine bid price, to provide a more fai coring process. There were I00 mtal points available inure scoriaprocess. Harman repeivedme highertovemll score with 88.5 points, while AC Ceneml received 51.0] points Out ofatofai possible 100 points. n is our npiWon that Harmpu is the moat qualified ]vin to perfomr the Hoban Dark fouutaiu prglcet based onme outcome ofine RFP process, thevextewive liatoflocaip jxm, and Heir fandliaritymrd pndtive history with the City of Seward. fONSISTF.NCV CHECKLIST: where apphpable, wa reanwtinn is pnnsinent wim the Seward city ende, enarter, enmprena~ive rlana. Lana use rlaaa, sl~atpKm rlmr aml crtr cpmrpu Rwea pr rmaeanree. omen: FISCAL NOTE: The IGsmdc Pmservation Fwd Crent Budget irw~],300 for meprojed. Ofine two, only me narmov proppsW wines w coda bud~Ket11 ~~ AA ,, ADProvcd by Pinanw Deparuvenn ~1NYI~ arrnn,rn.rr:unxnnv~ ~~ vimvnnl eaydai apn~sy rymd mgoFlay„o uvgepmsm pve vngevuga3 ay~wj ~, enumv HU~pmaR.v-yDOZ Unyv~rnag aewddtl V sNnIYtl~UAIA VWOJ3N