HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-024FAILED Sponanretl by: Oates CITY OF SE WARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 20U8-024 A RESOi.UTION OE THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITV OF SEWARq ALASKA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO F.NTER INTO AN AGREEMEN'C WITH WORTHINGTON FORD MORTHEPDRGHASE OF A 2008 F-550 4X9 SERVICE TRUCK, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED Sfi3,000.00 WHEREAS, Boring tlrc 1A06 bodge[ pivaces, the Seward Cily Council aotltoriznd the purchase of a replacement vehicle, however, time did t allow; and WHEREAS, the existing vchicln is in need ofexpcnnive repairs and nol uprmtional and Nc vehicle was sohcduleJ for replaoernmd two years ago; and W HEREA6, replacement is nccessarym ensure reliebin trensposmLion. rcSain wnsis[mcy in the eleerric departments vehicle replaec:venl schedule; and WHF.RF.A6, it is m lheinterest of public safrtyto provide rolinble responee vehicles wthe Elecvic Utility in order to timely mapond to outa5es and accidwns; and r WHF.RF.AS, SCw;vd Clry Code 41U.120(b)authoriaes the Gty to utilizz eompcNGvebids rccnly W from other 6avormnensal mti6es, aM the City ofpeward udcnda In vNize lha Smtc's heel bid m purchase mis vchiclu NOW, THEREN'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THF. CITY OOUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF' 6EW'ARD. ALASKA, THAT: SeGion 1. The Ciry MmaKm is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with WorthinSron FaN for the pmchaso of a 2W8 F-550 4x4 muck fur m amount not-m-exceed 963,000.UO. Sectim 2. The Ciry Council busby fivds it in the public's iorerest w autlmrixo Iha City m utilize coinpGitivn bits obtained by me Stale of Alaska, es authorized in Seward City Code fl1a.12a(n~. See6no 3. FrndluK ~ r the purcheec of this vehicle will coven frvm the mvror pool fund cunipmmt acwmt na. 102-1020.54]0. Smtiov 4. This resolution shall mks effect inmmdiately upon its adoption FAILED by the City Connell ofthe City of Seward, Alaska, this 24th day of March, 2008. CITY OF 6KWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 200&024 THE CITY OF 9EW~AAD, ALASKKA '! Clark Corbrltlgq Mayor AYES'. Valdatla NOES. Dwbam,Bardareoq Amberg, Smith, CarbriJKe ABSENT: Kellar ARSTAIN: None ATTEST ]wn Lewis, CMC, CityClerk (City Seel) Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: March 24, 2008 Theovgh: plilllip Oates, Ciry Mavngar Ymm: Tun 8amom, EleeMc Utility Manager Agenda ltcm: Approval to Ymchasee 8eplacemev[VOkclc Utlliimg the Rtote ofALskn Bid PsveeSs 13AC'KGROIIND&JUST'IFICATION~ During the 2006 Bndget process, tAe Chy Coweil apprvnd the Durchase of a mplmement vehicle for ow Lirrecrew. Howevar, ILrm did me allow pundiaing a replacement. Mils resolution ra{uests authorvnfion Cn purchase a 2W8 Ford F-550 4x4, diwcl at a oust nncm-exceW S63,O1q.00. The curtmt veidclc U a 1999 PnM F250. The existing vahide is in t¢cd an expenave repay tbat exceeds tha value of the vehicle. The vehicle is not operational in its curtm[ condition. Seward City Coda 6.10.120(8), allows the Ciry m utilbe competitive bids obtaned by other govemmenW agencies. the City uNlioed the bids obmined by the State of Alaska. Utilbing the Sum of Alaekx bid not oNy saveN valuable time for staff but we believe that tha Dilcc ie betM than we would have received by bidding far oncvchida Repla«mmt of the curtmt vehicle helps mainmin relioble tramponation for department employees and is ennsistenl with ow departmental replacement schedule. The 1999 Ford crocks have been nary problematic since dray w m purchased. There Aavc been nwvecous malls ffom the factory as well as rmeeuning problevu, such as front end and brakes. This is tM last 1999 Ford vehicle that we have. 'phn new vehirde will bn a heavlcr duty retetl vehicle which shwld alleviate some of 81c past problems, reduce smin[mmce cost and extent tie lik of the vehicle, allowing kr Wssible valor remaining at the time ofits scheduled replacement. CONSISTENCY CHICK I6T Where applicable, Uis resohmon is mnsisceot with tha SewaN Gty Code, Charteq Comprehensive Plaru, Land Use Plans, Slra[epe Plan and Ciry Comcil Eules of Pnwxdmas. N'ISCAL NOTE: Tn he paid for [rvm the Mnror Pool rgwpmen[ accowl mr. 102-1020-5930. Approved OY Finance Deparunene ItECOMMF.NDATION: City Coweil approve Resolution 2008-~y aucMriziag Ne purcbaae of oae 2W8 F-550 4x1 muk av specified from W mfiingtm Furd at a can noLWCxerod $63,000.0(1.