HomeMy WebLinkAbout04012008 Planning & Zoning PacketSeward Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting ~~ p.m. N .n Mmlanm X®! CMIr Tmm Eyiree@/Ip 1. Cell fo Order sve McClure p~ r"1O" QUIP Fspve. Z. Opeping Ceremony MagaetAMavan A. Pledge of Allegiance Com Tam kxlpru @N9 1. RoR CaH Yoamt Comm Tam P+Puv 03/09 vae~ xe;,~r;~h com Tem.GPirv p3/I/ SmMb Ranh' Cam Term FiP~' pYlp vam, carom ram e.PFe, pant PFiI(P Gwen ('iq Manq¢er HaA HicAr Camm.nRY Developmam Dirufw buau Glera Plaminy AUutwt Ame Bailey gemro. i;a..,w 4. Special Reporle & PrearnhHnoa A. City AJUdwanation Report I. Repomb Violalioos, intcrpMaHon and Abatemwt R. (Mm Reporvs, Awouucemcnw & Presenmtinns 5. Cifveva' Commenfa on soy subject eacepf Woee items aebedulad tar public hearing. [T/mse who have signed in wi116e given the first opporruniry ro yak YSme is limited ro 1 minutes per.~aker and 3p miawfes romi Mme for this agenda item] 6. Approval of Ageuda and Copaeof Agenda. [Approval of Consent Ager'da passes all rnuMne items indiuurd by asterisk ('/. Content Agenda items are not comidered .r ~mety unless a Commissioner so requests. /n the event ul such a request, the frem is returned to the Regular Agenda] 1. BPeeial llama A. Eicctiomf Cbair and Vim-0bair._ ................Pege3 Planning & Loning Cnmmixsmn Regular Meeting Agvndu April t, 2008 Yage L ]. Public Hearivga (Limo commends to 5 mwues. Tlwae who hwe signed in will he given the ficrr opPartun+ry to speak) A. UnAnished BVSinese ltema requiriuga PUbhc Hearing-Norw B. New Bueiama Items requiring a PubAe Hearing- 1. Resolution 2008-OS of the Sewad Plemdn6 and Zoning Commission of (hc City of Seward, Alaslw, RewmmeMing City Council Approval of the Remrdng of Loll 2], 2R, asM 29, Block 1], Original Tnwnsih of Seward Fmm Mdif Pmvily ftesidenfial (R3) to Central Husmass Disaict (CAU)Page d 8. Unfinished Business-None 9. NewAUeivme- A. Discnsa the Sewad-em treek Flood Service Ama Plood Mitigmion PlavPage l6 • H. February 19,2WR ROSchcduled Meeting Minmec..._ ............................... Page 22 • C. Mmch 4.2008 Regular MeetivK Mimstes .................................................... Page 28 • D. March 18, 20085pwial Meeting Minutes...._ ....................................___. Page 32 10. Iv[avmafional Items and Reparfs (NO oonon requbed)- A. Nines liom Mamh 25, 2008 N'ork Seaxiun regarding the 2008-2009 P & Z B. Spcareiel Meeting Naficef rApril 15,2008 .................................................. Page 39 Il. Commission Comments l2. Citizen' Comments (Limit to 5 mirmies per IMIvNVaI - Ench iMlvldual hiss one oPpuOUnilY la speak] 13. Commieaiova and Atlmleishvtiov Response m CitmLns' Comments 14. Adjournment Plarminy & Zoning Cgmmission Regular Meetng dgenda dprtl 1, 2005 Page 2 2 P&Z Agenda Statement Meeting Date: Apnl 1,2WR To: Plamdvg and Zovmg Commissiun From. Ezecutivc Liaison Ame Bailey 0.~~ Agenda ltcm: Elenion of Chair&Vice-Chair AACKOROIIND & NSTA'ICAIION: Euh year the Plasudng and LOVivg Commiseionmust elenaCheir end Vico-Chairfnr thecomingyem. 9Le dntice ofthc Chav are to' 1. Open Ne meeting on ame and call [he meefurg w ocdn; 2. Awnwce in proper uquenw the bosieseaa on ate agenda; 3. Recog~dze member who ass entitled w the Floor; 4. State and pvRO avotcall lcgitimaremmions that arise during the meeting: 5. Do not pmmit debate until [here is emotion nn the flare; 6. Protect the Commission from frivolous m delayivg moaovs by rofusing to mwgrtiu~ them; ]. P.nf Ne rules regardwg debate and keep oNcr, A. Expedite buswesx ina way compatible wiN Ne ripJrts of the members; 9. Decide a114uesaotw of order; 10. Respond to alt ivquisiea of members; I L Evsuro then citizens address ell remmks w Ne Commission; aal 12. Declare the mreang adjnumM. The vmrcnnir aamnea meantiea of we trait when ncegsaary. Th f 1 ~ fth Chan and V' ha' ' f II the current Chair should oprn nominations. Anyme can nomimte moNec commissiovar as thee. • uomy one nominaaov is received, a motion should be made w clou notvivatioas and wt a unanimous ballot fortlte chosen person. Thetmotiov will need a ucmd and can bo approved by uvaohvous wnsent. (NO role cell vote is necessary). • 11'momthen ova nomination ureceived,twill pcepareballots for rack Commissioner to vom for one nominre wd sign his hallo[ 1 will then cnllmt We ballots, mad the vmes Woud, end announcethe praveilivg vo ee. Amotion la then inordev for someone to elect the nominee va chaim~m. Asecondis nededavdtlremotimcev be epProvM by wanimovs consrntofthe the about procedures shvvld elm he vsM w elan a viw aha'v. SPOVauml by: APPOc~ CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLllTION 2008-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNNG AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, RF.COMMF.NDINC CFFY COUNCH. APPROVAL OF THE REZONING OF LOTS 2l, 28 AND 29, BLOCK 17, ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF SEWARll FROM MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R3) TO CENTRAL BUSINE.96 DISTRICT (CRD) WHF.RF,A3, Applicant foarae Merritt has submitted m application and the Bung fee, rcyuesting Lats 2], 28, and 29, -lock 1], Origirml Tnwnaim of Seward, he mooed fmm Mulp- FamilY Revdrnfiel (R3) to Cwhal Busivea District (CBD); ant WHEREAS, We current Zoning of the property is MWa-Family Residential (R3) end Ne current Land Use Plan map desiPpatioa accommcnds 16c paopet1y be remved b Crntra! Business Disviot (CDD); and WHEREAS, Lots 2], 28 and 29 arc each origimBy Platted loss 30 X 100 1'w; wvBng appmaimatelr 3,eoo agaare fen; ana WAEREA3, the Seward City Code 6CC §t SOL035, AmeMmcuta, (b) (3) allowx the covsidemtiov of Otis rename because the Imd is conliguvus m the ~~ed rnning dishiM soda recommrnded by the Land Uae Plan Mep; and WHEREAS, a goal of We SewaN Comprehensive Plm is to, "Meinmin Seward's Laud Use Plan as the primary tarot tool to ensue quality wmmimiry laml use arrmgements, growth, amt development m We Yeas 2010"; and WHF:RF.AS, the public rotif~atim process was mmp-ed wish and the appropriate public bearing as required by Seward City Cnde § I S.Ol.OV0 waz eotMucted by We Commission nn APriI 1, 2008. Seward Plvmiug and Zowvg Resolotlon 2008-OS Page 2 NOW, THERF.FORF., BE IT RESOLVED by the SewW Phmoivg dal Zuwny Commrssranthaz: Section 1. The Seward Plamang avd Zoning Commission supports Ne prcwsed Zoning cbangc of iota 2; 28, sod 29, Block 19, Original Townsite of Seward, from Mdti-F4mly Residential (R3) m Central Rosiness Disniot (CBD); and rewrmoevds that ONiranco 2008--_ be forwardW w City Cnun tit fm apryoval. seeBan z. This msoluann area take eRelimmwiatelr awn ha aanpsen. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward P a"^` m aM Looing (:ommiasion Las I'~ day of Apdt2008. THE CITY OF 6EWAItD, ALASRA Marlmna Keil, Chair AYES: NOES: ABSCNT: AB`~IAIN: VACANT: Twn ATTEST: Jean Lewra, CMC t ity Clerk (City Sent) apaamraa by: wao a..aa u.m cam~aa Iulroaotlbn Ueh: Pob& tln.log Date: Euutmeot Mh: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ORDINANCE N0.2W6-%]T AN ORDDVANCE OF THE CITY CODNGL OF TBE CITY OF SEWAIOI, ALASKA, AMENDLNG CITY Z(INING MAP BY REZONING LOTS 27, 28 AND 29, BLOCK I], OR[CIIYAL TOWNSITE OF SEWARD FAOM MULTT-FAMILY AESU)EN'ITAL (R3) TO C9~:N'1'RAr. BUSDVE69 DISTRICT (CBD) WHEREAS, en applicant bas requested a rcwve of Los 2], 28, m12Y, Block 1], OriBiml Towmsite of Seward, from MWN-Pamily Resilentlal (R3) b Cemral Rosiness Disrcid (CBU); and WHEREAS, the tidal ama of land being maned u appmximamlY 3,0011 plume ke[; and WHEREAS, the Seward City Code SCC §15.OL035, Amnvdment4 (h) I3) allows the covsidemfion of this mnm because We land is coMigunus m the rcµuexted zoning dislricl and is recomvremled by (hc Land Uu Plan Map; m1 WHEREAS, [he nffirial Zowvk Map dcacribed in SCC !5.01.030 w01 be amcudal fmm Ms1fi-Family Residential (R3) M Centre! Business Uishic[ (CBD) as recommended w tbo official Land I Ise Play map; m1 WHEREAS, the Plamin6 & Zonink Cnmmissiov has wmplied with public entice and public hearing pmcMures far amemlivg muing end land use district dcsigvatioru, a requirM by Title I5; and WHEREAS, at the April 1, 2008 mee0nk. the PlmminB and Zoning Commission iewed the application, hell a public hearing end reommevded Cily Council approval oftbe proposal wwvg amrndmen[ ircludd in this oclinmtt. NOW, THEREFORE, RF. IT ORDAINED BY THE CITV C(IllNCIL OF THE CITV OF SEWARD, ALASKA Wan Section 1. The official Zovivk Mep of the City is hereby amended m uhavgc the uninB designaaov of Lots 2], 28 and 29, (higmal Towvsite of Scward from Multi- F®IY ResWmfiel (R3) [o Centel Business District (CBD) (es displayed iv attachW doawrnt) City oPSCward Ordinance NO.2008-xx Page 2 SecHOn 2. This ordinance shall take effecctm (]O)Jays following ervu:lment. ENACTED DV THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEWAKU, ALASKA, IHIS UAY Ok 2008. THE CIT V OF SF.WAFD, ALASKA Clark Corbridge, Mayor AVPS: NOES: ABSENT: ADSTADi: ATTEST: leav Lewis,CMC Ciq Cluk (C11y Seal) P&Z Agenda Statement Meeting Dates Awil 1, 200R 1lwngh; Bob Flick, Commwity Develop ent U MOr _ ue From: m _ / Dowa Glern, Flawing ASSistantAid~"O Agenda laav: Amrndiry{ the City of Sewvrd Zodvg MaP by rewdnB f.ots 27, 28 and 29, Bloek t7, Odpvxl Towvaim of Sewall, from Mdfi-Family IirsiderM1id (RJ) to CmVal BLL41ncs9 DL4hlcl (CBD) Attached fnr the Comvtissiov's review is Aesolutiov 2008-05 recommmdivg City Couvcil approval of the aveuhed ONwance 2008-1(Y arncvdin6 the City of Sewsd Zoning MaP by rez<minB l,ms 2], 2R, and 29, Block I], OrigiriW Towmsi[e of SewaN, from Mdf FamdY Reaidwtial (R3) m Cwtrat Business District (CBD). (ue aztazhed map) The applicml ie mryesting tlds remm m order m provide hest sdtable for fume commerrid uses dlowcd within [he CmrtW Business DiNNet and to bring We Iota wto wmpliance with Ore curtent Laud Use Plan approval in the 2020 Cnmprehevsive flan. The Iola direcOY to the P.avt, across the Wlcy, am cmmmly zoved Aum Commercial. The lots North m leBeswu Street wd South b Adams Snell are a mired audvg of Cenral Baslven District (CBD) avd remaidng Mulfi-F~1y (R-3), TAe errs m Wn Woat is uvcd Central Business District (CBD) with Ne excepOOV of severe) remaivivg MWti- FamilYlotsr~emteff nStreet. tsar attached inning map) The current uses on Urc lots m [he North cwsist of the Edgewater pmkivg tut and sivgJe Emily homes. The uses m Orr South me a sivgle lamily home asd two wmmercial bdldivgs. The uses m the West are commerdd structures avd aeveml single family Mmes. fM uses m the Pas[ are a mix ol'wmmerciel s[mcmres roll single fatuity homes. Each afthe Onee (3) Wts heing wreidare3 for Ora sozove u approximamly 10 fcct by 100 feeh rotating approximalelY 3,000 s9uerc feet, which is Ices thin arm sae. t]aweva Ou rvlvested tonne rrmets the Sewartl City Code hY hrivgmg [heu parcels inm wmpGmce wOh the nereM lend Uu Plm Map SCC 15.01.035, Amemlmems. (b) (3) stares "Exeepr for wi urdbmsce drnmg the bmminie>' of e.risdn& mrrnguous zuninR disnick m an mdinance which 6rurgs v Parcel lino c Jorrrwxe with the !all use plan no ordiwnce olrering zoning within the city shall he rauidned i( the urea enrampusred by the popased ardirmnre ronmhu lea rhmr nxe one, not irtcludusg sneer m dley right f w~ 1'M parcels beivg w¢xidemd fortherequested mdvg chavge are Wso cavtiguous to the Central8usmesn Dlstdct (CBD) Iota directly m tMNonh and West. s3CC' 15.05.020 i.and nee d'utricY-Eata68abM, defioitiona Esrablishod The clry is hereby dlvrded into lard use disnicrs which shn11 he bounded aM deJrrred as shown on the o~cial Lmd use mqn. This ~cial maR 2gerher wlth al! explanatory matter thereon, as echibired a! the rime ojpuAlic hewlrcg, is hereby adopted by reference aM declared m Ae a parr afrAu~ ckgter. The cwmt roving of the arch requeesed far rezone is MWti-Family Rcvdential (R3) defined in SCC 15.05.025 (b) "DefiniHow-Purpose (4) Mu1Hf iy residwrial dlsnls (¢31~ Lmerrded+o Prmde ~rtwirierlar a higher deruiry residendd setting with u mu u! hauling wits which are predamiwrely multi--lumity wits close +n cnncennadons of puAlic services, emPloYmerrt aM/m reaearinn. This dis/tic( may gavide a hwstrlnn between m m imensive durricrs aM lower deresiry residemid areas i! s,$ ienr rting acrd design jeat~res are provided ro protec+ mulef ily rrridemes from undesirable ~crs" The requested zonis+g chapgc ie m Crntral Beninese District (C8D) dcfired iv SCC 15.05.025 (h) "Defenffiorv-Pwpuse (Y) Cemrd bus(neas dr'srricr lCBDJ Provides! r an area I co eniem, amanive, aoncenmrted rvmmercid devetapnrera primarity imervded jot retail. frrmrrcia( emermtrrmem and pr f sirmul services occuMng within exlased hvcnoes. Begularipm~applYingmrhty znrre are designedmencourageammpacr group ofhuslnesses afthe type which are murua/ry herreficid and lawred close erougF raguher ro eroo,nage walk-In Wade" VNS NO N/A 1. Comprehensive P/w (2020) X "We vWm orderly growth aml balmced development drat is driven by cpmmuvity oonsanxus m coptbrmavice wiM [he lend um plaa° (pogo 14) 2. Lam/ Use P(w (Z006/ X The [.and Ilse Plan suppons tltls sezovc. 3. Strategic Ylan 01999) A `Work MwaMs bringing the Zoaivg Map inm wnPotmance with the Lavd Usc Plan (page tl) As requimd by Ne City Code, neighboring psperty uwness within 300 fat of the area aubjectm review were notified of Ibe propoeni reone. At the time of this review one umbel public inquiry had barn received by stab. ibis inquiry came finm a +reigWwdag property owner who raluesred iNbrmadon on the applirmns cprtent plans for the lots and whaz otber land usu roue allowed in the Central Bvsiriess District Afla enPlaimng the cunevt plena fora "summer market' and other uses allowed wifiin We Central Business District, dsc rcighbonng prnpetry ow¢er voiced no objeoviovs etW supported the maone RECOMMENDATTON: ('ovvnission appmve Resolution 2008-05, rccommend'wg City Council appmval of We atlachcd ONwaoce 2006-XX, Retuning Lots 2], 28 aM 29, Black 1 ], Original iownsite oCSnward from Mo1G-Pamily Residenviel (R3) m Central Husivess District (CBD). Lotr D, 29 8 29 Proposetl Zoning Change hom MuXi Famuy f0 Cenfra 6Y50088 DI6(IiQ cemml eYamece Dimes W Z W Q O ~_ S f Current Zoning Map a 3], 3e antl 39, OrlBlnal Towneib ol3ewaN 0 100 200 Fem Aulo Commercial ADAMS STREET ;~ P&Z Reso 2008-05 rv Jonnie Merrill Rezone Request Mul4 Femity to Cemral Buainua OkMCI r~nm GR]mooflnn dNM/9nnY JEFFERSON STREET Urban Resitlential W Z W Q F X to ADAMS STREET w z w x LL Land Use Map r raz Reao zoos-os x Joanle Mertltt Rezone Request pox n,ze ana ze, ors 0 95 180 Feet Racomenaee cenlnll ewlnau oxVlcl ~ro P82 meeting 0//0112006 12 RECEIVE C1 MAR 0 3 2008 pPpppeSr5[[......_. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT -REZONING APPLICATIONOF. _. Petitioner: lln oAU - ~E"R2T __..--_. Aaarees: Qo dox doU ~4/s ~~eo AuF~ ____ Pnone NO: BPD-/y/,S-PYY~ TO/5 20/kl 3/O SU)Q ~~nOJ/ ONb. 7D'/Nype- d^ SEdM$ LBgd pa9pf1pt0n: Lo>•d9 $A+CK / ri W~.Y& dWfh /'lr ~ara9 dlU~ /3 Physical Location: 3/d 577/ /rpphE- ___ Lantl Use Plan: Present _ _ ,, 1~ Proposed CQ.~ Zaning plstrlet Present. IY1 ~:.9i-Cu+.~Qo.o Proposed: ~~-_.. Intended use antl/or reason for rezoning: E<+.G+6CeiA< Ac'P6YORMU/L~f. RF JFG I/N PL/WiJ bUJA16Je :JT H72 PAAl/ -S/ft 3A .t/d PM E/ XbS->I-. ~N k- z. Y u u.c< ~ ./_S P_~si'c~F`-i ~ ~ eon nN ~ r.~i = ao - __^.-rac. e„v ~ s~mANV. A map is reouireE m a mpany this application! Proof of ownership Yor parcel(s) must be availahle if Borough tax roles do not indicate applicant's name. The APPLICATION and MAP )indicating the specific areal must be submitted together, with a FEE of $250.00 (payable to the Clty of Seward) ro the Community pevelopment Office. Signatures of 51 % of property owners involved in the rezoned area. $IGNATNFE AppPESS Ileoap ~[ U.-~i~+.,. ~~4u.S '`f/.$ .IBIS d1 Uc 3 lei ~ 3' A7rA eHEb PcEA3E ryd' A3 6v/cT Swe vgy HAP M/rA gc arty o= 9ax+aee 13 o PaH B/E!/t F/S r~E G[grJ z~o,.+iN4 FIFTH AVE. N 13 Q m '. 6dj '' S,TN 3 /A V . e® ® .©. ,~i ® eQ ~( (d ®. a®. a® 29 ' , I RI llf K t] AI I FV - -_ ~ UHDSEY REPLATN0.3 yy ~ ' 5 ~ y ~ Q'El 9~~ o~ ~~ fie' ~~ +~ ~ ll ~ lJ J , W 2 m w 8K ILLi 148 W SIXTH AVE. ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF SEWARp SW0000001 SEINARD ORIGINAL TOWNSITE LINDSEY REF'LAT NUMBER3 SW200100~ ''--- ~~~:e ~~~ to I i r ~I I '_~ W W Q ti 80" t£GENO FounC RB h /% fpp, LS]569 5895971'" W 99.75' " 20 I~ -' Lot 29 ~ „ Block 17 W ~ -__-_- _ h ~ _-_ Ir N I .a m 4 u Lot 28- v Qa ~ HOUSE _ on lG. Pwf'on N 31 / Buatling m r -- LOt= 27 . es . AIIYR.¢w [ow o., .~ - _ - ~~ z _ - _ I,e - -- - =~~ ~~ vroo8 r-- _ I ~ N8959 Sl E 99.79 ~' I U I 26 ~ ~ ~ i Q i - _^ O - ..~ i vii N N ~ p~ i6 is '7 N 0 n Cl fl Basis o/ Henning Plat 2oo5-%S N89'S995"W 279 80" . -_ . ~ --- i .a axrxrcAncw oA>E rx svR~n oe/ro/zoo] mo- .e,.y.m a[~w6'/f a m..ma wm Rcmxn lxn. weNls A.4fS nmW4s b mwtµge kanlM wrwp %vt Numer 1, Sewall RevwObg Oislrtc! e d Me Wle P/vf Nm LWYyS Se MO RttaNin9 Oislie( d ~ihtl b wyyp Y mpmvnm l It bn mf [meeAh o 0oun0aY ewKN ud i AS-9UILr SURVEY mdct m mY fla[arcsies Maf o ah9ryuml /S' ZJ-Z9, gLCLY[ ]J o em.my r mar mw:e. n mme ool x .gwnaB raxr4.vrE mN uae /e mbUM my /nre; sllu[Mez u wiM.» Secfinn 10, i15, R1W, SM, Ak m : o a mm.~.,m Any e>m~xnfs ~t~,s e++bs aremn ed som m m u..e ao.emr, CLINE&ASSOClA7E5 mem n..o, ~ mf fltlN0.J n mfl ~n P.a s scwnao. n 64 ~ u 30 60 4[ rYELO B00K 0>P0 OA2W//I/01 G4APMC SCALE ONG-OJ-44A SLALF' I ~m ~$ Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Statement MeewyS Dace: Apol 1, 2008 To: Plmnivg and 9rming Commission ' 'lhmogh.~ Cnmmmity Devalapmmt Direcmr Bob Hicka Prmm: Azecufiva Liaison Avne Halley a~~'~ Agmda Item: Discuss the Seward Bear Creek Fland Servim Area Flood Mitigation Plan The Seward Aear Creek Flout Service Arcadomd cmated a SBCFSA FIOMHamrd Midgaion Plm thaz was odgirWly published W JWy 2005. The Flood Mitigation Plm haz bcen revised and a November 200] revised copy Lsa been provided for review. The Platming and Zoning Commission reviewed the Flood Mitigation Plan in early 200]. A few changes have bcen made to the plan since the Commission's last review. According to the Flmd Service Roard, the only charySes made were an expansion ofNe Nazionel Fload Insurance Pmgtam m ivolude one repetitiveloss propertyon OlearCrcckavd afewelericW ohmguw. ThaRasoludm and Memmandum tliaz Ne Fluud Boartl will pmaem to Council ere ettachM for yom evWuariov. ThercvisedaM updated Flood Hurd Mitigazion PlmlusbeenappmvW by the SewaW/Hcar Crock Flood Service Area Rnerd, hac bem adopted by [he Kenai PeviosWa Borough Assembly end has been approved by FP.MA, Region X and We Slam of Alaska Homclmd Security Deportment On April Iq 2008, City Council Resolwion 2008-XX approving and adopting the SACFSA Flnnd Huard Mitigation Plm wtll ba prosmtod to City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Review and discuv Ne SBCFSA }loud f1a~N Mitigation Plen. 16 Pagn 1 pf 1 Anne Bailey Fram: Chdstina Stauffer lsbcfsa~arclic.netl Sent: Tueadey, MarcM1 262008 tfid8 AM To: Anne Bailey Subject: RE Flootl Midgabon Plan ImportOnce: High Ann¢, I believe Ibe only cbengea matle were an expansion of tM section on the National Flootl Insurance Program to incNtle one repefllNe loss properly on Qear Ceek. Bom¢ editing entl wrrealing was Eone but Ibs teat of lM1a plan is IM1e same. Oo you neetl a wpY of the Rewlullon 3ntl Memo Ihel will ba going with Il to Pe City Council? O'hb4no Stauffer Atlminisaative Assistant Sewartl/Beer Creek Flootl SerNce Area Po epx fss9 SewaN, AK g66a6 lag>,zz4aa4o (90])22451 W -FP% w~rx.x~wardbearcreKgoo From: Anne Padry[mail[o:abailey@ciryofsewartl.ne[] SeM: MOntlay, Martll 29, 2008 2:58 pM To: UStlna StduFer (sMSa(~arcOCneq Subject: Flootl Mitigation Plan Good afternoon, Cdstina! Tfte FIOM Hazard Mitigation Plan is on me April f, 2008 P 8 2 Agentla for Elscusslon. COUId you email me Na Uanges rftat were metle from rM1ie plan entl 0e plan P 8 Z reviewetl in eatly 20W? I would Ilke ro incoRorare Ne cbaages vt the P&Z egentle 5slemenl If you have any puestions please call me a122d-0g85. TM1ank you for your lime. Arms Bmlry atyo~ex6 re. px aa[ee,ne commrsewm wLL lm:lmTy)~s¢s f1 325/200R cITV of sewARn, ALASKA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COliNCH, OF THE CITY OF SE WARD, ALASKA TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE SEWARD/BEAR CREEK FLOOD SERVICE AREA FLOOD BAZARD MITIGATION PLAN WHEREAS, tha gewarJ/BCm Cmcktlood Service Area (SHCPSA) was established iv 2UU3 to help manage and reduce risks and imps ss msocialed wiN flooding in the Seward area; and WBEREAS, Ne SewarvFBmr Creek Plood Service Area bowdary included the City of 9ewaN; and WBEREAS, the mission of the SHCPSA is to provide hood plarmivS. Pmtmtiav vnd mitigarion smvices w wuNurafion with the appropriate aKenciea [o reduce the risk of ^ood damaKe to pmam and public property through addrucsing issues that bat rotled a fah use of the tax levy kr watmshed-wide benefit; and WBEREAS, dre SewarNHear Creek Flnnd Service Area has revisal and expended the scope aftheir 2005 Plood HazW Miligation Plan m meet FEMA smndarda by enema of a FEMA Plamdng Ormt; and WHEREAS, [he revises and update) SHCPSA Flood Hazad Mitigation Plvn has been approved by the Seward/dear ('reek fiend Service Area eomd; and WHEREAS, the revised and updated 58CFSA Flood Hurd Mitigainn Plm has been adopted by nc~ Kcnei Yrninsula Borough Assembly at their meetivg of 3/11/08; and WHEREAS, We SHCPSA Flood Hazard MifiKa[ion Plan ha hem approved by FEMA, Acgion X and the Smre of Alacka Homeland Secm;ty Depamnent; and WHEREAS, du:58CFSA Flood Hazed Mitigation Plm compliments and augments Armex A In the City of Sewmd's All Hazard Plan wnwminK hood mitigatiov planning; and WHEREAS, the 58CFSA Flood hazard MifiKadon Plan contains m extensive inventory afwaterways afwnam and spocific inflastruchm and development that is thceaterud durin6 Flood evearts; and WHEREAS, No mitigation mcasuree identified throughent the 58CFSA hood HaxaN Miligation Plan mIl for ceordination betwam Local, state mid Ialeml agencies to oddress flood issues and avoid dupliwlion of effort; 18 NOW, TdEREFORE BE IT RFbOLVED BY TBE SEWARD CITY CODNCB.: SECTION t. IDe Seward/Bear Creck FIooJ Service Meer PIOOA Hazard Mi~iKation Plmt dated November 200], ie hceoby approved by the Seward Ciry cnuncit. SECTION 1. Lhal Nix rewlurion takes effect uvmvJiately upon is adnp[ioa. 19 Kenai Peninsula Ro¢mgh Service Area Sewazd/Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board m~„ass ~w :ems Memorandum TO: Mayor Clarke Gorbridge avd 6eward Cay Coneca FROM: sr.rara/rear cr«ek nova s.r.;ra Area DATE: to Marck zoaa RE: c:ry nrsr.rara araamaea spprar:ag mr zoo7 Seavard/eevr Creek flood Ber.+ce Area (SBCPSA) Flood Hvrvrd M:r:gaavv Pkm 'l La Scwxnl/Rrxr Creek nnnd Service Area was crcmed in October 2003 as a result of a hallo[ measure cased on by voters both imide and outride the City of ~ nnl. Ls smnxl into provide flood plan ing, pmkziiunanrl mirigat ~..r ovrdimtion wiW,tlm nppnspri eagen reducethe risk o[flood dwnnge to private and public property through dressing issues that best reflect a laic use of thn Ivx-lery fur wntershed-wide benefit. bt order ro first nddrcss the plnnnivg pordon ofir missioq the 56CFSA appoinmal anal elected volunaer boavi mcmbon vonldbuvxl hundreds n(hnnrs m nream. the. original 5eward/Rcar Creek Flnnd Hmard Midgation Plan which was published iv 2005. The plan idemified Bood hnznrds, iwevtoried watersheds and planned mitigation for the evtire service area. In 1UOfi, the 5BCl5A wrva nwmelyd a Planning Grxm from PP.MA ro update its flood HannrJ Mitigation Plan m meen n?MA approval requiremevtr. nlthough Mod hazard plamivg is covered iv both the Kenai Peruvsula borough All Haznrd Plnn and the Ctity of Beward All H:wanl Plxn, FFlMA rewgniaei Aoq doe m the aigr~i6v.m O.xrd hinmy of the Seward area, a comprchmsive ovunll pion covering hood hvmd mitigadov for the service area was needed. B:umd nn the. original 56CFSA Flood I{azard Mitigation flan published in 2005 and buildivg on the dry and borough All Hazard Plans, the 56CFSA ban nlxlamd and nsidernbly rxpwuhxl d¢ir oripnnnl (land hazard plan. hours and hours of teuarch, d.u mlleamn and consultation with former and current sate floodplain mamgm 20 ewhaal in the revised plan. The. foal plan has been approved 6y FF.At1 and adopced be the Bengt Pnntna,:Ix Bomngh anheir Assembly Mmtiuy of Marsh 11, 200R. Tlm aaa~red raolueon would approve and adope fie plan as nyuircd by the perms oltl~e FEb1A Planning Gram. Your ume and mnsduraiiun are appre cored. Ciry oj5ex'md Almin Ylmrnln8 Cmnmiviae Mi~mu Fdvuwy lQ 3008 Vdume 6. Page 23 fi Cell m Order The t'ebruary 19, 2008 Ro-Schdvled Meeting of the SewaN Plarming & Zooing Conurdsvou was rolled m order at ]:20 p.m. by Chair Mariamm Kiel. Upevivg Ceremony Commissioner Avdcrson led the Pledge of Allegiance ro Ure flag. Roll Call There were presrnu Mariavne Kiel Prealding, and KevW Clark gue McClure Mmgaret Anderson comprivng a quorum vfthe Covmdxsion; and Bob Hicks, Comtvwity Development Direcmr Duwa Glcuz, Planning Assisimt Arnie Railey, F.xxutive Liaison Absent was: Sandie Roaoh' City AdminutraROn Report CommvnNy Development D'veelor Bob Hfek rspdateA the Commission of We following business items: An individual exprexsed interne[ W building n yon in Forest Acros. Hicks amend Were wos nppositiov to a yon but nothWg PreventM it if We builWnK rode waa mtt. He slated arcoNWg IP Title IS Wme was no»hivg m We Cude dent would prevevt sommve from bwldivK a yon like atrurture. He asked if P & Z wetted to gm involved in the marten of aestbetios regulations in lend uu here W Seward and S Wry were interested Wey coWd discuee Wis az a went session Other ReposM, Avoouvicemeob & Preamtedov» -None. Citizens' Commenm on any subject except thoee items scheduled for Public Hearing- JoNnd Luther, 20113 Ia Touaha Gtirule, repmsevad We Spdng Creek Camctioral Ccntcr and estod for m extension of the Conditional Use Permi[ since 1ha avgiveer pmvs for the 20 man minimmn facility had not hen provided w We depmmimt. Ile asked for We Commisxions aUppnrt. 22 C'iry ISewarJ, A(mb P(axiq¢COmmivnnn Mnruiev Frhmmy /9 2008 Yaiume 6, Pope 237 Approval of Agnda avd Coesnt Agenda - MnHOn (C'Iark/MCClvre) Approve the Agenda antl the Conant Agenda By general cameesva, Discursive of the Lmd I&c Map vemm the Zoning map was WJmI to the Agnda as New Bmieess Item C. Modov Poeeed tie Amended Uvaeimom Comem The fnliowing Items were aDProved under the Coeeevt Agenda: December d, 200] Ro-Scheduled Meeting Minotm Unfmvhed eusivms Items requvieg n Public Anrieg- Nvee New Business thine requiring a Public Haring RESOLUTION 200A-01 RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDING THE LAND USE PLAN ANO RF.ZANINC OF LOTB Z0, Zl AND 22, CLEARVIEW SUBDMSION NUMBER 6 FROM TWO FAMH.Y RESIDENTIAL (RY) TO AUTO COMMERCIAL (AC) Hicks reviewed Remlutinn 2008-01 and [he raiuesl to change lore from l'wo Family Residnriai m Aum Commercial. He discuaud whaz wa on the mNng and Ivnd use maPa avd stated levers of opposition were preseeted yr tM packet end as lay downs. He smted fie Flemric llepaHmen[ fowl the current electrical systems wedeyume avd there was opposition firm the Public Worke Uepm[mevt. In response to Keil, Hicks npielned in detail She cancer meting map as what cunwlly existed and ilre land use map as the vision of the comprehensive Dlav. He gave the Cowvission examples of wlmt properties may be coned in the future. Notice of public hevrivg being peered and published m required M Isw was noted avd the public hearing was opened. Davitl Hivgelaad, 11615 Bayvicw Plapr, spoke in opposition to Oro wrwtg change. Ile was erred shout the impact of traffic on Phoenix Roed and the laud nscs allowed oq Aum Commercial property. Susan Ernst, 201 MamWvv Drive, spoke in opposition m the inning change. She discussed the ivvcatmn[a made in the neighborhood, her oppositan against the encroachment of AuW CommerciN inN [he residential arras and the veighburhoal quality ol'lil'e. 23 C'/N I-Sewur$ ALUM Plonninx C'ommlvim Mhvrtm FeEruory IY.2W8 VrJvme b, Page 238 Steve Leirer, 3fi60 Youvg Sheet Mchoregq AK 99508, spoke N favor of the rezove as the apphcavt. He Ilsled the reason We property shodd ba mzoged, stated CDiI was ivmmnled m purchavvg the prnperry and he addressed some of the citizen's coMems. N reepnnu tc Keil, Ixircr disuvssed whaz lots wen sold end his desirem razove the area Kenni pjords Tours Dirator of Marina Opeahons Dm McOnndd, 1902 Rnavrrect(on Boulevard, discussed how Kenai Fjords Tours woWd use Ne property as a parkiv6 area end how they umsidered the impact ofthe suvowdwg arw. N¢ ave else requnled [o be hnrd and the public hcaring wm elosal. Motion (CbrWAntlermn) Approve Reaoludov S00&di Keil expressW her concern Uaz Aum Comrtu rtiW had sv many potential uses [he[ were WIOWed nlmlghl and draen89~ Glfldlh¢¢W VSC pCInY[9 he req¢Ired Ipr ones fha[ ntny nO[ IA° contlucive nearrosidevtial neighborhoods. Clads referred m page I7 of We packtt end disYUSSed dm utility earertreni and suggeftcd vacalivg the IM lines m crealo ovc lot. in respovse w Anderson, Keil stated thu You caild mrt put a condition on du rezmring. Keil took rote of Carol Griswold's comrvevLx and ammd [hat a pakwg Wt was allowed outright w auto corvmemial. She continuedm discuss hood issues. W response 5¢ Andersuq Keil etnmd time dre horse corral was eurren0y zonal Resource MavagemeM and the Lord Uec Map had it as Aum Cormnwciel. Andersov sealed there was ¢ ratmal line for dre proposed Anto Curvmercial caning. The Caewuaian suspended ebe rvhn to albw ibe• public m apuk. N response m Andersov, Leirer sN[ed maz plans had vof bcen made fm the horse wrrW area bot i[rovld be curl as auto romnerdvl, apwk or anoWOr vx. The Corvmissiov fudher dixvssd Ne resone. Clark propoxtl a mntMv m postpone, but <hv motbv died due [o lack of • second. ht response m Keil, HiWce armed thaz dm applicant could apply fm a replat vacatin6 Ne inrerior lotlines. Glerr< clazified [hat a vacation woWd be requirM before a ww¢creial shucnae coWd be bWlt over m i¢mrim lot hue. 24 c,ny~m4 ua<m rimmiaa commivsio~ M~w.~. PeMUmy 19, SW8 Yalume 6i Page 239 the Comrvission con5vued diuussing Ne issue of reaming. Motion Paued Ya: Avdersoq Clark, Mdlure No: Kell RESOLIITION 3008-03 GRANTING A CONUITIUNAL USE PERMIT TU KENAI FJORDS LODGINQ LLC., DBA AB THE HOTEL BEWARU 'pU OPERATE A URIIVKING ESTABLISHMENT/LOUNCE WITHIN THE HOTEL SEWARD AT 21] FIFTH AVENUE, LOT 12A, BLf1CR 9, ORIGINAL TOWNSFTE OF SEWARD, IN THE CENTRAL BllSINESS DISTRICT Hicks Hated that a IovngeldriNdn6 eslablishruent wu allowed iu the Cmual Ruinese DisWM with a Conditional Ilse Pennlt. He reposed on We status of the liquor licene, nn lenem of opposition were nceived and etaO recommended greening the Conditoval Uu Permit. N rosponsc to Avdersou, Hicks clarified Waz the (,bnaNssion would wrisidm dm oec of Ne hotel not the liquor license. Nofia of Dublic hearing being poehd avd publlehetl as required by law was noted aetl [he puhlie hearing wax opened. Mary Ku4tad, 221 5m Avenue, thavked Pivudng ud Zovivg and Glevz. She stated that the liyuur liumu would be N starred and ii wu approved by the liyuor brurd ud they postponed tlra bar opcvivg bccauu they had not had ihvc ro get the peewits. She cxplaWed dse layout of dw ben. Susan F.net, 201 Marathon (hive, stated she operMM o Business next b [he Hmel Seward end felt it was an appropriate venue for this and hod nn opposition to the hw. Na one ales nqueetW to be bard and the public herring wu closed. Motion (Clark /MCClure) Approve Reaolutiuu 2008-03 Clark disclosM that fie nwmed end stayed in the huiiding behind the Henel Seward and hod m. nn7earims at mis rime. MoBOn Peexcd Ilnaninoun Unfinished Huainan-None New Bvxlnux- 25 City nj.CewuM, A(mko I'(armlag COmmtrai„n Mimeev £eMUary /9, 200A VolumeQ Pogo 240 RESOLIiTION E110A-02 GRANTING AN EXTENSION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2nhl-04 ISSUED TU SYRLNC CREEK CORRECTIONAL CENTER (SCCC) TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE AN ADDITIONAL E0. BED MINIX111M SECURITY HOUSLNG UMT ON THE CURRENT SCCC MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON SITE, WITHIN THE LNSTITUTIONAL ZONING DISTRICT Hicks explained that a Co¢ditiunal Use Yennit Wpsed after six mo¢NS if a buildivK pcamit had nM Men procsued or Ne Wbwed nee had nM Men initiated. He sated due w some techrdcW difficWties in the prvass Spdvg Creek CornctivnW Crnmr had asked for ms eztrnsinn. in respoase w Kell, Flicks cladFled NW this was for the 246ed honeinK unit. Morinv (Avdersun /Ciarki Approve Reaoiudo¢ Eg08-112 Kcil eared [he Commission hml ahcaWy grouted the cmditin~ml use perrvit and hoped the sm[c would move f rward with tlds. The Commission svspevded the rWea w allow Me public to epeah. in sespovm to Clmk, father natal dmt tiffs was for the 20.Md minimum facihry; which was uymalelkom the 140 mMimn secwitY facility. In respimu m A¢derron, Luther stmed thW Spring Creek ¢eedal w get engineered plans forthe project and a building pcmdt by June. Mndnn Pmeed Unanimous Lvvd Use Map Vemus Zoning Map Divcroswv The Cnmmissio¢ discussed Ne diderence behveen the Land Use Map and Ne ZoWng Mep. InformaHvvW Itema- On !be River. A Guide m Owning ottd Managing Welerjrone Property on the Renoi PeninsuO presented by Me Kenai River ttvler and the Kenai Weterehed Famm Commiseinv Commenlf - In meponse to Anderson [licks sated Nat one Planning and ZomvK (:otmWssiover application hod heen submittal. Clmk discussed the APOC firm and mid he was not surv he would fill i[ pal. He s7atal that March may M his lest meeting unless Cowx;il coWd op[ Seward oW of the APOC cequiremenl. 26 c'ay o)SOwmd e/arw vte,,,,r„gnon„~,vnw~nvnarc, Febrwvy I9, }MM VWume 6. Page 241 McClure coucumd with Clmk. She stated people should not be exposed as voluntccm and asked staffm look wto this. Thn Commirsiun discused tha APOC Cams w gem derail. Citizens' Comments - Iolundlather, 2003 is Touche Circle, stated the Hisroric Preservmion Commission had discussed a hismric district. He asked if the two Commissions would like m have a joint work sessmn to discuss the historic disaict. Commievioov and Admioutntion Rmpouve to Citizeae' CommeaA-Hone TM C'ommisvon discussed the lilmaric dienict oral were w favor of havw6 n jowl work eeesson wiN Ne H191ntIC Preservation Commission. Adjournment Mcedvy edjumaed m 8:44P~m. Arms Bailey= Marimmn Keil Exavticeliaisnn Cha'v (City Seel) 9 an Is.,~oe nra,xa rlm"my a~mmn,m~ comae, Marco v, iWg volume s. rage z 3 fi Call m Order The March 4, 2008 Regulm Meeting of Ne Sewmd Plmvung C< Lowv6 Commission wn tilled to oNm at 93G p-m. by Chair MmiaMa Kiel Opevivg Ceremony Commiasionm Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll CaB lhcm were present: MariavM Kiel Pmsiding, and Kevin Clazk Sue MCClstre Marga<c[AVdmeon Sandie Roach' Steven Heinrich comprisin6 a gwmm ofthe Commission. vml Dob IGcks, CormnuWty llevdopment Diremm AMC 88118ys t'xecutlVe f.la16o0 Abaenl wee: City AdminietnHOO Report Gommuolty Development Diredoq Bob BicRS updated the Commission of the following business items: • Two building code violarioos had owuned. Hicks anted oM resulted in a smp wmk order and the othm was pmdW1Y wrvpleted wvatmcfien Md the Party vnlunmrilY ~PPad w 80 through the wrncl process. He stated the City planned M pumuing these issues more vs'utently. • A project manager fm tM ]ank TeM Care Facility was interviewed and the City had made an off .Hicks scored the project mamgm may emrt on Mach 11, 2008, which was the lent day foe tha proposals to come vr. He wnbnsred chat m the Mmoh 24, 2008 Councl mecOng the Cily wavtW m 6d Council eppmval of a contract with a contmmor. In response to Keil, Hides state] tha whole project must be completed before acwpants can In punxe m Avdcrsom Hicks scored the City did this as a reyueat for propoeW was so they wWd evaluate the commemrx. 28 an Isewore, nlmxa Pm.~ny ea,w;,:mu Mmuee: MwM I, SOOF Vyume b. Page 23'I • The Maroh 18, 2008 Work Session had bem re-uheduled a o Special Meerivg to diacuxx a publichnaring item. • The Cleek's Otfice wntryingto schedule lheP&Zjolnt workscseiov with Council. • Set a work session on April I5, 2008 m discuss l Itie 15. Orher Reparm, Annnuneementa & Preaeatadona -Nona Citizens' Commenm on voy evbjeet neap[ Mo¢ items echetlnlM for Pabec Htlring-NOUe Approval v(Agevtla avd Convent Agenda- Modov (Antlereov/McGYure) Approvn the Agenda avd the Canaent Agenda By geverd consensus, Diecumiov of the RegvirM AtlmlvletnBOe Public OlBeea Commisrion Repurt wax addeJ to the Agenda n New Bvainew Item C. Motion passed se Amended Unanimous Coneent llnfinlahed Auaineas ltema requlrlvg a PabAc Haring- None New Bueinna Items requiring a Pubtie Henrivg-None Ovtivhhed Anions-None New Duemne Smtiag a joint work semwn wiM the Humrie Praervadou Commieeioo [o dieeurx the Hisbric Ubtrict Roach' armed the public samed iraereamd W this avd woWd like to have evvugh rime fm public vorire. Andmsov stated xhe wuWd be gone from Mmck 13-25, 2008. The Commission ducuseed poxsible times and dates for a join wmk session with the Hislotic Preserveriov Covmilsaiou. By gen ral ca a, the joint work session with the iliatark Preservation Commusiov to diacros the hutoria dirMmwae am for Mey 2Q 2008 at 6:30 p.m. Keil sm[ed she had m[eoded the January HisWric Preservariov regWm miring and she discussed whnt might gmlify n o hlemdc district. 29 CIY ofGxmd AtuAa 19mmin8fmnmivrinnM u MarcF 4. T408 vdumo 6, Page 23B b. rosponsc m Heinrich, Kril converted That th work session was a discuuion to ze[ ap e Lismdc district and ro see if it wm feasible. Kell gave a brief overview of what dre Hinoric Proserva[iov Covvnissinn had accomplished. Clark scored the work session was per the Historic Preservation Commissions request BeleM topie for March 18, 3UD8 Work 8mainn Keil cls~ed a apecid mewing for a public hemiv6 item on March 18, 2008 had been set. N response to Mdessam Hicks slated the Council waWd wwider the P ffi Z end City Council Joint Work Sasiw at the March 10, 2000. Council Mewing aM pmpoee dotes m the Planing Commission. Dfecumlav of the Required Admiviatredoo Poblic OfLcm Commieaioe (APOC) Report Anderson wmmented on the MIX: requhcmevts and whaz was requ'ved tale year. She salted that she had filled our the form, locoed it N, file! it and then objwted m the fidv6. She explawN her rea ning far this and that dos process discouraged people lion fdiug. Roach' enplaned whet she had done. Hicks anted Ne APOC issue was ov the Council agenda and the Cowcil could pass an oNivanec l0 pm this item on an election and exempt Seward from the CiliuBx for any city positions. Anderson natal that with all of the issues that have Wum place N Alaska they probably would not beexavpt from this. Keil ipNSjected it dependM on Low it was presented m the community and ezplaivcd information she had gazhered. The Commission wvWued m discuss [he APOC simadon N Beal detail. Keil suggested the Commissioners diswssed this wiN Council m citizens. JOtnrmadOnW Itemo- P & Z and City Council Joint Work 9waiov Keil stated the Clerk sues working on anvogiv8 thnjoint work session. Commission Commevte- McClure welwmW Roads' back sod the new Commissioner. ao C'iN a{Sen'w4 A/¢r'In Plurwny fnmmvvlan M/nutee MmuS q, dW8 Vdxme 6, Poye 239 Roocli smtcd slw was happy to be back. Anderson thanked Hewrich for serving m the Commission. Ilehvich smted it wan an honor to eervc oa the Commission. IIe diuussed his experiences wiN the Maz-Su ]trough and his approach m servwg as a Commissioner. Keil welcomed Hewrich m the Cnmmissivn erM welcomed Raeeh' back. to reepor~ee to Kcli, Hicks slatwl tlat there had bem m ivmr ce in building pemita aW the Long Terrn Core Facility building ptamil had been reviewed by m outside party end Cirv administration. Citams' Commenm-None Commusime and Administration Rapome m Citlttna' C.ommanb-None Ad)ournmeot Meetirg adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Aoneif ley. Manama Keil Exuurive Liaison Clmv (City Seal) 31 CIIy oJSmnrA, A/arku PlanninS Cnm mMinu .uwm la.:oon volume e~ rose 236 Call to Order The March 1 R, 200A Special Meeting of the Sewud Plarming & Zerdng Corumiseinn was called W order at fi:30 p.m. by Chair Mariarma Ked. Opening C'ercmony Commissioner McClue led Ne PINgc nfAdcgiawe to the flag. RoH CaH 'I here were present: ~4~ Mariamm Keil ding, avd ~a ":''? presi Sue McClure gmdie Roach' "~?y/ Steven Heirniun wmpnxing s yoomm ofthe Cormrussioq anA iMnna Cleo, Plan niiig;ASSirtant Anna Beileg Execu[wR L1a'sov Y Ahsent wu: Margaret Mderson E ed. ~„°~,.f Clty Admivirtntion Report elannmg nrxutant Boma claor nvaatcd me coraainn nftne r dnw;ng nndneaa acme: Bnn Rr~6~w q~,u, a aleoz wnald as ax xlalc alma mwanp~euw ana wnl~nmea emnmisa;nner lmm„cn k6viv Clark had {gned Gom the Commisson levying two Planning and Inning • The P'~Z erW Ceuv~{Toint Work Bessiun Ie review We pnoririw would be Held et G:00 p.m. N ~~pil Cnaml~es on March 25, 2008. • The SNIe otr~l kalJepartmevt of'Itanspormtiov avd Public AacOirias would hold a public meetivp}ps""Legend's on Mamh 2Q 2008 al 6:30 pm. [o diewes plamcd improvements grid potential envirvmnenWl impaGe at the Srnud lvrport. Thc Sewud Historic Preservation Commission would nos[ the Grit ronewal of the "Fireside Chats" nn Friday, March 28, 2008 at 0:00 p.m. at Legend's. • Llty Olliws would be closed Much 31, 2008 inobservance of Seward's Day. • A Work Sessiov ro discuss the prvpueW lowrdrouec project an Railway Avenue and Ballaine Hlvd. was schaluled at G:30 p.m. before We April 1, 200R P & Z regular meeting at We reyucst of the boild¢. 32 CITY e~SrmwMi Aluka PWnnMB Gmmluion ~mtwv Marti [$ 2006' po]ume 5. Puye 23J W respense w Kei4 Glenz stated that the City was still in the pmwes ol'mviewing the RFP's for Me Long Tam Care Pecdityernd Ne intbemalion should he available soon. In funha respunsn w KeJ, Glen sfatai that the project would begiv en soon as the weather pamined and the building permit had M1ren eewrcd. N further response to Keil. Gla¢ smtM thot staff would pcovide the Commission wiN the North Purest Acres levee mating ivfomrafion. Other Reporb, Annouocemenb&PreaevtaMOns-Nova. Citiaeua' Commevrs on any auhjeG excnptthvse items mh@~vo'IM~fur ~ubtic Hearo.g-Vona Approval of Agnda and Consent Agenda- ~~`'~ (... MoBOn (McGmelHeiurieh) Apprvve We Agenda an`e"'-"me Comevt Agevda Motlov Paased Onenimaus Covaevt Unfinished Buso.esa lte quirivga PUblii ~~ar~ug-None New Rvsiueea llemr royuirmga PUMieH armR ~k"i>xd',{-- xns y NESOLUTION 30RS-04 GRANTING A°CO~'HI'IIONAL URE PERMIT TO TIIE EISHAN CROUP, Wq, DBA HOTEL F.DGEWATER TO OPERATE A LO[RYGElRRINIW!(: ERTABLISHMENT WITHIN THE HOTEL EDGEWA'~ER AT 2hR £IEIH AVENDE, LOT 21 A, RLOCK g, ORIGHI-AL TOWNSITE OESEWARD, IN ItlE CENTRAL DHSINESS DISflHCT GIe~InotN shot a cletiEal mor was mode iv the agenda aWtemrnt reading Hotel Seward mther than "tM1e Hotel Edge~ala. Glenz reviewed Kaoludov 2008-04 avd smt~ that a luun~!ddvkiagegfghGShmaiT$ras allowe3 in the Central Buahmas Dlslricl by n Conditional Use Pamit. She stated' had~t recdvcd any public comment, Me hotel maraager Ariel Sevens was in Ne audience rodf!aper questiorvs wrd staDrecovnnmd~ vpproW ofRCSOlulion 2000-04. 1r ID ecaponso w ~faimieb, Cimv. et¢ted Council dealt with the State liquor license, it was ever been bmuglrt ro Ihn City'a attention that the Ivory Cuva existed and the new owners Dame befara P & Z to hnngthccetabliahmem m mmplionee. Keil clarified the ivory Cove had ml been m existence very long. N rcapo~uc to Heinrich, Sievertt eteted dse baz was inside the hotel mtd was primarily en vmenity frr the gueata 33 City ftwuN, AlmM PlarrmnS COmmivninn Minumv Marti [$1008 Volumo 6, Pnge 238 Nonce of pubnc hearng being posted end puhilehetl ns requred by law was voted avd the pubnc hearing was openetl. No ova requesictl M he hevrtl and the public hemivg was dosed. Monon (Heinsich/McClur:) Approve Aeeoimiov 3U0g-04 Heisviph slatcd he was pleased this was brought befrre the Commi.cxinn and it should have bccv complemd whess Ne hotel wee purcbasei N respovee m Keil, 9iavMx stntM fie her was open fiom 2:00.10:00 p.m. and may change from i:00-11:00 p.m. Roach' nakd that the voise issun wns nddrassey~.Fr ~ , iv ponse to ReadP, Glmz slatcd Nat diS W~ cWef~ not wsmnented on the ieane. ~ .,,,. Monon Pnssed ~ 'rbtilvimous UnBwehed Business-None ~~~^ New Ruxlncu-Vane Informanavil Items avd Repoi3q,Mo action required) -None Cammissiov Cammentd~.. (( McCloremeun edt~tb'of [gguhing new COmmicvonm Retch' mncurted with McC(q[{. Kdi smtN she was sad Comviissionm Olmk msigped and it was hard to rcv[gil new members. N rcaponsc m Kszl, Glwiz statsW Clark would be recogWz 1 at a enweil mee0ng for Ius hi further response to Aeil, Glenz sorted Ne joint wady session wiN council woWd discuss the P & Z priority list and staff woWd provide Ne Commissioner wiN a wpy of the Priority Lixt to prepare. Citlzena' Camvsevts-None CUmmiaeiom and Adminietrnnon Response [o Cifizena' Comments -None 34 Ciryif Sewarl 9lnrkn Planning (ammuelun Mirvuter MarcA18, 3008 Vo(ume6P •e239 Adjournment Mening vljomned at 6:G9 ~.m. AMe Bailey, Mariavne Koil Exmmive i.iaison Chxir ~. (ciryscaq 35 Memorandum Date: ApA 1,2008 to: Plwning wd Zoning Commission Through: Poh Ffic6s, Community Develnpmrnt Dvecbr Omni: Arnie Railey, LXmu6va Liaison p~q°'~1 Subject: 2008-2009 P & Z Priority List Notcs City Cowcil end the Plvrming and Zoning Conrmiseion held a joint Work Session nn March 25, 2008 b discuss dre 2008-2009 Plamdryt ao<t Zoning Priority Lin. Both buries discnssN thn states eJ items nn Ne 20% list and added items that Ney would like wruidcred in 2008. AttachW are Nc notes from the Work Session and the 2008 Planning ffi Zoning Priority Gsl. Sniff recommends Ne Commission Oriontire Ne list. The revisions end updates wtll be ncnrpomtW in a HcsoWion for Commission review and epprmal at the May B, 2W8 medrvg. 36 2008 Plaunine & Zonins Priority List PRIORITIES 1. Recmitment tort&Z 2. MuWWpal Lords Management Plm (IYYS)- Update in oonjvmction wiW We Capiml Impmvcment Clan and the City Iand Diapoml PoliWra and Procednrc.- Rnviewandllpdam 3. Rewrim ofTitle 15- Brivg it up m dam, clarity, ellmvietclncoasuteveias . alnos-wswlr~z A second WS will he schedalcl rublic hearing et P & Z IcvW Final copy will be presenlerl a Cow l at the end ofAUgust Things to conaidor: - lempmrazy smucmres (eomex's); polifieW signs: AC and MS Wlnwed by CundilioaW Ilse Permit; Parking (oorwvc~ciaVresidenfiW); -nilding Codes/Fire Codes; Tideland ZoWng) d. Plac" 9COmmission RWes of Procedures-Ucvelop 5. Nash Road-encfi Gordy 6. &d'orcemmt- indu<ive of Ne followivg but not exclusive of nthtt enforcement iesucs Code VioFerions and Cnndifronal Use Pumas (Adequate SmRmg) Ezwptions m grandfather provieiovs include in Rewrite Numbers on hou: slunk cars What do you want evforced and who wfrweit? 7. Avnval('q{n[nUWIy Values Meeting_Fcbxuarl 2009 8. Plowl Mavagement• (pleased the City is worklvg closely with the Flood Ronrd) 9. Iwo Lakev Park Replet Ip. Wamrfront Pwk RCplal I I. Wind Turbiras- wclude m Title I5; whaz is the impact ®d what sboWd wn allow; Wluw by Conditinwl Cse 12. Meet with PACAR to dieemss: -South Harbor Oplavds- loim Work Session wiN P & Z and PACAR m discose Mie father 31 -City (htmM LarW- look at map and how W approach the issue -Pussibtlity ol'NUCIear Yawer-this is 6owg before PACAB end it mey Fe a gnM idea to schedule a P & Z/PACAA work session m discuss this issm further FOLLOW PROGRESS MADE BY OTHER ENTITIES AARC Master Plaa Airport Master Plm Parks and Reueation Master Plm (1993) Memorandum Data: April 1, 2008 To: Plasmivg and Zoning Commission Through: Rob Hioks, Cornmuviry Dcvclopmcm llvcGOr Fmm: Anvc Bailey, Executive Liaixuv Subjeta: Special Meetivg Notiw for Apnl 15, 2008 A Special Meefing has hem uheduled for April I5, 2008 m 9:30 p.m. m discuea Iluee Public Hearing items. This specie! meeting will follow the P & 7 "Title IS" Work Aession at 630 p.m.