HomeMy WebLinkAbout08252008 City Council MinutesCity of Seward, Alaska August 25, 2008 City Council Minutes Volume 37 Page 621 CALL TO ORDER The August 25, 2008 regular meeting of the Seward City Council was called. to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Clark Corbridge. OPENING CEREMONY Police Lieutenant Louis Tiner led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL There were present: Clark Corbridge presiding and Willard Dunham Tom Smith Betsy Kellar comprising a quorum of the Council; and Phillip Oates, City Manager Jean Lewis, City Clerk ABSENT -None Jean Bardarson Bob Valdatta Linda Amberg CITIZENS' COMMENTS ON ANY SUBJECT EXCEPT THOSE ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING Barbara Donatelli, a member of the Friends of the Jesse Lee Home, thanked the city for all their efforts on behalf of the Jesse Lee Home. She stressed they had a strong group of people identifying the best use of the facility and identifying sources of funds. Even though the resolution had to be pulled tonight, she appreciated all the work the city was doing. Mary Rider, also with friends of the Jesse Lee Home, appreciated the process and willingness of the city to take custody of the building and work with the Friends of Jesse Lee Home, to find the best use of the building. This group was working with the school district to integrate programs to make the school a success. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Betsy Kellar disclosed a possible conflict of interest on Resolution 2008-083, for dispatch and clerical services. She worked for the Alaska Court System. Mayor Corbridge ruled no conflict existed. Motion (Amberg/Bardarson) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous City of Seward, Alaska City Council Minutes August 25 2008 Volume 37, Page 622 Resolution 2008-84 and 2008-85 were pulled from the agenda by the Administration. The clerk read the following approved consent agenda items: The April 11, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Were Approved. Resolution 2008-083, Authorizing The City Manager To Sign An Extension Of A Special Services Contract Between The City Of Seward And The Department Of Public Safety Providing Dispatch And Clerical Services To Public Safety Employees In The Seward Area For Forty Eight Thousand And Five Hundred Dollars ($48,500.00). SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Proclamations and Awards Shannon Kovac Was Given A Gold Pan And Recognized For Excellent Leadership And Service On The Historic Preservation Commission. A Proclamation Was Read For National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month For September. A Proclamation Was Presented To The Seward Iditarod Trail Blazers For 25 Years Of Service. City Manager's Report. City Manager Phillip Oates wished to address how the City dealt with personnel matters. He stated personnel matters were confidential, and assured the city would independently investigate, examine the potential for risk and take disciplinary action. He asked the community to respect the city's obligation to maintain confidentiality. Oates had recently met with former Senator John Torgerson, the Interim Executive Director of the Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District and Brad Gilman, the city's Washington D.C. lobbyist. An economic caucus or group would be entered into with managers and others to assist with and add great value for economic development on the peninsula. Elizabeth Richardson, wife of former Mayor Bob Richardson, donated $500 to the Seward International Friendship Association. Oates reminded all to vote in the primary election tomorrow and reminded everyone of Patriots Day on September 11, 2008. Oates stated the initial clean-up of the abandoned drums on Nash Road was completed in late July, but further sampling indicated additional clean-up would be required. After citizen complaints, the harbor staff documented only two charter vessels which were running non-compliant on passenger fees and business license requirements during the derby. Oates said impounding derelict vessels was next on the list to do for the harbor area and SMIC. Of 22 letters sent, only three had made payments. City of Seward, Alaska City Council Minutes August 25, 2008 volume 37 Page 623 Chamber of Commerce Report. Laura Cloward updated that July had the highest web numbers, with over 13,000 hits and business figures were optimistic. She stated all fifty states were .... represented in the Silver Salmon Derby, along with nine foreign countries. Cloward stated derby ticket numbers were up by 150 so participation was increasing. Daily derby tickets were increasing but weekly derby tickets were decreasing. Cloward stated even though fishing was rough and less than half were turned in from the year before, $10,000 was still raised for fish restoration. She reported there would be a local enhancement program to contribute to this year. Lastly, Cloward stated September 9, 2008 was scheduled to hold Candidate's Night. Planning and Zoning Report. Marianna Keil stated they had approved a conditional use permit for a staging area and welcomed a new business to town. The September 2, 2008 meeting was cancel led, and they had work sessions on Title 15 changes and their rules of procedures coming up. Other Reports, Special Presentations A Presentation By Kevin Smith, Executive Director Of AML/JIA Was Given. Tim Barnum Gave An Update On The Generator Project. PUBLIC HEARINGS Non-Code Ordinance 2008-017. Appropriating Funds To Make Expenditures Which Could ~. Influence The Outcome Of An Election Concerning A Ballot Proposition Addressing Exemption Of City Of Seward Municipal Elected And Appointed Officials From The Requirements Of Chapter 39.50 Of The Alaska Statutes, (State Of Alaska Public Official Financial Disclosure Law) In An Amount Not To Exceed $1500. Notice of the public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Motion (Bardarson/Amberg) Enact Non-Code Ordinance 2008-017 Oates stated this allowed the city to put neutral information out to inform voters of the financial disclosure exemption issue. He recommended approval. No one appeared to address the Council and the public hearing was closed. Motion Passed Unanimous NEW BUSINESS Other New Business Items Mayor Corbridge Appointed Vice-Mayor Willard Dunham To Receive And Tabulate City Manager, City Attorney And City Clerk Evaluations By Wednesday, September 3, 2008. A Report For The Water Compliance Study Would Be Set For A Future Agenda. City ofSewarcl, Alaska City Council Minutes August 25 2008 Volume 37, Page 624 Another Work Session On The Bird Efficiency Study Was Set For Wednesday, September 3, 2008 At 7:00 P.M. Council Conducted A Discussion About The Economic Work Session Scheduled For September 23, 2008. The City Manager Was Directed To Confer With The Chamber Of Commerce And Have The Community Generate Their Concerns For A Work Session To Be Scheduled At A Later Date. Council Discussed The Draft 2009 Budget Calendar And Set Dates For The City Council Budget Work Sessions For October 28, 29, 30, November 3, 2008. Council Scheduled A Work Session At The Long Term Care Facility For A Site Visit On Monday, September 8, 2008 At 6:00 P.M. Discussion Ensued On How The City Could Participate In The Energy Assistance Rebates. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (No action required Information sheet on the generators by Tim. Barnum. COUNCIL COMMENTS Valdatta asked for a sheet that had foreign languages or community people that could speak different languages to assist with translation problems. Dunham congratulated Spring Creek Correctional Facility on being in Seward 20 years. He wanted to know the guidelines on the city's surplus sale guidelines for the public. He noted a housing slump and the school population was down. Bardarson wanted all to vote at the Primary election tomorrow. Kellar thanked the volunteers for the Lost Lake Run. She thanked Erchinger for the budget report. Kellar stated section 5.05.030 in the city code talked about unencumbered appropriations. She stated the code stated SHALL have the unencumbered balances and she wanted this provided. Erchinger and Oates stated this information on unencumbered balances was provided monthly during the 2"d meeting of the month. Mayor Corbridge invited all to join the Alaska Commemorative Coin Commission on Friday, August 29' 2008 at 1:00 p.m. at the Alaska State Fair for the official release of the quarter- dollar coin. CITIZENS' COMMENTS City of Seward, Alaska August 25, 2008 City Council Minutes Volarme 37 Page 625 Don Sutherland, stated he and Phil Kaluza would begin doing energy audits Wednesday of this week. He had received many requests. Sutherland was in the process of re-certifying and would assist with Mr. Kaluza. Sutherland would be taking the reservation for bookings at 224-5230. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS -None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m. Jea Lewis, CMC ;~ Cit}~Clerk ~C r ~G / V Clark Corbridge Mayor (City Seal)... ~~~,~~..~....l,,~~. OW ~.N •9 LFu i•pe 4A.. ~~~ ~~ 10 s a- wY ~ ~ a .~ ~ r _ ar ° ~q ~ ~~ k f a A ~ '~ i- "+ t t~!!!)rrrrr~lr~+