HomeMy WebLinkAbout02172009 Planning & Zoning MinutesCitvoj:Sex-c~rzt, Aluskra l'Chf't!G/'l= ~ ~, X009 Call to Order P/unniiag Commissinr~ dliruu~s l7dume li, Page 3 U 9 The February 17, 2009 Special Meeting of the Seward Pla~u~ing & 'honing Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Roach'. Opening Ceremuoy Commissioner Heinrich ]ed the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call "Chore were present: Sandie Roach' presiding, and Suc McChu•c Cindv Ecklw~d Sloven Heinrich Tena Morgan comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Christy Terry, Community Development Director Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Excused were: Margaret Anderson City Administration Report Christina Stauffer Community Development Director Christy Terry updated the Commission of the following business items: • The Long Tcnn Care Facility project continued with minor delays and IJNI'T's scheduled date of substantial completion remained September 24, 2009 and the final completion date was October 21, 2009. As of February 3, 2009, the amount Chat remained on the current contract including unapproved change orders was $80,000 and if additional change orders exceeded this amount administration would go beli>re Council for additional funds. • The Mill Street Vista Avenue Public f tearing would be held on February 24, 2009 in Council Chambers. • Basic zoning interpretation questions had been answered regarding flood zone designations, building permit reviews, business license and membrane structures. • Determined the Mai Property could not be used as a bunkhouse in amulti-family zoning district and the decision could he appealed by the National Parks Service. • A Port and Commerce Advisory Board work scssia~ would be held February 18, 2009 at noon to discuss the Mary Lowell Center and North Harbur Levelopment recommendations. Borough Ordinance 2009-09 was being addressed at the Borough Assembly meeting tonight. A phone lick was available at the local Borough office for participation in the meetings. She clarified what was included in the Ordinance. 309 City gJSewar~L ~1(usku P(unni~~g G~mmissinn Minutes Fehruarv I i. ?OOy Volume 6, Page 310 • Welcomed Tena Morgan and Christina Stauffer to the Commission. • She slated there were two additional lay downs for Resolution ?009-04. Thanked Margaret Anderson fir her service to the Planning and Zoning Commission Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations -None Citizens' Comments on any subject except those items scheduled for Public Hearing -None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Motion (McClure/Heinrich) Approve the Agenda and the Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous The following items were approved on the Consent Agenda: January 20, 2009 Special Meeting Minutes Unfinished Business Items requiring a Public Hearing -None New Business Items requiringa Public Ilearing- RESOLUTION 2009-02, Recommending City Council and the Kenai Peninsula Borough Approval of the Preliminary Replat of Seward Small Boat Harbor, South Harbor Addition Located Within the Harbor Commercial District "Gerry reviewed Resolution 2009-02 stating there was a plat for the new South Harbor Uplands. She reviewed the plat in great detail. In response to Ecklund, Terry stated the dotted areas on the plat denote the paved parking and she explained the easement located in the lower left to upper right. In response to Stauffer, "ferry stated the area had not heen platted and currently did not exist. She stated the area needed to be officially platted. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (McClure/Ecklund) Approve Nesolutinn 2009-02 ]n response to Ecklund, Terry stated the platted area would he designated harbor 3i0 Ci(r gJ:Sewurcl..4luska !'lunning ~'onanissior~ Mrnu~es F~ hrua~~~ l7. Z009 I%ulumr h, P~r,e 3 i 1 Commercial and Parks districts. Shc stressed that the zoning designation could come back before the Commission at a later date. In response to Heinrich, Terry confirmed the plat would have to go before Council and be lorwarded to the Borough Assembly for review. Motion Passed Unanimous RESOLUTION 2009-03, Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Captain .lack's Seafood Locker, to Operate a Commercial Seafood Processing Business on Tract A, Leirer Subdivision, Located at 1605 Lcircr Road Within the Industrial Zoning District "ferry reviewed Resolution 2009-03 stating Captain Jack's Seafood Locker currently had a business in Harbor Commercial district where they processed commercially and recreationally caught fish and this was an effort to separate the two uses. She clarified the conditions placed on this conditional use permit and stated staff supported Resolution 2009-03. In response to F,cklund, Terry defined street legal vehicles. In further response to Eckhmd. Terry stated forklifts were allowed on City streets with permission from the police chief. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as reyuircd by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Jerry Waliezer, outside city limits, thanked the Commission for their service. He thought Captain Jack's usage was appropriate for the industrial area. He slated that forklifts were nut legal vehicles and did not see them continuously on the street. Gllc 7.ernia, outside city limits, stated she owned Captain .lack's and was available for any questions. Kari Anderson, Seward Harbormaster, stated Stcvc and Ellc Zcruia run a fantastic business and the business they were proposing was needed. She spoke in favor of the business plan and hoped the Commission would do the same. Nn one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (Ecklund/McClurc) Approve Resolution 2009-03 Ecklund spoke in lavar of the business and stated she was excited this business was expanding, thought transportation of product would he closer to the facility, and would improve the safety of the business. 31 ('ilr ofSei~'nrd, Alaska hehriiurc l?. ?009 Plcuanin~ Co~nmissiovr ~1~linartes 6i~lurne h, Pn,~e 312 McClure agreed this business plan was good and well thought out. Stauffer thought this was a good idea and would reduce the congestio^ in the small boat harbor. The Commission suspended the rules to allow Elle Zernia to speak. [n response to Roach', Gernia stated she used anon-street legal insured mini truck to deliver sport tish and the Chiefs concern was that she would drive this vehicle all over. She explained the business would pick up commercial lish with a commercially licensed box van or boom truck. Motion Passed Unanimous RESOLUT[ON 2009-04, Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Blue Rose Enterprises, to Remodel and Operate aMulti-Family Structure, Adding Five (5) Additional Units, For a Total of 14, Located at 200 Washington Street (Ilistorically known as the Buick Building) Within the Central Business District Terry reviewed Resolution 2009-04 stating Rlue Rose F,nterprises currently operated a multi-family use in the Central Business Disn~ict which was grandfathered in. She continued with the additional five rooms they would need a conditional use permit. She explained some „~, misconceptions, discussed parking requirements, and reviewed the conditions for the permit. ]^ response to Heinrich. 'f'erry stated this business allowed monthly apartment rentals and wanted to increase to 14 units. Terry clarified multi-family uses were allowed in the Central Business District by Conditional Use Permit. In response to h'cklund, Terry stated the business was not operating under a Conditional Use Permit, they had parking spaces and the five parking spaces were currently on site and tive additional spaces were not needed. She clarited that currently the parking spots were not a requirement for the business. In response [o Roach'_ Christy contirmed this business had apartments and had operated commercial ventures on the first 11oor. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Bernie Gerald. outside of city limits, stated he was the director of Seavicw Community Services and were located across Isom this lacilily. He voiced his concern with adding additional units and not adding additional parking. I le requested more parking be required since people park in the SeaView lot. 312 Cite rf:Seu~ard, Alask« P/ur~nirrg Carnmis.vion .ti4im~tes Febriuny 17, ?009 6~i~Jnute 6, Page 313 In response to Ecklund, Gerald stated he had not called Community Development and or _, the Police Department about having unauthorized people parking in the SeaView lot. He confirmed the lot was posted as a private lot. In response to Roach', Gerald stated one to three unauthorized cars parked in their lot but in the swmmer it could become more crowded. He stated the streets arc open whe^ people have parked in their lot and the area was more secure than the street. Henry Prokov, inside city limits, stated he was part owner of the Buick Building. He explained the ground floor currently had one apartment. a book store and two unoccupied units and stated traffic came in and out of the area. He stated that the people in tl~c building usually parked in the lot provided or the street. [n response to Heinrich, Prokov stated the parking requirement would he met and currently they do not have to provide parking for their tenants. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (McClure/Heinrich) Approve Resolution 2009-04 McClure stated she was not concerned about the parking, Lhought the City needed apartments and housing facilities, encouraged the oversight of the parking by the owners, and thought it was a nice modification to the building. Ecklund thanked the public for submitting their concerns and stated the need 1'or housing units outweighed the parking issue. She stated the City was encouraging more green transportation and thought the business could consider putting a bike rack at their facility. Roach' stated part of the comprehensive plan asked the Commission to review mixed commercial and residential uses in the downtown area. She understood the businesses downtown were inundated with parking in the summer and she discussed RV parking. She stated she was in support ofthis Resolution. Ecklund referred to the letters referring to parking in the packet and suggested a placing a reminder on a car to not park in the lot and then have it towed. hi response to Ecklund, Terry stated if a car is illegally parked iu a private lot it would have to be privately towed. Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business -None New Business - 313 City a/~Se~rard, Alaska F'ehrnruy 1 ?, 300> Pkanning Commission Minutes Volume h. Page 312 Resolution 2009-OS Allowing an Alaska Harbor Observation Nehvurk Tower as an Unlisted Usc per Seward City Codc Section 15.10.130, in the Harbor Commercial District Terry reviewed Resolution ?009-OS stating whe^ the Alaska SeaLife Ccnter and the University of Alaska Anchorage began to work with city staff it was determined the proposed tower did not tit into the zoning Codc. She stated it was coming to the Commission as the first step to see if this would be allowed in the harbor commercial district. She provided an overview of the project and stated this project met the three criteria to allow an unlisted use in the harhor district. In response to Roach', Terry stated the tower includes anti-climb panels, navigational markers and towers are currently included on the breakwater, the tower placement was at the Harbormasters ideal location, and staff was looking at the need for a least agreement. Anderson stated the Alaska SeaLife Ccnter and the University of Alaska Anchorage had a good line of communication. She discussed her concerns for the project from a mariner's and harbormasters perspective and logistical details. Anderson discussed a wire that would extend in the water for wave measurement. navigational servihide, and guy wires. Terry interjected the building official had decided the tower would require a building pcrnut. The Commission suspended the rules to allow Randy Stauffer to speak. Randy Stauffer. inside city limits, stated he worked for the Alaska SeaLife Center as a project engineer. He explained this was the first step for the project but other permits would have to be gathered. He referred to photos of a tower built by the same company that would huild the proposed tower and stated the guy wires would be addressed in the building permit process. He mentioned this project was funded by NOAA through the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS)_ was contracted through Dr. Orson Smith of the University of Alaska, and the project would be a prototype that could be connected to the internet. to response to Gcklund, Cloward Ferren, the Principal Investigator on the AOOS grant stated they had two years of funding for the development of the prototype and there was a long term business model. He stated they envisioned this prototype would have a base of local support and if this did not expand or remain financially sustainable the project would be demobilized. In response to Roach', Ferren stated community outreach had not been done yet and had submitted as a component of the Coastal Impact Assistance program. He further discussed building a second tower in Resurrection [3ay. Fcklund stated she worked for the Alaska SeaLife Center but did not have a fiinancial interest in this project. Roach' determined Ccklund did not have a conflict in interest. ~i a Cuy gf:Seward, Alnska Planning CurnmL~~ion Alinures hihrucu_r- t 7, 200) Volume 6, Page 315 Stauffer stated she was married to Randy Stauffer who was involved in the project and to the best of her knowledge did not see this project increase his or her income. Roach' determined Stauffer did not have a conflict in interest. Motion (Ecklund/McClure) Resolution 2009-US F,cklund expressed her excitement with the project and the need for longitudinal studies. She continued the SeaLife Center had lecture series and there was climate change training on March 18-19, 2009. Stauffer said she was excited about this project and that Alaska was uniquely positioned to weigh in on climate change. Heinrich discussed the advantages of the information being available online. The Commission suspended the rules to allow Randy Stauft~cr to speak. Randy Stauffer discussed tic web cam options in greater detail. Anderson stated this project was exciting from a f larbormaster/Port t?ngineer perspective ,,,,~ and could help with future port facilities. Roach' spoke in favor of the project and the community's need to diversify. Motion Passed Unanimous Confirmation of Commission's wishes on the Flood Plain Ordinance Update Terry explained the Commission had two work sessions with the Flood Board in February and staff was directed to postpone an update to the Flood Plain Chapter until after the Borough had completed theirs. She asked the Commission to provide a confirmation of their wishes and she further discussed the pros and cons of waiting to do the City update. McClure stated she was on the Borough Task Force. The Commission discussed the options postponing updating Seward's Floodplain Ordinance until the Borough completed theirs, postponing until a certain date or continue to update Seward's h'loodplain Ordinance. Stauffer stated she would be participating in the task force meetings. Terry suggested the Commission could postpone the decision until next month. 3i5 ('iry nl~Seti~ar~d, .4la.eka Planning Commi.c~ion Minutes FehruaCy ~7, ?009 Volame ~. Page 31 6 In response to Heinrich, Terry stated during the interim period the City would regulate flood issues with the current floodplain ordinance. Motion (McClure/Stauffer) Postpone the Decision on the Flood Plain Ordinance Update Until the Next Business Meeting Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Informational Items and Reports (No action required) - KPR Ordinance 2009-09 An ordinance creating a Flood hazard district, outside the flood insurance rate map area, within the Seward-Bear Creek Flood Service Area to include the 1986, 1995, and 2006 KPB GIS mapped flood data areas. Terry stated the Borough held a meeting tonight and had a phone link to discuss this. She cxpiaincd the next meeting would be held on March 3, 2009 and she had reviewed the ordinance changes. She stated the information was available on the Borough website or they could contact her for the updates. Commission Comments - ficklund thanked Commissioners Staul7er and Morgan for filing and Council for accepting their applications. She stated they owed Commissioner Anderson many thanks and hoped she enjoyed her winters outside of Seward. Heinrich echoed Ecklund's comments about the two new Commissioners, said he liked the way the packet was formatted. and stated he enjoyed being on the Board. Morgan thanked them for accepting her to the Commission, would do her best to catch up on all of the issues discussed tonight. and looked forward to the next meeting/work session. Stauffer said she was disappointed to not have the opportunity to work with Commissioner Anderson and explained why she joined the Commission. McClure welcomed the new Commissioners. Roach' welcomed the new members and stated the Community Development office was a great resource. She said she would miss Commissioner Anderson and that this was an exciting time for Seward. Citizens' Comments - 316 Oily of :Seward, A(uska (ebr~icn~- 1', ?009 Plunning Cornmis.cion ,44inu~cs Volume 6, l'u~~e 317 Randy Stauffer clarifiied that the Alaska Seal,ife Center Harbornet project was now ,~, referred to as the Alaska Harbor Observation Network Tower. I le explained he was involved with the Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board and had applied to be on the Borough Flood Plain Ordinance Task Forces He thanked the Commission. Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments - Roach' thanked Randy Stauffer for his commitment to the community. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Ji"~i, ~ ~...._1j Aunc Bailey Executive Liaison i ~ // / Sandie Roach' Chair ~Clty Seal) ~~~,~c~r~A t°~ ~a~?^.. ~~`~ n~. i ~- ~, 7.. -' m n x«r ' u~ rn L ~ I91 ~t ~ .y B • .. ..... i! u a y n Sk w s "' n i ~, Oyse'~mty?aus~s~ o tl60 317