HomeMy WebLinkAbout03182015 Historic Preservation Packet Seward Historic Preservation Commission Agenda Packet /of lot,, a 0\4 .,_ 710 i) #4----:_:--4 ii c ,r).., 1 v.40, , / 4 ASAP-- Special Meeting March 18, 2015 City Council Chambers after adjournment of 6:30 p.m. Work Session The City of Seward, Alaska 40e SE'S HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION '' • SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA 41(.450. March 18, 2015 after adjournment of 6:30p.m. Work Session Council Chambers Linda Lasota 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Term Expires May,2015 2. OPENING CEREMONY A. Pledge of Allegiance John French Vice Chair 3. ROLL CALL Term Expires May, 2017 Catherine Hedman 4• SPECIAL REPORTS Commissioner A. City Administration Report Term Expires May, 2016 5. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ANY SUBJECT EXCEPT THOSE Wadeen Hepworth ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING [Those who Commissioner have signed in will be given the first opportunity to speak. Time is Term Expires May, 2017 limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 30 minutes total time for this agenda item.] Laura Erickson Commissioner 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Term Expires May, 2017 [Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by Wolfgang Kurtz asterisk (*). Consent Agenda items are not considered separately Commissioner unless a council member so requests. In the event of such a request, Term Expires May,2016 the item is returned to the Regular Agenda] Sandie Roach' Commissioner Term Expires May, 2015 James Hunt City Manager Valarie Kingsland Library Museum Director Heather McClain Library Museum Staff City of Seward, Alaska Council Agenda March 18, 2015 Page 1 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Update on work session with the City Council regarding the 2015 Priorities. B. Resolution 2015-001, A Resolution Of The Seward Historic Preservation Commission Of The City Of Seward, Alaska, Requesting Council Revise The 2014-15 Commission Priorities. C. Discuss grant opportunities. D. Discuss Seward Register of Historic Places 10. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (No Action Required) 11. COUNCIL COMMENTS 12. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 13. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT City of Seward, Alaska Council Agenda March 18, 2015 Page 2 Seward Historic Preservation Commission 2014- Revised Priorities List 2015 Public Outreach • Coordination with Planning and Zoning-At least once a year, preferably in the fall, the Historic Preservation Commission would like to meet with and coordinate activities and/or projects with the Planning and Zoning Commission • Historic Preservation Website- Continual updating, work on the Seward Register Sites • National Historic Preservation Month- Continue to participate and plan celebrations for the recognition of H.P. Month. The scope of the activities will vary from year to year, but activity needs to be identified many months in advance. a. The month of May is Historic Preservation Month b. Place the National Historic Preservation Month on the January Agenda • Seward Annual Historic Preservation Award- Continue to solicit candidates. a. The Historic Preservation award may be given in May b. Place the Seward Annual Historic Preservation Award on the January Agenda. c. Solicit the public to nominate people they think deserve to be a recipient of the award. Nominations must be received by April. d. Update City plaque as appropriate. • Local Plants and Tree a. Inventory of Local Plants and Trees b. Solicit Nominations From the Public in March of each year. • The First Friday Fireside Historical Lecture Series- a. August meeting agenda item to set up work session to brainstorm program ideas • Cemetery Information Project a. Update Cemetery/Obituary Information on Seward Historic Preservation website and PastPerfect Database. Historic Structures&Sites • Hoben Park has been approved for historic reconstruction by Council a. The Commission continues to support and is willing to assist with this project. • Continue to update the Seward Inventory of Historic Sites • Continue to nominate structures and site to Seward Local Register • Monitor the Jesse Lee Home Project Historic Preservation Plan • Seward Historic Preservation Plan-The plan needs to be reviewed and updated. a. CLG Grant has been received and work is ongoing 11Page Seward Historic Preservation Commission 2014- Revised Priorities List 2015 Other Required Tasks • *Establish and maintain a basic working inventory of cultural resources in the local area, compatible with the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey and annually provide new data to the Offices of History and Archaeology.—CLG Historic Preservation Program,State Guidelines Pg.3. • *Survey and inventory community historic architectural and archaeological resources within the community. • Set priorities for grant applications. a. Schedule annual work session to discuss future grant applications 2015 Revision • Update and improve web presence. • Participate in the review of the Comprehensive Plan. * Required by City Code Updated February 13, 2015 VK 2IPage Sponsored by: Seward Historic Preservation Commission CITY OF SEWARD,ALASKA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2015-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, REQUESTING COUNCIL REVISE THE 2014-15 COMMISSION PRIORITIES. WHEREAS,the Seward Historic Preservation Commission wishes to assist the City Council with the ongoing responsibilities it holds as a Certified Local Government(CLG), which requires provision for recognition of the historically significant activities, structures and the people who helped build Seward; and WHEREAS,it is the responsibility of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission to assist with the continuing education of citizens regarding local historic preservation and community history; and WHEREAS,it is also the responsibility of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission to assist with the preservation of Seward's local history; and WHEREAS,the Commission has continuously received Certified Local Government grants for historic preservation activities; and WHEREAS,the Commission provides recognition each year to an outstanding contributor to Seward's history by awarding the annual Seward Historic Preservation Award; and WHEREAS,the Commission continues to revise the Seward Historic Preservation Plan;and WHEREAS,in order for the Commission to continue to provide this level of service to the community and assistance to the Council, a long range plan for activities is necessary; and WHEREAS,the Council and the Seward Historic Preservation Commission discussed and revised the 2014-15 Priority List at the January 19, 2015 joint work session; and WHEREAS,the revised Priority List is attached for approval; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Historic Preservation Commission that: Section 1. The Revised 2014-15 Priorities for the Seward Historic Preservation Commission is hereby recommended to the City Council for approval. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon enactment. B SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2015-001 PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska,this 18th day of February 2015. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA Linda Lasota, Chair AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Johanna Kinney, CMC City Clerk (City Seal) Co SHPC Agenda Statement Meeting Date: February 18, 2015 "A6 ..�'o To: Seward Historic Preservation Commission '' Ci sKP From: Library Museum Director Kingsland,Commission Administrator Agenda Item: A Resolution of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, Requesting Council Revise the 2014-15 Commission Priorities. BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: Seward Historic Preservation Commission(SHPC)meets annually with the City Council in a Joint Work Session to review and update their Priorities, which are established for two year cycles. During a joint work session on January 19,2015,the Commission and Council reviewed and updated the 2014-2015 Seward Historic Preservation Commission Priorities List. INTENT: Council support and approve the attached revised 2014-2015 SHPC priorities. CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST: Yes No N/A Comprehensive Plan Encourage the recognition, rehabilitation 1. and preservation of prehistoric and historic sites, transportation routes, x trails, buildings, and artifacts. 2 Strategic Plan: Growth Management and Land Use Planning pg. 9-11 History and Sense of Community pg. 13 3. Other (list): RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve Resolution 2015-001, A Resolution of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, Requesting Council Revise the 2014-15 Commission Priorities. 2. Direct staff to put forward a resolution to the City Council to formally approve the 2014- 1 2015 Revised Seward Historic Preservation Commission Priorities List. 1 OF Tit 4. Department of Natural Resources \�\��ye THE STATE P '.' �M OA f- Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation LASI�:A Office of History and Archaeology ts =-=�= - 550 Wesi 7'^Avenue,Suite 1310 �� GOVERNOR BILL WALKER Anchorage,Alaska 99501-3561 p _' t, Main:907.269.8700 .4 .5'' Fax:907.269.8907 January 21, 2015 HPF Grant Cycle Announcement—FFY15, CLG Round 2 The Office of History and Archaeology is soliciting applications for grants from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF). Certified Local Governments (CLGs) in Alaska are eligible to apply for these 60-40 matching grants. Applications are due by 5:00 pm, Friday, March 6, 2015. An application package is available online at http.//dnr.alaska.gov/parks/oha/grant/akclq.htm . To be eligible, an applicant must have approved CLG status prior to the Alaska Historical Commission (AHC)April meeting. AHC recommends awards to the State Historic Preservation Officer, who approves allocation of grants. Evaluation criteria used by staff and AHC is online. Alaska Historical Commission Priorities. The Commission encourages the following: 1. Projects that address the preservation of historic properties and leverage funds and resources. Studying and drafting local tax incentives and design review guidelines, restoring and preserving defining elements of historic properties, and addressing sustainability. 2. Projects that increase public awareness of historic preservation and establish new partnerships, particularly with local tribes and under-represented groups, to strengthen a local historic preservation program. Projects that use historic properties for anniversary commemorations, projects that install interpretive signs calling attention to significant historic places, and education materials with a historic preservation emphasis. 3. Projects that update plans, review ordinances, and create local registers. Use of a consultant to assist in addressing local historic preservation issues is encouraged. 4. Projects that address survey and evaluation of properties. Archaeological projects, in urban and rural areas, and for prehistoric as well as historic sites, are encouraged. Those less than fifty years old, such as those associated with the Cold War and projects that address Alaska transportation and the growth of communities. Eligible Project Types Survey, inventory, historic preservation planning, National Register nomination, public preservation education, predevelopment, development and acquisition projects are eligible for program funds. Conformance to state and local plans, ability of the sponsor to complete the project and significance of the project will be considered. Postmark, E-mail, Fax or Deliver completed applications by 5:00 pm, Friday, March 6, 2015 to: State of Alaska: DNR Attn: Jean Ayers, Grants Administrator Fax: 907-269-8907 Division of Parks &Outdoor Recreation E-mail:jean.aversl alaska.gov Office of History&Archaeology 550 West T'Avenue, Suite 1380 Telephone: 907-269-8694 Anchorage, AK 99501-3561 For questions, please contact the grants administrator at the e-mail or telephone number above. 8 Alaska Department of Natural Resources &: toti Ti STATE-OF ALASKA Public n „' 0907-269-8400 sso w 7th is DEPARTMENT°OF -101-269-8901 Anchorag A 907-269-8411 NATURAL RESOURCES November 17, 2014 Grants available for commemorating 150th anniversary of Alaska Purchase (Anchorage,AK) -The Alaska Historical Commission has$125,000 available for matching grants to plan and prepare for the 150th anniversary of the Alaska Purchase in 2017. The grants are for projects that will contribute to understanding the history and significance of the event. Projects are encouraged for historic research and publication projects, restoration of significant historic properties,and heritage tourism development and information services. A grant request may not exceed $15,000 and must be matched 50/50 with cash or in-kind services. Projects are to be done between April 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016. Applications must be postmarked, e-mailed, or delivered by 4:30 p.m., Monday, February 23,2015. Additional information and the application are available at www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/oha/index.htm, by calling 907-269-8714,sending an e-mail to ohaOalaska.net, or sending a written request to the Alaska Historical Commission, 550 West 7th Ave.,Suite 1310,Anchorage,AK 99501-3565. CONTACT: Joan (Jo)Antonson,907-269-8714,jo.antonson @alaska.gov ### STAY CONNECTED: DNR Newsroom: http://dnr.alaska.gov/commis/dnr_newsroom.htm DNR on Social Media: http://dnr.alaska.gov/commis/social_media.htm DNR Public Information Center: http://dnr.alaska.gov/commis/pic Department of Natural Reswrces 550 W.7th Ame,State 1260,Anchorage,PK 99501-3557 Phone.907-269-8400 Fax 907-269-8901 TTY 907-269-8411 Stated Alaska:i©2014 Wednaster 9 http://dnr.alaska.gov/shared/mediareleases/dsD media release.cfm?id=2088&title=Grants available for commemorating 150th anniversary of Al... fi APPLICATION to the SEWARD REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Established by Ordinance No. 95-10 I. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (reference Historic Preservation Commission Resolution 95-06) ❑ A. Has the property attained National Register Status? (if yes, stop; if no, continue) ❑ B. Is the property at least 50 years of age or has it achieved exceptional historical significance within the past 50 years?(if yes,continue; if no,application does not meet the criteria to be on the Seward Register of Historic Places) C. Applicable Seward Historic Register Criteria(Mark "x" in all the boxes that apply) ❑ 1. Property associated with historic events or persons of local, state or national significance. ❑ 2.Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction. ❑ 3. Property has yielded important prehistory or history information. ❑ 4. Religious property with architectural or artistic distinction or historical importance. ❑ 5. A building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the surviving structure associated with an historic person or event. ❑ 6. The birthplace or grave of an historical figure where there no other appropriate site or building directly associated with his/her productive life exists. ❑ 7. A cemetery that derives its primary significance from age, distinctive features, or graves of persons associated with historic events. ❑ 8. A primarily commemorative structure whose intent,design,age,tradition, or symbolic values has vested it with its own historical significance. If your property is eligible to be on the Seward Register of Historic Places,complete this application. • H. PROPERTY INFORMATION A. Name of Property historic name other names/site number ~ .tax parcel number B. Location street address Lot(s) Block Subdivision Seward Register of Historic Places Application Form 11/99 1 10 C. Owner of Property name phone address city state zip D. Category of Property(check one) O building(s) 0 site 0 district 0 structure 0 object E. Description (attach a narrative description of the historic and current condition of the property) F. Period and Statement of Significance (attach a narrative statement explaining the historical significance of the property and the years in which it was significant) G. Ownership Title History of Property (attach a chronological list of all owners of the property) H. If approved may the property be placed on the Historic Walking Tour? 0 yes 0 no I. Bibliographical References(site books, articles& other sources throughout narrative& attach list of references used in preparing this form) J. Form Prepared By name phone address city state zip K. Photographs (attach one color photograph of the property at the time of application and if available one photograph of the property during its period of significance) - M. ROUTING REVIEW ---Date Received by City Planning Office Forwarded to Resurrection Bay Historical Society for Review and Comments Review Comments Received from Resurrection Bay Historical Society Seward Historic Preservation Commission Resolution No. Seward City Council Resolution No. Seward Register of Historic Places Application Form 11/99 2 Guide to Completing the Seward Register of Historic Places Application What is the Seward Register of Historic Places? The Seward Register of Historic Places was established by City Council Ordinance No. 95-10 in order to provide for public recognition of local cultural resources worthy of preservation. The hope was that identifying and recognizing properties that were important in Seward's history would help change the way the community perceives its historic resources, and encourage private citizens and public officials to preserve these resources. In addition, the research and documentation that result from completing the local register application provides a valuable historic resource. Since there is nothing regulatory about being listed on the Seward Register of Historic Places, placement on the local register does not place any restrictions or limitations on a property. The purpose of this guide is to assist individuals in completing the Seward Register of Historic Places application form. It is not necessary for the applicant to be the property owner. Anyone can prepare and submit an application to nominate an eligible property for the local register. The attached pamphlet: Where to Find Information on Historic Property in Seward, Alaska will assist in the research portion of the application. An example of a completed application is also attached for reference. Seward Register of Historic Places Application I. Eligibility Criteria A. Has the property attained National Register Status? Contact any of the following to find out if the property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places: * City of Seward,Community Development Office at(907)224-4048,or e-mail planzone@seward.net. * Resurrection Bay Historical Society & Museum - (907) 224-3902 * Alaska State Historic Preservation Office/Office of History& Archaeology- (907) 269-8721 Seward Register of Historic Places Application Guide Page 1 B. Is the property at least 50 years of age or has it achieved exceptional historical significance within the past 50 years? Generally, a property must be at least 50 years old to be eligible for the Seward Register of Historic Places. Check with any of the following to determine the age of a property: * Property Owner * Community Development Office * Kenai Peninsula Borough Assessing Department If calling from within the Peninsula 1-800-478-4441 Ext. 433, or KPB Assessing Web Site(www.borough.kenai.ak.us/assessing dept/) allows you to look up parcels if you have either owner's name, or tax parcel number. C. Applicable Seward Historic Register Criteria These criteria were developed based on the National Register Criteria, however, the Seward Register is not as strict as the National Register. Most applications will be for property associated with historic events or persons of local, state or national significance. Mark all the criteria that apply to the property. II. Property Information • A. Name of Property Enter the name that best reflects the property's historic importance or was commonly used for the property during the period of significance. List additional historic names under Other Names/Site Number. Contact the Resurrection Bay Historical Society, Community Development Office, and State Historic Preservation Office for historic names, and Alaska Heritage Resource Survey number. If there are no known names, or site numbers write N/A in the space. Kenai Peninsula Borough tax parcel number can be obtained from property tax bills and statements,the Community Development Office, or the KPB Assessing Office. B. Location • Contact the Community Development Office for the street (physical) address and legal description (lot, block, and subdivision). C. Owner of Property Identify current owner(s) and mailing address. Telephone numbers are optional. Seward Register of Historic Places Application Guide Page 2 t3 D. Category of Property Building-A building, such as a house, barn, church, hotel, or similar construction, is created principally to shelter any form of human activity. Building may also be used to refer to a historically and functionally related unit, such as a courthouse and jail or a house and barn. Site-A site is the location of a significant event, a prehistoric or historic occupation or activity, or a building or structure, whether standing, ruined, or vanished, where the location itself possesses historic, cultural,or archeological value regardless of the value of any existing structure. Examples include: hunting&fishing sites,ceremonial sites,ruins of historic buildings&structures,trails,areas ofland,cemeteries,designed landscapes, and natural features. Structure-The term structure is used to distinguish from buildings those functional constructions made usually for purposes other than creating human shelter. Examples include: bridges, tunnels, gold dredges, railroad grades, systems of roadways and paths, boats and ships, railroad locomotives and cars, and aircraft. Object- The term object is used to distinguish from buildings and structures those constructions that are primarily artistic in nature or are relatively small in scale and simply constructed. Although it may be, by nature or design, moveable, an object is associated with a specific setting or environment. Examples include: sculpture, monuments, boundary markers, statuary, and fountains. District- A district possesses a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures, or objects united historically or aesthetically by plan or physical development. Examples include: college campuses, central business districts, residential areas, commercial areas, large forts, industrial complexes, rural villages, collections of habitation and limited activity sites, and transportation networks. Seward Register of Historic Places Application Guide Page 3 1y E. Description Provide a narrative describing the property and any interesting architectural features particular to the structure. Clearly delineate between the original appearance and current appearance. Begin by describing the current appearance of a particular feature. Then describe its original appearance and any changes, noting when the changes occurred. This section may be written in an outline or paragraph format. Following is a guideline for describing buildings, structures and objects: 1. Type or form, such as dwelling, church, or commercial block. 2. Setting, including the placement or arrangement of buildings and other resources, such as in a commercial center or a residential neighborhood. 3. General characteristics: a. Overall shape of plan and arrangement of interior spaces. b. Number of stories. c. Construction materials, such as brick or wood. d. Roof shape, such as gabled, hip, or shed. e. Structural system, such as balloon frame, or post and beam. 4. Specific features: porches, windows, doors, chimney, dormer. 5. Important decorative elements. 6. Significant interior features. 7. Number, type, and location of outbuildings, with dates, if known. 8. Other manmade elements. 9. Alterations or changes to the property, with dates if known 10. Deterioration due to vandalism, neglect, lack of use, or weather. 11. For moved properties: a. Date of move. b. Descriptions of location,orientation,and setting before and after the move. c. Reasons for the move. d. Method of moving. Seward Register of Historic Places Application Guide Page 4 1S F. Statement and Period of Significance Identify the period of significance. Period of significance is the length of time when a property was associated with important events,activities,or persons,or attained the characteristics which qualify it for the Seward Register of Historic Places. Explain how the property meets the Seward Register of Historic Places criteria identified at the beginning of the application. Discuss the facts and circumstances in the property's history that led to its importance. Focus on the events, activities, or characteristics that make the property significant. The Resurrection Bay Historical Society and the Seward Historic Preservation Commission may be able to direct your research. Seward Community Library resources that may be of use include: Index to the Seward Gateway, a newspaper 1904-1910 Vol. 1 by Mike Stallings; Buildings of Alaska by Alison Hoagland; and Seward, Alaska, A History of the Gateway City Volumes I, II, & III by Mary Barry. There may be a limited amount of information available from the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey which is maintained by the State Historic Preservation Office. G. Ownership Title History of Property Following are the best ways to find out a properties title history: * Property owner may have a title report. * KPB Assessing Department. - They will need the KPB tax parcel number. * Seward Property Tax Rolls from 1912 - 1965 identifies property ownership and value. These documents are in the City's permanent records room. Ask the City Clerk for entrance. * Seward Recording District/Court (Room 207 City Hall) - Deed Books through 1974 are located in the Seward Court Records Room. Ask a court clerk in Room 207 for a key to the Records Room. Deeds recorded since 1975 are on microfiche in Room 207. The court clerk will show you how to use the material. Begin by checking the General Index to all Index Directory (Deed Index). In the Deed Index grantees and grantors are listed alphabetically for each year. Grantor is the seller and Grantee is the buyer. You need approximate year of exchange and the name of either buyer or seller in order to scroll the Deed Index. H. If approved may the property be placed on the Historic Walking Tour? This does not mean the property would be open to the community and tourists, it simply means the property's physical description and statement of significance is included in the walking tour. Seward Register of Historic Places Application Guide Page 5 1 C I. Bibliographical References Identify all sources used in documenting and evaluating the property including: books,journal or magazine articles,interviews,planning documents,historic resource studies or survey reports, census data, newspaper articles, deeds, wills, correspondence, business records, diaries, and other sources. Use a standard bibliographic style such as the following examples: Hoagland,Alison K.Buildings ofAlaska. New York:Oxford University Press, 1993. Barry,Mary J. Seward. Alaska. A History of the Gateway City, Vol I:Prehistory to 1914. Anchorage, Alaska:M.J.P. Barry, 1986. Guidelines for bibliographical references: * For all printed materials, list the author, full title, location and date of publication and publisher. * For articles, list also the name, volume, and date of the journal or magazine. * For unpublished manuscripts, indicate where copies are available. * For interviews, include the date of the interview, name of the interviewer, name and title of the person interviewed, and the location where the tape or transcript is stored. J. Form Prepared By - Self explanatory. Please include your telephone number, and e-mail address. K. Photographs Possible sources for historic photographs include the property owner, Resurrection Bay Historical Society and Museum, and the Seward Community Library. III ROUTING REVIEW Mail or drop off your completed application to the City of Seward,Community Development Office, P.O. Box 167, 500 Adams Street, Seward, AK 99664. Your application will be forwarded to the Resurrection Bay Historical Society for review and comments prior to being presented to the Historic Preservation Commission. You will be contacted if additional information or clarification is needed. Seward Register of Historic Places Application Guide Page 6 1`7 March 2 015 Mo Tu March 2015 April 2015 Su We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mar 2 3 4 15 6 6:00pm 7:00pm P&Z WS;Flood 12:00pm 2:00pm PACAB Mtg 1O 7:00pm 10:30pm P&Z Mtg N 9 10 11 112 13 5:30pm 7:00pm CC W/S;Garba 5:30pm 8:00pm CC Special Mtg 7:00pm 10:30pm CC Mtg o, co 16 17 18 19 20 lY 6:00pm 9:30pm P&Z WS 12:00pm 2:00pm PACAB Work Si "' 6:30pm 7:30pm HP WS ko 2 23 24 25 26 27 5:30pm 7:00pm CC WS;Prov& N 7:00pm 10:30pm CC Mtg rn N 30 31 Apr 1 2 3 M d en t9 Nanci Richey 1 3/13/2015 10:58 AM April 2 015 April 2015 May 2015 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mar 30 31 Apr 1 2 3 12:00pm 2:00pm PACAB Mtg a 0 m ro 6 7 8 9 110 7:00pm 10:30pm P&Z Mtg 0 a 13 14 15 16 17 7:00pm 10:30pm CC Mtg 12:00pm 2:00pm PACAB Work S■ 6:30pm 10:00pm HP Mtg m a 20 21 22 23 24 6:00pm 9:30pm P&Z WS 0 N a 27 28 29 30 May 1 7:00pm 10:30pm CC Mtg A' > N a Nanci Richey 2 3/13/2015 10:58 AM May 2015 Su Mo Tu May 2015 June 2015 We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu ' 1'1 2 1 2 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Apr 27 28 29 130 May 1 N a 4 5 6 7 8 7:00pm 10:30pm P&Z Mtg 12:00pm 2:00pm PACAB Mtg ao Q11 12 13 14 15 7:00pm 10:30pm CC Mtg T (O 2 18 19 20 21 22 6:00pm 9:30pm P&Z WS 12:00pm 2:00pm PACAB Work Si N 6:30pm 10:00pm HP Mtg 00 T 2 25 26 27 28 29 7:00pm 10:30pm CC Mtg N N T 2 Nanci Richey 3 3/13/2015 10:58 AM