HomeMy WebLinkAbout05022017 Planning & Zoning MinutesCit), (Y'Sevvard, Alaska MaY 2, 2017 Planning (Imninission Minutes Volume 7, Page 23.5 The May 2, 201,7 Meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.ni, by Chair Cindy, EcklUnd. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Fleming led. the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, Roll all There were present: Cindy Ecklund presiding, Martha Fleming, Margaret Anderson, Craig Anibrosiani comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Donna Glenz. Planner Dwayne Atwood, Planning Technician Excused was Tom Swann Absent was David Carlton Ciq, Administration Report Gary Seese, Planner Donna Glenn updated the Commission on the following business items: • No new floodplain development permits had been issued since the previous meeting. • The annual spring Permitting & Agency Information Day event held on April 20 was a success, with. substantial City representation. • Seward -Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board Chairman Bill Williamson had resigned due to medical issues. Williamson helped to form the board and dedicated many years of service, • Staffwas increasingly busy with building permit applications and public inquires. • The rn.unicipal boat harbor was open seven days a week, and the annual opening ceremony and other festivities were scheduled for the weekend of May 19. • Public Works, director Doug Schoessler had reported that the SUMMeT PaVeMent replacement project was on schedule. Also, the City Hall. elevator repair project was expected to be completed within six weeks. • A public work session. was scheduled for Monday, May 15 to review the Salmon Creek revetment project, The Seward -Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board, Kenai Peninsula Borough and the L).S. Army Corps of I`ngineers were to participate. 4 °rtty ay `Se var d, A l as'`ku NW717rftg C:°osrrrari.s-.vtrrrr tWfn ufes City C "ou ncil had called a housing work session l<mr Nloand ay. May 22 in the c orraalaaaaalty library. Glenr informed the C"ornaiissio n of a housekeeping alit regarding the next regularly scheduled work session date. which was May 16. ECId aracl asked staff why a resolution related to proposed Institutional Campgrounds was pulled frown the April 18 special meeting agenda. item said there were serene additional issues to work on and the ordinance was not readhe� noted the code amendment may lr brought ght forward atas later date. W Other Deports, Announcements & Presentations —None Citizens' Comments on any subject except those scheduled for Public; Hearing — Tim McDonald, outside City, said lie had concerns a oaat needed pavement repair and replacement that could be alone in the spring. before the height of: the tourist season. Ile also stated the end cal` the season M,'cruald also have been niore appropriate for pavement work. Brad Snowden.. inside (11y, said lie would like to see the advancement of a series of projects, including as new cruise shirr clock and coraveratioa center. A gondola and ski resort shurLdd also be built he said., which c:ouald draw rrnore visitors to town. The additional cruise ships would require more flights into [lac Seward airport. and lie would like to see the airport expanded to accommodate larger lets. Snowden said he, saw potential for nUnierous protects during the next five years. Approval of Agenda and Consent nsernt erndaa Motion (Fleming/Anderson) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion :Passed Unanimous Consent The following item -*vas approved on the Consent Agenda; April 18, 20.17 Special Meeting Minutes Unfinished Business Items reclnririrng as .Public Hearing —None New Business Items requiring as Public Ileair•irng - Resolution 017-07 of the Seward Planning and Zoning C orrrnnnissicrrr of the City aa1' Seward, Alaska, granting a Conditional Use Permit to lfi" utl�,l. , 1_,t,C" dbaa Temple tn.naliraa for an ,arts Education Center School at 417 Fifth Avenue, wti ithirn the Office Residential Zoning District Cit ), e#'Seo,ar(4 Alaska Afqy 2, 2017 7, Page 23 7 Glenz noted the history of the commercial building at 417 Fifth Avenue and described the &8,rcloprrierit in the Surrounding at-ca. Parking was addressed with overflow being provided by the Sacred Heart CatholIc. Church and the nearby dental office, She noted that 110 pUblic comment had been, received at the tirne ofthe niceting. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Hearing no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion (Anderson/Fleming) Approve Resolution 2017-07 Ecklund noted that the parking, had been as concern for her, bull the applicant had done a good job of providing additional spaces. Ecklund asked staffif there were any comments from, other City departments, Glenz said the applicant had been working with the Building Department and added that all ("onditional Use Permits are routed to City staff fior comment, No departments raised concerns aboul the proposed use or development, Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Resolution 2017-0,8, of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, granting a Conditional Use J."ermit to "Uhn McDonald, dba Seward Mount Alice Resort & Tourism, LLC to operate a Calupground, Camper Park on approximately 8 acres, located at 1823 Nash Road, within the Industrial Zoning District Gilenz stated the history 01' jlreViOUs carriper parks and. the devvtoprnent surrounding the applicant's proposed operation and location. Glenn noted the permitting requirements and inspections that would follow aj:)proval of the C'onditional Use Pen -nit, She described the infrastructure surrounding the proposed location. Staff bad received no con inients firorn the PLIbliC at the tiTTIC Ofthe nwetiri& Glenn did note a typo it-) the resolution and provided a laydown describing the, amendments that WOUld be required. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened., "I"irn McDonald, the applicant, described the area near the proposed carnpgr() Lind and said it. ifICILided a corni-nercial septic system, McDonald said he owned SUbstantial acreage both inside City firnits, and outside, but the portion cal" property inside Nvas niore strategic and closer to the fishing area that wvas attracting visitors, For that reason he was choosing to begin operating a Cil.V ql'Seward, Maska Planning, ("olne'llission Minales Mali, 2, 2017 V'olume 7, Page 238 business within City limits. He said the C.arnper Park could be a temporary or, transitional business, with further development to come later. Hearing no one else wishing to, speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion (Fletning/Ambrosiani) Motion (Flat rning/Anderson) cliff ff MITUMM Approve Resolution 2017-08 Amend Resolution 2017-08 by correcting a typo in the fourth finding of fact of the resolution and Condition 2 on page 3 of the resolution to read "Title 8.15, Articte 2," not Article 3 I,Jnanimous Consent Anderson asked if the camping area would be served by (..'ity police. Glenz directed Cornin i ssi on ci's to a wall niap and pointed out the City Limit line and the area that WOUld receive police services. Anderson asked for Further explanation of an item in the agenda statement noting issues related to erosion where a buried electrical line had become exposed. Glenn said some digging and earth inoving had r-esulted in exposure of a line, but the necessary corrections would be made in cooperation of the City E.Jectric Depaltment. Tim McDonald, the, applicant, directed Con-u-nissioners to the wafl map and pointed OUt WhC1V the exposed line was. f le said the needed work had been cornpleted. Main Motion Passed, As Amended Unanimous (.'onsent New Business Items — Set the Planning and Zoning May Work SessionTopie Glenz said the most recently suggested work session topic was a. review of the Nightly Lodging Code. "I'lie Code review would involve the Land Uses Allowed table and the Zoning Map. as well as other portions of'Fifle 15 of the City, Code. In response toAnderson, Glenz said the work session topic request was made by a Cornmission inernber. Atnbrosiani said some of the issues related to the Single F arridy Residential zoning along the Second AVerIL,IC corridor were brought tip during the Comprehensive Plan Review, Nightly lodging Nvas orre ofthose issues, he said. 01.1, ol'Sevvev%4 AiasAa Plamiin,g Commission Mnutca w Wqy, 2, 2017 1 olume 7, Pqge 23 9 Glenn noted an upcoming ( "ouricil Nvork session on housing nlade time lodging review evell more important, (7orrimissioners discussed their schedules and determined there would be a quorum for time May, 16 work sesskm and agreed to review the Nightly Lodging C'odc. Informational Items and Reports (,No action required) Flood Board Quarterl.y Joint Work Session Reminder FEMA Region X Newsletter 2017 Planning & Zoning Meeting Schedule Commission Comments — Ambrosiani thanked staft"liar the work arid effort in producing, thepacket, Seese congratulated Elcklund for being elected chair and also congratulated Flerning, who had been elected vice chair at the April rni.ceting. Ecklund explained that she had been absent recently because she was providing care for her arging father. Citizens' Comments — Tim McDonald asked stafTwhat additional taxes or flees might be required for his carnper park operation. Glenz said McDonald WOUld need to Contact tfie (,',ity Finance Departnient to learn more about as required LfllifitV tariff and any fees that would be collected. Brad Snowden reiterated that the prqjects, lie mentioned in his presentation should be a big part of eward's future, Airport improvement Would be needed to move citizens and visitors in and Our Of WWII He also said an improved road and bridge on Lowell Point Road would be a valuable improvement for residents. Snowden ,,,.tlso said a recently acquired ladder truck could allow the Seward Volunteer Fire Departnient to provide protection fOr Much tql)Cl- StrUCtUrCS than those currently allcmrved by (.'ity Code. Commission and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments -- EAILHICI said she heard there may have been funding for Seward Airport improvements and asked staff f7amr nlore inCorniation. 01Y (?/'Sewurd, Ahts*ci Alull' 2, '?017 Glenz said that plarmed airport repair was being undertaken the preferred option included abandoning the longer fUllway,, shorter north and south oriented run\vay, Plam,fing (.'onnmssion Alinutes Volione 17, Pqge 240 by the State of Alaska. It apI)eared w1ifle retaining and iniproving the In response to further questions. Gleriz said the State of Alaska had apparently taken the position that preserving and improving the longer I'Unway was too expensive and would require too riluch additional work and time to conipletc., Adjournment MeCtifIg Ml , iOUrned at 7-47 pmi Donna Glenn, PlanIh6- for Dwayne Atwood. Planning Technician (( 'ity Seal)