HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1951-b rU I L ~...... \. - \.,.... - ",' IT -- --'T -'\; ., "\--, ,"'l..,....... J-,_ _ .Jl __.'J ,,-.L. - ")1' :L en":! 0./ '--,l;,l~~}d) _~........)I..,.. Lv -l.. ..L 1........... ,_":"1 ] I '~l~,'" .:? .3 :. -,-~.) flO l"":lC'T: JS ~ J J .-JI3= 2I01: _.;~._,.~~l :.....~; '..:___~L :..~~J .J'~~.'~~C:.uI, ":'~\_'.i ~'{.i.r=~~..J :'. ri~0 ::--)Y '~~.l.: _:.L..i,3I:.. ~lELE~:'~~'''''':~ ;:.~ ,~\.._i~. .fI C::- ~ J ::c ~ .-..:,~~T=.J~~ "j12 ~ n'''' .~ : ~~Ir: :C\l) ::~,i' =- n."'~ '7~~"~ Jl; ~i:, ~~\.~~~"O"~ ::"li~--i. ~:.~ -"' J_-:.... '-, .~~.J C-,-' j~0 .-'JI~\.ITT:_~ :j,JJi:l ~':-_\.OI-;-l'.'''l-rI~~.) . I C'-~ ~: r~'l I J ~_~ ~)~: ~i..,'" ~ ~-) ~=.~ ~-=-~-:?Itr C...:7 ,'-J.' _' ~ ~ '~l~ (/3' ;3i~,~ lS.~. :-<'~....j, '. ~'-~e ....l.lSL ~ 11~;,lG"~110nG SOl' -JJc:' ~"i~n, COT !~'I"l:,i'JE ~)..i..-"(~,'T~n ir-,~fjrJ. ".11(1 8xi,::)ti~l0' und8r "::'Jlj IJY virtllA of tj-Li:~ l,~,;d:-j C)f' L~ i1erri- t Ul':,' l!' ., .::t (' ~<. -. , d:;' L.'--'<., ~,V ~ i""L ': 1 ~',' ) .:".ce CJ.i... :Jll:31:1'.~S . l..'.. .l '..>11.1.l.I. 1.::, ~-i.e 'J 1 L~! .)f ~8' .:'~r.j, '-~: 11:1':1 endeiJted to s'eic1 city by reason of delinouent J'e}l end ',e1'- 8[');1..;,1 {'rQ1)er~.\T t:27F~S i:l ~-,l1e '~rlO lD t of" 'l'housnnd IMIt Hul1dr cd 8lk.$tl, I4.kht and _-:r,;ndrectth8 "\ Joll'us (.,~); dnd im;:;H~:.~-\.3, AICls)Hl. 'felenhone Co1'po1'e.tion, Ll18 SUCCf~~;,',[)1' of C,I~f" ,>Li,_~f~g 'l.'elo;Jhone En~3in8e1'in':' C01'DOri:ltior" 3e\\ard Lisht ':1' ::'0\161' C Ol;l),.tn~.r, U C 0-.,1 ,Lr LJH:r~':dl i), ~:~ lee l~r i c ;~n Ler(lr i se:--) , Inc., .nd .,.., T'" cJ ~r.n '.... 'H'lff .jjd"ll~,.i 8th .;rcdf Lni",ht, " S offeree1 to sell Lo ~;'le ::iity of 06\;,~rJ f1'e8 .:.ll'l c1e3.r ()f dl en.:: -1:."ur mces of i.ny ! _! '" ~ l~ .. ~lu 1J1c1 Il!3Scrlr- tion the 'Jroperties hf:lreinufte1' 'lesc ribe,l jn,: ,::;.":,}~"..J, the :;itJ Jouncil deejllS the offer of s-,i'} conn:lny t; 0 'ue :tl:v.:.r1.t.l,~eJus to, ~'.n(l Ln 1:.rj,e best interests of, t~-le 'Jity of .)ew::~rd ,.w1 tJle residents thereof, :;ow, Therefore, .)-,-, Il' ,LSOL'TEJ b~' the COll.ncil of 0te Jity of Se',v.lrd ::.IS follows: JEiction 10 i.',l:te Cit:,' of All..1'd hereby ciCccots tice of 81' Df ">h~[Jk:: l'elephone CorY'o1'~,tiDn ;:;0 sell t,! s.3.iJ city the f')ll')l,] !l~ 1'':3'",1 ~lrD~lerty : 1, 'l'hc,t <oert::;,in ,L.t.er :'0',ler :'Lint, >:..rl')wn ,,[0 Lo.JeLl Creek '~)rojec~, i:1Cl~:.J.il"l ~hr~~ d n ~,r:j int ;,':8 '/01"1\:8 Inc"-ued on Lowell Cree'~,li, ", ,,1;,', nce nf Jl'lll'oxi- u:ltely 7,000 feet southl8sLe1'ly 1'1'011 t\e electric ;J0>er "l-1n;~, .tf1.l tz>:eth~I' ,ith the "Ji:)6 lir'18 r'.l!l!:in,j from, s ,ld in'olke ,r!r'~s ,-,0 S .:iri electric P'),IP!' )lint, :i.nJ the t':'iil I'~tce run.!liL': fr:Y;~ t,.re '-,o"-.;er 11:.'lnt to ~esu1'rection D~y. 2. .1.11 l'i ~bts ')f th~. ~)ell(-3:(, ill t.n ~t e iS81;'lent. ,for tLe s}L~interl'~nce of E:~,.li:.:. ii")13 line ~\cros~:: tL.'3 11C)118- :::tead of u. C. Brownell, ~ llrl,Jel:' 'T'1l1t from woid r-<> ;]"[y\.;n811 '~rJ -~ '.I.! ler 8:: Gc)~1)~~nv, d:J.teIJ ~:; oV8r1ber It'J, 1903, anll elf r,~(:c,j-'Cl ;_11 :';ook 1 of Le Jse2 "t, ~,','es 11. 3.nd 12 in I,he ofLLee of :;l1e ~,8corder for ":'wvinrd .Jistrict; "1~;0 ;~~lrJ.t eose Lent ~C'[' ~il;;.i 1''1. '.~ '-.t t.'J L'~in- t::,in [3 lie; :iiJe line ulone; Jefferson street in Ghe '':it-.v rof :::::',~-~-v'i':::Y>{l ;!~ o~l.':;::tl '[[\1::1 ]l.('l{~ i'~ll-J"'J ,-,'Y].c.:::7.,~ :lnl-~,e~ ,-,,_V,j ~......,-,> ';.....,J..', _'.>-..-' Cl~ _ ":.''''''''' ... ,........ ',' '~..i>'__""" .J,....., .... _ j~ _,1',\nt froII; Fr::'uli: L. I3alL,lHt,::o:c lee, cl'l.l ~'.lLler, :\'.c;nt, under date of september :'J, 1c;O:, ,"lli recorded in the .,ec ordim~ Dis t rict of ZeIni Oil tLe ~:5th LlY [)f 3e,tem- !lSr, l~'O:;, Ll VoLl1ne 1 Df .Jeeds ,G F~'e /+2G ;'llso.,11 ri,)lts :)~ tIle seller ililder ti~Lit ~THlt of l:J:iseLlent from -';lLir1ds .. ~)t'co.:1erlbI3r': t, 0 u:~".l'l::l c;.r:::ff f or the C on- strllct-,ion ,ml111:.:.intenlnce of G. flume for ~he G_dl race 'lJove j'oscri':;ed, O'h"r :\nd ,"cross Lot 1 of cnock 19 of ti1e 20wn of 3e".nru, ",hich ," ti:~ .7"nt is of record in the reCOl'i}j ll" ,lisi,rict of =Ten::J.i FreGinct, in 300k 4 of ~(ecorJs :::t D3.[:,e 22.5 ; "Iso :...11 ri ;hts of the seller !lnder th'":lt ~)8rrr~it, dited t~8.Y 2(, 1917, ,""ivin~ to se~,-.J:Jrd .Li G ,nd POTier Corn."~iny i"er',L',~i,)n t; 0 IGinGGin Ll,e ~:ji'l fluc:..e !.l!lder 7..!1e rt~~ht. nf ,r.;} 0f !.~lle 1.1:1~s1-('_~ "ITort.hern ,l-cli 1 W,!}y 8 oflne,n:r (I Jo _..11 ri~~_;hts of tJ.he f)Aller in ...[1,1 GCl tLose certain ;'J:lter ri~~,hts on LO\'i/ell (Jrep.!<: '~s J oC-~ltcd by FrFl,neis T:. 'Jrosby on t:-,e r'Ct1~, ell:? of ,:"elJr:.bry, 19C:;, eel,J recorder} i,tJ T~ he C o::mi s" i oner' s of f i c e1 t Se: j'.~rd on t,{',8 16th J '~\~' of :=:i.rch, 1<)05, t~ld inlDci to t:.. it oert:lin Itur rl "ht lo~ lL')c}IO!J 'Fet ')1' D1lt1el' on ::,Le 31'd rLy '!f JlliB, l:-)C~, ,Hld of ree"1'I'} in the offjce of !:;~1e Dist.rict Hecorder of 00(;1<; .LnJe\" Jistriet or" lohe 5th <hy of JI1Ee, 1905, in 300k J [1f I\>drti",hts .1t n~I':e 45, ...;8ctl.on .2. ...'i.~0 :,c::';,vor ,ulu the Git.y I~ler!-~ of Ll1.e City of .3e~.',1xrd -:..:.l'e '~ereby ,l.irect,ed _~r1(1 j~lL:~lo!~iz,(>l, ClIl Leh:J.lf of ~~:1i'1 ji :,y, to :~ccent inf:~trIJ';L.:~nl.~ ~)f conv(~,y.:HC8 "j],18rel}:.r tllt:; -)L'() 'crt.;/ ',113,~3cribp(1 in SecticHl ] r ,1 f ~~ r~ i '~; ..I. 12 c: C 1 ',I. t ion E-'ll j 11 'u p :~, r .in ;~" f tJ, "co T' 6 .] i- 0 ( , j:t C i t. ,:f ~ l' e c . t n l'~ C 1 S ,.:'. r :If ill e~lCiJl.i)r lnC(.'~8 uf ()v:;.r~T ki(~~~. ,~,Il ~~'=.:")cri' L.ion '--'r1d ,-i'~rr'-lilLeL1, to s_~L'l {Jity; IrnVl.'-I:';U, r..D'}eVe1~, I "J 10:". '~~~~J~LJ:-~-Jt:J of c~-=j.'.:ve?lrlC9 ,~3t:",11 ~)8~.1.rS~, ~---: i}")Vlc:1 Ly tl':..e Ji'-.1:; i'itti)2'~n J~' :j~'"'Clre ~.~~e ,:::; ~_ ~e :lre ace-j GE~~1 b~1 ,Le I~'js':' J' __:Jed ~~:~.f.i(}er.so :';ec'~jc\n J. 'Jpon receivinc; ~~_ conv8)',:lce'I'1oreby L:- -; i.>J.:,.ltJ (if ...1......:::_:1~2. ~~IJle~;11:......1~:. ]DT':.":Jr-.,;./:.,i:J!l f J ".~.,c ,'l':l-,""'t:r'-,/ ~;~,(;ri~81] .L.!l. ~ec';~.i.~')L 1 of t:_,~::) "'l.esol'..t\.itJn., t,l.:.,= .1~,-;;.,~~oL -:;1 \ 'JitJ J18r~: c)f the 8i 's~l :.~(f')r' ~,'e~~~~'Jh,~,r:.uIli.erOe1'~,'~,. c.'1f~,;~":oc.:-,daO~urf~\1~;ed)fS~g" Cllitor'.TstG( .,::,:r to s._i,1, v ,..._" c" 0, :..v"". ,~ f!Vt'I U-Jm1fdr'l,;:n~. IXrgfi~., '" ~I,lot&"".~ J in fLlll J..../l (jIlt of :~r'e ,1Jurchc:se ~rlc::J .:.c)r s'-:,id '.;l'."O'lE::rLj ~SQ c~t 81,101 :0 i "'~ ':,S. J it, Y G lerk s ~ II htW'lftlb<'bJ'J'rPdB&.. trM-d'~ad/l:rtl,~')l;I, lr~e :; ?r'j L' r.1 i: i on 1 ?,'ecJ', In 1,:',13 ,1LOll-;t l},:';. ,; and II. HunjT~~th~S,!k.to'Wl\.,N) (': ~t8&8<9$ , ,JhlCl: s!d1l l)e ,,'):,1.1e<.1 (".:anst tex8S O,J6a oy Sllr) COlI':' ~ny '(1:1 ltJS '\re'_1_3Ce[~"-;C_)r3 lL i..n.te}.~8ct .n.:J the ~ity c;ler:.~, l=)On receivin,", such "-',_-:..:r!Le~'~t, is :ereuy d Lrected 2:111 '~i.ltj-l o1'ized ;:,0 strike fro!, ~,he c1e1in-,',lsnt L:lX rolls of t',e OJ\::' C\.f..>e':I'.:.n1. lhe narle ,)f ll."sk:.. '~sle~hone ')01":'(';' ,ti')n ~,nJ its ~irodeceSf3DJ'S in interest, lnJ to not.e ~l'JO.r.. s,-~ic.1 tdX l'ACDT',13 s!ti~sf':cti()rl of ',lIre ,1 '11. :-,er,or)JuJ)ru~)e;,oLy '~lxes th'3D )'le to the =i t ~r () :ioction I,. U!)on receivLtJ", fl'~c!!Ln:Clrl:rLents nf conVt')1.c11ce , 'I' " ',"""" l' ",... ] 1 ~'l :'; 'rOV80 lil ~i18 l.:_:..~nllel' re ~JLi'SU uy t..:l.l8 :\.8SCI. lljJ_OlJ, l,,'H? 'J erK 'll t~lD ;i-vy of ....;.3\~:(rll sl~.,Lll f' oi"tlb,j:Lh C,'liL")e tIl8 ::~-;~.H=; t~ '..;e r(jc'-Jrded in ~:,he Office of t:1e United :it__~tep G01!:Uilif~sioneI' f:")l' trjJJ ,~el\<:rJ .i?recinc:;o .]ec~ion ':'0 ;'!:.u COi~[lcilJ d(::.6rlin_; n erLer.t,ene,:1 ~o (~'::Xi3t Sllffi- eient 1:0 VrH'l'CCf1t ':t1'3 iillhe<li :te :':IJor,tjon ()f this '(eso]11'oion, hereby susnends the 'iT)"lic'blei~ovLf,'Lorli'i c)f c\j.'Jin:,nces .overnir)' the ~~d[J:!~ on ~~;,t"\ ..cesCll.1L..ior1s ,rJ !~,lLis: '~es,!l..lLiDr.J. ~:":..;ll 0 .~:~e ,~.~_fE.ct ~._.:~Cl.' '~.8l:,1 Ll1Jon its T)QSS~: ':c :1nd an~r()vulo ,:lSS Gel "nd :'..' -:>roved this /",; day of (t.ct;z ~ 1051, 8 Coancil of the city of ~e'd2.rdo ~-" ~,.,~<<:<<, L.l~'or _ ~ 2 ~1T"~~ 3\1' : ~ ;-/7- - ~~ CJ..ty Clerk